Harry Potter and the Burden of Becoming


Story Summary:
Sirius has died, and as Harry struggles with his guilt, new neighbors move in across the street on Privet Drive. But this foreign family from the Middle East has a very beautiful daughter, and she's taken a liking to Harry. But just as Harry must hide his own true identity, so too are the secrets that run deep within the Darbinyan family - secrets of death, secrets of life, secrets that will unwittingly guide Harry to rebirth, and the ultimate discovery of how Voldemort must be defeated.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
The mystery surrounding Gabriella Darbinyan churns, while at the same time Harry begins to lose control of his magic. Does it have something to do with his new found love, or is something more nefarious at play?
Author's Note:
Thanks for your patience. I had a couple misfires, but am hopefully back on track!

Harry Potter and The Burden of Becoming

Chapter 3 - Shattered Glass


They were in the Darbinyan family car headed to the east side of town. Before he left his room, Harry had decided to straighten up a bit; if Gabriella ever had the chance to come back again, he didn't want anything strange lying around. Although he'd gone so far as to move his bed and retrieve all the magical items trapped down against the wall, there was still a bit left undone, but he was already ten minutes late, and he couldn't stand to wait any longer. It was terribly hot outside, and the back of Harry's legs stuck to the car's vinyl covered seats.

"How long have you been driving?" he asked. She was wearing a long T-shirt over a brightly colored two-piece swimsuit. For some reason, Harry couldn't help but think that swimming might not be such a bad idea after all.

"Well, I used to drive a small pickup in Tripoli, so I guess for about four years now."

"Four years!"

"What? You drive don't you?"

"Well, no, not really." He remembered being nearly beaten to death by the Whomping Willow in a Ford Anglia, but that didn't really qualify as driving. "The Dursleys really haven't given me the chance to learn. I don't think they'd even try when I'm old enough for my provisional."

"They're horribly cruel if you ask me."

Hearing her words, Harry smiled and nodded in agreement. It was wonderful having someone in Little Whinging on his side for a change. As they drove toward the pool, Harry told her Vernon's edict that he was prohibited from waving across the street. Gabriella shook her head and sighed.

"Papa had hoped to leave that sort of thing behind, but he also gets rude comments at work. He tries to hide it, but I can see he comes home angry at times." They pulled in to the crowded car park. "Well, if we get the chance, I think I can teach you how to drive," she said with twinkling eyes.

When they got to the pool entrance, there was a long line of people waiting to get in, and standing in the sun, Harry began to sweat through his T-shirt. Wiping his brow in the heat, he looked at Gabriella, and rolled his eyes. "I love swimming, don't you?"

"It won't be much longer," she said with a smile, and handed him a bottle of water from her bag. When they got to the front, he paid for them both, and they started to go in.

"Hold it!" An older man, somewhat taller than Harry, was scowling in their direction. He passed Harry, and walked straight to Gabriella. "Let's see what you've got in there." He was pointing to the sports bag she'd brought with her; Harry carried a similar one.

"Hey, you didn't ask to look in mine! What's up?"

Gabriella held up her hand saying, "It's all right Harry," and then she opened her bag for inspection.

But Harry was getting hotter. "We've been in line behind fifty people, and you haven't searched anyone's bag!"

Gabriella looked somewhat upset that he was taking her side. But why? This was outrageous! Just because of her skin color?

"Son, it's my job to keep the two hundred people in here safe, and that includes you AND your friend here." He closed her bag, and said, "Thank you, Miss."

The pool was packed, and they weaved their way to a small opening on the concrete deck just five feet from the water's edge and set down their towels.

"That was ridiculous! As if you..."

"As if me," she interrupted. "Papa's timing has never been that great; of all the times to move to England," she said with a sigh. "I don't need you to fight my battles for me!" For a flash, there was an eerie anger that raged in her eyes, but then softened and she took his hand. "Really, okay?"

