Severus Snape
Romance Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/01/2004
Updated: 02/24/2007
Words: 340,891
Chapters: 59
Hits: 43,581

Swept From the Past


Story Summary:
Harry’s sixth year is about to start. Why has Dumbledore hired a Dark Sorceress to teach the students Defence Against the Dark Arts? What is her link with the Marauders and Lily? And why does Snape act so strangely with her? The sequel to OoTP. A lot of Snape for Snape-lovers.

Chapter 36

Chapter Summary:
Harry tries to ask a girl to the Ball. Will he succeed? Burns and Snape remember what had happened when they had spent their Christmas holidays together.

Chapter 36: A cold reunion

One afternoon, four days later, Harry entered the library. The students were speaking loudly. A quick glance around the room proved that Madam Pince was not there. Harry noticed Ginny and Hermione working at a table. Ginny had left the Hospital Wing the previous day along with the remaining girls. Alphonso had apologised at dinner in front of the whole school. Harry didn't know why, but he was glad that all the other girls had been affected by Alphonso's Veela charm. He always felt a touch of irritation he couldn't explain when Ginny talked about 'her mystery man.'

Since Ginny had spoken about Alphonso, Harry's stomach ached each time he saw her. At first, he had thought that he had eaten something that upset his stomach. Or maybe he was anxious because of Burns and the detention... Voldemort... his last Transfigurations' exam... even Lupin, although he was almost cured.

Harry couldn't understand why he was still so anxious. After all, Ginny was Ginny. Ron's sister. Why did she suddenly intimidate Harry? It was nonsense. Anyway, Harry had thought that inviting Ginny to the Spring Ball would be a good idea. They both had to find a partner, so why not? Harry had planned to go and ask her today. But he hadn't planned to be so anxious. What the hell was going on with him? Harry gulped. He took a deep breath and went to the girls' table.

"I can't believe Luna was right!" Hermione said. "The Dementors don't feel Burns' presence! I have to know why!"

"Er," Harry said, moving close. "Hi!"

"Hi," the girls replied.

"Can you imagine?" Hermione said. "She made the Dementor explode! It's unbelievable!"

Harry sat. He cast quick glances at Ginny.

"I'm curious to know what spells were used on the iron gates," Hermione continued. "It's fascinating!"

'Ginny,' Harry thought, 'will you go to the Ball with me?'

"And the vampires..." Hermione continued.

'Ginny...' Harry repeated in his mind.

"I've seen descriptions in books," Hermione added, "but it's nothing like the real thing!"

'...Will you go out with me?' Harry continued silently. 'No, er...' He blushed. 'Will you...'

"Do you know who is more fascinating?" Ginny replied.

'... go to the...' Harry thought again.

"Alphonso," Ginny continued.

'... Ball wi--' Harry's sentence faded in his mind. His heart sunk.

"What?" Hermione asked. "Are you still thinking of him?"

"But he's sooo cute!" Ginny exclaimed.

"It's the Veela charm!" Hermione replied. "Dumbledore explained it last time! And he repeated it yesterday!"

"He seemed to be sooo sorry," Ginny said.

"Who?" Hermione asked. "Dumbledore?"

"No," Ginny responded. "Alphonso," she said, smiling dreamily.

Harry didn't listen to the rest. He stood up and left.


Someone burst into Severus' office without knocking. Burns, of course. Severus stared at her.

"Professor Burns," he hissed. "When will you lose the habit of entering people's offices without knocking?"

"Do you want me to knock you?" Burns asked mockingly. Severus arched an eyebrow. No need to reply.

"I'd like to know why Misses Parkinson and Bulstrode will not have detention with me," Burns said.

"Misses Parkinson and Bulstrode will have detention with Filch," Severus replied. "One hour per evening for a month."

"Why wasn't I consulted?" Burns asked sharply.

"Professor McGonagall and I made a joint decision," Severus responded. "Heads of Gryffindor and Slytherin."

Burns looked at him with an icy stare. "I cut heads off," she retorted.

Severus screwed up his eyes. He knew that she tried to intimidate him.

"That's precisely the problem," he replied softly. "Your little demonstration in your ship was dangerous."

"It was not dang--" Burns retorted.

"Oh yes it was," Severus interrupted.

"I repeat what I've already told you," Burns replied. "The place was secured. The students were safe."

"I was not worried about the students!" Severus exclaimed. He felt angry again. "I was worried about you!" he continued. "Don't you understand? I didn't even notice the students! You were alone in this arena, and I couldn't do anything to help you!"

