Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/27/2002
Updated: 04/27/2002
Words: 110,888
Chapters: 20
Hits: 15,112

After Hogwarts

Wendy Lee

Story Summary:
Little Ginny is all grown up and has just graduated from Hogwarts. She still carries Harry Potter in her heart, but is determined to get past her unrequited love, so she decided to move to London and start fresh.

Chapter 16

Author's Note:
This is dedicated to my husband Ben and my daughter Samantha and to all my friends at Harry Potter, ivillage.

Chapter 16:

The Dinner Party:

After Ginny woke up and had a bite of breakfast, she searched through her closet and was disgusted with all of her clothes. She now had more muggle clothes than she had wizard clothes. She had no idea what she was going to wear to the Malfoy dinner party tonight because none of her robes and dresses looked nice enough.

Luckily Draco had promised to keep an eye on Narcissa today, which left the day open for Ginny. After she was far beyond frustrated with her clothing situation, she decided that she would get a new dress or robe and perhaps meet up with Miranda for lunch.

Ginny decided to check out a few clothing shops in The Commons and she must have tried on fifty dresses and robes in several different shops before she found one she liked. She scolded herself for acting so silly about how she looked. It didn't really matter; it wasn't like she was going on a date. This evening was about work and getting the Cursed Serpent, nothing more, but for some reason that she couldn't explain, she felt nervous. She finally narrowed her choices down to one dress and one robe. After trying both on over and over again, she chose a lilac chiffon dress, which had a sweet heart collar and an open back. The bottom of the dress was soft and elegant; it flowed gracefully when she walked around the dressing room. She smiled at her reflection in the dressing room mirror. She truly looked like a beautiful young woman.

Ginny paid for the dress and had the sales person neatly wrapped up the dress. Ginny looked at her watch and saw it was almost noon. She couldn't believe it took her the whole morning to buy a dress. She knew she was going to have to hurry if she planned on catching Miranda before she went to lunch.

Ginny got home just as George just about to leave their apartment.

"What's in the bag?" George asked Ginny as he finished a cup of tea.

"Oh, it's a dress. I'm going to a party tonight," as Ginny answered George raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really?" he asked as he put the empty cup on the kitchen table. "Is that why the smile back on your face?"

"It's nothing," Ginny laughed as she rested her dress carefully on the sofa while she talked with her brother. "I'm just going with a friend."

"Well I'm glad to see you are feeling better than you were last week," George said while he grabbed his cloak and walked to the front door.

"I am," Ginny's eyes flickered pain for a moment even though she smiled. She pushed the memory of last week from her mind.

"Can I ask you something?" George paused at the front door and looked at his little sister. He saw the flash of pain in Ginny's eyes and it bothered him. He loved his sister very much and was protective of her; he just didn't know how to help her or advise her. She was being to realize that she wasn't a child anymore and he was never any good at talking about feelings, he was much better at joking.

"Sure," Ginny replied. She was curious because she noticed that George looked uncomfortable.

"Well..." George put in hands in his pockets and swayed back and forth as he continued, "you're not still hanging out with that Draco Malfoy, are you?" Ginny started to laugh, loud and hearty, which caused George to blush.

"You are too funny," Ginny finally said once she caught her breath.

"Why?" George looked dumbfounded; didn't understand.

"Because underneath all the teasing and joking lives a very sweet older brother," Ginny smiled.

"Thanks, I think," said George.

"Don't you need to be going back to work?" Ginny pointed out.

"Is that your way of not answering my question?" George asked, but was met by a blank stare from his little sister. Ginny was avoiding his question.

"Have a nice day George," Ginny then smiled and waved to him, ignoring his last statement. She then grabbed her dress and brought it to her room.

"See you later Ginny," she heard George call to her as she walked away.

Once Ginny got to her room, she carefully hung her brand new dress in her closet.

It was almost 1:00 PM when Ginny finally got to the paper. It felt strange being back at the paper, although the noise and hustle and bustle felt pleasantly familiar. Even though Ginny was still technically a Daily Prophet employee, she had been undercover for so long, it had been ages since she was physically in the paper's building.

She hurried to Miranda's office, not wanting to miss her friend. She found Miranda with her nose deep in a pile of papers on her desk.

"This can't be Miranda's office," Ginny teased when she walked in. "I don't see the crystal ball!"

"Ginny!" Miranda looked up and pleasantly exclaimed. "It's great to see you. What brings you here?"

"I had a bit of time on my hands and it feels like forever since we have had lunch together," Ginny explained.

"You know what, you're right and I'm starving," Miranda flashed her brilliant smile. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be ready."

"Great, that will give me a chance to stop by my office and to see how much paperwork has accumulated on my desk," Ginny laughed. "Get me when you're ready."

"See you in five," Miranda said.

Ginny then walked to her office and was relieved to find that her desk wasn't piled high with files. She knew that was mostly due to Miranda who had been covering for her while she was on assignment. Ginny hoped that all their hard work was going to pay off with a great story for her and Miranda. Ginny then sat down at her desk and fantasized about becoming a full-fledged reporter once she and Miranda broke this story.

"So you ready or what?" Miranda poked her head in Ginny's office, catching her off guard, which caused Ginny to jump.

"Huh?" Ginny was confused, but then realized it was Miranda and she was ready for lunch.

"You okay?" Miranda asked.

"Yes, I'm just lost in space," Ginny made fun of herself. "Let's go!"

Ginny and Miranda walked over to The Commons and got some sandwiches. They sat at a table in the middle of The Commons and enjoyed another beautiful day. Ginny loved the fact that it was always sunny and warm there.

Ginny noticed that something about Miranda seemed different. She seemed more relaxed and somehow softer. She missed Miranda and their daily lunches where they discussed everything except work.

