Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
Children of Ministers around the world have been kidnapped! Harry finally contacts The Four. A summit meeting of all world leaders, both magical and muggle, is arranged.
Author's Note:
As always, my thanks to my faithful and patient beta's...Michele and Jen.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 9

A Global First

It had taken Harry many years, but he finally realized the value of expressing his feelings instead of keeping them bottled up. Of course, many times he was still hesitant to share them with others.

He flew aimlessly for several hours. He needed to release his anger, frustration, and sorrow over the loss of Hedwig. He sped through the trees like a madman, dodging tree trunks, limbs, and bushes. He'd fly straight up for a thousand feet and then dive toward some object at top speed, pulling out at the very last second.

Finally, he slowed his pace and leisurely flew toward Grimmauld Place. He started to enjoy the view and the cool night air rushing past his face. As he approached the city, he made himself invisible as not to be seen by any muggles.

It was four in the morning when he finally arrived at number twelve. He immediately took a shower and washed his clothes. Once that was done he decided to get some sleep on the couch before everybody started to arrive.


Petunia had arrived at the Burrow early, as requested. "Even though I'm getting better at it, I'm still not crazy about this fireplace travel."

Molly chuckled, "Well, thanks for coming anyway. We really appreciate you watching the boys while we're at the meeting. Sit down and join us, we've just started breakfast."

She joined Ron and Hermione at the table while Molly poured her a cup of tea.

"Where's Harry?" asked Ron.

"I have no idea," Petunia replied with a concerned look. "He went up to the castle in the middle of the Quidditch match yesterday. Some time later, he sent a note which said he had to attend to something and wanted to be left alone and he would see me after the meeting today. I'm a bit concerned as he never came home last night."

Ron thought about it for a minute, and not wanting Petunia to worry, said, "Well, Harry gets that way sometimes. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Meanwhile, Hermione explained to Petunia how she could contact them by floo powder if any problems arose while they were gone.


Remus and Mad-Eye arrived at Grimmauld Place at the crack of dawn. They were surprised at the appearance of the house when it revealed itself. Remus took hold of the new knocker and remarked, "Nice touch!"

Hearing the door open, Harry jumped off the couch and headed into the front hall. Remus and Mad-Eye were just entering as Harry rounded the corner and said. "Hi, glad you could make it."

"Harry, what have you done to this place? It looks fantastic! The outside alone was enough to make me look at the address twice," Remus said. "The inside is even more impressive...and no cursing witch!"

"I figured that if we were going to use this as our headquarters again, I'd better make it presentable. After all, no one has lived here for over twenty years. Once I got rid of any remnants of dark magic, I kinda got carried away. Come on in and sit down. I'll give you the full tour when the others arrive."

They made themselves comfortable in the living room while Harry made some coffee. He returned with a tray of sweet rolls along with the coffee. "Is it only the two of you?"

Remus said, "Tonks will be along later. She had to finish up a report on her last mission. Other than that, I'm afraid that's about it. You know how many members we lost in the last war with Voldemort, and the few remaining aren't in any condition to be of much use anymore. Truth be told, the two of us will help in any way we can, but mostly by way of planning and advising. Of course, we'll do anything else that may be necessary, and is within our abilities."

"I understand and appreciate any help, ideas or advice I can get. I would like at least one, if not both of you, to stay here at all times to monitor and co-ordinate with the other members. I have also set up a media room similar to the one I have at the Hillside with muggle television and computer capabilities. You will be able to monitor any unusual events in the muggle world and determine if there is any correlation with happenings in our own world."

"I see you took my words to heart after these many years," said Mad-Eye. "Constant vigilance is the key to knowledge and protection."

The front door opened again. Molly and the rest of the Weasley clan had arrived followed by Minerva and most of the teachers from Hogwarts. A few minutes later, those on Harry's and Hermione's lists arrived. In all, there were about fifty people in the house.

Harry had to yell in order to be heard over all the greetings going on. "PLEASE FOLLOW ME!" He led them into the newly expanded kitchen which looked like a mini version of the Great Hall at the castle. There were three rows of two long tables. Each table able to accommodate eight to ten people. The tables were set and had several "bottomless" coffee carafes and platters of sweet rolls for all to enjoy during the meeting.

As everyone found a seat, the noise gradually died down.

Harry stood up and said, "I'm glad you could all make it on such short notice. Most of you know each other and the rest will get to know everybody in short time. Unfortunately, we have too much to do today to deal with the pleasantries and social aspects. We must get organized and start thinking of plans and contacts. Remus Lupin and Mad-Eye Moody will be the planners, coordinators, and advisors of the Order. One, or both, of them will be here at all times. This is their third dealing with the Order, so they are valuable assets."

"For those who are not aware why we've rushed into resurrecting the Order, let me explain. Before Voldemort was destroyed, he fathered a son. Benedict is now twenty three and intends to take up where his father failed. He is far more dangerous and evil than his father was, and has plans that will affect the entire world...wizards and muggles alike."

There were hushed comments being made around the room. Harry took the opportunity to drink some coffee and managed a couple bites of a sweet roll.

Peter LaPointe, one of Hermione's contacts, asked, "How do we know that there is imminent danger? I mean, if you've known about this Benedict for all these years, why now? Why the sudden hurry?"

"That's a fair question," Harry said. "We managed to get a spy planted in Benedict's inner circle several months ago. A few weeks ago, he managed a short meeting with me and told me what he had learned so far. With that information, I conferred with a few others and we agreed that the time was right. Further, the first volley happened yesterday."

This statement caused a new round of comments and even a few gasps here and there.

Minerva asked, "Is that why you left the match yesterday and then didn't want to be disturbed?"

