When the Past Catches Up with You...


Story Summary:
Ron is confronted with his past and must decide. But will he be able to bear the consequences when his life turns upside down?``Draco/Ron, Post-Hogwarts

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Ron is confronted with his past and must decide. But will he be able to bear the consequences when his life turns upside down?

When the Past Catches Up with You...

Chapter 3 - Forebodings

Ron walked around for a while before he apparated back home. He had a whole lot of stuff to rethink, as he sauntered blindly through the alleys. He would stop at a shop window every now and then, his mind clearly elsewhere.

The conversation with his two siblings did him good even though he was shocked that he'd admitted anything at all to them. A few days ago it wouldn't have even crossed his mind that he could even think about breaking up with Hermione. For some reason voicing his concerns about his relationship with Hermione had loosened that knot inside of him. He'd finally been able to gasp for air and he knew with complete certainty that there was no future for him and Hermione. He didn't know where his life would lead him but he felt confident that his freedom would be a big step forward in the right direction.

Only now had it struck him that he had been so wrapped up in his own problems with Hermione, he'd forgotten that he hadn't seen George for ages. He had been so preoccupied with himself that he didn't even ask him about Fred or the shop. Ron felt disgusted with himself for being so selfish. He swore to himself that he would make an effort to spend some more time getting to know his twin brothers again, after his return from Romania.

When Ron re-entered his house he didn't know at first what to do. He still had nearly a day 'til he had to be in Romania. He didn't want to leave earlier because he hoped to speak to Hermione before he left.

'Strange how things just fall in to place. No more than a few hours ago I was totally confused. And now I can hardly wait to get all of this mess behind me.'

Ron decided to pack up his documents for work, climbing up the old wooden stairs to the first floor, the steps groaning under his weight because it was an ancient staircase with a past that had seen many feet travel up and down its worn steps. Ron loved just that about this house - it was old. He'd always found old houses fascinating. In his opinion they radiated something infinitely more comfortable, then a new house with all its pristine qualities and untouched cold surfaces. When he had seen this house for the first time he fell in love immediately. He just had to have this house. Hermione had pronounced him crazy for buying such an old and decrepit house, but no one could change his mind.

Ron went to his office which was directly opposite Hermione's. In contrast to hers, everything was a mess which stretched from the desk, to the shelves and even reached the floor. Ron was chaotic when it came to organisation but he always recovered everything he was searching for. He always knew where he had placed something which dumbfounded Hermione quite often. Some time ago she'd given up making him tidy up his room.

The table was overflowing with half typed letters, notes and the like. With one sweep of his arm a huge stack of papers fluttered to the floor to join the others. He side stepped around the table, careful not to trample on any papers in the process and sat down on the edge of the desk. He had a chair but he preferred sitting directly on the table using the chair as a support for his feet.

In another paper stack Ron found the documents for Romania. These included locations, names of people who should get protection, names of available Aurors as well as shift schedules. He had worked out every detail in the run-up. Theoretically nothing could go wrong anymore. But there's always the likelihood of something going awry on events like these. That's why he wanted to be prepared as much as possible for any such problems.

Ron looked around for his briefcase. He remembered vaguely having thrown it into a corner the last time he'd been in his office. Finally he found it on the floor tucked under one of the shelves; he'd have to lie flat on the floor to fish it out of there. When he pulled the briefcase out, he saw a wooden box hidden behind it, no larger than four inches in each direction.

'It can't be...'

Ron reached once more, grabbing at the box. When his fingers clasped around the wood, he pulled his arm out again and sat up, leaning against the shelf with his back. He observed the little box in his hands from all sides. It was made up of finest mahogany and there were inscriptions of old runes on every side. Ron remembered that they should protect the contents from external glances, especially magical ones. On the top was carved a dragon, his claw merging into the lock, as if he would watch over the contents himself.

'I would have never thought that it would fall into my hands just now. I'd pretty much forgotten about it.'

