Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Luna Lovegood
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/05/2005
Updated: 12/03/2006
Words: 12,747
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,679

All Or Nothing

Woolly Bladder

Story Summary:
From the age of eight, Draco and Luna have been hiding a secret frienship that has held strong for many years. But when Luna does something that is seen as a betrayal by Draco, can their friendship last?

From the age of eight, Draco and Luna have been hiding a secret frienship that has held strong for many years. But when Luna does something that is seen as a betrayal by Draco, can their friendship last?

Words: 1,251
Hits: 1,116

At a young age, Draco and Luna become best friends. However, when Draco goes off to school he realizes that they could never publicly be friends. And so they meet in secret. But as the war goes on and sides are more and more clearly defined, will their friendship be able to grow into more, or will it vanish completely?

Words: 1,309
Hits: 1,061

From the age of eight, Draco and Luna have been hiding a secret frienship that has held strong for many years. But when Luna does something that is seen as a betrayal by Draco, can their friendship last?

Words: 1,261
Hits: 798

From the age of eight, Draco and Luna have been hiding a secret frienship that has held strong for many years. But when Luna does something that is seen as a betrayal by Draco, can their friendship last?

Words: 1,373
Hits: 437

From the age of eight, Draco and Luna have been hiding a secret frienship that has held strong for many years. But when Luna does something that is seen as a betrayal by Draco, can their friendship last?

Words: 2,585
Hits: 375

From the age of eight, Draco and Luna have been hiding a secret frienship that has held strong for many years. But when Luna does something that is seen as a betrayal by Draco, can their friendship last?

Words: 1,568
Hits: 321

Luna's life is finally starting to change for the better. But she can't help but linger over what once was.

Words: 1,826
Hits: 286

The worst thing that could happens happens. How does Luna deal?

Words: 1,574
Hits: 285