Mystery Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/27/2002
Updated: 04/27/2002
Words: 110,888
Chapters: 20
Hits: 15,112

After Hogwarts

Wendy Lee

Story Summary:
Little Ginny is all grown up and has just graduated from Hogwarts. She still carries Harry Potter in her heart, but is determined to get past her unrequited love, so she decided to move to London and start fresh.

Chapter 09

Author's Note:
This is dedicated to my husband Ben and my daughter Samantha and to all my friends at Harry Potter, ivillage.

Chapter 9:

Narcissa Malfoy:

Ginny spent the next several weeks roaming around muggle London looking for clues. Her day started before the sun rose every morning and she finished well after dark every night. She was working seven days a week and she was exhausted.

Today she would be heading out a bit later than usual because Miranda sent her an owl post that called for a meeting at 9:00 o'clock AM. Ginny was actually relieved and enjoyed a few extra hours of sleep.

Ginny was looking forward to their meeting today. Ginny was spending so much time in muggle London, that she hadn't seen much of Miranda or anyone lately.

Ginny knew that Miranda was working overtime as well. While Ginny was researching muggle London, Miranda was busy making sure their deadlines at the paper were being met. No one at The Daily Prophet knew what Ginny and Miranda were working on. Both women wanted to keep it that way for both security reasons as well as to protect their story of a lifetime.

Ginny found it very frustrating to be working so hard and yielding little results. She was hopeful that Miranda would have useful information.

Ginny arrived promptly at Miranda's office with two steaming hot cups of cocoa. As usual, Miranda was hovered over her crystal ball. Ginny put down on of the cups beside Miranda and quietly took a seat.

Ginny used to laugh at Miranda's devotion to the Divination for leads, but recent events had made her reconsider. She waited for quite awhile before Miranda finally spoke.

"Cheers Ginny," Miranda greeted Ginny as she picked up her chocolate. She quickly became focused and got to the point of this meeting. "I wanted us to meet today because I am more convinced than ever that my visions are related to all these serpent muggle artifacts."

"Why?" Ginny queried.

"I'll tell you," Miranda began. She continued to explain that the old man she had seen with the pregnant woman had become much more prominent. It looked like they were having meetings or gatherings. She said that she saw something particularly odd. Her visions were hazy, but it looked like serpents were slithering around the old man's feet.

"Really?" Ginny was intrigued. "Maybe your visions are related," over time Ginny had been gaining more respect for Miranda's method.

"The whole thing is really bizarre," Miranda said. "But, the reason I called this meeting is that I saw something else that I think may be a concrete lead."

"What is it?" Ginny was thrilled to possibly have a real lead.

"Well yesterday when I was looking at my crystal ball, I saw the old man and one of the pregnant women walking. As they walked, it looked like they passed The Leaky Cauldron. They must have walked for at least five minutes more minutes, when they entered a ground level building. It was full of people and reminded me of a pub."

"Did you see the exact address? Was it on the same road?"

"Well, no. They turned down a few streets and again, my visions are hazy..." Miranda paused as she saw the disappointment on Ginny's face. She wished she could be more specific. She knew that Ginny was skeptical of her crystal ball.

"But, you are fairly sure that they were in the same vicinity?" Ginny replied trying to remain positive.

"Yes, I believe so," Miranda smiled very glad that Ginny was taking her seriously. "I think that they were very close as a matter of fact."

"Then The Leaky Cauldron should be my point of reference," Ginny stated. "It will make things much easier. I can work my way out from there instead of aimlessly searching."

"I agree," Miranda concurred as she finished her hot chocolate.

"I do wish that Percy would get back to us with some information though," Ginny's tone was sharp. She was surprised and a bit irritated that her brother hadn't bothered to contact them in several weeks.

"Actually," Miranda's voice sounded a little odd. "I spoke to Percy just the other day."

"Really? When?" Ginny raised her eyebrows. She hadn't expected Percy to contact Miranda first.

"Well, he's sent me a few owl posts over the past few weeks to keep us informed as to what he's found out," Miranda answered, but Ginny cut her off before she could finish.

"Oh really?" Ginny said more sarcastically than she meant to. "Why wasn't I told?" It bothered her that she hadn't been told. Was there a reason they weren't keeping her out of the loop?

"It's just that he hadn't found out anything yet," Miranda explained. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Ginny's feelings. "There was nothing to tell."

"It's no big deal," Ginny smiled trying to cover that she had been a little bit annoyed.

"But then I ran into Percy yesterday and he said he may have a lead," Miranda informed Ginny.