He wanted to carry the conversation further, but one look into her saddened eyes, and he was lost. "Okay," he agreed, but he still couldn't help think it was unfair. He knew what she felt like, and it was horrible, everyone presuming they knew Harry Potter, before they ever so much as shook his hand. One glance at his forehead was all anyone ever cared to know, and one glance at Gabriella's face instantly made her a suspect.

After about an hour, Harry's mind had left the entrance and was focused on the here and now. He found that swimming wasn't so bad after all; he was there with the most beautiful girl at the pool, and they spent most the time simply hopping in the water to cool down only to lay back out in the sun and talk.

"Hey! Harry! Gabriella!" He looked over to see Emma and Duncan just getting to the pool. They had met the two of them earlier in the week at an ice cream shop and had seemed to hit it off pretty well. Duncan lived just two streets down from Privet Drive, and knew all too well about Dudley and his cronies. They carved out a space and the two joined Harry and Gabriella.

Duncan took off his shirt. "Bloody hot, isn't it?" he asked with a long exhale. About Harry's height but stockier, he was a year older. His hair was long and blonde, and he had freckles that ran down his back reminding Harry a bit of Ron. Around the bicep of his large right arm was a tattoo of thorns that matched, somewhat, the earring on his left ear. A bit older, Emma was a runner. She had just competed in the All England Track Championship placing third individually in the 400 metres. Her hair was a short, light brown, revealing piercing green eyes, and she wore a broad smile. Around her ankle was the same tattoo of thorns.

"Duncan's been working at the shop all morning," Emma bemoaned, "so he's a grump. How are you two doing?"

Gabriella and Emma began to chat, and Duncan jumped into the water to cool off. As Harry looked around the pool, for the first time in his life he felt normal; he was just a normal kid at a normal pool on a normal summer's day. Even at Hogwarts he couldn't just sit and be one of the crowd, but now, he sat without a care in the world.

"Anybody for a drink?" he asked. The two girls nodded, engaged in conversation, Emma letting out a small laugh and turning to look at Harry as he began to walk away. She had a peculiar curiosity in her eyes, as Harry smiled back.

He'd picked up four drinks, thinking Duncan would want one too, and was weaving his way back through the crowd.

"Hey, perve, thirsty today?" It was Malcolm Smelt, flanked by another one of Dudley's pals. He was wearing dark glasses, but they didn't cover completely the bruise under his right eye. He too had just stopped at the snack shop, and was holding an ice cream cone in his hand -- chocolate mint. He took a long lick and asked, "So, peakin' up any more dresses, Harry?" Harry's blood began to boil. "I mean, I guess if you're gonna look, this is the place to do it... how pathetic," he sneered.

For the first time all summer, Harry's scar began to burn. "Now that gal you were checkin' out last night, she was like hot chocolate. I think I'll get me a little of that action, if you know what I...." Malcolm looked down to see the ice cream in has hand begin to melt. Well, it looked like that at first; it was more like deflating, oozing down the side of the cone and around his hand. But it wasn't dripping to the ground; instead, it started to spread like some slowly creeping vine. First it was around his wrist. "What the..." And then it started to move up his forearm. "Get it off!" he yelled. No one seemed to understand, but Harry, what the big deal was. He tried scraping it off with his other hand, but the green ooze simply grabbed the other hand and held it tight. He ran screaming into the changing room. Harry smiled, though he knew he shouldn't, but somehow he enjoyed that very much. He turned, hands full of drinks, right into Emma.

"Was that who I think it was?" she asked.

"Malcolm Smelt," Harry said coolly, trying to manage the four cups he was holding. How long had she been there?

"Gabriella told me about him. What a creep. Here," she said grabbing two of the cups, "I thought you might need a hand." Together, they walked back to the pool's edge. "What happened? Why did he run from you like that?"

"I guess he doesn't like to get his hands dirty," he said simply. "Hey, Duncan, want a drink?" Duncan waved, swam over and pulled himself out of the pool.

"Thanks, mate!" He took a sip and grimaced. "They're warm! Harry you'd better go get your money back." Harry took a sip. They were more than warm; they were quite hot in fact.