"Yes," Harry said biting his lower lip. He continued in a soft and somber tone. "Those of you that have known me for several years also know my owl Hedwig. Well, yesterday, s-she was murdered."

Ron's mouth dropped. Hermione, Ginny, Molly, Minerva, and several others gasped with tears. Many started expressing their sympathies to Harry.

Harry held up his hand for quiet. "I thank you for your sympathies, but there is more. Our spy conjured a casket for Hedwig and had two owls bring her body back to me. He enclosed a note telling that Benedict had done it himself. He also said that there was more to come, though he did not know what or when. In short, it has begun."

While this news was sinking in, they heard voices in the front hall. Tonks and Antonia entered the kitchen.

"Hi Harry! Tonks said, nodding her head in Antonia's direction. This witch and I almost apparated into each other behind those bushes across the street. She says she knows you. Is that true?"

Harry took Antonia's hand and pulled her next to him. "Tonks, this is Professor Antonia LaFortezza. She is our new potions teacher at Hogwarts. She is also my lady friend. So, yes, I'd say she knows me."

He kissed her forehead and said, "You're late. Where have you been?"

With a look of annoyance, she said, "It's Sunday morning."

"Oh...right. Sorry, I forgot. You look upset. What's wrong?"

"I stopped to say hello to my cousin who is the Minister of Magic for Italy. When I got there, he and his wife were frantic! Their children have been kidnapped and they have no idea who took them or why!"

Tonks interrupted, "That's why I'm late. First of all, Draco Malfoy and about a dozen other prisoners in Azkaban have escaped! Apparently, they managed to get your cousin, Dudley, out of the muggle prison too. To top it all off, the office has been inundated with reports from the Ministries in the United States, Canada, Mexico, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and most of the other European countries that children of all the Ministers have been kidnapped!"

Hermione instantly grabbed Ron with sheer terror on her face. She turned and, in a shaky voice said, "Harry!"

Squeezing Antonia's hand, he whispered, "I'll see you later."

"Minerva, please take some of the other teachers with you and return to the castle, check on the students and make sure all is secure. Remus, please take over here." He turned and faced Hermione and Ron, and said, "Okay, let's go."

In an instant, Harry and the entire Weasley family were at the Burrow.

Everyone immediately fanned out in different directions to search the house and grounds thoroughly. After failing to find even the slightest clue, they reassembled in the kitchen. Molly was in tears, while Ron and Hermione were absolutely frantic and couldn't even put two words together!

Fred started to make a pot of tea while George retrieved a bottle of fire whiskey to add to it in the hope of helping everyone to calm down.

Bill said, "I think it obvious that the boys have been kidnapped with the rest of the children Tonks told us about."

"Harry, where is your aunt?" Charlie asked. "She isn't a child, why would they take her?"

"Guess they used her as a substitute. She is the only family I have."

At that statement, everyone froze and just stared at Harry.

He looked around the room at their faces and felt the anger rising inside. "Don't even THINK about going there. You all know damn well that this has been my family for almost thirty years now. It just so happens that Aunt Petunia and Dudley are the only two blood relatives I have in the world. I can't figure out why they broke Dudley out of prison though. I mean there is no love lost between the two of us in any way, shape, or form. Not to mention that as big of a bully he was in the muggle world, when it came to the magical world, he's absolutely terrified."

"Sorry mate," said George. "I guess nobody is thinking clearly at the moment."

Ginny noticed on object in the middle of the table and asked, "What's that?"

Harry looked down and reached for the locket and attached note. "It's a locket I gave Aunt Petunia. It serves as a personal portkey to get her between the Hillside and Hogwarts." He silently read the note, then, tossed it on the table. He looked up with a satisfied expression on his face.

Ron read the note and asked, "What does he mean that you didn't expect this to fool him? Why would he care about a simple locket? And what are you looking so satisfied about?"

Harry said, "The locket also contained a 'homing device', as the muggles call it. It would enable me to find her in case of an emergency."

"What good is it going to do now if she isn't wearing it?" asked Charlie.

"I put a transference spell on it. Each time she used it, the homing signal became part of her bones, completely undetectable by any means, including magic."

"So what the hell are you waiting for?" said Hermione in a rather loud and anxious tone. "We're talking about my children here!"

Harry looked out of the window and said, "That; the sun to get below the hills."

"What difference does that make?" she demanded.

"Hermione, calm down. If you would just think for a minute, you'd figure out that Aunt Petunia and the children are not in any immediate danger. Kidnappers want to keep people upset and nervous so they will panic when they release their demands. Further, I haven't done this before and don't know exactly what to expect."

"Haven't done what before?" asked Molly.

He ignored the question and said, "I have to go to the top of the hill in the backyard." He walked out the back door and headed toward the hill.

Too curious as to what was going to happen, everyone got up and followed him. He stopped at the bottom of the hill. "I don't know exactly what is going to happen, so, please stay here. I don't want to chance anybody being injured." He then hiked up the hill alone.

Once at the top of the hill, he stood straight, arms slightly out from his body, and palms facing forward. It occurred to him that he didn't have to say the incantation out loud. All he had to do was think about it. Gradually, an ivory colored glow started to radiate from his body. Slowly, the glow started to pulse and tiny spheres of light started shooting into space in all directions.

The Weasley's stood in awe at the bottom of the hill. None of them had ever witnessed this type of magic before. Ron and Hermione had informed the rest of the family about Harry and his extended powers shortly after they had learned about them, but this was the first time anyone had actually witnessed any of it.

The spectacle continued for several minutes. Finally, the pulsing stopped. The ivory glow changed to a bright white light momentarily and then faded back into Harry. He slowly raised his face skyward and opened his eyes. After a few deep breaths he walked down the hill and joined the others.

"That was incredible Harry," said Bill. "I've never seen anything like it! Were you able to find out anything?"

