Harry Potter and the Crystalline Darkness


Story Summary:
Continues on from Guild of the Night. Harry's sixth year is over, the Battle has been won and he's off for a summer with Sirius and Remus and then the Weasleys before starting his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Life seems to be pretty good right now - or is it? What has happened to his old enemies? And what is happening with the looming, crystalline darkness?

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary:
Pansy does some plotting and Harry goes to a meeting. He and Hermione investigate some of the perks of being Head Boy and Girl and Harry finds a legacy from his parents.

Chapter 13

Pansy sat at the Slytherin table surrounded by her small group of cohorts. Crabbe and Goyle sat on either side of her and Theodore Nott and Tracey Davis sat opposite. There was a significant gap between them and the others in their House. Normally this would have irritated Pansy but today she was quite pleased about it. She gestured for Nott and Tracey to lean forward and signalled for Crabbe and Goyle to keep watch for anyone who might overhear.

"Draco has given me a task," she said calmly. "Will you help me carry it out?"

"What kind of task?" Nott asked. "And how is Draco?"

"Draco is fine," Pansy purred possessively. "Very fine. And the task he gave me is the one he was unable to carry out last year. Get rid of Snape."

Both Nott and Tracey's eyes widened.

"That...won't be easy," Tracey said thoughtfully.

"You will help me then," Pansy said with a pleased expression.

"Yes, of course," Tracey said with a malicious smirk. "The man betrayed our Lord and for Dumbledore of all people."

Pansy smiled at the younger girl then gave Nott an arch look. "And you?"

Nott considered the idea for a moment. "Yeah, why not? It'll be a hell of a challenge." He paused. "And what do we get out of this?"

"Draco's favour," Pansy said calmly. "My favour and I will be Draco's lady after we graduate. Draco has plans for what remains of the Death Eaters. Succeed in this and you will be well rewarded in the new organisation."

The other two Slytherins nodded, pleased smiles on their faces. Then they drifted off into thought.

"We can't use poison," Tracey said thoughtfully. "He's a Potions Master. He'd be able to detect anything we could easily get our hands on."

"True," Nott agreed. "And we can't use something like the Killing Curse or any other Dark spell. The first thing Dumbledore will do is examine the wands of anyone he suspects and he'll use the Priori Incantatem. I, for one, have no desire to examine the interior of Azkaban."

Tracey looked over at Pansy who had been watching the brief discussion with amusement. "You've already got an idea, haven't you, Pansy?"

Pansy gave a tinkling laugh. "Oh yes. I've been thinking about this for most of the holidays. I finally found the perfect thing to use among my father's possessions. I have it concealed in my trunk in my room."

Tracey Davis and Theodore Nott leaned forward with curious looks on their faces.

"What is it?" Nott asked. "Some kind of creature?"

"Oh, no, far more insidious than that," Pansy said smugly. "And you were wrong, Tracey, we will be able to poison him because that is what I found, a poison we can use."

"What kind?" Tracey asked incredulously. "He's a Potions Master. He'll be able to detect anything we put in his food or drink and how would we get it in there anyway?"

Pansy smirked. "Who says it's something you drink?" When the others looked at her with surprise and confusion she relented. "It's something that some relative of mine developed," she said airily. "It's a contact poison that is absorbed by the skin and it's in a bottle of ink."

"How quickly does it act?" Nott asked with a delighted smile.

"That's the only downside to it," Pansy said with a small pout. "It's fairly slow-acting. It needs to build up in the system then when there is a sufficient amount present it causes wracking pains, nausea, muscle cramping and a rather slow and painful death."

"Is there an antidote to it?" Tracey asked practically.

"Yes," Pansy admitted, "but it takes three weeks to brew. By the time most people realise they've been poisoned and work out what the poison is, they just don't have the time to brew the antidote before they die."

