Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/27/2002
Updated: 04/27/2002
Words: 110,888
Chapters: 20
Hits: 15,112

After Hogwarts

Wendy Lee

Story Summary:
Little Ginny is all grown up and has just graduated from Hogwarts. She still carries Harry Potter in her heart, but is determined to get past her unrequited love, so she decided to move to London and start fresh.

Chapter 19

Author's Note:
This is dedicated to my husband Ben and my daughter Samantha and to all my friends at Harry Potter, ivillage.

Chapter 19:

The Wizarding Hospital:

When Fred and George walked into Ginny's room at the wizarding hospital, they both agreed that Ginny looked very small and fragile as she lay still in the bed. The doctors had performed many spells on Ginny to her heal her ankle, which had been broken. Then performed many more spells to remove much of the smoke that had filled her lungs. Other than her ankle, Ginny didn't have any other broken bones and the doctors didn't find any internal bleeding, but the doctors were concerned about the bruising on her body. It looked like something large and heavy had fallen on her. Unfortunately the doctors couldn't confirm that because both Ginny and Draco were still unconscious.

"I told you that I never liked that Malfoy creep," Fred wagged his finger as he paced around Ginny's hospital room.

"We still don't know if he's responsible for this," George replied, walking over to a chair next to Ginny's bed, and sitting down.

"How can you defend him?" Fred looked at his twin with a disgusted expression as he spat. "He's a Slytherin and he hurt our sister!"

"All I know is that Ginny seems to really care about him and until I hear what happens from her, I'm not jumping to conclusions," George calmly replied.

Suddenly the door opened and in entered Miranda. George leapt up from his chair and Fred rushed right over to her.

"Well hello Miranda," Fred grinned. "It's so good of you to stop by."

"Would you like a seat," George gushed, offering Miranda his chair.

"No thanks lads," Miranda walked right past them, ignoring the lovesick expressions that they both were wearing. She stopped and sat on the edge of Ginny's bed. "She still hasn't woken yet?"

"No," both men replied.

"I just saw your parents. They are with the doctors now," Miranda informed them.

"I'm sure that mum is a wreck," George stated.

Fred nodded his head in agreement, "I don't think she'd be handle it if anything happened to Ginny."

"Nothing is going to happen to Ginny," George snapped.

"Geesh, I wasn't saying that anything was," Fred stated. "Calm down, would you?"

"Sorry Fred," George apologized. "I just wish we knew what happened and I wish that she'd wake up already."

Fred made an overly exaggerated sad expression on face and patted his hand over his heart, "Just be glad that I'm not the sensitive type."

George joined in Fred's banter, wiping imaginary tears from his eyes, "Oh boo-hoo for you. Did I hurt you girly man?"

"Oh yes," Fred put his hand to his head, like he might faint. "Terribly!"

Miranda stared back and forth between the twins, shaking her head, "What is heaven's name is wrong with the both you?"

"What?" the both innocently asked. Fred and George often forgot that the rest of the world did not use laughter as the cure-all for everything.

Miranda found Fred and George to be two of the most unusual men she ever met, "Yeah, okay...so anyway...Do you want to know what happened or not?"

"Do you know?" Fred asked.

"As a matter of fact I do," Miranda folded her arms. "I'm the one that found them. You see, I was the one who took over for Ginny while she was on holiday."

"Ginny wasn't working?" George sounded surprised, immediately turning to Fred. "Did you know that?"

"Nope, it's news to me," Fred answered. "What is that all about?"

Miranda hoped that she hadn't broken any confidences and quickly dismissed Fred's question, "Oh that doesn't matter, what matters is what happened to Ginny."

"So what did happen?" George asked.

"I don't have the specifics," Miranda started. "I was watching the Malfory house for a story we were working on. The whole day was rather boring until the fire broke out." Miranda further explained that she had been outside for quite a while. When all of a sudden she heard very loud explosions from all over the house. It sounded like the first moment of New Years Day with a fire works display. Seconds after the explosions started, the whole house was engulfed in flames. House elves ran out of the house screaming. Miranda didn't even know Ginny had been inside until she saw Draco and Ginny apparate from the house.

"But Ginny isn't licensed to apparate," Fred stated.

"I don't even think she knows how," George added.

"I don't think Ginny was the one who apparated..." Miranda said, but George cut her off.

"But you just said they apparated."

