General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 37

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.
Author's Note:
Thank you to all those who have been waiting patiently. I just had a semester from hell in school and finals but now I am on vacation so quicker updates for a bit. For more info on chapters and such check out my Yahoo! Group (http://groups.yahoo.com/MauradersDaughters) or my live journal (http://www.livejournal.com/users/lilsilvrphoenix) or just e-mail me ([email protected]) Again thank you.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 37*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


~IDLI HQ, Boston, Flashback~

"Kali... Kali, wake up. KALI, WAKE UP!"

"What?" she asked as her head snapped to attention, "I was just resting my eyes."

"You've been resting your eyes for an hour now."

Kali stretched her arms out and let out a loud yawn as she did so. "I'm sorry, Jon. I'm just so tired."

"So am I." He threw his pencil down and held his head in his hands. His eyes were shut as he began to breathe slowly. "This case is going to be the death of us."

"No joke," she said as she tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "We thought we had a routine smuggling ring only to find out that we stumbled upon a wizarding terrorist group." She picked up her quill and began writing again.

Putting his quill down, Jon looked at his partner as her eye blinks lasted longer and longer. "When was the last time you slept? When was the last time you had anytime off?"

"I don't know? Since this thing started?"

"What!" he exclaimed, "But what about that one time..."

Kali began massaging her temples. "I lied."

"We've been assigned to this case for almost a year."


"Is there something wrong and your not telling me? Did you and Harry fight?" he asked, "Susan hasn't..." Jon quickly closed his mouth before another syllable was uttered.

"Susan?" Kali inquired as her ears perked up, "Could this be the mysterious girlfriend from England, Mister Quinn? Could it be... gasp... Doctor Susan Bones, the girl whom you were spotted flirting with at Ron and Hermione Weasley's wedding?" Her eyes danced with delight.

"Yes," Jon sighed, "We met at you're friends' wedding and we just... hit it off."

"You're starting to look dreamy eyed."

"She's truly amazing, Kali."

~Leaky Cauldron, Present Time~

"Remus, over here," Harry called as he waved the old man over. His father-in-law slid into the booth and sat in front of the younger man.

"You wanted to see me? Has... has there been news of Kali?" he asked, his voice only slightly betraying the intense emotions behind it.

Harry hung his head low and mentally kicked himself for giving the man false hope. "No, I wanted some advice, man to man."

"Ok," Lupin answered with a bit of disappointment. "What do you want me to advise you about."

"It's about Kay."

"What about her?"

"I... messed things up between us."

"You dumped her the moment you heard about Kali," he told him, knowingly, "And now you're wondering if you made a mistake." Harry nodded. "You did."

"What do I do?" Harry asked.

"It's your decision, Harry," he sighed, "I want Kali alive more than anything, but it's been ten years. She's been missing for ten long years, Harry, in Merlin knows what and I hate to say it but we might never get her back."


The old man raised his hand to silence him. "It's reality, a fact of statistics, Harry. My concern right now is whether or not you threw away something special." He paused. "Harry, I've never seen you happier than the last couple of months and I know Kali would want you to be happy."

"Happier with another woman while she is lost somewhere thinking no one loves her? No one remembers her? I can't do that to Kali and I can't hurt Kay either."

"The right choice will make itself known," Remus advised, "it always does."

~Marauders' Room, Hogwarts, Present Time~

"I can't believe it!" Rhiannon exclaimed.

Thomas sat in an armchair holding the old locket by its chain. He seemed to be intensely focused on the trinket as his blonde friend paced. "I knew she was my mum's friend, but why would she keep this from me?" he asked, "And my dad? Why not tell him?"

"Maybe she's hiding something," Will voiced from his usual place.

"But what could she be hiding?" his cousin asked.

"It's got to be something big... right, Thomas? Thomas?"

Thomas Potter sat staring at the silver locket, holding it as if it were going to break if he was not gentle. "I have to tell my dad." He held the necklace tightly in his hand and stood up.

"What?" both of his friends question.

"I am going to tell my dad," he said firmly.

Rhiannon's raised a single eyebrow as she looked at her best friend. "You sure about this?" she asked, "If you tell him about the necklace, I'm pretty sure you'd have to tell about everything."