"Let's go back inside. I need something to drink." Harry said.

Once he drank some tea, he said, "Well, first of all, everyone is alright. They are being held in an old military barracks in Iceland. It is well guarded by a number of complicated charms and spells. Aunt Petunia is doing everything she can to keep all the children calm and occupied. None of them are being mistreated. Dudley is being held in a cell in the old prison on the base and is paranoid as hell."

"So, what are we going to do? How do we get them out of there?" Molly blustered.

"Molly, relax." Harry said. "We can't do anything yet. As I told you, the place is protected by numerous charms and spells. Most important is the fact that they are alright and in no immediate danger."

"Bill, you've got all that experience with breaking ancient curses." He continued, "I'd like you to add to that knowledge as much as you can. You have free reign to the library at Hogwarts and I'm sure Hermione can grant access to any information the Ministry may have."

Hermione nodded in agreement. "Yes, anything you need."

"Hermione and Ron, tomorrow morning I need the two of you to start contacting all the Ministers in Europe. Tell them about their children. Also have them contact the heads of their respective countries. They should be ready for an emergency global meeting...soon! I'll dispatch members of the Order with contacts to deliver the same message to the other remaining Ministries."

"Molly, Fred, and George. I would appreciate it if you could assist Remus and Mad-Eye at headquarters." Looking at the expressions on the faces of the twins, Harry knew what was coming. "Before you two start up, it's simply easier to have you there when we need help elsewhere. The same goes for you Charlie, if you are able to stay."

"Of course I'm staying. I remember the last time around. Not to mention the fact I have three nephews currently in the center of all this. I'll arrange an immediate leave of absence."

"I thought you might." Harry said. "In fact, can you go back to headquarters now and fill them in on what we've learned so far? I've got to get to Hogwarts."

"You got it," said Charlie. He apparated immediately.

Harry tossed some floo powder into the fireplace. "Minerva McGonagall, Hogwarts." A moment later Minerva said, "Harry, I was wondering when I was going to hear from you."

"Is everything alright there?"


"Good. Can you find Antonia, Evan, and Shinotqua and meet me in my office in fifteen minutes?"

"Certainly, I'll see you then." She immediately left to find the others.

Harry turned around and said, "Neville, I need you to continue teaching as usual for the time being. I will speak to Professor Sprout about filling in for you in case we need you."

"Ginny, if you could manage to be at the castle for a day or two to substitute for those that will be making contact, it would help a lot."

Ginny said, "That won't be a problem at all. Anyway, I have an urge to see my own children with all that's happening."

Harry took a deep breath. "Alright then, you all know what to do. I'll see you at headquarters tomorrow. Hermione, try not to worry...we'll send the boys back." With a 'pop' he was gone.

A moment later he was in his bedroom only long enough to grab the paper weight and then was standing in his office. He heard a small sound and turned toward it. "Fawkes, you're growing already! I hope you grow fast. I may need your help soon."

He heard footsteps on the stairs to the office. "Albus wake up. You're going to want to hear this." Dumbledore opened his eyes, but said nothing. As the four professors entered, Harry was conjuring up chairs for them. "Please, sit down."

Once everyone was seated he explained the events that had taken place since he left Grimmauld Place.

Antonia was relieved to hear that her cousins were alright. Albus was impressed with the homing charm Harry had devised. All were concerned with what it all meant.

Harry said, "It would appear that Benedict is using intimidation first. I can't figure out any reason for this course of action, except to invoke fear among the leaders of our world. Maybe he figures that if he can break the resolve of those in charge, he'll have an easier time taking over."

"I came up with an idea, which even I must admit, is extremely ambitious and next to impossible. I believe that the situation is serious enough to warrant giving it a go. It is of vital importance that both the wizard and muggle worlds be united against Benedict and his followers from the beginning."

He explained his plan and how Ron and Hermione would be contacting the European Ministers. "Antonia, I told them not to bother with Italy as I thought you'd prefer to inform your cousin personally. Minerva, you are in charge of contacting the Ministers in Asia and the Middle East. Shinotqua, you've got Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Evan, you have North, South, and Central America."

I've arranged for other teachers to help cover your classes. I also have Ginny Longbottom coming to substitute and, if necessary, the Weasley twins."

"Evan, you said that the American Minister is a friend of yours and that he knows the American President rather well...correct?"


"Great. I would like you to accompany the Minister to the meeting with the President. We are going to have to get his permission to use their Cheyenne Mountain complex for the meeting. It's already one of the most secure muggle sites in the world. And being so deep inside the granite mountain, we won't have to use too many spells to hide the dramatic increase in magic caused by the gathering of all the Ministers."

Evan nodded, "That should be no problem. Of course, I doubt the complex has any auditorium large enough to accommodate that many people."

"Sometimes I worry about you my friend." Harry smiled. "I don't think it will be a problem to enlarge the auditorium for the few hours the meeting will last!"

"Right. Sorry...I wasn't thinking." Evan said. "What about the language problem?"

"I will take care of that at the meeting."

"Of course you will. How silly of me."

"Not silly," Harry replied. "All of you listen to me. Never be afraid to ask a question, point out a problem, or offer a suggestion of your own. I don't have all the answers, I can't think of everything, and I am most certainly capable of making mistakes. If there are no other questions, I suggest everyone get some rest and get started first thing in the morning."

"Where are you going to be? And what will you be doing if we need to contact you?" asked Shinotqua.

"I will either be here or at headquarters." Harry said. "I have to help get everyone started on a couple hundred portkeys to transport all the world leaders to and from the meeting. I am also going to start working on a plan to rescue Aunt Petunia and the children. Oh yeah, I have to talk to Dobby about a house elf that would be willing to work at headquarters. And I'm sure I'll think of a few other things in time, not to mention that other people will have questions and ideas. I might even try to get an hour or two of sleep."

