Harry Potter and the Burden of Becoming


Story Summary:
Sirius has died, and as Harry struggles with his guilt, new neighbors move in across the street on Privet Drive. But this foreign family from the Middle East has a very beautiful daughter, and she's taken a liking to Harry. But just as Harry must hide his own true identity, so too are the secrets that run deep within the Darbinyan family - secrets of death, secrets of life, secrets that will unwittingly guide Harry to rebirth, and the ultimate discovery of how Voldemort must be defeated.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Harry's birthday marks the revelation of how he must defeat Voldemort, but will he notice? No doubt the return of the Hungarian Horntail to Harry's life will play an important roll.
Author's Note:
This is one of my favorites.

Harry Potter and The Burden of Becoming

~ Chapter 7 - Eyes of the Dragon ~


The tire shop had somehow been morphed into a Brazilian scene from Mardis Gras. Helium balloons filled the ceiling and floated all about the shop. Dazzling streamers hung from the ceiling. Cardboard cutouts of palm trees stood next to two long tables of food, and behind them a large banner spanned the wall that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! But, most striking of all, were the people. There were people everywhere! Everyone was wearing a swimsuit, or some sort of beach attire. Some had long strands of beads around their necks. The place was so packed Harry could hardly push his way in with Duncan's help. In the center of the room were three large punchbowls set inside white-walled tires. There stood Emma and Gabriella; anxious smiles hung on both their faces. Suddenly the room erupted in a chorus of "Happy Birthday to you...."

Harry began to make his way toward them shaking hands and greeting those he met on the way. He saw Wes, of course, and Tom who'd driven the tow-truck when Gabriella's tires were slashed, a lot of folks from work, some kids he and Gabriella had met on their long walks, and others he knew from his time at the pool. In fact, he suddenly realized, he knew all these people, some better than others, but he recognized every face. It had only been a few weeks, but it seemed he'd met half the kids in Little Whinging and they were all here to celebrate his birthday.

When he finally reached the girls, he looked at Emma first and gave her a hug. "Thanks, it's wonderful." Then, he reached out his hands to Gabriella's. "Just the four of us, eh...nothing really big?" She was biting her lower lip. "In the car, I thought you were worried I'd say no. Is this the real reason?" She nodded, and his face split into an ear-to-ear grin. "You're brilliant you know?" He reached his hands to her face and they kissed. The uncertainty was washed away and a twinkle emerged.

"Yes, I know," she said smiling and then looked to Emma. "But, with Emma's help, it wasn't very hard. Everyone we asked said they'd come. I don't think so much because you're a criminal," she winked, "but because they know you have a sensitive heart." She held her hand to his chest. "There's live music! Some friends of Tom's have started a band."

The party broke out of the sales area and into the back shop where three kids had set up to play. It made for much more room. Some of the crowd danced, others just talked, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Harry cornered Wes where he could finally talk to him alone. "You didn't need to do this you know."

"Didn't I? Have YOU ever said no to Gabriella?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at Harry. "No, I didn't think so."

"Well, it's spectacular, thanks." Harry handed Wes the money. "It's the last payment. This is still just between you and me, right? Well, besides Dunc."

"Absolutely," said Wes patting Harry on the shoulder, "and happy birthday."

There was a tap on Harry's shoulder. It was Gabriella. "What are you two scheming about?"

Harry put his arm around her waist. "Just thanking Wes for the party, it's... it's..." and suddenly, looking around at the people smiling, enjoying each other's company, he lost the words. Here were kids from all walks of life and backgrounds. Like the balloons above the punch bowls, they were a rainbow of colours, and best of all, nobody noticed. They didn't notice if you were from the Middle East. They didn't notice if you were poor. They didn't notice whose hand you were holding. They didn't notice if you had a scar on your head, or if your parents had died. Here he wasn't a marked man, nobody was. This... this was everything that Voldemort hated. Dumbledore had spoken of the greatest power hidden in the Department of Mysteries. Tonight he felt it course through his veins and somehow he felt safer and stronger than he'd ever felt in his life.

"Harry?" a soft voice whispered in his ear. He turned to see Gabriella watching him. "Is everything okay?"

"Never better," he whispered. "Shall we dance?"

