Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 20

Author's Note:
My thanks to my beta, Michele, for all the time and patience she puts into this story. I am truly grateful.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 20

It Is Time

"I haven't had time to thank you for what you did for mum at the funeral."

"Ron, I didn't do anything except touch the side of her face. Anything else that happened came from her own inner strength and love for her family."

"Fine, have it your way. It doesn't negate the fact that that touch set everything else in motion, and we all appreciate it. Why do you always make it so damn difficult for someone to show a little appreciation?"

"Fine, whatever...your welcome. Satisfied?"

Ron just shook his head. "By the way, how did you get out of the house with that charm Minerva, Evan, and Harold set up?"

"Please tell me you're joking. Even the three of them knew there was nothing they could do to keep me there. They only went through the motions to satisfy Madam Pomfrey. Apparently she was concentrating on my physical health and hadn't realized how much of my power had returned at the time. Though I must admit that using what I did to attend the funeral weakened me more than I thought it would. I didn't do anything for a couple days after that. I seem to be back to normal now...whatever the hell that is!"

"Well, I'm glad to see you up and around again. Seems you have a bit of paperwork to catch up on." Standing up, Ron said, "Guess I'd better get going. I've got to see Hermione before I go to Brussels for a new round of meetings."

"Mr. Weasley, it's good to see you."

Ron turned around to find Dumbledore looking over his glasses at him. "Hello Professor."

"I wanted to extend my condolences to you and your family on the loss of your brother. It must be of some support knowing that he had actually been working against Benedict and ended up saving so many innocents before his death."

"Thank you and...yes sir, that knowledge does help. We all wish we had known a bit sooner, but it's good to know anyway. I just look forward to the day when we don't have to worry about Benedict and his sick mind anymore."

"Ah, that day will come, Mr. Weasley...it will come. But, before that day does arrive, there are a few other matters that must be resolved. Those resolutions are needed to ensure complete success."

"I don't suppose it would do any good to ask what these matters involve?"

"No, I'm afraid it would do no good at all. Not even your friend, super wizard over there has figured it out yet!"

Ron turned toward Harry with a somewhat confused expression. "Does he come up with these quips often?"

"It's a fairly recent annoyance," Harry said. "I try to ignore him when he gets in these moods, but he just keeps hanging around."

Ron rolled his eyes and said, "That's my cue to leave. You two deserve each other. I'll talk to you later." He walked out of the office shaking his head and mumbling to himself.


"Well, well, well, isn't that interesting?" Benedict sneered as he leaned back in his chair. "The all powerful Harry Potter has his limits like everybody else. Even with all the extra powers he stole from my father, along with the ones Dumbledore transferred to him, there are still limits."

"Don't we all have limits, my lord?" Draco cautiously continued, "I mean, even you do...don't you?"

"Yes, it is true, even I have my limits. That is why I have people like you to do my bidding. I have more sense than to leave myself weak and vulnerable. Imagine how lost you and the others would be without your master to guide you. You should feel immense gratitude toward me. Had I not chosen you, you would still be sitting in Azkaban as we speak. That colossal oaf would be rotting in that muggle prison and clueless to the magic hidden within. Look around the complex at how many have been freed from their bonds thanks to me."

"Potter's savior complex will be his downfall in the end. By always being so concerned about everybody else, he doesn't stop to consider the consequences of trying to do everything himself. Unfortunately, he's dealing with his girlfriend's situation far better than I had expected. I suppose it's another one of those love related things; though it makes even less sense than the emotion itself." Benedict shifted his position in the chair before continuing. "Tell me about love, Draco."


"Tell me about love. There has to be more to it than sex. Any two people can have sex whenever they like, it's just an animal instinct. You had to have some understanding about it when you were younger. Explain it to me."

This was a totally unexpected turn of events that made Draco sweat. His mind was suddenly teeming with questions of his own. How do you explain to one so full of hate and evil the concept of love? Would an explanation suddenly wake that emotion in Benedict? Did that emotion even exist in such a being? After all, he was human and emotions are part of the package deal. Would this somehow change him? Could he even explain it to his master's satisfaction and what would the consequences be if he didn't?

"I'm waiting Draco."

"Yes, my lord. You must understand that I am hardly an expert on the subject, and I've never tried to explain something like this before."

"Yes, yes, yes. I know you are not one of the great minds of the world, Draco. Just try to give me some kind of idea of the bizarre power this emotion has over people. Now get on with it!"

"I guess the first thing to realize is that there are different types of love. There is love for your parents, your siblings, and your friends. This kind of love just sort of grows over time with familiarity and trust. You care about each other's well being, their happiness, their health, and that sort of thing. Sure, there may be arguments and the like, but underneath it all, you still want the best for each other and feel a certain sorrow when things go wrong and there is nothing you can do to help."

"Then there are those that are 'in love'. These people have found their 'soul-mate' as some like to call it. They want to share all their joys and sorrows. Spend as much time together as possible and all that. It actually takes a lot of work to stay together for the rest of your life. You need to put your own selfish desires, wants, and needs aside and consider the other first. A delicate balancing act, to say the least."

Then there are those who secretly desire to be spouses and parents, but have been hurt by love in their past. These people close themselves to the possibility of an intimate, personal love. They tend to do whatever they can for family and friends and usually get involved in causes for the good of others. At the end of the day they go home eat, sleep, read, or whatever, but are filled with a sorrow that comes from the lack of companionship..."


"Sorry, my lord. I did try to warn you that I wasn't an expert on the subject and probably wouldn't be able to explain it to your satisfaction."

"Yes...well, I get the general idea. It's a load of rubbish! All that time and effort for an emotion that no-one has any control over. Not to mention there is no guarantee that all that time and work will be returned in any way." Benedict spun the small globe on his desk. As he watched it spin, he said, "No, this is what it's all about; power and control. That silly emotion will be the downfall of Potter and his followers."

"Yes, my lord." Although Draco spoke the words, he started to wonder about the outcome of this war. He had never considered the power of love in regard to this conflict before. He quickly put the thought out of his mind and decided that his master was right. This emotion business would be Harry's downfall.

"Any more progress with Dudley?"

"He seems to have made somewhat of a breakthrough. He is actually doing a fairly decent job of controlling his magic. He is looking forward to making his cousin pay for the past."

"I don't care how much he wants to make him suffer. Let him have all the fun he wants...as long as Potter is dead in the end."


"So, as you can see, the school has been running smoothly in your absence. Josephine has been doing a fine job with the potion classes and the students have accepted her quite well. We have finished the lessons with your aunt. She is doing well in all areas, including the unforgivable curses. In all candor, I must say that I don't understand why you insisted on having her become proficient in those."

"Minerva, you were in this very office when Albus told us about Dudley's transformation and all that is involved. Aunt Petunia may be our only hope in the end. I certainly hope it doesn't come to that...but we must be prepared."

"I must agree with you there." Minerva paused and stared at the fire for a few minutes. She continued with her briefing, "As usual, the students will be leaving on Easter break on the Friday before Easter. That's about it for the time being."

"Thanks Minerva."


"You two have any more brilliant missions to send me on?" Harry said as he joined Remus and Mad-Eye in the office at Grimmauld Place.

"Harry, you have no idea how badly we feel about that night and the end effect on you," Remus said in a very apologetic tone. "You should have been able to take care of either situation with ease... which you did. Unfortunately we didn't consider the cumulative effect. You have our deepest apologizes."

"What are you on about? I'm not blaming you for anything. What other choice did we have? It's just one of those things, and I'm fine! Although I am curious how you obtained the information before the fact. I do have one idea on the matter, but need it confirmed first."

"Farquar had been meeting with Percy and relaying information to us."

"That's what I thought. Where is our little spy at the moment?"

"You mean the one who just walked through the door with tray full of tea and scones?"

"I thought you would all like some refreshment," Farquar said as he poured the tea.

"Thank you Farquar. Please sit down for a moment." Once the small creature had found a place to sit, Harry continued. "I understand you were in regular contact with Percy Weasley while he was in Romania. Is that true?"

"Yes sir. I thought the information would be helpful. Mr. Weasley was so insistent that he wanted to help you and everyone else in your fight against the Dark Lord, that we made a deal. I was very sorry to hear of his death."

"Why didn't you tell me what you were doing?"

"You were very busy at the time sir, and you had told me that letting Mr. Lupin and Mr. Moody know what I was doing was alright."

"Yes, I did say that didn't I. We all appreciate everything you did. You helped save a great many lives. Unfortunately, you were seen talking with Percy and now Benedict is on the lookout for you. He wants to make an example of you."

"An example, sir?"

"Yes, Farquar. He plans to kill you and put your head on a pike in the courtyard as a warning to other elves not to cross him. So, until further notice, I want you to stay away from Romania. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Now, may I have one of those scones please? They look delicious."


