When the Past Catches Up with You...


Story Summary:
Ron is confronted with his past and must decide. But will he be able to bear the consequences when his life turns upside down?``Draco/Ron, Post-Hogwarts

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Ron is confronted with his past and must decide. But will he be able to bear the consequences when his life turns upside down?

When the Past Catches Up with You...

Chapter 4 - Shift in Direction

He probably had read the crumpled parchment in his hands about thousand times and every time his rage grew stronger. 'Who is he to dare question my loyalty?' When you think strictly about it, Lucius was right, but Draco was angry about his father's behaviour nonetheless.

Draco had just arrived in Romania, renting a room in one of the small towns near the scene of the Quidditch World Cup. In a canyon down at the Pietrosu[1], where Transylvania and the Carpathian Mountains are merge into each other, everything was bustling with activity. All kind of preparations were made to welcome the spectators, players and personalities, which were arriving little by little. He really had been lucky to get a room in one of the more comfortable accommodations.

'What you can call better at this place,' Draco taunted inwardly out of disdain. He was used by far better than a dim chamber with nothing more than the most required things. But in the meantime he already had slept in worse places as well. 'At least it's clean to some degree and I have my own bathroom.'

Not far away from his current place to stay, beyond Cheile Bicazului[2], was the dragon reservation at the Lacul Rosu[3]. Draco couldn't understand why the International Quidditch Committee approved the World Cup to take place near so many dragons. Indeed they were guarded constantly, but one of them could always escape the keepers. And furthermore there were still some free-living ones in the mountains.

But for Draco, the short distance was more than convenient. He could attend to his favourite game next to his self-imposed duty. Admittedly he doubted that he would have much pleasure out of it when one could believe his father's words...

Lucius... His eagle owl got through to him nearly half an hour ago. Draco just sauntered through the streets to get a better picture of his neighbourhood when his father's bird flew at him in a dive. All the people around him became scared , looking at Draco with wide eyes when the animal flapped around him with loud shrieks.

That was all Draco needed to get in a worse mood. He had actually intended to act as inconspicuous as possible. After all the reputation of the Malfoy family wasn't only infamous in England and Scotland. Even in such a distant and outlying region there could always be someone recognising him, particularly with the international community these days. It would end in utter confusion when he would be suspected of being up to something. 'As if I'm like my father!' Draco would definitely have to explain a lot of things, but he didn't feel up to that at this moment. The Ministry would surely want to know why he, the son of Voldemort's right hand, was at the World Cup. Without much doubt they would perceive him as a precursor to explore the circumstances. Draco shook his head. 'Just ridiculous. But it's simply not the time to disclose my role in this war.'

Thus he grabbed the bird at his claws and aimed straight for his quarter. The keeper mumbled some incomprehensible words when he saw the bird of prey still flapping his wings but left Draco alone otherwise. When he arrived at his room he took the letter from the owl's leg, and put him at the ledge of the open window. At last he had some privacy and peace to read his father's message. 'Goony bird!' Draco thought with a frown towards the animal before he turned to the document.

In the main the message indicated his father's disappointment about Draco not sending a single note for so many days. That Draco should make himself aware of his liability.

Draco only snorted at the words. 'As if he knows what it means to be a spy.'

He took a piece of parchment out of the drawer from the desk standing in his room and began to write a message for his father.


I'd prefer if you stop contacting me. An owl from you is not much helpful at my work. Your 'fatherly' care isn't really appropriate.
Perhaps you should simply follow His opinion and have some faith in me.
Maybe I'll come to watch your little 'display of fireworks'. Otherwise our contact should be as minimal as possible.


He knew that his father would fume once again when he had gotten Draco's answer, but meanwhile, he didn't give a damn about it. Lucius had to learn that his son was able to stand on his own feet, and that he wasn't standing in his shadow anymore. Lucius had no right to push him around. Voldemort had accepted his conditions. Why couldn't his father?

Soon enough he wouldn't have to be concerned with such matters. He was that near to his target... When he'd just have the black diamond, he would show his father how much he hated him. He and his Death Eaters were nothing more than boot lickers of a wanna-be-almighty.

