Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/27/2002
Updated: 04/27/2002
Words: 110,888
Chapters: 20
Hits: 15,112

After Hogwarts

Wendy Lee

Story Summary:
Little Ginny is all grown up and has just graduated from Hogwarts. She still carries Harry Potter in her heart, but is determined to get past her unrequited love, so she decided to move to London and start fresh.

Chapter 18

Author's Note:
This is dedicated to my husband Ben and my daughter Samantha and to all my friends at Harry Potter, ivillage.

Chapter Eighteen:

The Coven:

The next two weeks flew by for Ginny and before she knew it, the full moon was upon her. She got up very early and left for Draco's house before the sun had even risen. Ginny and Draco were sure that whatever was going to happen was going to happen on the full moon, but they weren't sure what time, so they had to be ready from the start!

Draco was waiting for Ginny outside his house, by the cherry tree when Ginny arrived.

"So you ready?" he smiled, still looking very sleepy.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Ginny bravely stated, not really feeling as confident as she sounded.

"Come on then, let's go before anyone wakes up," Draco suggested and Ginny followed. They went into his house and immediately went upstairs. Ginny followed Draco down a long hallway that had many pictures on the walls, the people in the pictures looked like members of the Malfoy clan and they passed many closed doors. They and he eventually stopped outside a large Oak door.

"This is it," Draco announced.

"This is what?" Ginny asked.

"My room," he stated.

"Oh really?" Ginny tilted her head, raising her eyebrows. "And that is important, why?"

Draco warmly chuckled, "Because this is the safest place for you to hide out until what ever happens, happens."

"You don't say..." Ginny put her hands on her hips.

Draco devilishly smiled, but innocently said "Really Ginny, we've got bigger things to worry about!"

"Well okay then," Ginny followed Draco as he opened his door and let them in his room. His room was very large and was the first room that Ginny had seen that actually looked lived in. On the far side of the room he had a large queen-size bed that had an antique mahogany sled frame that had a matching nightstand on one side of it and a giant window on the other. He also had a matching Armour and desk. Behind the desk was a swivel chair that had a gray robe hanging over the back of it. The desk itself was covered with papers and books and had a candle on it that was burned down almost to the wick.

On the other side of the room had a small sofa and a little table that had several teacups on it, a pot of tea, a saucer of milk and a plate of fresh scones with raisons. Ginny didn't notice the scones and tea at first because she was too busy looking at one of his walls. All of his walls were a cream color that had a mahogany train rail that went around the room. Three if his walls were completely baron but the fourth wall was not. It was literally covered from top to bottom in numerous awards that he received while attending Hogwarts and there were many photos of friends and family taken in different locations from all over the world.

"You've traveled a lot haven't you?" Ginny commented as she continued to glance at the photos.

"Yeah, I suppose I have," Draco replied.

"I'd love to get to see more of the world," Ginny dreamily said.

"Maybe someday you will," Draco suggested.

Ginny suddenly looked back over to the small table and noticed the tea and scones, "Brilliant! I'm famished." Ginny immediately walked over to the sofa and took a seat, then pouring herself a cup of tea.

"Glad you like it," Draco said, then sitting down himself, grabbing a scone and taking a bite.

Ginny also picked up a scone and took a bite, "Ooh, raisons! I love raisons! Thanks Draco, this is really nice."

"No problem," Draco smiled.

"So you want to go over the plan again?" Ginny queried.

"No not really," Draco looked away. "All we need to go over is that it is imperative that you wait here until I send you one of my family owls telling you that it's time."

"And then I can go to the secret room?" Ginny's enthusiasm was evident.

"And then you go to the secret room," Draco confirmed. "And you know the rest."

"Yes, I supposed I do," Ginny smiled, pouring herself another cup of tea. "Would you like a cup?"

"No," Draco stood up. "As much as I like hanging out with you in my room, I need to get downstairs and keep an eye on things so I can send you word when it's time."

"I suppose you're right," Ginny agreed.

"Try not to go through all my things," Draco teased.

"Oh please!" Ginny dismissed him. "I think I'd have more fun staring at one of your empty walls."

"What ever passes the time for you!" Draco started leaving, but stopped and turned around when he got to the door. "Ginny?"

"Yeah Draco?" Ginny looked up, just about to take a bite of her scone.

"Be careful..." he softly looked at her. "This is really dangerous and it's just..."


"It's just I don't want you to get hurt and I'm afraid that..." he couldn't find the words. Ginny warmly smiled, she knew that he was worried about her safety.

"I'll be careful, I promise," Ginny reassured him but was met by a genuine look of concern from Draco. She also saw something else in his blue eyes, but she couldn't exactly pin point what it was.

"You better be careful too, okay?" she reminded Draco.

"Always," Draco smiled and then added, trying to mask his obvious concern, "After all, I am the legendary Draco Malfoy!"

Ginny waved to Draco as he left the room and then finished eating her scone.

Ginny heard the occasional person walking down the hallway and made sure to keep very quiet as Malfoy estate woke up and came to life. She tried to entertain herself while she waited anxiously for Draco to send her an owl, letting her know that it was time to set their plan in action. It didn't take long until she got bored of looking at the stuff on his walls and began pacing the floor.

Ginny was equally anxious, as she was excited, about what they were about to embark on. She could feel the butterflies nervously flittering around her belly and was certain that she was going to be ill one moment and then the next moment she felt her blood pumping through her veins and was certain that she was going to jump out of her skin! When was Draco going to send his owl?

Ginny was lost in thought as she continued to pace. She knew that what they were about to do was a rather risky because she no longer had the back up of either the Ministry or the paper. It was certain that if their plan didn't work, the consequences could be quite dire.

Ginny knew what her reasons were for what they were doing; after all, this was her story. But deep inside she had to admit that this was about much more than a good story. Over this past year, Ginny had spent so much time trying to establish her independence and her adulthood. She got a job, she moved out from her parents' house and she even, and she created a life for herself. She was no longer a child. But when both Percy and Miranda questioned her judgment and abilities, which frustrated her beyond description. It made her question if all her hard work and accomplishments were in her head. She just knew that she had to prove them wrong, not so much for them as for herself, to validate her self worth.