"You know Hagrid, it's been unusually quiet during the last five weeks. It's almost un-nerving. This is the longest I've actually acted as headmaster of this place since the school year started. I've even caught up on all my paper work!"

"Yeah, I know. This is the fourth time ya been down here in them five weeks. Not that I mind or anythin'."

"Come on now, I used to come down here a lot before all this crap with Benedict started. I've tried to explain that to you a few times since the war started."

"I know ya have. I'm just funnin' with ya. Does seem kinda strange though. Almost like things are back ta normal."

"I don't know if I'd go quite that far. Antonia is still in that damn coma. Josephine and I keep up our late night visits. Fortunately, we had so many volunteers that each one only has to spend a couple hours of their time there once every three weeks. Everyone has really been great about it. Aunt Petunia and Josephine are determined to keep a positive light on the situation. They are busy planning the weddings in their respective countries. Guess it kind of helps me too. I mean it gets my mind off the fact that all I can do is sit, and stare at her right now. Then again, when I start thinking about the weddings, I start thinking about the wedding night, which causes me to spend more time in the gym, which in turn gets me in better shape to face Benedict and hopefully end all this, which in turn..."

"Harry, you're ramblin'."


"I been seein' ya and Professor Steele out flyin' with Harold a lot. How's that comin' along?"

"Great! I think we only need another session or two and we'll be done with the transfer and infusion. After that it's just regular lessons and practice. He does love to fly. In fact, he's been going with to the Burrow with Evan and me to help Ron with the boy's flying lessons. It's pretty cool...we outnumber them for a change! Sophia visits on the weekend and I take Harold to see her every Wednesday. It will be nice when he learns to apparate and can come and go as he pleases. I think he feels that he is imposing on me or something."

"Did ya say somthin' ta him to make him feel that way?"

"Of course not. It's just that; because of his upbringing and the circumstances in his life, he isn't used to relying on anyone else for anything."

"Sounds like someone else I know."

Harry just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "So, how are things with you?"

"Ain't got no complaints. 'Cept when I do somthin' for the war effort, I just teach my class, care for my creatures, and tend to the grounds."

"Guess I should be going. Harold and Madam Pomfrey will be waiting for today's session by the time I get up to my office." As Harry opened the door, he turned around and said, "You are still planning to join us Sunday for Easter dinner aren't you?"

"'Course, wouldn' miss it!"


Once they had finished the session and Madam Pomfrey had performed her usual exam on Harold, Dumbledore said, "Thank you for your time Madam Pomfrey. If you will excuse us, I need to speak with Harry and Harold."

With a gracious nod of her head, she left the office and gently closed the door behind her.

"You have made remarkable progress Harold. You have become the powerful wizard you were meant to be. Harry, you have performed superbly in the administration of an ancient magic that has been used only once before in our history. Your last session will begin precisely at ten o' clock Saturday morning. The two of you are to arrive exactly at nine fifty...no sooner, no later."

"Albus, why are you suddenly taking charge of this when you've been a quiet observer for all these months?" Harry asked with a touch of annoyance in his voice.

Calm as ever, Albus replied, "All your questions will be answered on Saturday. In the meantime, allow me to use your own words...trust me!"

"Albus, I've been trusting you for thirty tears. Granted, most of the time what you did or did not tell me was all for the best. However, there were a few times when your reasoning was in error."

"I am sorry Harry. This has nothing to do with my opinion, and or reasoning. I am only a messenger at this point in time. As I said, your questions will be answered on Saturday. Now, there are two more details that need to be arranged. First, when you are ready to go home for the evening, please bring Minerva to your office as I need to talk with her privately again. Secondly, please tell your aunt to come to this office at nine o' clock on Saturday morning."

"Minerva and Aunt Petunia? Nothing like adding more ambiguity to this extremely exasperating state of affairs!" Harry's temper was starting to get the best of him. "I don't give a damn who the hell you want to talk to. You want to speak to the two of them; fine I'll deliver the message. Anything else? Or can I go have dinner?"

"Harry, I'm sorry..."

"Whatever, I'll take that as permission to go to dinner. Good night, Albus, I'll see you on Saturday. Harold, let's get out of here! Oh yeah, grab the paperweight."

Harold slipped the paperweight into his pocket. As they headed to the Great Hall, Harold said, "Harry, I'm more confused than ever. Just what is going to happen on Saturday?"

"I honestly don't know Harold. I'm just as confused as you are."


Both men had been quiet during dinner. As everyone started heading off to their evening activities, Harry leaned over and whispered, "Minerva, will you go to my office as soon as you get a chance? Albus has requested to speak with you privately again."

"Yes, thank you, I will go straight away. Good night Harry."

"Oh, Minerva, I changed the password to my office. It's now, 'curious'."

"That is an unusual choice."

"It fits my current state. Good night."

Harold walked over and asked, "Are you ready to go?"

"I think I'm going to walk home tonight. I'll see you there."

"If you wouldn't mind the company, I'd like to join you."

"Suit yourself."

The moon shone brightly on the landscape, revealing new plants emerging from their winter slumber. New leaf growth on the trees further emphasized the arrival of spring.

They walked in tense silence for awhile. Finally, Harold couldn't keep it in any longer. "Harry, you know how I said I was confused earlier?"


"Well, I'm more than confused, more than nervous; I'm almost paranoid about Saturday. You've been dealing with all this magical stuff for most of your life, but I've only had a few months exposure. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."

"Little late to be thinking about that now, isn't it? I told you in the beginning that it was entirely your decision as to whether or not you wanted to pursue your magical heritage. If you're concerned that you'll be physically harmed, rest easy. I've told you before, Albus would never have allowed us to go through with this if there were any danger to either of us."

"It's not the possibility of any physical harm that is bothering me. Remember, in the beginning, when we told Professor Dumbledore that we were going to do this procedure? He mentioned consequences for this decision, and having to deal with certain truth's that would be revealed. I didn't think all that much about it at the time, but lately it's invaded my thoughts and has been growing like a cancer."

Harry allowed those words sink in for a moment as they continued to amble down the road. "I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I have no concerns about Saturday; because I do. It has been ages since Albus was this enigmatic about anything! I have no doubt that, beside the completion of your transformation, some other revelation will be unleashed." Harry put his hand on Harold's shoulder and continued, "Come on, I believe there is a bottle of fire-whiskey at the house with our names on it!"


"Albus, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Minerva. The time has arrived. The long held secret of Harry's past will be revealed at ten o' clock Saturday morning."

"Do you really think this is the best time for this? With the war going on, Antonia in a coma, dealing with the Order and world leaders, and finally having found the true Petunia; doesn't the man have enough on his mind?"

"I'm afraid we have no more to say in the timing of this event than we had forty one years ago when Lily was pregnant. They increased the transfer rate, very impressively, I might add. Then they started the infusion process at the same time and added the assistance of Remus and Mad-Eye. All that is left is the one final session. Once that is complete, there is no way to stop the rest from being revealed."

"Albus, you know that I am not easily given to a state of nervousness. But I must tell you that this situation has set me in that position."

"I understand, but I need you to take care of something. Please contact the following people and have them at the castle by eleven o' clock on Saturday. I suggest you meet in the private dining room off the Great Hall and maybe have a light lunch or something. It will be sometime after noon by the time we send for you. In the meantime you are to explain to this group what is happening and why they have been chosen to be here. Do not let them know anything about why they are being summoned before you are all locked in that room. At some time during the procedure, the silencing spell will be lifted from you, Remus, and Mad-Eye."

"Obviously you want Remus and Mad-Eye there; who else shall I contact?"

"Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Madam Pomfrey, Josephine, Shinotqua, Evan, and Sophia. I believe Professor Steele would be the logical choice to contact Sophia."

"What about Petunia? Surely she should be involved in this?"

"Being the only living relative, she will be present for the entire session."

"How will we know when you are ready for us?"

"Fawkes will fetch you."


"I thought you said this stuff wasn't made for muggles to drink?"

While writing an answer to a post that was waiting for his attention, along with the owl who was very much refreshed by this time, Harry said, "Just send for the bottle and two glasses."

Without giving it a thought, Harold pulled out his wand and said, "Accio fire- whiskey; Accio two glasses."

Harry tied the note to the owls leg and sent it off. He then joined Harold in the living room and filled the glasses.

"You still haven't answered my question," Harold said as he examined the glass of brown liquid in his hand.

"Yes I have."

"You have? I think I must have missed that answer somewhere along the line."

"Really? Harold, when was the last time a muggle made a bottle of whiskey and two glasses float from one room to another by themselves?"

Harold froze. "Shit, I didn't even think about what I was doing!"

"I doubt there is much muggle left in you anymore. Hell, in a day and a half you'll be a full wizard!" Holding up his glass, Harry said, "Cheers!"

Petunia entered the room, smiled, and asked, "What are we celebrating?"

They both turned in her direction. Harry smiled, "Just a revelation that came to our friend here. Plus the fact that Saturday will be the final session in his transformation! Would you like some fire-whiskey?"