"So what has been going on with you?" Ginny was eager to catch up on the details of Miranda's life.

"Actually," Miranda's voice got very quiet. "I've started to see somebody."

"Really?" Ginny was amazed, but happy for her friend. As far as Ginny knew, Miranda never had a boyfriend before; in fact, the whole concept of men and dating seemed to make Miranda very nervous.

"Yeah really," Miranda's face turned crimson. "It's been a few months now." Ginny's jaw dropped. Miranda had a boyfriend, for several months and she was just finding out!

"Who is it? Where did you meet him? Is it serious? I want details!" Ginny's bombarded Miranda.

"I met him through work," Miranda began. "I really like him although I am not sure how serious it is..." she paused before then confessing, "I've never been in a relationship before and I've never felt like this before."

"Does he feel the same?" Ginny queried.

"I don't know, I think so," Miranda answered.

"Oh heavens, wait until Fred and George find out!" Ginny laughed at the thought of Fred and George's reaction to this news. She knew her brothers were going to be beside themselves.

"No, you can't tell them," Miranda quickly insisted. "I don't want anyone to know, especially them."

"Why?" Ginny found Miranda's reaction rather odd.

"It's just so new, I'm not ready to go public yet," Miranda pressed. "Don't tell anyone, promise?"

"I promise," Ginny assured her friend.

"Thanks," Miranda seemed to relax and took a bite of her sandwich. Ginny then realized she still didn't know who this mystery man was.

"Hey, you didn't even tell me his name," Ginny reminded Miranda and noticed that Miranda immediately looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"It doesn't matter, it's not important, " Miranda dodged the question.

"Not important?" Ginny couldn't believe what she was hearing. "That is the craziest thing you've ever said! You are one of my closest friends and how can you think I wouldn't want to know who your boyfriend is?"

"I just don't want to tell you yet," Miranda finally looked at Ginny and saw the bewilderment on her face. Ginny just shook her head in confusion, unable to respond.

"Look Ginny, it's not that I don't trust you, if I didn't I wouldn't have told you I have a boyfriend...it's just I'm not ready yet to tell you who he is. Please try to understand," Miranda pleaded.

Ginny didn't understand at first, but she cared for and trusted her friend enough to respect her feelings. She then thought about her own life and realized from her own personal experience that certain things were just difficult to talk about. She wasn't about to tell anyone about her run in with Harry, which was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of her life and she certainly wasn't about to tell anyone about when Draco kissed, either time! And don't forget that you kissed him back, a small voice reminded her.

"I understand," Ginny reassured Miranda, ignoring the small voice in her head. "Just remember that I am here if you need me, okay?"

"Okay," Miranda looked relieved and smiled.

"But don't get mad at me when I won't tell you about the men in my life," Ginny wagged her finger and teased her friend. Miranda totally unaware of how much truth was in what Ginny had just said.

"Men in your life?" Miranda's laughed, her interest peaked.

"Yep," Ginny shook her head and folded her arms.

"Have you and Draco become more than friends? I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with him," Miranda asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Draco?" Ginny was flabbergasted.

"Well yeah," Miranda said, then confessing. "I saw you two walking arm and arm leaving The Leaky Cauldron the other night. You seemed rather close."

"You were at The Leaky Cauldron?" Ginny moaned. Heavens, Miranda couldn't have been there and seen what happened, she just couldn't have been. Ginny felt like she couldn't breath.

"Don't worry, I wasn't there! I was only passing by The Leaky Cauldron when I saw you both were leaving," Miranda stated. "I would have said hello, but you two seemed involved."

"Oh no, it's nothing like that," Ginny let out a sigh of relief.

"Really? You two seemed pretty tight," teased Miranda, totally unaware of how mortified Ginny just was.

"We are just friends," Ginny insisted, but Miranda looked doubtful. "Really, just friends."

"If you say so," Miranda resigned.

"I say so," Ginny affirmed. But you kissed him, the tiny voice repeated again.

"It's just as well Ginny," Miranda seemed serious. "With you investigating his mother, it wouldn't be the smartest thing to get involved with him or heaven forbid, fall in love with him."

SPLAT! Ginny suddenly spit out the fizzy drink she had been sipping on. It landed all over the table, "WHAT? I am not in love with him!"

"I didn't say you were," Miranda shook her head, wiping a bit of fizzy soda, that Ginny had spit from off her face; she didn't understand why Ginny was getting upset.

"As long as we are clear on that," Ginny began cleaning up the mess she just made on the table.

"Fine...let's just finish lunch so you can tell me what's new with your investigation," Miranda changed the subject.

"Sounds great," Ginny lied. She wasn't sure how much to tell Miranda because if she revealed too much, then she would reveal the extent of Draco's involvement and she wasn't sure that was a good idea, especially after she just had to convince Miranda that nothing was going on with her and Draco. However, Miranda was more than just a friend, she was also her boss and that meant that she had a right to know about the investigation. Ginny was suddenly very grateful that she and Miranda had made a no work rule concerning their lunches. She started eating the rest of her lunch slowly, very, very, slowly as she was trying to buy some time to decide how much to reveal.

"So what has been going on with Narcissa?" Miranda asked once the women were finished their lunches and were walking back to the paper.

"What I'm about to tell you is off the record," Ginny pressed. "You can't tell anyone."

"If it's off the record, it's off the record. A reporters oath," Miranda agreed not knowing the magnitude of what Ginny was about to reveal to her.

"Well, I think I've found the Cursed Serpent," Ginny began.

"Where? How? When?" Miranda rushed with a million questions.

"It doesn't matter," Ginny said, not revealing where she found the Cursed Serpent, just that she had.

"I think that is does," Miranda pushed.

