Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/04/2002
Updated: 12/04/2002
Words: 81,434
Chapters: 25
Hits: 19,760

Harry Potter and the Wyvern's Crown

Tracy Fisher

Story Summary:
After discovering that Harry Potter only had four books written, a certain desire to see more overcame me. Allowing for book five to come out in the mean time, this is my version of book six. I've aped JK's style of writing, and attempted to draw out some of the hints she's left in the previous novels. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
This is dedicated to JKR, with a hope that she'll get the fifth book out soon!

Chapter Two: Raven Hawksmoor

'Ooo. Would you look at that?' Ron whistled low.

Hermione leaned over Ron's shoulder to get a look, then with a jolt, noticed it as well. Harry, not to be spited, pushed between them to get a view. They were seemingly looking at the first years, out on the lake, arriving in the traditional fashion. But with a few meters more in the carriage, he lost sight of them. He frowned, 'What was it?'

Hermione's nose wrinkled, 'One of the first years has to be the same height as Goyle; he's a head taller than the rest of them.'

Harry shrugged, 'Could be a number of reasons for that. Early growth spurt, giant blood, the like.'

Ron grinned, 'Could be Crabbe's little brother.'

Hermione blinked, 'Does he have a little brother?'

The three friends cracked up, thinking about how Crabbe's hypothetical little brother could hardly be considered 'little' by any stretch of the imagination. They unpacked their things and headed for the dining hall, noting that the first years had yet to arrive. In fact, they themselves were early, and were nearly the first to sit down at the Gryffindor table. Hermione smiled, 'Well, one year we get good seats to see the sorting.'

Almost at her words, the rest of the school seemed to ooze in, sitting at the tables, their chatter drowning out the sound of the footsteps of the first years. As they filed in, Harry, Ron and Hermione were careful to keep an eye on the line-up. Most of the younger students were very nervous-looking. Harry wondered if he had looked that frightened on the day of his sorting. He didn't doubt it. After all, the sheer amount of students in the room had been overwhelming to a boy who up until that time had only lived in in a dark cupboard, only allowed out for school and meals. But his ruminations were cut short as the last of the first years filed in, and at the very end of the line was the tall figure that Ron and Hermione had spotted. But far from the person being a possible relative of Crabbe's, the pretty teenaged girl who stood there looked for all the world rather embarrassed that she was there.

All eyes fell on her, of course, and everyone seemed to want the answer to the same question, who was she? Why was she here? And why on earth was she going through the Sorting Ceremony with the first years, when she looked to be a fifth or sixth year? Interrupting these thoughts, the Sorting Hat lifted from its stool and began to sing.

'Oh, who will be chosen, oh, who will be named?

Will she be a Hufflepuff? A Slytherin he be?

And who in my selection be the one claimed?

A Gryffindor? A Ravenclaw? Soon we shall see!

'If he be of Hufflepuff, a badgerish folk,

he'll be quite loyal, and I make no joke!

'If she be a Slytherin, of slippery tail,

she'll be most cunning, and never will fail!

'If he be a Gryffindor, lion's pride, the most strong,

he'll find true friends there, who won't do him wrong!

'If she be of Ravenclaw, eagle-wisest of all,

she'll understand everything, from the great to the small!

'If you can be tempted, if you can proceed,

No need to balk, no reason to fear,

Set on me on your head and soon we shall see,

I'll call you by house, for all to hear!

With that, the tattered hat settled back down to its stool and remained, waiting.

'Avrey, Jillian!' Professor McGonagall was swift to pick up the pace.