"Yes, I did, but you didn't let me finish," Miranda firmly said, met by a sheepish grin from George. "They did apparate together. Draco's arms were wrapped around Ginny. It looked like to me that he apparated them both."

"He couldn't have done that!" Fred argued.

"That would take someone with incredible magical talents!" George added.

"Draco couldn't have done that, could he?" Fred asked.

"It certainly appears that he did," Miranda said.

"Let me get this straight," Fred was floored. "You are telling us that he actually saved Ginny?"

"That is exactly what I am saying," Miranda confirmed.

"It can't be possible...not Draco...he's, he's..." Fred stammered.

"I've had the same concerns about Draco myself," Miranda concurred. "But it looks like we may be wrong."

George looked at Fred, feeling very pleased with himself, "I told you that we shouldn't jump to conclusions until we speak with Ginny."

"Shortly after Ginny and Draco apparated, the Muggle Control Patrol arrived on the scene. They were putting out the fire, while containing the area with enchantments so that the fire didn't attract any muggle attention. They took Ginny and Draco to the wizarding hospital using a Broomcab." Broomcabs were used to physically transport wizards who were injured when magic wasn't an option. They were literally two broomsticks that were attached by sturdy matting. Broomcabs were very difficult to fly; in fact, they were flown using two drivers.

As Miranda continued telling Fred and George about last night, the door once again opened an entered Mr. And Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh my darling baby," Mrs. Weasley rushed over to Ginny's bedside. "Oh Arthur, she looks so frail."

"The doctors say that she will be fine," Mr. Weasley reassured his wife.

Mrs. Weasley started pulling up the covers around Ginny and fluffing her pillows, "I just wish she'd wake up."

"She will my dear, she will," Mr. Weasley walked over to his wife and lovingly put his hands on her shoulders.

Mrs. Weasley turned around, narrowing her eyes as she looked at Fred and George, "And why weren't you two keeping a better eye on your little sister?"

"Well we were..." Fred stammered.

"She was just working..." George stumbled.

Miranda calmly added; met by grateful glances from both Fred and George, "On an assignment that I gave her. I am Ginny's boss and friend, my name is Miranda Mason."

Mrs. Weasley looked across Ginny's bed, jumping back a little as she noticed Miranda for the first time. "Oh! Nice to meet you dear... Ginny has said lovely things about you."

"Likewise," Miranda smiled, then looking over to Mr. Weasley who was pacing around the room wringing his thin hands. "Nice to see you again Mr. Weasley."

"Nice to see you too," he replied.

They sat there with Ginny for several hours, just waiting for her wake. Occasionally a doctor or nurse would come in and reassure them that Ginny was going to be okay, but it was hard to watch Ginny just lay there.

Ginny wanted to open her eyes, but didn't have enough strength to open them. She heard voices talking, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Her whole body felt heavy, like she was weighted down and her skin tingled. It was like the whole world was in slow motion.

Later that evening Percy came to visit Ginny wearing a grim expression as he entered her room.

"Good evening everyone," Percy said. "Has she woken yet?"

"No son, she remains the same," Mrs. Weasley walked over to Percy, kissing him on the cheek.

"Have you taken care of what we discussed," Mr. Weasley asked.

"Yes father I have," Percy answered. "He's agreed."

"What's going on?" Fred inquired.

"Yeah, we want to know," George pressed.

Percy puffed out his chest, looking at his brothers with apathy, "Sorry men, it's official Ministry business."

Fred's face scrunched as he prepared his insult, "Oh please...Ministry Sministry..."

"Big Per, Per, Percy!" George teased and both men started laughing.

"Fred, George, that's enough," Mr. Weasley reprimanded, which he never did. Both men gaped in astonishment at their father. "You have no idea the challenges that the Ministry has to face sometimes."

"But..." Fred started.

"Your brother was given a very difficult task to do," Mr. Weasley said. "And as always, completes his tasks with excellence." Percy proudly grinned from ear to ear as he walked over to Miranda, sitting next to her on the edge of Ginny's bed.

"Has Draco woken up yet?" Miranda asked.

Draco...Ginny lay in her bed, so still, but for the first time, she finally could make out a word. She tried to speak, but still couldn't open her eyes.

"Yes," Percy looked away from Miranda.

"Is he okay?" Miranda wanted to know what exactly happened and she knew that Ginny and Draco were the only two people who could give her answers.

"Yes," Percy was obviously curt in his response.

"There is more to this than you are telling me," she quietly whispered so that only he could hear.