"I've got to protect my source," Ginny stressed.

"Oh c'mon Ginny," Miranda flatly said. "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Draco is you source."

"Maybe," Ginny said. "But only a source, nothing else. It's a professional thing."

"So can you at least tell me how you are going to get it?" Miranda asked.

"Not the specifics, not yet..." Ginny replied.

"Are you sure you can trust Draco?" Miranda asked, very skeptical of Draco. "After all, this is his mother we are talking about."

"Yes, I know I can trust him," Ginny said, a skeptical frown spread across Miranda's face as she shook her head.

"How can you be sure?"

"I can't tell you, but I know that I can," Ginny couldn't quite explain why she knew she could trust him, but she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she could.

"I don't like this," Miranda warned. "I think you are to closely involved. You aren't thinking clearly, especially where Draco is concerned."

"I'm not asking you to trust him, but I am asking you to trust me," Ginny replied. "Besides, aren't you always saying I have great reporter instincts?"

"Ouch! My own words stabbing me in the back!" Miranda teased, trying to mask her concern.

"Really Miranda, don't worry," Ginny insisted.

"I think we should tell Percy about this," Miranda suggested.

"Absolutely not!"

"But he has a right to know, besides I don't want to have to lie to him," Miranda said.

"He does not have to know. I am a reporting assistant and I work for you. We may be working with The Ministry, but it doesn't mean that they dictate my every move. I am not breaking any laws and just think of the story we've got if I can retrieve the Cursed Serpent," Ginny was adamant even though that was not the real reason she didn't want Percy involved. She knew that he would have serious issues with Draco's involvement and she wouldn't be able to really blame him for his concern, even if she knew that it was unfounded and unnecessary. Ginny refused to let Draco get in any trouble because of this, because of her. He had done nothing but help her and he had already been through enough. Ginny knew that she'd never be able to convince Percy that for some reason Draco was as invested at getting at the truth as she was.

"I don't like lying to Percy," Miranda said again.

"I'm not asking you to lie to Percy, I'm asking you just not to tell him," Ginny pointed out.

"Specifics," Miranda sounded doubtful.

"Besides, who cares? It's only Percy," Ginny dismissed her concerns.

"Yeah," Miranda seemed torn and she sounded a little sad when she added, "It's only Percy."

"Besides this information is off the record, a reporters oath," Ginny reminded her.

"And yet again, my own words stab me in the back," Miranda said to herself.

Before Ginny left, Miranda made her promise to keep her updated as to what was going on and to be careful. Ginny promised that she would.

Ginny started to get dressed for the dinner party much sooner than she needed to. She was anxious about stealing the Cursed Serpent. When she was completely ready way, she looked at herself in her mirror and was pleased with her reflection. She then grabbed a shawl and went into the living room to wait.

Both Fred and George were both already home from work and sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner. They had closed their shop a little early because it had been a slow day.

"Well, well, don't you look fancy," teased Fred. "All dressed up and no where to go?"

"Leave her alone," George said to his twin.

"What's wrong with you?" Fred asked George. "We live to tease."

"Just leave her alone, okay," George pressed. George wasn't going to tell Fred about last week when Ginny was so upset, he knew that Fred wouldn't understand and would just tease her about it.

"You look really nice Ginny," George said.

"Thanks," she smiled.

"Going somewhere special?" George asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to a dinner party," Ginny answered and walked over to the table and sat with her brothers.

"Do I need to ask with whom?" George asked although he was fairly certain he already knew.

"No, you don't need to ask," Ginny smiled. She found this new side of George quite endearing. George and Ginny continued to chat as Fred watched in confusion. He didn't understand why his twin wasn't teasing Ginny.

Suddenly sparks starting flying from the fire place followed by a burst of flames and out walked Draco who was looking especially handsome in a formal black robe. As Ginny got up and walked over to him, Draco's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"You look absolutely magnificent," Draco was in awe.

"Thanks," Ginny blushed. "You look quite handsome as well."

While Ginny and Draco exchanged pleasantries, Fred looked to George and begged, "Can I say something now?"

"No!" George shot a look at Fred before getting up and walking over to Draco and Ginny.

"Well hello George," Draco greeted George. "It's nice to see you again."

"Hello Draco," George forced himself to be pleasant. "I'm guessing you are Ginny's dinner date."

"That would be correct," Draco smiled. "I'll have the prettiest date there, don't you think?"

Fred opened his mouth to say something sarcastic, but before he could both Ginny and George turned to Fred and gave him a nasty look. He quickly shut his mouth and disappointedly slumped back in his chair.

"Look Draco," George's face became very serious. "I don't like you and you don't like me, that's no secret..."

"George..." Ginny's voice sounded overly sugary.

"But for some reason my sister likes spending time with you," George went on ignoring his sister's interruption.

"I like spending time with her too," Draco smiled at Ginny.

"Well as long as you treat her with respect, the way she deserves to be treated, you won't have a problem with me," George stated. "I'm willing to let bygones be bygones." George offered his hand for Draco to shake.

"I would never hurt Ginny," the two men shook hands. "I'll never let anything bad happen to her."

"Then we have an understanding," George reinforced.

"Yes we do," Draco agreed.

"Excuse me?" Ginny interrupted while putting her hands on her hips. "I am still standing right here."

"Of course you are," George's voice sounded more relaxed when he turned to his sister.

"Are you ready to go?" Draco asked her.

"As long as you two lads are finished," she mocked them.

"We're finished?" Draco glanced to George who nodded. "Yes, we are finished."

"Then let's go," Ginny grinned. "But I think we should walk. I don't want to get my dress dirty using Floo powder." Draco walked over to the front door and opened it for Ginny.

"After you," he extended his arm leading out the door.