"Men and their pride," Burns spat. "They can't bear seeing a strong woman fighting alone. Damn male ego!"

Severus stood up briskly. His impetus made his chair fall behind him. He was enraged.

"How dare you?" he bellowed. "It's not a question of ego! I can't fight vampires! I can't fight a Dementor! I can't even produce a Patronus anymore! Not for fifteen years! Because I lost all that made me happy!"

"Nice try," Burns said, turning around and stepping to the door.

"I worried about you!" Severus exclaimed. "I still lov--"

Burns opened the door of his office and slammed it behind her before he had finished his sentence. Severus stared at the closed door, more despaired than ever. He sat back down in his chair, trying to find a solution.


Burns snapped her fingers and Apparated to her chambers. Snape worried about her? What else? He had never cared about her. She swallowed the painful lump she had in her throat. Why did she suddenly feel so touched? It didn't mean anything now.

She sat on her bed and levitated one of her Pensieves. When the Pensieve was close, Burns pulled her wand out of her robes. She touched the silvery surface with the tip of her wand. She took one of her memories from the Pensieve, and touched the substance to her temple...


The Hogwarts Express, twenty-first of December, third year of Katarina's Auror's training.

Katarina had taken the Hogwarts Express. She had left the University that morning, a smile on her face. Today was the twenty-first of December, the day she would be reunited with her lover after five long months of separation. Since they had quarrelled in the middle of July, she hadn't seen him. Severus was 'overwhelmed with extra work.' Her only exchanges with him had been by letters. She missed him so much! She was glad to spend Christmas at Hogwarts with him.

She had tried to be as elegant as possible. She wore high-heeled boots, a tartan plaid skirt, a nice sweater, and a scarf; a beret she had bought in London before taking the train, and a long, warm coat. She dressed partly in black, except the red, wooden scarf, and the skirt covered with black, white, and red panes. Severus liked black clothes. Katarina had made herself pretty for him.

She looked at her watch. In a few minutes, she would see him! She tried to focus on the magazine she had taken for the trip. She read the first paragraph for the twentieth time. The words were all there, but they didn't make sense. Kat sighed and threw her edition on her trunk. She couldn't read. She was much too thrilled.

She looked through the window. The landscape was snowy outside. Katarina had always loved Christmas holidays -- the snow, the coldness of the air, the atmosphere of feasts... She stared at the landscape dreamily until the train stopped. Then she took her trunk and descended the steps.

She cast a quick glance around, trying to find Severus into the crowd. After a few seconds, she saw him. Her heart pounded in her breast and she quickly walked to join him. He didn't seem to have seen her. But when she was close enough, he noticed her presence. When they were just a few steps away from each other, Katarina let go of her trunk, jumped in his arms and embraced him.

"I missed you so much, Honey!" she said. She squeezed him in her arms as hard as she could.

Severus barely caught her in his arms.

"Kat, we are in a public place," he whispered.

Katarina loosened her embrace. Her heart tightened. Why was Severus so cold when there were people all around? No one cared about them! A few meters away, a witch and her boyfriend didn't seem to ask themselves that question! And they were more much indecent than Katarina and Severus had ever been.

Severus levitated her trunk and they left the platform without a word.

"Why are you dressed like a Muggle?" Severus asked, when he put her trunk in the carriage.

Katarina's happiness faded. She was a half-blood. Since Severus disliked Muggles, that wasn't a compliment. That was even mean.

"I'm not dressed like a Muggle," she retorted. "That's just... fashion."

Severus didn't reply. He just stared straight ahead, where Thestrals pulled the carriage.

Katarina didn't want to speak either. She felt too sad to say anything. Severus had not even kissed her. She put her hand on his, but after a minute she felt he was tense. She let go of his hand and looked away, deep in thought.

They had been apart for five months! Why wasn't he showing any interest? Of course, he was reserved in his letters, but he had always been. Katarina hadn't seen it coming, since Severus had asked her to come to Hogwarts and spend the holidays with him. His welcome was more than cold. Katarina felt tears coming to her eyes, but she fought against them. She didn't want to cry. Not in front of him. He could have told her before that he didn't love her anymore! She would have spent her Christmas holidays crying, but she'd have been alone, at least. Now, she was at Hogwarts, forced to smile in front of people, forced to see the man she loved, although he wanted to break up with her. How cruel!

The carriage stopped. Katarina raised her head. They were in front of the castle.

"The Headmaster wants to see you," Severus said sharply. "He said he would be in the Great Hall. I'll take your trunk."