He remembered that he had last seen the box shortly before his graduation from Hogwarts. He had thrown it into his trunk with all his other belongings. At first he wanted to chuck it away, but for some reason he still valued it. After all it held some of his most beautiful but also most painful memories...

He stroked the lock lightly with his thumb and mumbled "Draconis excito"[1]. He was surprised that he could remember the words to unlock the box so easily after all those years.

With a soft click the claw-lock opened and the top seemed to disintegrate. Now, Ron could see inside of the box.

'I'd forgotten how many things I'd kept.'

The little wooden box contained a great deal of old parchments, most of them were letters and in between those lay a few pictures. Slowly Ron began to doubt if he truly wanted to dig through these mementos from his past. He still knew exactly when, where and most notably by whom he had received this box...

It was his seventeenth birthday - a Saturday. He had been prepared to spend the day with his friends. But then he had got a message in the morning.

'Come to the lake after dinner tonight. I have to talk to you.'

Even though the message was unsigned he knew precisely who had sent it. He peered at the Slytherin table and saw Draco Malfoy gazing in his direction. Ron made an effort to keep a neutral facial expression, turning towards Hermione again, who had been trying to convince him and Harry that even a birthday wasn't a reason to sneak to Hogsmeade unauthorised.

Ron only rolled his eyes and stood up. Under the glances of a somewhat annoyed Hermione he left the Hall. He had to be alone now...

What did Draco want from him? They had barely talked to each other over the last couple of weeks. And when an encounter couldn't be avoided, Draco's only response was to be rude to him.

Ron was quite confused. Since their kiss a few weeks ago Draco had changed back to his old self. Never failing to insult him wherever he went, it was as if their secret encounters had never taken place, that they had never bonded over conversation.

None of it had been easy for Ron. What had happened at the lake that last evening had got him completely wound up. He had indeed felt at ease with Draco's closeness during those meetings but the kiss had taken him by absolute surprise. Nevertheless, he thought it had been nice. For some reason unknown to him he felt, that this was, what he wanted.

But then something had happened he hadn't understood until today. Draco had backed off. He'd mumbled something Ron couldn't catch and ran back to the castle.

Ron had tried several times to attract Draco's attention, wanting to speak to him. But every time he tried, he was insulted for his trouble. In the end Ron gave up and ignored Draco the best he could.

All the more reason why he was now surprised at Draco's need to talk with him. Ron decided to not make it too easy for him. He knew Draco better now than he ever had and he would not get caught in any possible trap easily...

Ron spent the afternoon more or less half-heartedly with his friends in the Gryffindor common room because Hermione had threatened that she would tell Professor McGonagall about their intention to go to Hogsmeade. Ron's thoughts drifted elsewhere over and over again. Still he tried to fathom just what Draco was up to. When it was at last time for dinner he sighed and went down to the Great Hall not paying attention to a single one of his friends. They were all staring at him with uncomprehending faces.

During dinner Harry pestered him with questions about his behaviour. Ron appeased him with an excuse, that he had been feeling very tired of late. Apparently Harry didn't believe him but asked no more questions just the same.

Ron didn't feel like eating, his gaze wandering over to the Slytherin table again. But Draco was nowhere to be found. Ron waited a few more minutes until he left the table under the pretext that he had to write an important letter. He noticed that Hermione wanted to say something but as fast as he could he was out of the Hall, giving her no chance to speak...

When Ron arrived at the lake he saw Draco leaning against their tree.

"What do you want from me, Malfoy?" Ron snarled at him with an explicit accent on Draco's family name. He definitely didn't want to make it too easy for him, whatever he wanted. He was still pretty hurt because of the ugly remarks aimed at him over the last couple of weeks. "I'm not in the mood for listening to your insults."

"Ron..." Draco took a step towards him. Ron raised his hand ordering him to stop. "Say, what you have to say, Malfoy, and then leave me alone." he scowled at him with narrowed eyes.