She then wondered what investment Draco had in what they were doing. She realized that she wasn't sure. At first he said it was out of concern for his mother, but then they discovered that she was indeed guilty. Occasionally he would sometimes joke that the reason he enjoyed helping her because he was bored; however, that seemed a little ludicrous. Boredom hardly seemed a valid reason to risk his life. Perhaps it was to make amends for the crimes his father had committed or maybe he was trying to protect his unborn brother or sister. Ginny started biting her bottom lip as she continued pacing while she considered Draco's unborn sibling for the first time. If Narcissa actually was arrested, what would become of the baby once it was born? She pushed such thought from her mind. She had to stay focused on the task that would be soon at hand. There would be time enough later to deal with the fallout.

The light from outside blinded Ginny for a moment when she walked by the window and it made her stop and take notice that the dark sky that she had arrived to many hours earlier had since been replaced by the bright, hot sun. She wondered exactly what time it was. As soon as she stopped pacing to look outside the window, she noticed that her feet were a little sore and decided she should perhaps sit for a bit before she wore the wood right through the floor!

She walked over to his desk and flopped down on his swivel chair, wishing that Draco would just send the owl already and they could get on with it. Distractions, Ginny thought. I need a distraction. She pushed her chair back, tilted her head and raised her eyebrow, noticing all the drawers on Draco's desk. She heard his voice in her head warning her not to go through all his things and then wickedly smiled. If he didn't want her going through his things, then he should have found somewhere else for her to wait.

"He should have known better," Ginny justified to herself as she started rummaging through his drawers. She found old report cards from Hogwarts and she found old letters from friends. She was excited when she found a few journals that he had kept while he attended Hogwarts and eagerly began to read. It was entertaining for Ginny to read what life was like from the childhood perspective of Draco Malfoy, although she didn't read much that she couldn't have guessed. He never wrote about his thoughts or feelings. He wrote his journal like he was making a list of facts...had a test today in Snape's class and I aced it...Called Potter out to duel with me after hours. Wait until I don't show up and he gets in trouble...Going home over the holidays. Father says he might take me into London...Played a Quidditch match today against Gryffindor. Potter caught the snitch and they beat us, I'm sure he cheated...

After reading for a while Ginny decided to rummage some more. In the bottom drawer on the right hand side, she found a cigar box. She pulled it out and opened it on the table. She found a tobacco pipe, a small bottle of peppermint schnapps, and a few photos. Ginny glanced through the photos until a specific one caught her attention. It was a somewhat recent photo of Draco and Pansy Parkinson. They were sitting on a porch swing, cuddling very closely. They looked very intimate. She watched the two of them in the photo hugging, laughing and even occasionally kissing. Ginny's face flushed with anger and her hands began to shake. For the first time in her life, she wished that wizarding photos didn't actually move and were more like muggle photos, flat, static, and motionless. Before she knew what she was doing she proceeded to rip the photo into many, many pieces. When she looked at her hands she then realized what she had done. Horrified by her actions, she shoved the evidence, the little pieces of the photograph, in one of her robe pockets and quickly closed the cigar box, putting it back where she had found it. In a panic, she rushed over to the little sofa and sat down nervously looking around.

After a few minutes Ginny started to relax again; after all, she didn't mean to rip his photo...it just sort of happened, but as soon as she reached in her pocket and felt the many pieces of the photo, she once again felt her pulse begin to quicken. Calm down, she reassured herself, Draco doesn't have to know. She got up from the sofa and walked over to the window by Draco's bed and opened it quite wide. She closed her eyes as the warm, lovely spring breeze brushed against her face. The light breeze felt soothing and began washing away the worry and panic that she felt. She then sat down on Draco's bed, to relax for a moment. She had to stay focused on the task that would be soon at hand. The fresh air felt pleasant and she decided to rest her head on his pillow for just a moment...


Suddenly Ginny jumped up from a deep sleep. She was frightened, completely caught off guard and did not recognize where she was. Nothing looked familiar.


Ginny saw a little owl frantically pecking on the nightstand next to the bed. As she watched the owl for a moment, she was irritated that she had once again been woken from a sound sleep. Why were all forces against her getting any sleep? Suddenly she remembered where she was and she sprung up! She knew exactly where she was and what she was doing. She was in Draco's room and she was waiting for him to send her an owl...probably this owl, which meant the time had arrived for them to set their plan in motion! Ginny nervously and excitedly untied the letter from the owl's leg. The note was short, but to the point.

It's time. Be careful.


This was what she had been waiting for. Ginny quickly grabbed the cloak from the back of Draco's desk chair and put it on with the hood up. She wanted to keep her head covered incase any of the house elves passed her. For the first time she was actually grateful that Narcissa was such a strict master to the house elves because that meant that they would be too subservient to say anything to Ginny if they noticed her while she went to the secret room.

She ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath, mustering the courage she needed to follow this through. She knew that once she left this room, there was no turning back.

Ginny made it to the study unnoticed. She didn't have to move the sofa because it was already far enough away from the secret trap door, leaving her enough room to open it. She guessed that Narcissa and the rest of the coven were probably in the second secret room already, but just in case they weren't, Ginny made sure to be extra quiet as she climbed down the winding stairs. She paused when she got to the bottom of the stairs, giving her eyes a few minutes to acclimate to the darkness. Once they did, she saw a faint light coming from the bookcase that led to the second room and when she moved closer, she heard voices. She turned around and looked at her surroundings, her heart pounding frantically. It took all her concentration to keep her mind focused and not give in to the fear and trepidation that soared through her.

There were several larger crates in the corner furthest from the stairs and they also happened to be fairly close to the bookcase entrance. Ginny knew that would be the perfect place to hide. She reached in her pocket and pulled out some Color Crackers that she had grabbed from Fred and George's inventory before she had left this morning. She walked to the bottom of the stairs and gently put them down on the ground, she wanted to be careful not to set them off.

She walked behind the crates and sat down for a moment. She wondered where Draco was and then realized that it didn't matter. She knew what she had to do and she slowly got up, peaked over the top of the crates looking at the Color Crackers and pulled out her wand.

"Scintillavi," she whispered, pointing her wand at the Color Crackers. Golden sparks flew from her wand and hit the Color Crackers, which caused them to start sizzling. Ginny immediately ducked back down behind the crates.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The Color Crackers started exploding like firecrackers, filling the room with green, red and golden smoke. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! They kept exploding and in a matter of seconds the bookcase opened and several people entered the room, while the smoke began filling the second secret room.

"What in is going on out here?" Ginny heard Narcissa say.