It wasn't until well past midnight that things began to break up. The band had stopped some time ago, but Wes was still piping in tunes through the shop's sound system. The punch bowls were empty and the food was all but gone. Finally, all that remained were Gabriella, Duncan, Emma, Wes and himself. Harry, to his regret, had once again forgotten his promise to stay away from the punch. Fortunately, Gabriella had been declared the designated driver for the four friends earlier that evening. She, Emma and Duncan were collecting trash that had accumulated at the food table when Wes spoke up.

"Leave it," he said. "We're doin' inventory tomorrow so the place is closed. I'll have time to take care of it in the mornin'."

Gabriella looked at him and said, "You can't be serious? It's as if a tornado's been through here."

He looked around. "Nah, it's not too bad," he lied. "I'll leave the balloons and tell dad it's some sales idea. Harry, you want the banner?" He pointed at the sign across the wall.

"Wes, the banner's served its purpose on that wall tonight." Harry was having some trouble holding his train of thought. "I think it's time to let it go. It's time to let it all go." His eyes seemed somewhere else. "Emma took some pictures tonight; that'll be good enough."

"Right then; well, you four best be goin', 'cuz I'm leavin'." He flipped some switches. The music stopped, the lights went out in the back shop and he ushered them to the front door.

"Wes, do you need a ride?" Gabriella asked.

"Nah, I'm just around the corner. I could use the walk before I make it home." He took a deep breath and turned out the last light, then locked the doors. "Good night. Happy birthday, Harry."

"Thanks, Wes," Harry replied, "we'll see you soon." He was looking up at the stars, almost defiantly glaring at the bright red glimmer above his head. Duncan and Emma were already headed to Gabriella's car, when she took his hand.

"It's not my father who's the only one with his head in the stars," she spoke gently. "Come on, let's get home, I have something I want to give you." Harry looked down to speak, but she simply touched his lips with hers and said, "Later."

The streets were empty on the ride home. They stopped in front of Duncan's house. The lights were out. He and Emma both stepped out of the car. "Well, mate, I've been in Little Whinging seventeen years, and that has got to be the best party this town has ever seen." He paused rolling over something in his mind and then said, "We need to talk, you and me. Sometime this week, okay?"

Harry looked puzzled. "Sure. This week." Duncan started for his front door, but Emma remained. Something was troubling her.

Gabriella spoke first. "What's the matter Em?"

"He puts on a good face, but he's upset, really upset. His parents didn't invite him to go to France; they just went. They didn't even mention his birthday. They travel all over the world, and leave him here to watch their precious plants." She looked at Harry. "You've kept him together this summer, Harry. He keeps saying that if Harry can do it with no parents, while being stuck with the Dursleys, he can do it too. But I don't know, he keeps talking about dropping school. I was thinking, maybe you and I could..."

"Emma!" Duncan called out from the door. "Are you and Gab going to keep yappin' all night or what?"

"I've got to go." Emma started towards the door and then looked back at the car. "Thanks, Harry, happy birthday."

Gabriella started toward Privet Drive, but neither of them spoke about Emma's words. Tonight, instead of stopping short and dropping Harry off, she pulled into her driveway. The Dursley car was gone and so was her father's. They got out of her sedan and she walked to the boot and took out a box. As she started to walk across the street Gabriella looked at Harry with a grand smile and said, "Come on then."

For some reason Harry was uneasy. He looked up and down the street, but could see nothing in the darkness. He found himself a little light headed and cursed himself for drinking again. This wasn't how he would keep Gabriella safe. Instinctively, he reached for his back pocket, only to find it empty. "Damn," he hissed in a low voice.

Gabriella was already on his front porch. He hurried to meet her at the Dursley's front door, but when he turned his key in the lock, he found it already open. Gabriella noted the concern on his face.

"What is it, Harry?" she asked. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing. Just the, uh, door. It's unlocked. Dudley probably kept tight about me having a key so they left the door open is all." But in his mind he thought the Dursleys would sooner see him crawl through a window. Slowly he opened the door and turned on a light. Gabriella strode past him.

"Well, if there's someone in here let's find out." She looked back at him and smiled. "We have things to do." She set the box down on the coffee table.

Harry smiled and shut the door. He walked over to Gabriella and was about to give her a kiss when a large crash shattered the stillness of the Dursley home. It was from upstairs. Before his eyes, he saw her body tone suddenly change. He'd seen only a glimpse of it in the park that evening with Malcolm. She seemed almost catlike, her hands away from her waist, her back erect and her head slightly cocked as if to hear the slightest sound. She began to walk stealthily toward the stairs, but Harry stopped her.

