Harry Potter and the Crystalline Darkness


Story Summary:
Continues on from Guild of the Night. Harry's sixth year is over, the Battle has been won and he's off for a summer with Sirius and Remus and then the Weasleys before starting his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Life seems to be pretty good right now - or is it? What has happened to his old enemies? And what is happening with the looming, crystalline darkness?

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Draco finds out what happened to Voldemort. Harry finds out about Wormtail and he and Sirius and Ginny watch over Remus. And finally the school letters arrive!
Author's Note:
Well, I did it! I completed NaNoWriMo. 50,000 words! And my story isn't finished. I can't believe I actually managed it and about 5 days early too. Guild of the Night had over 175,000 words but it was written over several months. I never realised how hard to would be to write 50,000 in 30 days.

Chapter 8

Draco sat in his study, chuckling quietly to himself. He turned the gun over and over in his hands, enjoying its metallic beauty. His shot had been perfect, right into the werewolf's side. He had been forced to apparate out fairly quickly when the black dog that he knew was Sirius Black had headed towards him in the forest. He had seen the black dog and the huge wolf running in front of the werewolf and had nearly taken a potshot at Potter. At the last moment he had gone back to the werewolf; after all, when he went after Potter he wanted the idiot to know who was killing him. He was now waiting for Wormtail to return with the information on how badly Lupin was injured. Pettigrew had assured him he could get into the Weasleys' hovel and move around it with ease.

He looked over at the grandfather clock and scowled; Wormtail should have been back a half-hour ago. He pulled open a drawer in the desk, tossed the gun inside and closed it again. He stood and stretched then limped out of the study. He made his way downstairs to the small workroom that the Dark Lord had once used and that he had appropriated. It was shielded heavily enough that the Ministry was not able to pick up when he was using magic. It was awkward to continually have to come downstairs but it was worth it to be able to use his magic. Before they had left that night, he had placed a small tracking spell on Wormtail. He didn't trust the older man not to make a run for it when presented with the opportunity and he wanted to be able to find him at all times.

He uncovered the large crystal globe on one of the tables in the room and activated the scrying spell that was focused onto the tracking spell. This was one of the few pieces of the Dark Lord's crystal magic that he had been able to decipher and use. The globe became cloudy and then cleared, showing Wormtail's surroundings. It took a moment for Draco to understand what he was seeing and when he did he broke out into a long burst of vicious swearing. He knew at least three of the faces in the globe; the Aurors Shacklebolt and Tonks and the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Damn that stupid rat! He had obviously been caught and by someone loyal to Dumbledore.

Draco ended the scrying spell with a sharp word and stalked around the room as best as he could. He knew he had hit the werewolf but now he had no idea how bad the injury was. He didn't think the wound itself was in a position that would have killed outright but he hadn't been able to stay long enough to confirm that. Silver poisoning would definitely occur but there was no guarantee that would kill Lupin. He paused and leaned against the table, drumming his fingers impatiently. How could he find out now?

Snape, the voice in his head suggested.

Snape won't speak with me, he snarled back mentally. The idiot is too indebted to that old fool at Hogwarts.

He doesn't need to, the voice said patiently.

Draco stilled his fingers and frowned. What do you mean? he asked curiously.

He works for the old fool. The old fool is a friend to Potter and the werewolf. He will undoubtedly ask Snape to brew the potions required to treat the silver poisoning. He will have a certain amount in stock. He likes to be prepared for all emergencies, the voice explained patiently. He will have to make more, not only for the treatment but also to replenish his stocks. Some of the ingredients for the potions used are rare and difficult to obtain. And he will have to go to Knockturn Alley to obtain at least one of those ingredients. That means he must go to the Apothecary and Morcan Arsene is your man.

A slow smile spread across Draco's face. And Arsene will be delighted to tell me what Snape has bought, Draco thought to himself. Then the smile fell off his face and a look of panic took its place. Who are you? he thought to the voice in his head, finally coming to the realisation that he was not listening to his own internal voice.

