Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Lavender Brown Parvati Patil
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/13/2005
Updated: 10/21/2005
Words: 8,342
Chapters: 3
Hits: 4,476

Utterly Parvati


Story Summary:
Everyone and your best friend is in love with Ron Weasley. Despite your amazing match-making skills, Draco Malfoy and Ginny stubbornly remain in serious denial about their obvious chemistry. Not only is your sister annoyingly smart, but she’s miraculously managed to acquire a real boyfriend. But it’s all okay because you’re making the most of being a single and free (and terribly sexy) witch for the first time since third year. So why do people keep refusing to believe that you’re NOT going out with Harry Potter…? The sequel to Parvati Prevails.

Chapter 01

Everyone and your best friend is in love with Ron Weasley. Despite your amazing match-making skills, Draco Malfoy and Ginny stubbornly remain in serious denial about their obvious chemistry. Not only is your sister annoyingly smart, but she’s miraculously managed to acquire a real boyfriend. But it’s all okay because you’re making the most of being a single and free (and terribly sexy) witch for the first time since third year. So why do people keep refusing to believe that you’re NOT going out with Harry Potter…? The sequel to

Words: 2,681
Hits: 1,554
Chapter 02

Everyone and your best friend is in love with Ron Weasley. Despite your amazing match-making skills, Draco Malfoy and Ginny stubbornly remain in serious denial about their obvious chemistry. Not only is your sister annoyingly smart, but she’s miraculously managed to acquire a real boyfriend. But it’s all okay because you’re making the most of being a single and free (and terribly sexy) witch for the first time since third year. So why do people keep refusing to believe that you’re NOT going out with Harry Potter…? The sequel to

Words: 2,348
Hits: 808
Chapter 03

Everyone and your best friend is in love with Ron Weasley. Despite your amazing match-making skills, Draco Malfoy and Ginny stubbornly remain in serious denial about their obvious chemistry. Not only is your sister annoyingly smart, but she’s miraculously managed to acquire a real boyfriend. But it’s all okay because you’re making the most of being a single and free (and terribly sexy) witch for the first time since third year. So why do people keep refusing to believe that you’re NOT going out with Harry Potter…? The sequel to

Words: 3,313
Hits: 2,114