Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/27/2002
Updated: 04/27/2002
Words: 110,888
Chapters: 20
Hits: 15,112

After Hogwarts

Wendy Lee

Story Summary:
Little Ginny is all grown up and has just graduated from Hogwarts. She still carries Harry Potter in her heart, but is determined to get past her unrequited love, so she decided to move to London and start fresh.

Chapter 20

Author's Note:
This is dedicated to my husband Ben and my daughter Samantha and to all my friends at Harry Potter, ivillage.

Chapter 20

Ron's Death Day Party:

As soon as Ginny got home from the hospital she went straight to her room and gathered all her notes. She sat on the floor and spread them out around her. She just didn't know where to start. Her mind wasn't focused. Every time she'd start on her story, she'd start writing something that reminded her of Draco and she'd start feeling overwhelmed with this aching that never seemed to go away. At times it dulled a bit, but was with her constantly. She could see him so clearly in her mind, his devilish grin, the spark in his eye when he thought of something clever, and just about everything about him. Once again she felt her chest tighten and her eyes fill with tears.

Suddenly Willow hopped over to Ginny, tussling Ginny's notes around. Ginny was relieved for the distraction.

"So you're glad to see me," Ginny stroked her little bunny. "Or are you just making sure that I include you in my story."

Willow began nibbling an edge of one of the pieces of parchment.

"Don't worry little one," Ginny gently said. "I will write about you."

Willow quickly got bored of eating the paper and decided to stretch out in the middle of Ginny's notes and shut her eyes.

"It's not you that I can't write about," Ginny said to herself. Aside from You-Know-Who and Grindelwald, she knew she couldn't right about Draco especially in a positive light. Narcissa and the others had to believe that Draco had betrayed her if he was going to be successful in his endeavors with the Ministry. And Ginny knew that if she couldn't write about Draco giving him the credit that he deserved, then she rather not right about him at all.

Not only was she not able to write about Draco, but also she was told it would be best if she didn't even try to contact him...not even one tiny owl post...nothing.

What is wrong with me? Ginny wondered. Logically she knew it was wonderful that the Ministry had recognized him as the brilliant wizard she knew he was. On top of it they had given him a great job. She was his friend, she should be happy for him and yet...she felt this sense of loss, this emptiness, and such sorrow. She would have given just about anything to see him one more time.

This has got to stop, she scolded herself even though it wasn't going to make a difference. As hard as she tried to get Draco Malfoy out of her mind, her own thoughts kept betraying her. She finally came to the conclusion that she had to use this pain, this agony, to write the best story she could. This article was the only tie left that she had to Draco and the best thing to do was to put everything into that for both herself and Draco.

Once she found her motivation, the words came to her. First she decided to write it in first person, that way the reader could discover the mystery with her. Second she decided to begin her article with the myth of The Cursed Serpent immediately going into the events as they unfolded for her. She wrote the rest of the day away as the day was engulfed by the darkness of the night and continued writing straight though as the black night sky was replaced by the golden light of daybreak.

By the time she was finished there were crumbled pieces of parchment spread across her floor. She had burnt though over a half dozen candles. Willow had long since hopped up on the bed and was fast asleep, but Ginny didn't notice it.

She held the final article in her hands and knew that it was ready. She quickly grabbed her cloak and left for the paper to give it to Miranda. She had no idea that she had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was tousled every which way, and she looked like a complete mess.

When Ginny got to Miranda's office, Miranda laughed as soon as she looked at Ginny.

"What's so funny?" Ginny flopped down into one of Miranda's chairs.

"You look like a true reporter," Miranda laughed. "How long since you've slept?"

"Who knows?" Ginny honestly answered, then throwing Miranda the finished copy of the article.

"Finished already?" Miranda asked as she looked at the top page, which read, The Cursed Serpent Surfaces Again, by Miranda Mason and Ginny Weasley.

"Yep," Ginny smiled.

"I thought you'd take some time to recuperate," Miranda said as she turned the page and started reading the copy.

"So what do you think?" Ginny eagerly asked while Miranda was still reading.

"Shhhh..." Miranda flapped her hand at Ginny signaling her to be quiet. After several minutes Miranda looked up, putting the copy down. "This is outstanding...I am so impressed."

"Really?" Ginny asked.

"Yes," Miranda replied. "I think this has the making for the front page, I only have one suggestion."

"What would that be?" Ginny asked.

"Take my name of the byline," Miranda smiled.

"But I am just your assistant, you are the reporter..." Ginny started to argue.

"I may have hired you as that, but after reading this article, there is no doubt that you too are a reporter my dear," Miranda smiled.

