Rubeus Hagrid Neville Longbottom
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/17/2004
Updated: 04/17/2005
Words: 212,269
Chapters: 24
Hits: 19,731

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore


Story Summary:
Harry has just been named the new headmaster of Hogwarts, but Dumbledore still has a few secrets about the position. Voldemort may be gone, but an even greater evil is now emerging. A surprising reunion, a new romance, and a unique Muggle friendship. Who will survive? Who will pay the ultimate price?

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Harry plays Quidditch again. Grimmauld Place gets a makeover. A death occurs as Benedict makes his first move.
Author's Note:
Again, my thanks to beta's, Michele and Jen.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of Dumbledore

Chapter 8

Farewell, Dear Friend

Harry arrived at his office the next morning still troubled by the odd behavior of the owls he had observed on the news the day before. Of course, it was all the more troubling since it had occurred in the vicinity of Romania.

"Albus, why were the owls in such a state when you brought me to the Dursley's when my parents were killed?"

"They were celebrating the defeat of Voldemort! It wasn't just the owls, but the entire wizarding world! It was a time of great joy after so many years of living in fear of Voldemort and his followers. The celebrations were kept more private when you finally destroyed Voldemort for good. That is why there wasn't a repeat of the owls' performance the second time around."

Dumbledore watched Harry and his concerned expression. "Harry, what would make you ask about something that you couldn't possibly remember happening? Has something happened that you haven't told me about?"

"I watched a story on the news yesterday about owls flying around during the daylight hours in the vicinity of Romania."

Harry was sitting in silence, trying to equate the two owl sightings. If the last time this happened was when the world thought Voldemort had been vanquished, was it possible that something similar had happened to Benedict? His confusion was increasing and turning into frustration.

An owl flew in through the open window and landed on the desk in front of him. He took the note and pointed to an empty perch across the room and told the owl to help herself to food and water. With a grateful hoot, she accepted his offer.

He read the note and said, "It's from Charlie Weasley. Apparently Benedict held some kind of ceremony and attempted to bring his father back to life. The attempt was not only a complete failure, but several of the attendees were injured in the process. Hence, the celebration by the local owls. I can't figure out what they were going to bring back to life. We disintegrated Voldemort's remains so that there was not as much as an ash left!"

Dumbledore thought for a moment and said, "First of all, we must be grateful that the attempt failed. Even though Voldemort is gone, we must remember that Lucius Malfoy has many of his old school things in his possession. Remember the diary in your second year?

Harry wrote a note while the owl refreshed herself.


Thanks for the information about the ceremony. We were wondering what was going on since hearing the reports about the owls yesterday. Please let me know of anything you hear, no matter how insignificant it might seem.

We are starting to make plans at this end too. I'll keep you informed and may even ask you to pay a visit now and then.


Harry walked over to the owl and said, "Please take this back to Charlie." He then tied the note to her leg and watched her fly out of the window.

"I guess we got lucky with that one," Harry said. He checked his watch and saw that it was almost noon. "I'd better get down to the Great Hall for lunch. It would probably be a good idea to at least look like I know what is going on around here."

There was hushed laughter from the gallery. Dumbledore smiled, "Harry, here is one of those secrets you should be aware of. The school pretty much runs itself and Minerva takes care of most everything else. The headmaster position is actually more of a front for other business. Being a sort of guardian, if you will, of the wizard world is more the true job description."

Harry dropped into his chair. "Oh...just another 'by the way' tidbit for me to digest? Obviously Minerva knows about this. Anyone else aware of this trifle of information?"

"Of course Minerva knows about it. After all, she has been running the place for decades. And doing an excellent job of it too! The staff is also aware of how things work." He paused and watched Harry's face. "Before you go flying off the handle again, I can assure you it has been done this way for centuries. Ask anyone here in the gallery. It's not as though you are nothing but a figure head. You are the only one who can hire or sack anyone. All changes and major decisions are still up to you alone. But it leaves you free to deal with other matters...like Benedict."

"Anything else I should know about this position?" Harry asked. "I have a feeling there is still a bit more to this."

Calm as ever, Dumbledore replied, "Only one more little fact."

"Yes," Harry said in a restrained tone.

"The Minister of Magic is also under you. They take care of everyday affairs and deal with 'official functions'. All issues dealing with security and protection fall under your authority and they simply follow your instructions. Once in a while, a minister gets a bit power hungry and that has to be dealt with. You should remember that from your first five years as a student. Fudge gave us all kinds of problems which slowed progress considerably. A problem I doubt you will have with Hermione."

"Why wasn't I told this before I accepted the position?"



"None of your predecessors, including myself, has ever been informed about this until the situation called for it. There are actually a couple people in the gallery that never found out, since they occupied this office during unusually peaceful periods."

Harry sighed, "I guess I will have to accept the fact that there will always be surprises around the corner."

