General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 28

Chapter Summary:
Ten years ago Kali died leaving behind a diary and a son. Now her son Thomas finds her diary and the key to finding out who she was. Join Thomas Potter and his friends on a journey that is sure to become a tale of Mystery, Adventure, Romance and above all else… Life.
Author's Note:
This chapter is dedicated to Ice and Silver Shadow13.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 28*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*This Thing Called Love*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

~Hogwarts, DADA Classroom~

"Ok, third years," Professor Covington addressed her Ravenclaw and Gryffindor class, "today we are just going to be discussing, so you can put all your notes away or keep them out if you think it's necessary to take notes." There was a rustle of papers being shoved into bags, Gryffindor bags that is. The Ravenclaws had quills out and ready to take notes. Kay swished her wand at the chalkboard and the chalk began to write by itself. "As you can see from the board we will be talking about Good versus Evil. Now can someone please give me an example?" All at once everyone's hand went up into the air, some waving anxiously. Covingtonglanced at all the hands and smiled. "Can someone give me and example that does not deal with Harry Potter and/ or Voldemort?" Slowly the hands went down, all except one. A blonde Ravenclaw with black oval glasses was still waving her hand crazily. "Yes Miss Litz?"

"Star Wars!" she answered.

"Ok, can you please explain why for those who do not know Muggle pop culture?"

"Well, I said Star Wars because it's a classic tale between good and evil. There are the Jedi who use the Force for knowledge and defense, never attack. Then there is the Dark Side who use the Force for power and Galactic domination," Miss Litz answered with enthusiasm pouring into every word, "It's very clear cut."

"Excellent, ten points to Ravenclaw! Now, how can we apply what Miss Litz has said and use it in the real world?" Kay glanced over the room, finally settling on a petite brunette Gryffindor quietly waiting to be called on. "Miss Baldwin?"

She lowered her hand and looked at the professor. "Voldemort is evil and wanted to rule the world and get rid of those he personally felt were not good enough, like Muggles and non-pureblood wizards and witches."

"And the good?" Kay urged.

"Harry Potter, he cares about others before himself. He knows right from wrong. He's willing to die so that others can live. He's a hero," Baldwinanswered.

"I am sure I'm not all that great," came a voice from the back of the room.

All heads turned to the back. "Mister Potter, how nice of you to join us."

Whispers began amongst the students and Miss Baldwin turned beet red and sunk into her chair. "I need to have a word with you Professor Covington."

"Class," the chatter ceased, "I'd like a two foot essay about good versus evil. You can use chapter one and two in your theory books for references. This will be due next class period. Class dismissed." The children filed out and said shy hellos to Harry as they did. He just smiled and returned greetings as he made his way to the front of the room. Kay looked up nervously. His green eyes betrayed no emotion as he looked at her. "Hello Harry."

"Hello Kay, we need to talk," he said.

His voice had a familiar tone. A tone Kay has heard numerous times, once every year since her release from Azkaban. It was the tone of an Auror on the job, except this time it was different. This time it came from Harry. "I know," Kay answered sadly. She sat on top of the desk and folded her hands on top of her lap. "It's about Kali isn't it? Draco must've told you or showed you my file."

"I saw the file actually," Harry sighed, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Sarcastically she replied, "Hi Harry, I know we've just been dating for a short period of time but before it goes any further I must confess something..." She paused. "I was a former Death Eater and I'm currently still under investigation for the murder of Kali Lupin-Potter, your wife. Bloody hell, Harry! I might as well lie and say that I am the heir of Voldemort because that is certainly not as bad as the truth."

Harry stood still, deep in thought with his arms crossed over his chest. "Tell me the truth," he finally said.

Tears began to form in Kay's eyes. "The truth about what?"

"Everything, I need to hear it from you."

"I have another class soon, but I am free after six tonight. Maybe, we can meet then and I can tell you what I know," she said hopefully.

He studied her with an Auror's eye; her sincerity was apparent but was it honest? "Alright, I'll meet you at six in your room."

"I'll see you then." Kay smiled weakly.

"Till then Kay," he said as he left.

After he was gone, she bowed her head and firmly gripped the edge of the desk as she took a shuddering breath. A sob escaped her throat as she replayed their conversation in her head. "What am I going to do now?"

~The Diary~

So Harry and I were together and we were blissfully in love. Happy ending? Think again. We were still children. I was barely seventeen and he was still sixteen. We were young and in love, but did we really know what being in love meant? Of course not! We were blissfully oblivious, as all teenagers are.

