Harry Potter and the Burden of Becoming


Story Summary:
Sirius has died, and as Harry struggles with his guilt, new neighbors move in across the street on Privet Drive. But this foreign family from the Middle East has a very beautiful daughter, and she's taken a liking to Harry. But just as Harry must hide his own true identity, so too are the secrets that run deep within the Darbinyan family - secrets of death, secrets of life, secrets that will unwittingly guide Harry to rebirth, and the ultimate discovery of how Voldemort must be defeated.

Chapter 55 - The Wizard Next Door

Chapter Summary:
Finally we discover the truth about Gabriella's father! And if you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida I can sell yeh, real cheap!

Harry Potter and the Burden of Becoming

Chapter 55 - The Wizard Next Door


It wasn't long before Harry finished telling the tale of his trip into the heart of the Forbidden Forest. The door to Gabriella's room open, he slipped his shirt on, and leaned back on her bed against the pillows. His spine felt much better and his bruises were gone, but his mind still seemed muddied. How he had missed the last few days was beyond him. Outside, the sun was bright and the afternoon wearing on. He hadn't eaten, but he wasn't hungry. He was trying as best he could to remember every detail. The only thing of which he was certain was his being bound and taken to the falls by Centaurs. Although even after Gabriella's story he still wasn't convinced that it was only Centaurs. Harry explained how at first he thought his captors might have been in league with Voldemort. He shuddered as he recalled his thoughts that they might have first killed her, and he was stoic when he spoke of how he thought they were going to kill him.

"And then they did," he said with a quiet voice.

"Did what?" Gabriella asked, confused.

"I don't think they expected I'd survive, and I'm not sure I did." Gabriella was puzzled, and even Harry was uncertain. "When Greg skewered me with his broom, I passed into... I don't know," said Harry shaking his head, confused himself. He knew what it felt like to die, at least almost. And yet, at the falls his spirit never left his body, but somehow he knew that some part of him had died. Some part of Harry Potter was gone, and he didn't know what it was.

"Do you remember them doing this?" she asked, pushing away the hair from his forehead, and rubbing it with her thumb. He shook his head no. He paused for a moment and then decided it was time to show her.

"You haven't seen this," he said, pulling back the sleeve on his right arm to reveal the mark. Gabriella gave a small gasp, but more of surprise than fear. She did not know the mark of the Death Eaters, as so many wizards in Britain did. Harry's eyes were fixed on Gabriella's, hoping beyond hope he could find a way to tell her his thoughts about her father.

"This is what you wrote me about," she said excitedly, "after the accident." He felt her touch run up his arm. "But I've seen your bare arm, Harry. This is new."

"No. It used to fade, and disappear. Now, like the scar on Draco's face it's just... there, while my forehead has no..."

"And this? You never mentioned this." She tapped his arm. "I don't remember you writing about a vine."

"Vine?" he asked, looking down. Springing forth from his wrist, at the tip of the sword, was the image of a vine that weaved its way halfway up the sword on his arm. It wasn't there earlier in the morning, he was sure.

"What the..."

"It's a blessing."

Gabriella and Harry turned to see Soseh standing at the door. In her hand was a steaming mug, and on her face was a smile. Her eyes seemed clearer than Harry had seen since he arrived, though her hair had a few more flecks of gray. She walked in, and handed the mug to Harry. "Drink this, and you're aches will fade away as well." She held the back of her hand to his head as if checking for a fever. "Tell me, Harry. How did you release your burden?"

"My burden?"

Soseh's smile widened -- a deep, knowing smile. "Drink. I've started a little something to eat. Healing the soul is always best done on a full stomach. Come." She held her hand out, and Harry took it in his own and stood. Before moving, she gave him a look that said drink, and he did. They made their way to the kitchen and the familiar smells of food and warmth filled him and for the first time his stomach growled. Even Gabriella heard and smiled.

"Will Mr. Darbinyan be joining us?" he asked cautiously. He hadn't had the chance to ask if Gabriella had mentioned her encounter with Snape, and wondered if she might be hiding her meeting with the Ministry later in the week. His question only received a slight shrug from both Gabriella and Soseh.

"Papa has taken to speaking in riddles. He certainly won't answer my questions with straight answers. Who knows where he is or when he'll be back."

