Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Parody Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/01/2005
Updated: 08/19/2005
Words: 1,626
Chapters: 2
Hits: 767

Harry Potter and the Odyssey


Story Summary:
What happens when Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron end up in the land of the cyclops? How did they get there? How do they get out of there? Harry Potter version of The Odyssey.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron find out where they are. They solve their problem in humorous ways.
Author's Note:
First, I want to say, thank you to my reviewers, I love you. Haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!

    "I can't believe you read The Odyssey," Hermione said to a rather proud looking Harry. Ginny smiled a bright, shining smile at him. Harry didn't mind at all. They just smiled at eachother. They were in their own little world. No one existed but the two of them. That's really sweet but it's taking up a lot of time and space in my story! So, we really need to get on with the story. "Whoops!" Hermione had "accidentally" tripped, causing Harry to fall from his staring contest with Ginny. Harry literally fell and hit his head on a nearby rock. Hermione just fell into Ron's arms. Hermione smirked at the success of her plan. Not only did she get Harry's attention, but she get to be held by her love. Aww. Isn't that cute. Anyway, getting back on track.

    "What did you say, Hermione?" asked a now aware Harry. Ginny knelt beside him and examined his head. She did a simple healing spell and helped him up, glaring at Hermione.

    "I said, I can't believe you read the Odyssey," Hermione said impatiently.

    "I didn't. I watched the movie. Dudley got it for his birthday one year. He refused to watch it. He threw it at me once, so I watched it. There was a TV/VCR in his second bedroom," Harry replied.

    "Wait, why did you just automatically assume that we were in the Land of the Cyclops? That's a really weird assumption..." Hermione asked without waiting for an answer.

    "Hermione..." Ginny started.

    "You can't just say, 'Oh we just traveled by a Portkey cookie, we MUST be on Cyclops Island.'"

    "Hermione!" Ron finally got her attention. Hermione looked annoyed. "There's a huge sign right there." Ron pointed to the huge sign. It had a royal blue backround and lime green shimmering letters which read, "The Land of the Cyclops Population: don't know how to count" What a weird sign. I didn't know that Cyclopses could write.

    "Oh, okay. I thought cyclopses were illiterate. I guess they aren't," said Hermione. Everyone seemed to ignore Hermione's comment.

    "Let's go, then," Harry said to the group. Ginny and Ron followed. Hermione stood her ground and looked confused.

    "Go where?" Hermione asked. Harry shrugged.

    "I don't know. I figure we go through those woods over there." Harry pointed to the forest in the distance.

    "Harry, what are we going to do about food?" Ron asked as he tripped over a chicken. Yeah, I know; a chicken is a weird thing to trip over, but I had to put it in there. "Ooh, food!" He was ecstatic, and he'd answered his own question. "Now what do we do?" Ron asked holding the struggling chicken in his outstretched arms.

    "Kentucky Fryify!" shouted Hermione, who was glad she could be of help. Ron, instead of holding a struggling white chicken, was holding a plate of fried chicken. Ron was amazed. Cool spell, huh?

    "I love you," Ron told Hermione, while chewing on a drumstick.

    "I'm sure you do," she said, smiling as she cast a hover charm on the plate so he could eat with both hands. "And I love you." She said sweetly(She must really love him if she can tell him while he eats). Then, she turned to Harry. "Now, why are we going into the woods?"

    "Since there's wood there, we can make brooms! I know the incantation," Ginny answered, proudly. Smart, I wouldn't have thought of it, anyway, sorry.

    "Okay," Hermione said as they neared the woods. "Wait, I don't think we should go in there."

    "What now?" asked an irritable Harry, who stopped walking to turn around and stare down Hermione.

    "Well, firstly, there are several signs: Beware, No one has ever made it out alive, Don't go in I beg of you."

    "That's just for whimps," Ron said, looking disapointed in Hermione.

    "Yeah, they only have signs put up when there's really GREAT stuff inside," Ginny exclaimed.

    "I don't know," Hermione said unsuredly.

    "Where'd Harry go?" Ginny asked frantically.

Author notes: Well, what'd you think? Review and tell me. Thanks to my beta Mrs. Lovegood.

Next to come: What is in the forest? Why are those signs there? Will Ron finish the chicken? Stay tuned for the next installment of Harry Potter and the Odyssey
