Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/27/2002
Updated: 04/27/2002
Words: 110,888
Chapters: 20
Hits: 15,112

After Hogwarts

Wendy Lee

Story Summary:
Little Ginny is all grown up and has just graduated from Hogwarts. She still carries Harry Potter in her heart, but is determined to get past her unrequited love, so she decided to move to London and start fresh.

Chapter 17

Author's Note:
This is dedicated to my husband Ben and my daughter Samantha and to all my friends at Harry Potter, ivillage.

Chapter Seventeen:

Ginny's Boyfriend:

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Startled, Ginny sat up in her bed. What day was it? Where was she? She rubbed her eyes as she looked around and as her eyes became adjusted to the darkness, she then realized that she was in her room. Willow was still fast asleep at the bottom of Ginny's bed, unaware of whatever woke Ginny. Ginny wondered what time it was so she glanced over to Clock who was still sleeping. She then knew it wasn't time to get up for work.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Ginny heard the noise coming from her window. She mumbled to herself, aggravated. Exactly how many times as of late must she be woken from a sound sleep?

Tap! Tap! Tap! She continued muttering as she got out of bed and walked over to investigate. When she got closer to the window, she saw a little white owl with a note attached to his leg outside her window, pecking at it. It was this owl that was the culprit who disturbed Ginny's sleep. Poor little thing, Ginny thought, knowing that she was a sound sleeper and had no idea how long the little owl had actually been out there. She knew it wasn't really the owl's fault for waking her. The owl was doing his job. Ginny quickly rushed to the window and opened it so that little owl could fly in. He was inside her room within seconds, zooming around and around the room. He seemed like he was releasing excess energy as well as surveying where to land. After several minutes, he dashed down towards Ginny's bed, almost landing on Willow. Once he landed, he proceeded to happily march in place, looking quite pleased with himself.

The commotion the owl created caused Willow to wake up. She indignantly flopped her ears and then flicked her back legs at the owl as she hopped to the top of the bed, then stretching back out before falling back asleep.

Ginny walked over to the owl to get the note and to give him a few Knuts. She was certain that he looked almost like he was laughing as he tried to disturbed Willow yet again. Ginny immediately dismissed the idea, she knew that she was just tired, still not fully awake yet and her mind was playing tricks with her.

Once Ginny got the note from the little white owl, he flew away as quickly as he had arrived. Ginny then woke up Clock so she could tell her the time. It was five o'clock in the morning. Ginny wondered who would be sending her a note this time of day. She quickly opened the piece of parchment and sat on her bed to read it.

Dear Ginny,

You are to be dressed and to meet me at my office within three quarters of an hour. This is quite urgent.

The password for today is "OWL POST". Do not be late.


Ginny put the piece of parchment down on her night table and immediately began getting dressed. She wondered what could possibly be so urgent that Percy would send her an owl post at such an unpleasant hour. Could it be a development in the case or maybe something happened with Miranda at the paper? Whatever it was, Ginny was certain that it had to be very important.

Once she had fully woken up, excitement started to race through her. She was very eager to tell Percy about the Cursed Serpent and all that she and Draco had found. Ginny wasn't going to think about You-Know-Who. She was certain that once the Ministry caught the coven of wizards on the next full moon, they would take care of the possible return of You-Know-Who. Ginny wanted to focus on the more positive aspects of this mystery almost being over. Percy was going to be a hero for being responsible for solving such a huge problem for the Ministry and Ginny was going to have one great story for the paper. Ginny was hopeful that Percy might even be okay with the fact the Draco was involved, especially when she told him how much Draco had contributed to this case being solved.

As instructed, Ginny was promptly at Percy's office with in three quarters of an hour. Percy was not in his office when Ginny arrived, so she sat down in a chair and anxiously waited.

After a few minutes, Percy entered his office. His face was solemn and his posture very stiff as he somberly walked behind his desk and sat down.

