General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/19/2002
Updated: 05/10/2004
Words: 139,838
Chapters: 43
Hits: 25,261

The Diary

Phoenix SilverWind

Story Summary:
All that she was has been lost or forgotten.... until now.``Young Thomas Potter begins his first year with his friends and a mystery to``solve... Who was his mother?

Chapter 09


Chapter 9
First Year Boys’ Dorm
Thomas awoke again. He had not been able to sleep. His mind was reeling from his mother’s visit. He knew it was only a dream but that didn’t matter to him. It was still his mum. He reached passed the rose and grabbed his glasses. He reached under his bed and pulled out the journal and continued to read.
The Diary
Some memories fade with time, but some remain with a person forever. They become part of their very being. Sometimes these memories are life altering and others are just random trivial events. Easter weekend at Malfoy Manor was definitely… something.
A fourteen-year-old Kali is in the entrance hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry hugging her new friend, Kay, good-bye.
“You know Kay it’s only one weekend,” the longhaired brunette laughed as she freed herself from her friend.
“I know Kali, but you’re my only real friend and I don’t want to lose you,” responded the shorter brunette with gray bangs.
“You’ll never lose me Kay. Once a friend always a friend,” Kali reassured as she felt the weight of someone’s hands on her shoulders. Her smile grew wider as the stranger’s hands moved from her shoulders to her face. Kali lifted her hands and felt the hands that covered her eyes. The hands were larger and stronger than hers and were smooth and manicured as if they had never had to work. She felt the warm breath blow over her right ear and smelled the minty aroma of it.
“Hello Kali,” he whispered into her ear, “You miss me?”
“Of course I did Draco, but aren’t you afraid of getting caught?” she replied as she slowly removed his hands from her eyes and turning around. Kali wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist as he gazed into her blue eyes.
“No, Kay already knows and everyone else has already left for the station because they got ready in time,” he teased. She took her arms off him and smacked him playfully.
“You really know how to make me mad at you,” she laughed, “Anyways, we better leave before we get stuck here. Goodbye Kay!” She waved as she left with Draco.
“Goodbye Kali,” said Kay as she waved weakly. After they were out of sight, her hand dropped limply to her side as she left to return to her loneliness.