All right. She got the message. She didn't wait for him and entered the castle. She wandered in the corridors, feeling nostalgic. Maybe because her friends were not there anymore, and maybe because she had just realised her boyfriend didn't love her anymore. No, that hurt too much. She had to think of something else, even if she had a painful lump in her throat. She quickly and carefully wiped her wet eyes. No tears. Not in public. In private, she could cry out all her tears. For now, she had to keep control and flight that awful feeling of pain.

She entered the Great Hall. Professor Dumbledore was seated on his chair, alone at the centre of the Head Table. He appeared to be reading. Katarina was not surprised. Severus had written in his previous letters that Dumbledore had a strange habit of reading alone in the Great Hall. He said that the Headmaster came there to escape the quarrelling portraits in his office. It was odd, but not really from Dumbledore.

The Headmaster raised his head and smiled at Katarina. He stood up, left the table, and took a few steps in her direction.

"Miss Katarina Burns," the Headmaster said. "Welcome back to Hogwarts!"

"Headmaster," Katarina replied, "it's always a pleasure to come back here!"

"I hope you will not consider a hug from an old family friend an improper greeting, Katarina?" Dumbledore suggested. He smiled.

"No, of course not," Katarina replied. She stepped forward and hugged the Headmaster. It was good to see him again.

The Headmaster laughed.

"How was your trip to Hogwarts?" he asked.

"Very..." Katarina was about to respond 'good,' but it wasn't the truth. Not since the moment she had left the train. "... tiring," she said after a pause.

The Headmaster stared at her. She didn't want him to understand something went wrong! She had to smile! But she didn't manage to. Her features were fixed into a sad expression. She felt tears coming to her eyes. Not now! Not now!

"Er..." she said finally, "It's just coming back here, that's all. I must admit I missed Hogwarts more than I thought."

An awkward silence followed. Katarina couldn't look the Headmaster in the eye. She just bent her head with embarrassment to hide her coming tears.

"You look lovely today, Katarina," Dumbledore said. "Do not you think so, Severus?"

Katarina flinched. Severus was here? She had to be stronger than she was now.

"I suppose," Severus replied coldly. The Headmaster threw him a reproachful stare.

"Ah, Igor," Dumbledore said, speaking to an elf who was carrying Katarina's trunk. "Please leave the trunk on the floor." The elf obeyed. Dumbledore pulled a parchment out of his robes and gave it to the elf. "I am afraid that I have a rather long list of tasks that must be done right away," the Headmaster continued. "Thank you, Igor."

Igor read the parchment and left the hall.

"So," Dumbledore asked Katarina, "How is life in University?"

"I think I preferred Hogwarts," Katarina replied. "I work a lot. The exams are really hard, but I'll do my best."

"I heard that you were one of the best students in your year," Dumbledore said.

"Well, that I'll know at the end of the year," responded Katarina. "I think it's too early to conclude anything."

"And how are Sirius Black and James Potter doing?" Dumbledore asked.

Why did the Headmaster talk about them? Maybe he wanted to tease Severus?

"I guess they'll be the best students of the promotion!" Katarina exclaimed, forcing herself to smile. "At least, Sirius will. He's always been brilliant!"

Since Severus didn't love her anymore, why couldn't she hurt him a little? After all, everything about them bothered him.

"Of course," she continued, "James was brilliant too, but with a wife and a baby, he can't study as well as he could!"

"And how is Lily?" Dumbledore asked.

"She's fine!" Katarina replied. "She has the most wonderful baby in the entire world. Little Harry. He's so cute! He looks like James!" For sure, that would hurt Severus. "But he has Lily's eyes," she added.

"You seem to love him very much, Katarina," the Headmaster said with a smile. "I am sure that you will be a wonderful mother!"

Katarina's heart sank. It was too painful. How could she become a mother? She was not even anyone's girlfriend, anymore.

"Thank you," she replied. She had a tremor in her voice.

"Are you all right, Katarina?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm just tired," she responded.

"Maybe Severus should bring you to your chambers?" The Headmaster suggested.

"There's no need to," Katarina replied. She swallowed her tears. "Cooky told me where they are. I can go there by myself. I'm sure that Severus has a lot of things to do. There's no need for me to... bother him."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow.

"Headmaster," Katarina continued, "I'd like to thank you for your warm welcome, but I think I'll shorten my visit. Maybe I'll stay until... until Christmas."

