The Other World Cup

Mira Miracle

Story Summary:
We know that events in the magical world can influence us Muggles. However, when there's something as big as the Football World Cup 2006, it also works the other way round...

Chapter 01

We know that events in the magical world can influence us Muggles. However, when there's something as big as the Football World Cup 2006, it also works the other way round...

Words: 1,670
Hits: 708
Chapter 02 - During

Fleur and Bill travel with their children to the World Cup. But are they in the right fireplace?

Words: 1,642
Hits: 455
Chapter 03 - After

Talking about football is perfectly normal and absolutely harmless. Well, not if Harry Potter draws the conclusions...

Words: 1,839
Hits: 341