"Yes," he whispered back.

"And it has to do with Draco?" Miranda pushed.

Draco...Ginny could see his face in her mind, but time was out of sequence. One minute she could see if looking at her with both arrogance and instigation and the next minutes his eyes dark and cold. Her mind was moving quickly, one moment they were in the garden dancing on a warm spring night and then a moment later she was yelling at him late at night. Time stood still when he kissed her, but when she pulled back he looked pale and ill...like he was poisoned. She tried to call out to him, but she had no voice. Her face felt hot. She saw flames and smelled smoke. Suddenly something crashed against her body crushing her. The last thing she remembered was Draco sliding his arms around her whispering to her that everything was going to be all right, but she knew that they were going to die.

Ginny suddenly sat up in her bed with her eyes wide open as she screamed, "DRACO!"

The doctors kept Ginny in the wizarding hospital for a couple of days. They fed her lots of chocolate, which was proven to aid in recovery, and checked on her regularly. Her ankle was healing nicely, her lungs were clear from smoke, and the bruising on her body had begun to fade.

Ginny was getting bored of being stuck in bed. She also was eager to check on Draco. All anyone would tell her was that he was fine. She wanted to sneak out from her room to see him, but someone always seemed to be around. So, Ginny spent a lot of time sleeping.

Ginny was woken when she heard voices in her room, but had no desire to talk to anyone so she feigned sleep.

"Well, Ginny is asleep and it's just us," Ginny heard Miranda say. "When are you going to tell me what happened?"

Ginny stole a peak and saw Percy look around the room before he answered, "Well I suppose now." Percy went into details, as he recalled Draco's recollection of the events, which led up to the Malfoy estate burning down and both Ginny and Draco being hospitalized.

"So where is Draco now?" Miranda asked as she walked over to the chair next to Ginny's bed, then sitting down.

"We're holding him until Ginny can confirm what he's told us. He may prove to be useful," Percy pulled another chair from across the room and moved it next to Miranda's so he could sit next to her.

Ginny kept her eyes closed, wanting to find out more about Draco. Why were they holding him and how exactly was he going to be useful?

"Are you telling me that You-Know-Who may be reborn? And not only once, but possibly into thirteen babies?" Miranda's voice rose.

"I'm not sure on the actual number or exactly how that's going to work, but according to Malfoy, yes, You-Know-Who is going to be born again, in about a month," Percy answered.

Miranda sat there, shaking her head, speechless.

"That's not the worst of it," Percy added. "If Malfoy is indeed telling the truth, that means that Grindelwald is still alive and that means we have more serious problems than You-Know-Who."

"What are we going to do about Grindelwald?" Miranda asked.

Percy's face got very serious and he lowered his voice, "We aren't going to do anything. You aren't suppose to know about Grindelwald..."

"I know, I know," Miranda laughed, gently putting her hand on Percy's hand. "You know me well enough to know that I won't say anything."

Percy's face relaxed, "Sorry."

"Later we'll discuss what's on the record and what's off the record," Miranda teased, flashing her brilliant smile

Ginny sat up and opened her eyes, "Not without me. This is still my story too." Ginny startled both Miranda and Percy.

Miranda popped right up and walked over to Ginny's bed, "That's my girl. Boy do you have the instincts!"

"Does that mean I'm done with my holiday?" Ginny pointedly asked, then turning to Percy. "And are my licensees still revoked? Am I in trouble with the Ministry? Will I also be held until I am deemed trustworthy?" Deep in her heart, she understood why they had concerns and even why they reacted as they did, but another part of her wished that they had more faith in her. Draco was the only person who had believed in her and now she didn't even know where he was.

"Ginny..." Miranda didn't know what to say. She didn't want to make Ginny go on a mandatory holiday, but at the time it had seemed like the best thing to do.

"You are not in trouble with the Ministry, although you should be," Percy narrowed his eyes. "What were you thinking? You could have been killed? We could have helped you!"

"I tried to come to you!" Ginny yelled. "But you said that I was untrustworthy...remember?"

Percy backed off as he remembered his last conversation with Ginny. She had tried to tell him something, but instead of listening to her, he challenged her judgment and questioned her loyalties. He was angry with her and hadn't known the magnitude of what she had to tell him.

"I could have used your help," Ginny looked back and forth between them. "Both of your help."