She couldn't bear that situation anymore. If she didn't leave now, she would fall into tears in front of the Headmaster. There was no way for that. She turned to Severus and avoided his stare. She grabbed the handle of her trunk and left quickly.

Katarina walked as fast as possible in the corridors with her heavy trunk. Of course, Cooky hadn't told anything about where her chambers were. Katarina had lied to the Headmaster and Severus. Now she had to find her house-elf. The kitchens! Maybe an elf could tell her! Then she would go to her bloody chambers to cry all the bloody tears of her bloody body.

"Katarina!" She heard Severus exclaim at the other end of the corridor.

Oh God, why couldn't she be alone when she wanted to? If she'd had the Marauder's Map, everything would have been easier! Katarina stopped and sighed deeply, trying to calm her emotions.

Severus joined her.

"That trunk is too heavy for you," he said. "Why didn't you levitate it?"

Levitate the trunk? Katarina hadn't even thought of that. She had just wanted to leave as fast as she could.

"That's okay," Katarina replied. However, Severus took the handle from her hands. He uttered a spell to levitate the trunk and went forward. Katarina didn't have any other choice than following him.

They walked along the corridors, speechless. Katarina walked a few steps behind Severus. They went up a few flights of stairs, walked in the corridors, and stopped in front of a door. Severus opened the door and motioned for Katarina to enter first. She obeyed silently.

She went to the middle of the room without turning back. Then she waited motionless, her eyes shut, for Severus to put her trunk inside the room and leave.

She heard the rustle of Severus' robes. The trunk hit the floor. The door snapped shut. Then nothing more. For an instant, she thought she'd heard a breath, but it was probably her imagination. Her heart beat faster. She heard a few steps, the same rustle. Didn't Severus leave the room? Did he really want to tell her now that everything was over?

She felt Severus' presence behind her. He moved closer and put his left arm around her waist. He held her firmly, removed her scarf and her beret, cleared off her hair from her right shoulder and kissed her neck. It made her shiver. Then he put his right arm around her waist and embraced her warmly.

Katarina let her tears fall. She felt needles pricking in her pounding heart. She didn't understand anything anymore. She was completely disorientated.

"I missed you too, Kat," Severus said.

He made her turn to face him, and they kissed like they should have done on the platform one hour ago. She had expected that kiss for a long time. She had missed his presence, his comforting arms, his voice, his lips. She loved him so much!

"I don't want you to shorten your visit, silly girl," Severus said when their lips parted. "And I want you to bother me. I want you to bother me all the time, little liar."

Katarina cast him a questioning stare. Why? Why did he...?

"Cooky didn't even know where your chambers were," Severus replied.

"I thought you--" said Katarina.

"I know what you thought," Severus interrupted. "You were wrong. Terribly wrong, my Love." Then he brushed her cheeks and kissed her.


Professor Burns snapped out of her thoughts. She realised that she was crying. She quickly wiped up her icy tears. Her hands trembled.

"What's happening to me?" she asked out loud. Her voice quavered too.

She lay on her bed and removed her gloves. She was just tired and needed to take rest. Or she was going mad... But wasn't she already? She closed her eyes and soon fell into slumber.


The Potions master was still in his office. He had almost told Burns that he loved her. But she had left before he had finished his sentence. And his last words had been drowned by the sound of the door that Burns had slammed.

Everything was so complicated. For fifteen years, he had never uttered a word of love. When he had lost Katarina, he had lost everything. He had given up on his personal life. He had buried himself in his Potions work, trying to make his life less miserable. And Burns had come back. She was different, evil, full of hate. Because of him. How could he convince her that she had misjudged him? Severus knew that the efforts he had made were not enough. Fifteen years ago, Katarina would have understood his language. That if he offered her roses or if he watched over her for whole nights, it meant that he was deeply in love with her.

But now, Burns didn't want to understand anything. Would it help if he tore his bleeding heart from his chest and asked an elf to bring it to her? He wasn't even sure...

Katarina had always trusted him, although he had lied to her almost all the time. And Burns never trusted him, although he always told her the truth. Before, Severus had always managed to convince Katarina that he still loved her. The Potions master remembered how the Christmas holidays of his third year as a Potions assistant had started...


Hogwarts' station, twenty-first of December, Severus' third year as a Potions assistant.

Severus stood on the platform. The Hogwarts Express would arrive soon. Severus was about to see Katarina after five long months of separation. He had been anticipating that moment for weeks. He'd had enough of receiving letters! She always told him how much she missed him, how much she loved him. But since he couldn't write the same things, it was frustrating!