"I wonder what he's found out," Ginny spoke her thoughts aloud.

"He said he's post me when he's got anything concrete and I promise, I will tell you," Miranda said.

"Perfect," Ginny said as she got up. "Well I suppose I'm off to muggle-town. First stop, The Leaky Cauldron," Ginny joked.

"Good luck!" Miranda smiled. Ginny waved as she left the office.

Ginny went upstairs to requisition muggle clothing for the day. She took her time going through all the racks of skirts, blouses and trousers. She didn't feel like wearing her usual jeans and crop top. She felt newly motivated and wanted her style of dress to reflect that.

She finally decided on a short suede skirt with a pair of high leather boots and an emerald green silk blouse. She almost didn't recognize her own reflection when she gazed in the full-length mirror. Ginny felt empowered and confident. She quickly grabbed a long black leather trench coat and was off.

She bought a map of muggle London on her way to The Leaky Cauldron. Once she arrived, she stopped inside and ordered a fizzy soda while she made a grid on her map. She was going to search the surrounding areas by blocks. She decided on concentrating on a 2-mile radius from The Leaky Cauldron. According to her map, this gave her sixteen different areas to search. She finished her soda and stuffed her map in her coat pocket before she left.

Ginny was full of energy when she headed out. She started southeast and worked her way west and then north. Ginny's enthusiasm began to fade as the hours rolled by. She had thoroughly searched nine of her sections by the time the sun was setting and had found nothing. Her feet were sore and she was beginning to feel defeated. Suddenly, she saw something out of the corner of her eye that caught her attention.

Ginny turned and saw a very old man that seemed fit the description Miranda had described from her visions, although it was hard to be certain because she was quite a distance away from him. He was walking the opposite side of the road. Ginny crossed the street and began to follow him from a safe distance. She no longer was aware of her aching feet; she was revitalized.

She followed him past The Leaky Cauldron to the second section of her grid that she had checked out much earlier in the day. When he turned onto a side street, several people were coming the other way. The street corner was congested and it took Ginny a few minutes to catch up. When Ginny turned onto the street, the old man was gone. Ginny stood there transfixed, desperately looking around.

There wasn't much on that street, just a few houses, a bookstore, and a little neighborhood pub called McBride's Pub. Ginny thought the pub would be the best place to start. She glanced on the front window, but didn't see the old man. What she did see that was surprising was a very fair skinned, blonde, older woman, who also happened to be pregnant, walking toward the door. This woman looked to be in her mid to late forties, which Ginny thought seemed very old to be having a baby.

Before the pregnant woman saw her, Ginny quickly ducked behind a car and waited for her to leave the pub.

"Keep your new pendant safe dear," she heard the pregnant woman tell say as she was leaving the pub. "And wear it always."

"Oooh, the rubies eyes are so lovely," a young woman crooned. "Thanks you my lady." Ginny couldn't see the pendant, but was fairly sure that it had a serpent with ruby eyes.

As the pregnant lady left, the young girl went back into the pub. Ginny wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to follow the pregnant woman, but she knew that she couldn't let that muggle keep that pendant. Ginny noticed that pregnant woman was walking very slowly, probably because her belly was so swollen. I'm going to do both, Ginny decided. I just have to be quick.

Ginny rushed into the pub, which was very typical of a neighborhood pub. It was dark, had lots of pictures on the walls and was filled with tiny tables and chairs. There was a pool table in the corner and a jukebox. Lots of muggle locals were busy enjoying a pub sandwich and a drink. Ginny went straight up to the young woman she saw just a few moments ago.

"Excuse me," Ginny gently placed her hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Can I help you?" the young woman asked.

"The lady you were just with forgot to tell you something and asked me to fetch you for her," Ginny lied, hoping that the young woman would believe her.

"Oh," she answered, seeming to think nothing was odd about Ginny's request. "Where is she?"

"I'll show you," Ginny was anxious as they left the pub. Ginny took the young woman down another side street that was empty. After a few moments, the young woman's attitude changed when she didn't see her pregnant friend.

"Where is Narcissa?" the young woman demanded. Ginny was not looking forward to what she had to do. She was a bit nervous despite that she was now licensed by the Ministry to perform magic on muggles. She took a deep breath and without hesitation, she quickly pulled out her wand and pointed it at the young woman.

"Rictusempra!" Ginny firmly commanded her wand causing red and pink sparks to fly from the end of it as the young woman began to laugh uncontrollably. Ginny grabbed the pendant from the young woman's hand and quickly put it in her pocket. She knew that a tickling spell would make it easier for her to get the pendant. As soon as Ginny had the pendant, the woman looked a bit confused.