"Uh, yeah," he said nervously, "I'll be right back." He hopped up to get fresh drinks.

When he returned he could tell by their faces something was afoot. Gabriella looked up at him patting the towel by her side. "Sit," she said smiling. He handed out the fresh drinks again and waited. "Emma here tells me there's a band playing tonight in the square... an open air concert."

"Yes!" Emma chimed in. "The Steel Chords; I just bought their last CD and they're fantastic! What's more it's free! If we get there early, I'm sure we can find a good place to sit. Duncan and I were planning on doing dinner first, if you two want to come, say about seven?"

Harry's heart seemed to jump; he was being asked by friends to go to a concert with his girl. It seemed that that there could be life on Privet Drive after all. "Well, I'll have to ask," Harry lied. He knew if he asked the answer would be no, but maybe if he talked Dudley into staying out late. "As long as I'm back before Dudley," Harry thought.

Gabriella also knew the Dursleys well enough to understand that, if he asked his Uncle Vernon, the answer would be no. She looked at him with knowing eyes, but didn't mention it; instead she held her hand to his face.

"Hand me the lotion Harry; your neck is getting red." He passed her the bottle, and she put it on his neck and shoulders. She then rounded on him and started putting it on his nose and cheeks giving out a little laugh. "You look like you've been eating whipped cream!" Gently, she spread the lotion on his face and up to his forehead, and then paused. She'd seen his scar a million times, and hadn't said a word; she traced its outline with her thumb. "You were rubbing it a minute ago, does it hurt?" She looked from the scar to his eyes, and he felt she could see through to his soul.

"Does it hurt?" he pondered. What should he say? "Naw. Its just this connection thing I have with a dark wizard who plans on destroying all humanity, and may just have the power to do it." Instead, he simply reached up and grabbed her hand. "With you here nothing hurts." He pulled her close, and they kissed.

"Well, I think we're on then," said Duncan with a wide smile. "Seven sharp at Belton's; best fish and chips in all England!"

They swam and chatted for a couple hours more, before deciding to call it a day. Heading home, the car was filled with the scent of suntan lotion; the sun had turned Harry a little too red.

"I think that's going to sting tomorrow," Gabriella said. They turned the corner past the town square where they would be returning later that night. "Well, we do have all summer to get you tanned up. We'll just have to get your clothes off more often!" she joked. And before Harry could come up with anything remotely witty to say, she called, "Ah! Here we go." She pulled off into the large car park of a church. It was empty, except for the church van parked in the corner.

"What are we doing here?" he asked. Gabriella stepped out and walked around the car opening Harry's door.

"Scoot over!" She nudged Harry to the driver's seat, and he obliged. "Well, let's see, you know what the steering wheel does?"

"But you said you'd ask your f-father first," stammered Harry. "I don't think I can..."

"Don't be silly," she said. And with those words, he knew he was about to learn how to drive whether he wanted to or not.

It was getting late by the time he started to get the hang of it. "We'd better go," he said, "we don't have much time to get ready."

"Do you want to take it home?" she asked.

"Maybe next time," he said, and then stepped out and around the car with a grin.

As they drove down Privet Drive, Harry noticed the Dursleys were home. "Stop here," he said quickly. "I'll walk the rest of the way." He kissed her goodbye and said, "Give me thirty minutes." He watched her park in the drive and enter her house before he walked to number four. Inside he found the Dursleys had just finished eating.

"If you plan on being late for dinner, boy, don't expect to eat!" his Uncle snapped.

"Right," Harry said flatly; normally he'd be serving dinner, not eating it. He narrowed his eyes on his cousin and nodded his head for him to go upstairs. "I'll just be in my room."

A few moments later Dudley slipped in.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I need to go out tonight, and I might be late. I was wondering if..."

