Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Slash
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/29/2003
Updated: 11/30/2003
Words: 13,535
Chapters: 12
Hits: 29,876

Change of Hearts


Story Summary:
It's the summer before Harry's sixth year, and he is avoiding anything to do with Sirius. He has a job, and goes shopping for a new look.``Draco notices the simple yet drastic differences between him and his raven haired and green eyed love.

Chapter 01

It's the summer before Harry's sixth year, and he is avoiding anything to do with Sirius. He has a job, and goes shopping for a new look.

Words: 942
Hits: 5,756
Chapter 02

September first is finally here and that can only mean one thing. It's time to go to King's Cross and board the Hogwarts Express. The trio regroups with an expected visit from their favorite Slytherin. What happens when Draco asks to speak to Harry privately?

Words: 1,353
Hits: 3,371
Chapter 03

Draco has a flashback of a certin Hogwarts champion and Harry learns the secrets of his friends love lives.

Words: 1,965
Hits: 2,927
Chapter 04

Draco finally asks Harry a very important question and poor Hermione sobbs of heartbreak. Little Angsty

Words: 1,441
Hits: 2,642
Chapter 05

“Excuse me?” he asked, finally looking at Draco.

Words: 1,587
Hits: 2,251
Chapter 06

Halloween Hogsmeade visit. Hermione and Draco fight, Harry walks out, Ron and Ernie watch. Overall, it's a great day!

Words: 1,221
Hits: 2,036
Chapter 07

It's December, and Harry and Draco are looking for some place to be alone before Draco gets carted off home for the holidays. When all of Harry's ideas are either a) in use, or b) rejected, where do they go?

Words: 952
Hits: 1,632
Chapter 08

What happens durring the Christmas holidays, and what does the week hold in store for a lone Harry in the way of surprises? Special guest appearince by Lupin.

Words: 1,044
Hits: 1,660
Chapter 09

Harry and Draco are trying to study in the Gryffindor common room. When the original attempt fails, they seperate themselves. Then what happens?

Words: 862
Hits: 1,940
Chapter 10

Harry and Draco fight. Harry's pulling away again--Didn't Draco try to make him promise not to do that?

Words: 796
Hits: 1,587
Chapter 11

Harry and Draco visit Hogsmeade where a few surprises are waiting in the shadows. People die, our favorite couple...well, read the story.

Words: 766
Hits: 1,575
Chapter 12

“Another year, gone, and with it, the life of a student.

Words: 606
Hits: 2,499