A thick chuckle sounded throughout his head. Who do you think I am, boy?

Draco shut his eyes and desperate thoughts flitted across his mind.

Don't be so melodramatic, snarled the Dark Lord. I am hardly in a position to take over your mind, Draco. Your asinine act when I first entered your mind ensured that. You melded us together, idiot. We are permanently joined. There was a sense of grudging approval. It looks like it won't be a complete disaster though. You are certainly a damn sight more intelligent than your father. Your execution of the plan against the werewolf was...adequate.

It was perfect, Draco snarled.

He is still alive, the Dark Lord observed sardonically.

I didn't intend to kill him, Draco growled. At least not purposely. I wanted to put the wind up Potter. To let him know I can get to those he loves wherever and whenever I want.

The Dark Lord was silent for a while then he finally spoke again. Very well then, it was carried out well. What do you intend to do with Severus and Potter?

Draco froze for a second. I thought you were in my mind, he said carefully. Surely you can see my plans.

I can only hear what you are actively thinking, fool boy. The Dark Lord said irritably. And even that is only a recent development. Your idiot act in melding us together left me quite disorientated for a time.

Oh, Draco thought weakly. Well, I have left Snape to Pansy. He hardly leaves Hogwarts these days and she will be returning there for her Seventh Year. I'm sure she will be most...creative. Potter...Potter is mine. I owe him for what he and that mudblood did to me! Draco growled audibly at the memory.

The Dark Lord chuckled again. I didn't ask that, boy. I asked what you intended to do to him.

Draco scowled. I don't know yet, he admitted reluctantly. I need more people but the remaining Death Eaters are reluctant to accept me as their leader.

Ambitious, are you? The Dark Lord's mental voice dripped with malicious amusement.

Yes, Draco said with contemptuous superiority. Would you have me any other way?

The Dark Lord chuckled again. Good answer, boy. It seems you and I are well paired. I take it that was the reason for the foray against the werewolf; to prove your credentials?

Yes, Draco said then he scowled with irritation. But it doesn't do me much good if I don't know exactly what happened!

So seek out Arsene, the Dark Lord counselled. Find out what Snape has bought from him. That will give you some indication of the extent of the werewolf's injuries.

And if Snape hasn't been into Arsene's shop? Draco asked.

Then we know the werewolf is dead, the Dark Lord said simply then he chuckled again. I think I will help you rather than find a way to overcome your mind, Draco. I rather like your mind how it is; malevolent and evil. You are far more than just your father's son. We will do well together...that is, if you're willing?

Draco paused for a moment then asked suspiciously, What do I get out of it?

My knowledge, the Dark Lord replied promptly. I no longer have a body and in this form I cannot access my magic but you are a powerful wizard. You lack adequate training, of course. An unfortunate side effect of that old fool's thinking at Hogwarts but what training you lack, I have knowledge of. We could be great, you and I. So, what is your answer?

Draco thought hard for a moment then smiled maliciously. Very well, he said. I agree.

Excellent! the Dark Lord said. I suggest you get word to Arsene.

What a good idea, Draco said with a grin. He covered the globe again and limped out of the workroom, heading for the floo and from there, to Knockturn Alley.


Harry and Ginny sat on Sirius' bed and watched the unconscious Remus. Sirius was leaning against the wall, staring blindly out of a small crack in the curtains. The room was dark and silent. Madam Pomfrey had insisted on the silencing charms, stating that Remus could not afford to be startled or disturbed in any way. She had left just a few minutes ago after making sure that Remus was comfortably settled. She said that she needed to speak with Professor Snape regarding his supplies of the potions needed. She had been on the verge of shooing them all out of the room when Ginny had quietly snuck in. The two women had had a whispered conversation and whatever Ginny had said had been enough for Madam Pomfrey to leave the three of them to their vigil. All she had said was that if Remus woke, something she didn't think likely, they were to keep him calm and try and coax him back to sleep. Harry wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and buried his face in her hair. Ginny gently stroked his arms and then wrapped her arms around him in turn.