"Why thank you," Ginny laughed and the two of them left.

Once they were gone from the apartment Fred looked at his brother in a state of befuddlement and blurted, "What the heck was that about?"

"What?" George wasn't about to explain himself to Fred.

"Um excuse me? When did Ginny start dating Draco? And what's up with you being nice to Draco and why can't I tease anyone?" Fred was frustrated. "Have you gone completely mad?"

"There's nothing to tell," George stayed very calm, dismissing his brother's questions. This made Fred furious.

"Yes, you have gone mad. The whole world has gone mad, all except me!" Fred bellowed and then got up from the table, went to his room and slammed the door.

Meanwhile Ginny and Draco were walking toward the portkey that would transport them to the road that led to the Malfoy estate. They were discussing their plans to steal the Cursed Serpent. Draco said that typically at these types of things once dinner was finished, everyone should move to the conservatory. Narcissa hired a few musicians to play for them while they enjoyed an after dinner drink and some casual conversation. He thought that would be the perfect time to excuse themselves and sneak into the study and go back to the secret rooms.

"Won't your mother find it strange if we don't stay with the others?" Ginny asked.

"I don't think so," Draco began to fidget with his robe; he looked uncomfortable.

"Why?" Ginny queried.

"Well...I told her that you were my girlfriend and that we were very serious," he turned his head away and waited for her response.

"You told her I was your girlfriend!" she exclaimed and stopped dead in her tracks.

"C'mon Ginny. It's the most practical thing to do," Draco explained. "If she thinks we are involved, she won't find it strange if we wander off. She'll just think we're young and in love." Draco then over emphasized fluttering his eyelashes and patting his heart.

"Oh really?" Ginny was indignant.

"Oh please," Draco smirked. "It's not like we really involved or anything," he paused then sounding serious, "Why, do you want to be involved with me?"

"I wasn't saying that..." Ginny rapidly rushed, her heart began beating quickly. She was certain that she didn't want be involved with him, why would he ask such a crazy question? Why was she feeling flushed? She knew that didn't want to be involved with him, not like that.

"Then what were you saying?" he slyly smiled.

Ginny stammered, trying to find words, but couldn't so she finally blurted, "Just stop it, please!"

"Okay, Okay, relax!" he laughed. "I am just giving you a hard time. We are just friends, remember? Now let's go."

By the time Ginny and Draco got to Draco's house, most of Narcissa's guests had already arrived. Ginny and Draco found Narcissa's guests in the parlor enjoying a cocktail before dinner was served, but Narcissa was not with them. Ginny found the guests to be some of the most elegantly dressed people she ever saw; however it struck her as very unusual a couple of Narcissa's guests were also pregnant; in fact, they seemed to be as far along in their pregnancy as Narcissa.

Draco could sense that Ginny was a little nervous; she was unusually quiet, so he put his arm through hers and started introducing her to some of the people he knew. After Ginny and Draco had been there awhile, Narcissa made her grand entrance. She was dressed impeccably wearing a fire engine red formal dress robe and a strand on pearls. She looked picture perfect, not even one hair was out of place.

"Oh darling you're here," she hurried over to Draco, then kissing him lightly on each cheek.

"Good evening mother," Draco greeted her.

"Oh and you did bring you little girl friend," She looked over Ginny with scrutiny. "And doesn't she look sweet." The words she said were complimentary, but her emphasis on the word sweet made Ginny feel like it was meant more as an insult rather than a compliment.

"Yes, Ginny is the most beautiful woman here," Draco looked at Ginny tenderly, but when Narcissa seemed insulted by his comment he quickly made an addendum to his original observation. "Of course other than you mother."

"You flatter your old mother so," Narcissa turned her head as if embarrassed by his flattery, but Ginny knew that she was secretly reveling in it.

"Good evening Mrs. Malfoy," Ginny greeted Draco's mother.

"Oh yes, good evening Genie," Narcissa distractedly replied, as if Ginny had interrupted something very important.

"Her name is Ginny mother, Ginny," Draco corrected her.

"Ohhhhh," Narcissa laughed and apologized, but didn't sound sincere. "How silly of me! Good evening Ginny, so glad you could make it."

"Thanks," Ginny replied, but Ginny was sure that might as well said, there's a monkey on your head and it wouldn't of changed the fact that Narcissa wasn't listening to one word that she said.

"Oh yes, that's nice dear. If you'll excuse me," Narcissa said, then walking over to a group of her friends proving to Ginny that she was indeed correct.

"You'll have to excuse my mother," Draco apologized. "She can be that way sometimes."


"Okay, most of the time," Draco grinned. "It's not you, I promise."

"Somehow I doubt that," Ginny replied. She got the distinct feeling that Narcissa did not think Ginny was good enough for her son and that made Ginny angry.

"Honestly, it's not you." Draco insisted. "But even if it was, do you really care what my mother thinks?"

"You're right, it doesn't matter," Ginny smiled at Draco, but on the inside was still seething at his mother. His mother was rude, but so what? Why should she care what his mother thought? She knew that she was just being silly.

"Keep that smile, I suits you much more than a scowl," Draco affectionately smiled back at Ginny. "Besides, I like you just fine. I can prove it if you want me to..." Draco moved closer to her, making goofy eyes at her.

"No that's okay," Ginny genuinely laughed, she knew Draco was teasing her to make her feel better. "I'll take your word on it!" Ginny was determined to have a good time and she wasn't going to let Draco's mother's disapproval of her ruin that. There was time enough later to be focused and serious when they got started working.

"C'mon Genie in a bottle, let's me make you a drink," Draco grinned impishly.

"Oh okay Drago the drag," Ginny laughed. Draco could be quite endearing when he wanted to be.