Harry's attention fell away from the Sorting Hat to the softly embarrassed girl who was standing last in line. It had to be a mistake, he surmised. She couldn't be 11. She was far too tall, and even though her new-looking school robes covered her, it was hard not to notice her slim, curved body. Harry's cheek twitched as he glanced over at Cho, his semi-girlfriend from last year. She was a Ravenclaw, and the Seeker on her Quidditch team. Harry, too, was a Seeker, but for Gryffindor. Over the course of last year, their relationship had mostly failed. And of course, Malfoy would only find joy in that. Harry glanced over at the Slytherin Table. It was loud and obnoxious as usual, and an angry-looking little boy had just sat down at the end. The Slytherins were ecstatic. All but a group of three. Draco Malfoy seemed to be staring fixedly at the older girl in the line-up. The look of puzzlement on his face belied his normally vicious attitude. His two friends (who would qualify better under the category of puppets) Crabbe and Goyle, were also silent, undoubtedly because Malfoy had told them to be quiet.

It dawned on Harry then that Hermione was talking to him and he wasn't listening. He turned his head, 'What did you say, Hermione?'

'I said...' Hermione took an extra second to look annoyed, 'That the girl must have missed her first chance to be at Hogwarts. Her magic must have manifested late.'

'Uh-huh,' Ron's cheeks were flushed, and he was clearly not listening, 'Who do you think she is?'

Harry chuckled, 'Haven't the foggiest, but then again, you're the one from the wizarding family. You'd be able to tell us before we could tell you.'

Ron nodded, 'And how do you suppose she got her hair that colour?'

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, then at the girl. Now that she was closer to the hat, it was easy to see her long black hair, with a shining hint of purple-blue that rippled along the long braid she kept it back in.

Then finally, the second to last name was called out, 'Yamato, Ken.'

Sorting Hat took only a moment to decide, 'Gryffindor!'

But the response at the Gryffindor table was dead silent. The whole hall was silent. Even the Slytherins were silent. The little boy seemed a bit nervous as he took a seat beside Ron. Professor McGonagall waited a moment. 'Our last student is a transfer from Salem Center Witch and Wizard Training Institute in North America. She is entering as a sixth-year, with honours. If you please...' Professor McGonagall motioned the girl towards the hat, 'Hawksmoor, Raven.'

With that, an explosion of chatter erupted at the Ravenclaw table. Ron glanced over at them for a moment. He smirked, 'Just 'cause her name is Raven, they think they're going to get her!' Harry rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

Hermione's brow was furrowed, 'You know, I think I know that girl's last name. It rings a bell.'

Ron chuckled, 'What, you've now read the entirety of every witching family tree, too?'

Hermione shot him a look, 'I have delved into my own tree, if you must know, because I was curious to find out if I had any witch ancestors. But her name reminds me of something I read in 'Hogwarts: A History'.'

'With a name like Hawksmoor?' Harry grinned, 'Can you imagine? In that whole book you remember something about a hawk and a moor.'

Ron snorted. Hermione frowned, then looked up, confused. Harry did as well. The hat still hadn't spoken. The girl was quite still, and the Ravenclaw table seemed even more confused, their voices gaining pitch enough for Harry to overhear a few of them,

'But she's ours, isn't she?'

'Of course! She's a Hawksmoor!'

'She's of one of the oldest Ravenclaw...'

'That's it!' Hermione exclaimed, a huge grin on her face, 'The Hawksmoor's have always been...'


The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs gasped, the Slytherins sneered, and the Gryffindors found themselves cheering, thought most weren't sure why. Harry shook his head as the girl slowly took off the Sorting Hat and set it down beside her. She looked up at him, her golden eyes seeking assurance. He found himself welcoming her, and she took a seat across from him, beside Hermione, looking about as pale as a person could look.

Ron grinned at her, 'Welcome to Gryffindor, Raven!'

Raven's lips parted and she touched her chest as though highly uncertain of what was to happen next. The Headmaster, Dumbledore, decided for them, raising his hands and leading everyone in the school song. Raven seemed rather pleased to hear it, even though everyone sang out of key, and at different times and rhythms. Harry, who had gotten a hang of the words a few years ago, sang as loudly as the rest, and by the time the last chorus had come around Raven was singing as well.