"Really?" Ginny felt a glimmer of happiness for the first time in days.

"And I plan on formally making it happen," Miranda stated. "Now you go home and get some sleep...you like horrible! I'm going to send this to copy!"

"If you insist," Ginny smiled as she got up to leave.

"Ginny," Miranda stopped her and lowered her voice.


"I don't mean to be nosey, but I am your friend...are you okay about Draco?" Miranda asked.

Hearing his name made Ginny's throat get tight and she felt physical pain, but she was coming to the conclusion that was just something she was going to have to learn to live with.

"It's hard, I miss him," Ginny finally answered. "But I want him to be happy and I think that this will make him happy."

"But what about you?"

"What about me?" Ginny replied. "We were friends, so what?"

Miranda gave her a doubting look, "Friends?"

"Yeah friends," Ginny honestly answered.

"If you say so," Miranda conceded. She had no desire to cause Ginny any more pain. "But if you need me, I'm here."

"Thanks," Ginny smiled.

"Now go home and get some sleep!"

The article printed the next day and was responsible for one of the best day of sales, ever! A few days later Ginny noticed when she was coming home from work that the pet shop near her home, Pets with Power, had a big banner outside that read, Magical Rabbits on Sale - Great at Detecting Artifacts! Ginny chuckled to herself and couldn't wait to get home to her own magical rabbit.

Over the next few months Ginny won several writing competitions for her article and as Miranda promised, Ginny was promoted to a full-fledged reporter. Miranda also received credit for finding Ginny and was promoted as well to an Assistant Editor for The Daily Prophet.

Ginny found a sense of comfort as her life fell into a simple routine. She went to work, she wrote articles, and she came home and spent time with Willow. It wasn't much, but it was hers. There wasn't a day that she didn't think about Draco, she could hear his voice sometimes, yelling at her, telling her to have fun, but ignored it. She didn't want to have fun, so she would force herself smile and try to accept what she couldn't change.

One evening Ginny sat on a bench in The Commons and watched the sun set, reflecting over the past year. She couldn't believe that she had been at the paper for almost a year. Once the sun was gone from the sky, she walked home and found her brothers in the living room.

"I'm going to ask Miranda," Fred bellowed.

"Why do you get to ask her?" George argued. "I want to take her!"

Ginny interrupted them, "Not that either of you actually have a chance with her, but where would you be taking her anyway?" Both brothers looked at Ginny with hurt in their eyes.

"Gee thanks Ginny," George said. "Now that's good for my ego."

"Anyway this is between us," Fred added.

"But to answer your question," George replied. "We just got an owl post from Mum."

"Really?" Ginny asked. "What does she have to say?"

"Ron is having a Death Day party and he wants all of us to come," George answered.

"It'll be great to see him," Fred said excitedly. "I can't wait to hear the adventures and the chaos that he's caused."

"When is this party?" Ginny asked, trying to act like she was excited, but the thought of a party depressed her.

"Two weeks from Saturday," George answered, but noticed her sad eyes. He hesitantly asked. "You are going to go, aren't you?"

Ginny wished that she could think of a great excuse, but nothing came to her, so she had to agree, feigning excitement, "Yes, I'll be going."

"Great," George doubted her sincerity, but was still pleased.

"You worry too much, too much like a woman," Fred taunted his twin.

"Yeah, yeah, and you're such a manly man," George retorted then turning back to Ginny. "Do you want to go with me and Miranda?"

Fred immediately interrupted, "Hey, I told you that I'm asking Miranda..."

"Here we go again," Ginny said to herself, rolling her eyes. She left her brothers to argue and she went to her room. She sat on the floor next to Willow who was munching on some hay.

Ginny didn't know why the idea of going to the party depressed her so; she had no reason not to want to go. It might actually be fun. It would be wonderful to see her brother Ron; she hadn't seen him since he died. She was certain that her family would be there and chances were that Hermione, who she also hadn't seen in awhile, would go as well. Undoubtedly Harry would be there. As soon as she thought of Harry, she held her breath and waited for the usual rush of emotion that always hit her whenever she thought of him...only she felt nothing out of the ordinary. She waited a few more minutes and still she felt nothing. Well isn't that strange, she thought.

She decided that she must be tired and decided to call it an early night. She got changed for bed, crawled under her covers and blew out the candle on her nightstand.

Knock. Knock. Knock. George stopped what he was doing in the kitchen and walked over to the front door.

"Well hello Percy," George greeted his brother. "Come on inside."

"Hello George," Percy replied, handing George his cloak as he entered the apartment.