"If we do everything right, he will recover fully," she said softly.

"How do you know?" Harry whispered into her hair as Sirius turned worried eyes on the two of them.

"I've spent a lot of time with Madam Pomfrey, learning things for the Battle Guard. I made sure to learn everything I could about lycanthropy because I know how much you care about Remus," she said calmly. "I looked into silver poisoning because anyone who wanted to get at you would be likely to attack those you care about the most."

Harry flinched and Ginny stroked his back soothingly. "Don't you dare start feeling guilty about this, Harry Potter," she hissed angrily. "It was not your fault!"

Sirius walked over quietly and ran a hand through Harry's hair, ruffling it slightly. "She's right, Pronglet," he said quietly. "It's not your fault. Lay blame where it belongs, at the feet of whoever did this."

"It was Draco, wasn't it?" Harry burst out and was promptly hushed by both Ginny and Sirius. He flushed with embarrassment and looked over to where Remus lay. He sighed with relief to see that his outburst had not disturbed the older man.

"Yes, it was probably Draco," Sirius whispered grimly. "It's just the sort of cowardly thing he'd have done."

"Anyway," Ginny said quietly but firmly, trying her best to change the subject slightly, "the first potion Madam Pomfrey gave Remus helps to draw the silver out of his system. The other two are used to keep him quiet and sleepy. It's imperative that he not get worked up over anything, that'll just cause the silver to spread."

"Could he...die?" Harry whispered brokenly.

Ginny paused, not sure if she should answer that question. She drew in a deep breath and remembered that Harry didn't like things, even bad things, being kept from him. "Yes, if we don't do everything right," she said reluctantly. "If the silver spreads too far, it could overwhelm his system and cause his body to shut down. But I don't think will happen, Harry. Those potions will really improve his ability to fight this and you know Remus, he won't give up."

Harry nodded and swallowed. He turned his head slightly and let his eyes rest of Remus' form. The energy colours that he could see definitely indicated the werewolf's illness. Remus' normal colours of Dark Red, Scarlet, Light Brown and Light Green were heavily shot through with a roiling mix of Murky Yellow and Green-Yellow; both indicators of illness. The appearance of one was a normal indicator of illness; the appearance of both was a sign of very serious illness. Harry sighed and rested his cheek on the top of Ginny's head.

Silence reigned throughout the room for a long time then Ginny suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, Harry?" she whispered with a sudden grin. "I've got some good news for you and Sirius."

The two men looked at her with surprise. "What?" Harry asked, looking confused.

"Percy and Penelope went upstairs after you two came in with Remus and Madam Pomfrey," she began. "Percy's not very good at dealing with the sort of emotions that were prevalent downstairs and he still feels kind of guilty about the way he treated you. Anyway, while he was up there, he saw something moving near the wall of his room." She paused and shook her head. "You'll never believe it, but it was Scabbers! I mean, Wormtail." Both men started and Sirius stared at her with wide eyes. She grinned at him and continued. "Percy was able to stun him and shove him in one of his old rat cages. He brought him downstairs and turned him over to Dumbledore. He said he was going to turn Wormtail over the appropriate authorities."

Both Harry and Sirius were stunned into silence. Finally Harry managed to get his voice back. "What? Really?" he stammered.

Ginny's grin widened. "Yes! He'll go to Azkaban, Harry."

They were both startled by the low, angry growl that came from the direction of Sirius and Harry tore himself out of Ginny's arms and leapt over to his godfather. He wrapped his arms around Sirius. "Don't!" he gasped quietly. "Please, Sirius! I know you hate him and what he did but, please, leave him to the Aurors."

Sirius closed his eyes and trembled in Harry's arms for a long moment then he slowly brought his arms up around Harry. "You don't want revenge?" he whispered shakily.