The feast, which had been more eventful because of Ron's constant chatter with Raven as he tried to learn everything about her with his mouth full, was over far too soon. Hermione had left partway through to get the Gryffindor password. She was a prefect this year, and was taking her job very seriously. When she returned she called the attention of the table and lead them up to the Gryffindor tower. She introduced the Fat Lady to each of the new students (much to Ron's loudly voiced displeasure) then called out the password quite loudly so that all could hear it ('phoenix-feather-duster'). Harry sighed as he entered the common room and flopped down on his favourite chair. The other students filed past, chattering loudly. Harry relaxed for the first time in weeks (or so it felt). A small hand came down on his shoulder. Harry looked up in shock, but smiled at the sight of the first year who hadn't gotten a cheer from the table.

'Are you a prefect, sir?'

Harry shook his head, 'I'm not...Ken, is it? The male prefect is Seamus...' He looked around the room, 'But he's not here right now. You needed something?'

Ken's eyes got a little wider, and he nodded, 'My mum and dad are both...not magical...and they wanted me to call them as soon as I got in, but one of the boys told me that there aren't any telephones here. I don't know what to do.'

'Oh, is that all? Have you an owl?'

Ken shook his head and opened up a small basket he had been holding. Inside was a small black kitten, not more than a few weeks old. 'Only Miwa.' He closed the basket again.

Harry smiled, 'Well, how about I send my owl? Your parents don't live far, do they?'

Ken shook his head again, and swallowed, 'They live in Liverpool, if that's not too far...sir.'

Harry chuckled, 'You can call me Harry. Come up to my room and I'll show you...'

Ron leapt out of the boy's dorm and practically landed on them both. Ken's eyes got even wider at this, and Harry gave Ron a bit of a shove as Ron laughed in his face, his cheeks so red, it was hard to see his freckles, 'Seamus just told me the rottenest joke, I've got to...' Ron looked over at the younger student, 'Oh, hullo. You're Yamato, right?'

Ken nodded, looking all the more terrified. Harry gave Ron a look, 'I'm going to help him send a letter to his folks. They're Muggles, and they didn't realize that Ken won't have access to a telephone here,' He climbed the steps, Ken and Ron on his tail. Ken was clutching his kitten's basket in desperation, as though it would protect him.

'Ahh, yes, the telerfon,' Ron smiled importantly, 'I've used one of those.'

Harry winced, 'Yes, I remember the fit my uncle had quite well,' He let Ken pass him, and gave a look to Ron that clearly said, 'wait'. Ron made a face, but shrugged and headed back to the common room.

Seamus Finnigan was there and grinned heartily at the new arrival. 'Why hullo there, you must be me missin' first year. Yer trunk and things are there, in George Wesley's old bunk. I'm yer prefect, so if you have any questions...' He raised an eyebrow, 'Or is Harry takin' care o' that for me?'

Harry smiled, 'He's Muggle-born. I'm just going to show him how to send letters to his folks.'

'Using Hedwig, then?'

Harry nodded and Seamus left. Ken looked at the freshly made up four-poster bed, and carefully set his cat basket on it. His eyes still told Harry of his fear at being in this place. Harry sat on his own bed with a kind smile, 'I know how you feel, Ken. This place is rather startling at first. You'll soon be used to it. Now, let me show you how to send things by owl post,' He drew out his quill, ink and a scrap of parchment from the trunk at his feet. 'Write a note to your parents, and I'll take you down to the owlery so that we can have it delivered,' He handed the items to the younger boy who sat down at his desk and immediately began to scribble furiously. He did well with a quill, Harry noticed as he continued to talk, 'If we send my Hedwig, she'll stay until your parents give a message back to you.'

After a moment Ken turned with a much calmer smile, 'I hope so.'

