Lupin's True Love Returns

Carey Ann Lupin

Story Summary:
Eighteen years have passed since Veronica was at Hogwarts. The Memory Charm is failing and Veronica is beginning to remember the times of fun and horror at the school. As a teacher she knows how to make class fun. She learned a lot while away including how to fight. Will she be able to teach Harry all she has learned or will she have to bring others in to help

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Remus and Dumbledore finally take the Memory Charm off of Veronica and she remembers every thing that had happened to her. She sees Sirius for the first time in eighteen years and he's estatic about seeing her. What will Harry think of her?
Author's Note:
I had to update. All the spelling and gramatical errors are driving me nuts.

May 9, 1996

Veronica glanced at the letter in her hand to the sign swinging in the gentle breeze. "The Leaky Cauldron." Veronica closed her eyes against the pain building behind her eyes. She opened them once the pain began to subside. "Here goes nothing." Veronica opened the door and stepped into the pub. Slowly her eyes adjusted to the dim light as the bartender turned toward Veronica.

"May I help you?" The bartender placed his towel on the counter.

"I'm here for an interview with Mr. Holden." Veronica's grip tightened on her briefcase as the pain began to build again. Suddenly she screamed and collapsed to the floor.

A man caught her as she fell. He gently placed her on the floor as the bartender rushed to her side. "Someone go to the back parlor and get Mr. Holden." One of the women rushed from the room. "I need some water. Now!"

The man who caught her rushed into the kitchen as two men ran from the back parlor. The younger of the two knelt next to Veronica. His hands swept her long brown hair from her face as the older man motioned people away from her.

"Thank you for sending for us, Tom." The older man watched as the other gently scooped Veronica into his arms. "Are you sure she's not too heavy, Remus?"

"Positive, Brian. She's a featherweight compared to some I've had to carry." Remus Lupin carried Veronica from the room as 'Brian Holden' followed with the bowl of water.

Remus laid Veronica on the parlor sofa as 'Brian' placed the bowl of water on the table beside her. Remus picked up a cloth, wrung it out, and placed it on her forehead. 'Brian' smiled softly as Remus turned to him.

"Why did she collapse like that?" Remus moved Veronica's hair as he looked up at 'Brian'.

"The Memory Charm is weakening. Her mind is trying to remind her of you and her life at Hogwarts." 'Brain Holden' slowly began to change. His short grey streaked brown hair and beard changed into a long slivery white hair and beard and his hazel-green eyes switched to a bright twinkling blue. "I'm going to assume that she has had these attacks before. I knew that when I put the charm on her eighteen years ago that her mind was a lot stronger than the charm."

"Then why put the Memory Charm on her? Wouldn't it have been better for her to just go into hiding?" Remus ran a hand through his short grey and brown hair. "Why didn't we just put the Fidelius Charm on her, Albus?"

"I was not sure then what was going to happen, Remus. Death Eaters could possibly have kidnapped her. I didn't want to take the chance."

"Why hasn't that necklace tarnished?" Remus ran his finger along the golden necklace around Veronica's neck.

"I charmed it to stay in pristine condition."

"We need to take the Memory Charm off of her."

"First she must wake up. We don't want her to be overwhelmed by her memories. We will take it off her in mere moments."

Veronica's eyes fluttered open as she gasped. "What happened?"

"You collapsed." Remus helped Veronica sit up. "You're alright now."

"That's a terrible way to begin an interview." Veronica laughed weakly as she shook her head. "I feel horrible."

"This isn't the first time that it has happened, is it?" Remus held Veronica's hand.

Veronica shook her head slowly. "It's been happening for a little over two years now."

"Just sit still for a moment. There is a reason for your collapse. Eighteen years ago, a Memory Charm was placed on you. There were reasons for it but we will explain those later. For now I will remove the Memory Charm." Dumbledore pulled out his wand and began muttering an incantation.

Veronica's eyes closed and she began panting as if she were running a race. She let out a small scream and fell against Remus' chest. Slowly she reopened her eyes and stared up at Remus for a moment. "Remus? Remus Lupin!! How I've missed you!!!" Veronica threw her arms around Remus' neck and Remus hugged her closer.

"Do you remember everything, Ms. Croft?" Dumbledore sank weakly into a chair.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Veronica smiled as she turned to Dumbledore "Why did you leave me in the Muggle world for so long? I didn't want to leave James, Sirius, and Remus."

