General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 31

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 31*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*True Lies*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


~Lupin Manor, Christmas~

The front room was festively decorated in green, red and white. A gold medal, Kali's Tri-Wizard Dueling medal to be precise, was proudly displayed on the mantle next to all of her father's favorite pictures. Too bad it was only staying there till the end of Christmas holiday. After that, Kali was donating it to the Hogwarts Trophy Room. There were about fifty pictures of her with it anyway. Remus had gone slightly photo crazy when she returned home as the champion.

In the glow of the lighted Christmas tree, Kali knew she was lucky, far luckier than others. She had a wonderful father, a goofy uncle, fantastic friends and a great boyfriend who loved her dearly. She squinted her eyes as she looked at Sirius in the dim light. He seemed to be in quiet conversation with her dad. That is usually not a good sign. Kali sighed into her cup of hot chocolate, with marshmallows of course.

"Kali, here is your present," Harry said, softly, as he handed her a small black velvet box, a box that was the perfect size for a ring.

Remus and Sirius halted their conversation and looked at the two teens. Kali held the box in awe. Was she ready for this? Did she even want this? "Harry, I don't know..." she began, looking dolefully at him.

"Just open it," he said calmly.

Kali sucked in her breath and opened the box. "A necklace..." she breathed.

"Not just a necklace, it's a locket. Go ahead open it."

She complied. On one side was an elegantly embossed 'HP' entwined with a similarly embossed 'KL.' One the other side, the left side, was a small wizard photo of the two of them by the lake at Hogwarts.

"It's... it's beautiful, Harry. Thank you." She pulled him in for a kiss and Remus and Sirius went back to their conversation.

When Harry and Kali separated, he smiled sweetly at her and she smiled back, but the smile didn't quite reach her sorrowful eyes. Now that the anxiety was all but gone, her disappointment about the gift not being an engagement ring was making itself known.

~Great Hall, Breakfast~

It had been a couple of months since the new term had begun. Harry and Kali were getting along well. In fact most of the population of Hogwarts was in a good mood. Well, there were the fights between Ron and Hermione every other week but they always made up in the end. Draco and Ginny seemed to be the most stable couple. They rarely if ever fought, but Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley as the 'perfect couple' role models? Kali didn't like to think of such things. They tended to make her question reality and she had no time to get into an argument with herself about the mysteries of life. She still had NEWTs, Auror orientated classes, teaching orientated classes, Head Girl duties, and a plethora of other things to worry about; but this morning, nothing could really bother her.

"Morning all!" Kali chirped as she took her seat, "How is everyone this fine morning?"

"Draco, do you hear something?" Kay asked her friend, "I could have sworn I heard a faint sound, almost as if someone were talking to me."

"Oh, ha ha. Seriously Kay, how are you?" Kali helped her self to some food and waited for a response.

Looking at Kay with a serious _expression Draco said, "I heard it too. Perhaps it's a new ghost. Hogwarts is, after all, a very good castle to haunt."

Kali rolled her eyes. "What have I done now? What horrible sin have I committed that my very best friends won't even give me the benefit of a frontal stab?"

"Where were you last night?" Draco asked.

"Wha... what do you mean?"

"I waited for you in the common room. I had a question about one of my Charms assignments," Kay stated, "You never came back to the common room."

"So, that begs the question, where was Miss Kali Lupin while her friends worried about her absence all night long?"

Kali's face suddenly became the color of a Weasley's hair. "I... er... well... I... erm." She then began to mumble quietly.

"What was that?" Draco asked.

"I spent the night in Gryffindor Tower," Kali mumbled a bit louder.

"Three galleons, pay up Malfoy."

"You had a bet?"

"Of course," Kay answered happily as she pocketed the three gold coins.

"I guess I should just be glad that the bet did not concern whether or not my virtue remains intact." Kali looked at her friends who were staring at her with morbid interest. "Slytherin's ghost! I can't... I can't believe you two!" They continued staring at her with curiosity gleaming in their eyes. "IT'S INTACT YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING..."

"Miss Lupin, such language! I would expect better from the Head Girl! Ten points from Slytherin," squeaked the tiny head of Ravenclaw.

"I apologize Professor Flitwick. I promise that you shall not hear anymore obscenities from my lips," Kali said.

"I should hope not Miss Lupin or else you shall cost your house more points."

"Yes, Professor."

Flitwick continued his way up to the Head Table and Kali turned back to her friends in time to see the same three galleons be exchanged again.

Kali looked at her friend as if she were betrayed. "I am going to go eat with Harry and his friends."