Draco had to breathe deeply several times until he had somewhat calmed down inwardly. He hadn't noticed his right hand tightening into a fist, his fingernails breaking the skin of his palm. A single drop of blood fell on the wooden floor of his chamber.

His father always managed to break Draco's shell and to rummage his innermost self. Draco always realised how easy this was for Lucius when he woke up drenched in sweat late at night because he couldn't get rid of the memories from his past. Every single word from his father was like a sharp-edged knife, trying to destroy Draco's carefully constructed shell again. It was finally about time for everything to come to an end. The last step to his full freedom was perhaps only a broom's throw away, and he wasted his valuable time with thoughts about his producer.

Draco skimmed over the words just once and rolled up the parchment. His father's eagle owl had been waiting. Apparently, Lucius expected his reaction immediately. The corner of Draco's mouth twitched out of amusement when he thought about sending the letter later, only to annoy his father just a bit more. But in the end he decided against it since a delay didn't fit with his plan. He wanted to visit the reservation just before the first game of the World Cup to gather information. That could give him an important advantage.

He tied the scroll to the owl's leg and watched as he slowly disappeared into the cover of clouds. Draco was glad his father's bird waited, thus he didn't have to launch his own grey falcon. He would need him for more urgent things than sending an unimportant message to his father.

As if he had known that Draco had been thinking of him, Alrakis[4] showed up between some formations of crags. He drew nearer with extreme speed, only to slow down sharply, landing gently on Draco's outstretched arm. In his beak, he had a lizard he obviously had chosen as a snack. Draco stroked the soft plumage of his falcon, and sat him down on a wooden bar near the entrance door to his room. Alrakis began to tear his prey apart in bits and pieces, and Draco decided to rather leave him alone during this procedure. He had to take care of a few things anyway...


It was already late morning when Ron was able to argue himself into getting out of bed. He was already awake for some time, but he had let his mind drift away, and sifted through every point for the Quidditch World Cup once again. Though he was prepared quite well, he got a bit nervous because of the responsibility and the confidence being put on him.

In addition he wished the forthcoming conversation with Hermione to be already over. He really wasn't keen on long discussions, but he knew that it would result in one. Every time he thought of it his stomach clenched and he felt sick.

Somehow, all of his thoughts seemed to have a negative effect at present, thus Ron tried to empty his mind of unpleasant thoughts, and to find some relaxation for a few more minutes. After all, that was something he wouldn't be able to do many times in the next weeks.

Ron fell asleep again, and when he awoke, it was long after eleven. Ron looked quite startled at his clock. 'When was it Hermione wanted to be here? At twelve?' With a loud groan Ron fell back into his mattress again. His peace was over. He gave himself an inner hitch and shuffled in the bath's direction...

When Ron went to the kitchen over half an hour later to make himself breakfast, he didn't notice the person sitting on one of the chairs, watching him.

With shock, he let the cup of coffee fall onto the floor when he finally turned around.

"Hermione!" Ron screamed. "By the Founders, why do you have to scare me like that?" With much swearing, he searched for his wand until he remembered that he had put it down onto the small table in the bedroom. Frustrated he snatched up a cloth, beginning to wipe up the slopped coffee and to collect the shards from the ground.

But Hermione didn't answer. When he looked up from the floor again, Ron noticed her looking quite pale. "Something happened?" Now he was a bit worried.

"It... they showed it at the Muggle news. An... explosion... in one of the outskirts of Paris. They think it was a damaged gas pipe, as the newscaster said... But when I saw the pictures... I knew right away... that it had to be the Death Eaters' handiwork..." The whole time she spoke with low voice and looked out of the window, at the trees, which lost slowly but steady their leaves. "I know the place... I was there for half a year after Hogwarts, to relax and to see something other than... Do you remember?" When she saw Ron nodding she went on. "Muggles and wizards are living there together... They have come to an agreement there, tolerating each other..."

"What happened?" Ron asked. Normally attacks from the Death Eater were a part of their daily work. It was nothing new, even though it had quieted for a while. He couldn't think of any reason why Hermione was so stirred up.