"Yeah, mate," Will agreed as he stood up, "Now might not be the best time."

"Yeah!" she jumped in, "Our dads look like they are on some big case. My mum says that dad is never home anymore."

"Ryl and Lizzie both say that they are spending time with grandmum and granddad. Something is going on and we shouldn't add to it, Thomas."

"We... we could tell Dumbledore or McGonagall or Moony or Padfoot or Sara or... or we could confront Professor Covington!" Rhiannon brainstormed.

"No," Thomas said with the same firmness as before, "I have to tell my dad about this. This is a family thing." He passed by Rhiannon without a second glance as he headed to the door.

"We ARE family, Thomas Harry Potter!" Rhiannon yelled, causing her dark haired friend to stop, "You, Will and me; we are family and I think your being a... a stupid slimy git!" She ran out of the room, forcibly shoving a stunned Thomas on the way out.

The boys stared at the open portrait hole that Rhiannon stormed out of. "You really messed it up this time, Potter," Will Weasley commented as he began to followed his cousin out, "If I were you, I'd run after her."

~IDLI HQ, Boston, Flashback~

"Jon!" Kali exclaimed as she burst through their office door, "Another letter just arrived!"

"What's it say?" he asked as he continued to work on his paperwork.

Kali sighed as she slumped into her chair. "That's the problem. I don't know." She held the letter back up as her eyes scanned the strange contents. "It's written in some code. I think I can break it in a week or so."

"Let me see it," Jon asked. Kali waved her wand and magicked it over. After studying it for a moment, Jon smiled. "It's not in code."

"What is it then?"

"An ancient, obscure language called Ket."


"It's a member of the Yeniseian family which primarily became extinct in the nineteenth century," he elaborated.

She looked at her partner in amazement. "Will wonders never cease?" she asked no one, "How'd you know all that?"

Jon shrugged. "In '98 some researcher at Stanford University discovered it was related to Na-Dene and I did a little research of my own after I had read the article. I can translate this in a couple of hours. I just need to get some books to help translate, but, even without knowing what this says, it gives us a good base to add to our profile."

"One, they know or have someone who has extensive knowledge about an obscure language."

"And two," Jon continued, "They've studied muggle history." With the paper in hand he got up and began walking to the door.

"Jon." He looked at her. "Finish it soon. These attacks have to stop."

"Will do, Foxy," he said as he mock saluted her.

~Malfoy Manor, Present Time~

When they had attended Hogwarts, they never would have guessed that they'd spend their Friday nights together drinking stiff drinks and chatting like friends, but here they were.

"So, what do you all think?" Harry asked for after downing some expensive scotch.

"I don't know, Harry," Ron answered as he poured himself a drink.

"You're an idiot, Potter," Draco Malfoy told him as he swirled his drink.

"You were one of her closest friends, Draco, what do you think?" Harry asked sincerely.

Seemingly to ignore his former rivals question, Draco smelled the alcoholic beverage contained in his glass. "We're talking about Kali here. Potter, if anyone truly knew her it would be you, undoubtedly, but," He paused to take a drink. "You are so worried about what she would think when you miss the truth behind that simple question."

"Please," Harry said as he waved Draco to continue, "enlighten me."

"While you're here worrying about Kali, you failed to realize that she'd worry about you and Thomas." He took another swig of the amber liquid.

"Sorry, I'm late guys," said a new voice. The three occupants of the room turned to look at the man who had just entered through the door. "You wouldn't believe the crap they had me doing."

"Glad you could make it, mate," Ron greeted, "Pour yourself a drink and come join the conversation."

"Topic this week?" Jon asked from the bar.

"Harry, Kali and Kay," Ron answered.

"This should be fun," Jon replied sarcastically, "I miss anything?"

"I was just telling Harry what I thought about it and what Kali would think."

With a drink in hand, Jon walked to the last empty seat. "Personally, I think you should continue to see Kay."

"He dropped her like a skrewt," Ron informed him.


"Exactly," Draco agreed.

"Since when has this been gang up on Harry night?"

"Since you did something stupid and asked us for advice," Jon answered, "Still, and I know we all hate to think it but, if Kali is gone then I think Kay is great. She likes Thomas and he likes her. What do you think, Draco? You met her before."