Severus hadn't been able to sleep the previous night. He had just thought of her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her. But when he had thought it possible, he saw Thomas Brown, one of the Death-Eaters he had met at Malfoy Manor. The man signalled his presence to Severus with a quick wave of his hand and winked. Of course, Brown wanted to watch them, to see for himself what was going on!

There was no way, now. He had to play the game of the false lover. Coldness. Then he saw her. Kat. His Kat. He found her beautiful. He knew that she had dressed for him. Almost entirely in black. Just for him. He gulped. She let go of her trunk, jumped in his arms and embraced him.

"I missed you so much, Honey!" she said. She squeezed him in her arms as hard as she could.

His heart tightened. What could he do? Embracing her was out of the question. Not while Brown was watching. Severus pretended to embrace her. A weak embrace. He made a grimace, as if he was disgusted. He was, indeed. Brown had spoiled their reunion.

"Kat, we are in a public place," Severus whispered. It was probably the best response under the circumstances.

Kat loosened her embrace. Severus felt desperate. He had hurt her. But what else could he do? He lifted her trunk and they left the platform without a word.

When Severus put Kat's trunk into the carriage, he noticed that a few people were watching. He knew their faces. There were spies everywhere. No safe place. Not even Hogwarts, since Blazy was there. Anyone could hear them on the way to the castle. For Hogwarts, he and Dumbledore had a plan. But for now, he had to tell her something sharp.

"Why are you dressed like a Muggle?" he asked. He had nothing else to say. It would sound good for certain ears.

"I'm not dressed like a Muggle," she retorted. "That's just... fashion." She looked sad. Of course she was. And so was he. That was enough. No need to speak anymore. He stared straight ahead, as if he didn't care. It was the best solution, until they reached Hogwarts. Severus was tense. Damn! He hadn't even kissed her! What would she think?

She put her hand on his. The contact of her skin. The only real contact he had with her for five months. But soon, too soon, she let go of his hand and looked away, deep in thought. He had hurt her deeply. She was probably about to cry.

The carriage stopped. Hogwarts, at last.

"The Headmaster wants to see you," Severus said sharply. "He said he would be in the Great Hall. I'll take your trunk."

Blazy was probably spying on them, from one of the windows above them. Severus couldn't be kind. He had to follow the plan. He had to give Blazy what he wanted to hear and see. His sharp reply had been rehearsed. But the context he had imagined at first was different. He was supposed to make her speak about Black on the road. Then she'd have understood why he had replied sharply. But now... she wouldn't understand anything. Severus knew Katarina needed to be alone.

He levitated her trunk and entered the castle. Then he saw Igor, Blazy's house-elf, wandering the corridors and spying, as usual. The house-elf belonged to Hogwarts, so he had to obey every teacher of the school. However, since he had been in Blazy's service for several years, Igor was the ideal spy.

"Igor," Severus said coldly, putting the trunk on the floor with a flick of his wand. "Take that trunk to the Great Hall. Quickly! It belongs to the girl," he said disdainfully. "The levitation spells are slow and I'll certainly not waste my time with a stupid trunk!"

The eyes of the house-elf flashed. The creature would repeat it to his master.

"What are you waiting for?" Severus snapped.

The elf lifted the trunk and went forward. Severus followed the creature.

"By the way," Severus said scornfully, "the Headmaster wants to see you now in the Great Hall. Silly old man, who can't do his chores by himself!" he exclaimed. "First he forces me to invite the girl, then he asks me to give a message to a house-elf! Who does he think I am? A Mudblood?" Severus scowled.

A few minutes later, they entered the Great Hall. For the past several months, Dumbledore read there at the same hour every day. Everyone had thought it was a new eccentricity from the Headmaster. But it had been planned that way for another reason: to allow Igor, who couldn't access Dumbledore's office, to witness a few conversations and give Blazy false information. Not to arouse suspicion, Dumbledore's habit had started at the beginning of the school year.

"You look lovely today, Katarina," Dumbledore said to Katarina. "Do not you think so, Severus?"

Katarina didn't turn around.

"I suppose," Severus replied coldly. Igor must hear Severus' response, and see the reproachful stare Dumbledore threw at Severus. He had to see that Dumbledore didn't appreciate Severus' rudeness. That they weren't on the same side.

"Ah, Igor," Dumbledore said, turning to the house-elf. "Please leave the trunk on the floor." The elf obeyed. Dumbledore pulled a parchment out of his robes and gave it to the elf. "I am afraid that I have a rather long list of tasks that must be done right away," the Headmaster continued. "Thank you, Igor."