"It is easier that way." Dumbledore continued with a smile. "I suggest you get down to lunch now and act like you know what is going on."

"Right... whatever," he mumbled as he stood up and walked out of the door, shaking his head.


Harry was rather quiet during lunch. He watched students conversing over their meal, while others wandered in and out of the hall. He thought back to his days as a student. While he had had more on his plate than most students ever dreamed of, there was still a certain innocence and freedom to life that was now gone forever.

Suddenly the hall was filled with owls delivering mail. He became aware of a hand on his arm and looked to his right. Minerva was looking back at him with a bit of concern.

"Are you alright? You seem a million miles away," she said.

"Not a million miles, only a few feet and about twenty five years." He paused to gaze out at the students once again. "So, Minerva, tell me. How are things going around here? I assume that there are no major problems since you haven't informed me of anything."

"I see they finally told you," she said in a soft voice.

"Oh yes. I have a feeling that when I'm a hundred years old Albus will still be telling me secrets."

Minerva smiled and said, "Don't feel singled out. Albus got the same treatment from his predecessor. Once you think about it for awhile, it will make sense to you too."

"I suppose, it's just that so much is starting to happen all at once. I guess I should be grateful. After all, I'm more of a-hands-on guy than the administrative type anyway." He paused, " I believe you don't have any classes on Thursday morning?"

"That is correct."

"Good. Let's meet in my office at nine thirty then."

"Alright, I'll be there," she said. "Have you heard anything about that strange owl behavior near Romania yesterday?"

"It was a failed attempt to bring Voldemort back. The owls were celebrating the failure. I'll fill you in on the details on Thursday."


The chime sounded calling students and teachers back to class. Harry walked down to the Quidditch pitch to watch a rare early afternoon pick up game between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams that was about to take place. Hagrid had been called away on an emergency, so his class had been cancelled. There seemed to be quite a discussion going on when he arrived.

Once Harry joined them, everyone stopped talking and just stood there staring at him. Professor Steele broke the silence. "Good afternoon Headmaster. Is there anything we can do for you?"

"Not really," Harry replied. "It was such a nice day after all the rain we've had lately that I decided to get out of that office and watch the pick up game."

Evan looked at Harry, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "I'm afraid you will be disappointed. The seeker and one of the chasers collided before your arrival and are in the hospital at the moment."

Harry stood there with a devious smile. "Since it's only a friendly pick up game, I suggest you take the empty chaser position. I believe that was your position when you played?"

"That would be fine, but still leaves us short a Seeker." It was now Evan's turn to smile. "Of course, if the Headmaster would like to play seeker, we would have a complete team. I believe that was your position when you played?"

"Wait a minute," came a voice from the group of students. Everyone turned and stared at Mike Sniggers, a beater on the team. "With the two of them on the team, we'll get creamed!"

Professor Steele calmly said, "I beg your pardon?"

Mike looked at the two of them and gulped. "No offense, but you two are...well...old! It would be an unfair handicap."

Harry looked at the brave, but cocky, student and said, "Really?"

Evan and Harry looked at each other with identical devious smiles and shrugged their shoulders. At the same time they reached into their robes, pulled out their wands, and pointed them at the castle. Evan ordering, "Accio Star Sweep!" while Harry ordered, "Accio Firebolt!"

The brooms zoomed out of the castle, across the lawn and into their owners hands. Mike was beside himself at the sight of the firebolt. "That broom is ancient!"

Harry quietly said, "I suppose it is. I have quite a selection of brooms in my cupboard. All the newest and latest models available. I chose this one on purpose and will explain why after the match."

Evan leaned over and whispered to Harry, "I hope you know what you are doing."

Harry gave him a wink and said, "Trust me."

Word had spread about the game and the fact that Harry and Evan were going to play. Everyone not in class had come down to the pitch. Eventually, curiosity had run amuck and the professors gave in, ending classes early so the rest of the students could watch the fun. Naturally, the teachers, having nothing else to do joined the rest of the spectators. Before anyone knew it, the stadium had been completely filled.

Both Harry and Evan spotted Professor McGonagall at the same time. She had that look where her lips were nothing but thin lines. They looked at each other and Harry said, "Oops."

Antonia caught his attention. She sported a big smile and was slowly shaking her head. She even managed to subtly blow him a kiss, which he actually felt on his cheek! He then noticed Aunt Petunia sitting next to Antonia looking both puzzled and excited.

Harry called the players from both teams over to where he and Evan were standing. "I want to make it clear before we start that I expect all of you to play at top form. We do not want or expect any of you to treat us any differently than any other player. It may be difficult to believe, but we are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves despite our age or our positions at the school. In fact, for the duration of this game only, I'm Harry and he is Evan. Do you all understand?"

There were scattered mumbles of, "yes sir."

"Sorry, didn't catch those whispers."

