General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 29

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.
Author's Note:
Sorry about not being able to put this chapter and the last chapter up earlier. My laptop (Crappy) died and I had to wait for the replacment parts to be shipped to me. Thank you all for your patience.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 29*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Hope, Faith and Love*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~Lupin Manor, August 1, 1997~

After Harry's nightmare, everyone went back to bed except Kali. She stayed with Harry. She cuddled next to him and propped her head up with her arm. They smiled at each other as Kali lifted her other hand and began using her middle finger to stroke the bridge of his nose. He let out a yawn as his eyelids began to droop. "Night Kali," he mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.

"Night, Harry," she said as she snuggled next to him and fell asleep.

Sunlight poured through the cracks in the drapes announcing the new day, but that didn't wake Kali up. The rustling next to her did. Slowly her eyes fluttered open and stared into emerald green pools. A faint smile played on his lips as he watched her. "Morning Harry," she whispered.

"Morning love," he whispered before he kissed her. "I could really get use to this."

Kali laughed and pushed him playfully away. "Well you shouldn't Mister Potter. School starts in a month and I doubt very much that a scandal such as that would not appear on the cover of the Daily Prophet or Teen Witch Weekly."

"I don't care."

"Well I do. First, my dad finds out I am dating you because of the paper and then he would find out that we are having a scandalous affair under the roof of Hogwarts," Kali told him, "The poor guy would have a heart attack."

"And we can't have that."

"Most certainly not."

They snuggled closer to each other. "So, what are we going to do today?"

"Get your things from the Dursleys."

"Come again?"

She stared into his eyes and smiled. "You honestly didn't think I'd cause all that trouble at the Dursleys and send you back to face them? After today you won't have to see the Dursleys ever again! Dumbledore said you could stay the rest of summer."

"I don't think this day can get any better," he said before kissing her.

"I know a way it could be." He gave her a quizzical look. "Vernon Dursley being there when we arrive." She smirked with mischief gleaming in her eyes.

Sadly, Vernon wasn't there upon arrival. Kali and Harry quickly got his things and moved everything out to the curb. With a final wave and a forced goodbye from Harry, they left number four Privet Drive, hoping never to return. They took the Knight Bus back to Lupin Manor.

After dropping off his belongings in his room, they went to the kitchen for lunch. "Our letters!" Kali exclaimed happily as she bounded towards the table.

"They're just our Hogwarts letters, Kali," Harry said as he walked to the table and picked up his own letter.

She turned to him her envelope half opened. "Just our Hogwarts letters?" she asked in astonishment, "We're seventh years, Harry, we get to find out who the Head Boy and Girl are!" She ripped the rest of the envelope open and looked at the pieces of parchment. "Supply list, new prefects, more prefect stuff... what? Harry have you seen this?" she asked holding up the last page.

He shuffled through the papers and read the last one aloud, "We are happy to inform you that you have been selected to be the Head Boy of the 1997-1998 school term by the staff and board of governors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We are also happy to announce that Kali Lupin of Slytherin House has been selected to be the Head Girl. We look forward to a wonderful school year. Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress."

He turned to look at her in a sort of daze and she looked back at him with a big smile. "We're the Head Boy and Girl!"

"I'm the Head Boy," he said hollowly.

"You're the Head Boy!"

"And you're." He pointed to her. "The Head Girl."

"Yes! We're the Head Boy and Girl!" she shrieked happily.

"What's going on in here?" Remus asked as he walked into the kitchen.

Kali ran to him and hugged him tightly. She backed away and held up the parchment. "I'm Head Girl and Harry's Head Boy!"

Remus laughed. "Yes, I know." Both Harry and Kali gave him a quizzical look. "I thought it would be more of a surprise if I hid the packages containing your badges." He handed them both a small package and they were instantly shredded apart.

Kali held the badge in her hand and stared at it. "I never thought I'd be the Head Girl. I always thought Granger would be selected. She is top of the class. I'm only second."