"I thought you said we are safe?" Ginny heard another woman say.

"What is the meaning of this?" yet another woman said.

As the women argued among themselves, still not able to see through the thick smoke, Ginny crawled into the second secret room on her hands and knees. She felt her heart beating so fast and loud. She was certain that the deafening thumping from her chest would give her away as she crawled to the middle of the room where she knew the Cursed Serpent was. She still couldn't see, but carefully felt around with her hands and a matter of minutes she had it! She grabbed it, quickly crawling back to her hiding spot.

Ginny clasped the Cursed Serpent against her chest and huddled very low once she was safely behind the crates. She had the Cursed Serpent...she actually had the Cursed Serpent right in her hands! She couldn't believe it!

SLAM! Ginny heard a door open and knew it was the trap door to the secret room immediately because it was followed by the sounds of footsteps walking down the stairs. The smoke had also begun to dissipate. She knew it had to be Draco and that meant he would get the women back into the other secret room.

"And what is all this commotion about?" Ginny heard Draco bellow. "And who are your little friends?"

"I don't believe any of that is your business," Narcissa retorted.

"None of my business?" Draco snidely asked.

"That's right," Narcissa's tone was firm. "I am your mother and this is my house..."

"Your house?" Draco cut her off. "I don't think so mother."

"How dare you speak to me using that tone?" Narcissa was shocked and appalled.

"Let me make something clear to you mother dear," Draco's tone was exceedingly condescending. "I am the son of Lucius Malfoy and since he is no longer here, that makes me the master of this house."


"But nothing!" Draco was harsh. "Don't think that I am not aware of what you've been up to with your little friends. The only reason that you are all here is because I have allowed it. I haven't questioned you up to this point, but if you are going to cause such commotion, then I'm afraid that I will have to."

"You have no idea what you are talking about," Narcissa dismissed him.

"Do you really think that I wouldn't be aware of dark magic performed in my house?"

"Dark magic?" Narcissa sounded both astonished and pleased.

"Yes mother, dark magic," Draco replied. "Now why don't you give me the specifics before I get angry."

"Oh my son..." Narcissa rushed over to Draco and kissed him on both cheeks. "I am so proud of you. I was beginning to questions your loyalties especially when you started dating that horrible Gryffindor girl..."

"Don't change the subject mother," Draco once again cut her off. "I want answers...NOW." Ginny could hear the other women muttering among themselves. Ginny guessed they were discussing their concerns about Narcissa revealing too much to her son. C'mon Draco, Ginny thought to herself. Just get them out of here!

"We can trust him," Narcissa turned to the other women. "After all, he is my son and he is the son of one of the greatest Death Eaters of all times, my husband, Lucius."

"How can you be sure?" one woman questioned.

"How can you ask her that? You know Draco," another woman answered.

"But his involvement puts us all at risk," a third woman points out.

"But he is one of us, he's Slytherin," a fourth woman added.

"ENOUGH!" Draco yelled. "You witches will give me answers and you will give them to me NOW!"

"He is so like his father," the third woman whispered, conceding.

"Told you he was one of us," the fourth woman gloated.

Narcissa looked at the other twelve women and waited for a response before she answered Draco's demands. They huddled very closely and after a few minutes they looked up to Narcissa and nodded their heads in unison.

"Then it's been agreed upon," Narcissa beamed. "Oh my son, exciting times are upon us..." Narcissa began to tell Draco the details of what he and Ginny had been trying to figure out for months.

A little over eight months ago, Narcissa had found the strangest serpent statue with ruby eyes in a muggle pawnshop although she didn't know what power it held. The old man who ran the pawnshop told her that the Cursed Serpent supposedly had great powers. Narcissa was intrigued by the folklore surrounding the statue and bought it. She looked for stories about it in magical and mythological books. It didn't take long until she figured out it was the Cursed Serpent.

She knew that a coven of wizards was needed to release the power of the Cursed Serpent, so she contacted many of the wives of convicted Death Eaters. She already knew most of them and knew that she could trust them because they shared the same political values.

Once the coven of witches got together, they decided to try casting their first spell using the Cursed Serpent on the full moon.

"You see darling," Narcissa explained. "We just aren't a regular coven of wizards, we are a coven of witches...women...and we because we are women, and our powers are already more focused with the cycles of the moon." Ginny bit her bottom lip, trying to contain her excitement as Narcissa revealed the truth. Ginny knew that this had something to do with the full moon and she was right, but she was kicking herself for not putting it together. The power from a coven of thirteen witches on the full moon had to be tremendous.

"So what was the first spell that you and your coven cast?" Draco sounded eager. Enough already Draco, Ginny's mind screamed. Get them out of here!

"This is where it gets really exciting!" another witch exclaimed.

"Hush! I want to tell my son," Narcissa reprimanded the witch.

"Then tell me," Draco instructed his mother.

"Can't you guess?" Narcissa teased.

"Don't play with me woman! Just tell me!" Draco commanded.

"To bring back our Dark Lord," Narcissa revealed.

"You-Know-Who?" Draco was astonished.

"Yes!" Narcissa gleefully answered.

"Did it work? Where is he?" Draco asked.

"That's the strange part," Narcissa began. "At first it didn't look like it worked. The only thing that happened was that the statue's mouth opened at the end of the ritual and presented us with serpent gifts...pins, bracelets, rings, and more...all of them had ruby eyes."

"What did you do with them?" Draco asked.

"Nothing at first," Narcissa explained. "But then I went back to the muggle pawnshop and I happened to be wearing one of the serpent rings. The old man who ran the pawnshop commented on it and asked me if he could see it, so I let him."

"And what happened?"

"He became aware of things Draco," Narcissa whispered.

"Aware of things?" he asked.

"Yes things from our world, things he shouldn't be able to see," Narcissa revealed.

"What did you do then?" Draco questioned.

"Nothing, I took the ring back," Narcissa said. "I wasn't until later that the coven decided that giving these items to the muggles would be useful."

"What made you decide that and how did they become useful?"

"By giving them to the muggles, we were able to cause a distraction," Narcissa explained.

"A distraction from what?"

"Well, as I told you, we didn't think our first spell was successful," Narcissa said. "But within days after the spell was cast I found out that I was pregnant."

"And so did I," another woman said.

"Me too," yet another said.