Holding up a snifter, she said, "Thanks, but I think I'll stick to brandy."

"Oh, before I forget," Harry's voice turning serious. "Dumbledore would like to see you in my office at nine o' clock on Saturday morning. I suggest you not be late and risking the wrath of his current mood."

"Why does he want to see me?"

"Don't know. He just asked me to give you the message."

"Alright, if that's what he wants."


Spring was making its debut in fine fashion this year. The combination of beautiful weather and the beginning of Easter break had set both students and faculty alike in moods of celebration and freedom.

After breakfast, Harry stood outside the main entrance to the castle. He wished each student a happy holiday as they headed to the carriages which would take them to Hogsmeade Station, where the Hogwart's Express waited to whisk them home. This was the first year anyone could remember that no students chose to remain at the castle for the holiday.

Not wanting to deal with Dumbledore today, Harry headed to headquarters to check on the status of things. Hearing the report that there was nothing new on the war front gave him some cause for concern as he wondered exactly what Benedict was up to. He was pleased to hear that Neville and his committee were assisting with the repair and rebuilding of Las Vegas. They were blending in well with the resolute muggle determination in the face of adversity. He decided to take Remus' advice and returned to the Hillside for a nice long kip.


Breakfast was an unusually quiet affair on Saturday morning. The tension building in Harold culminated when his juice glass shattered in his hand. Aunt Petunia let out a small scream and stood up. "I think I'd better be going, it's almost nine."

"Alright. See you there...I think." As she left the room, Harry repaired the glass, gazed at Harold, and said, "Would you relax!"

"That's easy for you to say. It's not your life that is going to be changed forever in the next hour or so."

"Positive of that are you?"

"What do you mean? This is supposed to be the final session in my transformation. What has that got to do with you?"

"Don't know, but something is up. All this secrecy by Dumbledore, private meetings with Aunt Petunia and Minerva. The fact that I'm not the one to conduct this session, but need to be there. The fact that no-one is telling me anything either. Somehow I'm going to be involved."

"If you believe all that; how can you sit there and be so calm?"

"It's not the first time I've been in a situation where I had to be there, but had no earthly idea as to why. Though I will admit, I'm not quite as calm as you might perceive me to be." The grandfather clock in the living room chimed as the hands reached nine forty-five. "Well, it's almost time, come on."

Once in Harry's bedroom, Harry told Harold to pick up the crystal paperweight. As Harold held the crystal, they watched the clock and waited. Precisely at nine-fifty Harry said, "Well, here goes nothing!" and touched the portkey in Harold's hand.


They looked around the office which had been re-arranged. The desk had been turned to face the gallery, two straight back chairs sat in front of the desk, also facing the gallery. All the other tables and the objects displayed on them had been pushed against the far wall. Harry noticed a shield charm had been performed blocking anyone from disturbing them. The center of the room contained about a dozen arm chairs set up for conversation. A separate chair, containing a nervous looking Aunt Petunia, had been placed next to Dumbledore's portrait.

"I suppose there is a logical explanation for the new décor, the shield and extra chairs? And why is Aunt Petunia here instead of Madam Pomfrey?" Harry asked.

"Petunia is present because this involves her as well as the two of you. The temporary changes in the office will become clear later." Dumbledore paused and considered the two men. His eyes seemed foreign to Harry, who had seen so many emotions expressed through them over the years. They appeared to contain conflicting emotions of sadness, sympathy, hope, and understanding all at the same time. Harry's angst was quickly approaching Harold's paranoia. "It is one minute to ten. Please remove your wands from your robes and place them on opposite ends of the desk. Now, sit down, face forward, and stay silent." With a final glance at each other, Harry and Harold silently did as they were instructed.


Remus and Mad-Eye arrived at the castle early and had gone straight to Minerva's quarters since the rest of those who had been summoned wouldn't arrive for at least an hour. There was no conversation to speak of. They all knew why they were there and what was about to happen. Nervous anticipation was not helping the overall atmosphere. As the clock struck ten, the two men looked at Minerva. She sat silently, hands clasped in her lap. She simply closed her eyes and bowed her head.


As the huge Hogwart's clock began its' deep chime, Albus softly said, "It is time."

Petunia sat silently while nervously clutching the handkerchief in her hands.

Harry and Harold watched in awe as the gold, silver, and wood frames around each of the portraits were replaced by lighted colors of the house each of the office's previous occupant's had belonged to. The lights started to pulse slowly, and gradually picked up speed. The cacophony of colors - the red and gold of Gryffindor, the green and silver of Slytherin, the yellow and black of Hufflepuff, along with the blue and bronze of Ravenclaw was absolutely mesmerizing! As the speed and intensity of the lights had reached a crescendo, they turned into a wall of blinding white light. The two men shut their eyes in self defense.

When it was obvious the light had faded away, they slowly opened their eyes. Four wispy figures hovered just below the ceiling. "What are those?" Harold whispered.

Harry whispered a quick reply. "The founders of Hogwart's."

Each of the four raised an arm and small spheres of light flowed to the middle of the office. The spheres were composed of every color imaginable and formed a substantial size ball. Two streams of the bright multi-color spheres engulfed the men causing them to temporarily assume non-corporeal forms.

Petunia's eyes were wide as saucers while she bit on her handkerchief. Feelings of joy and trepidation overloaded her mind. How would they react to the revelation of one of the most closely guarded secrets the wizarding world had ever known? More and more questions flooded into her already crowded mind until her head started to ache. Shaking her head she willed herself to clear her mind and concentrate on the spectacle unfolding before her eyes.

The stream of spheres from The Four and those entering Harry and Harold ceased, leaving only the suspended ball in the middle of the room. With a wave of his hand, Godric sent the ball out of the window and into the world.

As the light faded and their bodies revealed, Petunia gasped and covered her mouth. Except for his hair being slightly less wild, Harry appeared pretty much unchanged. Harold had experienced a more conspicuous transformation. His hair had turned black and was a bit more unruly, facial features were slightly altered and his eyes had turned emerald green.

The silence in the office was deafening. Harold reached over, grabbed Harry's arm, and spoke in a panicked tenor, "Everything is a blur. I can't focus on anything!"

As Harry turned to face him, he spied a pair of glasses on the formally empty desk. He instinctually picked them up and gave them to Harold as he said, "Try these."

Harold donned the glasses and his vision cleared immediately. "Harry, I'm frightened. Please tell me that this is some kind of bizarre magical dream."

Speaking slowly and softly, Harry replied, "It's no dream."

As they faced each other, looking into mirror images of themselves, Harold started, "You mean, you're really my..."

"Twin brother." Harry finished.

Silence returned as they stared at each other. Emotions swelled as the realization of the truth settled in. Tears started forming in the dual pair of emerald eyes. As tears started to cascade, they embraced and held each other tightly.

Petunia had almost completely lost control. Tears freely flowing, it was all she could do to control her audible sobs.


"WHAT?" came the unified response from Ron, Hermione, and Evan!

"I can't believe it," Hagrid emphatically stated. "I was over to the Potter house a lot o' times after Harry was born. I tell ya, there was only one baby there! The night you-know-who killed Lily an' James; there weren't nobody left 'cept Harry."

"It is true," Remus sighed. Fawkes flew in the window, circled the room once, dropped a note in front of Remus, and flew out. Remus read the note, checked his watch, and said, "My presence is required in the office in an hour."

"What about the rest of us?" Ron angrily asked.

Calmly, Minerva responded, "We will be summoned when they are ready. As much of a shock as this is to all of you, imagine what Harry and Harold are going through. There is much to be explained, and many emotions to be dealt with. I don't think it too much to expect us to just do what we are asked." Realizing the truth in her words, Ron slowly nodded his head.

"Why you Remus?" Hermione asked.

"I suppose it's because Harold is my godson."

"Wait a minute," Evan interjected. "You're Harold's godfather and you never said anything to him? What the hell kind of godfather keeps that kind of secret?"

Minerva held up a hand. "If you will all calm down, I will try to explain. There are only three people left alive that knew anything about this. Well, actually four, if you include Petunia. We'll get to her later. Anyway, Remus, Mad-Eye, and myself are those three people." She paused long enough to gaze around the room as all eyes focused on her, and all ears waited to hear the tale. "It all started several months before the boys were born..."