"I didn't mean...er...I wasn't trying to imply..." stuttered Shinotqua.

Harry held up his hand to stop her. "I'm sorry, I know what you meant. I just have so much that has hit me in the past thirty six hours, that my mind is spinning. If you could stay behind for a moment, I have a question for you."

Shinotqua nodded and stayed seated while the others left.

Once they were alone, Harry sat down again and asked Shinotqua about the spell she had used on Aunt Petunia. He related the incident about the bedtime story with the Weasley boys and her response to his statement about not realizing she even knew any stories.

"The imp charm is similar to those muggle medicines with the time release element. It kicks in when necessary, but the potency diminishes over time. The charm I used on her should have ended by now and she is pretty much on her own."

"I see," said Harry. "You certainly seem to have worked wonders for her and I just wanted to thank you again. Let me walk out with you. I have to go to the kitchen and see Dobby."

Just as they started to leave, a soft voice said, "Harry."

"Albus, can it wait until I finish with Dobby? You know I have to come back here before I can go home."

"That will be fine."

They set out through the corridors. Upon arriving at the main entrance hall Shinotqua went up the stairs and Harry headed down to the kitchen.

He had barely stepped through the door when Dobby was by his side. "Hello, Harry Potter, sir. Dobby is wondering when you would be here."

Dobby grabbed Harry's hand and led him over to one of the tables. He pulled out a chair for him and said, "Have some tea, and biscuits...I be right back."

As Dobby disappeared, three other elves carried over a silver tray with a pot of tea, a cup, and a plate of biscuits. He thanked them and poured some tea into the cup. As he bit into the biscuit, Dobby returned with another elf.

"Harry Potter, sir... this is Farquar."

"Hello Farquar. Nice to meet you."

"Farquar is ready to be your house elf at your new headquarters, sir," said Dobby feeling very proud of himself.

"How did you know about that Dobby? Have you been listening to my conversations in my office without my knowledge?"

Tears started running down his face and his bat like ears drooped down along the side of his head. "Oh no, sir. Dobby would n-never do that. Professor Dumbledore told me about the headquarters and asked me to find one of the best house elves at Hogwarts to help Harry Potter."

Harry closed his eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry Dobby, I should have known that you would never do anything like that. So, tell me, how did you decide on Farquar here?"

"He is young, strong, and a good worker. He is also good at keeping secrets. He will never tell anyone anything he hears at the headquarters, except for Harry Potter."

"Well Farquar, what do you think of all this?"

"It will be an honor to serve Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, sir. I am sure I will do a good job for you."

Harry was taken aback by the proper use of English by a house elf. "Where did you learn to speak like that?"

"Professor McGonagall taught me when I was young and I have worked hard to remember everything she taught me."

"I'm very impressed! I do have one condition before I say yes."

"Yes sir?"

"Will you be willing to open your mind and allow me to probe it?"

"I am willing sir, but I'm not sure how successful you will be unless you understand elfish."

"I speak many languages, including elfish. Shall we get this over with?"

Farquar nodded and stared into Harry's eyes. They sat frozen staring at each other while Harry searched the small creatures mind. Finally, Harry closed his eyes and sat back. He shook his head in amazement at how complicated the small creatures mind was.

He leaned over and whispered, "Does she know how you feel about her?"

"Oh no, sir. I am not yet worthy."

Harry smiled, "Somehow I doubt that. But, it is your decision. Can you be at Grimmauld Place at ten tomorrow morning?"

"Yes sir. Not a problem."

"Alright, I will see you then."

He turned and faced Dobby. "Thank you, Dobby. He seems a fine choice." He finished his tea and returned to his office.

"Alright, what did you need to talk to me about Albus?" Harry asked as he sat down and rubbed his burning eyes.

"I wanted to tell you that I had talked to Dobby about finding a house elf for Grimmauld Place. I suppose you already know that?"

"Yes, Farquar will start tomorrow morning. Thank you."

"I also wanted you to know that watching and listening to you earlier made me very proud! The way you have taken charge and started to get things in motion so quickly. I knew you were the right person for this job."

"Thanks, but I haven't done anything yet. If there is nothing else, I really need to get some sleep."

"The only other thing is that I would think it a good idea to communicate with The Four sometime in the very near future. At least consider it...please."

Standing up, he looked at Dumbledore and said, "I promise I will give it serious consideration...just not tonight. Now, I don't wish to be rude, but I really do need some sleep. Goodnight Albus." As he spoke the last word, he grabbed the paper weight and appeared in his bedroom.

Harry went straight to bed and tried to sleep. He could not push all the thoughts and images out of his mind, but finally fell into a restless sleep. He tossed and turned most of the night and woke up several times to find himself in cold sweat.

Lying there, staring at the ceiling, self doubt and self pity started to creep into his thoughts. His mind started racing in all directions of doubt, wondering who he thought he was that he could take on such a monumental task. How many people would die this time around because of a decision he made or an idea that he put into motion? Why did he have to always be the savior of the bloody world? Why was it that every time he started to experience some happiness in his life, some disaster had to befall the wizarding world and it was up to him to make things right? Why couldn't he have been born an average wizard with average powers and have a nice average life? He never wanted all the fame, power, and responsibility that had been dumped on him for almost thirty years now.

Suddenly, the furniture started to shake and knick knacks started to fall of the night tables. At first he thought it was an earthquake. He then realized it was actually his anger taking on a physical reaction!

"STOP IT!" he roared. "Get a grip Harry." The shaking subsided and he found he was talking to himself. "Stop doing this to yourself. You know the answers. You've been through this hundreds of time. You know there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. In short, DEAL WITH IT!"