Igor read the parchment. Now he was trapped. Since Dumbledore was the authority in Hogwarts, Igor had to obey the Headmaster and forget the orders given by Blazy. It was the rule, enforced by magic. Of course, all these tasks must be done outside the castle. The plan to get rid of that house-elf had worked. The elf left the hall.

"So," Dumbledore asked Katarina, "How is life in University?"

"I think I preferred Hogwarts," Katarina replied. "I work a lot. The exams are really hard, but I'll do my best."

"I heard that you were one of the best students in your year," Dumbledore said.

Severus smiled inwardly.

"Well, that I'll know at the end of the year," responded Katarina. "I think it's too early to conclude anything."

If only she could apply that idea to their relationship, and give him a chance to explain himself!

"And how are Sirius Black and James Potter doing?" Dumbledore asked.

Hey, that was not a part of the plan! Dumbledore took too many liberties! He had probably seen Black and Potter at the last meeting of the Order. Severus had never been to an official meeting, since only Dumbledore knew he was a double agent. Of course, Katarina didn't know anything about the Order. Dumbledore had thought she was not ready for that when she'd left Hogwarts, considering the secrets about her past. Then Severus had switched sides, which complicated everything. Dumbledore had decided not to tell her. But even if Katarina didn't know about the Order, it was not a reason for the Headmaster to speak about Black and Potter!!!

"I guess they'll be the best students of the promotion!" Katarina smiled slightly. "At least, Sirius will. He's always been brilliant!"

All right, Severus deserved that one. Katarina knew it would hurt him.

"Of course," she continued, "James was brilliant too, but with a wife and a baby, he can't study as well as he could!"

Okay, Severus had understood the message the first time. Black and Potter were brilliant, claptrap. All right, she had managed to upset him!

"And how is Lily?" Dumbledore asked.

"She's fine!" Katarina replied. "She has the most wonderful baby in the entire world. Little Harry. He's so cute! He looks like James! But he has Lily's eyes."

Oh, Merlin, now the baby! The awful, little baby, who caused so much trouble even before he was born! The portrait of his father. How strange! With Black and Potter that close, Severus had thought the baby would have inherited Black's eyes.

"You seem to love him very much, Katarina," the Headmaster said with a smile. "I am sure that you will be a wonderful mother!"

All right, now, enough with the baby thing! She would be a wonderful mother, but it was not the moment for putting such ideas in her head. Having babies meant making love, and making love meant that she saw the Dark Mark on his arm. It was definitely not a good idea. There were more urgent things to deal with for the moment. He was about to be dumped!

"Thank you," she replied.

Severus noticed the quaver in her voice. What? Did she really want to have a baby now?

"Are you all right, Katarina?" Dumbledore asked.

No, this wasn't about babies. Not directly. It was about him. She thought it was the end of their relationship.

"I'm just tired," she responded.

She was not the only one to be tired. Severus was exhausted.

"Maybe Severus should bring you to your chambers?" The Headmaster suggested.

That was a good idea. He would bring her to her chambers, and...

"There's no need to," Katarina replied. "Cooky told me where they are. I can go there by myself. I'm sure that Severus has a lot of things to do. There's no need for me to... bother him."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. Severus too. This was not a part of the plan! She was such a liar! Cooky didn't know where her chambers were. No one knew except Severus and the Headmaster! Katarina had just made it up to avoid Severus!

"Headmaster," Katarina continued, "I'd like to thank you for your warm welcome, but I think I'll shorten my visit. Maybe I'll stay until... until Christmas."

No! Didn't she hear him? This was NOT A PART OF THE PLAN! She had to stay! Especially for that Christmas! All right, maybe his welcome had been cold, but...

Katarina turned to Severus and avoided his stare. She grabbed the handle of her trunk and left quickly.

Severus didn't know how to react. He just stared at the closed door for a few seconds.

"Severus," the Headmaster said. Dumbledore cast him a knowing stare. "I think you should run after her quickly. She is despaired. She does not need time. She needs you. And if she wants to avoid you, you will have trouble bringing her back. Do not forget she can Disapparate within Hogwarts. You cannot."

Severus nodded. He ran out of the Great Hall. Damn, where was she? He followed the corridor on his right, hoping he would find her again quickly. God, where did she go? To the kitchens maybe. To find her elf. Severus turned the corner and saw her at the other end of the corridor.

"Katarina!" He exclaimed.