"And me," and yet another added. Eventually every woman in the coven revealed that she had become pregnant within days after the spell to bring back You-Know-Who had been cast. Ginny covered her mouth to keep herself from gasping out loud. She could not believe what she was hearing and the implications that it had! She needed Draco to get those women out of that room and back into the second secret room so she could make her escape, especially now after what had been revealed. She had to let someone know about You-Know-Who!

"So you see my son," Narcissa was bursting with pride. "Our first spell did work. It just didn't work as we intended."

"So what you are telling me is that you all are carrying our Dark Lord incarnate?"

"Whether just one of us or all of us actually carries him remains to be seen, but at least one of us carries the Dark Lord."

"What provisions have been made to protect all of you and our Dark Lord?" Draco asked, making Ginny wonder why he was asking such crazy questions. All he was supposed to do was get those women out of the room!

"That's my boy, always thinking ahead," Narcissa boasted. "Actually my son, we are all leaving tonight and going into hiding to ensure that the Dark Lord will safely be reborn."

"Where?" Draco demanded.

"I can't tell you that my son," Narcissa said. "Even if I want to."

"Then I'll be coming as well," Draco flatly stated. "It is my responsibility to take care of you and my unborn sibling. I too am a devoted subject of our Dark Lord." Devoted Subject??? Ginny couldn't believe what she was hearing! She couldn't believe how far he was taking this! All he was supposed to do was get them out of the room. It just seemed to her that he was enjoying this just a little too much.

"You would do that for your Dark Lord?" Narcissa asked, but sounded like she already knew the answer. "And what about your little girlfriend? I hardly doubt that she would be willing..."

"Ginny doesn't matter," Draco cut her off. "Nothing matters now that I know that our Dark Lord is returning."

"Come my son, let us show you the Cursed Serpent," Narcissa took her son by the hand and led him into the other secret room.

Once all the women had left, Ginny poked her head out to make sure it was safe. She took a moment to catch her breath. She felt winded like someone had kicked her in the stomach after what she just heard. It was horrifying enough to know that You-Know-Who might be reborn, but what about Draco? He really had pushed the limits and she'd give him a piece of her mind later. She quickly ran to the winding stairs, clasping the Cursed Serpent closely to her chest. She tried pushing all thoughts from her mind except escaping from the Malfoy estate.

"Where do you think you are going little girl?" Ginny felt a bony hand press against her chest as she walked up the winding staircase. When she looked up she saw the wrinkled, horrible face of the old man from same pawnshop where she had been attacked.

"YOU?" Ginny gasped.

"So we meet again?" he cackled, pushing against Ginny causing her to walk backwards back down the stairs.

Narcissa and her coven led Draco into the second secret room and walked to the middle of the room, but were horrified when they saw that the Cursed Serpent was missing.

"Mother I need to tell you something..." Draco started to say but was cut off by the screams of several witches.

"THE CURSED SERPENT..." one witch cried.

"IT"S GONE!" another witch yelled.

"WHERE IS IT?" demanded another witch.

"Mother..." Draco said, but was met by a blank stare from his mother. She was too preoccupied trying to figure out where the Cursed Serpent had gone.

The witches frantically began searching the room, but the Cursed Serpent was nowhere to be found.

"Did one of you take it?" Narcissa accused, which caused the witches to start arguing among themselves.

"Mother..." Draco's tone was harsher, but it didn't make a difference and before he had the chance to say anything the bookcase opened. In entered the old muggle man who had Ginny by the collar of her robe.

"Look what I found walking up the stairs," the old man announced. All attention was now focused on Ginny and more specifically the Cursed Serpent that Ginny tightly clasped in her hands.

"Well, well, look what we have here," Narcissa said sharply as she walked over to Ginny, harshly stroking the side of Ginny's face with her finger, cutting Ginny's cheek with her long fingernail. "If it isn't little Genie Weasley and look girls, she has our serpent!"

Draco walked over to Ginny and smugly said to his mother, "That's what I've been trying to tell you mother. I knew the statue was stolen."

"And did you know that your little girlfriend was the thief?" Narcissa's rose and her voice cracked.

Draco looked directly in Ginny's blue eyes as he answered, "Yes mother I knew..." Ginny gasped and Draco grabbed the Cursed Serpent.

"Draco!" Ginny cried as blood trickled down her face, but Draco ignored her.

"Do you really think I was serious about her? A Gryffindor girl?" Draco sneered, avoiding eye contact with Ginny. "I figured out awhile ago that she was sticking her nose in business that didn't concern her, so I convinced her that I was her friend and that I would help her." Narcissa and the rest of the coven broke out in hysterics, while Ginny stood there with her mouth gaping open.

"Damnation! I should have known better," Narcissa sinisterly laughed.

Draco revealed, smiling wickedly and looking proud of his deceit. "I was curious to see what she was up to and how I could benefit from it. Don't you know by now mother that I never do anything without getting something from it, after all I am Slytherin." Narcissa beamed with pride as the witches nodded in agreement.

"Draco, I don't believe this.... I don't believe you!" Ginny interrupted, protesting.

"Be quiet girl," the old man commanded, strengthening his grip on Ginny's collar as she withered trying to break free.

"Believe it," Draco sternly retorted, putting his face close to Ginny's. "You know who I am. This shouldn't surprise you."

"I don't believe you! I'll never believe you!" Ginny spat, still struggling to get free. "You are better than this! I know you!"

Draco's face contorted, as he laughed at her, his voice cold and bitter, "You know me? Do you really think so? I think it's more like you know what I let you know."

"You wouldn't betray me like this," Ginny refused to believe what she was hearing. She tried looking deeply into his eyes for reassurance, but his eyes were dark and cold and he stared at Ginny like she was a stranger to him.

"Damnation! I never cared about you, don't you get that?" Draco declared, looking away from her as he spoke. "I am destined for greater things and you were just a means to an end. Nothing more than just a way to pass the time."

Ginny wanted to yell and scream, but knew that she had to remain focused. She felt the tears swell in her eyes, but refused to cry.

"I hear you like to pass the time since nobody will employ you, being the son of a Death Eater and all that," Ginny hissed, lashing out in the only way she could.

Before Draco could answer, Ginny was met by a slap across her face from Narcissa. Ginny didn't even notice the stinging as her face began to swell. She was too bewildered by Draco's behavior.

"SILENCE!" Narcissa yelled.