Harry released Harold as rage began to fill every fiber of his being. Turning toward the portrait, he roared, "You knew. You've known all these years and you never said a single word. Was I just some sort of amusement for you? It wasn't enough that my parents were killed and I had to endure the Dursley's all those years. Of course there were all the secrets and all the other shit I had to bear for seven years in this damn school. Then there has been the last twenty three years since I saved the bloody world, where I have been teaching, traveling, putting down minor Voldemort wanna-be's; all the time trying to figure out why I should be alone on this planet with everything that has been expected of me. Let's not forget how I got tricked into taking a job that isn't what it appears to be, my fiancée is in a magically induced coma because of some bloody madman, and, once again, I'm supposed to save the world. And all that time you knew I had a brother...a twin brother at that!" He paused to catch his breath and collect his thoughts before resuming his diatribe. "If my life wasn't bad enough, it was nothing compared to what Harold has had to deal with all these years. Somehow he gets dumped thousands of miles away, and is raised by people who aren't even remotely related to him. He knows nothing about who his parents really are. His magic was shoved so far back into his being, that not only couldn't he use it, but no-one even knew it existed! If he didn't know Evan and the Johnson's, he never would have had the slightest clue that our world even existed. There is more to his story, but I suppose you're not interested in the other lab rat! Have you enjoyed this all these years? You and whoever else was in on this sick experiment, or whatever it was. My God, I don't think Benedict could have come up with something so cruel and sadistic!"

"THAT IS ENOUGH, HARRY!" Petunia yelled. "You have gone too far over the top."

Harry tried to stand up, but was forced back into his chair. He didn't even ask who was forcing him to stay seated. He rounded on his aunt. "Really? I suppose you were in on this entire web of deceit too? It took so many years to forgive you and to put the past behind us. I welcomed you into my home and went so far as to re-introduce you to the magical community so you could start a new life. I hope you enjoyed your little deceit."

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore roared. "Alright Harry, you've had your opportunity to vent. Your aunt was right in saying that you went over the top. Now follow your brothers example; sit quietly and listen."

"Sit quietly?"

Harold grabbed his brother and dug his fingers deep into his shoulder. "Harry, this involves me too. I want to hear what the Professor has to say. Now sit there and SHUT-UP!"

Still trembling and breathing hard, Harry dropped his head into his hands and tried to compose himself.

With a slight nod in Harold's direction, Dumbledore began. "This all started during the fifth month of your mother's pregnancy, when it was revealed that she was carrying twin sons. The powers that be, knew you were the only hope for the world to survive Voldemort. If you were to fail, Voldemort would plunge the world into a darkness, despair, and depression that would last for over two millennia. It would take at least that long before the next hope for the world come along. The decision was made that the two of you would be split up at birth as a precaution; in the event that something should happened to one of you, the other would be able to carry on."

"Hang on," Harry interrupted. "You mean, you and The Four made this decision?"

"Heavens no. First of all you must remember that I was headmaster at the time of your birth and was nowhere near as powerful as you are. No, the decision came from powers above The Four."

"You mean, like...God?" Harold asked.

"No, not that high. I don't have the time to explain all the levels and complexities involved in the supernatural at the present time. Suffice it to say, there is a hierarchy that exists beyond your reality that is similar to that of any corporation or government. But I digress."

"Wait a minute. How was it that you and mum and dad agreed to all this?"

"I was against it at first. Your parents nearly went out of their minds over the mere suggestion of such an idea and fought vehemently against it in the beginning."

"In the beginning. So what happened that caused mom and dad to finally agree to this bizarre arrangement?"

"Two things actually. First of all, they were shown scenes of what the future of the world held if they did not agree to the arrangement. I am here to tell you that those scenes of the possible future gave a whole new meaning to the phrase...hell on earth. They still weren't totally convinced that all that would happen if they didn't agree. It was more than a daunting concept that their still unborn offspring would actually be responsible for saving the world from such a fate."

Dumbledore hesitated, trying to decide whether or not to reveal the rest. Electing not to keep any more information about their story from them, he reluctantly continued. "In desperation to convince your parents, and against all the rules and sensibilities, your parents were threatened. James and Lily were told that if they didn't co-operate, the pregnancy would be terminated."

"Terminated!" Harry said in shock. "Just want kind of beings are these?"

"Believe me, even though their ploy was successful, they were severely punished by the powers above them and were banished from having any more contact with, or even allowed to offer an opinion about the corporeal realm of existence again. You see, it doesn't matter on what plane a being exists, there exists some form of good and evil, right and wrong, all under the guise of free will. As I've told you many times over the years, Harry, it is not the powers or gifts that one possesses that define us...it is the choices we make in using those powers and gifts."

"We get the idea, Professor," Harold said shyly. "But, if you don't mind, can we get back to the rest of our story?"

With a small smile and the twinkle back in his eyes, Dumbledore said, "You are quite correct, Mr. Potter. Please forgive the ramblings of an old, former headmaster. Now, where was I? Ah yes. Right or wrong, the ploy was successful, as the mere suggestion was absolutely appalling to your parents. The idea that the lives their love had created would be destroyed was simply unfathomable. With heavy hearts and the unanswered question of why it had to be their sons that were to bear this burden, an elaborate plan was devised and agreed upon. It was decided that the first born would stay in Godric's Hollow with your parents while the second was to clandestinely be placed in America for his own security."

Harold interrupted. "Excuse me, Professor, but why was a family as selfish and uncaring as the Dorsey's chosen?"

"At the time they were chosen, they were nothing like the people you remember. Hard as it may be for you to believe, they were actually a loving couple who had just had a child of their own and were enjoying life. In many ways, they were very similar to James and Lily. They freely accepted the invitation of becoming your foster parents, and welcomed you with open hearts."

"If that were true, what caused them to change so drastically?"

"Patience, dear boy, I will get to that in due course."

"I assume mum and dad chose our names before we were born." Harry noted. "So what is Harold's real name?"

"Harold is his given name."

"Hang on. Who gives their children, even if they are twins, basically the same name? What was the purpose?"

"As much as I hate to admit it; it was my idea," Dumbledore said. "As so much in this strange and sorted tale, it seemed appropriate at the time."

"Appropriate?" Harry asked. "This, I've got to hear... please, go on."

"Under the circumstances at the time, it made a great deal of sense. The first born would be Harry James, while the second would be Harold Jim. This was reluctantly agreed upon with the hope that the reasoning behind it would never come to fruition. The plan being that should something happen to Harry, Harold would be able to seamlessly take over with no one being the wiser. It would further confuse Voldemort and his followers as to the powers of Harry Potter. If they thought they had finally destroyed the 'boy-who-lived', and he suddenly re-appeared...well, it would even give Voldemort pause as to what he was actually up against. Harold was given the sir-name of Porter as it was close enough to Potter without being so clever as to backfire. Changing only the first letter of his last name was considered, but quickly dropped as being too ridiculous and actually dangerous."

"Albus, how could Harold have just stepped in if something had happened to me? He was raised as a muggle, not even aware of the magical world, not to mention it would have been impossible for him to have had my memories and experiences. There seems to be a bit of a problem in this plan!"

"Quite the contrary, Harry. The procedure you so amply performed over the past few months, would have taken The Four less than an hour. Further, from the time you became aware that you were a wizard, until the final defeat of Voldemort, a talisman recorded your every thought and experience. Using the muggle vernacular, it simply would have been downloaded into Harold. Now, before you start in on another one of your tirades, let me put your mind at ease. The moment Voldemort was destroyed so was the talisman. No-one ever had the slightest inkling as to what it recorded."

Before Harry could utter a sound, Harold spoke up again. "Can we back up to our birth, please? Surely Petunia...um...Aunt Petunia." He glanced over and said, "Sorry, that's going to take some getting used to."

"Quite understandable, I know the feeling." She quietly stated.

Harold continued, "Anyway, Aunt Petunia had to know about this and there were probably others that knew about us too. How is it that this never came out before?"

"Petunia's memory was altered and blocked by a very powerful charm. As far as she was concerned, her sister gave birth to only one child. The charm she has been under all these years is somewhat rare as the memories were still in her mind, but could not be accessed until the block was removed. That charm was finally removed two hours ago." Dumbledore paused, raised his eyebrows, and continued, "Until two hours ago, Harry, she had no memory of any of this at all."

Harry looked at his aunt and said, "Aunt Petunia, I - I'm so sorry. Once again I jumped to a conclusion before I had all the facts. It's been one of my downfalls all through my life. I hope you can forgive me."

"Under the circumstances, I fully understand. We'll not mention it again," Petunia said with her eyes cast downward.

Dumbledore looked at Harold and said, "I am trying. Yes, there was a small group of close friends who were aware of the two of you. Shortly after you were taken to America, the memories of those in that group, including myself, were partially blocked. We still knew you about you, but couldn't utter one syllable about you. Further it also blocked anyone from looking into that part of our minds and finding out about you. All this was done for your own protection. There are only three from that group that are still alive; Minerva, Remus and Mad-Eye. Their blocks were lifted when the procedure was completed a short time ago. They are explaining the story to a few close friends of yours as we speak."

"Like who?" Harry asked.