"Please sit down," George gestured to the sofa before going into the kitchen and returning with a pot of fresh brewed tea and some biscuits. "Would you like a cup?"

"Sure," Percy answered sounding dubious. George poured him a cup and put in on the end table next to him. George then pulled a chair over from the kitchen table, he poured himself a cup of tea and also sat down.

"Nothing like a good fresh cup of tea," George said as he sipped on his tea.

George was acting exceptionally nice, which made Percy very skeptical. He still hadn't gotten over the Exploder that Fred and George had sent him almost a year ago.

"There's nothing wrong with this tea, is there?" Percy asked. He could only imagine it was some new tea from their joke shop that turned the person who drank it bright purple or something crazy like that. Fred and George were always playing pranks, especially on him.

"No Percy, it's perfectly fine," George reassured him.

"You mean you aren't up to any tricks?" Percy queried.

George laughed, "No, no! Fred is downstairs working already and I need to talk to you about something. No tricks, honest!"

"Then why did you post me to meet with you?" Percy asked.

"Well..." George started fidgeting, looking uncomfortable.

"Well what?" Percy raised his voice. "Either you need to talk to me or you don't?" Percy had no patience for either Fred or George. Their whole lives were based on a make believe world of horse-play. He had much more important things to do than waste his time.

George got up and began to pace, "This isn't easy. I'm not what you would call an emotion or sensitive man..."

"What does this have to do with," Percy asked, calming down. His curiosity was peaked. George was obviously bothered by something.

"Ginny," George finally answered.

"What's wrong with Ginny?" Percy asked. "Has something happened?"

"No nothing has happened..." George clenched his teeth and wrinkled his brows trying to find the right words. "Look, I'm just going to spit it out. I'm not good at this; I'm much better when it comes to jokes and stuff. You are the practical one. You are the one who is better with serious issues."

George was paying him a compliment? Percy couldn't believe his ears.

"Just tell me," Percy urged. He hated to admit it, but he enjoyed watching George squirm. This was a little fun.

"I know that both you and father told us never to discuss what we know about Draco Malfoy and especially how he saved Ginny..." George started, but Percy quickly cut him off.

"You haven't, have you?" Percy's voice rose.

"No!" George flapped his hands at Percy, signaling him to be quiet. "This has nothing to do with me, it has to do with Ginny."

"Sorry," Percy apologized.

"I know that you and father explained that she was involved with him for business reason. Something to do with the paper and the Ministry," George went on.

"She was involved with him for business reasons," Percy confirmed. So far he didn't see what George's concern was about.

"I think her feeling for him were more than business," George quietly revealed.

Percy folded his arms and shook his head, "George, I think you are well over your head on this one. Ginny has no feelings for Draco. She told me herself."

"You're wrong Percy," George disagreed. He stopped pacing and sat on the sofa right next to Percy. "You never saw them together, you never saw the light in her eyes and you never saw the difference in her. And now he's gone."

"And what are you saying happened?" Percy raised his eyebrow.

"I don't care what happened," George shook his head. Percy wasn't getting it. "One day Draco was around and Ginny was happy and then the next day he was gone and Ginny started to withdrawal into a world of her own."

"Ginny is fine," Percy argued. "She's doing great at the paper. She's been promoted to a regular reporter!"

"Yeah so work is great," George pressed. "But that's all she has does, work. She goes to work, she comes home, she goes to work, she comes him...for heavens sake, she's barely twenty years old!"

"So she's a dedicated worker," Percy replied, still not seeing what the problem was.

"Look Percy," George insisted. "You are all about work, but not all of us are all about work. And before you say it, I know that I am all about play. That's not the point. Ginny, she's a combination of both.... sort of the best of all of us. I have sat by the side for too long, unable to help her, watching the light and laughter in her wither away."

"So what do you want me to do about it?" Percy asked.

"Take a good look at her, just take a good look," George urged. "As you've told me a million times, Ministry business is none of my business, but it certainly is yours! This whole thing reeks of the Ministry and it just seems to me that perhaps you have some ability to put the laughter back in our little sisters eyes!"

"You may surmise what you want to about Draco and his involvement with our sister," Percy stood up to leave. "I don't think there was anything going on."

"Then you're blind," George disputed.

"Ginny loves Harry, not Draco," Percy argued, dismissing George's concerns as he walked to the door. "Tell her about Ron' Death Day party and she'll be over the moon to see Harry once again."

"She knows about the party and doesn't want to go," George stated, causing Percy to stop and turn around.


"You heard me," George flatly replied. "You are so blinded but what you deem as important."

"That's not fair," Percy said.