Miranda sat down on the edge of Ginny's bed, "Look Ginny, we were wrong. We are sorry, but what you did was dangerous. C'mon, you almost got yourself killed."

"Yeah, and it was Draco who saved me...the man that neither of you trusted, even though I told you he was trustworthy."

Both Miranda and Percy looked at her with the same exasperated expression. Miranda was the one who said what they both were thinking, "There was no way for us to know that for sure and neither of us was willing to risk your life."

"What would you have done?" Percy asked, turning the tables on his sister.

Ginny pondered Percy's question a bit and finally realized that they did have her best interests at heart, "Okay, fine, but I still don't like it."

"What you did was dangerous and foolhardy..." Percy scolded her, but Miranda cut him off.

"But you showed great conviction and courage, two traits of successful reporters." Percy opened his mouth to say something, but Miranda shot him a look and he closed his mouth.

"You think so?" Ginny asked.

"Absolutely!" Miranda replied. "You got us the makings of a great story and I think some valuable information for the Ministry as well, right Percy?"

"Yes," Percy confirmed almost against his will. Ginny quizzically looked at her brother. Ginny knew that getting herself hurt and admitted in the hospital was just the opportunity Percy needed to give her a lecture and yet he wasn't. Very strange indeed!

"Right then!" Ginny was pleased that she had made a difference and that her hard work was appreciated. "I suppose then we need to discuss what we will be printing and what we won't."

Miranda smiled, "My thoughts exactly!"

"I think I'll have some input with that!" Percy quickly added.

"But of course," Ginny innocently said, enjoying watching Percy squirm.

"First thing first," Percy stood up, putting his arms behind his back as he started pacing around the room, looking very serious. "There is to be no mention of Grindelwald or You-Know-Who."

"Fine," both women agreed.

"I was thinking that we could start the article by confirming the rumors that have been circulated about the muggle artifacts and then going into myth of the Cursed Serpent," Ginny started.

"Oooh, I like that!" Miranda excitedly agreed. "Then you could go into how you captured it!"

Percy disapprovingly cut in, "That would lead to mention of Grindelwald and You-Know-Who."

"So we don't mention the names of the coven, except perhaps for Narcissa Malfoy," Ginny said. "It is known that her house burnt down?"

"Yes," Miranda confirmed.

"Great," Ginny excitedly went on. "Well not great, but you know what I mean. We talk about the coven and how they were using the Cursed Serpent with the muggle artifacts."

Miranda looked at Percy, "We leave out their real intentions with the second coming of You-Know-Who..."

"And we don't mention Grindelwald," Ginny added. "I can write about him as I originally thought of him...an old, creepy muggle who happened to have an artifact."

"I don't like this," Percy shook his head. "I don't like any of this."

"Percy you have to let us write about something!" Ginny protested.

"You knew when we first teamed up that Ginny and I were after a story," Miranda reminded him. "You have to be willing to compromise."

Percy looked at both Ginny and Miranda and sighed, "I'm not going to win here am I?"

"No," Miranda answered.

"Fine, fine," Percy gave in. "We have a deal."

Ginny's mouth dropped open. Was this really Percy? He looked like Percy, but he was much too agreeable to possibly be!

"We have a deal," Miranda answered.

"But you need to tell me what's happening with Draco," Ginny insisted.

"It is Ministry business," Percy announced, inflating his chest. Now this was the Percy she was used to.

"No, it is my business," Ginny firmly retorted. "I got him involved with this."

"Ginny, I am not at liberty to talk about it," Percy folded his arms, turning away from her.

Ginny usually would have gotten angry, but she didn't. Something else in her took over. She swung her feet over her bed and stood up for the first time since she had been admitted to the hospital, and in calm, but commanding voice, she replied, "He is my business. He risked his life to save mine. He turned against his family for me. He had done more for me than I could ever tell you. You will not harm him and you will not use him. You will tell me where he is."

"No, I will not..." Percy started to reply, but when Ginny walked over to him and met his stare with a determination and hardness that Percy had never seen on his little sister, he lost track of his thoughts.

"Yes, you will or I will leave this hospital room right now and I will go directly to Ministers Black and Snape. I will go to Dumbledore. I will do what ever it takes," she softly growled, still staring at him

"You care about him," Miranda added, causing both of them to look at her, momentarily breaking the tension.

"That's not the point," Ginny softened when she answered Miranda, but it didn't last when she turned back to Percy. "You are going to do the right thing."