Draco seemed confused due to Ron's angry reaction. He had thought that Ron would give him a chance. To see him changing back to their old rituals further perplexed him. "What's wrong with you? I thought we would be f... wouldn't be calling us by our family names anymore!" He was able to correct his gaffe just in time, but Ron hadn't missed it all the same.

"What? Friends? We two? Forget it, Malfoy. I don't need someone as a friend, who's using me as a guinea pig just so they can practise the art of verbal warfare. Go find someone else to polish your skills on, I'm not available for your amusement." Ron had enough if it. His pulse had quickened and it seemed only to getting worse with every second in Draco's presence. He didn't want another clash with the blond, that's why he turned around, intending to go back to the castle again.

"Wait..." It was nothing more than a whisper but Ron heard him just the same because suddenly Draco was next to him, holding onto his arm tightly.

Ron turned his head and looked into a pair of steel-grey eyes, which gazed entreatingly up at him. He repressed the impulse to give in. "Let go of me!" his low growl was clearly a warning.

Draco seemed to prefer to not listen. "But..."

By now Ron thought that it was enough. All of this stammering was getting on his nerves. He broke his arm free of the Slytherin and pushed Draco forcefully away from him, causing the blond to fall backwards onto the ground. "Are you deaf or just stupid? What exactly of 'Let go of me' haven't you understood?"

Ron notices a shift in Draco's eyes. Apparently he had hit a nerve when he had yelled at him using the exact words Draco had used against him many times. 'Serves him right.' The softness in Draco's eyes turned into hurt and at last into rage. Draco was on his feet before Ron could think of what to do next. Draco glared at him, the need to revenge this slight, evident in his eyes.

"Is it your stubbornness coming through now? What is this strange behaviour?" shouted Draco, taking a step closer with each word. Ron was being forced to back off as the enraged boy stormed ever closer. "I'm trying to apologise for my behaviour except you refuse to hear me out and instead choose to hurl insults back at me."

Ron jerked to a halt, Draco advanced till he almost stood nose to nose with the redhead.

"Apologise? YOU? For what?" Ron's voice showed a hint of derision. "That you ever met me? That you ever talked to me? Or that you didn't recognise earlier how easy it is to trifle with me and to hurt me?" In his fury he couldn't hold back the tears any longer as they ran freely down his cheeks.

"In fact I wanted to apologise for behaving like an idiot for the last few weeks." Draco's voice was barely a whisper at this time, therefore it sounded all the more dangerous. "But you don't seem to have the slightest interest in what I have to say." Without speaking one more word Draco turned away and left.

Ron was too puzzled by Draco's sudden confession to be able to think clearly, He realised that Draco had been for once honest with him. Racing after Draco, he laid his hand on the boys shoulder and turned him around.

"What..." Draco didn't get around to finishing the question because Ron had forced his lips roughly onto Draco's mouth. His hands clung to Draco's robe. The Slytherin was taken aback at this sudden change of heart but eventually responded to the kiss just as fiercely.

When they eventually parted to take a breath Draco explained to Ron, that he had run scared after their first kiss. He hadn't known what to do. This emotion he had felt was so new and unexpected. Furthermore he was quite afraid of Ron's reaction. Thus he had backed away, like he always did when things became too confusing. He hid behind a mask of nasty remarks in order that nobody would see how much he was torn inside. It didn't take him long to realise that this was the wrong way to handle these new feelings and, at last admitted to himself that it would be best if they talk things out.

"Besides, there's something I want to give you." Draco extracted a box out of his cloak and placed it into the startled redhead's hands. "Happy birthday, Ron."

Ron wasn't able to say a single word. Surprised he looked from the little wooden box to Draco and back again.

