Astronomy Tower
Albus Dumbledore Fleur Delacour Minerva McGonagall Sirius Black Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/29/2003
Updated: 06/25/2004
Words: 28,309
Chapters: 16
Hits: 12,037

Assassins and Lovers


Story Summary:
The Hogwarts professors are trying to kill each other! But no need to worry, it's only a game. Who will come out on top in Hogwarts Assassins? And who will come out on top in the game of love? AD/MM, SS/FD, HG/SB, BW/OC.

Chapter 01

The Hogwarts professors are trying to kill each other! But no need to worry, it's only a game. Who will come out on top in Hogwarts Assassins? And who will come out on top in the game of love? AD/MM, SS/FD, HG/SB, BW/OC.

Words: 2,075
Hits: 2,050
Chapter 02

The Hogwarts professors are trying to kill each other! But no need to worry, it's only a game. Who will come out on top in the game of Assassins? And who will come out on top in the game of love? AD/MM, SS/FD, HG/SB, BW/OC

Words: 1,177
Hits: 725
Chapter 03

The Hogwarts professors are trying to kill each other! But no need to worry, it's only a game. Who will come out on top in the game of Assassins? And who will come out on top in the game of love? AD/MM, SS/FD, HG/SB, BW/OC

Words: 1,593
Hits: 581
Chapter 04

“Stop feigning modesty, Albus,” Minerva said. “It isn’t at all attractive.” She had trouble maintaining her stern expression while telling such a blatant lie. “Rachel, how have your first few days gone? Are you comfortable at Hogwarts?”

Words: 1,753
Hits: 800
Chapter 05

“I was hoping I’d end the afternoon with a good-looking woman in my lap.”

Words: 1,406
Hits: 692
Chapter 06

“I couldn’t see my assassin. But when I came to, I had a lemon drop in my mouth.”

Words: 1,556
Hits: 587
Chapter 07

“This will be loads more fun in the dark,” Bill said.

Words: 1,850
Hits: 665
Chapter 08

Mental note, Hermione: Stop ogling Harry’s godfather.

Words: 1,532
Hits: 553
Chapter 09

Fleur Delacour is forced to consult Severus Snape, despite her lingering fear and growing respect for him. Snape, meanwhile, is forced to rethink his preconceptions about her. Albus and Minerva, meanwhile, get cozy as Albus tends to Minerva's wounds from her fight with Hooch.

Words: 1,822
Hits: 688
Chapter 10

Snape was again reminded of just how much he despised Hermione Granger.

Words: 1,939
Hits: 794
Chapter 11

Sirius faces an unexpected challenge and ends up at Hermione's door. Will she take him in? And how far will she let it go? Meanwhile, Severus Snape's real attitude toward the game starts to come through--he really IS an obsessively competitive freak.

Words: 1,235
Hits: 773
Chapter 12

Dumbledore's gone completely insane. Now he's requiring all professors to participate in a Quidditch match. How will Severus respond to being drawn out of his lair? And how will Hermione and Sirius deal with the new developments in their relationship?

Words: 1,170
Hits: 459
Chapter 13

Now that Albus Dumbledore has the whole faculty out to play Quidditch, will all hell break loose? Or will sparks of a different sort begin to fly? Who will win, Gryffinclaw or Slytherpuff? -- "Slytherpuff," Sirius replied, "has a seeker who, though he might recognize the Snitch--doubtful, since he's never had his hands on one--couldn't see it past that large obstruction in the middle of his face that some call a nose."

Words: 1,530
Hits: 715

Now that all the games are over and the winners decided, how will everyone deal with the aftermath? And will Snape, with a little prodding from a former enemy, find himself, of all things, trying to romance Fleur Delacour? -- Severus sat down. This was a bit much to handle. "Well, of course I'm fascinating. I'm dark, brooding, and have billowing black robes. And I'm quite witty, too, in a cruel sort of way."

Words: 2,860
Hits: 781

All the professors start opening up a little bit more, reconciliations abound, and, perhaps, new couples?

Words: 1,493
Hits: 563

Now that the game is really over, can everyone go back to their normal lives? Not likely. And is Dumbledore really as crazy as everyone thinks he is? Or is he worse? Misunderstandings, reconciliations... and plenty of snogging...

Words: 3,318
Hits: 611