Before Draco had finished making Ginny a drink a loud gong rang announcing dinner was ready. Draco and Ginny followed everyone into the dining room where the table was set for thirty people. There were magical seating cards by each place setting that each took turns announcing whom was to seat in each place. Everyone waited patiently while the cards began taking turns announcing whom was to be seated where. Draco's name was announced almost immediately. He was to sit near the head of the table next to his mother. Almost everyone else was sat when one of the seating cards finally announced Genie Weazey. Even though her name was announced incorrectly, she suspected on purpose, Ginny knew that that it was for her.

As she followed the sound of the seating card to her spot, she realized that she was sitting as far away from Draco as possible. In fact, she was on the complete opposite end of the table. The name card with her name being pronounced wrong could have been an accident, but Ginny was certain that Narcissa intentionally sat her as far away from Draco as possible. She no longer had to assume that Narcissa did not like her; Narcissa had made it quite clear that she indeed did not like Ginny. What was even worse for Ginny was that after she politely introduced herself to the people sitting next to her, she realized that she had absolutely nothing in common with either of the people she was sat next to.

On one side of Ginny was a very fat old man who mumbled when he spoke and on her other side was a woman whom spit when she spoke. Ginny knew that for her it would be a fairly quiet dinner. When she looked over to Draco from time to time, he would sheepishly and sympathetically smile at her.

As Ginny looked around the table she noticed that the table itself was immaculately set. There were more forks, spoons and knives than Ginny knew what to do with! It made her wondered how many courses were going to be served. The table was filled with crystal wine goblets, water glasses and cappuccino mugs. There were also over a dozen pewter serving trays with hand engraved covers. Ginny saw that in the back of the room was a house elf dressed in formal black and whites that stood next to a giant golden gong. Ginny surmised that this was the gong that they heard that summoned them to the dining room. After everyone was sat for a few minutes the house elf struck the gong and loudly yelled the word wine and water. Within minutes the wine goblets were magically filled with a sweet red wine and the water goblets were filled with lemon water. Shortly after that the gong was struck again followed by the word starters. Suddenly some different house elves rushed in the room and removed the covers from the pewter serving trays, which revealed large selections of appetizers including escargot, lump crab stuffed mushrooms, and calamari. The house elves then began serving the guests.

Once the starters were finished, the house elves put the pewter serving trays and covers back on the table and once again the gong was struck followed by the word salad. Just like before the house elves rushed back in and uncovered the pewter serving trays only where there had been appetizers just seconds before now was filled with lots of salads including waldorf salad, caesar salad and tomato and fresh mozzarella salad.

The gong was struck many more times and they were served many more courses. The magical pewter serving trays served a selection of soups including lobster bisque, gazpacho and escorole soup followed by a course of pastas including a traditional angel hair and meat sauce, a vegetable lasagna and pasta carbanara. After the pastas an intermezzo, which was a small dish of lemon sorbet and lemon peel, was served to cleanse everyone's pallet before continuing. The next course announced was land and sea, which included wild boar in a chocolate sauce, stuffed pheasant, and shrimp tempora and then there were four more courses!

Although the food was absolutely delicious; it was some of the best food Ginny had ever tasted, but Ginny was too self-conscious to enjoy most of it. She spent most of the evening looking at her plate and trying to avoid conversation with either of the people whom sat near her.

Ginny was very glad when once again the gong rung and cappuccino was announced and her cappuccino glass filled up. She was impressed that it even had a sprinkle of cinnamon on the frothy milk. Almost immediately she heard another ring from the gong and the house elf announced dessert. There was finally light at the end of the tunnel and this meal that felt like it was lasting forever, would finally end. Ginny was bored out of her mind besides the fact she was nearly jumping out of her skin to get back to the secret room and steal the Cursed Serpent.

After dinner was finished, just as Draco predicted, everyone moved to the conservatory to listen to some music and enjoy an after dinner drink.

"We should follow for a little bit," Draco suggested to Ginny.

"But what about..." Ginny had more than her fill of boring conversations of politics and wealth. She was eager to get to the Cursed Serpent and to get out.

"If we don't go, it will look strange," Draco stated, but when he saw the disappointment on Ginny's face so he added, "Not for very long, I promise."

When Ginny and Draco got to the conservatory it smelled of cherry tobacco due to several gentleman wizards who were smoking their pipes while enjoying an after dinner drink with the ladies. Draco and Ginny found an empty sofa and sat together while everyone waited for the musicians to begin playing.

"Well hello Draco," a robust gentleman approached and shook Draco by the hand. "I didn't really have an opportunity to say hello before. It's good to see you."

"Hello Mr. Parkinson, it's good to see you again," Draco replied as a pregnant woman walked over and slid her arm though the robust man's arm.

"Your mother's dinner party is a lovely as always," the pregnant woman stated.

"Thanks Mrs. Parkinson," Draco said.

"We haven't seen you at the house lately Draco dear. You know Pansy speaks of you often and I think she misses you, although she'd be horrified if she knew I told you that," Mrs. Parkinson pointedly shared, before glancing at Ginny with a disapproving look on her face. "I'm sure that you've been really busy,"

"Actually I have," Draco grinned; he was enjoying the scandal he was creating. He and Pansy Parkinson met at when they attended Hogwarts. They were both in the same year and they both were Slytherin. They were casual friends for many years and then briefly dated after they graduated. Both his parents and Pansy's parents were very happy about them getting together and were hopeful that they would get married. They all loved the idea of a Slytherin union. Draco knew that Pansy wanted that as well, but he knew that would never happen. He was never serious about Pansy; she was just a way to pass the time.