"That is unimportant at the moment," Dumbledore retorted. "The day you were born was hectic to say the least. The midwife that assisted in your delivery commented on the relative ease of the deliveries. Your mother had other words for it at the time. Harry was born first and Harold arrived twelve minutes later. You were both perfectly healthy baby boys with all the required parts. Once the midwife had signed the birth certificates, she was taken into another room where her memory was modified. To the day she died, as far as she was concerned, she had delivered one baby that day. Your mother was insistent that you be christened immediately. Sirius rushed into the village to fetch the Anglican priest. Due to the fact that there were only two people present beside your parents, Sirius Black became Harry's godfather and Remus Lupin became Harold's godfather. The priests' memory was modified, and he was sent on his way. A few family pictures were taken of the four of you, and a few others were taken with your godfathers."

Harry interrupted again, "So where are these pictures?"

"In due time Harry. Do let me stay on the main story here. There is much to get done in a short period of time." Albus, thought for a moment, then continued. "The moment your parents had been dreading had finally arrived. Slight altercations to Harold's appearance were made, so that he would not look like his twin as he grew up. They were not major, just enough to where any resemblance would seem coincidental, as you have witnessed over the past few months. An unexpected, and unexplained, bonus was that until today Harold had perfect eyesight. It was then my unfortunate task to accompany James and Harold to the Dorsey's in Minnesota. This had to take place as quickly as possible for everyone's protection. Make no mistake about it Harold - you were never abandoned by your parents. Every day one or the other would go and spend time with you. Whenever they could get either Sirius or Remus to stay with Harry for awhile, they went to see you together. Toward the end it became more and more difficult for them to continue their visits, because they knew they were marked for death and being watched by Voldemort and his followers."

Dumbledore paused as he watched Harry and Harold hold a short whispered conversation. They looked up and Harry said, "Sorry, please continue."

"That fateful night arrived when your parents were murdered and Harry was attacked. Harry was brought to the Dursley's and left on their doorstep with a note explaining everything. The rest of his story is so well known, that if I'm not mistaken Harold, thanks to Evan and the Johnson's, you had even heard about Harry long before the day you and he ever met that day in Minneapolis."

Harold nodded and waited to hear the rest.

Once Harry was safely taken care of, I apparated to the Dorsey's. I informed them what had transpired and gave them a sum of money to help lessen the burden of raising you. Things had not been going well with them monetarily, which was affecting all aspects of their life, and I thought the money would help. At the same time, for your protection, I had to modify their memories to forget about your parents and the magical world altogether. Unfortunately, as their situation worsened so did their tolerance of you. When you reached the age of eleven, Harry came to Hogwarts and found that your parents had left him a small fortune. Part of that money took care of his education with a substantial amount left over. The vault next to Harry's at Gringotts contained an identical sum of money left for you. Being trustee of the accounts, I withdrew enough to send you to St. Gregory's for the entire seven years."

"So you were the mysterious benefactor!" Harold said.

"Oh no. Your parents took care of your education. I only made the arrangements."

"So why weren't we ever told about each other?" Harry asked.

"Once you vanquished Voldemort and graduated from Hogwarts, Harold graduated from St. Gregory's and entered the academy. The time simply never seemed right. Your lives had settled very similarly in the two different worlds. True, you got into teaching after graduation, but you continued to fight dark wizards around the world. Harold was doing essentially the same thing in the muggle world. Between what the two of you have accomplished in the two worlds, you have saved hundreds of millions of wizards and muggles alike. The main difference being that Harry has had to fight the fame and publicity all his life, while Harold has done everything in almost complete obscurity. Your parents are unbelievably proud of both of you!"

"Why were we allowed to go through the procedure and find out about all this now? What makes now any different than the past ten, twenty, or thirty years?" Harold asked.

"Because you found each other and set all this in motion yourselves. Nobody had the right or power to stop this. The best we could do was to observe and make sure everything was done properly."

"Although you are identical twins, there are three distinct differences. Harry still has his scar, and will have it to the day he dies, whereas Harold obviously doesn't. Harold's powers are equal to those Harry was born with. Harry has, and always will have, the powers he accidentally received from Voldemort, along with those I passed on to him. Finally, the knowledge and memories each of you has individually acquired up to this point are yours and yours alone."

"I don't know if you noticed it earlier or not, but the ball of spheres that assisted in your transformation was sent out to cover the globe as it finished with the two of you. All traces of Harold Porter have been replaced by Harold Potter."

"Are you serious?" Harold asked.

"I believe you have muggle identification in your billfold; driver's license, credit cards and the like?"


"I suggest you look at them."

Harold pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and checked his license. Not only did it read 'Harold Jim Potter', but the picture had changed to match his true appearance. He checked out his credit cards, and even his old library card, to find that all of them had changed too. With some skepticism in his voice, Harold asked, "Is that what I really look like now?"

Harry responded with a bit of sarcasm, "What do you mean? If we're identical, what would you expect to look like? Aunt Petunia, since it appears that I'm still not allowed to use magic yet, would you get the mirror from the table behind the shield please."

"Certainly dear." Pointing her wand at the table on the far side of the room, she ordered, "Accio mirror."

Harry took the mirror and held it head level over one shoulder. "Okay, look for yourself."

Harold compared his reflection to Harry. "Unbelievable! Hmmm, these glasses are going to take some getting used to."

"Not if you want to see anything other than one big, blur!"

"Well, I obviously got my bad vision from you." Harry just rolled his eyes. Harold pulled his hair off his face and motioned for Harry to do likewise. Staring at the two of them, he said, "Well, at least I'm not a marked man."

"At least they're starting to sound like brothers," Petunia said.

"So it would appear," Albus replied. "Petunia, would you please open the top center drawer of the desk?" Once she had it open, he continued, "Now, touch your wand to the bottom of the drawer and say, 'reveal'." She followed his directions and found a red and gold velvet ribbon attached to the edge of the drawers' bottom. "Now slowly pull the ribbon up and remove the large envelope hidden under the false bottom and give it to Harold."

As he took the envelope, he asked, "What is this?"

"There are several smaller envelopes inside containing your true birth certificate, pictures of you and your parents taken during their visits with you at the Dorsey's, and the key to your vault at Gringotts. I should tell you that once Harry found an investment manager, I used the same gentleman and instructed him to make identical investments with your funds. The result should please you very much. There is an envelope in there that has Harry's name on it, please give it to him. You have one with the identical contents, but you both might want to look at one set right now."

"Are you telling me these have been here all this time?" Harry asked.

Albus smiled, "Not only have they literally been right under your nose for all these months, but have been in that desk for almost forty one years. You see, sometimes the best hiding places are the most obvious."

Harry opened the envelope and pulled out the contents. It was a set of pictures taken the day of their christening. Pictures taken of the four of them during the brief time they were a complete family. Also a few of Harry in Sirius' arms and Harold in Remus'. Petunia looked over their shoulders as her eyes welled up again.

Quietly, Albus said, "Harry." He tore his eyes away from the pictures and looked at his long time friend and mentor. "You may have wondered why The Four didn't help in replenishing your powers after that night in China and Switzerland. Knowing this day was fast approaching, they needed to bank as much energy as possible. They have a very special and rare gift for the two of you. It will use a great deal of their power and energy, but they feel you both deserve it."

"That sounds very generous. What is it?"

Three soft spheres of light appeared next to the portrait of Albus. Harold asked, "What are those?"

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, two of them are my...er...our parents. I'm not sure who or what the third one is."

They looked up as Godric said, "Harry and Harold Potter, we can never make up for all that you have been through over the past forty years, nor can the world ever show its' true appreciation to either of you. We offer this gift for your reunion as a token of our gratitude." The Four extended their arms and immediately two of the spheres turned bright white. The light grew in intensity until it blinded the confused men and forced them to shut their eyes. When it was apparent the light had subsided, they opened their eyes and stood up speechless. Standing directly in front of them were their parents in corporeal form. It was somewhat of a strange sight, since the twins were almost twice the age of their parent's human form.

Without taking his eyes off them, Harold whispered, "Harry, is that r...really them?"

Harry's heart was beating so hard and so fast he could feel his pulse throughout his entire body. Quietly, he replied, "Yeah, that's really them."

"Can we touch them?"

Before Harry could answer, James and Lily walked toward them, stretched out their arms, and tightly hugged their sons for the first time in almost forty years. The four of them stood holding each other, tears flowing freely.

"My precious sons," Lily started. "You have no idea how sorry we are for what you have had to endure all these years. We hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive us."

Harry sniffed, his voice shaky as he said, "Forgive you for what?"

Wiping his tears, Harold quickly added, "It's not like you planned for any of this to happen."

James slowly shook his head and spoke with a certain amount of amazement, mixed with great pride. "We are so incredibly proud of everything the two of you have accomplished. We only wish we could have been there for you and given you the family life we had always dreamed of."