"She's an enigma."

"Well that answers a lot," Jon scoffed, "Do you still not trust her?"

"Do I think she killed Kali or kidnapped her? No. Do I think she is hiding something that is crucial? Yes."

"Wasn't she your friend or something in school?" Ron asked.

"No, she was Kali's."

"Was? What happened to them?" Jon asked

"I'm not sure," Harry answered, "After Kay married Nott, Kali just stopped talking to her and vise versa."

"And no one knows what happened?"

"One person does," Draco told Jon, "Kay Covington."

"No," Harry contradicted, "She can't remember anything it seems."

"Oh yes, the amnesia," Draco said as he rolled his eyes, "how convenient."

"Stop it, Malfoy."

"Or what, Potter?"

"Can't you lunk-heads stop arguing, ever?" Jon asked, "Let's agree to disagree."

There was a silent agreement that passed through the four men, the subject was dropped and their night went on.

~IDLI, Workout Room, Boston, Flashback~

Kali Lupin bounced her weight from foot to foot as she stood in front of a heavy punching bag. She jabbed, punched and kicked the bag in an attempt to calm her nervous while Jon translated the text.


Kali stopped, held the bag in place and turned to see Jon running to her waving a piece of paper in the air. "What is it, Jon?"

"We've got trouble." He handed her the paper and waited as she read.

Her facial expression went from mild interest to horror as her eyes flicked over the words. "Oh dear Merlin, we have to stop this." She began a fast walk toward their office.

"How?" he asked as he caught up to her.

"Anyway we can." Once in there office she waved her wand over her clothes and soon she was back in her IDL uniform.

"Well, we can tell the Law Enforcement of the British Ministry," Jon suggested.

"Do it," she said as she brought out a black click pen, "and while you do that, I'll try and prevent any causalities."

"Kali, wait!" She clicked the pen and she was gone.

~Hogwarts, Present~

"Go away!" Rhiannon yelled at her best friend, Thomas Potter.

"No, I'm not going anywhere." They had been arguing for a good ten minutes in the corridor, gathering a small crowd.

"You're completely daft!"

"What is the meaning of this?" Miranda asked as she pushed through the crowd. "Rhiannon, Thomas, come with me." She brought them into an empty classroom, noticing that they had still not said a word since she stepped in and stopped their fight. Miranda locked the door after them and sat on the desk and gestured them to sit. "So, what's going on?"

"Nothing," Rhiannon answered shortly.

"Bullocks," Miranda said, "What's going on? I've never seen you two fight like this."

"Why don't you mind your own business!" Rhiannon shouted.

"Student initiated disturbances are my business," she told her little sister. She pointed to the silver badge pinned to her robe. "Or, have you forgotten that I am a prefect?" Rhiannon sat back in her chair with a sour expression. "So, what's all this about?" she asked, looking principally at Thomas.

"But out," Rhiannon mumbled.

"No," Thomas answered.

"What's in your right hand, Thomas?"

"Nothing," he answered as he shifted uncomfortably.

"Accio," she said and the silver necklace flew into her hand. She studied it for a second before opening it. "Where did you get this? I thought it was lost."

"I found it at home," Thomas said quickly.

"Liar." Miranda held the locket by its delicate chain. "Do you even know what this is?"

"Mrs. Potter's locket."

"Yes, it was Aunt Kali's. She never went anywhere without it," Miranda said with a slight nostalgic tone.

It suddenly occurred to Thomas that he never thought about asking the elder Malfoy girl about his mother. "Do you remember her?" he asked anxiously.

"Of course I do. She was great." Miranda laughed, "There was this one time, her last Christmas I think, I was five and you both weren't even one yet. She gave me some pranks and helped me set it up for my dad. I've never seen him madder."

"Did she do that kind of stuff often?" Rhiannon asked.

"I don't remember. I've always remembered her that way. Mum use to say that she wasn't so carefree, but after she accepted what happened with that accident and Thomas was born, she wasn't as troubled or stressed."

Thomas looked at her quizzically. "What accident?"

~Hogwarts, Elsewhere, Present Time~

Harry stood outside the familiar portrait that led to Kay Covington's private quarters. Currently, he was being berated by the woman in the portrait.