"Gabriella?" Dudley asked. Surprised, Harry nodded. "That's reason enough; no problem. I need to get out of this place myself. Only five people were there this afternoon, and it took them three hours to pick two people to be judges: Mum, of course, and a Mrs. Finley; God it was awful." He turned to go, and then remembered. "Frank stopped by a while ago; he said Malcolm went berserk at the pool. Thought he was bein' eaten by his own ice cream. Finally, washed his hands and the problem went away." He looked at Harry. "It sounds almost... magical." Harry looked away, offering only a sigh. "Well, he's been a bit of an idiot lately anyway. I'll take off in about ten, okay?" Harry nodded, and Dudley walked through the door, slamming it shut and shouting, "...and the next time you want to borrow my stuff, ask!"

Gabriella and Harry made it to Belton's with five minutes to spare. Duncan and Emma were already there. They'd taken a booth near the window and were waving at them to come over. No sooner had they sat down than the waitress was delivering the food. Harry looked up, confused.

"On me, Harry," Duncan said, "two for one coupon tonight." He held up a small coupon book, waving it in his hands.

"Well, I'll get desert then."

"I bet you will!" said Duncan with a wink, and passed over some napkins.

Emma was looking at a flyer. "Well, there's a warm-up band that starts at nine, the Chords start at ten. We've got loads of time, how 'bout we walk from here?" Everyone nodded as they ate.

"Hey, Harry, how 'bout a shot?" Duncan was holding up a little flask; Emma glared at him.

"Duncan, put that away!" she said, but Duncan poured some into Harry's cup anyway.

"Yeah, yeah, alright; just a little something to light the fires, eh, Harry? Cheers!" He held up his cup to Harry's. Harry hesitated. He wasn't going to ruin an evening by being a stick in the mud. He lifted his cup.

"Cheers!" said Harry in an uneasy tone, and he took a drink. His eyes winced and he felt like spitting up, but he swallowed. He'd seen the older students drink at Hogwarts, and once he tried to nick a glass, but Hermione caught him and made him put it back.

"See!" Duncan crowed. "It's lighting the fires already!"

Gabriella set her hand on Harry's leg and gave it a slight slap. He glanced over at her with an apologetic look, and shrugged his shoulders.

The walk to the square was only a few minutes, and with the concert tonight a lot of the shops were still open. It wasn't much, but Harry was starting to feel the drink getting into his head. Since he'd never had fire-whiskey before, he wasn't quite sure what to expect; he held on to Gabriella for a little more support. They looked into the window of a small gift shop; stuffed animals lined the windows. Emma cooed, and Duncan took her inside first.

"They're rather cute, you know," said Gabriella looking through the window.

"Who, the two of them, or the stuffed animals?

She laughed. "No, those two bears there holding hands; one has glasses just like yours." Thinking about his lack of Muggle money, Harry frowned.

"Listen," he said, "I barely have two pounds to rub together. I wish I could but I... I ..."

She held her hands up to his mouth, and said, "Hush," in a low whisper. Then, lowering her hand, she kissed his lips. "I don't want what's in your wallet; I want what's right here." And she held her hand on Harry's chest. "Come on, let's go in and have a look anyway," she said brightly. Harry's head was spinning a bit, but he wasn't quite sure if it was the fire-whiskey or her kiss. She took him by the hand into the shop.

Emma was looking at some necklaces on the side of the wall, and Gabriella joined her. Harry walked over to Duncan, who handed Harry his flask again.

"Little sip?" he asked. Harry took the flask, and glancing back at the girls took a small sip. Now he knew why they called it fire-whiskey. His mouth and throat burned a bit, as Duncan patted him on the back. "Look mate, I know the Dursleys are keeping you down. I was wonderin' if maybe you'd like to help out at the shop? I know the owner there real well, good friend of my dad's, and I'm sure I could get you in. Pay's not too bad for part time work. It'd give you a few pounds to put on Gabriella. What do you say?"

Harry didn't think twice. "Sure, when do I start?"

"I'll talk to him tomorrow!"

"Hey, Duncan, come here!" called Emma. The girls had made it to the earrings and Emma was holding up something that looked like a thistle with a red berry in the middle. "Try this on." She handed it to him, and he modeled. "Oh, it's perfect," she said with a smile, and then quietly hummed a short tune, interjecting a few words as she looked in the mirror. All Harry could make out were the words: oak, ash, and thorn. Emma turned back to Duncan and grinned. "It'll be your birthday present!"