"Don't let the silly girl upset you mother," Draco reassured his mother, then turning to Ginny, smirking as he looked her up and down. "This little thing has been most entertaining to me. She hasn't been too bad to look either, but most importantly she was useful." Ginny knees got weak and she began to shake with anger. Miranda warned her about Draco and so did Percy. Had she been a fool in trusting Draco?

"Madam," the old man interrupted, turning to Narcissa. "You and the others don't have time for this nonsense. The arrangements have been made and it's time for you and the others to leave now."

"Oh but this it is so much fun to watch," Narcissa and the other witches laughed.

"Madam..." the old man shook his head, remaining adamant.

"Oh fine then," Narcissa stamped her foot, but then pulled out her wand as she looked at Ginny, with a sinister grin on her face. "But we need to take care of this little thief first!" Ginny gasped, not knowing what to do. She had to get away and she had to get away now!

"Please mother," Draco put his hand on his mother's shoulders. "You and the others go. You must protect our Dark Lord."

"But..." Narcissa protested.

"I will take care of Ginny," Draco sternly said. "It will be my pleasure."

Narcissa looked back and forth between Ginny, Draco and the old man several times before she responded, "Very well then."

"You ladies must hurry, everything is ready," the old man urged and the women began leaving one by one. Narcissa was the last to leave, but before she did, she stopped and turned around, looking at Draco.

"I wish I could tell you where I was going," Narcissa almost looked like she felt regret...almost.

"Madam, you must leave NOW!" the old man firmly pressed before Draco had a chance to respond.

Narcissa waved her hands in an aggravated fashion as she continued walking up the winding stairs, muttering, "Fine, fine, fine."

"I'll find you mother," Draco called after her. Ginny looked at Draco as he watched his mother walk away. She knew that she should hate him. He betrayed her and everything she believed about him was a lie. And now, in just a few minutes, he was going to take care of her, and yet she still couldn't believe it. The warnings she was given about Draco didn't matter. Everything she heard from his own mouth should have validated the warnings, but still something inside of her wouldn't let her believe that he would betray her...that he would hurt her. Against all logic, she closed her eyes and with all her heart, she trusted in something that she could not explain. It was just something that she knew.

"You may leave the girl with me old man," Draco commanded the old man. The old man did not obey; in fact, he just started sardonically laughing.

"Did you not hear me old man?" Draco raised his voice. "Leave the girl with me! You are no longer needed."

"Do you really think me that stupid?" the old man finally responded.

"Excuse me?" Draco was indignant.

"Your mother might believe your stories, but I am not that easily swayed," the old man refused to loosen his grip on Ginny. Draco still had the Cursed Serpent in one hand, but used his free hand to pull out his wand and pointed it at the old man. Before he could cast a spell, the old man threw Ginny down onto the ground causing her to twist her ankle and he then quickly pulled out a wand of his own.

"Expelliarmus!" the old man pointed his wand at Draco and a green fire shot out from the end, disarming Draco. His wand flew across the room and fell on the floor, nearly hitting Ginny.

"You can't use magic!" Draco yelled, still in shock from what he just saw. "You're not a muggle, are you?"

The old man laughed deeply and sinisterly as Ginny, who was still on the floor, reached for her wand. Before she could point at it him, the old man looked at her narrowing his eyes and shook his head, "Don't even try. You have no idea who I am."

"Who you are?" both Ginny and Draco asked simultaneously.

The old man appeared to be deep in thought for several seconds before finally responding, "Well I suppose it doesn't matter if I do tell you since you both have seen too much and that means neither of you will be allowed to live."

"You can't kill me," Draco was indignant. "I am Draco Malfoy! My mother carries the Dark Lord!"

"Your mothers carries the Dark Lord because I gave her the Cursed Serpent!" the old man revealed. "Do you really think that it was mere coincidence that brought such a powerful possession to your mother?"

"I never thought about it..." Draco answered.

"Voldemort may have been powerful and may be once again, but I hold true power...true darkness. I am like the shadows that whisper the correct thoughts to the right people without ever revealing myself," the old man's face glowed and his voice deepened as he spoke.

"I don't understand..." Draco said.

"You wouldn't little man," the old man cackled. "I have lurked in the darkness since the nineteen-forties! I am more powerful than anyone ever thought I could be and nobody even suspects that I am alive!" Ginny's eyes lit up at his last statement. She knew who this old man was and he was indeed no muggle. He was one of the deadliest wizards of all time.

"I know who you are," Ginny finally spoke up.

"You do, do you?" the old man looked at her skeptically.

"Your ego gives you away Grindelwald!" Ginny hissed. "And I am not afraid of you!"

"You are a smart little one...and feisty too," Grindelwald acknowledged. "I see why Draco enjoyed toying with you so. Alas! What a shame I still have to kill you."

"You don't have to kill me," Draco pointed out. "You and I are on the same side. You can go and leave the girl to me!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk Draco," Grindelwald shook his head. "You allegiance is irrelevant. Do you think that I survived all these years by leaving lose ends?"

"But..." Draco tried to argue.

"I'll tell you what," Grindelwald wickedly smiled. "Your magic won't work to free you, but I'll give you a chance to escape, be it a small chance."

Grindelwald pointed his wand at the middle of the room, "Fuoget Serpentsorta!" His wand created a small magical fire in the middle of the room. Ginny yelped as many small gray serpents with red glowering eyes rose from the fire and slithered into the shadows.

Grindelwald took a pinch of Floo powder, but before jumping into the fire, he pointed his wand at the Cursed Serpent, "Magum Serpentsorta!" Grindelwald then jumped into the fire.

"OUCH!" Draco muttered as the Cursed Serpent statue suddenly came to life, biting Draco in the arm.

"Draco, are you okay?" Ginny asked, as she tried to get up, but her swollen ankle was throbbing.

"Don't move Ginny," Draco pointed at the Cursed Serpent, which was now slithering on the floor.

"It's not real," Ginny said.

"It's more real than you think," Draco warned, not revealing that the Cursed Serpent had bit him and he was already beginning to feel the affects of its venom.

"No it's not," Ginny argued, then pointing her wand at the Cursed Serpent. "Finitus Magum!" As the red and golden streaks from Ginny's from her wand hit the Cursed Serpent, it turned to stone and Draco immediately smashed it into a million pieces with his foot. Ginny had been right, it wasn't real, but why was he feeling the affects it's bite?

"Ginny..." he rushed over to her, bending down and wiping some of the blood from her face. "I didn't...I wouldn't...I..."

