
It's a beautiful, snowy winter's day at The Burrow. 8-year-old Ron Weasley is sceptical about ice-skating on the lake, but his brothers Fred and George don't think so. Why is Ron so scared? Read to find out why.

Words: 1,242
Chapters: 1
Hits: 654

“I saw a fairy the other day.” Bláithnat Caldecott is no ordinary girl. She believes completely in magic, and is determined to prove it to her sceptical friend, Tom Riddle - who is secretly in love with her.

Words: 1,355
Chapters: 1
Hits: 436

Mia Wickham is stunned when she is given a diary holding the “soul” of a teenage boy named Waldemar Schatten. Confused suddenly by things he tells her, Mia returns to her school in Australia to discover their very own dark wizard, The Shadow Lord, is rumoured to be in league with Lord Voldemort, Europe’s most feared wizard. Strange things are soon occurring around the school, and who is that gorgeous, mysterious boy Mia continuously comes across? Waldemar has a secret: and Mia has to find it out.

Words: 2,803
Chapters: 2
Hits: 522

Even the Half-Blood Prince has his problems. Will Lily Evans ever notice him in that way, and does she actually enjoy dancing with that arrogant Potter? Featuring the lyrics “Love in Motion” by Icehouse.

Words: 1,173
Chapters: 1
Hits: 429

Lord Voldemort did not show, for he did not exist. What if Tom Riddle Senior had fallen in love with Merope Gaunt, and Tom Marvolo Riddle was born into a loving, sociable environment? Suppose he didn’t turn into the power-hungry Lord Voldemort, but into an ordinarily talented wizard? Perhaps we can only hope. An imaginary one-shot of what could have happened, but did not.

Words: 1,674
Chapters: 1
Hits: 666