"YES SIR!" Came the unified reply.

"That's better. Now take your positions."

Neville had carried the chest to the center of the pitch. "I want a clean, but spirited game." He kicked the chest open and immediately the golden snitch and the two bludger's flew into the air. Neville then reached down and removed the quaffle. He stood there for a moment, threw it straight up, and the game began!

The student players seemed to find any reason possible to call Harry and Evan by name. This was just too rare of an opportunity to pass up. It also took them awhile to play up to speed and not be intimidated by who they were playing with or against.

Evan was doing an excellent job at scoring goals and dodging bludger's. Harry was having fun with the Hufflepuff Seeker. He would head off in one direction with his opponent fast on his tail sure that Harry had spotted the snitch. Suddenly, Harry would flip upside down and fly in the other direction. He had many tricks up his sleeve that he teased them with. He saw the snitch glistening in the sun near the ground on the far side of the pitch and headed in that direction. The other Seeker had also seen it and was racing Harry toward it. Harry went into one of his signature dives, which had always thrilled the crowd, but pulled out at the last minute as the snitch speed away. Unfortunately, the other Seeker hit the ground with a thud.

Instantly Harry flew down to make sure the poor kid was alright. As it turned out, he was only dazed and was ready to go again after a moment to catch his breath. They rejoined the game which had not stopped. Thanks to Evan the score was two hundred and forty to eighty. Harry noticed Mike Sniggers doing a fairly decent job with the bludger's. He flew toward Mike to compliment him. When he had just about reached him, he heard a bludger coming from behind. Harry ducked just in time and the bludger headed toward Mike, who took a swing at it, but hit his other arm instead. He managed to backhand the bludger on the return pass. It headed back toward Harry, who had to do some fancy flying to avoid being hit. Harry then asked Mike if he was alright and he said he was.

Harry searched the stadium for the familiar hint of gold as he thought it time to end the game. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted it over the heads of some spectators. He had thought about allowing the Hufflepuff Seeker catch it until he noticed that the spectators it was hovering over were Antonia and Aunt Petunia! He started to go the other way to distract the other seeker, who as usual, followed. He then made a sharp right turn and dove toward the ground. That kid was determined to keep up with him and shadowed his moves. He had almost reached ground level in front of the spectators when he unexpectedly pulled up, staying only a few feet above the spectators heads. He grabbed the snitch and hovered there for a moment. He looked straight down at Antonia and with a big smile said, "Hello. Why aren't you teaching a class?"

He winked at her and returned to the middle of the pitch where Evan and the student players had gathered. The Hufflepuff Seeker walked over to join then, feeling a bit foolish. Harry put his hand on the Seeker's shoulder and said, "Greg, you did very well today. The one piece of advice I'll give you is simply not to rely on your opponent too much. Players use feints a lot to throw their opponent off. Make sure you see that Snitch yourself before you commit. Greg nodded his head and said, "Thanks, I'll remember that."

Harry turned and looked at Mike. Before Harry could say a word, Mike said, "Headmaster, I believe I owe you and Professor Steele an apology."

"Yes, you do. Do you know why?"

"Because I made an assumption based on your ages without knowing anything about your abilities."

"Correct," said Harry. "Never judge people, especially in the magical world, by age or the type of equipment they have. I'm not talking only about Quidditch, because it applies to all aspects of life!"

"That was a lot of fun! Professor Steele and I want to thank you for allowing us to join in. Now, I suggest you hit the showers and then head up to the castle for dinner."

Harry and Evan stood there watching the teams head to the locker rooms. As they headed toward the castle Harry said. "I've got to remember to bring some clothes to my quarters here. A lot of good it does to have a suite of rooms attached to my office, complete with bathroom, without any clothes around."

Evan kept walking and said, "Why don't you come to my quarters and take a shower there? I have a robe or two that will fit you. That is if you can lower yourself to wear the basic black of the lowly staff."

"Well, it'll be tough, but will help keep me humble! Thanks, I appreciate it."


As Harry and Evan entered the hall for dinner everyone burst into applause and cheers. Harry held up his hands for silence. "Yes, yes, that was a lot of fun. We enjoyed it as much as you did. Please, go on with your dinner."

Antonia was sitting in Evan's usual place since she had been talking to Minerva. She went to move, but Evan told her to stay there. Harry sat in his usual place between them.

"I knew you played for many years Enrico, but had no idea how good you were. I thought my heart would stop each time you went into one of those dives!"

Minerva smiled with a certain amount of pride and said, "Flying came naturally to Harry from the beginning. I had him on the Gryffindor house team in his first year. He was the youngest Quidditch player in a century. That dive is his specialty. The first time he did one was during the first game he ever played!"

Harry looked at her and said, "You didn't seem too pleased at the beginning of that little impromptu extravaganza! And don't try to deny it. I saw your face when you first arrived at the stadium."