The episode had done the trick once again. Having vented and then scolding himself had cleared his mind enough to calm down and get a few hours of sleep.


Harry awoke feeling somewhat rested. He quickly showered and got to headquarters as soon as he could. He found Molly cooking breakfast for those who were wandering around the house checking the muggle resources, planning out different strategies and keeping lists of reports coming in from all over the world.

"Morning everyone," he said as he sat down helping himself to coffee, eggs, bacon and toast. "Before I forget, there will be a house elf arriving at ten o' clock. His name is Farquar and he'll be here to care for the upkeep of the place."

Remus looked up and said, "Well, that will certainly help. Tell us, what have you come with."

He explained what Ron, Hermione, and the teachers were doing as they spoke.

"I'll say one thing for you, Harry. When you do something, there is no half way about it!" Remus exclaimed. "Do you think that all these leaders will actually attend this summit?"

"The people I sent can be very persuasive. If all these leaders are worth anything, they will realize the importance of what is at stake."

Harry paused and said, "Fred, can you and George go to Hogwarts and help with classes? Ginny should be there, but she can't substitute for all the teachers at once. It should only be for a couple days."

"Not a problem, mate. We'll leave immediately."

Harry called everyone in the house into the kitchen. "I thought about having a giant scavenger hunt for objects to turn into portkey's, but changed my mind once I thought about who was going to be using them. So, instead, we are going to have to conjure up about two hundred of these." He held up something that looked like a muggle airline ticket. "Once made, just toss them in this box. We will have to wait until the final arrangements are made to do the final changeover."

Periodically Harry would close his eyes to check the status of Aunt Petunia and the children. As long as they were being fed and not mistreated, he wasn't overly worried.

Harry took Remus and Mad-Eye into another room to start discussing a plan to rescue the hostages.

Harry sat there slowly shaking head, and said, "Any way you look at it, this is not going to be easy. It will not only have to involve the best we've got, but I believe a little 'special' help will be required. I can't explain that at the moment. You will just have to trust me."

The three of them started the planning process with a sketch of the abandoned military base that Harry had been able to supply with his connection to the hostages. With Bill's assistance, he had figured out most of the protective charms used to guard the place. It seemed an impossible and extremely risky task. Of course, it was further complicated by the fact there were children involved.

They took a break for lunch. As they entered the kitchen, they noticed that Antonia had arrived. A short time later Ron and Hermione joined the group and gave their report. The Ministers had been relieved to hear their children were not harmed, but they were naturally anxious about what was to come and how the children were going to be rescued. They had each agreed to contact their country's muggle leaders about the summit.

Tensions that were already high kept climbing as the hours passed. One by one, the other messengers arrived with reports similar to Ron and Hermione's.

Finally Evan arrived. "Sorry to take so long, but, not only was I able to accompany the Minister to the White House, I was also able to obtain the floor plans to the complex. I was also allowed to apparate to the complex itself to see it in person. Obviously the President was very concerned and most receptive. He offered any help and cooperation that would be needed."

Harry looked somewhat relieved and thoughtful. "It's amazing that it took something like this to bring the wizard and muggle worlds together. I guess a major threat of not only freedom, but life itself will bring anybody to their senses. Any suggestions as to when this summit should take place?"

Evan said, "The President suggested Friday night or Saturday as most of the leaders schedules are pretty full during the week. Also, he stated that the muggle press would be less likely alerted to the absence of any of the leaders on the weekend."

"That sounds logical," said Harry. "I suggest late Friday night, American time, as it will be Saturday by then in much of the rest of the world."

"I'd like to ask the four of you to get back to the castle and relieve Fred, George and Ginny. I'm sure they've done a smashing job, but we need to keep as much consistency at the school as possible. Once the logistics are figured out for the timing of the portkey's, we will get them prepared. I will need you to personally deliver them to the various Ministers and then be at the complex to greet your particular lot as they arrive. Obviously this will be a bit overwhelming for most of the muggle leaders. Hell, it may be a bit much for most of us too. After all, nothing like this has ever been tried before!"

The teachers returned to the castle in time for dinner with the students. Using the floor plans Evan had provided, Harry had part of the group figuring out where each region should arrive. Another group figuring out the timing, and the last group turning the 'airline tickets' into portkeys with the individual departure times printed on them.

Harry said, "I'll leave this to all of you. Ron...Hermione, I will need you and the teachers to deliver all these tomorrow and take care of any questions and details that might arise. In the meantime, I have something else to take care of. Thanks to all of you, I'll see you in the morning."


Back at the Hillside Harry entered the gym. He hadn't tried anything like what he was about to try before, but figured he had nothing to lose. Wanting to be able to allow his mind to open as completely as possible, he thought setting the appropriate mood should be the first order of business. So, he said, "outer space." It took the room a bit longer than normal to comply since it had never had a request like this before. Finally, the room turned black and millions of tiny twinkling stars appeared. Harry seemed to be standing on a comet gliding through space. If ever he had had a feeling of openness and vastness, it was nothing compared to the feeling he was experiencing now.

It took a few minutes, but he finally remembered the incantation Dumbledore had taught him. He stood there and concentrated on the words. A feeling of warmth engulfed his body. It was a warmth that he had never felt before, but it did not make him sweat. Instead it almost caressed him. He didn't know why, but he felt at peace with himself and the universe. After adjusting to this new sensation, he noticed four wispy figures. They were not distinguishable as any thing in particular. Certainly far less than a ghost or even a spirit. Each was slightly shaded in different colors. It dawned on him that the colors were the same as the colors of the four houses at Hogwarts.

His mouth dropped when he realized what he was looking at. He was in the presence of the founders of Hogwarts...Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin!