"I am not at liberty to discuss Ministry business with you," Percy flatly stated.

"Oh really?" Ginny asked. "Or only when it's convenient for you?"

"She has a point," Miranda added, met by a scowl from Percy.

Percy narrowed his eyes, glaring at Ginny, "Fine, but what I am going to tell you is very off the record. Draco's life depends on it."

"Fine," Ginny agreed, she would never do anything to hurt Draco.

Ginny walked back to her bed and Percy sat in one of the chairs next to it.

"You do know how Draco saved you from the fire?" Percy asked.

"He apparated us," Ginny answered. "I know that it's uncommon and kind of dangerous, but so what? It worked."

"It's not uncommon Ginny," Percy answered, then leaning forward and whispering. "One person apparating two people? It's almost unheard of."

"Really?" Ginny was genuinely surprised.

"Draco has quite a talent," Percy confessed.

"So what does that have to do with anything?" Ginny queried.

"The mere fact that he is a Malfoy, let alone the son of Lucius and Narcissa, gives him a unique position," Percy observed. "He played right into that by how he said he played out then situation when Grindelwald caught you. He did pretend to turn on you, didn't he?"

"Yes he did, but it was to save me," Ginny confirmed.

"That also proves that he can think quickly on his feet," Percy said more to himself. "Does anyone else that he didn't really turn on you, besides us?"

Ginny thought hard, "Only the Sphinx knows and somehow I don't think it will be telling anyone."

"That's perfect," Percy said.

"What's perfect?" Ginny asked.

"Well you probably have guessed that finding the thirteen women and these possible reincarnates of You-Know-Who is an urgent issue."

"Yeah, so what does that have to do with Draco?" Ginny tilted her head to the right.

"Well, it seems that Draco is the perfect person to find them," Percy revealed. "And he is willing to work for the Ministry as a double agent."

"He's consented to this? Working for you and the Ministry?" Ginny asked, but already knew the answer. Of course Draco would. He had no illusions about his family and this was a chance to redeem his family name, but more than that it was a chance to make his own place in the world. Being a son of a Death Eater had cut off so many avenues for Draco and now, once it got out that his mother was also a criminal, it would be even harder for Draco. This was the perfect opportunity for Draco. She knew that she should be pleased for Draco, but she wasn't. Why?

"Who wouldn't want to work for the Ministry?" Percy was aghast.

"But of course," Ginny answered, fighting the urge to laugh out loud. Percy was so innocent in that he just didn't comprehend that there was a wide world beyond the Ministry.

"Needless to say, this is very sensitive. No one can know about Draco's association with the Ministry," Percy said.

"When can I see him?" Ginny eagerly asked.

Percy looked away from Ginny, "Well that's the other thing..."

"What?" Ginny asked.

"You can't," Percy started walking toward the door.

"Don't walk away from me," Ginny got up from her bed, following Percy. "Why can't I see him?"

"He's already left," Percy stopped, turning around to face Ginny.

"He's gone?" Ginny felt the blood drain from her body.

"The sooner he catches up with his mother, the better," Percy replied.

Ginny felt her knees get weak, she stumbled backwards into Miranda, who was standing behind her.

"Are you okay?" Miranda asked, as she supported Ginny and walked her back over to her bed.

"When can I see him?" Ginny asked Percy, not hearing Miranda's question.

Ginny looked so little and so lost. Percy felt badly for his sister. He didn't realize that this news would hit her so hard.

"I don't know Ginny," he honestly answered.

Miranda pulled the covers up around Ginny and once again asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Ginny lied. "I'm just a bit tired, that's all."

"Perhaps we should go," Miranda said.

"I think that's a good idea," Ginny turned over, facing her back towards them and pulled the covers up to her chin. Ginny heard the door shut when Miranda and Percy left.

Draco was gone. Ginny couldn't believe it. She never imagined that she wouldn't be seeing him again. She knew that she should be happy for him. He was now working for the Ministry, but her insides were hollow. She felt an aching...her chest was heavy...her throat was tight. She wasn't sure that there was an even word to describe what she was feeling. It was unlike anything she had ever encountered.

How would he ever know how grateful she was that he saved her? How would she know that he really had recovered from the snakebite? Who was she going to talk to and share her secrets with?

She suddenly became aware that her pillow was wet and realized that she was crying. This is too much, she thought to herself. She pulled the covers up even closer and shut her eyes. She needed to sleep. Things had to look brighter in the morning.