She stopped, but didn't turn around. She looked agitated. Severus hoped that she wouldn't Disapparate. But since she carried her trunk and looked rather tired, maybe she didn't have enough strength for that. He joined her.

"That trunk is too heavy for you," he said. How did she manage to go so far so quickly? The trunk was really heavy! Kat really wanted to avoid him! "Why didn't you levitate it?" he asked, knowing that she had probably not even thought about it.

"That's okay," Katarina replied.

No way, girl. He wouldn't give her choice.

Severus took the handle from her hands. He uttered a spell to levitate the trunk and went forward. Now, she had to follow him.

They walked along the corridors, speechless. Katarina walked a few paces behind. Severus wondered what he would tell her. He had to find something. A good reason for his attitude. Damn!

They ascended the stairs and walked in the corridors. After several minutes, they stopped in front of her chambers. Severus opened the door. He wanted Kat to enter first. Rules of politeness.

Katarina obeyed silently. She went to the middle of the room, without turning back. Then she stood there, motionless.

Severus entered the room and put the trunk down on the floor. Then he closed the door. Katarina hadn't moved. Had she expected him to leave? Probably. What could he do now to repair the damage? What could he say? Did he have to say something? He didn't want to speak, he just wanted to embrace her, to kiss her. Maybe it was the right thing to do?

He stepped forward and stood behind her, close enough to smell her perfume. He moved closer and put his left arm around her waist. She didn't push him away; that was a good sign. He had to be delicate, to show her in his gestures what he felt for her. He held her firmly, removed her scarf and her beret, cleared off her hair from her right shoulder and kissed her neck. He felt her shivering. Then he put his right arm around her waist and embraced her warmly.

He felt a drop on his hand. Bloody hell, he made her cry! He didn't want to make her cry, to make her doubt his feelings! He had missed her so much! He would have liked to tell her on the platform when she had taken him in her arms. Maybe it was time now.

"I missed you too, Kat," Severus said.

He made her turn to face him, and they kissed like they should have done on the platform one hour ago. An endless kiss. Severus felt Katarina's tears on his face, her arms around his neck, and the force of her love.

"I don't want you to shorten your visit, silly girl," he said when their lips parted. "And I want you to bother me. I want you to bother me all the time, little liar," he said teasingly.

Katarina cast him a questioning stare. She looked disorientated.

"Cooky didn't even know where your chambers were," Severus replied.

"I thought you--" said Katarina.

"I know what you thought," Severus interrupted. "You were wrong. Terribly wrong, my Love." Then he brushed her cheeks and kissed her.


The Potions master sighed. Yes, he'd known what Katarina had thought at the time... and he knew what Burns thought now. And again, she was terribly wrong.

Someone knocked insistently at the door.

"Come in," Severus grumbled.

Cooky the house-elf entered his office. She looked alarmed.

"Master Snape!" she exclaimed. "There's something wrong with Captain Burns!"

"What?" Severus gasped.

"Cooky disobeyed Captain Burns and returned to Mistress' chambers," the elf said. "Cooky was worried for Captain Burns and wanted to check if Mistress was all right. But Captain Burns is asleep and looks ill. Mistress stirs in her sleep, moans, and seems delirious. Professor Dumbledore can't wake her up."

Severus didn't reply. He took a pinch of Floo Powder and rushed over to the fireplace. "Professor Burns' apartments," he shouted, and vanished.

He appeared in Burns' quarters. He heard moans coming from Burns' bedroom and entered immediately. Burns lay on her bed. She appeared to be asleep, but she had a pained expression on her face. Her cheeks looked dangerously pale and were covered by icy tears. She breathed hard. Burns stirred and prevented Professor Dumbledore, who tried to calm her, from approaching her. The Headmaster managed to grip one of her hands, but a blue energy came from Burns' hand and pushed him away. He hit his back on the wall and moaned.

"Headmaster!" Severus exclaimed.

"Ah, Severus," Dumbledore said, massaging his back. "I am fine. But too old for trying to calm someone like Professor Burns. My poor kidneys are not what they were."

"What's happening to her?" Severus asked, his voice quavering. He stared at Burns, fighting the urge to take her into his arms. He was more anxious than ever.

"Nightmares," Dumbledore replied. "Exhausting nightmares. She cannot control herself."

"Why don't we use a spell to calm her?" Severus asked. "Or to wake her up?"

The Headmaster shook his head. "The spell will bounce back," he said. "And I have a better idea." He paused. "Take her hand," he continued softly.