"I can't remember the last time I cut a class short for anything other than an emergency! I must admit, I did enjoy it though."

Harry smiled and said, "An occasional break in the daily routine is good for the morale of students and staff alike. Nobody is going to get that far behind in their studies by missing an hour or so here or there."

Antonia had slipped her foot out of her shoe and was running her toes against his calf. Without moving his lips, Harry whispered, "It's not that I'm not enjoying that, but you do realize that the tablecloth does not go all the way to the floor on the other side of the table?"

All she said was, "oops," and subtly stopped. Slowly she returned her foot to the shoe. They both started to giggle under their breath. Turning in opposite directions they started talking to others at the table.


Wednesday evening found Harry and Aunt Petunia getting ready to go to dinner at the Burrow. "Just dress casually," Harry said. "The Weasley's don't stand on ceremony by any means. I should also warn you that their house is very...er...lived in."

Harry, wearing jeans and a maroon jumper, was sitting on the arm of a chair in the living room waiting for his aunt. His mouth dropped when she walked into the room wearing black pants and a pale green jumper. "I don't believe I've ever seen you wear pants before," Harry said with a bit of amazement.

"You said to dress casually. And I don't have Vernon around to judge everything I wear anymore. Whenever you're ready, I am."

"One thing before we leave," Harry said. "I don't need to be rude, but I do have to talk to Ron, Hermione and Molly privately for a bit after dinner."

"I'm sure the triplets can keep me occupied, and vice versa while you talk." With that said, she took his arm and a moment later they were in Molly's kitchen.

Almost immediately, Harry was being pulled into the living room by the boys. He barely had enough time to say, "Talk amongst yourselves, I'll be back...if I live!"

A few minutes later, Neville and Ginny arrived. After introducing Ginny and Petunia, Neville said, "I suppose that racket in the other room is Harry and the boys?"

Ron looked at him and said, "Gee, what was your first clue?"

The six of them sat around the table talking about many things. Petunia and Neville filled them in on the Quidditch match that had occurred the day before. Just as they finished that story, Harry joined them, a bit winded.

Ron handed him a mug of ale and said, "Just can't give up that game can you?"

"Why should I? I still enjoy it. And as long as I'm still in decent shape...why not?"

Hermione asked, "Do you think it wise to play with, and in front of the students though? I mean you are the headmaster."

"I prefer to find a balance between being an authority figure and being a friend that the students know they can trust and count on. I can't pull off the office the way Dumbledore did. First of all, I'm considerably younger than he was. Then there is the fact that even though I've gone through a hell of a lot in my life, it still doesn't begin to compare with his life experiences. Anyway, it appears that it doesn't matter all that much since Minerva is actually running the place, except for major decisions."

"What are you talking about?" Ron asked looking rather confused.

"You mean your wife hasn't filled you in on how all this works?" asked Harry, looking at Hermione, who was trying to look innocent. "Well, allow me to fill you in on some of the basic details."

"Seems I am actually in charge of all security and protection of the wizard world; or at least for Britain. I still have to check to see if that is as far as it extends."

Hermione quietly said, "No, it's world wide."

Harry leaned back in his chair, downed his ale, and then filled the mug again with a tiny movement of his finger. "This just keeps getting better!" he said as he closed his eyes and drank some more.

Molly, Petunia, Neville, and Ginny weren't moving a muscle. They were watching this unfold in shock.

Ron said, "Wait a minute. I thought the Minister..."

Harry cut him off saying, "The Minister of Magic takes care of the basic, daily running of the government and official functions. But, in matters of security and protection, she works for me. Now she tells me it's not just Britain, but the entire, bloody planet!"

Aunt Petunia finally found the nerve to speak up, "Why weren't you informed of all this before you accepted the position? It would appear that you ended up with a job entirely different than what you expected."

Hermione explained, "It's been done this way for many, many centuries. The reason is actually quite simple. It was decided that the person in charge of the security of the world should be somebody who is extremely qualified, but wouldn't want the responsibility. That way it isn't somebody like, a royal or a politician whose giant ego would get in the way of doing what is best for the safety of the people of the world."

Everyone sat in silence not knowing what to say or do. They were brought back to reality when the triplets ran into the kitchen and asked if dinner was ready yet.

Molly had made one of her famous meals where you can't help but eat too much. Fortunately, the conversation had turned to normal family type matters and everyone enjoyed themselves.

After dinner, Harry managed to get the boys to show Aunt Petunia their room and all their drawings, toys, etc.

Once Petunia and the boys had left the room, Harry asked, "What idea did you want to discuss with me?"

"Well," Hermione started. "We were thinking that with Benedict on the rise and ready to start something and Draco planning whatever in Azkaban and who knows what else on the horizon that it might be a good idea to reactivate the Order."