Kali walked across the hall to the table that was on the other side. She sat down in an empty seat opposite Harry and noticed his face was tomato red. She turned to look at Hermione and then at Ron, both were struggling to hide their eyes from hers.

"Alright," Kali sighed, "which one of you thinks that angels no longer sing of our virtue?" Neither Ron nor Hermione said anything. "I swear Gryffindorksare so difficult," Kali sighed again.

"Hey!" Harry said, offended, "Might I remind you that you date the Head Gryffindork?"

"Yes, but he is also the cutest, most handsome, smartest, kindest and most forgiving Gryffindork of them all."

They both smiled then kissed.

"Ewk," Ron sounded in near disgust, "get a room!"

~Great Hall, Easter Ball~

Harry and Kali circled the dance floor for the second time. People were beginning to stop staring and whispers of 'Harry can dance now?' began to die down. They wore the exact same thing from the Dueling competition ball.

"I'm glad one of the prefects suggested the ball. Gives me a chance to show off my wonderfully capable date," Kali smiled.

Harry also smiled, "I agree, but I'm here to show off my beautiful date."


Harry shrugged, "I try."

"Hey Harry, look behind you."

They did a half turn so that it would not be so obvious. "Would that be Kay and Timothy Nott?"

"Yes, I didn't know they fancied each other. I hope he's not a Death Eater recruit."

They danced the rest of the song with out any conversation.

"Any new job offers?" Kali suddenly asked as he twirled her.

"Yes, but you know that doesn't matter."

"Because the only job for you is Auror work," she said, "Are you sure though? A lot of very good quidditch teams have made very good offers and you do love quidditch."

"Translation, professional quidditch is nice and safe," he chuckled, "No matter what profession I choose, I'll still have people trying to kill me. At least by being an Auror, I can get them before they get me. What about you?"

"I've gotten a few, but none I really like," she sighed, "I think Dumbledore feels that I am too young to receive the Defense professorship. I could always become an Auror I suppose and wait."

"Don't worry. I'm sure Dumbledore will see the error of his ways."

"Everything seems so perfect now," Kali said as she rested her head on Harry's shoulder, "All our friends are happy. Are lives are headed in the right direction. We're so lucky, Harry."

"Yes, we are," he said before planting a kiss on her the top of her head.

There was a loud bang that resounded throughout the Great Hall. The music stopped as well as all conversations. For a few strained moments, everything was quiet. Then cloaked figures flooded in.

"Death Eaters," Harry whispered.

Then all Hell broke loose.

"Come on, we have to run."

Harry pulled Kali's hand but she seemed frozen.

"Kali, come on. I have to get you somewhere safe."

He brought her under one if the many tables. She still seemed dazed and shocked. Harry brought up his hands and held her face.

"Kali, you have to listen to me. You have to stay out of sight, okay? I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you," he told her.

He kissed her quickly and began to leave, but something was holding him back. He turned back to see Kali clutching a handful of his dress robes.

"No," she said.

"I have to, Kali. I love you, but I have to go stop them."

"Not without me."


"I am just as qualified to fight as you are."

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"I can't hide at a time like this, Harry. I have to fight too," Kali pleaded.

"Do you have your wand?" he asked.

She reached into her sapphire sleeve and produced her mahogany wand. "Auror rule number one, always be prepared," she recited, "Too bad none of our lessons dealt with how to duel effectively in a frilly dress." The both laughed slightly.

"On three. One..." Harry said.

"Two..." Kali continued.

"Three," they both said as they rushed out from under the table.

What seemed eternities later, but had been only about an hour, the Death Eaters were being beaten back by the combined efforts of the staff, students and the Order of the Phoenix, who arrived shortly after the attack began. "Harry? Harry!" Kali yelled. She hadn't seen Harry since they both left the safety of the table. "Harry, where are you? Harry!"

"I'm here, Kali." She heard a tired voice behind her. Kali turned and saw him. Sweat making his hair damp and his glasses slightly askew, but at that moment he was the best thing she'd ever seen. She ran full speed and hugged him. They separated and she looked up at him.

"A Death Eater fled into the east wing, towards the dungeons I think. And Harry, I think it was Wormtail," Kali informed him.

"Ok," he said as he thought for a moment. He glanced around, gauging the situation. "It looks like Malfoy, Ron, Hermione and the rest have everything in control here. I'm going after Wormtail. You wait here and help the others."

"I don't think so, Potter. Don't go all Gryffindor on me and do something stupid! I am coming with you."

"Couldn't what you're doing be considered rather dumb?" he asked.