"For whatever reason, I'm glad you're the Head Girl," Harry said with a broad smile.

"And I'm glad you're Head Boy," she told him before kissing him.

~Aboard the Hogwarts Express, September 1, 1997~

Kali sat happily reading a book while Harry, who sat opposite her, looked out the window while drumming his fingers on the seat. Kali peeked over the top of her book and sighed. "Harry, you don't have to sit here with me. If you want to go visit your friends you can."

"No," he said, "I'm fine."

Kali put the book down, careful to save her spot. "Harry, I am not going to feel lonely or abandoned if you leave."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive, now go do whatever you lot of Gryffindors do for fun," she said as she waved him off, "Go save some poor first year from evil Slytherins or something."

"You're the best," Harry told her.

"Yes, I know," she said with a smile. He leaned down and quickly kissed her before leaving. "Now go!"

Picking up her book again she began to read. *Peace and quiet,* she thought, *No more Harry mindlessly tapping his fingers, drives me up the wall.* The compartment door opened and Draco sauntered in and deposited himself onto the seat across from her. She casually flipped the page and commented dryly, "You know, Draco, this compartment is for the Head Boy and Girl only."

"Rules are for mindless peons. I am Draco Malfoy. I am above rules," he said nonchalantly.

"Are you above losing house points as well?" Kali quipped as she continued reading.

Smirking, he said, "Well, you see I know the Head Girl, quite the lady I must say. Smart, beautiful, witty; can't understand what she sees in that bloody boyfriend of hers."

"Flattery gets you close, Draco but showing such blatant hate for my significant other does not help your case."

"Hate is such a strong word," he waved off casually, "but so very appropriate." Kali shot him a cold glare but went back to her book. "Are you going to talk to me or are you going to keep reading?"

"Can't I do both?" Draco's impatient look was enough of an answer. Sighing, Kali saved her spot and packed her book away. "Ok, you wanted to talk so let's talk. How are things with Ginny?"

"Good," he said shortly.

Kali rolled her eyes. "That is not a sufficient answer. Come on Draco, be honest with me."

"She..." he began hesitantly, "is fantastic. I never even dreamed a girl could be so... so perfect."

"You're head over heels," Kali smiled.

"What about you and Potter?"

Kali looked at her lap briefly then looked up to meet Draco's steely gray eyes. "It's... it's good."

Making his voice higher, Draco began to do an impression of the brunette sitting in front of him. "That is not a sufficient answer. Be honest!"

Dropping her voice she drawled, "Hate is such a strong word but so very appropriate at the moment."

"I do not sound like that," he told her indignantly.

"Sorry," she apologized, "that is as arrogant and smart arsed as I can get." She smiled sweetly making Draco grumble slightly.

"So how are you and Potter?"

"We're good. I mean this whole relationship love thing is new to the both of us, especially Harry. I mean I at least had a boyfriend before him. Stop smirking or else I'll let it leak that Harry Potter is a better kisser than Draco Malfoy." Draco's smirk vanished instantly. "Anyway, most of the time it's great, we go and have fun or we spend some time inside. Other times, well, he likes to drum his fingers... a lot. It's a nervous habit of his and it is so annoying and sometimes he just hangs around me because he feels obligated to do so because he is my boyfriend. I can always tell when he is doing it too. He looks extremely bored or sometimes he even looks like a lost little puppy. I had to practically order him to go see his friends today."

"Well Gryffindors are not known for there incredible intelligence." Kali's eyebrow arched slightly but Malfoy recovered. "Except for Ginny of course, she is perfect."

"I'll have you know that Harry is quite brilliant," she defended her boyfriend, "especially in Defense. He can out duel you any day of the week."

"Are you in love with him?"

Taken back by Draco's sudden question, she just blinked at him. His cool, piercing stare made her uncomfortable. "Of... of course I love him."

"I asked if you were in love with him," Draco reiterated.

"What's the difference?" Kali sighed.