"Strange you should mention that. Minerva mentioned it the other day and we are going to talk about it tomorrow morning. It would probably be a good idea. We need to think of a place to use as headquarters though."

Ron said, "You still own number twelve, Grimmauld Place don't you?"

"Yes, but I haven't been there in years and it's still has a great deal of dark magic in it."

"Think about it, please. I'm sure you can rid the place of the dark magic and we can all help get it into a livable condition again," Molly said.

"I'll think about it and let you know. In the meantime, I think we had better think about getting home."

"Boys come on down and say goodbye to everyone," Ron yelled.

With a great deal of noise, the boys raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. Both Hermione and Ron's mouth dropped when they saw them. "Who got you ready for bed?" Ron asked.

Douglas spoke first, "Aunt Petunia said it was getting late and that we should surprise you and get ready for bed. So we did."

"Can Aunt Petunia tell us a bedtime story before they leave?" asked James.

Arthur ended with a big, "pleeeeese!"

Ron and Hermione looked at each other and then at Harry, who just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fine with me."

Hermione said, "Okay, but kiss everyone goodnight first. And tell Aunt Petunia to make it a short story."

The boys said their goodnights and raced back upstairs. All eyes turned to look at Harry. "Don't look at me," he said. "She sure as hell never told me a bedtime story!"

Neville and Ginny said their good byes and left. A short time later Petunia returned to the kitchen. "The boys are asleep. They are really delightful!"

"I didn't know you knew any bedtime stories," Harry said.

She thought a moment, shrugged her shoulders, and said, "I used to tell Dudley bedtime stories when he was young."

Harry noticed that she didn't seem guilty or depressed. All he said was, "Oh."

Noticing that Molly, Ron, and Hermione were all waiting for a reaction from him, he said, "Molly, dinner was great as ever! I'll let you know about the Order and the house once I've made up my mind."

He turned toward his aunt and said, "Whenever you are ready," and held out his arm.

Petunia said, "Thank you for a lovely evening, I really enjoyed it. Molly we'll have to get together soon. Good night."

She took Harry's arm and they were off.


The next morning, Harry and Minerva were sitting in his office discussing Benedict and the growing threat. He filled her in on the entire story about the owls and the letter from Charlie. He continued by telling her about the conversation with Hermione and everyone else at dinner the previous night.

"Well, I had mentioned the Order to you before, so you know I agree with that idea," Minerva said. "If you can rid that house of the rest of its dark magic, I think we'd all be grateful and would appreciate its' use."

"That's settled then," Harry said. "I'll take care of the house and get it prepared as soon as I can."


During breakfast Saturday morning, Petunia said, "Harry, I'll be gone most of the day. Can I use the fireplace in my house, or do I have to use yours?"

"I'm sorry, I forgot to have that one connected to the floo network. I'll contact them first thing Monday morning and arrange it. In the meantime, feel free to use the one in my living room."

He watched her go to her house and return. "Not to be nosy or anything, but where are you going?"

"I'm meeting Molly in Diagon Alley in about thirty minutes. We're going to do some shopping and have lunch. I'm not sure how long I'll be, so don't worry about me."

Harry smiled, "Looks like you two have finally hit it off after these years! Have a good time."

"Oh, I might not be here when you return. I have something to take care of myself and I have no idea how long it's going to take. So you might not see me until tomorrow."

She stepped into the fireplace, took some floo powder, said, "The Leaky Cauldron," threw the powder down and disappeared in the large green flame.

"I think she's got it," Harry said to himself. "Or at least is getting it," once he thought about the expression on her face.

Harry went into his bedroom and put on an old pair of jeans, a long sleeve flannel shirt, and work boots. Not needing anything as primitive as a fireplace, he apparated behind a clump of bushes on Grimmauld Place.

Once satisfied that the street was deserted, he made himself invisible. He walked over to where the house addressed as number eleven met the house addressed as number thirteen. He only had to think the words, "Appear for the owner of number twelve," and the old house appeared. Taking a deep breath, he entered the dusty, dilapidated house.

Almost immediately, the portrait of Sirius's mother started the familiar curses. "SHUT IT," he yelled. For the first time he knew of, the portrait fell quiet.

Harry walked through the house to be sure there was nothing he wanted to keep. Once satisfied that there was nothing he wanted and further satisfied that Sirius would understand, he was ready for the task at hand. He stood in the middle of the first floor, closed his eyes, and lifted his arms about twelve inches away from each side of his body with palms facing forward. He started the spell which was actually more of a Latin chant. As he stood chanting, a deep blue light with tiny green stars started to radiate out from his body and began to permeate every fiber of every square inch of the house and its' contents.

As the process continued, Harry could hear soft screams, curses, and begging of all the dark magic as it was being destroyed. After about an hour, the sounds had all subsided and there was a dull white glow throughout the house. Gradually, his chanting died off and he lowered his arms. He then went over to the stairs and sat down feeling drained.