"I knew that, Ms. Croft. I did it for your own protection." Dumbledore closed his eyes. "Voldemort never stopped looking for you after you left." Dumbledore smiled softly. "I have never forgotten that night when I placed the Memory Charm on you. Your tears almost stopped me from placing the Memory Charm on you. When Remus kissed you goodbye, I stopped for a full minute. Then I reminded myself of my reasons for placing the Memory Charm on you."

"Veronica, there is something that we need to tell you." Remus tightened his hold slightly. "How do I tell you?"

"What is it?" Veronica pulled away slightly. "Just tell me."

"James and Lily are dead." Remus bowed his head.

"The same day that I got your letter, Headmaster, I also received a letter from James." Veronica opened her briefcase. "I'll miss him and Lily. I should have been here when I was needed the most." Veronica wiped away the tears from her cheeks as Remus read the letter. "Who did it?"

"Voldemort. He went after them to kill their son, Harry." Remus handed Veronica a handkerchief.

Veronica stared at Remus. "Where's Peter? Why isn't here with you to welcome me back?"

Remus glanced at Dumbledore, who nodded slightly. "He betrayed us. He revealed James and Lily's location to Voldemort."

"That rat!" Veronica surged to her feet. "I'll kill him! I always knew something was wrong with him! I warned you guys! Didn't I tell you that he frightened me? Why didn't you listen? I can't believe that he's finally revealed himself as the rat he always was!!!"

"Please calm down, Veronica." Remus placed a hand on Veronica's hand and tried to pull her back onto the sofa.

"Where's Sirius?" Veronica started to pace the room.

"He's staying at his mother's house." Remus smiled and tried to place a hand on Veronica's waist.

"He must be miserable." Veronica closed her eyes for a moment. "his family always hated him."

"Please sit down and we will tell you everything that has happened." Dumbledore began pouring tea into three cups.

Veronica sank gratefully onto the sofa with Remus. "Start at the beginning." She poked Remus in his ribs. "If you leave out a single detail, you'll pay for it."

"I suggest that we don't leave anything out or Sirius will have to bury me in about fifteen different holes." Remus wrapped an arm around Veronica's shoulders.

"We'll tell you everything." Dumbledore placed his fingertips together. "As you know Lily and James were married just before we placed the Memory Charm on you. In 1979 Lily found out that she was pregnant and due in July of the following year. James was over the moon about it. I think Sirius was even happier than they were. Voldemort tried to kill James and Lily on three separate occasions. Then along came Harry. He was the most precious baby. On the Halloween after Harry's first birthday, Voldemort went to their home and killed them. He tried to kill Harry." Remus squeezed Veronica's shoulders. "But the curse rebounded on Voldemort."

"Poor Harry. Did Sirius take over his duty as Godfather?" Veronica wiped a tear from her cheek.

Dumbledore shook his head. "I insisted that Harry be raised by Lily's sister, Petunia."

"That sour puss. Do realize that she has always hated magic? She most likely treated Harry as a slave." Veronica's pale blue eyes swiftly changed to violet with her anger.

"We know that now." Remus patted Veronica's back lightly. "I never knew that James and Sirius changed the Secret Keeper to Peter until Harry's third year at Hogwarts. Twelve years. We...I...believed a lie for twelve years. Sirius was sent to Azkaban for twelve years until he broke out and preceded to go after Peter. Sirius and I revealed Peter to Harry, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. I also discovered that Severus had been giving Harry a hard time in his Potions class. When Sirius returned it was even worse for Harry." Remus stifled a laugh as Veronica spit her tea all over the table.

"Severus Snape teaches Potions at Hogwarts." Veronica wiped her chin as Remus nodded.

"The following year Harry's name found its way into the Goblet of Fire. Harry competed in the Triwizard Tournament and won. Unfortunately, Voldemort returned to his body. Now Harry's in his fifth year and he's has been in more detentions this year compared to the other four."

"Like father like son." Veronica shook her head as Remus sipped his tea.

"Not his doing I might add. His new Defense Against The Dark Arts professor is a spy for the Ministry of Magic. Her name is Delores Umbridge." Remus twisted his napkin in his lap.

"Harry was banned from the Gryffindor Quidditch Team because he decided that Draco Malfoy looked good with a broken nose. I must say that I agree with him and George Weasley." Dumbledore smiled softly. "Harry was banned from all future Hogsmeade visits because he gave an interview to a reporter from the Quibbler magazine."

"Sounds like something that James would have done." Veronica stifled her giggles. "Is Professor Umbridge a complete idiot?"