"What am I doing out here? Who are you? What's that?" the young woman queried looking at Ginny's wand, which was still in her hand.

"Oblivate!" Ginny pointed her wand at the young woman once again. It was imperative that this muggle remembered nothing. This was the first time Ginny cast a memory charm on anyone. Just to be sure, Ginny pointed her wand at the woman again, "Oblivate! Remember none of this. Go back in the pub and order a beer." To Ginny's relieve, the young woman did as she was told.

Ginny ran back the direction she saw the pregnant woman head towards. She hoped that she would be able to find the pregnant lady. After a few minutes, she saw a blonde pregnant woman waddling about ten feet in front of her. Ginny slowed her pace down because she didn't want the pregnant woman to become aware of her.

After following the pregnant woman for a while, she noticed that the pregnant woman stopped. Ginny paused, waiting to see what the pregnant woman was up to. She heard the pregnant woman scream clutching her stomach as she fell to the ground. Ginny ran over to her, as did many muggles.

"Are you okay?" one muggle asked.

"Do you want me to call an ambulance?" another muggle asked. Ginny just stood close by, not knowing what to do.

The woman seemed incoherent as she lay on the ground. She was muttering to herself in an obvious amount of pain. Ginny found the situation scary and unnerving, but not unusual until she thought she heard the woman use the word muggle.

"What did you say?" Ginny bent down close to the woman.

"No muggles, no muggles," she whispered. "Don't let them touch me," she begged. Muggles? She used the word muggle; Ginny knew that she must be a witch. Ginny stood up and turned to the small crowd.

"False alarm," Ginny lied, but knew she had to get rid of the muggles. If this woman was a witch, she needed to go to a wizarding hospital. "Her blood sugar is low and just needs to get something to eat."

"Are you sure?" one man asked sounding skeptical.

"Does she need help?" another asked.

"No," Ginny was firm. "I will take care of her, she's my, my aunt," Ginny lied again. The muggles stood around for a moment. Ginny took a very firm tone and said, "Just leave us be!"

The muggles went back to their business. Ginny looked at the pregnant woman and knew she had to get her help. She still was bent down very close to the woman who was still muttering quietly.

"Can you get up?" Ginny asked her.

"Muggles, no muggles," she babbled.

"Look," Ginny had to be tough. "I am not a muggle. I am going to get you help, but you need to help me." The pregnant woman finally looked at Ginny.

"You're a witch?" she whispered. Ginny nodded. "I'll try," the pregnant woman whispered. Ginny used all of her might to lift the pregnant woman up. She then surveyed their location and realized that they were only a block from The Leaky Cauldron.

"Lean against me," Ginny told the woman as they began to walk. A sudden strength took over Ginny. She knew this woman was part of the muggle artifact problem and the fact that she was a witch added a new element to the mystery, but at that specific time, none of that mattered. Something was seriously wrong with the woman and Ginny didn't think that the unborn child should suffer.

It felt like ages until they reached The Leaky Cauldron. Ginny put the woman down to rest in a booth close to the door. She was still clutching her stomach and appeared to be in a great amount of pain. Ginny told the woman to try to stay calm, but the woman was no longer coherent at all. Ginny quickly glanced around The Leaky Cauldron and to her surprise, she saw Percy.

"Percy!" she yelled to her brother. "Come here, quick!" Percy rushed right over.

"What do you need Ginny?" he asked sounding rather nervous.

"This woman," Ginny pointed. "I found her when I was about muggle London. There is something wrong with her and possibly her baby. I didn't know what to do."

"Ginny," Percy became very focused and sounded angry. "You brought a muggle woman here?"

"Heavens no," Ginny replied. "I don't have time to explain everything, but she isn't a muggle, she's a witch." Percy took a closer look at the woman and recognition showed through Percy's eyes.

"Ginny, we know this woman," Percy said. "She's Narcissa Malfoy." Narcissa was married to Lucius Malfoy, who was currently a prisoner in Azkaban. Lucius had been one of You-Know-Who's active supporters and was arrested and convicted for being a Death Eater after You-Know-Who's fall from power.

"We should probably contact Draco," Ginny added. Draco was the son of Narcissa and Lucius. Ginny and Draco had attended Hogwarts together; he had been one year ahead of Ginny when they went to school.

"First we need to get her to the Wizarding Hospital," Percy reminded her. As Percy spoke to Ginny, Miranda entered the front door of The Leaky Cauldron.