"It's the Gryffindor in me. Now, come on he has a head start."

Twenty minutes later they still had not found Wormtail. So far, they relied on Kali's slightly heightened sense of smell and some light footprints. They got to the end of a corridor. It split into two different directions.

"Harry, I... I can't tell which way he went. It's almost as if he went in both."

"Maybe he went down one and doubled back," he said.

"Possibly," she answered as she sniffed the air again. "I'll take the right corridor and you can take the left."

"Kali," Harry chided.

"This is the fastest way to search. We have to get Wormtail. We have to do it for Sirius. Who knows when we could get another chance?"

Harry sighed, "You're right." He looked her straight in the eyes. "Be careful, don't do anything stupid." He paused for a second. "I love you."

"I... I love you too, Harry and you better listen to your own advice as well."

They kissed quickly and Harry began to walk down his hallway. Kali took a deep breath and began to follow hers. She quietly made her way deeper into the dungeons, when she heard a sound. She turned around, wand drawn, and saw nothing. Before she could turn back a curse hit her from behind and everything went black.

~End Diary~

~Marauders' Room~

"Anyone remember anything about the attack on Hogwarts?" Will asked. Rhiannon lowered the book and looked at him oddly.

"The resident Hogwarts expert, the boy who read Hogwarts: A History about twenty times, is asking us about one of the most important historical events in recent Hogwarts history?"

"The book doesn't mention much about the attack. It mentions the dates and that picture of our parents, but nothing else."

"Probably Dumbledore's doing," Tom stated.

"Most likely," Rhiannon agreed.

"I think I might head up to the library this weekend to see what I can find," Will told them, "If I have time in between my studies of course."

Tom and Rhi looked at each other then laughed leaving Will Weasley looking peeved.

"Ickkle Willy is making his mum very proud," Rhiannon said in a baby voice.

"I swear, why am I even friends with you two?"

"Because we've been best mates since birth," Thomas said in all seriousness, "and if we're not then our parents will be very worried and have one of those secret parent meetings."

"It's all a conspiracy," Rhiannon stated.

Will laughed and soon the others joined him.

"Have you two ever thought about writing articles for Ben's mum? I am sure you guys can cook up a fantastic story for The Quibbler."

"That's a brilliant idea!" Tom exclaimed.

~Potter Residence, Godric's Hollow~

The other night had been interesting to say the least for Harry Potter. His girlfriend of a couple months had told him that she was a former Death Eater with no memory of her past before the night his wife died. Another twist in the story is that she was there when Kali died and she was there when Voldemort died. The fact that there was an heir to Voldemort running around somewhere was just icing on the cauldron cake.

Harry rubbed his forehead and fell into a nearby armchair. Was Kay even his girlfriend anymore? Kali was alive, but will she be when they find her? If she is alive will she still be the same Kali? Harry let out a frustrated sigh, got up and grabbed his cloak. "I need a drink."

~Professor Covington's Living Quarters~

It was nearly time and all she could do was pace. Her hair was frazzled and her glasses kept slipping down her nose as she stared at the ground and paced. It was five to six and Harry was rarely if ever late.

"You have a visitor, a Mister Potter," called the portrait.

Kay jumped at the voice. "Enter," she said as she tried to calm down.

"Evening Kay," he said as he entered the room.

"Good evening, Harry," she responded unsurely. They took the same seats that they had occupied the night before.

"Um, do you remember where we left off?" Kay asked.

Harry thought for a moment before he responded, "Just after Voldemort died."

She nodded and stared at her hands for a while.

"After the Dark Lord's defeat many of the Death Eaters fled and others fought back. Still there was a few who searched for the heir."

"What did you do?" he asked.

"I began capturing my former colleagues. I never killed nor did I use Unforgivables. I simply waited for them to be unprepared. Timothy had been the easiest and hardest," Kay recounted.

"Were you still with him?"

"I don't know how long we'd been together. After I lost my memory, he was the only one to honestly help me. I, of course, began to have feeling for him and, eventually, I grew to love him" she said quietly.

"You were in love with a Death Eater?" Harry exclaimed. He was now standing and gazing down at Kay who had shed several tears.

"And what's wrong with that?" she returned in much the same manner, "I was a Death Eater too, Harry!" She pulled up her sleeve and brandished the mark. "I have the mark and I will never be without it again! I turned in Timothy! Right now he is rotting away in Azkaban for casting an Unforgivable to protect me!"

They both avoided the other's eye contact.

"Leave, I don't want to see you right now," Kay whispered forcibly.

Without another word, Harry Potter left and Kay was left to cry over her past love.