"Percy, I have the most exciting and interesting..." Ginny began, but Percy sternly looked at her and put out his hand signaling her to be quiet. This normally would have infuriated Ginny, but she was beginning to understand her brother. He couldn't help acting like this sometimes. He was a big believer in protocol and he was a bit too serious. In Percy's mind, he was the one who called for this meeting, he was also a member of the Ministry, and so he should be the one to lead this meeting.

"Sorry," Ginny apologized, forcing herself to be quiet. She prayed that Percy would get on with it because her body was pumping with excitement and she was sure that she'd explode at any moment, gushing the events of the evening before.

Percy sat there oddly staring at Ginny for several minutes before he said anything. Ginny had never seen him with that expression on his face before. She wasn't sure what it meant, but his facial expression started making her uncomfortable and she began fidgeting in her chair.

"So you are nervous," Percy's tone was accusing.

"What are you talking about?" Ginny asked.

"I see you sitting there fidgeting in your chair. You are nervous," Percy answered.

"The only thing making me nervous is you staring at me with that crazy look on your face for the past five minutes," Ginny forced herself to laugh, tying to lighten up the mood. The stern look that remained on Percy's face let her know that she was unsuccessful. She didn't know what was wrong with her brother.

"So," Percy began, rapping his fingers on his desk. "When were you going to tell me that you are dating Draco Malfoy?" Ginny started laughing, genuinely laughing this time.

"Is that what this is all about?" Ginny blurted out between laughs. She knew that once she explained everything, Percy would understand.

"I don't think this is a laughing matter," Percy narrowed his eyes at Ginny.

"Oh please Percy, it's not what you think," Ginny was eager to explain. "This is what I started to tell you just a few minutes ago."

"Oh I see," Percy's tone was harsh. "Your exciting and interesting news is that you are dating Draco Malfoy, the son of Narcissa Malfoy, the woman you have been watching for the Ministry?"

"It's not like that..." Ginny tried to explain, but Percy wasn't letting her.

"It's not like what?" His voice cracked, as it got louder. "That you have no sense of professionalism? Do you understand the position that you have put me in? Put Miranda in? Let alone the danger you have put yourself in?"


"I am very serious about my job here at the Ministry. My job is to keep dangerous artifacts away from the muggles, which in turn, helps in keeping our society safe. You and Miranda happened to come across a problem that we were facing while writing a story and what do? I forge an alliance with you and Miranda, I have granted you special Ministry licenses to help you get your story and so that we can help each other. And what do you in turn do? You get personally involved with the suspect's son!"

"I am not dating Draco," Ginny was adamant.

"Did you or did you not attend a dinner party at his house last night?" Percy demanded.

"I did but I..." Ginny started.

"Have you or have you not been out with Draco before?" Percy further pressed.

"It's not what you think!" Ginny furiously argued. She was beside herself. All of this was crazy and if Percy would stop talking for one moment, she would be able to make him understand! But how could she explain anything if he wouldn't let her speak?

"I think you are too personally involved," Percy stated.

"I am not!" Ginny responded, trying to remain calm, but was beginning to get really angry. How could he question her professionalism so? She spent months relentlessly working like a fiend. It just so happened that she happened to trust Draco on a professional level and as a friend, but how would Percy know that? Wait a minute, she thought to herself, how does he know about Draco? Miranda was the only one I told, but Miranda wouldn't have said anything, would she?

"Has it ever entered you mind that Narcissa knows that we are on to her and Draco is dating you to spy for her?" Percy's condescending tone made Ginny's blood boil.

"I am not dating Draco!" Ginny once again declared, standing up from her chair with her hands on her hips, demanding answers. "Do you really think that I am so stupid that I would fall for something like that? Do you have no confidence in my judgment?"

"After finding out that you are dating Draco Malfoy, then I must admit that no, I don't have any confidence in your judgment," Ginny stumbled backwards back into her chair as Percy answered her. His brutally honest answer hurt Ginny deeper that Percy would ever know.

"Oh really?" Ginny couldn't think of anything else to say, she was still reeling from hearing that her brother had no confidence in her.

"You let Narcissa's son date you and spy for her," Percy shook his head.