James gave a slight nod to Lily, who took Harold by the hand and led him over to the group of arm chairs. She held both of his hands as they sat down. Her effervescent green eyes still filled with tears ready to spill over at any moment, stared lovingly at the son she had so agonizingly watched be taken from her on that night so many years ago. Her lips quivered as she started to speak. "Harold, I can't even begin to tell you how much I loathed what we had to do. Tears came every night, followed by nightmares. Your father faired no better. He was riddled with guilt and longing for his other son. The choice, not that there really was one, was absolutely excruciating. As much as I detested the idea of giving you up, I unquestionably was not going to allow anyone to end your life before you even had a chance to live it. And the view of the future world that would have come to pass if the two of you weren't a part of it, and able to stop Voldemort, was utterly atrocious. We couldn't allow that to happen, no matter what the personal cost. I know this must sound like a long list of excuses, but it is important for you to understand and believe that you were always loved and missed. Having Harry with us helped, as babies have a way of making one feel good as they discover the world around them. At the same time, it amplified your absence. I just..."

Tenderly, Harold said, "Mom, please stop." The pain in his mothers' eyes and voice had sent a new stream of tears down his cheeks. "I understand you did what you had to do. You and dad had no real choice in the matter. To tell you the truth, the reasons are actually easy to understand compared to the sudden idea of a brother, an aunt, an altered appearance, and a new name. I can't hold what had to be done against you and dad. I love you." Silently, they sat and held each other.

Reaching across Harry's back and putting his hand on his shoulder, James said, "The Four have another surprise for you, Harry."

As Harry glanced up, he saw them stretch out their arms and start the process again. Harry closed his eyes until the light dimmed. Opening his eyes he instantly said, "Sirius!" When they had finished their embrace, James led them over to join Lily and Harold.

They were seated in a semi-circle, making it easier to view each other as they talked. The sound of the office door unlocking and the minor creek of the door as it opened, caught their attention. Remus walked only a few feet into the office and froze. The door closed behind him and locked itself.

Once he had recovered from the initial shock at the sight before his eyes, he took a deep breath and said, "Oh my...this is certainly more than I expected!"

One by one he embraced his old friends. As he reached Lily, she stood up, embraced him, and said, "Here, take this chair."

"No, I'll just grab another."

"No Remus, you go ahead, I have something else to take of." She turned and walked toward her sister. "Petunia, were you planning to hide back here the entire time? We only have a few more minutes."

"I didn't want to interfere."

"What do you mean - interfere? You're my sister."

"I know that. But with the horrible way I treated Harry for so many years, I didn't think you'd want to see me, and I didn't want to face your wrath."

"Petunia, I watched the way both of my sons were raised. I wasn't happy, but it is in the past and they have both turned out to be fine men. More importantly, Harry has forgiven you, and the two of you have become a family. I have no intention of ruining what has finally happened."

"Well, at least Vernon isn't here to see all this."

"Let's face it Petunia, Vernon wouldn't be caught - even dead - at Hogwarts!"

Though weakly, Petunia had to smile at that, and said, "You certainly have a point there."

Lily reached out, took Petunia's hand, and led her over to the others. The small group sat and quietly talked for a few more minutes when they heard a soft, "Sirius."

Sirius looked up, then, slowly back at Remus and the twins. "I'm afraid it's time for me to say good bye."

Remus rose and embraced his old friend saying, "I am honored to have been included. It was good seeing the three of you again; you have no idea how much I've missed you all."

As Sirius held his shoulders, he said, "You have done a great deal of good over the years, Remus. The future holds a new, and long overdue, happiness for you."

Embracing Harold, he said, "I am glad to have been able to see you once again. I wish you many, many, years of happiness with your rightful family and in the magical world."

"After all I have heard about you; I'm glad to have had the opportunity to actually meet you too."

Sirius placed his hands on Harry's shoulders and gazed deep into his emerald green eyes. Harry managed a weak smile as he listened to his godfather. "Although we only had a short time together those many years ago, I have been watching. You have overcome many obstacles, dangers, and heartaches to become one hell of a wizard. I am very proud of you and proud to be your godfather. I am thankful that you have finally been reunited with your brother and that you have found a breathtaking woman to share your life with. Be happy Harry." He pulled his godson into a tight hug and held on.

Harry whispered, "Thanks for everything Sirius. I've really missed you."

Not taking his eyes off Harry, Sirius released him and took a few steps back. The bright light engulfed him. As the small group opened their eyes, the small sphere twinkled, then, vanished.

James said his farewell to Petunia while Lily spoke with Remus. Switching places, James and Remus shared a few last memories of days gone by while Lily and Petunia quietly spoke.

"Lily, I can't thank you enough for including me in this today, especially considering my past sins."

"Petunia, enough with the past; it's over and done with. You now have two nephews, my sons, to care for now. Enjoy them and get to know them even better than you do. The time will come when they will need you more than you can possibly imagine right now. When that time comes, I will be watching... and counting on you."

With a questioning expression on her face, Petunia gave her sister a final hug.

Petunia and Remus withdrew to a couple of chairs in order to allow Harry and Harold to share the remaining precious few moments alone with their parents.

Taking his mother's hand, Harold sadly asked, "Do you have to leave so soon?"

Understanding eyes and an encouraging smile that only a mother can give her child, appeared on Lily's face. "Harold, I know the magical world is new and wondrous to you right now. In time you will learn that, as with anything else, the magical world has its' limits. The gift we have been given today is extremely rare. Always remember it and cherish it." She held out her other hand to Harry. "You have both found beautiful, intelligent, and loving women. We give you our love, our blessings, and all our hopes that you each have long and happy lives with them. Though it has been said many times over the years, it is as true today as the first time it was spoken. When you have children of your own, always remember; the most important thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother."

James put his hands on their shoulders and said, "There is nothing I can really add to that except to reiterate how enormously proud we are of both of you. Always remember, each of you is very powerful in your own right...together you are all but invincible. Be cautious with that power. Use it only for the benefit and good of others; to do otherwise would be foolish and disastrous. You have much to do over the years to come." He paused for a moment. "Our time here has come to an end."

They broke into pairs, Harry and James in a long embrace, while Harold and Lily hugged. Slowly, they switched. Reluctantly, they separated from their sons. James finally started to step back, taking Lily's free hand. Harry was still holding her hand as they retreated. He gradually opened his grip as they stepped farther back, until their fingertips finally parted. Determined not to close their eyes completely, both men squinted, forcing slight slits in hopes of not loosing sight until the spheres reappeared. The transformation completed, the two spheres twinkled and then disappeared.

They looked up at The Four as Harry said, "Thank you."

Harold said, "Yes, that was incredible, thank you."

"Helga said, "For all the pain and suffering we have caused in your lives, it was the least we could do for you. Now...get to know each other and start being the family you were meant to be."

As The Four faded away, the newly discovered twins sat in the two open chairs between Remus and Petunia. Astonished over everything that had transpired, they all sat in silence trying to come to terms with the innumerable thoughts and feelings that filled their minds and hearts.

A flutter of wings caused them to turn and watch Fawkes fly out of the window. "I suppose he is on his way to tell the others that they can come up now," Remus quietly said.

"Others? What Others?" Harold asked.

"A few of the people closest to Harry, along with a couple that are close to you, Harold. You'll see soon enough."

"I suppose this is what Albus wanted to talk to Minerva about on Thursday evening," Harry looked at Harold and sighed. "How the hell are we going to explain all this? Hell, I still haven't totally accepted any of it. I feel that we've been pawns in a giant chess game or something!"

"You won't have to explain anything, Harry. Once the secret had been made known to the two of you, the spell that had kept Minerva, Mad-Eye, and myself silent all these years was lifted. Minerva and Mad-Eye have been explaining it to the rest while I've been up here."

Harry's temper was on the rise. He stood up and started pacing. "Oh really. Is there any part of my life that is actually mine? DAMN IT! Who could come up with such an idea? Did you all enjoy watching this little game play out? I hope I...er...we, didn't disappoint anyone."

Harold jumped up and grabbed Harry's shoulders. "Hey, this isn't just about you. Why are you yelling at these people? You should understand far better than I that they were under a spell and couldn't do a damn thing about it!"

"Yeah, I know it affects you too. I just can't figure out how you can be so calm about all this!"

"In my line of work you quickly learn to keep your mouth shut and evaluate the situation before making any rash decisions or statements. It really comes in handy when you have no magic to fall back on. Anyway, is the idea of having me for a brother that repulsive?"

Hearing those words caused Harry enough embarrassment to calm himself a bit. He looked into the new pair of emerald eyes and said, "No, of course not. That's the one positive thing to come out of all this. Naturally it's going to take some time getting used to having a brother. Not to mention the fact that it's really strange looking at you and seeing myself."

"Oh yeah? Except for the fact that your hair isn't quite as unruly, you haven't changed. I'm used to looking at you, but how long is it going to take me awhile to get used to looking into a mirror to shave or whatever, and see you staring back at me?" He let go of Harry and turned away. "At least you've been here with all these people watching over you and helping you all these years. Once mom and dad died and stopped visiting, not that I can remember them, I was left alone with no one to watch over me."

