Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/03/2003
Updated: 11/03/2003
Words: 679
Chapters: 1
Hits: 430

Rail System

Trillian Black

Story Summary:
Harry and Co. get a full introduction to the modern British Rail system in all its glory. Just a bit of satire to cheer you up next time there's 'the wrong sort of snow'.

Chapter Summary:
Harry and co. get a full introduction to the modern British Rail system in all its glory.
Author's Note:
For all non Brits: This is actually what our rail system is usually like.

Harry and Ron started to run, pushing their trolley at high speed in front of them. Hedwig hooted in shock and Pig began flying around his cage like a maniac. Harry and Ron ignored them and stepped up the pace, ignoring their aches and pains. It was the first day of sixth year and they were going to be late - and this time there was no flying car to get them there.

They threw themselves through the divide between platform nine and platform ten only to find their schoolmates standing on the platform looking bored and no Hogwarts express in sight. They stood, panting for a while. Then once they'd got their breath back they went over to Seamus and Dean who were talking to each other and looking angry about something.

"Where's the Hogwarts express?" Harry asked.

"It's late," said Seamus, irritably.

"What do you mean it's late?" said Ron. "It's never late."

"The seven fifteen to Hogsmeade derailed," Dean told them. "The whole system's in chaos."

"Can't they just use Wingardium leviosa and levitate it back on to the tracks?" Harry suggested.

"Yeah," Seamus snorted. "Tell that to them. The whole magic railway system has been awful since it was privatised! I blame the Minister of Magic. He should have done something about it."

"Terrible," said Dean. "I'll never vote for him."

"Especially since the not-believing-Harry-over-You-Know-Who thing," said Ron.

Seamus shrugged. "Meh."

"The important thing," said Dean. "Is that he can't get the decent systems running on time! Honestly, it's pathetic. What kind of Minister of Magic can't even make sure the Hogwarts express is there at the platform when the Hogwarts students want to get on it. I mean, can you see it anywhere? No."

"Yes," said Hermione, coming over and pointing at the train. "It arrived while you were ranting. Shall we get on?"

"Oh," said Dean. "All right."

The Gryffindors got on to the Hogwarts express, looked around and almost got off again.

"Eww!!!!" cried Ron.

"This is disgusting," said Hermione, holding her nose. "This can't be hygienic."

"Since when has the Hogwarts Express been in such a state?" Harry asked.

"Since it was privatised," said Dean nodding. "Just another example of the complete-"

"Okay, okay," said Hermione. "We heard you the first time. Shall we just find a seat and sit there?"

"Err," said Seamus. "What seat? There aren't any left?"

They looked around.

"This is unbelievable!" Hermione cried. "There have always been enough seats before!"

"That was before the over crowding of the school system caused innumerable new students at Hogwarts," said Ron, knowingly. "Most of them American transfer students."

The others stared at him. He blushed.

"My dad told me, okay..."

The train started. Then stopped. The students groaned.

"What is it now?"

The lady who ran the sweet trolley came walking down the corridor. "Leaves on the line," she said. "We've had to stop."

"What do you mean, leaves on the line," said Harry. "There's never been a problem with leaves on the line before."

"Ah," she replied. "These are the wrong sort of leaves."

"Well can we at least have some chocolate frogs?" Ron asked.

"'Fraid not. Due to cost cutting we've lost the sweet trolley."

"Blooming Minister of Magic," Dean grumbled.

"We'll be stuck here for a while," said the lady, moving on.

The students groaned.

"Excuse me, sorry, do you think I could, thank you, excuse me, oops, sorry." Neville was squeezing his way through the students to the other Gryffindors. "Hi guys."

"Hey Neville," said Seamus. "What's up?"

"I've forgotten my transfigurations book!" Neville cried. "McGonagall's going to kill me."

"Don't worry," said Harry. "Your grandmother could send it to you. It'll be here tomorrow morning."

"Don't count on it," said Seamus.

"Why not?"

"Well since the Owl Post changed their name to Owlsignia they've changed their services. Neville won't get it till next week and even then it'll be in the afternoon."

"But Junk mail will still arrive the day it was sent," Hermione added.

Harry shook his head despairingly. "And this is Modernisation."