"She makes her students read and not practice defensive magic which is why Harry started a secret defense group called Dumbledore's Army." Dumbledore took a sip of tea. "Just recently Umbridge discovered the group. Harry was the leader of the group. Now that she has discovered what was going on, I must go into hiding. Minister Fudge believes that I was recruiting the students to form an army against the Ministry of Magic."

Veronica spit her tea out again. "You're a fugitive?" She stared at Dumbledore. "All because Harry began a Defense Against The Dark Arts group? I can't believe this." Veronica placed her cup onto the table. "Is the new Minister of Magic an imbecile or is he just plain stupid?"

"I knew that you would want to defend me." Dumbledore smiled softly as Remus rubbed Veronica's back. "That's why I want to offer you a position at Hogwarts."

"Which position?"

"History of magic. We have received quite a few letters from parents about their children not passing their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s."

"I'll take it." Veronica turned to Remus. "What do you teach at Hogwarts?"

"I'm not allowed to have a job at the school. It's a law that Umbridge put into effect after Harry's third year." Remus hugged Veronica.

"Well. Where am I going to stay?" Veronica snuggled closer to Remus. "I mean I can't return home now."

Dumbledore laughed as Remus tightened his hold on Veronica. "I believe that you would do well to stay with Sirius at his family home."

"I can't wait to see Sirius again." Veronica smiled at Dumbledore. "Perhaps Remus should take me on over to the house."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Remus smiled as Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "Are you going to join the Order of the Phoenix, Veronica?"

"You know that I hate Voldemort with every fiber of my being. If there is a group to help defeat him, then I'm in."

"We knew that you would join." Dumbledore leaned back in his chair. "I'm going to give you this piece of paper. It has the address of the Order's headquarters. I would suggest that you memorize it so that no one else can discover where we are hiding." Dumbledore glanced at his watch. "I must leave now." Dumbledore held out his arm. "Time to take our leave, Fawkes." A red and gold bird the size of a swan flew into the room and Dumbledore gripped its tail feathers and disappeared in a plume of smoke.

"I always hated that." Veronica coughed as the smoke cleared. "I guess we should go on to Headquarters."

"I guess so." Remus helped Veronica to her feet. "Padfoot won't believe that it's really you."

Veronica picked up her briefcase and followed Remus from The Leaky Cauldron. "How are we getting there?"

"The Underground." Remus led Veronica down to the nearest Underground station. "We'll be there before too long."

Veronica handed the attendant some money for their tickets and followed Remus to the train. They rode the train to their stop and climbed off. They climbed the stairs and Veronica found herself staring at the most rundown buildings that she had seen in quite a while.

"I forgot Padfoot used to live in this neighborhood." Veronica stared around at the desolate buildings as they passed them.

"I know. I've been staying with him and keeping him company while we let the Wizarding World know that Voldemort has returned." Remus led the way to an empty lot as he fished around in his pocket for something. "It's a shame that no one believes us." He handed Veronica the small slip of paper. "Here. Read and memorize this quickly."

Veronica took the paper and read what was written there. "Now what?" She handed the paper back to Remus.

"Think about what you just read."

Veronica thought about what was written on the paper as Remus burned the paper. Veronica watched as a dirty door appeared. Walls and windows appeared on either side of the door. Remus led Veronica to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. He ushered her into the house and closed the door.

"What's going on?" Veronica whispered as Remus locked the door.

"Let's go down to the kitchen and see Padfoot." Remus led Veronica down the hallway and opened the door at the door at the end of the hallway.

Veronica walked down the stairs ahead of Remus. She opened the door at the bottom of the stairs. She glanced around at the basement kitchen and saw Sirius sitting at the table. He was bent over a half eaten meal and reading a small book.

"Hey, Padfoot. I brought us company." Remus placed his hand on Veronica's waist and led her into the kitchen.

"Yeah, Moony. Who?" Sirius didn't turned around.

Veronica quickly moved across the kitchen and smirked over her shoulder at Remus, who was barely containing his laughter. "Well, it can't possibly be Prongs or Lily." Veronica watched Sirius stiffen slightly. "And Wormtail is now a RAT to the tenth power." Veronica placed her hand on Sirius' shoulder as he slowly turned around. "How about Lioness has returned to the Marauders?"

Sirius stared at Veronica. He watched as she smiled softly at him. "Veronica?" He watched her move her hair behind her ear as Remus moved over to the table. "It's not possible." Sirius jumped to his feet and threw his arms around Veronica. "You had a Memory Charm placed on you eighteen years ago. I watched you fall. I helped carry you from the castle."