"I know," she smiled, her eyes locking with his. "I don't know how or why, but I know."

"If I hadn't said what I did..." Draco tried to explain.

"They would have killed me," Ginny finished his sentence.

"But I said horrible things to you, I am so sorry," Draco apologized.

"You saved my life," Ginny said.

"You are incredible," Draco was amazed.

"No, I just have faith in you," she answered. "But I really hated when you said..."

"A way to pass the time?" Draco knew what she was going to say.

"Yes," Ginny admitted.

"I hated making you get so angry, but I didn't know what else to do. I had to be convincing," Draco said. "You were really mad."

"I was mad, but then I closed my eyes and prayed for the truth to find me. Even though common sense told me not to believe you, there was something else wouldn't let me not believe you," Ginny truthfully answered.

"Maybe your heart?" he looked at her so tenderly as he cupped her face.

"Draco please..." Ginny blushed, but couldn't confirm or deny his question, but then Draco noticed some ash on the ground and alerted her that they had a serious problem at hand.

"Do you know what this is?" he pointed to the ash on the ground.


"Do you remember the serpents that came from the fire?" he asked.

"Yes," Ginny nodded.

"I believe they are Ashwinders and if they are, that means that they will spend the next hour looking for a place to lay their eggs."

"Why is that a problem?" Ginny asked.

"Once they lay their eggs, they collapse into dust, but if their eggs aren't found and frozen within minutes, then will burst into flames," Draco answered.

"Then we need to get out of here," Ginny said. "Can you help me up?"

Sharp pain shot through Draco and he got a bit light headed as he lifted Ginny up, but refused to say anything. He didn't care that the venom was affecting him; all that mattered was getting Ginny out of his house before those eggs exploded.

"Can you walk on your ankle?" Draco asked.

"Yes," Ginny took a step, but was heavily limping.

"Lean on me," Draco offered Ginny his good arm and they left the second secret room.

Grindelwald warned them that they only had a small...a very small chance of escaping, so they shouldn't have been surprised when they faced with their next obstacle, which was blocking the winding stairs that was their only means of escape.

At the bottom of the winding staircase was a large creature with the body of a lion with a broad chest and razor sharp claws. He had a golden, flowing main, but a human's head.

Ginny and Draco had read about this creature, but never had actually seen one. It was known for guarding entrances, valuables and secret passages. They knew it was extremely deadly when challenged and was highly intelligent. In fact, the only way to possibly pass this creature was to solve its puzzles and riddles, but if the puzzles and riddles were answered incorrectly, the person answering often paid with their life. It was a Sphinx.

"Get out of my way Sphinx!" Draco ordered.

"And who are you that tells me what to do?" the Sphinx laughed, looking at both Draco and Ginny. He didn't seem particularly worried.

"I am Draco Malfoy and this is my house," Draco stated.

"Well, well, well that may be, but you neglect to see is that you may be the Malfoy heir, while I am the master of this stair," the Sphinx pointed out.

"You better get out of my way!" Draco threatened, puffing out his chest.

"With just one punch, I could make you lunch," the Sphinx smirked, slightly amused by Draco's audacity. Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it at the Sphinx.

"Your magic won't work on me, although you can't plainly see. The Malfoy heir may want to try a charm," the Sphinx eyes were on fire as he stared at Draco, "I'll take your wand when I rip off your arm." He was no longer laughing as he lifted one of his paws exposing his long, sharp claws.

Draco started to open his mouth to say something when the Sphinx started growling. Ginny stopped Draco by gently putting her hand on Draco's arm, "Draco this isn't working."

"I am aware of that Ginny," Draco's turned to her, his frustration evident. He was too well aware that they had less that an hour to escape before the house would explode. "What do you suggest we do then?"

Ginny put her hand under her chin as she pondered his question, when suddenly her eyes lit up, "I've got an idea!"

"What's your idea?" he asked, but before he even finished his question, Ginny was limping closer towards the Sphinx.

"Oh mighty Sphinx who guards our way, if I could have a moment of your day?" Ginny requested. The Sphinx stopped staring at Draco and turned his attention to Ginny.

"You see kind sir our plight is quite dire, in less than an hour this house is on fire," Ginny continued.

"That may very well be, what do you want from me?" the Sphinx asked.

"Is there a way you could let us by, so when the fire starts we don't die?" Ginny asked.

The sphinx looked at Ginny for what felt like a very long time with a pensive expression on his face, when finally he grinned, "I'll give you this, it's the best I can do. You've got some smarts, I hope it works for you."

Ginny and Draco both took a step closer to the Sphinx.

"I'll give you these, my riddles three. Answer them right and you will be free," Ginny and Draco both smiled, but then the Sphinx added, "but if answer them wrong and you won't be alive long."

Ginny turned to Draco, "We've got to try. It's our only chance."

"I agree," Draco said.

The Sphinx interrupted them, "Do you both agree to the terms I present thee?"

Ginny and Draco looked at each other, their eyes locking for just a moment. The levity of the situation was dire and this was their last chance to survive. Draco took Ginny's hand and then they both nodded their heads in agreement.

"No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?" the Sphinx asked.

"No sooner spoken than broken?" Draco repeated its words as he looked to Ginny.

"What do we break when we speak?" Ginny asked. Ginny and Draco went back and forth trying to answer the riddle.

Frustrated, Draco turned to the Sphinx, "How can we break something when we speak? The riddle doesn't make any sense!"

"Is that it? How easily you quit!" the Sphinx raised an eyebrow.

"But I haven't quit!" Draco argued.

"No sooner spoke than broken," the Sphinx smirked.

"But I haven't broken anything," Draco stated.

"No sooner broke than broken," the Sphinx repeated.

"You aren't making any sense," Draco firmly replied, trying not to reveal that he was feeling queasy from the snakebite.

"What can I possibly do? You don't recognize a clue!" the Sphinx tormented them.

"A clue?" Draco asked as he sat down on the floor and ran his fingers through his hair. They were quickly running out of time.

Ginny watched Draco as he sat down and noticed that he looked particularly pale, but dismissed it as a response to the situation. She shook her head and pushed all thoughts from her mind other than the task at hand, which was solving the riddle.

All puzzles were based on logic, that she knew and the Sphinx said that he gave them a clue. She just had to find it! No sooner spoken than broken...yet every time Draco tried to say anything, the Sphinx repeated himself. Ginny was deep in thought as the Sphinx and Draco went round and round when suddenly it hit her.