Seeing that he had spoiled the mood, Harry turned to talking about traveling to Lebanon and Armenia over the summer vacation. Much like the drink in his mug it was the perfect medicine, and before long plans were being made and stories told. They had finished their meal, and Soseh poured him a small cup of coffee, handing it to Gabriella who handed it to Harry without sugar. He sipped, praising Soseh for the meal.

"You two should enjoy your last day!" said Soseh, clapping her hands. "The sun is bright and the sky blue, but I wonder which shines brighter?" Her eyes narrowed on Harry, but her face still bore a mischievous grin. "You have used your birthday gift, no?"

Harry cast Gabriella a glance, and then looked Soseh in the eyes and nodded. She took his hand and unfolded his palm looking at it closely. That's when she noticed the tip of the sword peeking out from under his sleeve. Without asking she pushed back the sleeve, and Harry didn't stop her. But in an instant, her smile washed into a look of bewilderment. "Yes... of course," she muttered, sitting back into her chair. "Oh, no. He's going to..." The look of clarity that was there only moments earlier faded and lines of concern appeared on her face. "Go... enjoy the day. I must do the dishes." She stood up and walked over to the sink, and began washing the dishes by hand as if a dark cloud had suddenly appeared directly over her head.

"I thought you had taken back your wands?" Harry whispered to Gabriella. The eyes of his girlfriend were sad, as she once again watched her mother slip away into another place.

"Mama, never had a wand," she said with a reminiscent melancholy to her words. "She never needed one." She stood motioning for Harry to follow her. "I don't think Papa ever put his down. It's been a great lie, Harry. I think he's been..."

The front door opened, and in walked Grigor. They both stood and looked at him like two children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

"Hello princess," Grigor said with a smile, giving her a hug and kissing her cheek. "Harry." He tapped Harry on the shoulder, and took in a deep breath. "Ah, it smells wonderful!" Then he saw Soseh doing dishes, and his face fell. "But, I'm too late." He hung his jacket by the door and began to walk into the kitchen when Gabriella took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say.

"Papa!" she called. "Can I ask you something?" Grigor turned. His eyes were tired, as if he hadn't seen a bed for days.

"I don't think I'm up to playing twenty questions again, dear."

"It's about Professor Snape."

Grigor looked at Harry as if he should go somewhere else, and then looked at his daughter with galleons of frustration on his face. "I told you before, I met so many people when we first arrived, I don't recall who you're talking about."

Gabriella took another deep breath. "Professor Snape teaches at Hogwarts, Papa. He is one of Harry's professors." She swallowed.

Grigor glanced briefly at Harry, and then back to her. "What are you talking about?"

"I've been meaning to tell you... it's just that... Harry isn't in reform school, he attends Hogwarts."

Grigor smiled as if she were joking. "That's not possible, dear. You know that. And you should watch yourself. The penalties can be severe." He turned back to the kitchen. "Certainly there must be something to eat in the cupboard."

"His name is not Harry Dursley, Papa. It's Harry Potter."

Grigor froze.

"Harry POTTER, Papa. It was you who told me the stories in school of the boy that lived. Surely you remember the name. So my one question today is: did you know who he was when we moved in? Have you known all along? Is he the reason we're here, Papa? And if he is, why?" Gabriella's words grew more biting with each question.

Slowly Grigor turned. He did not believe at first, his eyes darting from Gabriella to Harry, and back again. He stepped closer to the pair, and finally his eyes came to rest on the hair hanging over Harry's face. Forgetting it had vanished, Harry moved his bangs back to reveal the lightning bolt on his forehead.

Grigor looked at the empty forehead intently. Finally, his upper lip pulled up in a failed attempt to smile. "Is this some kind of joke?" he scoffed. It became immediately clear that Grigor had never known the boy across the street was a wizard, let alone Harry Potter. His face, his eyes, his mind were all trying to process what information he knew of his daughter's boyfriend. The problem was, he never was home enough to learn about Harry or, for that matter, Gabriella's feelings for him. He did know the look of his daughter's eyes, however, and she was not joking. With or without a scar, the young man standing in front of him was indeed Harry Potter. He dropped his hand to his side in resignation.

"Of course," Grigor whispered. But then a flash of concern came into his eyes. He quickly glanced at Soseh who was finishing in the kitchen. He clasped Harry's shoulder. "You can't be near my daughter," he said sternly. "You're... you're too dangerous."