"I am trying to find out if you are romantically in love with the messy haired, green eyed, little lost puppy of Gryffindor or if you merely love him like a friend or family member."

"How does one know they're in love?"

Draco shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose you just know."

Kali sat thinking for a moment. She tried to remember all the times she and Harry had shared, all the good times, the bad, the annoying habits and the sweet gestures. "Well, when he looks at me... I feel like I am the only thing that matters. Harry makes me feel special, like I am some fantastic thing that he has to prove that he deserves..." she trailed off and stared at the floor of the compartment.

"But, are you in love with him?"

Kali sighed, "I don't know." She paused. "I know that he is in love with me. He has been since the summer before fifth year. Sometimes I wonder if we weren't put into such... extraordinary circumstances whether or not we'd be together." She laughed lightly. "I wonder if Harry's going through the same thing with Ron and Granger."

"Speaking of Granger, how did you become Head Girl and not her?"

"I honestly don't know, but I think it has something to do with my perfectly blank record and the fact that your father would rather have a pureblood half werewolf Slytherin rather than a Muggle born Gryffindor as Head Girl."

"Then why am I not Head Boy?"

"Besides that Harry is a bit more popular with the staff and he is the Boy-who-lived. I would think that your father was greatly outnumbered or he was not allowed any say due to his personal attachment to you." She sighed as she saw Draco mumble about the unfairness of life. "Draco, why don't you just save all that hostility and win the Quidditch Cup for Slytherin again this year."

"Kali, may I ask you a question?" She waved him on. "Why must you continue to wear those boots?"

Looking indignant, Kali defended, "I happen to like these boots." She gestured to her heeled, round toed, knee high black boots. "I'll have you know that they are very stylish." They continued to argue the finer points of life as the train continued to Hogwarts.

~Slytherin Common Room~

Nervous first years huddled around Draco and Kali, who was wearing her shiny Head Girl badge. "Hello, my name is Kali Lupin and I am the Head Girl and this over here is Draco Malfoy, a seventh year Prefect and the Slytherin quidditch team captain. Welcome to Slytherin house," Kali began, "named after Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of this school. In this house we pride ourselves for our ambition and cunning."

"We are also the best house," Draco commented.

Kali glared at Draco. "No house is better than any other. They are all special in their own ways. Anyhoo, if you ever have any questions about anything feel free to ask me, Draco, any other prefect or even the Head Boy, Harry Potter."

"The Harry Potter?" asked one of the first years.

"Yes the Harry Potter," Draco drawled, "in fact, Kali here is his girlfriend."

Kali blushed furiously. "Boys on the right and girls on the left, your rooms are the first door you come to." After all the first years were gone, Kali turned to, Draco. "Thank you very much Draco. Just what I need, the first years all thinking that all I am is some famous hero's girlfriend." She turned around and stomped off to her private room behind a portrait in the common room.

~Great Hall, Several Weeks Later~

Kali sat at the Slytherin table and gathered up food into a plastic container. "Care to explain yourself?" Draco asked as he helped himself to a sandwich.

"Harry's sick and I thought I could have lunch with him in his room and we could go over some of the notes from Potions and Defense since I have a free period after lunch. Got to go, bye!" Kali closed the box and dashed out of the Great Hall. She ran up the tower stairs till she got to the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Diricrawl," Kali said as she gasped for air.

"You do not look like a Gryffindor," the Fat Lady commented.

"That's because I'm a Slytherin." The Fat Lady's face twisted into a grimace. "I'm Kali Lupin, Head Girl, now open up." The Fat Lady opened up and Kali pushed her backpack in front of her and crawled through the hole. "Thank Merlin for heeled boots." She headed directly to the portrait of a griffin. It flapped its wings at her and roared. "Semper Et Eternum." The portrait opened and she stepped into Harry's private room. As she walked down the short corridor to Harry's room she paused about three feet from the room to fish out the container with food. Holding it in her hand, she took another step and stopped when she heard voices.