"No. Let me," he whispered. She glanced at him and shook her head no, and then took another slow, quiet step forward. There was something almost frightening in the look of her eyes. She looked as if.... She took another step toward the stairs. "What are you doing?" he thought. But, there was no need to argue about who would climb the stairs first. Whatever had made the noise was now making its way down the upper hall and heading their way. Harry motioned for her to step back and this time she obliged. No sooner had they taken positions at the bottom of the stairs, than a voice rang out breaking the tension.

"Bloody hell! When I get my hands on that... that idiot!"

"I'm not sure Harry's the idiot, Fred."

It was the Weasley twins, and a look of relief registered on Harry's face as he wiped his brow. Gabriella saw this, but remained ready, her jaw tight.

"Fred? George? Is that you?" Harry called out. As the words left his mouth they appeared, each in their dragon skin jackets, at the top of the stairs.

"Hey mate!" called George as he stepped briskly down the stairs, but Fred wore a scowl on his face and was limping as he descended.

George shook Harry's hand and said, "Happy birthday, Harry."

Fred shook Harry's hand too, and then burst out, "Did I tell you not to move the furniture in your room? Did I tell you that?"

Seeing Gabriella against the wall, George gave Fred a look to silence him and said, "Fred here accidentally, er, tripped over your trunk upstairs, Harry."

"Oh no!" Harry gasped. "I was cleaning up this morning and moved it to the...oh, I'm so sorry Fred." But he couldn't help letting out a small laugh. Gabriella was completely flummoxed.

"Well," Fred said, "happy birthday." He limped over to the kitchen. "Is there anything to eat in this place?"

Suddenly Harry became quite uncomfortable. "Erm, Fred, George, this is Gabriella."

George beamed. "Absolutely splendid to meet you. Harry's told us so much about you."

"Yes, all summer long," Fred chimed in, opening and closing cabinets. "Gabriella this, Gabriella that. Quite annoying really." He started opening drawers.

"Gabriella," said Harry ignoring him, "Fred and George are friends of mine from... from school."

Gabriella's face softened somewhat, but apprehension remained in her eyes. "A pleasure to meet you both," she spoke to George. "You're twins?"

"Yes." George looked at Harry smiling. "We get that bit about as much as you get...." And he nodded to Harry's scar. "So tell me Gabriella, do you like Harry here?"

Fred picked up on the pitch in his brother's words and added, "Yes, is he everything you knew he'd be?"

"Because we think he's fabulous."

"A number one kind of guy."

"First-class, mate."

"Yes, everyone thinks Harry's special."

"Not special in the this chap needs help sort of way."

"No, not like that."

"And not the sort that would go out with just any girl."

"Well, maybe most any girl."

"At least those girls that would speak with him."

"You do speak, don't you?"

Gabriella finally broke out in a smile. "Yes! Yes!" she finally called to get them to stop. "He is a first-class mate." She walked over to Harry and put her hands around his waist kissing him on the lips and he immediately turned scarlet.

"Well, brother," said Fred, "either she's lost her mind completely, or... nope, she's lost her mind completely."

George started for the door. "Well, Harry," he said, "we can't stay and chat like this all night."

"No. We've things to do, places to go, and... aha!" Fred found an apple in a low drawer beneath the oven.

"We just came to give you this." George handed him a small square package.

"It seems," Fred said chewing on his apple, "Kreacher had it hidden deep in his den. We don't think Sirius had it for some time." He held Harry's arm and his bright tone deepened. "No one believes he could have answered, even if you had remembered to use it."

"Fred," called George, "let's go."

"Yes, let's. And Harry, please leave your furniture alone. Otherwise you may find a surprise in your morning cereal."

"Goodbye, Gabriella," the two spoke simultaneously. "Harry's right about one thing, you are beautiful." They walked out the door closing it behind them. Harry heard a small snap.

Gabriella went to the front door to say goodbye properly, but when she opened it they were gone. She stood for a moment and looked up and down the street. Then, closing the door, she came back to the living room where Harry stood waiting to be bombarded with questions. In his hand was a square package wrapped in plain brown paper. She stood and looked at him for a moment. He couldn't tell what her face was saying. It was as if some inner machine were working away, deciding its next move, and then he saw in her black eyes a sense of triumph and the twinkle was back. He felt utterly helpless.