"And I suppose that Draco wouldn't want to be with me for any other reason?" Ginny knew that this wasn't even relevant, but her feelings were hurt and she wasn't thinking clearly.

"For what possible reason? You are a child! You have no right or experience to be working on a case like this," Percy continued shaking his head. "Really I am to blame for allowing you to be involved. This is my fault."

"I am a child, am I?" Ginny repeated Percy's words as if she was trying to make sense of them. "Is that what you really think?"

"This is my fault," Percy continued, not hearing what Ginny had just said. "The only way to fix this is to revoke your licenses and take you off this case."

"You can't do that! I don't work for you," Ginny yelled.

"Oh but I can and I will," Percy flatly stated. "Trust me, I will speak to Miranda about this."

I bet you will, Ginny cynically thought. How could Miranda tell Percy about Draco? Especially when Miranda knew that Ginny wasn't dating him. Ginny had even stressed to Miranda that Draco was a source for Ginny, nothing more. None of this made any sense.

"So I suppose you don't want to know what I've found out," Ginny bitterly said. If he only knew the truth, he'd eat every word he spat.

"Ginny, I don't trust your judgment enough to believe what anything that you've got to say. No offense, but I can't be sure that it isn't a trap set by your boyfriend's mother," Percy heartlessly said.

"Does this make you happy? Because you are so wrong about me Percy. I know what I'm doing and you'll never know how right I am. Just remember that I tried to come to you with what I know, but you couldn't trust my judgment enough to listen. I will never forgive you for this," Ginny stood up, walked to the door and turned around and looked at her brother. "It's not that I'm mad at you Percy, I just hate you!" Ginny then slammed the office door and left.

Percy covered his face and shook his head, slumping deep into his chair. Contradictory to what Ginny thought, he did not enjoy being so cruel to her, but at the end of the day, he had to do what ever needed to be done to keep Ginny safe. Percy truly blamed himself for letting her get in over her head. She was his little sister and he let her down and because of his misjudgment, Ginny had put herself in real danger. The Malfoys were extremely dangerous people.

Ginny stormed out of the Ministry and headed straight for the paper. She hoped that Miranda was already in her office because Miranda had some explaining to do. Ginny wanted some answers and she wanted them now.

Miranda was not at work yet when Ginny arrived, so Ginny sat in on of Miranda's chairs while she waited. She blankly stared at the walls, trying to make sense about what had just had happened with Percy. Try as she may, it just didn't add up.

Miranda finally arrived about an hour later. She was still tired and hadn't yet had her morning cocoa, so she wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings. As if by instinct, she went behind her desk and flopped in her chair, reaching for her crystal ball. She had no idea that Ginny was sitting there across from her, so still and so full of rage.

"Well good morning friend," Ginny seethed having had the past hour to fume.

Miranda jumped up, Ginny startled her, "Oh hi Ginny...I didn't see you sitting there."

"I gather that," Ginny curtly responded, Miranda saw the contorted expression on Ginny's face and immediately knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Miranda was concerned.

"Like you don't know?" Ginny accused. "I'm too personally involved! My judgment can't be trusted! Please!"

"Ginny, your not making sense," Miranda shook her head. "What is wrong? Are you okay?"

"Don't feign concern when you know darn well what what's wrong," Ginny's eyes narrowed.

"Ginny," Miranda's expression was sincere; she'd never seen Ginny like this before. "You really are beginning to worry me. Just tell me what's wrong!"

"Why did you tell Percy that Draco was my source?" Ginny demanded, a knowing expression spread across her face as she began putting the pieces together.

"I didn't," Miranda insisted, although Miranda had a good idea who had.

"Really?" Ginny titled her head, skeptically. "Then how did he know? You are the only one that knew that we had a professional relationship...that he was my source and you promised not to tell! A reporter's oath!"

"I didn't tell!" Miranda persisted. "You should know me better than that!"

"I thought I did..." Ginny wanted to believe her friend.

"That aside, what did Percy do when he found out?" Miranda covered her face with her hands, feeling a sense of dread. This was what she was afraid of.