He knew that bringing Ginny to this party would be seen as somewhat scandalous because Ginny was a Gryffindor and typically Slytherin and Gryffindor did not get along. To him it didn't matter what house Ginny was in, besides as far as Ginny was concerned, they were just friends anyway, but to his mother and her guests, bringing a Gryffindor woman home was absolutely shocking!

"Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson, have you met my girlfriend?" Draco asked. Mrs. Parkinson's face wrinkled up in disgust as Ginny put her hand on Draco's hand in a way that looked incredibly tender to the Parkinson's, but really Ginny was digging her nails into his hand. He gritted his teeth to hide the pain, but didn't mind it so much because he was enjoying watching Ginny squirm a bit. He knew that Ginny had to let him call her his girlfriend because that was there cover story.

"No we haven't," Mr. Parkinson honestly answered, but Draco was pretty sure that Mrs. Parkinson knew who Ginny was by her flaming red hair, which was the trademark of a Weasley. The sour look on Mrs. Parkinson's face confirmed his suspicions.

"Her name is Ginny Weasley," Draco angelically smiled. "She was a year behind me and Pansy at Hogwarts."

"Nice to meet you dear," Mr. Parkinson shook her hand. "Are you also a Slytherin?"

"No she's not," Draco answered before Ginny had the chance to. "She's a Gryffindor." Mr. Parkinson instinctively pulled his hand back from Ginny.

"Oh that's nice," Mr. Parkinson said, but didn't sound heartfelt.

"Look darling," Mrs. Parkinson said to Mr. Parkinson, pointing across the room, "There's the Goyles and we haven't had a chance to catch up with them all night."

"Yes dear, you're correct. Please excuse us," Mr. Parkinson said. "It's been nice to see you again Draco."

"And I'll make sure that we tell Pansy that you send her your love," Mrs. Parkinson added, sharply glaring at Ginny before walking away with her husband.

Draco leaned back on the sofa, put his arm around Ginny and smiled. Ginny moved closer to Draco and she was smiling, but he saw the fury in her eyes.

"What is wrong with these people?" Ginny's whispered, but her anger was obvious to Draco.

"Enjoy it," Draco chuckled. "It can be fun to get a rise out of these pompous fools."

" I don't know Draco, I have had just about as much as I am willing to take," Ginny warned him.

"Oh Ginny, don't be a spoilsport," Draco chuckled, gesturing to the Parkinsons. "That was fun."

"Fun?" Ginny's voice started to rise, causing a few people close by to turn their heads. Ginny didn't want to draw attention to them, so she immediately lowered her voice, "Fun? Are you mad?"

"Yeah fun," Draco was still chuckling, he never cared particularly for the Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson.

"You may be having fun tonight, but I spent dinner next to a man that I think was speaking English, but am still not sure and a lady who spit more than she spoke. I wouldn't have taken a shower if I knew that I was going to get a second one during dinner. Besides that, I've been getting odd looks from everyone here. It's obvious that your mother disapproves of me and most the people here don't like me either."

"Oh come on Ginny, why do you care about these people, most of whom you've never met?" Draco stopped laughing. "The Parkinsons always act like that. They're just mad because I'm not dating Pansy anymore. They would have been rude to any woman that I brought home."

"It's not the Parkinsons, really," Ginny stressed. "It's just that we are here to do a job and so far we've accomplished nothing!" She wasn't going to admit that the Parkinsons did bother her and the thought of Draco and Pansy dating made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well, I think we've made our presence in here known for long enough," Draco devilishly smiled. He could tell that Ginny really had enough of his mother's friends. "Ready to do some stealing?"

"I believe the answer would be.... yes!" Ginny genuinely smiled for the first time that evening.

"Take my hand and rest your head on my shoulder as we leave," Draco instructed her as he stood up.

"I will not!" Ginny insisted and put her hands on her hips, causing a few more heads to turn this time. She didn't care; she ignored the curious eyes that watched her. She was getting angry with Draco. She knew that tonight she was supposed to be his girlfriend, but it seemed like Draco was enjoying this just a little too much.

"Don't be a baby Ginny, we need to look like we are being romantic, so no one will think to bother us. Remember, we're in love?" Draco said with a straight face, he couldn't help teasing Ginny a little; she made it so easy. "Right now it looks like we may be having a spat and you don't want anyone following us to see if everything is okay, do you?"

"I guess you make have a point," Ginny was hesitant. What he was saying made sense; maybe she was just being a baby.

"Now take your hands off you hips and come to your babe," Draco smirked, but before Ginny could object, he offered his hand to her. "Lets get to work!"

"Oh fine, if you insist babe," Ginny rolled her eyes as she took his hand and begrudgingly rested her head on his shoulder. She only had to endure this for a little while before she had the Cursed Serpent in her hands.

"Good girl," Draco condescended as they left the room walking towards the front door, passing the occasional guest on the way. Draco thought that taking it would be wise to appear as if they were taking a romantic stroll outside. As soon as they were outside Ginny lifted her head from Draco's shoulder, she went to let go of his hand, but he tightened his grip and quietly whispered that they needed to keep up their pretense because they couldn't be sure who was watching.

Ginny and Draco didn't talk as they walked hand and hand through the gardens that surrounded the Malfoy estate. It was a gorgeous spring evening; there was a gentle warm breeze and the sky was so clear that the half moon was very prominent in the sky. The stars were also very bright and reflected the many colors of the flowers in the garden, which was even more beautiful now that it was in full bloom than Ginny had originally imagined months ago when she saw it for the first time.