~Flashback, Lupin Manor, Kitchen~

Kali sat at the table happily stirring her cereal when her father entered. "Morning Kali."

"Morning Dad," she sighed.

"You're awfully happy this morning. In fact, you've been extremely happy since you've returned." Kali just smiled. "What has you so... cheerful?" At that moment a brown, tawny owl flew threw the open window and deposited the day's Daily Prophet on the table in front of Remus Lupin. He unrolled the paper and stared at the front page. He folded the paper and handed it across the table to Kali. She flipped it open and stared in shock. "I think you have something to tell me."

Kali stared at the front page of the Daily Prophet. In the center was a big picture of her and Harry kissing! Under it, in big bold letters, 'Boy-who-lived finds the Girl-he loves.' Besides being the most cliché title Kali had ever heard, this article was dangerous and how exactly did they get that photograph? "For the past several months, the sixth years of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have been under the influence of a mysterious magical effect causing many to break into song to reveal emotions and secrets," Kali read, "One such event caused Harry Potter to fall in love with Kali Lupin, a respected prefect of Slytherin house." She peeked over the paper and looked at her dad. "Ok, I started dating Harry several weeks ago. Nothing big, just holding hands and kissing."

Her father gave her a look. "Keep reading, aloud."

Kali turned back to the article and continued. "Though she is a member of Slytherin, it is really no surprise that these two fell in love. Kali, the daughter of deceased Ministry worker Katherine [Kensington] Lupin and Remus Lupin, former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts [1993-1994] and a known werewolf. Kali Lupin was also the goddaughter of the late Lily and James Potter, well known parents of the Boy-who-lived; yet another connection between the two. Is their love written in the stars? Sibyl Trelawney, professor of Divination at Hogwarts had this to say, 'Mister Potter and Miss Lupin's love affair is indeed written in the stars. Sadly, it is only temporary. Mister Potter is not going to be with us much longer. I just hope that she [Kali Lupin] will keep him happy till his time comes.'" Kali threw down the paper in disgust. "Love affair indeed! That old bat is making it sound as if we're... as if we're... well you know! I can't believe that the Prophet is printing this garbage. And Harry dying? Pish posh and rubbish! I swear!" She was livid. "'I just hope that she will keep him happy,'" Kali quoted. "What is she trying to make me sound like? A harlot?"

"Kali, it's not what she meant," Remus tried to soothe.

"She makes it sound like I am a bloody snack cart giving Harry free treats."

"Language Kali."

"That overgrown moth is going to rue the day she messed with Kali Lupin!" Having said her piece, she got up and began walking out of the kitchen with the newspaper.

"Where are you going?"

"To owl Harry, he deserves to know about this blasphemy."

"Stop right there," her father ordered. It wasn't often when she heard him take this tone of voice, but she'd heard enough to know she better stop and listen. "Sit down, we need to talk."

Kali obediently sat down again and looked at her dad curiously. "Talk about what?"

"Kali, you are... involved with Harry now."

"I believe American Muggles would use the phrase 'duh' at this moment."

"Stop being a smart aleck. This is serious," he said, "Being involved with Harry is dangerous, Kali, especially after this article was published. The dark forces now see you as target number one. You are the best way to get to Harry."

"I know," Kali told him quietly, "but I knew that from the start. Harry didn't want to start a relationship, but I convinced him to." She paused for a moment, wrestling with her own thoughts. "Dad, I love him and, as much as I hate to admit, we don't know how long Harry is going to be with us. He could be alive for the next hundred years or he could be killed tomorrow. All I know is that I want to spend as much time as I can with him. I don't want to lose a single second to fear or Voldemort."

"Just be careful Honey," he warned before taking a sip of tea.

Kali stood up. "I will."

~Flashback, Privet Drive~

This wasn't the first time that Kali Lupin knocked on the door to number four Privet Drive. She knew, from personal experience, what retched people the Dursleys were. This was the first time, however, that she was here for personal reasons and not business. She knocked again. While she waited she looked down to make sure she looked presentable, jeans and a simple blue top. The door finally opened and she looked up into the face of none other than Dudley Dursley. "Hello, Dudley." He continued to stare at her with his little piggy eyes. "I'm here to see Harry, may I come in?"

He moved over to let her enter. "I'll get my mum."

"Oh no, I just need to see..." It was too late, he already left her in the entrance way. "Harry," she whispered as she gazed up the stairs.