"Close your mouth Harry. You did summon us here to talk with you."

At first he couldn't figure out who was talking. As he watched and listened, he noticed that the colors brightened slightly from the one who was speaking.

"How do I address you?" Harry asked, feeling somewhat timid and overwhelmed.

"Simply by our names. My name is Godric and you know the names of the others. Just calm down and talk to us like you would talk to any one else."

"That's easier said than done...especially considering who and what you are!"

"You'll get used to it. Let me start this off by saying we know the situation and what you are planning to do to rescue your aunt and the children. There are a few changes to your plan that we need to discuss though."

"Hang on," Harry said. "I can understand how you might know the situation, But how can you have any idea what I have been planning?"

"We have always maintained a connection with all things relevant to Hogwarts. Once you were installed as headmaster, you became part of that unique connection. We rarely pry or make ourselves known to the headmaster. In fact, you are only the fifth headmaster we have communicated with in this manner in over a thousand years." Godric let that that sink in for a minute and then continued. "Before anything else is said, there is one thought nagging at you that has to be addressed before we go any farther. I suggest you listen to Salazar before you concern yourself any farther."

Harry was trying to take all this in and follow their lead, but that was easier thought than done. Albus had never explained, or even hinted at, such a connection with the headmasters. And certainly not that they would know his thoughts before he ever expressed a single word. Oh well, he was getting used to all these little secrets of Dumbledore. Albus always did have a mischievous side and apparently it stayed with him despite death.

His thoughts were quickly redirected back to the matter at hand when Salazar started to speak.

"Harry, you are concerned how my presence in this forum will affect the plans, and the ultimate outcome of the situation. Let me assure you and put your mind at ease. With all I have witnessed over the last millennium, the amount of sorrow I have experienced is indescribable. I was very wrong in the beginning when I wanted the school to cater to purebloods. Even back then, it was never my intention for it to escalate into what has been occurring in the past hundred years. I am probably your biggest advocate in this quest since I feel responsible."

Harry, though still overwhelmed, was feeling a little braver and even a touch sarcastic. "Well, it's nice to hear your remorse, but that doesn't change the fact that I still have to deal with the reality that is happening in this realm of existence. In short, I am stuck dealing with the mess you created!"

Rowena interrupted, "We know it is extremely difficult for you to separate your feelings and care for others in the way you plan things and react to situations. For you to be successful in the current situation, you are going to have to separate your emotions from what must be done as much as possible. We tell you now that there will be some that will be injured and others will die. You can not, and MUST NOT blame yourself for what will happen over the next several months. If you start allowing your heart to guide your decisions, the entire world will suffer in the end."

"That sounds very logical and all, but exactly how does one separate ones head from their heart?" Harry asked. "Why did I get saddled with all this in the first place? Ever since I first found out that I was a wizard at the age of eleven, this has been an almost non stop part of my life. WHY ME?"

"I'm sorry Harry," said Helga, "that explanation will have to wait for another time. Right now we need to discuss the rescue. We will each be 'loaning' you a small amount of our power to help assure your success in the rescue of the innocents."

"A small amount?" Harry questioned. "How are you able to do this?"

"The term 'small amount' is relevant," Godric said. "It is a small amount in our reality. In your reality, it will increase your already considerable powers by approximately one thousand percent! As to how this will be accomplished, well, let's just call it an act of faith by you for the time being."

This was getting to be almost too much for Harry to comprehend. They planned, in detail, how to pull off the rescue for almost an hour. When they were finished, Harry was instructed not to contact them again before it was absolutely necessary.

The Four faded away leaving Harry alone in his private galaxy. Standing there, he realized that he was utterly exhausted. "Finished." He said. The room returned to its' usual empty condition and Harry dragged himself bed.

The exhaustion proved an asset, as Harry was able to enter a very deep and sound sleep the instant his head touched the pillow.


He awoke to find himself more refreshed than he had been in quite a long time. Even before he got out of bed, he checked in on Aunt Petunia and the children. They seemed to be somewhat bored, but much calmer than he expected. He noticed his aunt surrounded by a group of children off to the side of the room. She appeared to be telling them a story. He was impressed by her calm take charge, demeanor. She seemed to be full of surprises for him since she moved to the Hillside.

Harry arrived at headquarters just as all the messengers were organizing their 'tickets' and rolls of parchment instructions. He took Evan aside to discuss some special instructions regarding the American President.

Next, he had a short discussion with Minerva about the school and the students. He was assured that all was going well and there were no problems the rest of the staff couldn't handle in their absence.

Ron, Hermione, and Molly cornered him wanting to know how the children were doing. He assured them that they were doing well and explained how Aunt Petunia seemed to be doing a very good job with all the children. Suddenly, two owls flew in and delivered letters to the Weasley's and to Harry. The notes were identical and it was immediately assumed that all the Ministers with missing children had received the same note.

While the owls refreshed themselves, the notes were read.

If you want to see the hostages alive again, all you have to do is surrender to me and my followers. Don't try anything, as it is impossible for you to win. I give you ten days to come to your senses. After that, one hostage per hour will be killed. I warn you...do not test me.

The Dark Prince

Every eye was on Harry at the end of the reading. "Well, it's not as if we didn't expect something like this," he said, looking around the room at all the worried faces. "At least he gave us more time than we need."

Ron looked at him in disbelief, and said, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Come with me," was all Harry said. He led Ron and Hermione into the living room and closed the door.

"Sit down," Harry said. "Remember awhile ago I mentioned certain communication powers I had received?"

"Yeah, but you didn't tell us any detail about them."

"Right...well your going to hear about them now. I used them last night. I actually communicated with The Four!"

"And just who, or what, are The Four?" Ron asked.

"The four founders of Hogwarts."