"I did." Veronica laughed as Sirius tightened his hold around Veronica. "Dumbledore just took it off of me and offered me a job at Hogwarts."

Sirius swung Veronica around as Veronica gripped his shoulders. Slowly he placed her on her feet. "Let me get you something to drink. Accio butterbeer." Sirius waved his wand and three butterbeers flew through the air toward them. The butterbeers slid across the table as Veronica, Sirius, and Remus sat around the table. "What have you been doing for eighteen years?"

"Well I went to Radcliffe College in the United States for two years." Veronica laughed as Sirius mimicked her with her nose in a book. "Stop that, Padfoot. While I was there, I decided to become a teacher. I guess my subconscious kept telling me about you and Prongs during boring classes." Veronica took a sip of her butterbeer. "This is better than I remember. Have you heard from Harry lately?"
"Not lately. The owls can't get through because of Umbridge. She's monitoring the Floo Network." Sirius sipped his butterbeer. "I keep worrying about him."

"Maybe I should go to Hogwarts and check on him." Veronica placed a hand on Sirius' shoulder.

"No. If he needs me, he can contact me through the mirrors that Prongs and I used." Sirius scowled at the table.

"I remember those mirrors. I hope you explained how much trouble he can get into with those things. You and Prongs spent more time in detention because of those things." Veronica laughed at the look on Sirius' face. "Remember he's the son of a Marauder. He needs to know all the ways to get into trouble."

"I'm going to check on Buckbeak." Sirius climbed to his feet and walked out of the kitchen.

"Did I say something wrong?" Veronica gazed innocently at Remus.

"No. He's just a little worried about Harry." Remus pulled out a piece of parchment. "Don't mind me. I need to study this for a moment."

"I'm right here if you need to talk to me." Veronica watched Remus as he pored over the parchment.

A snowy owl flew through the window. It landed on the table in front of Veronica.

"Oh. You're a beautiful owl but you're not Lacewing." Veronica stroked the owl's feathers. "Who are you looking for?"

The owl hopped over to Remus as Veronica went to the pantry and removed a bit of ham and bread. She quickly filled a bowl with water and carried everything to the table.

"So that's why Lacewing never wanted to come home, you treated her like one of the family." Remus laughed as he removed the letter from the owl's leg. "This is Hedwig, Veronica. She belongs to Harry." Remus watched as Veronica held out the ham and bread to Hedwig.

"Hello, Hedwig." Veronica stroked Hedwig's feathers again.

Remus smiled as Hedwig rubbed her head against Veronica's hand. He opened the letter and quickly read it. "Great." He climbed to his feet.

"What is it?"

"I've got to get Padfoot." Remus ran up the stairs.

Veronica began cleaning the kitchen as Hedwig ruffled her feathers. She quickly wiped off the table. "Come here, Hedwig." Veronica extended her arm as Hedwig flew over to her. "You can stay here for right now." Veronica carried Hedwig to a perch and let Hedwig hop on it.

Remus and Sirius walked into the kitchen. Remus walked over to Veronica and Hedwig. "We need to talk." He led Veronica back to the table.

"about what?" Veronica sank into the chair next to Sirius.

"Do you remember our Hogsmeade weekends?" Remus took her hands in his.

"Sure do. I especially remember one that I wasn't allowed to go on because of Prongs and Padfoot." Veronica smirked at Sirius. "I also remember all the trouble that you two and Prongs used to get into."

"Hey, you weren't always so innocent." Sirius smiled as Veronica blushed slightly.

"That's not why I asked." Remus glared at Sirius and picked up the letter. "Harry wrote."

"What?" Sirius grabbed the letter. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because he had to get Hermione to send it today while she was in Hogsmeade." Remus took the letter from Sirius.

"Why couldn't he send it?" Veronica snapped her fingers. "That's right. All forms of communication are being watched."

"When he gave the Quibbler that interview, he was banned from Hogsmeade." Remus tapped the letter against the table. "Therefore he..."

"Got Hermione to go to the village and sent Hedwig to meet her so that she could send the letter." Veronica leaned back in her chair. "Is that right?"

"Yes." Remus smiled softly at Veronica. "You can still read my mind after all these years."

Veronica nodded as her cheeks reddened a little more. "It's been a long time since I could voice your thoughts."

"You two can catch up later. Let's read Harry's letter." Sirius snatched the letter from Remus.