"He revoked all my licenses and kicked me off the case," Ginny exploded. "He can't do that, can he? You're my boss, not him!"

Miranda tapped her fingers on her desk looking very uncomfortable.

"Can he?" Ginny's face was gaunt.

"Technically no," Miranda answered and for one brief moment Ginny looked relieved, but in a matter of moments, Miranda dropped the other shoe. "But I think he has a point..."

"A point?" Ginny was in a state of disbelief. How could Miranda think that?

"Yeah," Miranda slowly began, making sure to make direct eye contact with her friend. This wasn't going to be easy. "I think you may be to personally involved..."

"I am not!" Ginny insisted.

"I think otherwise," Miranda was adamant. "I tried to dismiss my own concerns and give you the benefit of the doubt, but now that Percy is involved I just can't ignore my own suspicions anymore. I care about you Ginny."

"What does Percy being involved have to do with my job?" Ginny couldn't believe she was hearing this. How could Miranda doubt her?

"I trust his judgment," Miranda replied.

"And you don't trust mine?" Ginny was flabbergasted. None of this made sense!

"Of course I trust your judgment, most of this time," Miranda tried to reassure her friend. "But I think in this instance, you are just too involved."

"Oh I am, am I?" Ginny didn't know what to say or think. What was Miranda saying? "Am I fired?"

"No of course your not," Miranda tried to console her friend, but was net by a blank stare.

"Then what?"

"I think that perhaps you should take a week or two off and relax a little bit. Take a little holiday," Miranda offered. "I think you just need time to get your perspective back."

"My perspective..." Ginny repeated her words.

"It's my fault," Miranda confessed. "I put you on too difficult of an assignment, too soon. I'm sorry Ginny."

"Too difficult..."

"Are you hearing me?" Miranda asked.

"Yeah, I'm hearing you," Ginny forced herself to contain the wild fury that raced inside. Everyone was quick to accept the blame for Ginny being in over her head, when in no way was she in over her head. She had found the Cursed Serpent and wanted to come to them about it, but they were refusing to listen!

"When you're ready, come back and I'll put you on another story," Miranda promised.

"Yeah, yeah, okay..." Ginny got up to leave. She had to get out of there. She was pretty sure that Miranda betrayed her by telling Percy, but for some unexplainable reason Miranda was taking Percy's side, leaving her out in the cold.

"Wait Ginny, I need to ask you something before you go," Miranda called after her.

"What?" Ginny stopped for a moment, not interested in anything else Miranda had to say.

"You had said yesterday that you thought you might have found the Cursed Serpent...did you?" Miranda asked.

"No, I did not," Ginny lied. She was not about to tell Miranda anything else that she had discovered. If Miranda and Percy couldn't trust her, then she couldn't trust them. They were kicking her off this case, her story...the story she helped to find and had spent hours, days, even weeks working on. It was unjust and unfair!

"Are you sure?" Miranda looked doubtful. "Are you sure that you don't have anything more me?"

"I'm sure," Ginny again lied.

"If you think of anything, will you let me know?" Miranda asked.

"Yeah, sure, I'll let you know..." Ginny said. Yeah sure, she'd let them know...she'd let them know nothing!

"Relax Ginny, you've earned this time off," Miranda said. "I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, right," Ginny answered, not looking back as she left Miranda's office.

When Ginny got home, she made started a fire and took a seat in the bay window, trying to get perspective on the recent events of the morning.

"Good morning little sister," George greeted her as he and Fred came out of the kitchen each with a cup of tea and a muffin.

"Morning George, Morning Fred," Ginny tried to smile, but George saw the sadness on her face.

"What's wrong with you today?" George asked, very concerned. "It's not that Draco...he hasn't done anything to you, has he?"

"No, no, no..." Ginny reassured him. "It's just that I had this meeting with Percy earlier this morning."

"Yuck, Percy first thing in the morning? Well that's enough to make anyone upset," Fred laughed.

"Yeah, we saw him last night and as always he is such a pleasure to be around," George grinned.

"Where did you see him?" Ginny asked.

