Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Tom Riddle
Humor Horror
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/09/2004
Updated: 05/30/2004
Words: 5,568
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,063

Violence, Voices, and Blood...Who's Bringing The Chips?


Story Summary:
OH MY GOD, SOMEBODY KILLED COLIN! And so our tale begins. A horrible murder has occurred at our beloved Hogwarts, and Fudge is a bungling idiot. Oh, and did I mention Dumbledore has experienced S.M.E.F.? If you want to know what smef means you're going to have to read my delightfully funny murder story.

OH MY GOD, SOMEBODY KILLED COLIN! And so our tale begins. A horrible murder has occurred at our beloved Hogwarts, and Fudge is a bungling idiot. Oh, and did I mention Dumbldore has experienced S.M.E.F.? If you want to know what smef means you're going to have to read my delightfully funny murder story.

Words: 2,822
Hits: 726
Chapter 02

All right, the homicidal maniac is still at large, but don't worry, Harry Potter is safely blamed. Snape almost smiles and a Quidditch game occurs. Some Slytherin is about to get the boot and you all get to see my interpretation of Blaise Zambini. Oh, and no I haven't gotten any chips yet. So come join for another exciting episode of Days of Our lives...I mean Violence, Voices and Blood.

Words: 2,746
Hits: 337