Moony and Padfoot,

How are you? I'm fine except for the fact that Umbridge is being a pain. Since she's banned me from Quidditch, took away my Hogsmeade weekends, and disbanded the DA, I feel like writing Fred and George and get them to send me something to use on her (not like she doesn't deserve it). That's not why I'm writing. I have discovered a picture in my photo album (the one that Hagrid gave me). I never saw it before. I asked Hagrid about it the other day after class but he wouldn't tell me anything. He said I should ask you, Moony. I haven't had a chance to write because I kept looking for clues as to who this woman was.

The picture that I'm talking about is one that must have been taken about Christmas time during your seventh year. It has my parents, you (Padfoot), Wormtail, you (Moony), and another girl. I'm assuming that she was in Gryffindor with you because she was wearing Gryffindor colors. She looked like she might be a year younger than the rest of you but I might be wrong. Moony, you keep wrapping your arm around her waist and she keeps laying her head on your shoulder. Everyone looks really happy. The girl has waist length brown hair and her eyes keep changing colors. One moment they are grey and the next they turn blue, green, hazel, or another color. She is very pretty, Moony. Who was she? Did she know my parents? Where is she at now? Does she know about Wormtail's betrayal? Is there a reason the picture was hidden from me? I know that there seems to be a lot of questions in this letter but please answer them for me. I really want to know who she was.

O.W.L.s will be here soon. Hermione is driving Ron and me nuts. She has even made up homework schedules for us. I hope all my studying pays off. If you know of a way to get a letter through Umbridge's checkpoint, please send a response with Hedwig. Hermione is sending this from Hogsmeade for me because of Umbridge.


Veronica wiped the tears from her cheeks. "We should send him a letter back but how do we get the letter past the old bat?" She turned to Sirius who was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"You... called ...Umbridge old ...bat." Sirius gripped his sides as he fell from his chair.

"That's what she is." Veronica crossed her arms.

"We disguise it as a letter from Petunia." Remus left the kitchen in search of quill, ink, and parchment.

"She hates Harry, doesn't she?" Veronica turned to Sirius.

Sirius nodded as he tried to climb from the floor. "She does but only members of the Order know that. I doubt if Umbridge has figured it out."

"Shouldn't we use some type of stationary? After all she wouldn't have any parchment in the house." Veronica opened her briefcase and rummaged through it.

"You haven't changed in eighteen years." Sirius collapsed back onto the floor with a new fit of laughter as Veronica looked up from her briefcase. "Your favorite motto always was 'You should be prepared for anything.' And if I remember correctly you always were." Sirius gripped the table to pull himself up off the floor as Remus stepped back into the kitchen.

Remus placed everything onto the table. "Ready to write the letter?"

"Are we going to disguise the parchment? Or are we going to use this?" Veronica held up the pad of stationary.

"We disguise all of it." Remus dipped the quill into the inkbottle and began to write. "Any ideas how to give him this information? How do we explain that the photo was hidden until Veronica returned to the Wizarding World?"

"Give it to him straight." Sirius sank into his chair and leaned back. "He's a smart kid. He'll figure out that we never knew that the photo was there."

Remus continued to write. "We each should read it when I get done. Once we agree on everything then we all sign it. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Veronica climbed to her feet and moved to the sink as Sirius followed her.

She began washing dishes as Sirius dried them. Veronica kept glancing over at Remus. Her hands shook slightly as she dried them on a hand towel.

"What's wrong?" Sirius placed a hand on Veronica's shoulder.

"I was just remembering how Moony's shoulders would always ache after the full moon." Veronica leaned against the counter.

"You used to give him backrubs that made him go to sleep." Sirius turned to watch Remus.

"Didn't I give you one once?" Veronica smiled softly.

"Yeah." Sirius smiled wistfully. "You gave Prongs one, too, during seventh year. I thought Lily was going to kill him the way he was moaning."

"I remember that." Veronica laughed as Sirius shook his head. "We'd been with Moony all night the night before and Prongs said he'd pulled a muscle in his neck. I decided to give him a backrub."

"I started complaining because those backrubs were only for me." Remus glanced up from the letter. "Then Prongs started moaning and saying how wonderful your hands felt. Lily was absolutely furious with Prongs for a week."

"That's when I popped him on the back of the head." Veronica glided to the kitchen table and gently moved her hands on Remus' shoulders. "Then Padfoot started complaining because you and Prongs had each gotten a backrub and he wanted one."

"You finally gave in when I gave you my puppy dog eyes." Sirius transformed into a large shaggy black dog. Just as quickly he changed back into a human.