"SILENCE!" she yelled, causing both the Sphinx and Draco to stop what they were saying.

"No need to yell," Draco looked at her with a confused expression on his face.

Ginny warmly laughed, "No Draco, it's the answer to the riddle."

"Silence is broken as soon as spoken!" his eyes lit up with understanding.

"That was fun, well done," the Sphinx congratulated them, before warning them. "But watch out for the next one!"

"We're ready," Ginny looked at her watch and knew that time quickly escaping them. They had less than forty minutes left!

"My life can be measured in hours; I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow. Wind is my foe. What am I?" the Sphinx asked.

"What do you think Draco?" Ginny sat next to Draco, but when she took a closer look at him, she saw that his face was very, very pale and he was sweating profusely. She put her hand on his forehead and felt that he was burning up.

"Draco what is wrong?" the panic was evident in Ginny's voice.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Draco lied.

"Don't play games with me, you're burning up," Ginny poked his arm with her finger and saw him flinch. "What happened to your arm?"

"Nothing! I told you it's nothing," Draco tried moving away, but he was weakened from the poisonous venom.

"Let me see your arm," Ginny instructed him as she grabbed his robe sleeve began rolling it up.

"Leave me alone," Draco argued.

Once Ginny saw the top of his arm, she saw where the Cursed Serpent had bitten him. His arm was green and purple and leaking from the punctures was a thick, oozing puss.

"Heavens no!" Ginny cried. "Why didn't you tell me that Cursed Serpent was real?"

"It wasn't real, you destroyed it with your spell remember?" Draco tried teasing Ginny, but she wasn't having any of it.

"Don't mince words with me," Ginny ripped off a piece of the bottom of her robe, then tying it tightly around the top of Draco's arm. She was determined to stop or at least slow the venom from spreading. "The snake may not have been real, but the bite certainly is!"

"Technicalities!" Draco smiled, trying to mask his obvious pain. "Anyway, none of that matters now. We need to get out of here if either one of us has a chance to survive."

Draco's words snapped her back to reality. He was right. If they didn't get out of there in the next forty minutes, neither of them would be alive.

"You rest," Ginny commanded. "I will worry about this next riddle."

"If you insist," Draco laid back and shut his eyes. Ginny knew that if Draco wasn't giving her an argument that he felt much worse than he was letting on.

Ginny turned to the Sphinx, "Could you please repeat the second riddle?"

He rolled his eyes and yawned, "My life can be measured in hours; I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow. Wind is my foe."

Ginny began to pace back and forth, ignoring the pain from her ankle. Pure adrenalin pumped through her as she went over the riddle again and again in her mind. What could be devoured in a matter of hours? Just about anything could be devoured in hours if given the right circumstances. Heck, she and Draco would be devoured in less than an hour if she didn't come up with the right answer! Ginny felt her heart quicken and panic started getting the better of her. Stay calm, she reminded herself. You can do this. You have to do this. She looked over at Draco who was lying on the ground with his teeth clenched. She felt invigorated and knew that she could do this, not only for herself, but also for Draco. He needed her. Okay, she thought, what is the foe of wind?

Ginny walked over to the bookshelves and began rummaging through the books for ideas. She stopped when she got to the candlestick that opened the second secret door. She wondered if there were any candles. She was feeling quite stressed and usually found that lighting a few candles brought her a sense of tranquility. She needed all the help she could get. Several shelves below the candlesticks, she found a few candles all different shapes and sizes. She quickly lit them. She carried one of the candles as she paced.

"Ginny?" Draco said, causing Ginny to quickly turn around, which blew out her candle.

"Are you okay Draco?" Ginny rushed over to him.

"I want a butterbeer," Draco wasn't making sense. Ginny knew that the poison was beginning to take its toll.

"Okay Draco, I'll get you one," Ginny reassured him, knowing that they had to get them out of there. She got up and tried to relight her candle. Wind is my foe, she heard the Sphinx's voice and then looked at the candle she was carrying. It was a white slender candle. Looking over to some of the other candles, she noticed that some of them were thick and short while others were long and thin. Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow, the Sphinx's voice continued.

"I know, I know!" she yelled to the Sphinx.

"If you know, tell me so," the Sphinx smiled.

"A Candle!" Ginny grinned. "I'm right aren't I?" The Sphinx smiled and nodded.

Ginny walked over to Draco and stroked his hair, "Two down and one to go. Hold on Draco, just hold on."

"Are you ready for me, the third test I give thee?" the Sphinx asked.

"Yes I am," Ginny replied.

"This requires much more logic than the ones before, do you think you are up to making the score?" he teased.

Ginny looked at her watch and saw that she had less than twenty minutes, "Yes, I am ready. Please give me the third riddle!"

"There was a young girl loved by two men. Her father didn't like either of them. The father came up with a clever plan; a race would determine the marrying man. Both drivers would race from Paris to Rome and whose chariot came in last the marriage he'd condone," the Sphinx began.

"Oh," Ginny said to herself as she continued to listen.

"Both drivers realized that his could take long, so they consulted the Wise Man with their sad, sad song. The Wise Man raised his cane and gave them the solution. Both drivers left his tent, firm in their resolution. How did the Wise Man advise the men to win the bride?"

Ginny sat back down next to Draco. She had no idea what the answer to this riddle was. How could the drivers insure that their chariot arrived last? Ginny never played sports, nor was she a competitive person.

She looked over at Draco and stroked his head. He lay there so still, his face twisted with pain and hair was matted from sweat. Ginny knew that she had to do something to help him or it wouldn't matter if they escaped, because he'd be dead.

She had hoped that they would escape and she'd be able to get help for Draco. She never performed a spell to save someone's life before. Her Hogwarts education taught her lots of spells and she always got great grades, but this was different because it was real life. It was one thing to remember a correct answer for a test, but quite another to remember a correct spell, when someone's life hung in the balance. Think, just think, she told herself. It was during her fifth year at Hogwarts, when she had learned Emergency Magic. It was one of the chapters covered in her Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Ginny was fairly certain that she remembered the correct spell when she pointed her wand at Draco, but in was one thing to know the correct spell to cure poison and quite another to successfully cast it.

She took a deep breath, "Venenum di curatus!" She watched as the golden light that shot out from the end of her wand and slowly surrounded Draco, then almost soaking into his skin.