"Okay," Tracey said thoughtfully. "There is a risk that Snape will be able to figure out what it is earlier but I daresay now that Draco is gone, he's probably the only one in the castle likely to be able to brew the antidote. If this poison acts the way it does, even if he manages to hold on long enough to try brewing it, he probably won't be able to do it physically." She paused and thought through the idea some more. "I like it, Pansy. It's brilliant. Let's do it."

Pansy preened under the praise then sobered. "We'll have to be very careful when we use it to write our assignments. We don't want to go the same way as the traitor after all."

Both Tracey and Nott nodded vigorously in agreement and their conversation drifted into other topics.


Harry hurried along the corridor towards the staff meeting room. He had been caught up in some new exercises that Master Nhean was teaching him and had lost track of time and was now in danger of running late for his meeting with the staff. He reached down and pressed the button on the side of the watch Bill and Charlie had given him for his birthday. Like the clock that Madam Pomfrey had given him, the watch spoke the time but it had been charmed so that it was only audible to his ears. When he heard the time, he swore quietly and put on a little more speed. He reached the meeting room with only minutes to spare, flung the door open and rushed in to find most of the teachers and Hermione already there. He quickly dropped down into the seat next to his friend and tried to get his breathing under control, while also trying to ignore Hermione's faintly disapproving look and Sirius and Remus' amused expressions.

Finally he wasn't able to ignore his friend any longer. "Sorry, Hermione," he whispered. "I got caught up with my work with Master Nhean."

Hermione's expression softened slightly. "That's okay, Harry. I shouldn't be too harsh; you are actually a little early after all."

"Thank you for noticing that," Harry said dryly.

Hermione went to reply but the Headmaster and Professors McGonagall and Snape walked in and she quickly shut her mouth. Once everyone was seated, the Headmaster looked around and smiled.

"Welcome everyone," he said cheerfully. "And I would especially like to welcome our new Head Boy and Girl, Mr Harry Potter and Miss Hermione Granger."

There was a light smattering of applause and pleased and approving looks from the other teachers that caused both students to blush and look embarrassed.

"Yes, well done indeed," Dumbledore said benignly. "Now I think we should get this meeting underway and inform Mr Potter and Miss Granger as to their duties then we can let them go so that they don't have to sit through our tedious staff meeting."

There were muffled laughs from around the table then Professor McGonagall took over. She handed Harry and Hermione a thick sheaf of parchment each and detailed what was expected of them. She told them the location of the Head Students' private study and common room and gave them the password. By the time she was finished, Harry's head was spinning and when he looked over he was relieved to see that Hermione was looking a touch overwhelmed as well.

"Do you have any questions?" Professor McGonagall asked, startling him and pulling his thoughts back to where they should be. Hermione shook her head and Harry frowned.

"Not at the moment but I probably will once I have time to wrap my mind around all of this," Harry said ruefully.

Professor McGonagall smiled kindly at him. "Feel free to come and see either myself or Professor Dumbledore anytime you need to, Mr Potter."

Harry nodded and the Headmaster dismissed them. They headed towards the door and Harry paused just as they were about to walk through. He turned back to the Headmaster, deciding to bring up what they had spoken about the night before in a more open forum.

"Professor Dumbledore?" he said soberly. "You are planning on keeping an eye on Pansy Parkinson and her little group of cohorts, aren't you? Draco doesn't like me, my Battle Guard or Professor Snape that much and Pansy is his...fiancée. I wouldn't put it past her to try something."

Concerned looks crossed most of the teachers' faces while Dumbledore looked at Harry calmly.

"Yes, my boy, I am indeed keeping an eye on Miss Parkinson," the Headmaster said calmly. "Has she said anything that concerns you in particular?"

Harry shook his head. "She tried Draco's little trick on the train but she backed off pretty quickly when she found out Hermione and I were Head Girl and Boy. I just...don't trust her." Harry paused, wondering if he should broach this subject now. He grimaced and decided that the more people who were alerted to this the better. "Malfoy was under orders to kill Professor Snape. Do you really think anything has changed with those orders?" Harry shot a significant look at the Headmaster, unsure as to how many people knew about Voldemort's new residence.