He pulled a tiny piece of cloth out of his pocket and set it on the stair next to him. He pulled out his wand, tapped the cloth, and said, "food." Instantly there appeared a sandwich, an apple, a candy bar, and a canteen of water. He ate slowly, allowing his strength time to build up again.

Once he felt rested enough, he started going through the house, room by room destroying everything. The first thing to be disintegrated was that damn portrait of Sirius's mother. Next, he put a stabilizing spell on the outer walls and the roof to keep the house from falling down when he started gutting the interior. And gut it he did. Walls, stairs, furniture, appliances, everything...gone!

Looking around, he thought, "I could just leave it as a big hall. Yeah right. I'd never hear the end of that one." So he set about redesigning the entire layout of the house. Once the new walls, and stairs were in place, he added new furniture, drapes, lamps, chandeliers, kitchen appliances, etc.

By the time he had finished, he didn't even recognize it as the same place. He then raised the roof and built a new one and followed the same procedure on each of the outside walls in turn. He liked the original front door, so only brought it back to its' original beauty. The now tarnished silver door knocker in the form of a twisted serpent was all that was left. He took out his wand and disintegrated it. He then replaced it with a new silver knocker which was in the form of a stag.

Satisfied, he made himself invisible again and walked outside. He got to the sidewalk, and turned around just in time to watch the house disappear again. He went back to the bushes, reappeared, and apparated back to the Hillside. It was just past midnight. He went into the kitchen to have a quick drink and then to his bedroom.

He finally felt how tired he really was and how much all that major magic had taken out of him. He barely had the strength to pull off his boots which felt considerably heavier than when he had put them on. All the filthy clothes ended up on the floor where he undressed, except his briefs, as he was too tired to even put on his gym shorts. He dropped onto the bed and immediately fell into a deep sleep.


It was about one thirty Sunday afternoon when Harry finally woke up. He just lay there for awhile enjoying the luxury of not having to be anywhere or do anything.

He finally looked at the clock on the night table and felt a rumble in his stomach. He dragged himself out of bed, grabbed the dirty clothes off the floor, and walked into the bathroom. After dumping the clothes into the hamper he took a long, hot, refreshing shower and shave. Feeling human once again, he got dressed and headed to the kitchen. He made himself a sandwich, poured a glass of milk and headed to the media room.

As he entered the room, he noticed the television was already on and Aunt Petunia watching the news from around the world. As he rounded the chair to sit down, he said, "Hi there. Anything interesting or unusual today?"

With a slight jump, Petunia turned and said, "Oh Harry, I didn't hear you come in. In fact, I didn't even know you were up yet! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. That project I worked on yesterday took longer than I expected and involved a great deal of sustained magic. By the time I got home last night, I was totally drained. Who knows...I might even have a kip after I finish eating! Nothing odd on the news today?"

"No, just the usual," she said. "Oh, I almost forgot, Antonia stopped by while you were sleeping. I invited her back for dinner, I hope you don't mind?"

"That's fine, I'm glad you did. Thanks!"

"I thought I'd make stew tonight, if that is alright with you?"

"That's fine. As I remember, you made a very tasty stew!"

"That's settled then. I'd better get started on it. I'll leave you to the news. Hopefully you won't find anything."

Harry started channel surfing. Petunia went to the kitchen to start on dinner. Not long after that, Harry was asleep in the overstuffed chair.

Antonia entered the media room and saw Harry sleeping in his chair. She stood behind the chair, bent over, and kissed his forehead. He opened his eyes to see a pair of upside down eyes and a cascade of black wavy hair in front of him. He smiled, reached behind the chair, and pulled her onto his lap.

They sat there giggling, kissing, and talking quietly for awhile. Aunt Petunia had gotten as far as the doorway when she noticed them. She stood silently for a moment, smiled, and returned to the kitchen.

"And a follow up to last weeks report about the strange behavior by the owl population in the vicinity of Romania," the news reporter said. Harry reached for the remote and turned up the sound. "No more unusual behavior has been observed and animal experts are still at a loss as to what might have caused last weeks strange occurrence. Now, back to you Joe."

Harry tried a few other stations but didn't see anything else on the subject. Finally, he tossed the remote onto the table and let his head fall back into the chair.

Antonia started playing with his hair and asked, "Harry, why have you been so preoccupied this past week and what does it have to do with owls?"

"I'm sure you know most of the story about Voldemort's rise and fall. It's taught in all the schools of magic, and God only knows how many books have been written on the subject over the past thirty plus years."

He explained many of the details that wouldn't be found in books. The story about The Order of the Phoenix and how it had made a comeback in the summer between his fourth and fifth years at school; the prophecy and what it all meant and the final destruction of Voldemort. He also told her about Benedict and how he was ready to start a new war. And finally, he explained the story about the owls the week before and the letter from Charlie explaining the strange behavior.

