Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Sirius Black Severus Snape
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/09/2003
Updated: 04/23/2003
Words: 69,030
Chapters: 23
Hits: 11,641

Professor Lupin's Apprentice


Story Summary:
Professor Lupin happens upon a supposed Muggle who has some intriguing interests and powers, only to find out she may not be such a Muggle after all. Snape features prominently; Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sirius Black, Harry, Ron, and Hermione also appear.

Chapter 01

Professor Lupin happens upon a supposed Muggle who has some intriguing interests and powers, only to find out she may not be such a Muggle after all. Snape features prominently; Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sirius Black, Harry, Ron, and Hermione also appear.

Words: 2,886
Hits: 2,173
Chapter 02

When we last left our heroine, she'd gratefully received a pile of books on magic from Mr Lupin, after swearing a solemn oath not to divulge anything about them. The mysterious man promised to return a week later to answer whatever questions she might have thought up during her reading.

Words: 3,017
Hits: 698
Chapter 03

When we last left our heroine, she and Professor Lupin were leaving the library, heading for the nearest pub.

Words: 2,826
Hits: 625
Chapter 04

When we last left our heroine, she and Professor Lupin had a very sad conversation at the Boar's Head pub, followed by dinner and sharing a nice little cuddle outside the door of her place. And she thought about offering to allow him to move into her boarding house rent-free in exchange for magic lessons. Will he accept?

Words: 3,560
Hits: 473
Chapter 05

When we last left our heroine, Professor Lupin had just jumped out of a speeding car (how very James Bond) to avoid telling Melinda why he couldn't move into her boarding house.

Words: 3,041
Hits: 453
Chapter 06

When we last left our heroine, she'd seen her new beau heal miraculously in front of her, only to "faint" when he kissed her, and not remember anything about it. But, he had agreed to move into her boarding house, provided certain conditions were met.

Words: 2,523
Hits: 463
Chapter 07

When we last left our heroine, Professor Lupin had agreed to move into Melinda's boarding house, but he had some conditions. Boy, did he ever! And the book with the Gryffindor House crest from Chapter II resurfaced.

Words: 2,468
Hits: 540
Chapter 08

When we last left our heroine, Professor Lupin had moved in and found a strange piece of parchment with green ink already in his room. Then, with a new set of clothes, he set off to locate the people who'd read

Words: 2,639
Hits: 447
Chapter 09

When we last left our heroine, Melinda had learned about Professor Lupin's silver allergy (cough!), and saw the aftermath of his transformtion for the first time. Then, to top it all off, he's shown her he can actually perform magic, much to her surprise.

Words: 2,468
Hits: 436
Chapter 10

When we last left our heroine, Professor Lupin showed Melinda some more magic, Hogwarts (a lot closer than you thought, wasn't it?), and ... well, I'd rather not say what else he showed her, since I'm a lady. ;)

Words: 3,915
Hits: 483
Chapter 11

When we last left our heroine, she'd figured out Professor Lupin was a werewolf, and they had a much-needed heart-to-heart. To his surprise, she still loved him. And, to her surprise, he gave her a letter from Hogwarts.

Words: 2,932
Hits: 394
Chapter 12

When we last left our heroine, she'd just found out she wasn't a Muggle after all, and -- after finding out why she wasn't invited to Hogwarts as a child -- had officially enrolled as an adult. So, now its off for a tour of Hogwarts and to Diagon Alley for school supplies.

Words: 3,122
Hits: 380
Chapter 13

When we last left our heroine, she'd had a tour of the castle, bought her school supplies, and now they're engaged!

Words: 3,233
Hits: 349
Chapter 14

When we last left our heroine, she'd met Harry, Ron and Hermione, and both Harry and Ron had forgiven Professor Lupin for his offenses, perceived and otherwise.

Words: 3,132
Hits: 352
Chapter 15

When we last left our heroine, she and Harry, Ron and Hermione gave Professor Lupin some new robes for his birthday, along with some other gifts. Professor Snape made certain Remus knew Melinda was helping prepare the Wolfsbane Potion. They had their first lover's row over that, but thankfully made up.

Words: 3,120
Hits: 328
Chapter 16

When we last left our heroine, Professor Snape had tried his best to turn her against Professor Lupin, but luckily Snape's best wasn't good enough.

Words: 3,715
Hits: 331
Chapter 17

When we last left our heroine, Professor Lupin had just drunk her potion, and she and Professor Snape were headed back to his office to watch the transformation. Will Melinda's potion work?

Words: 3,069
Hits: 347
Chapter 18

When we last left our heroine, her Wolfsbane potion worked, and so did her subsequent attempts at both the Wolfsbane and anti-anemia potions. The only snag on the horizon of Melinda and Professor Lupin's happiness now seems to be ... Hermione.

Words: 2,803
Hits: 366
Chapter 19

When we last left our heroine, she and Hermione had made up, with a little help from Sirius, and they tested their Polyjuice Potion with Professor Snape's hair on Professor Lupin. Unfortunately for Hermione, the potion worked far too well.

Words: 3,082
Hits: 409
Chapter 20

When we last left our heroine, she'd bid a tearful farewell to her friendship with Professor Snape and went to Devon to meet Professor Lupin's parents.

Words: 2,986
Hits: 363
Chapter 21

When we last left our heroine, she was just about to walk down the aisle. Dum, dum da dum. Dum,

Words: 3,244
Hits: 327
Chapter 22

When we last left our heroine, she and Professor Lupin had a lovely wedding and, a few months later, she discovered she was pregnant. Also, after months of animosity, she finally had another nice conversation with Professor Snape inspired, ironically enough, by increased animosity.

Words: 2,866
Hits: 350
Chapter 23

When we last left our heroine, she and Professor Lupin discovered they were having twins, and Melinda performed her "detention" admirably. Plans were made for the birth, and now they only have to wait until she goes into labor.

Words: 2,383
Hits: 554