The box was beautiful with a series of intricate carvings decorating the wooden surface. Draco told him that only the ones, having fed the dragon with their blood, could open the box. He got out his wand, held Ron's finger over the top with the carved dragon and mumbled "Sanguis guttatim"[2]. A single drop of blood fell from Ron's outstretched finger down onto the top of the box; it was immediately absorbed into the wooden surface. From there Draco showed him how to open the box.

Ron followed Draco's instructions to find something silvery lying in it. It was a necklace. The pendant was a silver snake with an emerald green eye.

Draco lifted the necklace out of the box and placed it around Ron's neck. "I have the same. It should remind you of me, giving you my soul."

Ron didn't know how to respond to such a gift. He was simply overwhelmed with emotion. Just a few minutes ago they had been screaming at each other, making him fear that someone might overhear them even in the highest tower of Hogwarts. And now Draco had given him one of the most precious gifts he had ever received. He just listened to his heart for once and kissed Draco with as much tenderness he was able to put into the kiss...

Unnoticed a single tear had been running down his cheek. Ron remembered the night as if it had been yesterday. It was the first night they had spent together...

At this thought a pleasurable shiver ran down his spine and Ron couldn't help smiling. But he tried to drive away those memories and feelings, he had suppressed for a long time.

'Wrong time. Wrong place.'

Ron looked through the old letters and pictures for a while. Even though the box seemed to be quite little when looking at it, it might keep a lot of secrets. At the bottom of the box he finally found it. The silvery gleam hadn't tarnished in the years that had gone by since he'd been given the pendant; the eye twinkled at him in a knowing manner.

'Why have I found you now?'

Ron took the necklace in his hands and examined it for a few minutes.

'What would have happened if I hadn't destroyed everything at that time? If I'd only had a bit courage and confidence...'

He sighed and laid the necklace back into the box. A gentle touch of his fingers at the claw was enough to close the box once again. At last Ron laid it in his bag he wanted to take it with him to Romania. He placed his work papers next to it.

Ron decided to take a sleeping potion that night. He knew he wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep otherwise. And he would need his energy in Romania.

With this thought in his mind he went down to the ground floor, heading for the kitchen. Even when his night was peaceful, the rest of the day was more than frustrating for him. Either the thought of the upcoming dispute with Hermione got on his nerves or stormy-grey eyes haunted him, not wanting to let him go.


On his way to the small village Draco came past a forest, causing him to stop. He couldn't exactly describe it but something attracted his attention. He wasn't sure if he should go inside, it was just a feeling he had that told him he needed to go inside. That what he was looking for was in that direction. Although it was quite possible that he was going mad following these stupid hunches.

Draco shook his head. 'Obviously I've been out here for far too long. My senses have begun to play tricks on me.'

It was at that moment that he saw a pair of red glowing eyes between the dense foliage of a bush at the edge of the wood. 'Only magical beasts could have such eyes. Perhaps it really is the magical forest I've been looking for all this time.'

Slowly, Draco took a step towards the forest, by virtue of this discovery he found that he was more wary than before. He didn't let the red eyes out of his sight, regardless of the creature they could belong to. They too didn't avert their gaze from him. Only when the creature blinked did Draco know that it really was a living being.

Before he went any further towards the edge of the forest, Draco decided it would be wiser, not to keep moving towards an unknown area, especially as he was weighted down with his belongings. Next to an oak that was standing by it self, he spotted a rock large enough to hide a person. On its shaded side he located a pit, offering sufficient space for his belongings. He conjured an Invisibility-spell over the hiding place and betook himself towards the forest again, wand pulled out at the ready.

He didn't have to search long until he found a somewhat accessible path into the forest. The entry was flanked by two old trees, which branches had intertwined over the years creating a dense forest indeed. If it wasn't for the path, he would surely have not been able to navigate his way through the crowded nest of thickly grown trees and bushes.

Draco wasn't able to see a single trunk inside the woods, it was pitch-black. He murmured "Lumos!" at the edge of the forest, before making his way into the darkness that lay ahead.

