Lupin's True Love Returns

Carey Ann Lupin

Story Summary:
Eighteen years have passed since Veronica was at Hogwarts. The Memory Charm is failing and Veronica is beginning to remember the times of fun and horror at the school. As a teacher she knows how to make class fun. She learned a lot while away including how to fight. Will she be able to teach Harry all she has learned or will she have to bring others in to help

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Smeltings and women just don't mix.
Author's Note:
I had to update. All the spelling and gramatical errors are driving me nuts.

April 26, 1996

Veronica pulled the parking brake of her new truck. She gathered briefcase and purse. Slowly she climbed from the truck and closed the door. She straightened the jacket of her black suit. Veronica climbed the steps and opened the front doors.

Veronica moved through the hallways as a bell rang. Suddenly the doors around her opened and boys began piling into the hallways. One of the teachers stared at Veronica as she avoided the boys.

"Excuse me, ma'am. May I help you?" He wove his way through the boys.

"Perhaps you can." Veronica pressed against the wall as a group of boys passed her. "I'm looking for the headmaster."

"Come on. I'll take you to Headmaster Barnes." The man extended his arm. "I'm Professor Austin."

"Which class has the honor of your presence?" Veronica smiled slightly.

"History. I was just hired last month." Professor Austin never noticed that Veronica's smile faded.

"Last month?" Veronica followed him up the stairs.

"Yes. It seems that they sent out letters for interviews but I was the only one who showed up."

"Yes, but I sent a notice saying that I would be here as soon as I could."

"Why would they hire you?" He knocked on a closed door.

"Come in." A gruff voice floated through the door.

"That's Headmaster Barnes." Professor Austin opened the door for Veronica.

Veronica stepped through the door and heard it click behind her. "Headmaster Barnes I assume."

Headmaster Barnes looked up from the file folder on his desk. "I'm sorry. We don't need another housekeeper."

"I'm not here for a housekeeping job. I received a letter over a month ago."

"A letter?"

"Yes, for the position in the History department."

"You must be Ms. Croft."

"Yes I am. I sent a letter saying that I wouldn't be able to get here for an interview until the end of the month."

"I never received a letter."

"You did because I had a return receipt on it." Veronica pulled a green card from her purse. "It was signed by you. Now that that's settled, let's discuss why I never got an interview."

"You must understand that these boys would never respect a woman..."

"Bull! Your excuses are as outdated as you are." Veronica's grey eyes flashed violet as her temper raged. "You only wish to make an example of any and all women who decide that they would like to teach here. I just happened to be the most convenient." Veronica leaned over the desk. "There is one thing that will never happen again."

"And that is?" Headmaster Barnes cowered in his chair.

"My resume will never cross your desk again!" Veronica stood ramrod straight as her eyes continued to flash violet. "I've worked hard to become the best teacher that I am. I deserve respect and I will find a position that is worthy of my knowledge!" Veronica turned to the door and slammed it open. "Hopefully I never have to see your ugly face again!"

Headmaster Barnes stared after her as he heard the front door slam shut. Veronica slammed the door to her truck and punched the passenger seat.

Author notes: I hope you like it. I just want to say thanks to everyone who has reviewed in the months since I started this tale. Any new ideas would be greatly appreciated.