"That is not exactly true, Harold." Dumbledore said, finally breaking his silence. "My old friend, Olaf Johannessen, the current Minister of Magic in America, has been watching over you these many years. Unbeknownst to you, he even helped you out of a few tight situations on more than one of your missions over the years!"

"That would explain his reaction at the meeting a few months ago," Harry exclaimed with a sudden guise of realization. "I suppose I should send him an owl explaining that the truth is out and thank him for watching over Harold."

"I'm so confused, I don't know if I should be thankful or angry at this point," Harold muttered.

"Enough with all this anger from both of you!" Aunt Petunia said with an unusual quantity of authority in her voice. "I would think that above everything else, the two of you would be giving thanks for finally learning the truth. Neither of you is alone in the world anymore. Not to mention that you have just received the most rare and extraordinary gift that any muggle or wizard has ever experienced. Short as it was, you were actually privileged enough to see, talk with, and hold your parents who were taken from you almost forty years ago. If for no other reason than to show your appreciation to The Four, and a desire not to disappoint your parents after everything that has happened; you should be giving thanks, figuring out how to adjust, and starting to get to know each other better. You have four decades to catch up on, and even more than that ahead of you!"

The two men turned and looked at each other. Harry said, "She's right. I'm not angry with you. You're just as much of a victim in this as I am. In some ways, maybe more." He relaxed a bit, and with a small chuckle said, "I guess I can get used to seeing that face outside the mirror."

"And I suppose I can get used to shaving it. The glasses may take a little longer to get used to. It would have been better if they gave you my vision." Harold paused for a moment and started to smile. "You realize what this means to the world?"

"Another set of twins for the census?"

"With everything you have done for the wizarding world over the years, and my few accomplishments in the muggle world..."

"Few accomplishments?"

"Whatever. Anyway, the Potter brothers are now truly a force to be reckoned with. Benedict, and whoever may be foolish enough to come after him, had better think twice before messing with us!"

"I don't want to think about Benny boy or anything else at the moment." Harry stammered as he continued. "I just want to...er...well..."

Harold stopped, looked at Harry, and said, "Yeah, me too."

The brothers embraced and held each other tightly. A minute later, the click of a lock was heard, followed by the muted creek of the office door opening. They parted and watched as the small group entered the room and abruptly halted.

"Oh-my-God!" exclaimed Hermione.

"It's true," Ron added. "They're identical!"

Harold casually commented, "Nothing gets past this bunch."

"Really Ron, you act like you've never seen twins before." Harry continued, "After looking at Fred and George all your life, one would think you, of all people, would have a grasp of the concept."

"Bloody hell, Harry. They were like that before I was born; it was just the way things were. It's a bit different when your best mate of thirty years has suddenly been... duplicated."

Sophia made her way to the front of the group and stared at the two men for what seemed an eternity. Decisively she walked over to Harold and gave him a tender kiss.

With a certain amount of astonishment, he asked, "How did you know it was me?"

"First of all, I've looked into those eyes, no matter what color, too many times over the years not to know you. Second, you don't have a scar on your forehead. And third, you don't have an accent."

Harry cocked his head and raised his eyebrows. "Hang on. If anybody has an accent around here it's him."

Harold said, "You've got to be kidding!"

"Need I remind you that you are in the United Kingdom? If anyone has an accent, it's you!"

Harold rolled his eyes and turned back to Sophia. "Do you think you will be able to adjust to this change? Not in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine anything like this when I agreed to the procedure."

"Well, it will take a little getting used to, but it's still you, and it's you that I love."

Harry and Josephine talked about what Antonia would think about all this once she was back with them. Mad-Eye had loads of questions for Remus. As Josephine went over to talk with Petunia, Harry looked at Minerva who had patiently waited until the others had greeted him.

"So, you've known all these years and never said a word," Harry stated.

"Yes and no. In the beginning I was under the same spell that Remus and Mad-Eye were under. A year before you received you Hogwarts letter, Albus performed a Memory Charm on me, effectively blocking any memories of the entire situation. He felt it would be easier, with less inner conflict, if I wasn't constantly reminded of something I unable to speak about. That charm was finally removed the first time he asked to speak with me in private. The original charm was removed a couple hours ago when the truth was revealed to the two of you." She paused with a thoughtful smile. "I hope that once the initial shock wears off, you will both find some of the long overdue happiness and sense of family that you have yearned for, all these years."

"I think that has already started, though we certainly do have a way to go." Harry noticed his long time friend still standing in the doorway. "Excuse me Minerva, but I think I should find out what's up with our friend over there."

Harry walked over to the wall next to the door and asked, "What are you doing over here Hagrid?"

"I didn't want ta get in the way."

"Get in the way of what? What are you on about?"

"Ya know - it's a family thing."

"Hagrid, except for a couple of people who aren't here right now, this is my family. And you're the one that started it all! You were the first, and you have always been there for me. You're as much a part of my family as anybody else here. Hagrid, if you hadn't rescued me from the Dursley's thirty years ago, none of this would be happening now."

Hagrid sniffed as he looked down at the boy who lived. "It jus ain't fair. Ya two havin' ta wait all these years. Look at everythin' ya been through, an' Harold too. The two a ya should have growed up together and had Lily an' James there ta teach ya and ta love ya."

Harry's eye's filled with sympathy for the frustration his friend was trying to express. "No, I don't suppose it was fair. There are no hard and fast rules in life, and we all must learn to deal with whatever comes along the best way we can." Gradual understanding entering his own thoughts and feelings, Harry continued. "Yes, it would have been lovely to grow up with Harold under the love and guidance of mum and dad. I don't suppose we'll ever know why all this had to befall our family. I do realize that had mum and dad not agreed to the plan there is a good chance Harold and I might not have had any life at all. Further, the world would be an absolutely appalling place to live had Voldemort succeeded in his plans. So many questions and so few answers. There will always be the 'what if' questions about the past, but I guess the best thing to do is just go forward." After contemplating his own words for a moment, Harry said, "Come on Hagrid. Let's join the others."

"I suppose you know that you probably have one of the most unique godfathers in history?" Remus quietly asked as he raised his eye's to meet Harold's.

"Yeah, Harry has told me a lot about you."

"When things settle down a bit, we'll get together and have some long overdue conversations. I can't tell you how relieved I am that that bloody charm has finally been removed. It was bad enough all those years when we were separated by an ocean and half a continent, but the past few months, with you being right here and me unable to say one word on the subject, have been almost unbearable."

"I look forward to getting to know you Remus. Right now, just knowing I have a godfather is amazing!"

Everyone was talking at once, asking questions, looking at the newly found pictures. Sophia, feeling protective and a bit out of her element, was not far from Harold's side. Madam Pomfrey wanted to check Harry and Harold, but was having no luck whatsoever.

Raising his voice above the prattle, Dumbledore said, "Your attention please! It is almost time for the Potter's to leave. Please say your good-byes."

Harry and Harold glanced at each other curiously. Looking at the smiles of those gathered in the office, it became apparent that they were the only ones in the dark. Harry turned toward the portrait and asked, "Time to leave? Albus...are we going somewhere? I don't have time for a holiday right now."

In his usual, matter-of-fact manner, Dumbledore replied. "In a few minutes, you and your brother will be transported to a deserted island in the South Pacific where you will be marooned, as it were, for the next ten days. In that time you will get to know each other and work together."

"Work together?"

"Yes Harry. The two of you are going to restore that island into the paradise it once was."

"That shouldn't take ten hours, much less ten days!"

"There is a little more to this project that I haven't gotten around to yet."

Harry's eyes narrowed as he asked, "Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this?"

Looking over his half moon glasses, Dumbledore said, "Truthfully Harry, I think you are going to hate it!"

Desperately trying to control his temper, Harry took a deep breath before speaking. "Well, get on with it."

"The powers you received from me, along with those you received from Voldemort have been suspended until your return."


"I haven't finished. That leaves you with the powers you were born with, equal to those Harold possesses. Since your birthright powers are so formidable, the vast majority of those have also been suspended in both of you. In short, you have minimal magic for the next ten days. I suggest you use it sparingly and wisely."

"Wait a minute," Harold interrupted. "We go through all this to get me my powers and into the magical world; then you turn around and take them away before I even have a chance to get used to them?"

"I am afraid so."

"Albus, I'm sure there isn't a damn thing I can do about any of this, but I would appreciate an explanation of the purpose for all of it."

"Harry, you have done an outstanding job in Harold's transformation. Not only in the transfer of his powers, but also introducing him to our world and everything involved with it. Though I doubt he consciously realizes it, Harold has developed a great trust in, knowledge of, and appreciation for you. On the other hand, as fond as you are of Harold, you don't posses that same level of trust, knowledge, or appreciation for him."

"So stranding us on some island and severely limiting our powers is going to somehow instill these things in me?"