The minute he passed over the threshold, darkness overcame him. Only the dim beam of light from his wand helped to keep him oriented as to where he was, thus preventing him from panicking. When he turned around, facing the way he'd come, he noticed that he could not see the way back, no light from outside penetrated the forest borders no matter which way he looked. From inside it was impossible to work out how much time had passed, which was quite disconcerting.

Draco glowered at his surroundings. 'I'm already in here now! I might as well continue on this path and see where it leads me.'

He tried to make out more of just where he was but the beam wouldn't light up more than a radius of seven feet. Nevertheless, red and green pairs of eyes couldn't be ignored, lurking everywhere in the shadows, watching every move he made. Oddly enough, none of these creatures came up to him. Draco breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally he directed his gaze on the barely visible path and began to follow its course.

Draco found it strange that he could hardly hear any noise in the darkness of the woods. Only the snap of a withered twig he stepped on echoed through the silence every now and then, sounding like a peal of thunder. But the otherwise supposed rustling and scampering of the inhabitants of the forest was missing. If there hadn't still been possibly thousands eyes directed at him, Draco would have thought the forest was uninhabited.

Where was this path leading to? He had already been walking for some minutes, even though it felt like hours to him. There still weren't any changes in his surroundings. Draco came across no path that separated from the main one that he was walking, nor had he noticed a clearing. The path seemed to go straight ahead forever.

Slowly Draco began to get more and more nervous as a result of his surroundings. His senses were on red alert, poised to attack at only the slightest provocation to anything remotely hostile in his path. The hair at the nape of his neck stood on end, expecting the worst.

However, just when he thought he'd go mad waiting for either something to attack him or for the path to change, the road before him took a hard turn. Admittedly, he almost hadn't noticed it because the difference could hardly be seen. The path behind him barely varied from the path that lay ahead. Only a few ferns and cobwebs at the foot of the trees on the wayside made him realise that the path's course was changing.

When Draco followed the curve he felt a cold breeze approaching him. 'Hell! Where is this wind coming from?' Draco tried to peek at the tops of the trees but he couldn't make out any motion from the leaves. Strangely everything around him was still. When he moved, the phantom wind touched his bare skin; he felt chills over his whole body at the touch. Draco murmured a warming spell and entwined his robe closely around his body, collar up to protect his neck from the chill.

To tell the truth, Draco wasn't quite sure yet, if he was on the right track. From his fathers books he only knew that there had to be a creature in one of the magic forests in Scotland which would be able to help him. Reportedly, it lived in a cave at the edge of a clearing and was not friendly towards visitors. The type of creature wasn't mentioned anywhere and that's why Draco was well prepared for anything. He'd made it a point of studying up on all the creatures he could find, he couldn't afford to be surprised.

Not long after, the path before him began to turn again. He'd lost concept of all time and place. How much further had he to go? As he followed yet another curve in the road he finally came to a clearing. He could finally see the sky again and judging from the position of the sun it couldn't be that long after noon.

Draco didn't want to risk going instantly into the clearing. It would have been too easy to for anything lurking to attack him. Thus he searched for a safe place behind the trees and began to carefully scan each section of the clearing.

The clearing in itself wasn't huge, perhaps twenty yards in diameter. It was roofed for the most part with a canopy of foliage from the trees standing around the edge, very little light penetrated through it except towards the middle where the sky opened above in all its glory. That was where the rays were piercing through, giving Draco the opportunity to see without the Lumos spell. It wasn't a bright light as such, just enough to bath the surrounding area in a murky grey.

On the other side of the clearing, opposite him, there was another passage way like the one by which he had entered the forest. But something seemed to be different. Draco couldn't define why because he was too far away from the passageway and the lighting conditions too poor to make out what was what.

Draco didn't want to chance getting any closer, not till he knew exactly what it was that was causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. It took only a few more minutes of observing that same passageway when he noticed movement from the other side. Something was going on over there.