"This is not your concern, girl," Grigor snapped. "There are things involved here that are beyond your comprehension."

"Like Voldemort?" Harry asked coolly, narrowing his eyes.

Again, Grigor flashed a look to find Soseh drying her hands. "Come with me, boy." He pulled on Harry's shoulder, but Harry stood firm. He had no intention of going into a room alone with a Death Eater. "I said..."

"Mr. Darbinyan, would you mind showing me your right forearm?" Harry asked. He expected to see fire in Grigor's eyes, but instead the Armenian laughed.

"You fear I am in his service?" Grigor asked. He yanked up his sleeve to reveal nothing more than bare skin. "There, Harry. Do you feel safe now?" There was an insincere mirth to the question. Harry looked at the hand on his shoulder, then back to Grigor, who finally let go. "Please, for Gabriella, we must speak."

Harry held Gabriella's eyes for a moment, and then followed Grigor into the now familiar study. As Grigor closed the door behind him, his shoulders noticeably slumped. He looked exhausted as he held his hand out for Harry to sit, which Harry cautiously did. Here, now, without his wand and unable to cast a spell without one he felt more exposed than ever.

"A foreign wizard moves in across the street," Grigor chuckled to himself. "I can see why you would be concerned. I assure you, Harry, your Ministry is well aware of our presence. Although, I wish they would have told me about yours," said Grigor, sitting behind his desk with a sigh. He leaned forward placing both hands flat on his desk. "I came to this little village to protect my daughter from the darkness collapsing around us, and instead I've put her in the hands of the greatest danger in the world, save the Dark Lord himself."

"I'm no danger," retorted Harry in defense. "I'm only..." he stopped, and lowered his head. Of course, he was a danger. In just one week, Gabriella had been in more danger than nearly every witch at Hogwarts combined.

Grigor looked keenly at Harry's green eyes. "How could I have been so stupid?" he asked himself. "Harry Potter." He shook his head. "You wore a lightning bolt earring, no?"

"Gabriella gave it to me for my birthday."

"I might have known." He looked at the earring now on Harry's left ear. "But this... a caduceus?"

Listening to Grigor finally taking interest, Harry was beginning to wonder if he'd had it all wrong. "The name of my broom," he answered. Grigor's eyes widened slightly.

"You're a flyer?" he asked with a bit of interest. Harry nodded. "Excellent. I had hoped..." he stopped short and leaned back in his chair looking up at the ceiling. The silence stretched, and Harry felt he needed to ask.

"Gabriella says you gave it all up because of what happened to her brother."

Grigor drew a deep breath. "You complicate things, Harry. Damn you," he hissed. He took to his feet. "Children are so predictable. I told you to stay away from my daughter, knowing it would bring you closer." Hearing this, Harry sat higher in his chair. "Tell a teenager the sky is blue, they'll tell you it's green. Tell them you agree, they'll change their mind." He took one finger and spun a large globe of the world. "But I thought... I thought you were a Muggle." His voice was empty... hollow. "I'm sorry for this, Harry." With dazzling speed his wand was out and pointed directly at Harry's face.

"It was you, wasn't it?" Harry asked, unflinching and slowly standing to his feet. "You placed the protection spell on me."

Grigor was impressed at Harry's nerve, but he held his wand fast. "I can't remove it," he said weakly. "And I won't have you go mad around my daughter. I'm surprised that you're not already..."

"So this is yours?" Harry interrupted, holding out his own arm and revealing the sword and snake. "You did this to me?"

When Grigor saw the mark on Harry's arm his face pulled up in confusion. His wand, which was ready to kill Harry, now tilted slightly askew. Carefully, Harry took a step closer giving Grigor a better look.

"Soseh," Grigor whispered, dropping his wand to his side.

"Mrs. Darbinyan?" Harry breathed in, now that Grigor's wand was lowered.

"She can see what others cannot. You would do well to never argue with my wife, Harry. She's always right." Grigor sat on a small wooden stool in the corner of the study. "She knew what I was about to do. She must have charmed you first, and that means our spells have been fighting each other." He searched Harry's face. "Your emotions, your magic, I'm sure they must seem out of control," he said with concern. "Give me your hand." Grigor held out his own to shake, and when Harry held out his, Grigor again grabbed at Harry's forearm.