"Well?" she said. "Let's open it then, shall we?" They sat down at the coffee table next to the box she'd brought in. Harry grabbed the remote control and turned on the television. He changed the channels a few times and stumbled on to an old film.

"Don't think I've seen this one," he said trying to change the focus of the evening, but she was having none of it.

"Don't be silly. What did Fred and George get you for your birthday?"

His hands began to tremble. He knew what it was. He didn't need to open it. Still, he found his fingers reaching for the package. They slipped open the wrapping paper to reveal an old square mirror. Harry looked at it knowing its twin was now on his dresser upstairs. He handed it to Gabriella.

"It's beautiful," she said, turning it over in her hands. "Who's Padfoot?"


She handed him the mirror pointing to writing on the back. In black ink were the words


I don't think detentions will be quite as boring any more.


"And Prongs?" she asked. "Do you know them?"

His heart skipped. It was his father's writing. He'd never seen it before. It was much neater than his own; 'Prongs' was finished with a flourish. He sat there for a moment looking down at a bit of his father, tracing the curves of each letter with his finger....


"What? Er, uh, no. I don't know who that could be."

"Really?" She was incredulous. "Perhaps one of your criminal friends?"

Harry thought how close she was to the truth, but simply smiled back and shook his head. Carefully, he set the mirror down on the coffee table next to the Gabriella's box. He looked up at her and grinned taking it in his hands. "And this?"

"Well, it was for you," she said crossing her arms and legs and sitting back, "but after the way the evening's gone so far, I think I'll take it back." Then she gave him a look out of the corner of her eyes and a flash of sparkle appeared. Harry inched closer to her on the couch.

"Well," he said, "it's not a very big box is it?" He inched again. "I mean if it were a proper present, it would be..."

She shoved him on the shoulder, but he grabbed her hand pulling her close. "I love you when you're angry," he said, and they kissed.

After a bit, Gabriella broke the silence. "Go on then, open it up."

He unwrapped the paper, and then carefully lifted the top of the box. Inside was a small statue, slightly larger than his hand. He pulled it out of the box. It was heavy, too heavy, really, for its size. His mind flashed to the Tri-Wizard tournament as he hovered around her and she reared her head and blew flame. It was as if the instant had been captured, frozen in time. Here in his hand was the head of a Hungarian Horntail. It was staring straight up, mouth open as if to breathe fire. Its gaping jaws filled with golden teeth. Its lizard-like skin was a matte black, and its eyes... its eyes, like a cat's, glinted with the fire of burning embers.

The miniature head was mounted on a mahogany base to which was attached an engraved brass plate. The words read "Out of bravery, fire. Out of wisdom, blood. Out of love, true power."

Harry was stunned. Every detail, every crevice and scale, the look of the eyes, the grimace of the mouth was exactly as he had remembered it. But how? It was impossible. Finally he breathed, "It's brilliant."

"Well," she started, "I saw that little dragon you have at your bedside table, and described it to Mama. She helped me make it."

"You made this yourself?" he gawked. "But it seems old, very old."

"Mama helped."

"You're incredible!" He gazed at the snapping dragon again. "And the words, what do the words mean?"

The smile on her face broadened. "It's a puzzle Harry, a riddle. I think you have all the pieces to put it together. If you truly are a brilliant criminal mastermind it shouldn't take long at all."

"I hate puzzles. How 'bout a hint?" He set the statue down next to the mirror.


"Not even for a kiss?" He put his arm around her.

"No." She laid her head on his shoulder holding him tight and sighed. "Harry, I don't want you to go."

The words deflated him instantly. They were running out of summer. In his heart, he didn't want to go, but he knew he would. With both arms he held her close. He could feel her breathing against his neck; he could feel the pulse of her heart next to his. The black-and-white film played quietly on the television. He was suddenly very, very tired.

"You really do have a sensitive heart," she whispered. The room was feeling warm. "I saw it tonight at the party... in your eyes." His eyes... his eyes were heavy. "Harry, the dragon... it will make you stronger." But, he was asleep. She lowered her head to his chest and closed her eyes. "Bravery... Wisdom... Love..." she whispered in cadence to the rhythmic beat of Harry's pulse in her ear. "I saw them all in you tonight, Harry. Mama's never been wrong. If you are the one, the heart of the dragon will be yours."

Author notes: A little license in the HP POV. Of course, he doesn't hear her when he sleeps. But maybe, if she has special powers.