Warily, Draco sneaked around the edge of the clearing towards the passageway, making sure he was always under the cover of the trees, anxious at the thought of being found after travelling so far. When he had nearly approached the passageway he saw a dark dressed figure stepping out from the path and into the clearing. Black hair, almost reaching the ground, fanned around the body.

Draco thought he recognised the creature from his research, but he wanted to assure himself before he did anything he would regret later. He inched a few steps closer to the unsuspecting creature.

Suddenly he heard something crack under his foot. 'Damn!' Due to his concentration on the creature he hadn't looked where he was walking and failed to see a large branch in his way that he had now inadvertently stepped on.

Cold sweat formed on his brow, fear prickled down his spine as he peered at the creature which had turned around to face him jerkily. He looked into a haggard greenish face with cavernous glassy eyes - it was a Banshee and she didn't seem to be very pleased about seeing him in her habitat.

While she was coming up to him, Draco tried to remember any spell which could be helpful in this situation. He knew that the scream of a Banshee could be fatal. Draco hoped he was right, when he remembered that her scream was the only dangerous element to being confronted by a Banshee. When he realised, that the Banshee was preparing herself to scream, he shouted the first spell that came to mind.


A yellow spark shot out of the tip of Draco's wand and hit the Banshee in the throat. Her eyes went wide and that alone told him that the spell must have caused something. But he wasn't sure if it had been effective in the way he had hoped.

The Banshee was beside herself with rage, her whole body shook with wrath at being attacked. When she tried to give one of her deathly screams in retaliation, there was nothing more than a hoarse croak to come out of her mouth. Draco wasn't able to hide his smirk. His suspicion had been right. Unlike the Sonorus-spell, the Quietus-spell would muffle the voice. The only thing the Banshee could do right now was to whisper.

When she understood the effect of Draco's spell she became even more enraged. But when she tried to lunge at him, Draco drove her back with a simple "Petrificus Totalus".

Now he was able to close in on her safely. The former glassy eyes of the Banshee were now glittering viciously at him. Meanwhile Draco was rather amused by her whispered curses. He admitted to himself that it wasn't really clever for him to pick an argument with a furious Banshee, but it had been his only chance to find out more about the black diamond.

"I'm not going to force you, but..." Draco's words didn't seem to reassure the Banshee.

"I'm searching for something and I hoped you could be of some help to me." He noticed the mockery in her face and thought about a way of persuading her to help him.

"Perhaps there's something I can do for you in return." Draco didn't know how he hit on the idea of offering his help to the Banshee. Now that he had offered the Banshee seemed to be very interested. Her once obvious rage at being bested by a mere human boy had lessened.

"Fine, I'm searching for the black diamond. I have heard, you could tell me, where I can find it." Draco didn't receive an answer. The Banshee had been able to whisper something to him, but apparently she was wary of his motives. So Draco decided to show her his trustworthiness. "I'm going to undo the Susurrus-spell now. Then we can have a chat."

Draco aimed at her throat with his wand, murmuring "Sonorus". The Banshee was just about to scream when Draco pressed his wand directly to her throat. "Don't even think about it, if you don't behave I'll make sure you never get your voice back."

If the gaze of a Banshee had been able to kill, Draco would have dropped dead immediately. Instead he just grinned at her smugly. "Well? Can you help me?"

"And what is it I get from you in return?" The voice of the Banshee was like the rattling of old chains, she spoke with a dangerous quiet tone.

"What could you want from me?" Draco tried to hide the unsteadiness of his words.

"I want to go home," the Banshee answered simply.

Draco stared at her confused as to her request. How could he help her to go home? He didn't know where her home was situated.

"And where is this precisely?" It seemed as if he had to squeeze the Banshee for information. "And how could I help you with it?"

"My clan lives in Ireland, but I've been cursed to remain in this forest and the spell can only be lifted by means of a dark wizard with much experience in the arts." She hesitated, scrutinising the boy before her. You have spread enough dark magic for me to believe that you hold the power to break me from this curse."