Dumbledore sighed and inclined his head. "Your point is well made, Harry. I will most definitely keep it in mind."

Harry stared at the Headmaster for a long moment then nodded curtly, realising he wasn't going to get anything more than that out of the man tonight. He looked over at Remus and Sirius and gave them a quick grin before leaving the room.

Hermione was waiting for him just outside. "Everything okay, Harry?" she asked.

"Yeah," Harry replied. "I was just making sure that Professor Dumbledore was going to take Pansy seriously."

"You really think she's a threat?" Hermione asked dubiously.

Harry shrugged. "I think Draco's a threat and by extension that makes Pansy a threat. I'll have a word with Blaise and Millicent tomorrow. I'm sure they'll be willing to keep an eye on her."

"Good, it'll be easier for them being in the same House," Hermione replied as the two of them walked up towards Gryffindor Tower. "Did you want to go and have a look at out common room and study?"

Harry thought about that for a moment then nodded and grinned. "Why not." His grin became slightly sad. "I'd like to see the room my Mum and Dad used."

Hermione smiled sympathetically at him and they turned around and headed towards the room that was for their use. When they walked in, they were surprised to see that it was actually two rather spacious rooms. One had two desks and a number of bookshelves lining the wall. Some of the bookshelves had books already in them; others were empty. The other room was a comfortable common room, furnished in a manner similar to the Gryffindor common room. Harry wandered around the two rooms examining what little he could using his Oversight while Hermione looked through the books and otherwise acquainted herself with the study. Harry had just settled himself in one of the large chairs in front of the fire when Hermione gave a shout.

"Harry!" she yelled, excitement filling her voice. "You've got to come and see this!"

Harry sighed and got up. He wandered into the study, expecting to see Hermione in rhapsodies over some book but instead she was standing in front of the wall, peering at something. He walked up beside her.

"What is it?" he asked curiously.

Hermione grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the wall, forcing his fingers over a small section in front of them. "Harry, I know you probably can't see this but you should be able to feel it!" she said.

Harry frowned as he ran his fingers over the section of wall Hermione had indicated. It took a few minutes for him to identify what he was feeling and when he did he felt tears start to well in his eyes. Underneath his fingers, carved into the wall, was a small stag and an equally small flower; Harry assumed it was a lily.

"It's a stag and a lily," Hermione whispered.

"Prongs and Lily," Harry whispered in a choked voice. "Dad and Mum."

Just after he said 'Prongs and Lily', he heard a small click and he quickly drew his hand back from the wall. Hermione's sudden gasp let him know that she too had heard it. As they watched, a small door swung open. The tiny carved stag and lily had been at the centre of this door. Harry turned wondering eyes on Hermione but all she seemed able to do was stare at the now-open door. Harry took a step towards the passageway that had been revealed by the door but was brought to a halt when Hermione grabbed his arm.

"Harry, don't!" she gasped. "You don't know what's down there."

Harry shook her hands off with a trace of irritation. "Hermione, my Mum and Dad left whatever was down there. They wouldn't have left anything dangerous." Harry gave a small laugh. "Well, my Dad might have but Mum would have put a stop to anything too bad, I think." He turned and looked at his friend. "I'm going down there, Hermione," he said firmly.

Hermione nodded and bit her lip. "I'm staying here," she said quietly. "But Harry, if you're not back in half an hour, I'm going to get a teacher."

Harry nodded and started down the passageway. It was only a short distance before he reached another door. He reached out and turned the door handle and the door swung open, revealing a small room. Harry stepped cautiously into the room and looked around. There was a small desk and two chairs in one corner and in the other...

Harry gasped and staggered back against the wall. Then he stepped forward carefully and whispered, "Mum? Dad?"