"No it's not," George sounded bitter. "I should have known better then to come to you for help."

"I don't see what I can do," Percy said.

"That's the problem, you just can't ever seem to see beyond yourself!" George yelled.

"I think I better go," Percy opened the door to leave.

"Yeah, I couldn't agree more," George pushed him out the door and slammed it behind Percy. "IDOIT!"

Percy couldn't believe that George called him an idiot! He was hardly an idiot! George didn't know what he was talking about, did he? Percy decided that before he went to work that he'd stop by the paper and pay Ginny a visit.

Ginny sighed as she rummaged through her closet trying to decide what to wear. What does one wear to a Death Day party? It didn't help matter that she had absolutely no desire to go. She knew that half the guests were going to be ghosts and the other half was going to be her family and friends. She just didn't feel like pasting on a smiley face for everyone else's benefit.

She finally decided on a brown two-piece muggle outfit that she bought over a year ago, but never wore. She was still very fond of her muggle clothes. The top was a halter-top that tied in the back and exposed her midriff and it went with a matching straight brown skirt.

She sat in front of her vanity staring at her reflection in the mirror. She thought her skin looked pale and her hair once again needed to be cut. She grabbed the long scissors and cut away at her hair until it was several inches above her shoulders. Well at least that's better, she thought to herself. But determined that she still looked blanch.

If I'm going to paint a smile on my face tonight, I might as well go all out, Ginny decided. Ginny pulled a bag of makeup that she kept in her vanity drawer. First she put on a little bronze eye shadow, which really brought out her smoky brown eyes especially with her brown outfit. She also added a bit of blush and some lipstick. She stood up, shook her head and backed up so she could get a full view of herself in the mirror. She approved of the image reflecting back at her.

She quickly sprayed on some body spray that smelled like a bouquet of summer flowers, before she left her room.

Fred and George were both in the living room waiting for Ginny.

"Don't you both look nice," Ginny said to her brothers. Fred was sitting on the sofa looking especially dapper in a formal royal blue robe that had a very high collar. George was busy kindling a fire, sporting a dark green velvet robe with a square collar.

"And so do you," George replied, looking up at his sister. "I'm making a fire so that we can travel with a bit of Floo powder."

"Sounds great," Ginny smiled, making a real effort to remain positive. Tonight was for her brother Ron and she was determined to try to have a good time tonight.

"I think it's great that Dumbledore is letting Ron have it at Hogwarts," Fred said.

"Yeah, Harry got permission to have the party in the Great Hall because the term hasn't started and there aren't many students there yet," George added.

"Hey Ginny..." Fred looked at Ginny making eyes at her, moving his eyebrows up and down. "...You know that Harry's going to be there."

"Gee Fred, is this where I swoon and faint?" Ginny retorted.

Fred was jaw dropped; he didn't know what to make of her response.

"Come on, it's time to go," George said, grabbing a blue glass bottle from the mantle of the fireplace that held their Floo powder. He opened it and took a pinch before passing it to Fred.

"Cheers," Fred took some and then passed it to Ginny.

Ginny took a pinch and passed it back to George who put it back on the mantle.

George was the first one to throw his Floo powder into the fire then jumping in the golden flames yelling, "HOGWARTS!"

Both Ginny and Fred followed right behind.

The Great Hall was decorated festively with lots of black crepe paper and black balloons all over the ceiling and walls. White and black candles were lit on several tables and also around the perimeter of the room. Each of the tables also had small bouquets of dead roses and matching wreaths of dead flowers were hanging from the walls. Across the center of the room hung a black banner with white writing that read, Congratulations Ron Weasley officially one year dead!

On one side of the room was a large banquet table with a lavish spread of food for many of the live guests. It included many tasty items like hand made pastries, fresh fruit, cheese and crackers, finger sandwiches, and a champagne fountain.

Ghosts actually never eat, but often will pretend to when they attend social gatherings. It helps them if the food really reeks with a strong aroma, so very far across the Great Hall there was another banquet table, but the food on it was very different from the first table. The food displayed included such delicacies as maggot infested pate, stale cakes, moldy cheese and crackers, decayed salmon and rancid whitefish salad, rotten deviled eggs, and spoiled triffle.

Away from both banquet tables, in the middle of the floor, was where the music was being played. There was both a four-piece ghost band and a large magical phonograph, which would play whatever music it was told to. Wizards and ghosts perceived music very differently. What came across as pleasant to one group, resembled nails scratching down a blackboard to the other, so it was decided that the ghost band and the magical phonograph would take turn playing throughout the evening.