Severus raised an eyebrow. "Is it a joke?" he hissed. "She hates me. She will throw me away as soon as I touch her."

"Let us try," Dumbledore replied.

Severus didn't reply. He stared at Burns again. Her expression of suffering hurt him. He moved forward to take her hand. No matter what would happen to him, he had to try. He gripped her left hand and closed his eyes, expecting to feel the explosion of her magical energy. But he didn't feel anything. Just the contact of her frozen hand in his. He opened his eyes. Burns' expression of suffering had disappeared. Her breathing slowed down and she stopped moaning.

Severus sat onto the bed and threw Dumbledore a questioning glance. He didn't understand anything. Why had Burns pushed Dumbledore away and not him?

The Headmaster smiled. "There are things that an old man like me cannot do," he said.

"But..." Severus whispered. He felt Burns' hand warm up slowly. "Why...?" he asked, not knowing what to say. "I was sure... that she needed physical contact to heal," Severus said at last. "But if she pushed you away, what--"

"Oh," Dumbledore replied quietly, "Professor Burns indeed needs physical contact to heal." He cast an insistent stare at Severus and Burns' joined hands. Then he left the room without saying more.

Severus almost stopped breathing. What? Did Burns need his contact to heal?



Author notes: Thanks to Lady Claire, Zeenzette, Be Cunning, Hopeful Dreamer (for chapter 1 and 2), and sevysgalypaly123 for your reviews! The bunnies and trees are happy!

Sorry for those who hate Ginny… Hehe…

Lady Claire: Yes, the little wizards and witches are lucky to have those magical furry bunnies! It also exists with bears, Dragons, Hippogriffs, and in all sorts of colours. But the bunnies are my favourite (Ok, I confess it! I can't resist to furry bunnies!!!) Glad that you liked the scene with Severus, Sirius, and Remus in Katarina's apartment. Testosterone can be dangerous in certain circumstances… lol

Zeenzette: Thanks for your comment! Severus is far away to be perfect, and he proves it all the time. Finally, he's just a human being… ^^

Be Cunning : Whaw! Two reviews this week! No Ring of Sauron to destroy. Promise! ^^
Yes, Severus should have told everything to Katarina. I think he probably didn't realize how patient Katarina had been with him or what sacrifices she had made (men are selfish). He acted like a coward and didn't say anything, just because he was terrified to lose her. More explanations about that in Chapter 38.
You wrote: "But rather and see if anything happened just last night.... [Severus] feels the need to comb as far back as their first innocent five year old kiss."
Oh, actually, Severus didn't go that far in Katarina's memories. He checked at the very last events in her life (which includes the conversation with Remus, where she mentioned that kiss when she was five). And Severus felt a bit disappointed about that kiss, because… it's just Severus.
But I picture him saying the sentence "So, I didn't give you your first kiss?" in a soft way. No aggression in that question, just a touch of bitterness.

Be Cunning and sevysgalypaly123: About the fact Severus wanted to use Occlumency, well… He's very jealous, not self-confident, has a bad-temper… (the list is long). So visiting Katarina and coming face to face with Remus (although Katarina hadn't mentioned to Severus Remus would come) was too much for him. He became paranoiac and wondered if Katarina hadn't betrayed him, although a part of him knew she couldn't have done that. His behaviour was disappointing, but human, considering his nature. Of course, that is no excuse. That is just another mistake he made. And it won't be the last one…
Katarina let Severus use Occlumency because she knew he needed to be reassured (and she had hidden to him that Remus would come, so… she felt a little guilty). Of course, she could have asked him about his New Year's Eve and even use Occlumency on him too (at least, ask to use it, because he wouldn't have agreed). But she didn't want to quarrel with him, which would have happened if she had directly asked if he had an affair and what he had done on New Year's Eve. So she preferred giving him what he wanted (to use Occlumency) and ask him with tact if he kissed other girls. I think she could have written a book called "How not to bother a Snape." ^^ The privilege of knowing Severus' reactions…

sevysgalypaly123: It's not that Burns doesn't like babies. But she got rid of that idea a long time ago, considering the… circumstances. She is condemned to kill the babies who have been bitten by vampires. The only way for Burns (in now) to talk to a baby the way she did it in her past, would be if she had her OWN baby. Because seeing the baby of someone else (and not a vampire one) can only be painful for her.
About Alphonso and why his Veela charm didn't work on Burns… well, there were 'indirect' clues in this chapter!

Concerning the next chapter… I bet that you'll all want to hex Severus! He'll really be an awful prat… ^^