"Let him go to Azkaban," Harry replied quietly. "If anyone deserves it, it's him. Forget about him, Siri. Nothing's going to bring Mum and Dad back, not even killing Wormtail. The best revenge you can get is to just forget about him. Forget he even exists. Let him rot in Azkaban."

Sirius' arms tightened around Harry and he slowly, quietly began to weep. Harry buried his head in Sirius' shoulder and let his own tears fall. They stayed like that for a long time as Ginny watched on with a gentle smile. Eventually Sirius pulled back and placed his hands on Harry's shoulders, smiling proudly at his godson.

"When did you get so smart, Pronglet?" he whispered in a hoarse voice.

Harry smiled wryly. "Nah, Hermione's the smart one. I just figure the best way to get revenge is to do the same thing to him as what I've done to the Dursleys. Forget them. Don't think about them and move on. The Dursleys, Wormtail, they're just not important anymore."

Sirius ruffled Harry's hair and grinned a little weakly. "I guess you're right."

"Course I'm right," Harry said with a cocky grin. "I'm always right."

Both Sirius and Ginny snorted with laughter. All three fell suddenly silent as they heard a snuffling sound come from Remus' bed. They whipped around but the noise was just Remus curling up on his side. They exchanged glances and sighed with relief; Merlin only knows what Madam Pomfrey would have done to them if they had woken the werewolf up right now. Harry walked quietly over to sit back down next to Ginny and Sirius resumed his position next to the window and the three of them settled back down to wait.


Remus woke slowly early in the evening. Harry and Sirius were still in the room while Ginny had gone downstairs to organise for their dinner to be brought up to the room. As soon as he saw his friend's eyes opening, Sirius went and sat on the side of the bed.

"It's okay, Remus," he said softly. "You're going to be okay. Just relax and don't get upset."

"Shot?" Remus whispered with a small frown.

"Yes, you were shot" Sirius replied. "With a silver bullet. You've got silver poisoning, Remus. You can't afford to get worked up over anything. You just leave everything to us and concentrate on getting better, okay?"

"Mmmkay," Remus mumbled, his eyelids drooping. He drew in a breath and forced them open again. "Harry?"

Sirius smiled gently. "He's okay. I'm okay. You're the one who's not okay. Just rest, Moony. Go back to sleep."

"Mmm," Remus said in agreement and closed his eyes, succumbing to his body's needs.

Sirius looked over at Harry, tears in his eyes. Harry breathed a sigh of relief and sagged down where he was sitting.

"Why don't you go downstairs," Sirius said softly. "Now that we know he's aware of what's going on, it'll only need one of us here to sit with him. Go downstairs and get something to eat. I'm sure everyone wants to know what's going on anyway. Then you and Ginny can come back up and sit with him while I get something to eat and some rest. I'll relieve you a bit later."

"I'm sure we'll have plenty of takers to look after Remy," Harry said with a small grin as he stood. He knew Sirius was right. He was starving and he was absolutely sure that his friends were going mad with worry. He picked up his cane from where Ginny had left it and slowly made his way downstairs. The moment he walked into the kitchen, he was pounced on.

"Harry! Is everything alright?" Hermione asked anxiously.

Harry grinned. "Yeah, Remy just woke up. Siri told him about the silver poisoning so he knows not to get agitated and then he fell asleep again."

Everyone in the room relaxed and the relief was palpable. Molly bustled over and pushed him down into a seat at the table.

"Come now, you must be hungry," she said with relieved concern. "I'll send something up to Sirius in a minute."

"Um, Sirius said for me to come down and get something to eat then for Ginny and I to come up and relieve him. He'll come down, grab some food and get some rest then relieve us a bit later."

Molly nodded as she placed a laden plate in front of Harry that matched the one in front of Ginny. "Alright then but you know we're all willing to help."

Harry grinned. "I know, Mrs Weasley. We were kind of counting on that." With that he quickly dug into the dinner that was in front of him. When he was finished he looked up at the others. "Alright, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Ron asked innocently.

