- Rating:
- PG-13
- House:
- Astronomy Tower
- Ships:
- Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood Harry Potter/Nymphadora Tonks Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
- Characters:
- Harry Potter Hermione Granger Nymphadora Tonks
- Genres:
- Action Romance
- Era:
- The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
- Spoilers:
- Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
- Stats:
Published: 09/19/2003Updated: 06/26/2004Words: 20,525Chapters: 20Hits: 44,752
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotions
- Story Summary:
- Harry wakes up around midnight. A few moments later he finds that Fred and George have apparated into his room.
Chapter 01
09/19/2003Harry wakes up around midnight. A few moments later he finds that Fred and George have apparated into his room.
Chapter 03
09/23/2003Harry and the Weasleys go to the Headquarters. When Harry gets there, Dumbledore wants to talk to him in private.
Chapter 04
09/23/2003Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny need to get their new Hogwarts things in Diagon Alley.
Chapter 05
09/23/2003Harry and friends arrive at platform nine and three-quarters. There is a new Sorting Hat song and a boy with a interesting name is sorted.
Chapter 06
09/30/2003Everyone has their first lessons, but what exctly will be happening in the Room of Requirement?
Chapter 07
10/08/2003Why was Hermione kissing Draco Malfoy? And what is Voldemort up to?
Chapter 08
10/14/2003Harry goes to the Owlery to send Hedwig with the letter to Dumbledore. But who are fighting in the Owlery at the top of their voice?
Chapter 10
11/01/2003Harry's first lesson is coming up. What is he going to teach his students?
Chapter 11
11/20/2003Harrys first lesson. What will happen? And who is cowering person Harry finds in an empty classroom?
Chapter 12
01/01/2004Harry confronts Hermione with what he thinks Snape saw in her mind. And Lord Voldemort makes a surprise appearance
Chapter 13
01/23/2004Why didn't Harry kill Voldemort when he had the chance?
Chapter 14
02/14/2004Harry has a Divination lesson and the first Quidditch match of the Season
Chapter 15
05/23/2004Harry talks to Dumbledore and Harry has his first lesson with the Slytherins...
Chapter 16
05/25/2004It's almost Christmas and Harry doesn't know where to stay... he has three options: Hogwarts, the Burrow and...
Chapter 17
06/15/2004Everybody is going home for the Christmas holidays and for the first time Harry joins his friends on the train!
Chapter 18
06/17/2004Harry and Luna arrive at Platform nine and three quarters. Harry finally meets Mr. Lovegood!
Chapter 20
06/26/2004The Lovegoods and Harry spent Christmas at the Burrow...