"So, I'm starting to consider options of how to deal with what is almost certain to start soon. I have decided to resurrect the Order. Of course, we're going to have to recruit new members, get organized, and get started rather quickly."

Antonia said, "Well count me in. I was always very good at the Defense against the Dark Arts and am more than willing to do anything to help stop all this before it gets out of hand."

"Okay, consider yourself in; we'll talk about the details later. I can smell stew, which means dinner is about ready." He paused for a moment, "Just one other thing...please, don't mention a word of this to Aunt Petunia."

"But why not?" she asked. "I would think she would want to help as much as anyone else."

"It's not that I don't think she would want to help. I'm just concerned that with all the changes in her life in so short a period of time, it may be a bit much for her. I just prefer to take it slow and evaluate it all as it comes."

Antonia said, "Well, if that's what you think is best. After all, she is your aunt. And speaking of your aunt...we should probably go see if she needs any help."

Dinner was a pleasant meal with no talk of owls, Benedict, or anything else related to the subject. Petunia did, however, tell them about lunch and shopping with Molly the day before.


Shortly after Harry arrived in his office the next morning, he contacted Hermione via the floo network.

"Good morning Harry. How was your weekend?"

"Still too cheery for this early in the morning I see. Guess some things will never change!" said Harry with a yawn. "Anyway, I spent about fourteen hours at Grimmauld Place on Saturday. The entire house has been cleansed of all dark magic as well as anything having to do with the Black family. I also redesigned the floor plan and decorated with all new furniture, draperies, appliances, etc."

"That must have taken a lot out of you, Harry!"

"Yeah. I can't remember when I've ever felt so entirely drained. I went home and slept for almost fourteen hours and then, after eating a sandwich, I had a kip for another two hours or so. It was worth it though. It should make a much better headquarters than before."

"When do you want to meet and who shall we include?" Hermione asked.

"I thought early next Sunday morning would be a good time. We're going to have a lot to get organized. I'm going to send an owl to Remus in a couple days and ask him to find as many of the old crowd as he can. I've got a few people in mind and will contact them. I figure you have a small list and can contact them. Until we get this organized, I suggest not bringing any children."

Hermione nodded in agreement. "Sounds like it's pretty well thought out. I'll contact my list and see you there on Sunday morning. Oh, do you think Petunia would consider coming over and staying with the boys while we are at the meeting? They seem to have taken quite a liking to her."

Harry shook his head. "I don't see why not. Of course, I'll ask her first and then confirm with you."

There was a knock on his office door. "Come in." He turned back to the fireplace and said, "Minerva is here for our meeting. Would you please contact Bill, Charlie and the twins about the meeting?"

"Not a problem, I'll talk to you later." Hermione's head was gone, replaced by the yellow flames of a normal fire.

Harry filled Minerva in on the details for resurrecting the Order. He asked her to quietly inform each of the teachers she thought should be included, especially the three foreigners. She agreed and informed him the school was running smoothly, with no problems that needed his attention.


On Wednesday, Harry had written a note to Remus Lupin. It was short and cryptic, in case it was intercepted. He headed up to the Owlery to find an appropriate school owl for the delivery.

Hedwig saw him enter and flew down to a low perch near him. She hooted softly and held out her leg.

"Hedwig, are you sure you want to do this? It's a long flight."

She leaned over and gently nibbled at his hand holding the letter. With another soft hoot, she looked him in the eye.

"Alright, since you're sure. Just be careful and rest on the way if you need to." He then tied the letter to her leg and carried her over to the open window.

She turned and gave him a last affectionate nibble on his ear and then, flew out the window. He watched her until she was out of sight. He had a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach, but wasn't sure why.

Before he left the Owlery, he pulled another note out of his pocket and gave it to another owl to deliver to Hermione. Aunt Petunia had agreed to stay with the boys while the three of them attended the meeting.

Harry spent the remainder of the week in his office planning and conferring with the gallery. He attended meals in the Great Hall for appearance sake, but that was about it. He also managed a few short, private visits with Antonia.


Saturday afternoon was a beautiful Indian summer's day. It was the first Quidditch match of the year...Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff. It was a spirited game with Hufflepuff ahead by fifty points.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry noticed a rather unusual sight. Two owls were carrying a fairly large package between them. They were followed by dozens of other owls. The situation turned even more suspicious when he noticed that they were all flying into his office.

It appeared everyone else was too engrossed in the match to notice anything else, which made it easier for him to get away.

Antonia noticed him stand to leave. "Where are you going?"

"I have to check on Fawkes. He's been looking pretty bad for several days now. Just stay here and enjoy the match." He then headed to the castle.

He walked into his office and was greeted with an absolutely amazing site. The package he had seen was actually a pretty box with tasteful carvings on it and was centered on his desk. The two owls that had carried it stood silently on either side of the box. The rest of the office was full of owls. Anywhere an owl could perch was occupied, and there was not a sound from any of them.