"Actually he came around here, looking for you..." George began.

"But we told him that he just missed you because you were out with your new boyfriend," Fred teased.

"You told him what?" Ginny's voice rose.

"That you were out with your new boyfriend, Draco Malfoy," Fred laughed but then stopped suddenly when met by a very stern look from Ginny. "What? What did I do now?"

"Nothing," Ginny replied, getting up from the bay window so she could go to her room.

"Ginny," George called out to her. "Were we not supposed to tell Percy?"

"No, it's fine, don't worry about it," Ginny rushed, quickly shutting the door behind her so her brothers wouldn't see her eyes fill up. She leaned against the back of the door and then slowly slid down the back so that she was crouching on the floor. She now knew how Percy had found out. Oh that Fred and George! But how could she be angry with them; after all, they didn't know that they were doing anything wrong.

What wondered what she was going to do as she ran her fingers through her hair. Today had to be a nightmare and the day had hardly even begun. In just a few short hours she had managed to lose her story, not to mention that for the next few weeks she had no job. On top of that, she felt like she had just lost her best friend, Miranda. Even worse than that, she knew that something really heinous was going to happen the next full moon and she knew where the Cursed Serpent was and yet she had nobody that she could go to for help. She felt lost and alone as the tears began to roll down her face.

Draco, I need to talk to Draco, Ginny realized after sitting on her floor for a while. He'll know what to do. Ginny knew what she had to do. She quickly pulled herself up, went into the bathroom and washes her face and then left to see the only person she knew she could trust...her infamous boyfriend according to Percy...Draco Malfoy.

It was a cool and cloudy day and the sun was nowhere to be seen in the sky as Ginny walked towards the Malfoy estate. As Ginny got closer to Draco's house, she felt a few raindrops hit her skin. The weather very much matched Ginny's mood, cold, dreary and depressing.

Ginny rang the bell when she got to the front door and within minutes Shancy opened the door.

"Good afternoon Madam Weasley," Shancy welcomed Ginny. "Are you here to see Master Malfoy?" Ginny nodded and the little house elf led Ginny to the sitting room with the grand marble fireplace.

"Please have a seat while I fetch him for you," Shancy offered, met by a genuine smile from Ginny as Ginny sat down. Shancy then scurried off to find Draco leaving Ginny with her own thoughts.

The Malfoy estate was relatively quiet. Ginny wondered if that meant that Narcissa was out, Ginny assumed so, rather she hoped so. She was in no mood to have to deal with Draco's mother today.

"Hello Ginny," Draco warmly greeted her, as he entered the room after several minutes.

"Hi Draco," Ginny smiled, but her eyes revealed that she was troubled.

"What's wrong?" Draco came right over to her and sat down.

"I need to talk to you..." Ginny started. "But not here."

"Fine, let's go," Draco stood up. "Where to?"

"Anywhere but here," she answered.

"I have the perfect place," Draco grinned, took her by the hand and they left

They walked down the winding road from the Malfoy estate to the portkey. Once they had made their way to muggle London, they continued walking quietly. The drizzle that Ginny had felt earlier had become much heavier, but neither of them let the ill weather deter them from continuing onwards. After while Draco stopped in front a little building. Ginny looked at it and realized that she knew this place. It was the little muggle pub that Draco had taken her to after she had been attacked.

She wiped wet hair from her face and turned to Draco warmly smiling at him, "This is perfect."

"Some how I thought it would be," Draco grinned, pleased that he anticipated correctly, as he opened the front door for Ginny. "You grab a table and I'll get us a round."

"It's a bit early in the day for a round..."Ginny started causing Draco to stop, but then reconsidered. Percy said she had bad judgment, as did Miranda. If her judgment was so bad, then she might as well have a bit of fun. "You know what Draco, get us a round!"

"You sure?"