"And another thing Mister 'Higher-than-thou' Potter, you must be the biggest..." The portrait swung open, cutting the indignant portrait off mid insult.

Kay stood in the opening, avoiding Harry's eyes. "I thought you had had enough."

"I deserved it," Harry admitted, "and more."

Kay looked at him, her eyes narrow in suspicion. "Change of heart, Harry, or trying to get close to weasel information out of me?"

"Kay, you know I wouldn't do that."

"I don't know, Harry. What, in recent history, have you ever done to me to make me think that you aren't an evil sod?" He was silent as she glared daggers at him. "Believing that I somehow assisted in Tim's escape or thinking I had something to do with your wife's disappearance or breaking my heart?"

"I'm sorry, Kay. I just..."

"Just go, Harry, just go." She closed the portrait and left him alone.

~Malfoy Manor, Flashback~

When she reappeared in front of her father's house, Kali instantly apparated to the outer border of the protection charms surrounding the Malfoy residence. She drew her hood up to hide her face and kept her wand hidden but ready. Passing through the charms without setting them off, she quickly made her way to the main entrance. She held the tip of her wand to the keyhole and heard the clicks of the door unlocking. Once inside she ran up the stairs and dashed into a room just as the Death Eaters arrived in force.

The room she entered was dark, too dark to tell anything specific about it. Kali listened closely to the door trying to gauge when the best moment to try and find her friends. She turned around, quickly, and drew her wand out. "Who's there?" she asked into the dark void. "Lumos." With the light shining from the tip of her mahogany wand, she noticed that the room had a cheery décor. One that would be best suited for a child. She walked to the far corner of the room and found Miranda Mya Malfoy, only child of Auror Draco Malfoy and his wife Virginia, cowering in the shadows. "Come here child. I won't hurt you," she coaxed as she kneeled on the ground.

"No!" Miranda exclaimed, "You bad!"

"No dear I'm not." She chuckled slightly. The figure pulled back her dark hood and revealed long brown locks of hair and a pair of sapphire blue eyes. "Miranda dear, I am your Aunt Kali."

"You not aunt!"

"Shh, dear. We don't want the bad people to hear us and you are right. I am not really your aunt... but I am friends with your daddy... I'm Foxy... ummm Kaka."

"Rotter's girl!" the child giggled.

"Yes, well I suppose I am Harry's girl, in a sense," Kali sighed then mumbled under her breath, "Shows me not to disappear for a year without seeing you." A loud noise startled Kali and she turned to the door and waited. When nothing happened she turned back to the little girl with golden curls. Kali held out her hand to the girl. "We have to go, Miranda. Please, come with me."

Hesitantly, Miranda reached for the hand and grasped it as best as she could. Kali hoisted the child up into her arms. "Where we go?"

"Somewhere safe," she told her as she used her free hand to pull the hood over her head. "Now you have to be quiet ok?" Miranda nodded her head. "Here we go."

She snuck out of the room with the child clutched in her arms. Cautiously, she made her way to the main staircase.

~Hogwarts, Present Time~

With her sister and her sister's best friend enraptured with her story, Miranda continued, "And then she found Mum and told us to get out of there or so Mum tells it. After the Order got there and the Death Eaters fled, they couldn't find Aunt Kali."

"Where was she?" Rhiannon interrupted.

"She was in the library. During the battle she must have gotten hit into a bookcase and it fell on top of her." Rhiannon let out a small gasp. "She was badly injured. I think one of hips was shattered. You know there are books about your father, Thomas, and there is this one... oh who is it by?" she asked herself, "Longbottom! How could I forget? Neville Longbottom, the author of those spy books I enjoy, wrote a biography of Uncle Harry and in it is a whole chapter devoted to your mum. If I remember right, it's the best source for information about her."

"I've got a question, Miranda, why are there no books about my mum?"

"Well, she was always very public about her past. Aunt Kali was the public face of the Potters. Whenever the populous wanted to know something she would either tell them what it was or tell them to sod off," she answered, "Really, her only claim to fame was marrying Harry Potter and some of her Auror work for the Ministry, but that was in all the newspapers when it happened and forgotten the next day."

Author notes: Review=Faster Updates