"Harry, your father told you that the two of you had much to do in the years to come and together you would be nearly invincible. The only way for that to come about is by a mutual bond of trust, knowledge, and appreciation. The only thing that is well on its' way in both of you is the growing love each of you is developing for the other. You spent your first eleven years being raised as a muggle. Since then magic has always been a part of your life and has been of great assistance in everything you have accomplished, no matter what it involved. Harold on the other hand, has spent his entire life as a muggle and is extremely knowledgeable at dealing with any type of situation without as much as the smallest magical thought. In short Harry, you are going to have to rely on your brother in order to accomplish the task that lies ahead."

Harry shook his head and said, "I don't suppose there is anyway to talk you out of this?"

"I had very little to say in the matter. This was actually your father's idea. The Four agreed to it and have taken care of everything. I am simply here to explain it. Harold, this is far more your element than your brother's. If he gives you too much of a hard time, I suggest you just...what is that muggle term? Oh yes...slap him upside the head."

"Uh, yes sir." Harold turned toward Harry, a devious smile growing. "You know, this might be kind of fun after all!"

Harry just rolled his eyes. "What about Antonia? I can't leave her for ten days."

"Antonia's condition will remain unchanged and there are plenty of people to take your early morning visits."

"Can we at least go to the Hillside and pack a few things?"

"Ron and Even were sent there a short time ago and packed a few things for you. Hagrid has added the other items you will require, and the house elves have included enough food for the duration. Any other questions?"

"Why bother? You'd have an answer anyway."

Looking satisfied, Dumbledore said, "Finally. Now, Hagrid, if you would be so kind."

"Oh, yes Professor." He walked out of the office and returned almost immediately carrying two backpacks. Holding them up behind the men, he said, "Well, strap em on." He held them in place while they slipped their arms through the straps and buckled them. "Ready?" Once they had nodded, Hagrid smiled and let go. Both men tipped backward. Keeping his hands at the ready, Hagrid pushed them upright again until they adjusted their balance.

"What the hell do you have in here? I thought this was for ten days, not ten years!" Harry protested.

"Only what ya goin' ta need. Be thankful ya ain't hiken' there."

Evan collected their wands from the desk and brought then over saying, "You might need these. That is, if they won't add too much weight!"

"Thanks," came the unified, though sarcastic, reply.

Sophia came over and kissed Harold good bye. "Be careful."

Harold smiled, "I'll be fine. If you really need to worry about somebody, I'd suggest you worry about your future brother-in-law!"

"Very funny," Harry retorted mockingly. "You're actually enjoying this, aren't you?"


Aunt Petunia came over and kissed each of them on the cheek. "Take care of yourselves. We'll miss you at Easter dinner tomorrow."

"Gee thanks. Anyone else want to rub it in?"


With a large sigh, Harry said, "Yes Ron?"

"Have fun!"


With Harold smiling and Harry's pained expression, they disappeared.

"This has got to be the most bizarre day of my life!" Hermione said.

"Yeah," added Ron. "It was all worth it at the end though. Did you see that expression on Harry's face?" Everybody burst out laughing.

Petunia called out, "Don't forget dinner tomorrow. Josephine and I will expect you around two o' clock. I think we'll have more than enough to talk about after a good night's sleep. And Ron, don't forget Molly, the boys, and your brothers."

"Don't worry, we won't." He turned to Hermione and lowered his voice, "As if we could...even if we wanted to."

Playfully hitting his shoulder, she said, "Ronald! Come on let's go home."

Ron and Hermione flooed to the Burrow to share the news with the rest of the family. Evan and Shinotqua finished their quiet conversation when Evan spoke up. "Ok everyone, let's not bother the house elves tonight. How about dinner at The Three Broomsticks? It's on us!"

Everyone agreed and started heading to the door. "I'll be down in a minute," Petunia said.

"I'll join you there, this may take a few minutes," Minerva said as she walked toward the window.

"That's alright, we'll wait in the main foyer. Take your time," Evan said.

Petunia went over to the portrait and said, "Thank you Albus. This has been the most wondrous day. Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined anything like what happened here today. I just hope everything works out well for them now."

"It will...with your assistance."

"I don't think I understand what you mean."

"You will, when the moment arrives." He watched as confusion and concern engulfed her. To lighten her darkening mood he asked, "Would you mind returning Harry's office to it's proper order?"

"Oh, of course not." With a wave of her wand, and the word, "Return," they watched the office return to its' normally organized state.

"Thank you Petunia. Now, I suggest you go and enjoy the holiday with your friends."

Smiling at the sound of those words, she said, "Thank you again Albus. Good night."

Once Petunia was safely out of the office, Minerva approached the portrait. "Do you think this was the best course of action Albus?"

"There was no choice in the matter. Once the two of them finally met, it set off a chain of events that no one on earth, or anywhere else, could stop. Although neither was consciously aware as to why they developed such a close relationship so quickly, their subconscious emotions actually knew who the other was. The only thing we could do was assist in guiding them toward this day and make sure all procedures were followed and performed correctly. The rest is up to them now."

"Will they be alright on that island with no real magic to speak of for ten days? I still don't fully understand the purpose for this time of isolation."

"There is much for them to do for both the muggle world as well as the wizarding world in the years to come. They must learn about each other and establish complete trust in each other. Of course, this experience will be much harder on Harry than it will be on Harold."

"Why is that? Harry has dealt with so much over the years, I would think it would actually be more difficult on Harold."

"You must remember Harold has accomplished just as much in the muggle world as Harry has in our world. The difference being, Harold has done everything in relative obscurity, while Harry has always had certain amount of notoriety to contend with. As news of the Potter brothers begins to spread, Harold is going to have to adjust to the fame and attention that will inevitably follow. Harry will be able to help him adjust to that with very little problem. On the other hand, Harry will have to share the spotlight that has shone solely upon him for so many years. In fact, there will be occasions when he will have to deal with second billing to his brother. This will not be easy for Harry to accept."

"But Albus, Harry has never sought the fame and notoriety that has followed him all these years. If anything, he has always tried to downplay it, if not ignore it, as much as possible."

"That is true Minerva, but at the same time, it has always been a part of his life. Giving up, or at least sharing, that spotlight will not come easy. It will be up to Harold to help him adjust to that new situation. Which brings us back to the island."

"I am still listening. Will they be successful in restoring the island? Will this experience actually bring them closer together in the way you hope it will? Further, exactly how is this type of experience suppose to achieve its desired effect?"

"There are a few levels involved in this plan. First of all, this island is very special to Harry and Antonia. Those memories will instill a desire to succeed on Harry's part. In the end the island will be better than it was originally. Secondly, this will force the two of them to learn to depend on and trust each other. During the abbreviated course of their time on the island, they will undergo an intense infusion of familiarity that most siblings encounter over many years of growing up together. Among other things, they will talk, laugh, cry, argue, and even fight."

"Albus, you don't mean it will actually come to physical blows?"

"That is exactly what I am telling you Minerva. Harry is going to find that his brother is just as stubborn and has as volatile a temper as he has. Although Harry keeps himself in good shape, he lacks the knowledge and experience to defend himself in a situation where he can't rely on magic. Harold on the other hand is quite an expert in that area. While this experience has been designed to help both of them, I am afraid it will be far more arduous on Harry than it will be on Harold. However, they will both live through it, become better men, forge a stronger bond, and will be able to accomplish spectacular feats in the years to come!"

"You're telling me that our troubles will not end with the demise of Benedict." She cast her eyes downward, shook her head, and asked, "Is there no end to all this Albus?"

"I am sorry to say that any possible end is farther into the future than anyone can imagine at the moment. This is true in both worlds. As much as Harry has been doing to keep the two worlds separate, this trouble with Benedict will open the door to reveal the existence of our world to the muggle world. Ron Weasley is already spreading the seeds of acceptance and understanding in that area. Unfortunately, it will be a long and perilous road. There will be other wizards to follow in Benedict's footsteps; some will even team up with the evil muggle leaders that periodically appear, who try to gain power by killing millions in their quest to obtain their ultimate goal. Harry and Harold, their children and grandchildren will be the main force in the world's hope of freedom and ultimate peace."

"Oh-my-stars. That seems far too much to expect from one family. It is terribly unfair that those who are expected to lead the fight for peace, love, and goodness in the world should suffer so much in their own lives."

"It is grossly unfair Minerva. Yet, it seems to be the way it has happened throughout not only our history, but muggle history as well. We have some amazing powers as part of the magical world; but as Lily told Harold a short time ago, even the magical world has its' limits. The Garden of Eden is long gone. There will always be some kind of conflict between good and evil, and those who will lead and sacrifice to make the world a better place. After a moment of silence, Dumbledore gave an understanding smile and said, "I believe there are some people waiting for you downstairs Minerva."

"So there are. Good night Albus."


Dropping their backpacks behind them, Harry and Harold stood on the beach of the devastated island staring at the uprooted flora strewn about in every direction. This seemed to be an impossible task without the use of magic. In a dejected voice, Harry asked, "Now what?"