"You mean, as in Godric..."

"Yeah, that four. It was absolutely incredible. I'll have to fill you in on all the details later since you really need to be off. Suffice it to say that we planned out a way to rescue the children with their assistance!"

"Are you sure this plan is going to work?" Ron asked.

"Considering the power and wisdom they have in their realm of reality, I am as sure as I can be. Of course, if you can come up with a better plan... Look, I know you're anxious, so am I, but I really think this will work."

Ron just gazed out the window and nodded his head.

"Hermione, I assume you will be accompanying the Prime Minister to the summit?"

"Of course."

"Good. I would also like you to use the Ministers red flame communication to alert all Ministers that we will need as many aurors as they can provide Sunday night for a dangerous mission. Details will follow."

"Alright, I'll contact them as soon as soon as we get these parchments delivered." Ron and Hermione left without another word.

Harry met with Remus and Mad-Eye and filled them in on the rescue plans. Once he finished with them, Harry returned to Hogwarts where he checked on the status of the school and students. He held a meeting with the staff members who were part of the Order, along with Ginny and the twins.

Back in his office, Harry filled Dumbledore in on the events of the past couple of days. "The meeting with The Four was absolutely incredible. I've never experienced anything like it."

Dumbledore gave him that look with his twinkling eyes and that satisfied smile. "It would appear that they are extremely impressed with you Harry. The amount of accumulated time I spent with them was less than that of that first meeting alone! Good luck with your summit and with the rescue. Get as much rest as possible in the short time left before everything starts. The next few days are going to take quite a toll on you with the amount of power you will be using."


On Friday afternoon, Evan and Harry apparated to the American Ministers' residence. Once Evan had handled the introduction between Harry and the Minister, they sat and talked about the summit and the rescue plan.

"Does the President understand how he will be replaced while we are at the summit?" Harry asked.

The Minister smiled and said, "As much as we can expect. He has a hard time with the concept of the polyjuice potion. Fortunately, he does understand the severity of the situation, does trust me, and is willing to do whatever is necessary to help in stopping Benedict and his sick plans."

"I assume you have chosen an appropriate agent to fill in for the President for the duration of his absence?"

"Oh yes." The Minister stood up, opened the door, and said, "You can come in now."

The agent entered the office and stood there trying to get a glance at Harry's scar without being obvious. The Minister started the introduction, "Joe Kubasek ... Harry Potter."

"It is a great honor to meet you Professor Potter. I am a great admirer of yours. I have read everything I could possibly find about you and am simply fascinated by your life."

Harry had heard those words hundreds of times over the years, but never fully understood the fascination. He politely smiled and said, "It is good to meet you too. Before we go any farther, let me get two things out of the way. First of all, my life hasn't exactly been all that those books make it out to be. I have simply learned that this is my lot in life and deal with it the best I can. Second, even though you are trying to be polite, your curiosity is apparent." Harry then pushed his hair off his forehead revealing his scar.

The Minister said, "We are expected in the Oval Office in two minutes. The President will have dismissed his staff and has been acting like he is coming down with something all morning."

Two minutes later, the four of them were in the Oval Office and found the President staring out the window.

Softly, the minister said, "Mr. President."

The President turned around and said, "I don't know if I'll ever get used to that."

The Minister introduced everyone and they all sat down.

"I have already given the order for the lowest three floors of the Cheyenne complex to be evacuated until further notice. I am curious how you plan to put all those people in that rather small auditorium. I am also curious as to how Mr. Kubasek here is going to pull off being me for the next day or so."

Harry stood up and said, "We'll answer that one straight away. If you will pardon me, Mr. President." Harry reached over and pulled a couple hairs out of his head. He then pulled a jar, containing the polyjuice potion, out of his bag. He opened the jar, added the hairs, and sat back.

The President looked a bit peaked and said, "He has to drink that?"

Harry smiled, "Yes, one swallow per hour to keep the appearance going." He turned to Joe and said, "Cheers."

Joes' skin started to bubble and roll as the polyjuice started the transformation process. Harry and the Minister sat back waiting for the process to complete itself. The President on the other hand, was almost in shock and looked like he was going to really be sick at any minute.

"He has to go through that every hour?"

"Oh no. Once the transformation is complete, the hourly intake acts as a booster to hold the illusion in place. Now, if you will change into your other suit and allow Joe to don the one you have on at the moment, we can finish here and get to the complex."

Just as they were about to leave, Harry swung around and stared intensely into Joes' eyes. Joe was taken completely by surprise and was frozen in both body and mind on the spot. Once satisfied, Harry blinked and broke the hold.

"Sorry about that. I may be getting a bit paranoid over all this, but I had to make sure that you were who he appeared to be and were not being controlled by any other force."

Still catching his breath, Joe quietly said, "I understand."

"Ready Minister? Evan?" They both simply nodded. Harry then held out his arm. "Mr. President, if you would take my arm please."

With a bit of apprehension, the President did what Harry asked. Before he could utter a sound of the question forming in his mind, they were standing in the auditorium in the complex.

Harry looked around the room. "I guess about one hundred people would fill this place to capacity?"


"Okay. If the three of you would join me at the podium and sit down, I should be done in a minute or two."

He closed his eyes and raised his arms. Silently, the room began to get longer and wider. He than added chairs, which arranged themselves into pairs. This allowed each Minister and Leader of each country to sit together, without being crowded.

The President sat with his mouth open as he watched the room increase to six times its' original size. "How can he do that? He doesn't even use a wand like you do."

They all looked up at Harry, who raised his eyebrows, shrugged his shoulders, but said nothing. Evan turned his head away trying not to laugh.

The Minister said, "You'll have to excuse Harry, Mr. President. You see he is the most powerful wizard on the planet. He is also extremely modest and doesn't like all the attention he has always received because of his gift. One day I will tell you his entire story."