Harry looked at the portrait of Dumbledore. " Albus, have you ever seen anything like this?"

"No, I haven't. But I do have a bad feeling and suggest you brace yourself when you open that box."

Harry walked over and stood between the desk and the chair. Slowly, he removed the top of the box. Upon viewing the contents, he fell back into his chair, shaking. Even though tears started to flow, he didn't take his eyes off the contents. He only managed one word... "Hedwig."

It was as if the world had stopped.

The owls around the office didn't move or even make the slightest sound. All the members of the gallery were glued to the sight, many silently shedding tears of their own.

Harry reached down to stroke her head when he noticed a letter along the side of the small casket. He took the letter and read it slowly.


I am sorry to be the one to send Hedwig to you like this. Benedict decided it was time to send the first message. If it is of any comfort, I can assure you that her death was immediate and completely painless.

I don't know what is next or when. All I know is that now that he has begun, he isn't going to stop. I have no further information at the moment.

Again, I am very sorry.


Harry looked at the gallery and said, "Well, it has begun."

Before anyone could make a sound, they heard a single soft note. As heads turned in the direction of the sound, Fawkes burst into flames.

Harry sighed, "There's perfect timing."

"Actually, it is." Albus said softly. "Go over and watch the miracle of rebirth."

Harry got up and watched the pile of ashes. Soon the baby Fawkes emerged looking up at him. A lone tear ran down his cheek. "If only Hedwig could do that."

He returned to his desk and wrote four notes. He dispatched owls to deliver them to Minerva, Antonia, Aunt Petunia, and Hagrid. He then looked around the room at all the owls. "I want to thank you all for the honor you have shown to Hedwig. I know she meant almost as much to you as she has to me. You had better get back to your regular duties before you attract too much attention."

One by one each owl slowly flew over Hedwig and then out the window.

The three witches read their notes and almost in unison, faced the castle to look up at Harry's office. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until they noticed the owls flying out of the window one by one.

The outside of Hagrid's note instructed him to read it alone. He immediately left the stadium and stood under a nearby tree. Once he was sure he was alone he opened the note and started tearing up himself.


Please forgive me for giving you this news in a note. Also, do not mention it to anyone else for the time being.

Hedwig has died. I will come down to your hut around midnight so we can cremate her. Please have everything ready. I will take care of her ashes alone.


Hagrid looked up at the castle and noticed the owls flying out of Harry's office. The only difference between him and the other three was that he understood what was going on.

Harry spent the rest of the evening alone in his office with nothing but twenty nine years of memories of Hedwig on his mind. As he looked at her again, he noticed that there was a note tied to her leg. Carefully, he took the note and read it. All it said was, "Okay...R". With a weak smile, Harry was satisfied that Hedwig had successfully completed her final task.

At midnight, Harry took the small casket, mounted his firebolt, and flew down to Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid was waiting for him behind the hut next to the pyre he had constructed for the occasion. As Harry landed, Hagrid said, "May I?" Harry nodded without saying a word.

Hagrid took the casket and set it on a table near the pyre. With great reverence, he removed Hedwig from the casket and placed her lifeless body on the pyre. He then turned and said, "Harry, I don't know what to say. I feel so honored that you would include me in something so personal."

"How could I not include you? You were my first and longest friend in the wizarding world. It was also you that gave me Hedwig on my eleventh birthday and have cared for her all these years."

The breeze had stopped and the night was as if it were holding its' breath. They both stood there in silence, looking at her for the last time while they let the tears flow. Harry stepped forward and stroked her one last time. He stepped back, pointed his wand at the pyre, and said, "Incendio."

Suddenly, golden flames shot out of his wand and settled under the body. In a matter of minutes, all that was left was a pile of ashes in the basin under the pyre. The flames had disappeared. It was finished.

Hagrid took the basin and poured the ashes into the casket. Harry made the casket smaller, which made it easier to handle on his broom.

Harry turned to face Hagrid and quietly said, "Thank you my friend...for everything."

Hagrid said nothing, just giving him a slow nod and a weak smile.

Holding the small casket in one hand, Harry grasped the firebolt with his other hand and mounted the broom. Without another word or glance he was off.

The soft breeze that had stopped during the cremation had returned. Hagrid stood there in the bright moonlight watching Harry and his beloved Hedwig take one last flight over the lake and the mountains where she had hunted and enjoyed her life for so many years.

Finally, Harry hovered over the highest peak. He opened the casket, and ever so slowly, poured her ashes out, allowing the breeze to carry her to her final resting place. The box disappeared once the last ash had joined the breeze. With tears again flowing down his face, he watched the last of the ashes vanish. Quietly, he said, "Farewell, dear and loyal friend."

Harry turned around and flew off into the night.