For some time the older wizard looked as if he were reaching into a dark box trying to find something that wasn't there. His face was perplexed when he finally let go. "There is nothing," he said, confused. "I almost killed you, for something that isn't there. I don't understand... the spell... both our spells are gone -- washed away." There was a great sadness welling up in Grigor's eyes. The creases in his face seemed to deepen while he sat looking down at his own two hands as if they were strangers. "There was a time when all my work was turned to healing and teaching others Asha's will. What have I become? All because I thought you were a Muggle."

"Most of the Muggles around here are fine people, sir. None are worth killing. You'd learn that if you spent the time--"

"Fine people?" Grigor spat. He stood, roughly rubbing his hands together. "If my son had been a wizard..." What started strong collapsed in on itself. "They killed everything that was my family, and even as we speak they go on killing, here and in Lebanon." He walked to the window to look out on the backyard.

Harry followed Grigor across the room. "The day will come," Harry said solemnly, "when the killing will stop for Wizard and Muggle alike, even in Lebanon. But it has to start somewhere. Why not with us?" Grigor shook his head, and Harry placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sir, you need to speak with your daughter. She has something to share with you about Antreas." Grigor flinched hearing his son's name out loud. "There's also something from this morning that--"

"Not now," a weary Grigor answered, turning. "Now, I need to speak with my wife... if she is able. I owe her an apology greater than I am worth." He breathed in, rubbed his face with his hands, and gathered the remnants of what energy he had left. "Hogwarts?" he asked. "It is a fine school. And, if I'm not mistaken, you'll be returning tomorrow. Best that you should spend some time with Gabriella to say goodbye." Grigor began to walk Harry to the door.

"Then it was just an accident, the Darbinyan's coming to Privet Drive?" asked Harry, skeptically.

"An accident?" Grigor asked out loud, almost as if examining the question himself. "No, Harry. Mrs. Darbinyan will tell you, nothing is ever an accident. Our journey to Little Whinging was very much intentional. I am chasing a spirit, that's all. Where that path leads, I've yet to learn." He opened the wood door and waited for Harry to step through. "You should look in on Duncan. I hear he was asking about you yesterday."

Grigor didn't follow as Harry walked out into the hall. Instead, he quietly closed the door behind him. Gabriella stood at the base of the stairs. She was trembling. "I-I forgot..." She held out her hand, presenting Harry with his wand. "If s-something would have happened..." Harry smiled, and took her in his arms.

"I'm fine," he said dismissively. "We just talked. Now he knows who I am, and that's important." He held her by the shoulders looking into her eyes. "I think you should let go of your secrets too, Gabriella. Tell your father about Antreas."

"I don't know, Harry. I... I guess it depends. Do you know? Could you tell?" she asked. "Is he... is he a--"

"He's your father," Harry cut in. "And he's also your mother's husband. He wants to be alone with her right now. We should go." They walked to the front door and passed Soseh, napping in the living room. She seemed so peaceful. A thin smile was on her face as she rested.

Gabriella put her arm in Harry's as they walked out into the late afternoon air. The sky was blue and the air warm. What snow Harry remembered from days before had washed away with the rain. Arm in arm they elected to walk to Duncan's.

"You know... if the Ministry knew you hid this..."

"I didn't hide it," she said slyly. "I just didn't offer it up. After all, nobody asked me."

"And the Tuesday Mr. Weasley spoke of? What's that about?"

"I did break his arm," she said sheepishly. "They say I need to pay restitution, for the time he missed from work."

"But school's not even in session!" Harry howled. "And it probably took all of five minutes for them to heal his arm." He began to steam just thinking about it. "I want to be there."

"Don't be silly," she said, and that ended the conversation, although Harry was none too pleased about it.

When they arrived at Duncan's, they found Todd's car parked in front. Harry shook his head.

"Where are his parents?" he asked. "Don't they know what happened?" Gabriella stopped him on the walk outside.

"Papa wondered the same thing. He actually spoke with them the other night. They think it's all just Duncan's way of calling for help, and they don't want to reinforce that behavior by running home."

"That's ludicrous! Where are they?"

"The Caribbean," she sighed. "Martinique, I think." Harry's heart sank. He should have been here, not chasing a hopeless dream that he might get his godfather back. The pain here was real and now. Harry felt that Duncan might just as well be an orphan. Only, somehow this seemed worse.