"Ron, I know something's going on. You're all too quiet," Harry said bluntly.

Ron sighed. "Neville and Luna went down to check where Remus had been shot. They found where the shooter had been waiting. They asked me to come down and check it out as Rohan." He paused for a long time. "It was Draco. I got a good sniff of his scent during the Battle. He might have been a dragon but a person's scent basically remains the same no matter what form they're in, it's just the edges that differ. Well, I'm sure you already know that being a wolf and all. Anyway, it was Draco. He's the one that shot Remus."

"You mean he actually did his own dirty work?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Looks like it," Ron replied. "We've told Dumbledore already. He didn't seem too surprised though. Said something about a discussion he and Snape had about the bullet that Pomfrey pulled out of Remus."

The discussion was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a number of official-looking owls in the kitchen. The owls flew around and, after a moment of chaos, dropped their letters in the appropriate hands. The students looked down at the pieces of parchment in their hands with surprise and certain amount of relief. They had needed something to break the dismal atmosphere pervading the house.

"They're from the Hogwarts," Hermione said. "Oh, it's probably the results of our exams and information about next year." She frowned. "They're a bit late this year. Probably a result of the mess at the Ministry."

They all looked around and opened the letters. Harry opened his but waited while the others read theirs. He would need someone to read his to him. Then he felt something at the bottom of the envelope. He tipped it out into his hand just as Hermione gave a squeal.

"Oh, I'm Head Girl!" she said with delight.

The others smothered their laughter.

"Hermione, that's not exactly a surprise," Ron said dryly.

Hermione scowled at him then looked around at the others. "I wonder who the Head Boy is?"

"At least we know it won't be Malfoy," Ron chimed in.

Harry felt the little badge in his hand and identified the letters on it. "Erm," he said hesitantly as he held the badge up. "I...think I am."

There was silence for a moment then Ginny grabbed the badge to look at it and Hermione took the letter out of Harry's hand. She quickly glanced over it.

"Oh, you are, Harry! Well done!" she congratulated him. "Listen to this!" She then proceeded to read the letter to him.

Dear Mr Potter,

In light of your excellent results on your exams and your outstanding example of courage and leadership during the last school year, I have the greatest honour in offering you the position of Head Boy. The badge indicating your position is enclosed and you will be required to meet with the prefects on the Hogwarts Express on the journey to school on September 1 and with the staff after your arrival.


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Hermione quickly flipped through the letters. "Oh, you got Outstandings on all of your exams, Harry, both theory and practical. They've sent a list of books you are going to need for the upcoming school year and...Master Nhean has included the books he wants you to get for his lessons as well."

Hermione handed the letters back to Harry and Ginny handed him his new badge. Harry sat, a little stunned, for a moment then a slow smile spread across his face.

"Wow, Head Boy," he said quietly.

"Oh, well done, Harry," Mrs Weasley said proudly as she gave him a warm hug. "Your parents would be so proud of you."

Harry's smile widened. "Yeah, they would, wouldn't they?"

"Of course they would," Ginny said quietly.

"Harry, Harry, Harry," Fred said, shaking his head sadly.

"We're terribly disappointed in you," George chimed in.

"Head Boy," Fred continued.

"How sad," George finished.

Mrs Weasley whacked the two of them on the arm and scolded them as the others laughed. Harry gave the twins a grin.

"Fred, George," he said with amusement. "My parents were Head Boy and Girl in their Seventh Year. I don't think it's going to cramp my style that much."

That startled the twins into silence and Harry turned to Ginny. "How did you go in your OWLs, Ginny?"

"Really well," she said with quiet pride. "I got OWLs in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Transfiguration, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Potions and History of Magic."

"Congratulations, Ginny," Harry said as the rest of her family joined in with those sentiments. "So what are you going to do for your NEWTs."

"Umm, Defence, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Astronomy and Magical Healing, I think," she replied.