Harry held out his hand for his things. Ken gave them back carefully. Harry gave the note a once over, pretending to blow the ink dry (though it was enchanted to dry quickly), noting that Ken had asked for a response from his parents and to treat the owl who brought it kindly because she belonged to a friend. Harry nodded his head towards the door. Several students, second and third years by the looks of the them, brushed past as he and Ken slipped down. They exited the Gryffindor tower with two students a few feet behind them. Harry recognised Hermione's voice. The other, he realized a moment later, belonged to the new girl, Raven Hawksmoor. They too were heading down to the owlery for the same purpose as he and Ken were. He half listened to their conversation as they walked together.

'...I don't think your mother will be that upset, Raven,' Hermione's voice was as it's most gentle.

Raven's more cool voice responded quietly, 'My mother will be devastated. She'll send me a Howler for sure, and I doubt that will help much.'

Hermione seemed a bit more cheerful, 'Well, there no reason why you had to be a Ravenclaw! Ron's whole family were Gryffindors, and personally, I think that this is the best house here.'

'Yes, well, you're Muggle-born. And I don't mean that in a mean way, Hermione. You don't understand what it is for a Hawksmoor to be...anything but a Ravenclaw.'

Harry was so busy listening that he didn't realize that Ken had been tugging on his sleeve for some time. 'Yes, Ken?'

The Asian boy looked confused, 'What's a Muggle?'

Hermione tutted quietly, but continued in her conversation with the new girl. Harry smiled, 'A Muggle's a non-magic person, like your parents. I was raised by Muggles myself.'

'So that makes you...Muggle-born?'

'Muggle-raised. My parents were a witch and a wizard they...died when I was very young. Then I went to live with my Aunt and Uncle,' He managed to make his voice sound pleasant about the matter, even though his thoughts about living with his relatives were always far from pleasant.

'Oh.' The boy seemed satisfied with that.

Harry made the final turn into the owlery and had to give Ken an extra shove so that Hermione and Raven could go past them. He heard Hermione calling for Pigwidgeon (Ron's owl) as Hedwig lifted herself from the rafters and swooped down for a scratch under the beak and a small treat. Ken was goggle-eyed at the sight of all the owls around him.

'Are all of them owned by students?' He seemed breathless.

Harry shook his head, 'No. More than half, though. The rest are school owned and trained. Now,' he spoke to the owl on his arm, 'Hedwig, I need you to deliver Ken's message here.' He looked up at Ken as Hedwig coolly extended a leg. 'Don't worry, she doesn't bite...' He knew it to be a half-lie, considering that if she was moody he often nipped Harry, but continued coaxing the boy. He'd see much stranger things soon. The boy rolled the message and put it in Hedwig's leg catch. Immediately she swooped back into the rafters.

'How does she know where to go?'

'If she doesn't she'll ask another owl.' It's funny, he thought to himself. I've sent her on dozens of messages without the slightest concern. A burst of laughter from the other side of the owlery made both boys look over.

Pigwidgeon had arrived and had landed (and consequently gotten tangled) in Hermione's bushy hair. Raven's laugh was rather loud, and several larger owls (who had been sleeping) took flight to find a more quiet spot. Harry headed over and helped Hermione who was rather upset about the whole matter. Raven covered her smile. The smallish owl, who still felt to be like a feathery Snitch in Harry's hand hooted gleefully. Raven tilted her head, 'Do you think that this little guy will make it across the Atlantic? My mom's in Canada trying to sell our property there right now.'

Harry looked down at the tiny animal, 'Are you up to it, Pig?'

Pigwidgeon fluffed his feathers importantly, and let out an extra shill hoot. Harry shrugged as Pig nearly hopped out his hands to grab the message from Raven's fingers. Deftly, she had tied it to him before he had a chance to fall. Like a feathery rocket, he zoomed out the window Hedwig had left through.

'He's plucky, I'll give him that.'

Raven burst into giggles again. Harry grinned at Hermione who only rolled her eyes at his pun. Maybe this Raven girl was going to be a bit more fun than she had first seemed.