There, standing against the wall in the other corner, were his parents, looking as though they were about seventeen or eighteen. Harry crept towards them and put out a shaking hand to touch them. He gasped as his hand went straight through his mother and yanked it back quickly. It was at this point that it dawned on him that he could see his parents. See them clearly as though he had his sight back. He swallowed several times and looked carefully at his parents. Now that he had calmed down somewhat he could see that they were standing absolutely silent and still and that they seemed to be created entirely of magic. Harry tore his eyes away from the magical apparitions and walked over to the desk. There were a number of notebooks sitting there and a small wooden box with the initials J.P. and L.E. carved into the lid. Harry ran a shaking hand over the box, feeling the carved initials, then rested it on the notebooks.

"Harry?" came Hermione's voice, shaking Harry out of his thoughts. He looked around and blinked.

"I'm alright," he called back. He looked over at his parents again and slowly made his way back down the passageway, making sure to close both doors behind him.

When he got out, Hermione looked at him with concern. Harry was looking pale and stunned and that made her rather worried. "Harry? What did you see down there?" she asked with a tinge of fear. "Do you need to go to the Hospital Wing?"

Harry blinked then gave himself a small shake. "No, no," he stuttered. "I...I'm fine. I...I need to see Siri and Remy." With that he walked straight out of the study and common room and disappeared down the main corridor. Hermione watched him go with concern then turned to look at the two small carvings. She bit her lip then left the rooms, heading towards Gryffindor Tower.


Harry made his way down to the suite that he had shared with Remus and Sirius at times last year. They had told him the password last night in case he ever needed to speak with them so he was able to walk right into the living room. He called out for his godfather and guardian but when he didn't receive an answer he slumped down onto the couch; obviously they were still in the meeting. He didn't know what to make of what he had found. What were those apparitions of his parents? What were they doing in that small room? He stared into the fire as he thought about this then suddenly groaned. He was going to have to apologise to Hermione when he next saw her. She had obviously been worried about him and he'd just walked out on her. He was a little surprised she hadn't insisted on coming with him. Probably only the fact that he was coming here had stopped her.

All of a sudden the door banged open and he heard Sirius' voice.

"Moony, you can't expect the students to learn that in First Year," Sirius was saying with amusement. "Just because you've been spoiled by the DA doesn't mean you can expect that...Harry!" Sirius grinned happily at his godson and collapsed on the couch next to him. "Everything okay?"

"Um, I'm not sure," Harry said softly, immediately gaining the undivided attention of both men.

Remus put the papers he had been carrying with him down on the table and sat on the other side of Harry. "What's the matter?' he asked with concern.

"After the meeting, Hermione and I decided to go and have a look at our common room and study," he said shakily. "We were looking around and Hermione found a small carving on one of the walls of a stag and a lily. When I said 'Prongs and Lily' a door opened. I...I went and had a look and I found a room at the other end of the passageway." He paused and swallowed hard. "In the room were...I don't really know what to call them. There were magical...I don't know, copies of Mum and Dad."

"What?" both Sirius and Remus gasped. They exchanged glances over Harry's head.

"They managed to make it work," Remus said softly.

Harry's head shot up and he stared at Remus. "They managed to make what work?" he demanded.

"Towards the end of Seventh Year we were working on a way to create a working illusion of ourselves," Sirius explained. "Initially we thought it would just be something fun to do for a prank but then Lily mentioned how useful it would be in the war against Voldemort and that no one had been able to do anything like it." Sirius paused. "We wanted to make illusions that would actually have the person's personality and could interact with people. We'd originally come up with the idea in Fifth Year but we'd never been able to get very far. Lily did a lot of work on it in Seventh Year after she and James started dating. He told her about it and she thought the whole thing was one of our better ideas."

Harry frowned. "But...I thought spells cast by a person were cancelled if the person...died. So how are these illusions still here?"

"I don't know," Sirius said with a shake of his head. "Maybe we should go and have a look. Was there anything else in the room?"