When Ginny and her brothers arrived, their brother Ron greeted them. He somberly and lethargically welcomed them; "So glad you could make it to the mourning of my first year of death."

"So how has it been being dead and all that?" Fred eagerly asked.

"We've heard that you've caused lots of trouble," George stated.

Ron's face remained grave as he carefully looked around the room, but suddenly grinned from ear to ear, "It's been brilliant! Come with me to find my mate Peeves and I'll introduce you to some of the other ghosts. Boy do I have some stories for you!"

Fred and George excitedly hurried after their brother, but Ginny decided not to follow and to look around.

Many of the ghosts were dancing as the ghost band was playing. There seemed to be a good turn out of the undead, although Ginny didn't know most of them. She recognized a few of the ghosts from when she attended Hogwarts and made sure to stop and make her rounds.

Ginny saw another ghost she knew named Moaning Myrtle, who was known for always crying and had haunted one of the girl's bathroom when Ginny attended Hogwarts. Ginny decided to go over and say hello. As she got close she realized that she recognized the back of the head of the person Moaning Myrtle was talking to. She'd know that brown bushy hair anywhere.

"Hermione!" Ginny called out and her friend turned around. It was Hermione wearing a smart, simple black dress.

"Ginny!" Hermione ran right over to Ginny and started playing with her hair. "You cut your hair! I love it!"

"I can't believe you are here!" Ginny cried. "You look great!"

Hermione looked closer at Ginny's dress. "You too. That is quite an unusual dress."

"It's something I picked up in London," Ginny answered.

"I guess the fashions have changed since I left!" Hermione teased. "You really are all grown up."

"Oh I've missed you," Ginny said as the two women embraced.

Moaning Myrtle started bawling, "No one ever is that happy to see me."

"When did you get back?" Ginny asked Hermione.

"I just got in today," Hermione answered.

Moaning Myrtle weeping got louder and her nose began to run, "I might as well not even be here."

"Are you okay with all this?" Ginny asked, gesturing to the banner with Ron's name on it.

"Ginny, I've had a year to deal with this," Hermione genuinely smiled. "But yes, I am okay. Is my life what I thought it would be when we were kids? No, but I did what Dumbledore suggested, I got on with my life. And look at Ron..." both women looked over to Ron who was grinning ear to ear while he was in the process of putting a piece of rancid salmon on Fred's head, "...he's happy."

"And you?" Ginny asked.

"I am happy to," Hermione put her hand on Ginny's shoulder. "The last four months I spent in the States, I have been doing research at the University of Witchcraft in Cape May, New Jersey and I absolutely love it! I've even gone out on a few dates."

"Really?" Ginny titled her head to the right and raised her eyebrow.

"Nothing serious," Hermione said. "But the weather is lovely and warm and it's been fun."

"I'm glad for you," Ginny earnestly said.

"All I do is spend my days in the toilet," Moaning Myrtle added, still sniffling. "Now that's depressing."

"So what's been going on with you?" Hermione asked Ginny.

"I'm leaving, no one cares about me," Moaning Myrtle started flying away.

"Myrtle," Hermione said. "Oh course we're glad to see you, it's just that Ginny and I haven't seen each other in a long time."

"Excuses, excuses," Moaning Myrtle cried. "Everyone has a reason for not wanting to spend time with me." And she flew off hysterical.

"I hope we didn't upset her," Ginny said, trying not to laugh. Moaning Myrtle had always been a bit sensitive when Ginny had attended Hogwarts.

"She's always been like that, don't you remember?" Hermione laughed.

"Yeah," Ginny agreed. "She always was at her happiest when she was very unhappy."

"So what had been going on with you?" Hermione asked again.

"Nothing much," Ginny replied. "I work for the Daily Prophet and that keeps me pretty busy. I also live with Fred and George, we share a flat."

"That's got to be interesting," Hermione chuckled.

"Actually it is," Ginny confirmed. "My brothers are certainly entertaining if nothing else and their joke shop is right below us, so I'm always previewing new tricks!"

"And what about your love life?" Hermione asked.

"I don't have a love life," Ginny answered.

"What won't Fred and George let you date?" Hermione teased.

"It's nothing like that," Ginny stressed. "I'm just busy, that's all."

"So you mean there's nobody special in your life?" Hermione pointedly pressed. Hermione always could be pushy when she wanted to be.

"No," Ginny answered more curtly than she meant to. She couldn't; explain it, but Hermione's questions bothered. She felt her heart getting heavy and she knew that she didn't want to have this conversation.

Hermione doubtingly shook her head, wagging her finger as she teased, "I think you may not be telling the truth."

