The Harpsichordist

Lowlands Girl

Story Summary:
[complete] Luke Navarra has been hired to teach music at Hogwarts... but he's a Muggle. Will he survive Slytherin House? Wendy, his partner, stays behind as Luke heads off to Scotland, but soon learns that she's made a bad decision when the Death Eaters learn of her existence. Snape has his prejudices challenged, Hermione learns that talent comes in many forms, and Harry finds, if not an outlet for, at least a distraction from, his anger and grief.

Luke Navarra has been hired to teach music at Hogwarts... but he's a Muggle. Will he survive Slytherin House? Wendy, his partner, stays behind as Luke heads off to Scotland, but soon learns that she's made a bad decision when the Death Eaters learn of her existence. Snape has his prejudices challenged, Hermione learns that talent comes in many forms, and Harry finds, if not an outlet for, at least a distraction from, his anger and grief.

Words: 4,005
Hits: 2,030

Wendy learns about the wizarding world from Davitt, and Luke arrives in London. To get to Hogwarts, he has to use Muggle transportation all the way, and this isn't made any easier by the fact that it's Snape who picks him up at the Muggle train station

Words: 4,425
Hits: 718

Hogwarts letters arrive, and Ginny and Hermione have a disagreement. Luke gets lost on the way to breakfast, thus running into his first ghost. At the staff meeting after breakfast, he's introduced to the rest of the staff, and the hostility he receives makes him want to go home...

Words: 4,301
Hits: 724

Luke settles in at Hogwarts as best as he can, hostility notwithstanding, and Ginny prepares for the upcoming year, interruptions from Harry notwithstanding!

Words: 2,619
Hits: 658

Wendy meets her new owl, and the students arrive. Although Luke has learned about the Sorting Ceremony, the actuality of it doesn't sit well with him, but he can't do anything about it, and has other things to worry about, such as giving placement tests to every single student in the school. Tonks and Harry have their first meeting as student and teacher, and Luke's placement tests have surprising results for all involved.

Words: 9,239
Hits: 796

Placement tests continue. Luke meets Harry, then Ginny, and then Fawkes. Hermione, frustrated with not understanding what happened at her test, does what she does best: research; meanwhile, Harry has a disturbing dream. Luke gives his first lecture (with Malfoy there, no less), discovers the library, and then learns about Harry's unique abilities in a way he'd rather not have experienced.

Words: 9,667
Hits: 657

Wendy learns painfully why one should not annoy Lord Voldemort or his followers; fortunately, Snape is one of her attackers. But Luke isn't happy with Snape's role. Meanwhile, Tonks gives her first Defense class of the year.

Words: 5,166
Hits: 584

Snape says several names, one pleasant, one unpleasant. Luke continues to teach classes, with Wendy helping as she recovers. Harry has an Occlumency lesson and doesn't do too badly. As September and October pass, Wendy begins feeling cooped up, which is why Luke decides to take her to Hogsmeade for the first Hogsmeade weekend.

Words: 7,053
Hits: 664

As Wendy and Luke go to discuss what they've overheard with Dumbledore, they meet Cornelius Fudge, who is understandly shocked and angry that two Muggles are teaching at Hogwarts. Luke interrupts Wendy's grading to show her the instrument room. The Halloween Ball occurs: Ron annoys Hermione, Snape annoys Luke, and Tonks and Wendy avoid each other.

Words: 7,482
Hits: 642

Ron deals with Hermione's annoyance during the ball and the following morning. Harry, however, is distracted by the fact that Tonks and Luke are missing from the map. Wendy has to deal with the Morning After with Snape, and it isn't pleasant. Tonks wakes up in Azkaban.

Words: 8,116
Hits: 648

Several people wonder if they ought to go to Dumbledore following Luke's disappearance, and one person does. Wendy and Severus talk, and the result is not exactly what either of them would have hoped for.

Words: 4,179
Hits: 560

Quidditch, materializations, and a nighttime encounter between Severus and Wendy.

Words: 6,827
Hits: 596

Harry tells his nearest and dearest about the Prophecy. Severus worries about Draco's absences from class and goes in search of him. What he finds isn't comforting, though, and although he learns some of You-Know-Who's plans, he doesn't learn enough.

Words: 6,924
Hits: 526

Rigel Lestrange meets his parents, Albus and Severus discuss what to do with the prisoners (and find a new prison for them), Lucius Malfoy learns Severus' secret, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny get caught up on events.

Words: 5,408
Hits: 622

Preparations for the Christmas Concert, and a lot of introspection.

Words: 5,212
Hits: 497

The Christmas Concert takes place, and Fudge is extremely annoyed. Severus deals with the consequences of treason, and Harry wonders if he actually needed to practice.

Words: 5,609
Hits: 522

Part One of the Battle of the Great Hall.

Words: 5,593
Hits: 485

The Battle of the Great Hall continues and concludes. The D.A. get their moment of action, Hermione has a brainstorm, and Wendy gets a big shock

Words: 6,011
Hits: 538
Chapter 19 - Stay

While struggling to stay, Luke explains to Wendy where he's been, what happened at the concert, and how he fought off the dementors. Rigel is still unconscious, so Luke has to work to bring him out of it, which isn't easy, as Rigel feels that it's all his fault. Lots of tears ensue. Finally, Wendy makes a very difficult decision.

Words: 5,432
Hits: 569