* * *

That night, the sixth-years compared schedules. Ron, Harry, and Hermione had four classes shared together, Care of Magical Animals (taught by the gamekeeper, Hagrid), Defence against the Dark Arts (which again, was being taught by Professor Lupin, who was himself a werewolf) Charms (with the diminutive Professor Flitwick) and Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. They were still required subjects for all wizards, and Gryffindors were always together, if the teachers could help it. Ron had dropped Herbology in light of his Muggle Studies, but otherwise (as he happily told Harry) he was in every one of Raven's classes. Harry, who was taking all his subjects with the new girl, sighed and ignored him. The other classes they shared were Divination (which Hermione had quit in their third year) History (which she had taken last semester), and Potions, which Hermione was taking at a different time so that she could fit in her extra subject, which she felt more important. Apparation. It took place outside the school grounds, and she was being allowed it because of her excellent marks in all her other subjects. Ron was hideously jealous, but that quickly subsided when he found out that it was a theory course, and that she would have to study, do a ton of homework and trigonomic calculations, before she was even permitted to practice the spell to go so much as a foot.

Raven's raucous laugh lifted over the group as Seamus was whispering something in her ear. Then she shook her head, 'That's rotten, rotten to the core!'

Ron grinned, knowing that it was the joke he heard earlier, then frowned realizing he hadn't been the one to tell her. Harry shook his head, thinking about how Ron may never get up enough bravery to ask her out, and realized with a sudden jolt that he couldn't send a letter to Cho if both Hedwig and Pig were gone. His shoulders fell. Then something fuzzy rubbed against his leg. He nearly hit the ceiling. His shout made everyone look at him and the presence of the tiny black kitten made everyone laugh. Harry felt his cheeks colour as he picked up the little ball of fluff and looked around the room for its owner. Not seeing Ken, he sat back down, still holding the tiny cat. It was so young its eyes were still blue. He stroked the feline under the chin softly as Hermione leaned closer for a better look.

'Who brought a kitten here?'

Harry raised an eyebrow, 'Oh, the first year, Yamato. I know its name is Miwa.'

At the sound of its name, the kitten yawned, uttering a sound that was distinctly a high pitched 'miwa!'. Ron laughed. Some of the sixth years went off to do their own thing, and the rest gathered around to look at the kitten. Harry looked up to see Raven so close to him he felt a jolt of fear rise up in him. Her golden eyes flicked up to Harry's face, then back down at the kitten's. 'Who did you say owns this cat?'

'Ken Yamato.' Harry was slightly shocked at how close she was. But no part of her had actually touched him.

'May I?' She indicated lifting the kitten from his lap. Her owl-like eyes had Harry transfixed. They were so shocking, too light in colour to be brown, and filled with a strange pale light...

'Miwa? MIWA!' A voice was calling, Harry looked up at the same time Raven did. The young boy was looking for his kitten, baby bottle in hand. He spotted Harry, then saw the kitten in his lap. Ken rushed over and collected the kitten from Harry, thanking him and expertly holding the bottle so that the kitten could drink. After the excitement had died down, Harry noted that Raven and Hermione had retired, feeling the exhaustion of the day sink in, he decided that he may as well, of course, he normally wouldn't until the team captain called for the players to go to bed. Then it dawned on him. He was the Quidditch Captain now, so it was his duty. He had yet to appoint a new Keeper or the two Beaters to replace Ron's twin brothers George and Fred Weasley, but the three seventh-year Chasers were still here, and he waved at them. 'Team, bed.'

Angelina chuckled, 'I guess it is kinda late. Are we getting up early to practice tomorrow, Potter?' Katie and Alicia smiled brightly.

Harry shook his head, 'Don't lose us a game, and I'll let you sleep in tomorrow.'

The three girls laughed and waved as they headed into the girl's dorm.