"You got in trouble, too." Remus glared at Sirius. "You started moaning as well."

"Lily slapped you for me." Veronica continued to rub her hands across Remus' shoulders. "of course, Moony stopped talking to you and Prongs for almost a week."

Remus finished the letter with a flourish. "Here, Padfoot. I want you to read it first."

Sirius took the letter and quickly read it. He signed his name quickly. "Looks good to me, Moony. Your turn, Lioness."

Veronica took the letter and began reading.


You were right to write about that picture. There were six people in it. Prongs and Lily had just started dating by Christmas our seventh year. Padfoot and Wormtail weren't dating anyone yet (at least no one that we felt was worthy of a Marauder). The other girl, the one I have my arm around, is named Veronica Lynn Croft. She and I were dating for almost six years by then. We met her when she first came to Hogwarts. She is the only one (that we know of) that was ever moved up within a week of starting at Hogwarts. (Sorry, Hermione.)

Hagrid wrote to me when he was gathering the pictures for that album. He said that he wanted certain pictures. Since Veronica and Prongs grew up in the same house, he was looking for any pictures of her. She never liked getting her picture taken so the pictures were few and far between. I only had one but I wasn't ready to give it up. I knew that Dumbledore also had one. I never knew that he had given Hagrid that picture. When I talked to him about it, he said that it would remain hidden until she returned to us. She has returned to us recently. Her return must remain hidden. Please tell no one (except Ron, Hermione, and Ginny of course).

If anyone other than you, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione looks at this letter, it will appear to be nothing more than a letter from your Aunt Petunia. Good luck on your O.W.L.s.



Veronica picked up the quill and dipped it into the ink. She quickly wrote a little more to Harry.


You won't know me but I am Veronica Croft. I was a very good friend to both your mother and father. I want you to put this letter down and look at the Marauder's Map. Close your mouth, Harry dear. Did you see the simple line directly below 'Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Prongs, and Padfoot'? It should say 'And the Mistress of Mischief, Lioness'. Guess who 'Lioness' is. Yep me. The map was rigged so that my nickname would remain hidden from anyone who wasn't looking for it. I don't think even Severus would know that it was there. I also was an Animagus. Unlike the guys, I was registered. Professor McGonagall insisted on it. I rarely went with the Marauders and Moony. Mostly I stayed behind and covered up for them. I was always ready to protect and preserve their lives when asked and more often than not when I wasn't asked (another reason I was known as Lioness). We never intended for anyone to know about us.

I learned long ago how to take care of myself with little or no help from anyone. Imagine how hard it was to begin to depend on people. Voldemort murdered my parents the same day that I was moved into second year. Prongs, Moony, and Padfoot became my family that very day. I promise to tell you more tales at a later date.

For now I will leave you with one thought. Prongs and Lily always were my family and I was theirs. Therefore you will always be my family. Prongs and I were closer than siblings and we always said that our children would be cousins. Please feel free to call me Aunt Veronica. Good luck on your O.W.L.s. I believe you will get an Outstanding on all of them (except maybe History of Magic. I doubt many people get that one.)

We all love you, Harry.

Veronica Lynn Croft


"What did you do? Write a novel?" Sirius took the letter from Veronica and read it. "Nice. A clear and precise explanation of yourself."

Remus took the letter. "You shouldn't have told him that." Remus laughed as he began to charm the parchment to look like a piece of flowery stationary.

Veronica dipped the quill into the ink once more and pulled the envelope closer to her. She wrote in her flowing script 'Harry J. Potter Gryffindor Table Great Hall Hogwarts'. Remus watched as she shoved the letter into the addressed envelope. Sirius sealed it and carried it to Hedwig.

"Take this to Harry. Give him a nip for us." Sirius watched as Hedwig soared out the window. "Well it's on the way. I hope he understands."

"He will." Remus gathered everything together.

Veronica stretched and yawned. "I should go on to bed."

"I'll show you to your room." Remus climbed to his feet and extended a hand.

Veronica kissed Sirius' cheek. "Good night, Padfoot."

"Good night, Lioness. It's good to have you back." Sirius hugged Veronica in a bone-crushing grip. "Hey, Moony. Let her get some sleep."

"Sod off, Padfoot." Remus took Veronica's hand and led her up the kitchen stairs.

Author notes: I hope you like it. I just want to say thanks to everyone who has reviewed in the months since I started this tale. Any new ideas would be greatly appreciated.