"That's a good selection," Hermione said authoritatively. "You'll plenty of options after you graduate with those choices."

"Um, Hermione," Harry said hesitantly. "What exactly are we supposed to do on the train? I mean, I wasn't a prefect the last couple of years."

"Oh, we just organise a roster of the prefects to walk up and down the train to keep an eye on things," she said airily. "It's nothing major. Nobody really gets into much trouble on the train to school. They're usually too busy catching up with their friends."

"Except us," Ron said dryly. "Because we used to end up having to deal with Malfoy every year."

"Well, that won't happen now," Hermione said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, I hope he enjoys Durmstrang," Ron said expansively. "I'm sure he doesn't look good in fur."

The others laughed and Harry stood. "I guess I'd better get back upstairs," he said quietly. "Siri will be hungry." He looked down at Ginny. "Coming?"

"You bet," she said and the two of them walked out of the kitchen and back upstairs. Harry knocked quietly on the door then opened it and they walked into the dimly lit room. Sirius looked up at them from where he was sitting on the floor under the window and Harry tossed his badge at his godfather with a grin. Sirius caught the badge reflexively and looked down at it with surprise. That surprise quickly turned to delight and he leapt to his feet and rushed over to where Harry was standing. He grabbed Harry and hugged him tightly.

"Congratulations, Harry," he said in a proud and delighted voice. "Following in Prongs' footsteps, I see." He paused and looked at Harry gravely. "James and Lily would be very proud of you, you know."

Harry swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and nodded. "I know," he said in a choked voice.

"I damn well know I am," Sirius said and hugged Harry again. "Head Boy," he said with a grin. "You know it was actually easier to pull pranks after James was made Head Boy. He had that neat private study and common room that he shared with Lily that was perfect for sneaky planning sessions."

"What about Mum?" Harry asked quietly.

"Well, we had to plan them when she wasn't there, at least until she and James started dating and then we let her in on a lot of things," Sirius replied. "First thing we told her was about becoming animagi and why we did it. Turns out she didn't need us to tell her that Moony was a werewolf. She'd already figured it out; she just didn't think it was a big deal. She said something along the lines of 'Well, it's Remus after all. If it was Lucius Malfoy I'd be shouting it to the world but not Remus.'"

Harry smiled and Sirius ruffled his hair. "I'm going to head downstairs," the older man said. "I'll grab something to eat and get a couple of hours sleep then come back and relieve you."

Harry and Ginny nodded and Sirius handed the badge back. He disappeared down the stairs and Harry carefully closed the door. The silence seemed almost repressive and Harry went and sat down on the side of Remus' bed. He looked down at his sleeping guardian with worry and concern. Ginny came up beside him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"He'll be alright, Harry," she said softly.

"Yeah, I know," Harry sighed. "I just wish I could tell him the good news, that's all."

Ginny nodded and Harry stood. The two of them settled down on Sirius' bed and Harry weaved his fingers into his girlfriend's.

"What do you think about what Draco did?" Ginny asked quietly.

"I'm trying not to," came Harry's reply. "I get the feeling that getting angry wouldn't exactly help Remy much at the moment."

"The little ferret will get his due," Ginny said with an angry glint in her eye. "You know, it's a pity that fake Moody didn't leave him that way."

That comment caused Harry to snort with laughter. He quickly covered his mouth, trying to stifle the noise, as Ginny stared at him with surprise.

"Harry?" she said quizzically.

"Sorry," he choked out. "It's just that I once told Moody what his doppelganger did to Malfoy and he pretty much said the same thing as you. He thought it was an excellent punishment for what Malfoy did and said it was no wonder that Crouch was able to carry off the charade as long as he did. He said that was pretty much exactly what he would have done under the circumstances."

Ginny started giggling quietly and leaned into her boyfriend. Harry grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and the two of them settled into their vigil.

Author notes: Thank you all for reviewing and I'm glad you're all enjoying the story.