"Are you sure you're all right Harry?" The voice was feminine and high pitched in a shrill sort of way.

"Yes Hermione, stop fluffing my pillows!" Harry answered with playful annoyance. "Thanks for everything."

"No problem mate. I thought you might want something to eat without having Dobby smother you," said a voice that was distinctly Ron Weasley, "but I had nothing to do with the notes. That was all her."

Kali clutched the plastic box to her chest and backed away from the room slowly. She pushed the portrait open and bumped into someone, dropping her bag and container in the process. "I... I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Kali apologized profusely. She picked up her bag and the food that was meant for Harry.

"It's alright, Kali. I wasn't paying attention either."

For the first time Kali looked at whom she had nearly knocked down. "It was really my fault Ginny. I... I should go." Kali tried to get away but the short red head stopped her.

"Wait, I was just going down to lunch, want to go walk down with me?"

"No, I'm not feeling well. I thought I'd rest up in my room till my next class," Kali lied.

"Alright, hope you feel better."


~Kali's Private Quarters~

Kali sat cross-legged on her green bed with notes and books spread out in front of her. She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a sandwich, took a bite, then placed it back on the plate. "You know, Kali, if this best friends thing is going to work you have to feel that you can come to me when you need to talk."

"Leave me alone, Draco," she sighed.

"Let's see," he began, "Hair is up in a clip, papers strewn out all over the bed and food enough for two people on the night stand. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that things didn't go so well with Potter and now you are trying to bury yourself in work."

"Leave me alone, Malfoy," she growled.

"Hit a nerve did I, Kali?" She glared at him. He ignored it and moved some of the papers and sat down on the bed. "So, going to tell me what's wrong?"

"Ginny sent you, didn't she?" Kali accused.

Draco waved his hand in an uncaring manner. "My reason for being here is irrelevant. So, are you going to talk to me or not?"

Kali seemed to weigh her options in her head. "It's not exactly Harry that's the problem. It's his friends."

~End Diary~

~Professor Covington's Quarters, Six O'clock~

Kay nervously paced the length of the sitting room. There was a knock at the door. Kay stopped and stared in the direction of the sound as another knock sounded. She walked to the door, took a deep calming breath then opened it. She looked at the man standing in front of her. He was average height, about one hundred and eighty centimeters, and thin with brilliant green eyes and messy black hair. "Hello Harry."

"Hello, Kay," Harry greeted in return. He entered the room and they took a seat opposite each other. Kay ran her hands over the armrests. "I guess I should start at the beginning."

"That would be the most logical place to begin."

Kay placed her hands on her lap and stared at them, not being able to look at him. "It was mid-November in 2005. I woke up in an infirmary, which turned out to be a part of the main Death Eater camp. Timothy Nott was there and he told me that I was suppose to be keeping a lookout on your residence for the Dark Lord on Halloween and when I did not check in, they sent a team to see what happened. He said that they found me just outside of Godric's Hollow, unconscious and alone. I had been unconscious for two weeks. When Nott discovered I could not remember anything but my name and historical and current events..."

"I am a little confused about this amnesia, can you explain it?" Harry asked very business like.

"It's selective memory loss. I can't remember anything that had to do with my past directly, like attending Hogwarts but I can remember things that I should have learned during my school days. Does that make sense?" Harry nodded and she continued, "Well, my friends tried to jog my memory but nothing worked. I was put back in active duty about another two weeks after I woke up."

"Why weren't you punished?" he asked, "They must have suspected that you killed Kali. Voldemort had a law against harming her."

Kay nodded in agreement. "Yes, harming her in any way was punishable by severe torture or death, even if it was in self defense."

"Then how did you not get punished?"

"I... I don't know. I've never been close to the inner circle, but there was something I once heard that seemed odd."

Harry leaned forward in his chair in anticipation. "What was it?"

Kay looked up at him for the first time since they sat down. "I can't tell you, not yet. That comes later in my story."