"Three whole days," Harry whispered. "Where was I?" he asked to the air.

"You're here now," said Gabriella brightly. "Let's go in."

It was Duncan that answered. He was laughing at something over his shoulder as he swung the door open. "Gab! Harry! Come in! Come in! Where the hell have you been, mate?" He was in clean bright clothes. His hair had recently been trimmed, and it looked as if he'd just shaved. In fact, there was a scent of cologne about him. Harry just stood gawking. "What? You expected to see me ready to off myself again? Not this kid," he said with a smile. Harry still couldn't think what to say. The two stood and looked at each other. For some reason, the moment... the meeting was awkward. Finally, Duncan put his arm about Harry's shoulder, and they walked into the front room. "I'm glad you stopped by tonight. You're leaving for school tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah," Harry said weakly. "Tomorrow." Again there was an awkward silence.

"Where's Todd?" Gabriella asked trying to fill the void.

"Right here," came a voice from the top of the stairs. Todd stood in a robe, toweling his hair. "We're going to see a film tonight, would you care to join us?" Gabriella looked at Harry now seated in the front room. His eyes were fixed on a small spot on the carpet. It was the first he'd been back since the night Duncan attempted suicide.

"Harry," she said, "what do you think?" Instead of answering Gabriella, Harry turned to Duncan.

"Dunc, I'm sorry. I should have stopped you before you ever had the chance."

"You're sorry?" huffed Duncan with a smile. "Christ, mate. If it weren't for you..."

"Okay, that's it," called Todd. "All this sorry-sorry, doom-and-gloom stuff has helped me decide. Forget Titanic, we're going to see Babe."

"Oh, that pig is so cute." Gabriella smiled. Duncan's smile broadened as well.

"They say the animals look like they're really talking," he added. "Can you imagine? Like they live in their own separate world right alongside humans and nobody knows."

"Crazy," said Harry, casting a furtive glance at Gabriella. "Imagine."

"Then it's decided!" Todd said brightly. "We're havin' pork tonight! I'll be down in a flash. We can take my car."

By the end of the night, not only had they seen the film, but they had a met a number of other kids out for fun on their last night of winter freedom. Before long they and others they met had migrated to, and mixed with, a large crowd at Clancy's Pub. They danced, threw darts, covertly sipped a few beers, and had a grand time. Harry was wearing a wide grin after watching Duncan completely miss the dartboard when Gabriella came over to him.

"You're happy for a change," she said, trying to smile herself, but not making a very good go of it. They both leaned against the wall to watch the crowd, and she took Harry by the hand. "I think Duncan is too."

"Yeah," said Harry. "I'm glad he's got friends willing to spare the time to see him through this. Todd's been great, and your father's taken a pretty keen interest in him too, considering he's a Muggle and all."

Gabriella nodded with a shrug, and took a sip of her soda. Something was gnawing at her. She looked away and then back to Harry. "If everything's so great, why am I so worried?" she said, and then took another sip. "If Papa swears he never knew about you, then why was that snake Snape sniffing about?" Harry took her soda, set it on the table and then held both her hands.

"Babe," he said, still holding to the smile he'd been wearing, "All my life I've been watched over. All summer there was a witch or wizard watching our every move." She raised her eyebrows. "Our every move," Harry repeated. "Hell, I'm sure I'm being watched right now." Remembering Mr. Weasley's words, Gabriella started looking about the room, but Harry squeezed her hands to gather her attention. "Snape probably was asked to stop by and check out the new Wizarding family across the street. Merlin knows he wouldn't do it on his own."

He kissed her gently, and pulled her close. "I'm tired of trying to read danger where there is none. It's pretty obvious when it arrives. Believe me, I know its eyes." She turned in his arms and leaned back against his chest, and together they watched as a girl came over and asked Duncan to dance. At first, he hesitated, but after a push on the shoulder by Todd, he finally moved out to the dance floor.

"For now," he whispered in her ear, "this'll do." On the dance floor, a broad smile broke on Duncan's face as he attempted a dance move that looked something like a robot. Both Harry and Gabriella laughed, and he pulled her close against his chest. "Yeah, this'll do."

For those of you who have seen the movie, 'Babe' you should get the references. Both Titanic (in 1997) and Babe (in 1995 -- hence a re-run here) were Oscar nominees. Do you know which took best picture?