"When's your birthday?" asked Harry.

Duncan took off the earring and handed it to Emma. "Week after next, on the 24th."

Harry smiled a bit too broadly. "That makes us both Leos!" He slapped Duncan on the back enthusiastically.

Gabriella looked at him. "Why? When's your birthday?"

"The 31st. At least, that's what they tell me." He was looking at the mirror holding up his fringe, and grinning at his scar.

"I wonder...?" Gabriella went to a small display. "Harry, what do you think?" She held out an earring in front of his face. "Do you think it's a bit much?" In her hand was a silver lightning-bolt, and she held it to his ear. "The other one could be mine." She held it to her own ear.

"I-I don't think..."

"Ohhhhh, I LOVE it!" Emma squealed. "Harry, it looks fantastic."

"Quite the statement mate, with that scar on your head," Duncan chimed in.

"Well?" Gabriella asked, looking into his eyes. "It can be my birthday gift to you."

"Bloody hell; why not." And Harry climbed into the chair to have his ear pierced. The salesgirl came over.

"Oh, an excellent choice, give me just a moment." As she went to get her tools, Harry stared in the large mirror directly in front of him. Well, now he and Ron's brother Bill would have something in common. Everyone thought Bill was cool; he started to grin again.

The salesgirl stepped back over to the chair. "This won't hurt a bit. It looks like your first time, at least on the ears. Is it?" Harry nodded, flushing a bit scarlet. "Well, you may want to pull away, but try to stay as still as possible, it won't take but a second." She held what looked like a staple gun to Harry's ear and....

There was a tremendous CRASH, as the mirror Harry was staring into shattered into a million pieces. Emma, and another woman in the store, screamed. Duncan, who was taking a swig at the time, also gave a small yelp, spilling what was left down the front of his shirt. Only Gabriella seemed un-swayed by what had happened.

"Did it hurt?" she asked, sincerely concerned.

"Not really," Harry replied, a lightning-bolt now dangling from his ear. "I guess I must have kicked the mirror, or something," he said sheepishly.

"Or something." Her eyes were twinkling again, and the twinkle remained as they held hands making their way to the square.

The concert was loud, and he'd had a smashing good time; he danced and even sang a few of the songs he'd heard played on the radio. He and Gabriella wore smiles the whole night. At midnight, the band went home, but it wasn't until an hour later that the four made it back to their cars.

They stood outside Belton's for a few minutes, and Harry gave out a yawn. Duncan shook his hand. "Harry, you're a good mate." He took hold of the new earring in Harry's ear. "Grow your hair a little longer, and you really will look like a criminal!" He smiled, put his arm around Emma, and walked to her car.

Harry let out a deep breath. "Yeah, I could be a criminal," he whispered, his head still a bit light. "We'd better go, Gab; I don't know how late Dudley was thinking, but..."

"You were wonderful today, Harry," she said, and kissed his cheek. "Mama was right, there just aren't enough sensitive hearts out there any more." She opened the passenger door of her father's sedan. "I'll drive."

On the ride home, he found himself drowsy. His hand was on her leg as she held the steering wheel with both of hers. It had been a day of firsts; his first visit to a swimming pool, his first double date, his first concert. He felt like sleeping, but he was troubled; twice today he'd unwillingly lost control of himself. It was the first time that had ever happened before, but then, Malcolm deserved what he got. He held his hand to his ear. Well, that... that was definitely a first too. What was he going to tell the Dursleys? Somehow he was too tired to even worry. The car was slowing to a stop, and Harry opened his eyes expecting to see Privet Drive, but they were back at the church car park.

"I think we have a few minutes, don't you?" Gabriella turned the ignition off, and changed the station on the radio.

"I really don't feel like driving tonight," Harry muttered.

"Don't be silly," she said slyly, as her eyes twinkled at Harry. Suddenly, he wasn't quite so tired anymore.