You Don't Know Me

Versipellis (or Hariette, your choice)

Story Summary:
AU based on David Klass' book 'You Don't Know Me' No one knows Harry Potter. Who's the Lasasha Palulu? Only Harry knows. Why does no one know him? Only Harry knows.

Prologue-You Don't Know Me

Chapter Summary:
Harry's unknown by every one, even himself sometimes. Based on David Klass' book 'You Don't Know Me'
Author's Note:
Please read?

You don't know me.

You don't know the first thing about me.

You don't know where I'm writing this from.

You don't know what I look like.

You have no power over me.

What do you think I look like?



Wire-rimmed glasses over brown eyes?

No, I don't think so.

Better look again.


It's like a kaleidoscope, isn't it?

One minute I'm short,

The next minute I'm tall,

One minute I'm geeky,

The next minute I'm studly,

My shape constantly changes,

And the only thing that stays constant is my brown eyes.

Watching you.

That's right, I'm watching you right now.

-You Don't Know Me- David Klass

You don't know me.

Just for example, right now you think I'm in my dorm studying. Not really.

I'm not in the dorm, I'm not doing homework. In fact I'm watching you two cuddle by the Gryffindor fire. You know, while the person you're snuggling, the person who is not my friend, he's thinking about Lavender. I'm floating right out side the window.

No, I'm not a ghost. Nor am I floating by some magic spell. I'm sitting on the Whomping willow.

Not really, I'm actually on my broom. And today was the last day of school, how could you fall for the homework trick. I thought you were the smart one, but apparently not, in fact I think you and Ron may have switched brains. It sure seems possible.

You know how I said I fell off of my broom a couple of weeks ago? Well, I didn't, Ronald Bilius Weasley punched me, because I didn't make HIS bed. So, you don't know me, no one does. That just makes it easier to disappear. Who knows, maybe I'll disappear for ever.

Would you notice?

Or would you just think that I'm talking to a teacher, or in the library?

Perhaps I'm talking to Hagrid?

No, in fact, I've been lying for the past few minutes.

I am in the dorm room. I am doing home work.

But I wasn't lying about Ron and Lavender, he IS thinking about her. Even though she's out of his league so far that I'm surprised that he can even see her.

Let alone any human life. But that's a totally different story, for a totally different time and I'll leave that topic alone.

As they say in the Lasasha Palulu: do not start a fight on the last day of hunting school, especially with an ally.

Of course, the Lasasha Palulu doesn't actually exist, just as you don't actually know me. Let's both stop pretending to know anything about me, hell, let's just stop living, while we're at it, let's romp around the Whomping willow, without freezing it, then, let's French kiss a Dementor!

Of course you're not going to stop pretending to know me just as I won't stop getting beaten up by everyone and their first cousin once removed. But I just thought that I should tell you, I don't think I'll ever be able to hate you. You're like the mother I never had. Well, you and Aunt Petunia...even though she probably would sooner see my dead body lying on her floor than take care of me.

Of course how would I know if you feel the same as her? We haven't actually spoken for the past year. You and the person who is not my friend have been very busy. Well, I guess I should get back to my Home Work. Just thought I should tell you, I have Summer School, I failed a few of my classes this past year. Of course you wouldn't notice. Because you don't even know the first thing about me.

What's my favorite color?

Green, bet you would never have thought, me being a Gryffindor, and all.

What did I do all through first year?

I stared out the window. I didn't fit in, so I got bored and stared out of a window.

Who's my closest friend?

No, not Ron, it's actually Neville. He and I actually have a lot in common. But you wouldn't know that.

For instance, did you know that both of us are in the Hogwarts band?

Oh, three strikes you're out.

Here I come down the stairs. You are going to say hi and forget what my name is.

"Miss Granger, what a pleasant surprise; Ronald good to see you too."

"How are you?"

"Pretty good, considering."

"Considering what?"

"Oh, didn't you know I have summer school?" I told you that already. Weren't you listening?

"You do? How'd that happen?"

"Dunno; don't care either, come to think of it..."

"Well you should care; this is your future...Harry."

Why should I care, you don't even remember my name.

"Why should I care, you don't even remember my name, Madam Know-it-all?"

"What did you say?"

"You can't fool me with that you boring snore, you're not going to make me speak."

Did I say that out loud?

"How could you say that? I thought I was your friend!"

"You don't know me. I have to pack, bye."

Running up the stairs, I realized what a mistake I may have just made.

Thank you for reading? ^-^! And please reveiw! Pretty please? With canary creams on top? I'll give you a sugar quill? you know you want the sugar quill. No one can resist the sugary goodness of the sugar quill! Other wise if you can resist it I'll give you chocolate dipped pickles!! Mwahaha! Just kidding, I'll actually give you a bogey bertie botts every flavor bean. BEWARE!