He was standing at the top of the stairs. He looked at her, shocked, till she smiled. Then, like lightning, he ran down the stairs and swept her up in a hug. "God Kali, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Kali quickly gave him a peck on the lips. A piercing shriek sounded from the kitchen and Harry and Kali quickly separated. Their cheeks turned pink as they looked at Petunia and Marjorie Dursley who were standing by the kitchen doorway. "Mrs. Petunia Dursley," Kali said as walked over and extended her hand, "It's a pleasure to see you again." Petunia snubbed her advances. "Miss Marjorie Dursley I presume, how wonderful it is to finally meet you." Kali again tried to shake hands, but was snubbed again.

"Who might you be?" Marge asked, snidely.

"Kali Lupin, Miss. I attend school with Harry and our parents were good friends."

The large beefy woman sneered at her. "So you attend St. Brutus as well. No wonder you two are together. Poor breeding attracts more poor breeding."

Kali put up her most innocent smile and looked at Marge with big blue eyes. "But I don't attend St. Brutus," she said to Petunia's horror. "I have been attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the past six years with Harry."

"What kind of fool do you take me for girl?"

"You are not a fool at all Miss Dursley, just misguided by lies."

"Well, let's see some magic then."

Kali frowned. "I am very sorry Miss Dursley but we can't. It is against the law for children to practice magic outside of school and we are school prefects after all. What kind of message would that send to the younger children who look up to us?" There was a beeping sound and Kali reached into her pocket and pulled out a small electronic device. "Sorry, it's my palm pilot." She flipped it open and looked at the LCD screen. "Oh dear, we are running behind schedule Harry. We must leave now to make it to our reservation at that new restaurant."

"New restaurant?" Petunia asked nosily.

"Oh yes, a new Italian restaurant in London," Kali said while she pocketed her personal organizer. "Very posh and very expensive."

"How can someone like Harry afford a place like that?" Petunia asked.

"Oh, he isn't paying. This is my treat. It is his seventeenth birthday after all. Harry wouldn't spend his money so frivolously though he is very wealthy in his own right," Kali babbled.

This time Marge spoke, "And how can you afford this?"

Kali smiled. "Have you ever heard of Lord and Lady Kensington of Manchester?" They nodded. "Well, my full name is Kali Kensington," she emphasized. "Lupin. My grandmother was their cousin." They just stared at her as she smiled brightly. "But Harry and I must be off. Goodbye Mrs. Dursley and Miss Dursley. I'll bring Harry back tomorrow since we are having a small celebration in his honor at my manor tonight. It was nice seeing you all again, cheers." She grabbed Harry by the arm and hurried out the door with him.

When the door closed he picked her up and spun her in the air. "You were brilliant!" He laughed. He put her down and brushed the hair away from her face. "But aren't you going to be in trouble for revealing our world to a Muggle?"

"Nope! According to Wizarding law, Muggle family members of a magical person may know."

"But she isn't my real aunt."

"Doesn't matter, you've treated... ok, you have been forced to treat her as a relative all your life and that's what counts."

"So, where are we going again?"

"Oh, that restaurant thing was just a story. Everything we need is in that car right over there." She pointed to a blue Volkswagen Beetle. They started walking towards it.

"You can drive?" he asked suspiciously. She pulled out a laminated card and gave it to him. He looked at it and gave it back. "Is it real?"

"No, it's magicked, but my dad did teach me how to drive. He had to learn years ago since he couldn't find work in the Wizarding world." They got in the car and buckled up. Kali sighed, started the car and looked over at Harry who was sitting on her left. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

~Park outside of London~

"The picnic was fantastic Kali!" Harry praised as he stretched and laid down with his head in Kali's lap.

Kali began running her long fingers through his messy hair. "Glad you liked it. I wasn't sure that you would."

"Are you nervous about our last year?"

"Not so much nervous as worried. I have all the regular classes plus those Auror classes and all those magical education classes. I am going to be exhausted!"

"I'm glad I only chose one concentration. One that just happens to be Auror with you." He smirked. Kali leaned her head over him to face him causing her necklace to dangle over his nose. "Kali, why do you always wear this silver bird necklace?" he asked as he lightly swatted it.

"First off, it's a phoenix and it's not silver. It's white gold... see how it's creamier in color," she told him. "And it was my mother's. I've had it all my life, even when I lived at the orphanage. I think it's a family heirloom of some sort. My dad isn't even sure about it." They sat there being in comfortable silence for awhile, enjoying each others presence.

Suddenly, Kali grabbed his glasses and made a run for it. Harry's head hit the blanketed ground with a thump. He sat up and squinted his eyes trying desperately to find his girlfriend. "Where are you Kali?"

"Right here Harry," she laughed as she put his glasses on, "Wow, you really are as blind as a bat."