Harry was relieved when he noticed that Minerva and Shinotqua had arrived. After the introductions, he told them to go two floors up and direct those they invited down to the auditorium.

As they left, Ron, Hermione and the British Prime Minister arrived. Evan and Hermione went to the floor above to direct their lot down.

The timing and spacing of the 'tickets' had been perfect. In less than an hour everyone had arrived and had taken their places in the auditorium. Minerva, Ron, Shinotqua, and Evan sat off to the side, leaving Harry alone at the podium.

As Harry waited for the last of the conversations to subside, he gazed over those assembled and shook his head. The mere thought of gathering every wizard and muggle leader in the world together in one place, at the same time was unbelievable. The fact he was actually looking at it was almost incomprehensible!

The hall was now silent and every eye was on Harry. Silently, he raised his arms, palms facing those gathered. Gradually a red haze radiated from his hands and settled over the heads of all assembled. Harry then turned his palms down and slowly lowered his arms. The haze followed his movement and was then absorbed by each body present, with the exception of Minerva and himself.

"You should all be able to speak and understand English now. Is there anyone who can not understand me?"

No one spoke up, but there were plenty of quiet comments being made among the audience. Harry let them have at it for a few minutes. "Let me explain what has just happened. The charm each of you has just absorbed is multi-purpose. The most obvious effect is that those who could not speak or understand English when you arrived suddenly have that ability. This will only last for the duration of this meeting. When you leave, your language skills will revert to what they were when you arrived. This just seemed the easiest way for everyone to communicate at this meeting.

"The rest of the charm you are stuck with and is for the protection of both the muggle world as well as the wizard world. I'm sure some of you will react negatively to what you are about to hear and I'm sorry. Once you think about it in an unselfish manner and realize what is at stake in both worlds, I'm sure you will agree with it... or at least understand it."

"Obviously, the wizard world is very aware of the muggle world. There is less than one percent of muggles that are aware of the wizard world. Most that are aware know because a family member is born with magical powers." He explained all the details of how some magic folk are born in muggle families. How wizards have kept their world hidden for thousands of years, and many other details.

"As leaders of your respective countries, you should be, and now are, aware of the wizard world. It will now be impossible for you to share this information with others. When you leave office, the information will fade from your memory and be instilled in that of you successors. This will automatically continue down through the ages."

Strangely, there was almost no negative reaction. Most understood and agreed with the plan. Harry went on and explained all the details about Voldemort and his son, Benedict. The current situation with the hostages and the notes that were received by the Ministers whose children were being held was revealed.

"Until Benedict and his followers are destroyed, we will, whenever necessary, ask for whatever assistance you might be able to give. I know I'm essentially asking for blind faith, but I can't be more specific at present. We are in a situation where an extremely evil wizard is trying to gain control of the world and we are trying to think outside the box. If we come up with any ideas, you will be notified as soon as possible. In the meantime, please be patient. Remember, this is for EVERYONE'S protection and just grant our requests, if and when they are relayed to you. We will keep you as informed as possible."

"Tomorrow night we are going to rescue the hostages. This will take place in Iceland and I am asking you to keep all aircraft and any other flying devise away from that country. Further, there must be no military, reporters, or diplomats. In short, your job is to keep all muggles and muggle objects away from Iceland. For those of you with satellites and lasers in orbit, please take heed. There will be a projection of the country that will show it in daylight, so nothing will be seen on any camera. Further, any laser, infrared, or anything else of that type will ricochet back to its' origin, possibly causing severe damage."

"I realize your curiosity in wanting to observe this event and that it would be the news event of the millennium, but it simply cannot be. With the amount of magic that will be condensed into a relatively small area, I am not sure how it may affect any of your electronic devices, which may in turn cause injury to innocent people."

Harry opened the floor to questions but limited them to the current situation and an occasional query about the wizard world in general.

"Please stay seated for a few more minutes. Oh yeah, mind your heads." Harry pulled out his wand, pointed it at the door at the back of the room, and said, "Accio tables!"

Four long tables flew into the room from a storage area in the hallway and set themselves up. Harry set a small piece in the center of each table, then walked down the row, touching each piece of cloth with the tip of his wand. Instantly, there were more than enough refreshments for everybody to enjoy as they mingled for the next hour or so. After all, most of these leaders would never be able to talk to each other without translators again and they were going to make the most of it.

It had now been five hours since the leaders had first arrived and Harry didn't want to push their luck any farther than they already had.

"Your attention please," he said rather loudly. "It is time for you to return to your respective countries. I want to thank all of you for attending and for your co-operation. Now, if you will all return to the floor where you arrived, the 'tickets' will re-activate and take you home."

Within an hour, everyone had departed, everything had been put away, and the room returned to its' normal size. There was no evidence that anything had ever taken place there at all.

Harry, Evan, and the American Minister took the President straight to his bedroom in the White House. As they arrived, Joe was reaching for the polyjuice to take another swallow.

"Accio polyjuice," said Harry. The potion flew over to Harry who tossed it in the air where it disintegrated.

It only took a few minutes before Joe turned back into himself. He changed back into his own clothes and was ready to leave.

"Thank you Mr. President," Harry said. "We appreciate your cooperation."

The President shook his head, and said, "I'm glad I could help, not that I did much. Good luck tomorrow night! Please let me know how it turns out."

"We'll do that. Thanks again. Ready gentlemen?"

A moment later, they were gone.

Upon arriving back at the Minister's residence, Joe was asked how it felt to be president.

"Are you kidding? That man is not left alone for more than five minutes at a time. Anybody who wants that job needs their head examined!"

Harry thought to himself, "You got that right!"