Aboard the Hogwarts Express

The compartment had only two occupants, a tall, pale, blonde hair, blue-eyed boy and a shorter, brown hair, blue-eyed girl who was staring out the window as the English countryside zoomed by.
“What if they don’t like me?” Kali muttered as she kept her gaze focused on the passing scenery.
“Huh?” Draco asked.
“Your parents,” she said as she turned to face him, “what if they don’t like me?”
“Don’t worry Kali,” he reassured as he moved closer to her, “My mum will love you and I don’t care what my father thinks. His opinion is unimportant.”
“Why do you hate him so much?” Kali asked.
“You’ll know soon enough,” he muttered turning his icy gaze to the passing scenery. She sat there looking at him trying to think of something to say.
“Will they be at the station to pick us up?” she decided to ask.
“No, the butler will pick us up or another one of the servants,” he answered nonchalantly.
“You have a butler? And servants as in plural?” she asked in mock shock. He merely nodded his head. “Wow, my boyfriend is really loaded,” she laughed and sarcastically added, “maybe I should ask for a giant diamond ring for my birthday.”
“Is that what you want?” he asked.
“No! I don’t want anything expensive. I want something meaningful,” she said, “Something thoughtful.”
“You’re going to make it difficult for me aren’t you?” he asked.
“Of course I am. It’s more fun this way,” answered Kali, “And, anyways, you have well over a full month to get me a present.”
“Yeah well…” he trailed off and just looked out the window and Kali began to busy herself by reading the new book she had just bought during the last Hogsmeade trip. It was History of the Founders by Amare D. Storia. History has always fascinated her especially the sketchy story of the founders. This was supposed to be the most comprehensive book about the story of the founders. Not many facts are known about them, typically only the legends survived. One specific myth mesmerized her, the connection between heirs. Most books just make a brief blurb about it, but Miss Storia tried to explain a theory that she believed was correct.
“I have discovered a barely legible piece of ancient parchment, which has been tossed out as being historically significant. Using my translation resources, I have come as close as anyone of my time to unlocking the message of this portion of what can only be a larger scroll that held an important prediction. The fragment states that ‘the heirs may not live in the same era, yet of the four true heirs one shall turn their back upon their ancestor’s legacy and forge a new destiny of their own and their heirs shall continue their work and bring about a reign of terror...’ The section ended there and I could make out any other words so I all that can be gathered is that the ‘true’ heir mentioned in the prophecy must be descended from either Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw or Godric Gryffindor…”
“Are you reading that book again?” Draco inquired.
“Yes its very interesting,” she answered as she marked the page and closed the book and placed it in her bag as she felt the jolt of the train stopping.
“Ready to enter one of the most evil places in the Wizarding world?” Draco asked as he offered his hand to Kali to help her up.
“Draco, I am sure it won’t be that bad. I’ve conversed with your mother through owl post and she seems perfectly lovely to me,” she said as she took his hand and stood up.
“Well, my mother is nice, but I am not worried about her. I am worried about my father and his Death Eater friends doing something to hurt you,” he countered as he picked up his travel bag.
“Don’t worry. I can take care of myself,” she said as she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder.
“Its not you they will have a problem with, it’s your lineage. You being the daughter of a…” Draco babbled before Kali stopped him.
“I am pureblood and that is all they really care about,” she said, “That and whether my loyalties lie with Voldemort and they never have to know that I never want to join them. In fact they never have to know who I really am.” And with that she smiled an I-know-something-you-don’t kind of smile and opened the compartment door and headed out to Platform 9 ¾.
~End Flashback~
He joined me on the platform shortly afterwards and grasped my hand and we went in search of our ride to Malfoy Manor. I remember the first time I saw the manor, I was in a complete state of awe and wonderment. The estate was vast and magnificently well maintained. I swear that I have my nose pressed up to the car’s glass window for miles as it drove up the drive way. I knew the Malfoys were very wealthy but I never suspected this. How could I invite Draco over to my house over the summer? Compared to this my house was small, run down and shabby.
As we entered the main foyer, Jeffery, the butler and chauffer, took my bag and lead me to my room as Draco left for his. I was expecting to get a random guestroom and by observing my surroundings I knew that it would be a very lavish room. I did not get a random guestroom. I got my own room. It was decorated in my two favorite colors, silver and light blue, and it wasn’t girly but it was feminine. The queen-sized bed was outfitted in silk sheets and a warm plush comforter. It was the room I have always wanted. After I gave Jeffery permission to leave, I closed the door and just fell onto the bed. It was softer than I had thought. I relished in the comfort of the feather pillows and the feel of the silk. I breathed in the clean fresh air and smelled strawberries and cream. I looked around the room as I lie there and saw the beautiful portraits, the intricate full-length silver mirror in the corner, the antique oak furniture, the stunning vases holding pretty flowers, and heavy velvet drapes hiding an unopened window. I jumped out of the bed and ran to the drapes. I grasped the middle drape endings and pulled them apart with force causing warm golden sunshine pour into the room.
Kali stood in the golden sunlight as she heard a faint click and then a soft creak. She turned quickly toward the door as a woman entered the room. She was beautiful. Her long pale blonde hair was done in a very elegant style. Her ice blue eyes searched the bedchamber till the focused upon the only occupant of the room, Kali. Some would look at her and say she had ‘a look on her face as if there were something smelly under her nose,’ but to Kali it just gave her an air of supremacy and sophistication.
“Do you like your room?” asked Narcissa Malfoy. Her tone was soft and kind unlike the cold superior tone one would expect from a Malfoy.
“Very much so,” Kali replied.
“But this is too much,” Kali explained as she gestured to the room, “I don’t deserve this.” Narcissa stood in the doorway for a moment thinking then gracefully strolled over to the bed and sat down. She looked up at the young girl for a second before patting the bed next to her. Kali moved over to the bed and sat down next to her boyfriend’s mother.
“Kali, never think that you are not worth something,” the older woman said as she comforted the younger girl by gently placing her arm around her shoulder.
“Then why am I worth this?” Kali sighed as she leaned her head onto Narcissa’s slender shoulder.
“You made my son happy and that means everything to me,” Narcissa said with a smile.
“But I am more trouble than I am worth. If his father…” she began to ramble.
“Lucius and his Death Eater friends will never find out who you are,” Narcissa said.
“Only if your plan actually works,” Kali mumbled.
“Of course it will work!” Narcissa exclaimed as she stood up, “I was the top Slytherin girl of my class and you are the current top Slytherin student… together we will be able to fool the guests to think you are a duchess if we wanted to.” Kali laughed as she stood up to join her.
“Together we shall not fail,” Kali declared as both ladies burst into another fit of laughter.

