Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Slash
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/29/2003
Updated: 11/30/2003
Words: 13,535
Chapters: 12
Hits: 29,876

Change of Hearts


Story Summary:
It's the summer before Harry's sixth year, and he is avoiding anything to do with Sirius. He has a job, and goes shopping for a new look.``Draco notices the simple yet drastic differences between him and his raven haired and green eyed love.

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
What happens durring the Christmas holidays, and what does the week hold in store for a lone Harry in the way of surprises? Special guest appearince by Lupin.

Change of Hearts

Chapter 8

Whether or not Draco worried at all over the holidays was anyone's guess, as he had never showed emotion. He pretended to be the cold hearted boy everyone knew him to be.

But of course, he didn't fool everyone. Damn his father for noticing everything.

It happened at dinner Christmas eve. His father asked how Draco was coming with his 'little problem'.

Draco was instantly angry, but after years of hiding his emotions, the wall was back in an instant.

But even that instant was enough to trigger Lucius's alarms.

"I've received an owl about you bringing one Harry Potter to your common room last week," his father informed him. "Is it true?"

"No," Draco lied. "Who told you that?"

"I have my sources and I do not need to inform you of them. After all, you may just curse them into oblivion. Which, by-the-way, will be Potter's fate should I hear from anyone, ever again, that you two are anything more than mere rivals."

Bastard, Draco thought. God damn fucking bastard.

He cleared his throat. "May I be excused?" Draco asked keeping his voice steady and emotionless.

"No. Not until you tell me what Potter was doing in the Slytherin common room."

"He wasn't in there."

"Then who was?"


"Did I or did I not tell you that being gay was unacceptable?"

"You did. But that doesn't mean--"

"DOESN'T MEAN WHAT?" Lucius roared. He stood, causing his chair to topple backwards. He bent over the table and placed one long slender hand next to Draco's plate and the other inches from Draco's nose. "You are my son and you will do as I tell you. There are consequences for disobeying. Do you wish for me to remind you of those consequences?"

Draco sat in silence. He knew he had pushed his father's limits and he was glad he did.


Had Harry said he'd be fine while Draco was away? Maybe he lied a little. With no one around, his past caught up with him and he was flooded with memories of the previous summer.

He received an owl from Lupin telling him to meet at the fire at midnight Christmas morning. Harry wondered what was up.

And there he sat, waiting for his former professor's head to come through the flames, when instead all of Lupin did.

He stepped out of the ashes and dusted himself off.

"Hello Harry," he sad.

"Erm...hello, Professor.

"Remus, Harry, please. Or Lupin. Otherwise, you'll make me feel older than I look."

It was true, Lupin seemed to age at least another five years since Harry saw him last. His hair had more gray in it and his face had more lines. But the man wasn't old.

He sat beside Harry and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Harry, I have to tell you something about Sirius. And I want to tell you this in person, that's why I'm here. No one knows this but me. You should know this because you were the most important person to him. Even more important than...." He trailed off and cleared his throat before continuing. "Sirius was gay, Harry. And we were married."

Harry sat in stunned silence. "No one knew?" he asked finally.

"Your parents and Petigrew did, but they can't exactly tell anyone."

Harry nodded. "How long?" he asked still stunned.

"Just out of Hogwarts. We were going to tell everyone, but he--he--"

"Died before you had the chance," Harry finished. Lupin nodded.

"Well," Harry said uncomfortably, "while we're letting out secrets, I have a boyfriend."

"You do?" came Lupin's surprised response.

"Yeah. I'm not gay exactly, but he is."

"Who is he?"

"Draco Malfoy."

"WHAT?" Lupin demanded standing. "Malfoy? Harry are you crazy? Has he put a spell on you?"

"No, he asked me for help."

"He's a Malfoy, Harry. That's bad blood--"

"He is not his father!" Harry yelled just as loud also standing. "We've been dating all year now, Remus. I think I know him."

"Never trust a Malfoy."

"And what if he became a Potter? Would you give him a chance then?"

"Are you saying you'd like to marry him?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm trying to say is, is a name that important? There's a play, I don't know if you've heard of it, it's called Romeo and Juliet. Have you?"

"No," Lupin replied sulking.

"In it there's this scene. It's the famous balcony scene. In it Juliet thinks she's alone, and it's just after she meets Romeo. She says, "...What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." If Draco were not a Malfoy, how would you react?"

Lupin was left speechless.

"I thought so."

Harry left him there, storming up to his dormitory he flung himself upon his bed.


There was a knock on Draco's door.

Damn, he thought. Just as I was getting to sleep.

"Come in," he sighed.

It was his mother.

"What's the matter Draco?" she asked.


"Is it true about Harry Potter? Are you in love with him?"

Draco knew for a fact he could trust his mother with anything, but how do you tell your mother your in love with your father's enemy? You just do.

Draco sighed again. "Yes, I am."

Narcissa smiled. "Even after all of your fathers ranting and raving, and trying to mold you into himself, you still managed to become your own person. I am so proud of you, Draco. My biggest fear was that you would turn into him. If you want him, you had better go get him, I don't care who he is."

Draco felt tears burn at his eyes. "I already have," he said giving her a hug.

They pulled apart quickly at the sound of footsteps. The chance that Lucius saw them was great as she had left the door open. Draco was glad he'd never started to cry.

Lucius looked in through the door seconds later. "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing, Lucius," she replied, her voice suddenly cold. "I was just talking to our son about his distasteful behavior at dinner."

"If he hasn't learned by now, he never will," the man replied leaving.