"Please be okay Draco," Ginny whispered. Draco just moaned.

Ginny continued stroking Draco's head as she spoke out loud trying to solve the puzzle. She repeated the puzzle over and over again and just couldn't come up with a solution.

"You're the competitor here Draco," Ginny complained as she looked at her watch and saw that she had less than five minutes before the house would explode. "What would you do?"

Slowly Draco opened his eyes, "Did you say something?" His voice sounded groggy, but at least he was somewhat coherent! A wave of relief rushed over Ginny.

"The race Draco, the race," Ginny gushed. "How would the drivers get their chariot there last?"

"Huh?" Draco stared at her blankly. Ginny realized that her spell might just be beginning to work, but it would take awhile to rid Draco of the affects of the poison. They didn't have the luxury of time. There was no time to go into details about this riddle. Ginny knew that she had to put it in the simplest terms possible for him, if he was going to be able to help her solve this riddle.

"Okay Draco," Ginny kept her voice unusually somber, trying to mask that her insides were racing. "I need you to listen to me."

He looked up at her with the expression of a baby and innocently grinned, "Okay."

"You and Harry are going to race on your broomsticks," Ginny started.

"Potter," Draco's face reflected the disgust that he felt. "I hate Potter."

"I know you do, but that doesn't matter," Ginny said, forcing herself to stay calm. "You and Harry are going to race on your broomsticks..."

"What's the prize?" Draco cut her off; still unaware that time was an issue.

"What's the prize?" Ginny's voice rose, hinting the urgency she felt. Her mind raced for an answer, but when she couldn't think of a good one, she finally blurted, "Oh, um, I'm the prize, okay?"

Draco slowly sat up once Ginny said that she was the prize. Little by little, he was becoming more aware.

"The only catch is that in order to win, your broomstick must come in last," Ginny pointed out.

"I could beat Potter anytime, anywhere," Draco muttered, not understanding what Ginny had just stipulated.

"Draco listen to me," Ginny pleaded. "I know that you could beat Harry in a regular race, but for this race you only win if your broomstick comes in last!"

Draco didn't answer at first; he just sat there very, very still. What felt like an eternity, Ginny thought she saw what looked like a flicker of recognition in his eyes. She prayed that she was correct. She was counting on Draco's sense of competition and his crafty nature to come through for them. Their lives depended in it.

"I could beat Potter under any circumstance," Draco began and Ginny's heart sank. He didn't get it and they were doomed.

"Draco..." Ginny began.

"But," he cut her off. "Who says that I have to use my broomstick?"

"I don't understand," Ginny said, preoccupied that they were almost out of time.

"If we traded broomsticks, I would still beat Potter and then my broomstick would come in last. I'd win you," Draco's voice didn't have the usual edge it had when he mentioned Harry. His voice was much softer when he looked at Ginny.

Ginny didn't notice because she had already leaped up, excitedly yelling "That's it! That's it! You're brilliant Draco!"

The Sphinx seriously asked, "Is that the answer to be that you give to me?"

"Yes!" Ginny exclaimed. "They trade chariots!"

The Sphinx looked disappointed, "You answered three, you are free." As quickly as he had appeared, he disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

Ginny ran over to Draco, "We have got to get out of here, now Draco."

"I thought this was a bad dream," Draco admitted as he tried getting up. He was still feeling very light headed.

"Afraid not," Ginny informed him. "We have got a matter of minutes until this house goes up like a huge fireworks display!"


The loud explosions quickly brought the details of the day back to Draco in a hurry, "The eggs have already started igniting. We've got to get out of here. C'mon, let's go!"

Draco and Ginny leaned on each other as they rushed up the winding stairs.


The staircase shook as they explosions kept going off. For every few steps forward they took, another explosion would shake them and they'd fall a step or two backwards. Ginny's ankle was throbbing and Draco still was dizzy from effects of the venom.


It didn't take long until the Malfoy estate was completely on fire. The smoke started filling the winding staircase and breathing became very difficult. But together, through sheer determination, the eventually made it to the trap door and pushed it open. Draco pushed Ginny through first and she then helped pull him out. The study was engulfed in flames. The scorching red and orange flames blocked all entrances.

"Do you have any Floo powder?" Draco asked. He was hoping that they could use the fire to their advantage.

"No," Ginny said.

"Can you apparate?" Draco asked. He knew how to and if she did they could escape that way.

"No," Ginny answered.

"Well, then I suppose we can do it the non magical way," Draco smiled, trying to cover the fear he felt. The fire was out of control and they had to get out. "We'll get on our hands and knees and crawl out of here."

As they both were getting down on their hands and knees, Ginny looked up at the wall and saw the little broomstick that Draco's father had bronzed from when he was a child. Talking about learning how to fly with his father was the only time Ginny ever saw Draco smile when he was talking about his family. Without thinking she leapt up and ran over to the wall, beaming as she grabbed the bronzed broomstick.

What she didn't see was the flaming rafter above her that was just about to fall on her.

"GINNY!" he shrilly shrieked as he leapt up trying to push her out of the way. He was too late, the rafter had already fallen and Ginny was trapped underneath, still clasping the bronzed broomstick.

"What is wrong with you woman?" he yelled at her, but Ginny had been knocked unconscious. He tried moving the rafter, but was still too weak from the venom. The smoke in the study was getting very thick and Draco knew that he had to do something. He was not leaving with out her.

His mind raced for solutions. He knew that he couldn't physically get them out and he didn't have time to apparate out and get help. He had read about wizards who were able to apparate two people, but he knew it was very dangerous. Both wizards could die. But as the smoke continued filling his lungs and he watched Ginny lying there listless, he knew that if he didn't try that they'd both die anyway.

He gathered every ounce of strength he had as he lay next to her on the floor and wrapped his arms around her. Their lives depended on him. He pulled out his wand, pointing it at them both. Draco closed his eyes, took a deep breath and with all his concentration he bellowed, "DATAS UNA VERSUS!"

A green and black haze surrounded them. Draco felt like he was being sucked down a thin hole from the inside out. After a few seconds he felt his body slam against a cool, hard surface. Slowly he opened his eyes and saw that Ginny was still wrapped in his arms, but the rafter was gone. He then looked up and saw the big full moon and a sky full a many stars. After the initial rush of relief he felt once he realized that he was successful, he felt suddenly drained. Before he knew it, he too has succumbed to the blackness of unconsciousness.