The three of the stood up as Harry answered the question. "Yes, there were a few notebooks and a small box with Mum and Dad's initials on it."

Sirius shot a questioning look at Remus. The werewolf shrugged and looked as bewildered as Sirius felt. "I don't know, Padfoot. I didn't even know they'd succeeded."

Sirius nodded and the three of them were silent as they made their way to the common room. Harry spoke the password to let them in and showed them the small carvings on the wall. Sirius and Remus examined the carvings closely.

"Prongs and Lily," Sirius said quietly. The door again clicked open and the three made their way down the passageway. Harry opened the door to the small room and stepped back to let his godfather and guardian enter. The two men walked in and swore when they saw the illusions. Harry followed them in and stared at the illusions as well.

Sirius stood where he was, frozen to the spot and with an anguished expression on this face. Remus swallowed hard and walked over to stand in front of the illusions.

"Prongs," he said quietly. "Lily." He stared at the illusions for a moment longer then gave himself a shake. He turned to look at his friend. "Seventh Year," he said with a small frown. "They look about seventeen, eighteen." He swallowed again and ducked his head. He quickly walked over to the small table and picked up one of the notebooks.

Sirius stared at the illusions for a moment longer then looked over at Remus. "What's in those?" he asked hoarsely.

"Lily's notes," Remus said absently as he read. "They're pretty detailed."

Sirius walked over and looked over his shoulder. Harry shook himself out of his preoccupation with the illusions and walked over to the table. He ran a hand over the small box and quickly opened the lid. Inside was a small crystal globe that was glowing softly, both in Harry's Oversight and in actuality. Harry reached out and gently ran his fingers over the globe.

"Do you think this has anything to do with why the illusions have lasted?" he asked quietly.

Sirius and Remus looked over and gasped in surprise. "Possibly," Remus said slowly. "I don't think I've got to that part of Lily's notes yet."

Sirius frowned. "Crystal magic," he murmured. "Merlin's beard! We've got to let Dumbledore in on this."

"Why?" Harry asked, a little reluctant to share this part of his parents with anyone else.

"Crystal magic, Harry!" Sirius said urgently. "Lily and James figured out how to use crystal magic. Assuming that that crystal is powering those illusions. Lily was compulsive about note taking. The information on how to do this will be somewhere in these notebooks." He looked over at the illusions sharply then gave a barking laugh. "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good," he said abruptly.

Both Remus and Harry let out oaths as the illusions began to move. The illusion of James looked around brightly and then laughed as it caught sight of Sirius.

"Padfoot!" it yelped as it bounded over to Sirius' side. "What's happened to you? You look terrible...and...old!"

Before Sirius could reply, the illusion of Lily walked over to James and whacked him on the arm. "James," she chided. "That was rude!"

Illusion-James blinked. "Oh, yeah, I suppose it was," he said a little sheepishly. "But Lily, he does look terrible."

Sirius was shaking like a leaf and he let out a strangled noise that might have been a laugh. Illusion-James didn't seem to notice this as he had looked around the room and caught sight of Remus.

"Moony?" Illusion-James said in a distressed tone. "When did you start going grey? And you look terrible, too."

Remus didn't get a chance to answer. Illusion-Lily had also been looking around the room and she had found Harry. Her eyes widened as she looked at him and she grabbed at James' arm.

"James," she breathed. "Look!"

Illusion-James spun around and gaped at Harry. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could Sirius managed to gasp out, "Mischief managed."

The illusions suddenly stopped and resumed the stance that they had found them in. Harry sagged back against the wall and ran a hand over his face and through his hair. His action was echoed by both Sirius and Remus.

"Well," Remus said weakly. "That answers that question."

"Yeah," Sirius choked out.

The three of them stood there for a few minutes, trying to gather themselves. Finally, Remus picked up the four notebooks that were on the table and closed the lid of the box, which he handed to Harry.