"Get who to the hospital?" Miranda asked Percy. She didn't see Ginny right away.

"Narcissa Malfoy," as Ginny answered, Miranda stumbled backwards slightly.

"Oh, um, what's wrong with her, where did you find her?" Miranda asked trying to cover up the fact she didn't expect to see Ginny. When Ginny opened her mouth to open, Percy interrupted her. He was quick to direct their attention back to the situation at hand.

"Ladies, we need to get this woman to the hospital," Percy pressed. "I think with so many of us, Floo Powder is our best option." Ginny and Percy lifted up Narcissa and Miranda pulled out some powder as they walked to the fireplace. Percy and Ginny went through the fireplace first with Narcissa. Miranda followed behind them.

Once Ginny, Percy, and Miranda got Narcissa to the hospital, the doctors took Narcissa to examine her. Percy gave one of the many nurses information about concerning Narcissa and who she was. Another nurse then brought them to the waiting room.

"Is this a relation of yours?" the nurse asked.

"No," Ginny answered. "But she has a son. His name is Draco and somebody should tell him that his mother is here." The nurse jotted down some notes.

"I'll take care of that," she replied matter of fact. She then asked them what happened.

Ginny told the nurse that she happened to be walking down the same street when she saw Narcissa clasp her stomach and cry out in pain. Once she realized that Narcissa was a witch, she knew that she had to bring her to the wizarding hospital rather than a muggle hospital. The nurse nodded in agreement as she continued taking notes as Ginny spoke. When she was finished, she put away her notebook and proceeded to tell them that she would update them as soon as she had any information.

After the nurse left, Ginny gave Percy the muggle artifact and shared all the events that happened that day. Percy and Miranda sat silently as they digested all that Ginny told.

"So my crystal ball did helped you," Miranda was pleased.

"Absolutely," Ginny smiled and then looked to her brother. "Percy, I'm really glad you were at The Leaky Cauldron."

"I don't usually go there, but I was in the mood for a butterbeer," Percy explained.

"Fortunate for me," Ginny replied and then turned to Miranda to ask her what she was doing at The Leaky Cauldron, but Miranda had already gotteb up from her seat.

"I'm parched. I think I'll go get us some tea," Miranda said as she exited the room.

"Ginny," Percy seriously said. "Don't let Narcissa know that you saw her today. She may be the biggest clue we have yet."

"I was thinking the same thing!" Ginny's enthusiasm was evident. "I'm just going to play it as if I found her and that's it. But, now that I know that she is involved, I can follow her instead of blindly looking for clues." Percy crossed his arms and nodded his head in agreement.

"Very good thinking little sister," Percy said. "What are you going to do now?"

"I think I'll wait and make sure everything's okay," Ginny said. "I'm pretty sure that she's up to no good, but I want to make sure the baby is okay."

"Well," Percy started. "I think I better be off. I should owl post Ministers Black and Snape as soon as possible. I think I'll contact dad as well. Lucius Malfoy was neck high in dark magic. I find it very suspicious that his wife is involved with this."

"You're probably right," Ginny agreed.

"I already have a few things working and hopefully I will have some concrete information for you and Miranda shortly."

"Thanks Percy," Ginny said as Percy got up to leave.

"I'll talk to you later Ginny," Percy said.

"Bye," she said as he walking away. Suddenly Percy turned around and looked very seriously at Ginny.

"You did a really good job today Ginny," Percy told her. "I am proud of you." Then he left. Ginny jaw dropped. She was shocked that Percy complimented her. He never complimented her ever in her life. She was always Little Ginny, everyone's baby sister and the only Weasley girl.

She sat there lost in her own thoughts for several minutes before Miranda returned with three cups of tea. She handed one to Ginny.

"Where's Percy? I brought him a cuppa as well," Miranda said.

"Oh he left," Ginny informed her. "He's going to contact some people in the Ministry about what happened today. He said he might have some info for us soon." Miranda put down the extra cup of tea and she sat with Ginny.

"Are you going to wait?" Miranda asked.

"Yes, I think it's only right," Ginny said. "Besides, I need to keep an eye on my best lead." Miranda softly laughed at Ginny's comment.

"I knew you were going to be good Ginny! You are a reporter at heart."

"Learned from the best," Ginny laughed back. She saw Miranda laughing, but she seemed a little distracted. Ginny then changed the subject, "Seriously, I may be here for quite awhile. Why don't you get out of here."

"You don't mind?" Miranda asked.

"Not at all," Ginny was earnest.