* * *

The first day of classes were horrible. Not one sixth year from Gryffindor had thought about the placement of their first two subjects, and considering Hermione wasn't in either of them, it made sense that no one had contested them. After a gruelling lesson down in Snape's dungeon, including Harry and Ron getting held back after the class had left (Raven had to wait behind, not knowing where she was going), and they had to run all the way up to the top of the castle for Divination. Raven also struggled to keep up as they raced down the labyrinthine hallways and up stairs that seemed to have no end. They were so long in coming that Professor Trelawney had already started the lesson.

Lavender Brown's eyes widened at the sight of them, 'You were right, professor! Three students were late!'

Ron's eyes narrowed. 'If Trelawney had even looked at the schedule, she'd have known we would be late without any sort of magical warning,' He wasn't fond of the class, but he'd managed a decent mark in it, and felt that it was probably worth his trouble, considering that it was either this or Arithmancy with Hermione. He sat down with Harry and Raven, puffing and looking for all the world like he wanted to curse something. Raven played with her cloak for a moment then sighed deeply. Harry, who was also out of breath, noticed this. Ron didn't as tea cups were handed out. The Professor smiled as Ron looked confused.

'Before you ask, Weasley, the fates told me that most of the students here would benefit from a simple review of our earlier topics,' She glanced over at Neville who was pouring tea for himself, 'Nice catch, by the way.'

Neville jerked his head to the side, and the teapot followed. It knocked his cup off the table, but as fast as he could, he managed to catch it. Lavender Brown looked all the more impressed. Harry rolled his eyes as he poured hot water over his tea leaves. Raven smiled slightly, and took her tea in one go. Her eyes were a little watery, but with a practiced hand, she swirled her cup three times and flipped it onto the saucer.

The bug-eyed Professor smiled in admiration, 'I see Professor Melange has not lost his touch. Though I know he's not doing well these days.'

Harry glanced over at Raven who winked at him, then mouthed Melange's retired. I was taught by my mother. Ron, who also saw it, snorted, then choked for a moment on his tea. The Professor whirled, but only saw Ron and Harry swirling their cups. They each switched, Harry getting Ron's cup, Raven getting his, and Ron getting hers. After a moment of thought, each began, Harry first.

Harry pursed his lips, as though he was forcing himself to really see. But the presence of Raven who didn't seem to be fooling around as much kept him from saying something really stupid. He took a moment to see if he recognised anything. Then he frowned, 'Ron, you have a Hinkypuck.'

Ron bit his lip to keep from laughing, but Harry raised an eyebrow, 'No, it does look like one. Maybe you'll have a great tragedy in the water this year. And you have...three stars. Say, doesn't the symbol for Beauxbatons have three stars? Maybe Fleur will come back and you'll have to rescue her from a Hinkypuck.'

Ron snorted, 'I only wish.'

Raven looked up, 'My turn.'

Ron leaned towards her, 'Just so you know, every year, Potter's been marked for death. If you don't predict it, Trelawney'll flunk you.'

On cue, Trelawney turned and seemingly floated over to their table. She stole the cup from Ron's hands and investigated it. Her eyes widened and she looked up at Harry with shock in her eyes, 'Why my dear, you have the sign of the raven upon you! That is a sign that someone close to you will betray you!'

Harry opened his mouth to correct her, but decided to let it play out. He nodded, grimly.

The professor's eyes had taken over her face, 'And you will be courted by your worst enemy...and it looks like that enemy will overcome you. And not by treachery! By your willing hand! My! This is the worst cup I've...'

'Professor?' Raven leaned forwards, her voice cutting the air, 'That's my cup.'

Trelawney was stunned. Dean and Seamus managed to hold back their laughter. She looked from Harry to her then pursed her lips, 'My dear, you haven't the luck that our dear mister Potter has had in avoiding danger. I daresay you'll die before this year ends!'

Raven nodded, 'I'll take that into consideration, Professor. Perhaps I should read Harry's cup, before that happens?' Her voice was soft, and just as weaselling as Trelawney's could be. The teacher nodded gracefully.