"I think we should get out here," he said softly. "And go and see Albus."

The other two nodded and they made their way back out into the Head Student's study. Harry carefully closed the door behind him and they slowly walked up to the Headmaster's office. When Dumbledore saw the slightly shocked and stunned expressions they were wearing he got them seated. He quickly spoke to the Potions Master through the Floo and served tea to his quiet guests. Shortly, the fireplace flared green and Severus Snape stepped out, a small bag in one hand. He looked over at the stunned trio sitting in the room and raised an eyebrow. Dumbledore gestured for his Potions Master to sit and he joined them in front of the fire.

"Sirius? Remus? Harry?" the Headmaster said quietly. "Can you tell me what has happened? Or could Severus offer you a Calming Draught first?"

There was silence at first and then Harry swallowed and bit his lip. "I...found a...door in the Head Students' study. It was locked by a carving of a stag and a lily. There were...illusions of my parents in the room behind the door."

"Illusions of your parents?" the Headmaster said, genuinely shocked for once.

"Working illusions," Sirius said shortly. "It was something the four of us had come up with in about Fifth Year. The idea of creating illusions of ourselves that could actually interact with others in a realistic manner." He grinned sheepishly. "We thought it would make pranking a lot easier. But we could never get it to work. Creating the illusions was easy enough but getting them to act like us was something we could never manage."

"After she had started going out with James, we told Lily about we had been trying to do," Remus said, picking up the story. "She got pretty excited about the idea and thought it might be useful in the fight against Voldemort. But we never knew that they succeeded."

"They were successful in creating realistic illusions?" Dumbledore asked with great interest.

Harry, Remus and Sirius all flinched.

"Yes," Sirius said hoarsely. "When I activated them, they acted exactly like James and Lily in their Seventh Year. James...recognised us but he didn't understand why we looked...so different."

Dumbledore looked at them with considerable sympathy. "Do you have any idea how the illusions survived James and Lily's deaths?"

"I had a brief look through Lily's notes," Remus said, holding up the notebooks. "And there was a small box with a crystal globe in it." He paused. "Albus, I think James and Lily worked out how to use crystal magic. I think the crystal is somehow powering the illusions."

The Headmaster exchanged glances with Snape. "Severus, you have had more time than I to examine what you and Harry learnt of Voldemort's knowledge of crystal magic. Do you believe he knew anything of this?"

Severus leaned back in his chair and steepled his hands in front of his face. "Not from what I have been able to determine. The Dark Lord seems to have concentrated on using the crystals to focus his magic and to act as a repository for certain spells. I have found nothing on using crystals to power a spell." He paused and frowned. "I am not certain how one would go about doing that."

"Does Lily reference any books in her notes?" Dumbledore asked.

"I haven't read that much of them," Remus said. "But if they did find anything in a book, it'll be there. Lily was pretty pedantic about that sort of thing in her note taking."

Dumbledore chuckled then looked at the three Gryffindors kindly. "Could we see these illusions?"

They nodded slowly and the five of them made their way back down to the Head Students' common room and study. Harry once again opened the door and they all trooped into the small room. Harry quickly found a corner to stand in and he stared hungrily at the illusions of his parents. Remus and Sirius leaned against the table and watched as Dumbledore and Snape walked around the illusions.

"Quite remarkable," the Headmaster said. "I have never seen better."

Snape snorted and stood by the door. Dumbledore ignored him and turned to look at Sirius and Remus.

"How were they activated?"

Sirius swallowed and said, "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."

Once again the illusions burst into life. Illusion-James yelped and jumped when he saw the Headmaster standing right in front of him.

"Headmaster!" he said with surprise and a little mischievous guilt. "Er, hello! Um, what are you doing here? Er, sir." He looked around as though trying to find something to divert the Headmaster's attention and his eyes lit on Snape. They widened and the Illusion-James swallowed. He looked back at the Headmaster then swivelled around until he caught sight of Sirius and Remus again and he frowned with confusion.