Ginny's face was solemn, as she looked right into Hermione's eyes; "There is no one in my love life. No one."

Hermione's smile faded at Ginny's response. There was something in her voice...She sounded almost old, like a woman jaded over time.

"Relax," Ginny grabbed her friend's hand, trying to lighten the conversation. "It's okay, really. Now lets get something to eat from the table with edible food.

"Sounds like a good plan," Hermione agreed and they walked over to the banquet table to make themselves a plate of food. They then sat at one of the little tables to chat as they watched everyone dance.

"So you're not going to say hello to your own parents?" Mrs. Weasley jokingly scolded, interrupting the two young women who were engrossed in their own conversation.

"I'm sorry Mum. It's just that I ran into Hermione and..." Ginny didn't know what to say. She hadn't meant to ignore her parents.

Mr. Weasley walked over holding two glasses of punch, "Don't mind your mother. It's nice seeing you out enjoying yourself." Mr. Weasley handed a glass to Mrs. Weasley and they sat down at the table with Ginny and Hermione.

"You both look wonderful," Mrs. Weasley said to both Ginny and Hermione. "Although I must say that your robe its quite unusual Ginny dear...a bit revealing."

"Molly," Mr. Weasley interrupted. "She's a grown woman, leave her be.

"But she'll always be my baby," Mrs. Weasley pointed out, then turning to Ginny. "So where did you get that robe?"

"Actually Mum, it's a dress that I bought from a muggle shop when I was undercover," Ginny answered.

"You were undercover?" Hermione's eyes got wide. "I thought you said that you hadn't been up to much?"

Ginny opened her mouth to respond, but Mr. Weasley interrupted her, "Our Ginny wrote a great article in conjunction with the Ministry."

"She disguised herself as a muggle," Mrs. Weasley boasted with pride. "She won many awards for her article. We are very proud of her."

"Yes we are," Mr. Weasley reached across the table and held his wife's hand as he looked at her lovingly.

"But you must be cold in that dress Ginny dear and..." Mrs. Weasley started to fuss, but stopped when she felt her husband squeeze her hand.

He stood up, still holding her hand, "Molly love, the phonograph is playing again. Make and old man happy and dance with me?"

Mrs. Weasley blushed, fluttering her eyelashes, "Oh Arthur, but of course."

As Mr. And Mrs. Weasley walked on the dance floor and began to dance, Hermione bent over and whispered to Ginny, "Your parents are too cute."

Ginny watched her parents as they danced. His thin and lanky arms fit perfectly around her mother's short, plump body. They were a perfect fit. Hermione was right when she said they were cute. It amazed Ginny that they had been married for years and years. They had seven children together and had faced more challenges then most people ever do and here they dancing, still obviously in love with each other.

"Can I sit here?" Ginny heard a familiar voice request. Ginny looked up and as soon as she saw those green eyes, she immediately knew whom it was.

"Harry!" Hermione jumped out of her seat, rushing over to him, kissing him on his cheek.

"Hermione, it's great to see you!" Harry gave her a big hug, then turning to Ginny. "It's good to see you Ginny."

"Hello Harry," Ginny smiled, anticipating the usual rush of feelings that bombards her whenever she sees Harry.

"You look even lovelier than the last time I saw you," Harry smiled, fidgeting awkwardly as he spoke.

"Yeah you too," Ginny replied. "So where's Fleur?"

"Fleur Delacour?" Hermione asked, her eyes widening and her voice rising in tone.

"Yeah they're dating," Ginny was surprised that it didn't bother her to say that.

Harry cleared his throat, as he sat down next to Ginny, "Actually we're not dating anymore."

"Really?" Ginny looked at Harry and was met by his piercing green eyes.

"Really," Harry softly confirmed. "Shortly after I saw you last, I realized that Fleur was not the woman for me."

"Oh really," Ginny said, not knowing what to say. This news should elate her, but yet she felt nothing out of the ordinary.

"So are you going to teach again this year at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

"No, you know that no Defense of the Dark Arts teachers last more than a year. I can't break that tradition," he teased Hermione, then gazing back at Ginny he added, "I'm going to be working for the Ministry. In fact I'm going to be moving to London."

"That's nice," Ginny smiled, but wasn't really paying attention. She was too deep in thought about what she wasn't feeling. Was she finally over Harry Potter?

"Would either of you like something to drink?" Harry offered.

"Sure, sure," Ginny answered.

"Yes Harry that'd be lovely," Hermione answered, then kicking Ginny under the table.

"Ouch!" Ginny yelped, squinting her eyes as she looked over to Hermione. "Why did you do that?"

