The Heart of Night

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
Remus has been missing two weeks when Severus goes to yet another Death Eater meeting. This time, however, the meeting is different: The Dark Lord has found out about the spy in their midst. Unfortunately, he now has also discovered a punishment far worse than the killing curse...

Prologue: Find Out

Harry gets a surprising visitor in the middle of the night. One who does not carry good news.

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Severus notices too late that the Death Eater "meeting" is not a usual meeting. He also discovers - to his great horror - where Lupin has been the past two weeks.

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Severus wakes up to realize that his worst fears have become true. Remus blames himself, and Dumbledore is really, really sad.

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Poppy Pomfrey does her best to heal Severus, but doesn't have the power to clear werewolf bites. Three Ministry officials show up, after which Severus has a few requests to the Headmaster.

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Harry is allowed to participate in an Order meeting, where Remus is, much to the delight of everyone, back at last. However, the news Dumbledore has to deliver are grave enough to shock them all.

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Now being a werewolf, Severus notices things that were previously foreign to him. He needs somebody to guide him -- and the only one available is Lupin, the very man who turned him. However, the Potions Master manages to cope.

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Chapter 06 - Suffer

As the full moon draws nearer, Severus is terrified. When the transformation finally falls upon him, however, it is even worse than he could have imagined. Afterwards, he has to recover.

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When Severus is released from the Infirmary, he and Remus battle to find out who's the alpha male of the pack of Hogwarts. Later Remus tells Severus the werewolves' own tale of their origin.

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Minerva's reaction to his curse does not please Severus, and neither does his changed appearance. A conversation with Remus, however, helps a bit.

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Chapter 09 - Rage

This far, Severus has accepted everything thrown at him. When Albus tells who's going to be his substitute on full moons, however, he's not going to take it anymore. This, of course, leads into a full-blown raging fit.

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While gathering ingredients for Severus's potions, the pack of Hogwarts meets the pack of Forbidden Forest. The alphas get along very well, but Severus is challenged into a fight -- into many fights, to be exact. And then, the older of the alphas notices a certain attraction of Remus's.

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Dumbledore has yet another surprise to Remus and Severus: A werewolf cub is going to attend to Hogwarts. Severus does not like the idea of having to look after the boy, but after he meets the cub and notices something shocking, he's not thinking along the same lines anymore.

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Young Alan is indeed cared for by the adult werewolves, under the full moon and otherwise. However, Remus also feels responsible for his Beta's wellbeing, and shows this in a way Severus simply can't understand.

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Severus's wolf instincts get the better of him as he goes into the extremes to defend Alan against some unexpecting Slytherins. Later, however, he gets something else to think about when the news of Alan's parents' death reaches Hogwarts.

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After comforting Alan, Severus talks with a friend -- only to find out that it wasn't his friend he was talking with, but the traitor.

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The Order finally catches the traitor, thanks to Remus and Severus. However, not both werewolves get out of the encounter unharmed. Later, Severus finds out something that's even more startling than the traitor's identity.

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The silver burn is disturbing Remus's dreams, but he forces himself to leave the Infirmary and meet Logan and his she. Of course, Remus's pack will also meet them.

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The pack of Hogwarts talks with the Alphas of the pack of the Forbidden Forest. The topics range from Alan's death to Severus's possible romantic interest in Remus's shoes.

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Chapter 18 - Heal

After full moon, Alan is about to die. Determined to save the cub, Severus decides to put his talent of Awareness into full use -- no matter what the cost. Remus, on the other hand, is unable to bear the loss of his Beta, and Alan cannot let anybody make such a sacrifice for him.

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Remus and Severus finally get around to confessing their feelings to each other. However, just as everything seems to be right in the world, something unexpected happens.

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Chapter 20 - Die

In their quest to find Alan Remus and Severus are captured. Unable to escape, the two werewolves find themselves facing a horrifying fate in Voldemort's hands.

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Remus wakes up in the Hogwarts Infirmary, surprised -- and relieved -- to find his whole pack alive. Quite some time later, Little Golden Moon, Fierce Silver Flame, and Tiny Ginger Cub enjoy a peaceful Christmas evening.

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