"From where should I know how to break this curse?" Draco was interested but he wanted his information first. And he knew that you couldn't really trust a Banshee offhand.

"It's an old Celtic spell. I'm the owner of a parchment with the incantation. I have tried it often myself but my magic isn't sufficient to break the curse."

"I'll help you," Draco agreed. He didn't miss the glow in the Banshee's eyes. "But only if you're giving me useful information about the black diamond. Where can I find it?"

"The black diamond..." The Banshee's eerie expression changed. "Strong powers are held within it." She fell silent again. Draco was about to give up, this creature was wasting his time. But then he heard the rattling of her voice again. "There's a dragon which isn't living where he belongs. Find him and you'll be close to solving the mystery of where the black diamond lies."

Draco looked at her sceptically. Is that everything you can tell me, surely you can tell me more?

"I can't tell you more. Now stick to your part of the bargain."

"Well, show me the parchment and we'll see what I can do for you." He hesitated for a moment, unsure she spoke the truth. "Finite Incantatum." He finally whispered, realising he must keep his side of the arrangement for he may need the services of a banshee down the road.

When the Banshee noticed the Binding-spell being taken from her she turned around wordlessly and entered the passageway on the edge of the clearing where she had come out a while ago. Draco dared to take a closer look and saw now that it was the entrance to her cave.

It didn't take long until the Banshee came out again, handing a small piece of parchment to Draco. He studied the document in his hands, identifying the hieroglyphics. Ancient scripts had always fascinated him and thus he had practised extensively in the art during his school years. That's also why he had been able to decode the books when he first became interested in the black diamond.

Without thinking Draco spoke the words. During the incantation he noticed that there was something going on in the woods around them. He could practically sense the magical energy retreating from the trees. When he had finished, the parchment glowed somewhat bluish in his hands before it dissolved into ash before his eyes.

"Seemingly you are free." He turned to the Banshee again. "But I have no idea how we'll get you back to Ireland."

"You've done enough for me. I can make the last step myself. Now clear off, before I lose my patience with you." Her eyes got that glassy expression again and Draco knew that it was time for him to go.

Without encountering any problems Draco found the way back much easier then it had been going in. Strangely enough all pairs of eyes, which had been watching him on his way into the woods, had disappeared. He assumed that they had been connected to the curse as well. But he didn't want to think about it any more. The only thing he currently felt was a fierce urge to get the hell out of the forest. He didn't want to stay any longer in this place than was truly necessary.

When he stepped out of the forest he was blinded by the bright sunlight. A pleasant shiver ran down his spine when the warmth wrapped around his body. He was glad to be out of those eternally dark woods. He felt like he could breathe again in the world dominated by the sun.

Draco went directly to the oak tree which sheltered the rock that hid his belongings from view. He leaned against the trunk of the tree and reconsidered the things which happened in the forest just a few minutes ago.

'How, by Salazar's beard, should I find a dragon which isn't living in his natural surroundings? As if it's not hard enough to find a dragon at all...'

In his mind Draco sifted through all known dragon species and their natural habitats.

'That could become a never-ending search... Perhaps it's best to start with the reservations. Maybe I'll find more clues there...'

While he thought about the next step of his journey, Draco remembered that the Quidditch World Cup would take place in Romania in the next coming weeks. There was a dragon reservation located close to where the tournament was being held, he decided combining the two would be a pleasant diversion. It had been a long time since he had been to a match. The last Quidditch match he had been a part of had been at Hogwarts as a student.

It would be a nice change of pace, the diamond could wait...


[1] lat. draconis - dragon / excito - wake up
[2] lat. sanguis - blood / guttatim - drop by drop

Author notes: Thanks to my beta NZ-Juxtapose for helping me through this (sorry, that you have to quit) and to everyone who's reading/reviewing this for being interested.