"Well actually, that'd be great. I did have something to do tonight," Miranda shared.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright then, bye Ginny," Miranda was quick to leave. She left both cups of tea, untouched and still steaming. Ginny had already finished her tea. She got up from her seat to get the two other cups.

"More tea for me," she said to herself as she sat deeply into her chair. She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew, a woman in white was gently shaking her.

"Wake up dear, wake up," Ginny didn't recognize the person speaking. As her senses returned, she realized that this person was a nurse and then she remembered why she was here.

"How is Mrs. Malfoy? And the baby?" Ginny asked.

"Much better," the nurse explained. "They are both much better." The nurse went on to tell Ginny that Mrs. Malfoy's blood pressure was very high. This was not that uncommon, especially to women who get pregnant later in life. They were going to keep Mrs. Malfoy at the hospital for a few days and run a few more tests, just to be certain.

"May I sit with her for awhile?" Ginny asked.

"Sure you can," the nurse answered. "Just be quiet because she is sleeping." Ginny went into the room and sat in a chair next to the bed. She sat quietly watching Narcissa sleep. She didn't feel right leaving until someone from her family got there, even if it was Draco.

She hadn't thought Draco in a very long time. He wasn't the nicest boy when they were at Hogwarts. He was often mean to her brother Ron, her friend Hermione, and especially Harry Potter.


Ginny turned around and saw a broad, tall man with blonde hair fly in the room. He rushed over to the bed and sat beside Narcissa.

"I am so glad the doctors say you are okay," she heard him say. All Ginny could see was the back of his head. As soon as Ginny heard him call her mother, she realized that it was Draco. Unconsciously, Ginny made a sour face as she realized that this young man was Draco. When he looked up from his mother's bedside, he seemed truly caught of guard when he looked at her.

"Are you okay?" His concern was genuine. "You don't look like you feel very well." Ginny covered her mouth to keep from laughing. Draco didn't seem to recognize her.

"No, I am fine," she answered him. She looked at him for a moment. He wasn't the tall, flaxen boy with pointy features that she remembered. His body filled out and his face looked more like a man. His hair also darkened and wasn't quite so white blonde, it was more sandy colored.

"Then why are you dressed so odd? Is today Halloween or something?" Draco teased. Now this sounded more like the Draco Malfoy that Ginny remembered. He had always been quick in insult.

"You've always been such a creep, I shouldn't be surprised," Ginny said disgusted as she stood up to leave. "You'd think I'd at least get a thank you for saving your mother." Draco's eyes went real wide.

"Look, I was just kidding," he profusely apologized. "I was planning on thanking you."

"Oh really?" Ginny asked, but didn't believe a word of what he was saying.

"Well I was," Draco paused. "It's just your style of clothing is really unusual for a witch." Ginny forgot she was still in her muggle clothes and not a robe.

"Yeah well, at least I can afford clothes, nice new clothes," Ginny sneered, quickly getting defensive. Draco stood there looking dumbfounded by Ginny's comment. When they attended school, one of the many things he used to tease her brother Ron about was all the second hand clothes he had and how her family had too many kids and not enough money. Draco had always had everything come to him easily. His family had a lot of money.

"You know us Weasley's," Ginny continued. "We are poor as poor can be, remember? Too many kids and all that..." Draco opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Oh what? No quick witted answer from Mr. Richy-Rich himself?" Ginny egged him on. Draco paused for a moment before he responded.

"You're a...Weasley?" he sounded astonished. Ginny stood up and put her hands on her hips.

"As a matter of fact I am," she answered.

"Well, well," Draco smirked, as he looked her up and down. "Haven't you grown up?"

"I'm out of here," Ginny turned to leave, but Draco put his hand on her shoulder.

"Wait Ginny," he asked. Ginny paused a moment; to be honest, she was floored that he remembered her name. "Where did you find my mother?" he asked.

"I found her a few blocks from The Leaky Cauldron," she answered.

"She's got to stop this," Draco sounded concerned, speaking out loud to himself.

"Stop what?" Ginny asked thinking that perhaps Draco would unintentionally shed some new information.

"She disappears sometimes and..." he paused. "It doesn't really matter, never mind."

"Well, now that you are finally here, I think I'll be going," Ginny said.

"Ginny, thanks for getting my mother here and staying with her until I got here," he sincerely said.

"Your welcome," she replied. It was very strange to have Draco Malfoy earnest thanking her and acting nicely towards her. Before she could get to use to it, he spoke again.

"And I must say, I do like your style of dress," he once again looked her up and down. She responded by slamming the door as she left.