"Are you blind?" Hermione whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Ginny didn't understand what Hermione was getting at.

"Harry..." she replied.

"Harry what?" Ginny queried.

"I think Harry likes you," Hermione giggled.

"So what? I like Harry too, he's a nice bloke," Ginny shrugged.

"No, he likes you," Hermione stressed.

"You think?" Ginny asked, then looking over to Harry, while he was getting punch for her and Hermione. Was it possible that Harry actually liked her? She had spent how many years pining over him? How ironic!

Ginny's thoughts were disturbed when she heard a commotion as Fred and George raced toward the fireplace, while Ron was floating over them happily clapping his hands as he watched them. Ginny heard them arguing, so she excused herself, so she could investigate.

As soon as she got to the fireplace, she knew what they were arguing about. Out of the golden flames walked Miranda, who looked absolutely stunning. She was dressed in a ruby red robe and her raven hair was loose and flowing.

"Miranda you came," Fred gushed, trying to shove George out of his way.

"I'm so glad you could make it," George stammered, pushing Fred

"But..." Fred started, but George cut him off.

"Well..." George continued, but Fred interrupted him. Miranda stared at both men and they bumbled and stumbled over each other.

Ginny eventually squeezed through both her brothers, ready to say hello to her friend when more Golden Flames burst through the fire and out stepped Percy, who looked particularly handsome. He was dressed in a formal black robe with a red belt that just happened to match Miranda's dress.

"Did you need something?" Percy stepped up next to Miranda.

"This has nothing to do with you," Fred spat, narrowing his eyes at Percy.

George puffed his chest when he warned, "We aren't talking to you, we are talking to Miranda."

Percy slid his arm around Miranda's waist and smiled, a huge genuine smile, which for Percy was very unusual, "Well anything that either of you have to say to my girlfriend, you can say to me."

Both Fred and George's mouths gaped wide open.

"Did you say your girlfriend?" George was mortified.

Fred looked at Miranda in disbelief, "You are with Per, Per, Percy?"

Miranda smiled, looked at Percy adoringly, before looking back at Fred and answering him, "Yes, I am."

Ginny walked up to her friend wearing a Cheshire grin, leaned over and whispered, "So I take it that this is the nameless boyfriend that you told me about?"

"Yes," Miranda grinned, her happiness obvious. "You're not mad?"

"No," Ginny laughed. "But it sure does explain why you hated keeping my secrets from Percy.

"Shhh..." Miranda eyes went wide and she elbowed Ginny. Ginny was still laughing when she walked over to Percy and kissed him on the cheek.

"You have good taste Percy," Ginny warmly smiled, before turning around to the twins who were still flabbergasted. Ginny put one of her arms around George and the other around Fred. "C'mon men, I think that maybe we should go have some punch."

"I didn't really like her anyway," Fred muttered as they walked away.

"I can't believe she's with Percy?" George mused.

As Ginny and the twins walked away, Percy brought Miranda over to meet Ron. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley soon joined them. When Ginny heard Mrs. Weasley squeal in delight, she guessed that Percy and Miranda shared their secret with her parents.

Ginny walked over to the banquet table and grabbed a finger sandwich, then turned around and leaned against it, munching on her sandwich while watching the guests. Several ghosts were off in a corner comparing death stories, while other ghosts danced to the piercing music that the ghost band played. Ginny laughed when she saw Ron dragging Hermione to the dance floor and laughed even harder as Hermione tried to move to the so-called music that had no rhythm.

Once the phonograph started playing again, the ghosts left the dance floor. Hermione hurried off the floor, looking relieved that the song was over. Ginny watched as her parents danced once again and were soon joined by Percy and Miranda on the dance floor. Percy and Miranda looked so happy together, there faces actually radiated. Ginny couldn't believe that she hadn't figured it out when it had been staring her right in the face all along

As the phonograph played she watched Fred and Hermione join the dance floor. But the most shocking pair she saw dancing was Fred and Moaning Myrtle!

Her friends and family looked so joyful. Ginny couldn't help feeling guilty because she knew that this should make her feel happy, when it really made her feel rather lonely. It reminded her of a lovely warm spring evening when she had been dancing in the moonlight with flowers in bloom all around her.

"Excuse me," Ginny jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and it was Harry.

"Sorry?" she asked, still lost in her thoughts.

"Didn't mean to startle you," Harry smiled, then holding out his hand. "I was just wondering if you wanted to dance?"

Was she hearing correctly? Harry was asking her to dance?

"Well?" he eagerly waited for her response.

"Sure," she took his hand and smiled as he escorted her to the dance floor.