~End Flashback~
That was my first meeting with Narcissa Malfoy. I liked her almost instantly and to this day I look at her as a friend, confidant and a mother figure, a mother figure which I was in desperate need of. Because let’s face it, my dad and Uncle Sirius aren’t the most knowledgeable of people when it comes to growing girls.
I spent the next day wondering and searching the mansion. I visited the kitchens and talked with the house elves. I talked with all the servants as they went about doing their jobs. I looked at and even talked to some of the portraits. Everything seemed so expensive and lavish. I suddenly felt that I didn’t belong there.
After I was done exploring on my own, I spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around reading with Draco. He was reading some quidditch book and I was reading my founders book again.
“According to the text, there are ‘true’ heirs and regular heirs. I believe that the legend refers to father-son like relationships as normal heirs and the true heirs of the founders are those who have the power and strength to follow their footsteps. According to the legends, the true heirs supposedly have a very special connection to their predecessors. The founders were powerful magic users and they may have used some type of unknown charms and spell work to create a bond between them and their true heirs. Perhaps the bond functioned as a way of communication between the two that can surpass the veil of death. Since I speculate that the appearance of a true heir is very rare, I assume that we may never know if this is merely a legend or if there is some actual truth to the text.”
After reading the passage several times, Kali proceeded to jot down a few notes in the margin before closing the book and placing it on the coffee table next to her. *If I could only find that parchment she was talking about. If I could obtain it then I could see if there is anything she missed. But I need to get clearance for it. They probably only let the most elite scholars look at it,* she thought.
“Dinner is served Master Draco and Miss Kali,” announced Jeffery. Draco and Kali placed their books on the coffee table and followed Jeffery to the dining room.
~End Flashback~
At dinner Draco tried to find out what I was going to be wearing so that it will be easier to find me at the costume ball. I decided it would be more fun to see the look on his face when I descend the staircase in front of everyone.
“May I present,” bellowed Jeffery he stood by the staircase in his expensive looking uniform, “Lady Lillian Kensington of

Scotland.” Lady Kensington slowly glided down the staircase as all eyes turned upon her. She wore a form fitting silver velvet dress robe that flared at her hips grazed the floor. Her long sleeves ended at her slender wrists and flared at the bottom which ran against the banister as her left hand slid down the smooth wood railing. Her golden blonde hair was style up in an elegant bun as loose curled tendrils fell from it. Bright stormy blue eyes shined through her silvery feathered mask as she searched the crowd for a familiar person. Then she spotted a handsome boy dressed in very plain but very expensive look black dress robes and black mask. His silver blonde hair was slick back and contrasted brilliantly with his clothes. She smiled at him and he quickly walked to the bottom of the staircase just as she, also, reached the bottom.
“Mister Malfoy, I am honored to be a guest at your grand Easter ball,” she said as she curtsied and added under her breath, “And I suggest that you close you mouth before you begin to catch flies with it.”
“Kali?” asked an awestruck Draco. She nodded her head and smiled. “I… I… It would be my honor to be your escort for the evening, Lady Kensington,” he stuttered as he offered her his arm.
“That would be wonderful,” she replied graciously as she hooked her arm around his.
He led her to the dining room for dinner. There, she conversed with other guests, who were probably Death Eaters, and got introduced to Draco’s father, Lucius Malfoy. Kali took an immediate dislike for the man after noticing his rather brazen behavior toward her. She kept up the façade for Draco’s sake, as well as her well-being. After dinner, the guests moved to the ballroom and began to waltz.
“Milady, care to join me in a dance?” asked Draco as he bowed and offered her his hand.
“I’d like that very much kind sir,” she laughed. They began to waltz but soon they closed the gap between them as Kali laid her head on his shoulder. “So what do you think of my costume?” she whispered in his ear.
“I like it very much, but I like the real you better,” he answered honestly, hoping that he didn’t sound stupid. She lifted her head and looked into his blue-gray eyes and kissed him softly. “What was that for?” asked a bewildered but very happy Draco.
“It was for saying the sweetest compliment anyone has ever given me,” she answered.
After a couple hours of dancing and talking, Kali left to get some fresh air. She wandered around and climbed the stairs to the second level till she found a room she had never been in. She looked around to make sure she was alone, and then she gingerly opened the door and closed it behind her. Lanterns lit by themselves and illuminated the room. It was a study or perhaps it was the library that I had been searching for. Giant bookshelves lined the walls. Dusty leather bound volumes were arranged in an orderly manner upon them. She passed the polished oak desk and moved to open the doors to the balcony. The crisp cold air chilled her pale skin as a wind blue around her. She placed both hands on the banister, closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the wind continued to ruffle her dress and golden locks. She opened her eyes only to meet the silvery globe of the full moon.
*I had almost forgotten why I had to spend Easter here,* she thought as she continued to study the moon, *I wonder if Dad is ok. What am I saying? Of course he is OK Uncle Sirius is there with him and he would owl me if there were anything wrong… wouldn’t he? God Kali shut up! You sound like a bloody baby. Pull it together. You still have to pretend to be Lillian Kensington for another couple of hours.* She raised her right hand to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on her fingertips. She then raised her hand and placed the kiss over the moon and whispered, “I love you Dad.” She turned back and reentered the study. She gently closed the glass doors behind her when she felt a chill run down her spine.
“Hello Lillian,” whispered a cold deep voice.

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