Raven closed her eyes and held her hand over the cup. After a moment she looked down into it. 'Ahh, Potter. You are going to be torn this year. And hurt so deeply you may not recover. But I do see you overcoming it, if you can...' She tilted her head slightly, 'If you can set aside a firm judgment you have made in the past,' Raven glanced over at Harry, then handed her cup to Trelawney, 'I believe I've caught all the signs, haven't I, Professor?'

Trelawney's ancient wrinkled face broke into a huge smile, 'A student with the eye! Oh what a pleasant surprise! Too bad you'll be dying my dear, but I suppose you've seen that already, haven't you! No wonder you weren't upset. Ahh, but I see you leaving now. It is time for you next class. Lavender, I've an extra copy of Unfogging the Future, I know you'll be wanting it tomorrow and no owl will get it to you fast enough for the question you'll have.'

As the sixth-year Gryffindors raced down the stairwell to get to lunch before it was over, they ran into Hermione and a pack of fourth years. Once seated, Ron retold the story from Divination. Hermione seemed rather upset, considering it was the only subject she never managed to finish.

'So,' Hermione's eye squinted, 'you've got the eye, huh?'

Raven laughed, 'If being able to look at symbols in a cup, and remembering what each means in both a positive and negative way is having the eye, then I guess I do. I just memorized the symbols. It's not a big deal.'

'What do you mean, positive or negative?' Ron raised an eyebrow.

'All signs have a positive side or a negative side, much like tarot cards,' Raven told them without sounding snooty or shy. 'When you gave me the warning that Professor Trelawney wanted me to see Harry's death, I read all the negative sides of his cup.'

Harry and Hermione leaned forwards, more curious about this, 'So,' Hermione squinted, 'If there's a positive side to Harry's cup, what did it say?'

'Oh,' Raven blinked and looked downwards, her pale face falling into a look of concentration, 'Well, he had a Phoenix feather, that means 'renewing by change' but it can also mean 'changing ones mind after it's been made up'. He also had...' She scratched her cheek, 'Falling water and a lightening bolt. Falling water means that you will experience a deep effecting emotion, good or bad. And the bolt means 'striking fast' or 'torn away'.'

Hermione's cheeks were coloured, 'which would mean that Harry's positive future will be that he'll have a fast striking emotion that will cause him to change his mind about something?'

Raven nodded, 'Or, putting them in a different order, if he doesn't change his mind about something, he will have, or not have that fast emotion,' Raven chuckled, 'You can see how ridiculous the whole idea of Divination is. It's so vague that it could apply to anyone, at any time.'

Ron was grinning, 'So what about your cup, what's positive about all those death signs Trelawney saw for you?'

'Well, the sign of the raven isn't that bad, really. It could apply to my mother, being as she was a Ravenclaw, as was my grandfather (he moved to America shortly afterwards, so my father wasn't). The Hawksmoors have always been Ravenclaws, so that could be it as well. There's plenty of reasons,' She didn't elaborate further, but instead said, 'I doubt the old 'betrayal by a close friend' really applies to me. As for the being overpowered by an enemy, she could have seen one or two signs that would say that, a drooping flower, meaning I will be powerless (easily picked, you might say), or a twinned sign, showing the darker force as the one dominant. But twinned signs are only for a short time, and it is hard to say which actually applies to the drinker of the tea.'

Hermione snorted, 'You have the 'eye' and you admit that its mostly rubbish! Why bother taking the class?'

Raven's head dropped though her grin didn't, 'Because I failed Arithmancy so terribly last semester that I figured it would be best to keep the course in my schedule.'

Ron burst into appreciative laughter, and slapped Raven on the shoulder, 'Good one on you.'

Hermione spluttered, 'But, I thought you were entering with HONORS?'

Raven grinned up at Ron and Harry, 'Yes, in Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms and Divination. I flunked Arithmancy, History, Potions and Herbology.' Harry joined in Ron's laughter.

* * *