He found the blue blob that represented Kali and ran after her. With a squeak, Kali ran off with Harry gaining speed. She turned around to see how close he was and stopped. She raised one hand to her forehead. "Kali?" She fell to the ground and landed on her knees. Harry crouched next to her as she took off his glasses. "You alright?" he asked.

Pictures flashed in her mind. Pictures of her; hurt and dying, then it was real. She was in the picture. Kali was staring at herself when she felt someone else. She looked up and saw a lone cloaked figure staring at her, not her body but her. "Your love will mean your death," it had said in a raspy voice.

"I... I don't believe you!" Kali shouted at it.

"You will," it said, "He will hurt you and you will believe."

"Harry would never harm me!" she screamed at it. Then it ended.

Her vision cleared and she handed him back his glasses and he quickly put them on. "Yeah, your glasses just gave me a dizzy spell that's all."

He helped her up and led her back to the blanket, still a bit worried. "This has been the best birthday ever, Kali."

"And it's not even done yet."

"What else do you have planned?" he asked. In response, Kali merely smiled.

~Lupin Manor, Early Evening~

"Wow Kali, today has been so much fun!" he said as he entered the living room. They had just used floo powder to get there from Mrs. Figg's house. "The Renaissance fair was brilliant! The jousting, the costumes, the games... I love you." He rested a hand on the side of her smudged face and kissed her.

"Well Potter, it's still not over," she whispered into his ear.

He gave her a questioning look just as people appeared all around them yelling, "SURPRISE!"

Shocked, to say the least, he looked around the room seeing all his friends. "Wow," he muttered.

"I am going upstairs to clean up. Enjoy your party." She kissed him on the cheek, to which many people issued cat calls and whistles, before leaving. "Oh grow up, the lot of you!"

The party ended around midnight and soon all that were left were Harry, Kali, Remus and Sirius... who had been in his animagus form for the party. "That was fun!" Harry said, "Thank you guys so much."

"Don't thank us," Sirius said gesturing between Remus and himself, "this is all her doing. We were just minor accomplices."

Harry turned to thank her but found her asleep. He smiled at her. "I think playing hostess really drained her."

"I better take her up to bed," Remus said as he got up.

"No." Harry stood up. "You look tired as well. I'll take her up." He placed an arm under her knees and arms and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and remained asleep. He placed her on the bed and tucked her in, brushing his lips on her forehead before leaving.

After hearing the click of the door closing, Kali opened her eyes and smiled. Sighing, she rolled out of bed and changed into pajamas and went back to sleep.

Several hours later, a scream pierced the still calm of Lupin Manor. Jolted from her sleep, Kali grabbed her wand off her nightstand and ran to Harry's room. She burst through the door showering the pitch black room with a soft glow. Quickly, she glanced around the room. Nothing out of the ordinary, that is, till she saw Harry in the throws of a nightmare. Kali tossed her wand onto the nightstand and sat down on the side of his bed. She reached out slowly and shook him, hoping he would wake. "Harry," she said, "Harry wake up. You're having a nightmare." His movements became more erratic at the sound of her voice. "Harry, please," she plead, "wake up!" He was getting worse. Kali shook him harder. "Harry wake up!" The light from the door dimmed and two long shadows appeared in the room, her dad and Sirius were there now. Kali was so intent in shaking him by the shoulders and looking at his face that she never saw his hand coming. It made contact with the side of her face and knocked her off the bed.

She stayed on the ground and was vaguely aware of what was going on around her. She felt a hand tilt her head up. "It's ok Kali. Sirius is dealing with Harry." She nodded slightly as he ran his wand over her face, preventing any bruising that would occur.

"Kali? Where's Kali?" Harry asked, panic very present in his tone.

Kali slowly stood, with help from her father. "I'm right here Harry," she told him evenly. She sat on the bed again, but when he reached for her face she flinched away. Confused, he put his hand down and just looked at her. "I was so scared Kali. I... I thought you had died. I thought Voldemort had murdered you." He had tears in his eyes now.

"I'm alright Harry," she told him as she gingerly placed her hand on his. "Voldemort won't get me."

He pulled her into a fierce hug. Kali closed her eyes as pictures flashed in her mind's eye; pictures of her vision from earlier. She hadn't been able to shake the eeriness of the vision since she had it that afternoon during the picnic. Never would she believe for a single moment that Harry would harm her, but he did. True, it was unintentional but the figure was right. Would their love cause her an early death? Kali felt his grip tighten around her. If the choice was a long life without Harry or a short one with him, she knew she had only one real choice.

"I love you Harry, always."

~End Diary~