During this the Illusion-Lily had been looking around as well. She found what she had been looking for when she saw Harry standing in one corner and she walked over to him. Much to Harry's surprise, she placed a hand under his chin and raised his head; he could have sworn that his hand passed through the illusion the first time he found them. He hesitantly looked up into his mother's eyes and she smiled gently at him.

"You look like James," she said quietly. "But your eyes are like mine."

The Illusion-James heard her say this and bounded over to stand beside her. He grinned at Harry and slung an arm around Lily. "You're right," he said to his girlfriend. "I'm taller though."

Lily elbowed James in the ribs. "Who are you?" she asked gently.

"Mischief managed," Sirius choked out from across the room and the illusions once again stood upright and still.

Harry sighed with relief and slid out from the corner he was now trapped in and hurried over to stand next to his godfather. He found the illusions of his parents wonderful but also extremely disconcerting. They seemed so real and he wasn't sure how to react to them, though from the look of Sirius and Remus, they didn't know either.

"Do you have the crystal that you believe is powering these fascinating illusions?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry was silent until Sirius gave him a nudge. He started and stared for a moment until the Headmaster's question penetrated then he blushed and handed the small box over. Dumbledore opened the box and Snape moved over to look in as well. Harry ignored them in favour of eyeing the illusions of his parents again.

"Is that really what they were like?" he asked softly.

"Yeah," Sirius replied with a sad smile. "James was always bounding all over the place and Lily was always thinking and asking questions." He ran a hand through his hair. "Merlin but it's hard to look at those illusions."

"Yeah," both Harry and Remus said heavily.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the Headmaster. "Would you mind if I kept this?" he asked Harry quietly.

Harry nodded and the Headmaster patted him lightly on the shoulder before turning to Remus. "Do you want to read through those notebooks or shall Severus and I do it?"

Remus looked down at the notebooks he was still holding then held them out to the Headmaster. "I think you had better read them through. You and Severus are the ones who have been looking into this crystal magic. Just...don't damage them, will you? I think they should go to Harry once you are finished with them."

"Of course, my boy," Dumbledore said kindly. "I shall take good care of them. Now, if either myself or Severus wish to have a look at these illusions again, we shall speak to one of the three of you about coming with us. I think that is only fair." He tucked the notebooks under his arm. "Now, I think we should all head off to our beds. It is late and we all have work to do tomorrow." His eyes were kind as he looked at the three men standing in front of him. "And I think you will all find this much easier to deal with in the morning."

With that the Headmaster ushered them out of the room.

Author notes: Thanks once again for the reviews.

Sherry - Ah Pansy, dear little Pansy. She's such a lovely little thing, isn't she? Just the most perfect match for Draco really. And thank you, I do try and keep those little touches in as a reminder.

topazladynj - Well, I don't think there will be any more smear campaigns - after the Battle of Hogwarts I'd say Harry and Dumbledore have a bit more currency with the press than their detractors.

mystress tate - Thanks for your review. I'll check that area you pointed out in Guild of the Night. I know I wrote parts of that from a more global point of view rather than Harry's point of view. I may not have written that clearly enough. I'll have a look and rewrite to make it clearer. Actually I find Snape fairly easy to write - I guess that's because I do have a fairly strong inner-Snape of my own. It gives the opportunity to release some of my sarcasm! *LOL* I've actually just finished writing another training scene with Harry and the Guild members who come to Hogwarts. But it's a fair few chapters down the track! :) You can get alerts for new chapters if you join my Yahoo group. I post the chapters there as well. You can find the link to it in my sig on the review board.

flashgordon - Can you see why Pansy didn't make any snide comments? She's got something bigger up her sleeve! *grins* I may do an extended Harry and Ginny scene in a later chapter. I'll have to see how things go!

Kwistel - Is this soon enough for you? *LOL*