Draco glanced at Ginny as they walked and he found her to be even more stunning in the moonlight than he usually thought her to be. He was enjoying walking with her like this. He didn't dare say such a thing because he knew that she would get defensive. She wasn't ready yet to hear how he really felt about her even though he was sure that deep down inside, she felt the same about him, and she just hadn't yet become conscious of it. Not that any of that mattered, Draco was sure that after they stole the Cursed Serpent tonight, this would all over and that meant Ginny wouldn't need him anymore. She'd be out of his life. He pushed those thoughts from his head. For now he was content to simply enjoy the moment they were sharing before they went back inside to the study and got to work.

When they got to the other side of the garden, there was a little cobble stone path that led to a side entrance. Draco looked around before they went inside, which was an entrance to the back of the kitchen where there were many house elves busy cleaning up from the evening's meal. None of the house elves seemed to pay any attention to Draco and Ginny entering the kitchen.

They quickly left the kitchen and made their way to the study. Luckily when they got to the study, it was empty. Draco shut the door once he and Ginny were inside.

"So are you ready?" Draco asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Um, I believe the answer would be yes," Ginny let go of his hand and smiled. She was tired of pretending to be his girlfriend and ready to get to work. She had been ready for this for weeks.

Draco carefully moved the sofa back just a little bit so that he and Ginny could slip through the trap door and if someone walked in the room, it wouldn't look like anything's out of place. As soon as Draco and Ginny were both on the winding staircase he pulled out his wand.

"LUMOS!" he commanded and his wand, which illuminated the staircase so that they could safely walk down the stairs.

As soon as they were both down the stairs, Ginny walked immediately over to the bookcase and knocked over the candlestick. She held her breath as she watched the second secret door slowly open. What if the statue wasn't there? She let out a sigh of relief when the door finally opened and she saw the Cursed Serpent, exactly where it had been before. She ran over to it, knelt down and lifted it up. The ruby red eyes of the serpent reflected against the light from Draco's wand and prisms appeared on the walls.

"It's almost beautiful, isn't it?" Ginny looked up at Draco who was leaning against the open doorway, staring at her with an odd expression on his face.

"Yes, very beautiful," Draco hoarsely replied, not talking about the statue.

"We should probably get it out of the house as fast as we can,"

"Yeah, I suppose so," Draco slowly agreed, but it seemed to her that Draco was clearly preoccupied. He wasn't even pretending like he was really listening to her, but she wasn't angry with him because she was pretty sure she knew what was bothering him.

"Draco?" Ginny put down the statue and focused her full attention on him. "Are you sure that you are okay with what were are doing? In a way, you will be betraying your own mother."

"Ginny, I'm fine with this," he confidently reassured her, not wanting to reveal the sadness and sense of loss that he was feeling in his heart. It wasn't betraying his mother that had him bothered. In the beginning, he started this little adventure to in hopes of protecting his mother, but it didn't take him long to realize that she was guilty, just like his father had been. There was nothing he could do to protect her. After awhile, this adventure had become something more. He enjoyed working with Ginny. He felt a sense of purpose and he honestly enjoyed having something to fill his days, other than wasting time, which was what he had been doing before he stumbled on the fact that Ginny was following his mother.

And then there was Ginny... He didn't even want to start thinking about her. She seemed to understand him in a way that nobody else ever had. She didn't put up with his antics; in fact, she didn't let him get away with anything. She was smart and fun. The fact that she was gorgeous and completely unaware of it made her that much more endearing. He knew that she only thought of him as a friend, but he was hoping that with time that would change. Now that they were capturing the Cursed Serpent and Ginny would be giving it to The Ministry, there was no more time. Life was destined to go back to what it had been like before Ginny Weasley breezed into his life.

"Draco, are you sure?" Ginny softy asked again, interrupting his thoughts.

"I told you that I'm sure!" Draco sharply responded, pushing his thoughts far from his mind. He knew that he had to force himself into an efficacious mode. "I am fine, okay? Let's get on with this already."

"Fine then," Ginny was a little taken back by his tone, but dismissed his attitude because she still assumed that he was feeling badly about betraying his mother.

"Grab the statue and we're out of here," Draco forced a smile, trying to lighten the mood. He didn't want to hurt Ginny's feelings; in fact, he knew how excited she was to capture this Cursed Serpent. She had been working really hard for months and this was going to be her pay off, meaning great things for her career. He wanted her to enjoy this moment.

Ginny picked the statue back up and followed Draco out of the second secret room. As he closed the door and they proceeded up the winding stairs, they heard a loud chime and footsteps above their heads. Draco gestured for Ginny to stop and quickly put out his wand.

"Draco, what's going on?" Ginny asked, stumbling into Draco.

"Shhh, someone's at the front door," Draco answered.

"Can they hear us?" Ginny whispered quietly.

"I don't think so, but I don't know who would be arriving at this hour and where they are going to go once they come inside. Let's just wait here a minute," Draco said.

"Oh, okay," Ginny's voice was shaky, sounding nervous.

"You're not afraid of the dark, are you?" Draco gently teased.

"No, I'm not," Ginny answered, but didn't sound convincing.

"You can hold my hand if you want to," Ginny couldn't see Draco grinning.

"No thank you, I'll be fine," Ginny replied, as she sat on one of the steps clutching tightly to the statue. They waited and continued listening, as the footsteps grew louder as if they were getting closer. They then heard the door to the study open and then close again and then heard footsteps directly above them.

"I am assuming this is important," Narcissa didn't sound pleased.

"Yes Madam it is," an old man's voice creaked. Ginny knew that voice; it sounded like the old man from the pawnshop. She opened her mouth to say something to Draco, but then quickly shut it for fear of being discovered.

"Well get on with it," Narcissa sounded irritated. "I have a house full of guests and it will be noticed if I am gone for too long."

"I wanted you to know that arrangements have been made for you and the others," the old man stated. "You all will leave after the next ritual."

"So soon? Is that necessary?" Narcissa asked; sounding surprised.