He slid his hands around her waist and pulled in close against him as they glided around the dance floor. It felt nice to be held as they danced, but it wasn't anything extraordinary. Ginny laughed out loud at the irony of the situation. Months ago she would have been over the moon to be dancing with Harry Potter and now she'd much rather be home curled up on the sofa with Willow, sitting by the fire, reading a good book.

"What's so funny?" Harry softly asked.

"Oh nothing," Ginny fibbed. Somehow she thought Harry wouldn't exactly find what she was thinking quite so funny.

"I'm really glad to see you tonight," Harry said.

"It's great to see you to," Ginny replied.

"I've thought about you a lot since I last saw you at the Leaky Cauldron," Harry revealed. "You have grown up into a lovely woman."

"Thank you," Ginny said.

"Perhaps when I move to London, we could spend some more time together?" Harry's green eyes were full of hope.

Ginny didn't know what to say. She liked Harry, but she no longer thought of him as more than a friend.

"I'd love to spend time with a dear friend," Ginny answered the most diplomatic way she could think of.

Harry didn't let her response dissuade him, "That'd be great Ginny. I'm really looking forward to moving to London and starting my new job with the Ministry..." Harry continued to ramble, but Ginny didn't mind. She didn't really feel like talking. She was looking forward to this evening being over.

Suddenly as they were dancing, she felt all the tiny little hairs on the back of her neck rise. It was like a cold breeze blew through her, yet the air was still. The air was charged, full of electricity. Something was calling to her and without thinking she stopped dancing, slowly turning around.

She looked around the room, not quite sure what she expected to see, but when she looked to the glass doors that led to the garden, she knew what was beckoning her. There he stood looking as handsome as ever with his blonde hair glistening in the moonlight, his blue eyes transfixed on her reflecting a million emotions. Her heart ached just looking at him and when her eyes locked with his, she started gliding across the floor gravitating toward him

"Ginny, Ginny!" Harry called after her, but Ginny heard nothing except the pounding of her own heart.

"Ginny did you hear me?" Harry asked again, a little louder this time. Still Ginny did not stop, but Harry was loud enough to draw the attention of everyone in the room onto Ginny as she made her way toward the uninvited guest.

She moved closer to him wondering if it was a dream. Did her eyes betray her? Was he really there? She walked up to him, inches away from his face and slowly lifted her hand, stroking it down the side of his face. His skin was soft, it was real...he was real.

Ginny felt her throat tighten and her eyes became moist as she uttered his name, "Draco..."

"Oh heavens I missed you," he pulled her close and held her tight. "I didn't want to leave you like that, but I had to. I've wanted to see you, to talk to you just one more time...I've played this out so many times in my mind..."

"Why are you here?" Ginny asked, and then whispered. "I thought you were undercover for the Ministry. Have you found your mother and the children? What about You-Know-Who..."

Draco gently chuckled as he put his fingers on Ginny's mouth to stop her from talking, "I've traveled a long way to be here tonight Ginny. There's time enough later to talk about work."

"But why are you here?" Ginny asked, her brown eyes wide and innocent.

"Percy contacted me and said that you needed me," Draco answered, causing Ginny to glance at her brother who simply smiled, nodding his head, urging her to talk with Draco.

"I don't understand," Ginny shook her head, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions she was feeling.

"Ginny, you are something else. Come here," Draco pulled Ginny close, hugging her tightly.

"Draco..." Ginny backed up from his embrace.

His eyes got real wide as he asked, "Are you mad at me?"

Instantly everything became crystal clear to Ginny. She understood why Harry had no longer had any effect on her. She had already given her heart to someone else. The difference being that this was not a childhood crush, this time the feelings were mutual. She had just been too blind to see what was right in front of her.

In that moment, without hesitation, she cupped his face and pulled him close, kissing him firmly on the mouth. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him, kissing her back just as lovingly. Neither of them was aware of gasps from their friends and family. They were lost in something bigger than themselves.

When they eventually pulled apart, Draco stood there gapping at Ginny, shocked, yet pleased by the fact that she had kissed him so fervently.

"You kissed me," he couldn't believe it.

She smiled, "Yes I did."

"But you kissed me," he repeated himself. Could it be that she felt the same for him that he felt for her?

"Yes Draco Malfoy I did," Ginny cupped his face. "It's about time that I admit that I, Ginny Weasley, think you're a babe."


"If you keep talking you're going to make me do it again," Ginny warmly teased.

"But..." Draco started but never got to finish because Ginny interrupted him.

"I warned you," she tenderly mocked as she once again pulled him close to her and kissed him firmly on the mouth for the second time.