"Absolutely!" Ginny asserted before finding them a table to sit down at. She took of her wet cloak and realized that she probably was quite a sight. Her hair was drenched and hung against her face like wet straw. Her eyes were still red from crying earlier and he robe was also soaking wet, clinging to her, which actually was a good thing because it made it look more like a dress. She didn't think to change into her muggle clothes when she ran to Draco's earlier

Ginny watched Draco as he carried over a couple of pints and a bag of crisps. His blonde hair also wet, but didn't look as bad because it was much shorter that her hair. Also his trousers and shirts didn't cling quite as badly as her robe. He must have assumed that they'd be going into muggle London because he was wearing muggle clothing.

"A pint for the lady," he smiled, passing her a beer as he sat down.

"Thanks," she smiled, then taking a sip.

"So now can you tell me what is wrong?" he looked at her intently, more concerned than he had originally let on.

"Oh heavens..." she started, very gravely. "So much has happened today, I don't know where to begin."

"How about the beginning?" he impishly grinned; he hated seeing her upset.

"Oh aren't you clever?" she laughed, the seriousness leaving her for just a second before she began telling him what happened first with Percy and then with Miranda.

"So Percy is mad because he thinks I'm your boyfriend," Draco was laughing so hard that he nearly fell out of his seat.

"And this is funny, why?" Ginny was a bit confused. This was not the reaction she was expecting.

"With everything else going on, he's worried because you may be going out with me!" Draco howled.

"Draco," Ginny didn't find the situation funny. "He thinks I'm stupid and that you are tricking me. He has no faith in my judgment."

"Then he's a fool," Draco suddenly became more focused.

"He's with the Ministry Draco..." Ginny started to defend her brother.

"I don't care who he works for and what he does, if he doesn't believe in you, he's a fool," Draco solemnly answered.

"Miranda agrees with him..." Ginny covered her face with her hands. "She's pulled me from this story and told me that I have to take a vacation..."

"Listen Ginny, we have to try to look at it from their perspective," Draco rationalized. "They don't know me. All they know is my father is a convicted felon and my mother is also probably a felon. They have no reason to like - let alone trust me."

"So what are you saying, they're right?" she looked at him in bewilderment.

"Not at all," he reassured her. "Again, they have no reason to trust me, that's not a mistake. Their mistake is that they do not trust you. I don't get that, I mean you are the hardest working, most dedicated, loyal and honest person I know. If they can't see that, then they are the ones with the problem."

"Thanks," she smiled.

"I mean it," he stressed. "What did they say when you told them about the Cursed Serpent and the next full moon?"

"I never told them," she replied, met by a baffled expression on Draco's face.

"You never told them?"

"Well no," she explained. "If they don't trust me to do the right thing, then I can't trust them to do the right thing, can I?"

"What do you want to do Ginny?" he asked.

"I want to follow this through and I want my story," she honestly answered. "But I no longer have their support or resources."

"But you have me," he gently reminded her.

"You'll still help me?" she asked.

"I never stopped wanting to help you Ginny," Draco told her. "We are a team and a pretty good team at that!"

"You really are something else Draco," Ginny put her hand on his.

"A babe?" he teased, trying to lift her spirits and was met by a mix of authentic laughter and as well as tears. She was very grateful for Draco. It was funny, just a few months ago she would have dismissed anyone who told her that Draco Malfoy was going to become her closest confidant and the only person in the world that she could rely on.


"Well then I guess we should get to business and come up with a plan to get the Cursed Serpent back and to catch the coven of wizards that are responsible," Draco became more focused.

"And what about the threat of You-Know-Who..." Ginny worried out loud. "Maybe I should tell Percy..."

"We don't have any proof on You-Know-Who possibly rising, we don't know anything," Draco reminded her. "If Percy won't even believe you when you tell him that I'm not your boyfriend, do you really think he's going to listen to you about something so serious?"

"No, I don't think he would," Ginny confessed.

"So let's come up with a plan," Draco smiled.

"Yeah, but..." Ginny paused then grabbing their empty pint glasses. "Lets have another pint first. I mean if I have no judgment what so ever, lets at least enjoy it for a moment! I'm buying!"

Draco watched Ginny as she walked up to the bar. Even soaking wet and distressed, she was still full of independence, determination and spirit and was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.