"Madam, you and the others will be giving birth in just over a month. I hardly think that traveling your last month would be prudent," the old man croaked.

"I suppose not," Narcissa agreed. "I just thought I had more time."

"The children must be protected, we must see to that," the old man pressed.

"No, no, you are right," Narcissa agreed. "I am looking forward to our Dark Lord rising again. Don't you worry; I'll be ready to leave when the time comes. Just make sure that you tell the others?" Ginny grabbed Draco's arm and squeezed it tight when Narcissa mentioned the Dark Lord.

"But of course Madam," the old man said. "You have the artifact for the last ritual, yes?"

"But of course I do!" Narcissa's tone was sharp. "Are you questioning me?"

"But of course not," the old man humbly replied.

"Very well then, you may leave now," Narcissa commanded. "I will see you in two weeks."

"As you wish Madam," the old man said. They heard the study door once again open and shut and the footsteps above their head faded into the distance. Ginny and Draco waited for quite awhile in shock over what they heard. The Dark Lord rising again? It couldn't be possible. After they were sure it was safe, Draco pulled out his wand.

"LUMOS!" he again commanded his wand to give them light.

"Draco, this can't be possible," Ginny's shook her head; her face was full of worry. "It just can't be!"

"Ginny just stay calm," Draco soothingly said, as he sat right next to her and held her hand. "We don't really know what is going on."

"But you mother said...she said You-Know-Who was returning, that's just not possible!" Ginny cried. "That monster killed my brother and then Harry killed him. He can't be returning, he just can't." Draco felt anger surge through his body at the mention of Potter's name, but didn't let it affect him. He knew that he had to remain calm for Ginny.

"First of all, my mother didn't say You-Know-Who, she said the Dark Lord," Draco pointed out.

"Oh please Draco, do you really want to argue over semantics? I think we both know who she meant," Ginny spat. Draco couldn't argue with her, he knew his first argument was weak, he was just grasping at straws, just as she was, to make sense of what they overheard.

"Fine, you're right, but she also said he'd be rising again. That infers that he is dead and will some how be rising from the dead," Draco calmly continued.

"Your right," Ginny agreed, starting to calm down even though she was still concerned. "But what does that tell us?"

"Well we know from old man said, that there is some ritual going on in two weeks and that this statue is going to be used," Draco pointed out. "We also know that my mother is not the only one pregnant. It sounds like there are at least several women pregnant and they will all be going somewhere after the ritual. Somehow this is all connected."

"That old man," Ginny said, sobering. "He sounded like the old man from the pawnshop."

"The pawnshop where the muggles attacked you?" Draco asked.

"Yep, that's the one," Ginny confirmed.

"It's like we've got pieces of a puzzle and we just need to put them together," Draco said.

"I know," Ginny said. "It's frustrating. I thought tonight, by getting this statue that we'd be finished. I'd be able to write a phenomenal story and it'd be done. Now it seems like this is far from over."

"And now?" Draco asked, feeling a bit of hope. It's not that he wanted bad things to happen, but he liked the idea of still working with Ginny.

"Well, if we take the statue, I may have a good story, but it seems like that an awful lot will be escaping us," Ginny started.

"The ritual and who is performing the ritual," Draco said. "And most importantly, the possible rise of You-Know-Who."

"Exactly," Ginny confirmed.

"What do you suggest doing?" Draco asked.

"Well, we know this ritual will take place in two weeks, we just need to figure out exactly when and it seems to me that if your mother discovers the statue is gone, she will know that someone is on to her. We'll never find out why and where the pregnant women are going and if indeed You-Know-Who is rising once again."

"So do you want to return the statue?" Draco queried even though he knew that was what Ginny was inferring. He knew that this was a somber moment, yet couldn't help feeling happy. He and Ginny would remain a team.

"Yes, I think we should until we figure out what to do," Ginny stated. As she and Draco went back downstairs and reopened the second secret room, she told Draco how she thought she should contact her associates at the Ministry and her boss, Miranda, to let them know what was going on. Once the room was open, she walked over to where she had taken the statue and carefully put it down exactly as it was before. She imploringly looked at Draco and he nodded his head in approval at her placement of the statue.

They then carefully closed the door to the second secret room and climbed up the winding stairs. They once again listened when they got to the top and once they knew the coast was clear, they climbed through the trap door. Before anyone walked in, they made sure to leave to study and went back to the kitchen so that they could slip outside through the side door.

Ginny shivered as they began to walk through the garden, it had gotten colder since they had walked through it before. Draco put his arm around her and pulled her close. Ginny didn't even argue, she was too tired from everything that had happened, she just rested her head against his shoulder and looked at the half moon. It really did look lovely. Then suddenly, as if she was hit over the head with a ton of bricks, she stopped in dead in her tracks and sprung straight up.

"Two weeks Draco, two weeks!" She rushed on.

"Two weeks, what are you talking about?" Draco was at a loss; he had been lost in just enjoying a quiet moment with Ginny.

"Look at the sky," Ginny pointed her finger at the moon.

"Yeah, so, it's the moon," he didn't understand what she was getting at.

"No, it's a half moon, think about it," Ginny smiled crookedly at him. Draco looked at the moon and back at Ginny several times and then suddenly his eyes lit up with understanding.

"The full moon, it's in two weeks," he beamed.

"Exactly! I've been saying since the beginning that there was some connection with the full moon!" Ginny started prancing around the garden, delighted with their latest discovery. Draco looked at her endearingly, whole-heartedly laughing when suddenly on impulse he grabbed her hand, pulled her close and they began to dance, letting the music they could faintly hear from the conservatory guide their steps. Little by little, the worries from the day slipped away from their minds, if only for a few, brief, happy moments.