"They have blown up the school, Ron!" Hermione had been gotten up, yelling at him. "The SCHOOL! Nearly every kid was there!" Tears were running over her face in sheets.

Ron didn't know what to say. On one hand he was shocked about the news. Otherwise, they were at war. But for him, Hermione's explanations held another important message. It was beginning again! Lasting for weeks there was nearly nothing going on at both sides and now this sudden attack. What did this mean in terms of the World Cup? Inwardly, Ron began to change the plans for the sentinels to forestall a potential attack because of insider information. Automatically he had fallen into his strategy mode.

Hermione noticed his pensive features and got suspicious. "Have you listened to me at all?" she shrieked.

Ron startled out of his thoughts, gazing at her with wide eyes. "Of course I listened to you."

"Then tell me please why you have put on this look as if you're far away with your thoughts." Her voice had received a dangerous undertone she's got always when something was inconvenient for her. "I know you, Ronald Weasley, just spit it out!"

"I..." Ron knew the glance in Hermione's eyes. Far too often he had seen it recently, and every time they were arguing. "I only thought about the consequences for the World Cup." Ron swallowed. He knew that this subject could put Hermione into rage.

"WHAT? I'm telling you about a horrible attack at dozens of children and you're thinking about Quidditch? That's simply unbelievable. You're such a insensitive person, I just can't get it."

That did it for Ron. He was accustomed to many things from Hermione but at some point he was at the end of his tether as well. "Can you get down from your high horse again? I have no idea what's qualifying you as Miss Tactful, but now you're going too far. After all, I'm in charge of safety for the Cup in Romania."

"You and your blasted World Cup! Everything centres only around this for weeks. There are other things in life, too, Ron!"

"And that's coming from the one being scarcely at home, wanting nothing more than working thirty-six hours a day." The despising sound in Ron's voice could not be missed and Hermione's eyes showed how much he had hit her.

"That's not fair," she whispered. "You know how I get wound up in challenges. I just can't refuse or ignore a task entrusted to me."

"But I have to? What the heck are you thinking? That I'm doing this for my own enjoyment? I have my place and my duties, too, Hermione, not only you." Hermione's guilty gaze showed him that he was right. "I just can't believe it." He let himself drop onto one of the chairs, tearing at his hair.

"I'm sorry," Hermione mumbled. "I hadn't thought, that..."

"Correct," Ron cut in. "You're always thinking only about yourself. Anything else doesn't matter and is beneath you, coming much later." Ron breathed deeply. 'Now or never!'

"But do you know, Hermione? I'm not keen on your games anymore. Your everlasting nagging is such a pain in my neck, I can't stand it any longer."

Slowly Hermione seemed to realise what Ron wanted to tell her. With wide, scared eyes she looked at him. "What...?"

"You got it right. When I'm back from Romania, you're gone." Ron realised that it did him good to vocalise his feelings towards Hermione. His pulse seemed to be slowed down again, breathing deeply he went on much calmer. "Hermione, didn't you notice that it's not working anymore between us? The whole last weeks we're only fighting. That's not really a relationship!"

"But..." She blinked quite nervous towards Ron and tried to arrange the words she just heard in her mind. "But... I thought... Why?"

"We simply drifted apart, Hermione. It wasn't easy for me to accept it, but it's no good to continue as hitherto."

Slowly and subtly Hermione nodded. "Perhaps you're right. Of course I noticed it, too. But somehow I still had hope for it to be set right." A deep-drawn sigh escaped her lips and Ron was able to see an idea rushing into her mind. Her questioning glance seemed to pierce him. "Or is there something you're hiding from me?"

Ron seemed like thunderstruck. 'It can't be that she knows something. It's far too long ago.'

"How... How did you get that thought?" He tried desperately to hide his sudden uncertainty. "I told you everything concerning us." 'At least it's not a lie...'

Ron had to swallow when he saw Hermione's gaze, telling him that she didn't believe his words. "It would be nice if you were at least honest to me."

His thoughts rushed through his mind. 'Could it be that she really thinks I have cheated on her? That I could be capable of this?' Ron tried to stay calm. Why did she always have to blame him for everything? Why wasn't she able to acknowledge her own faults just once?

"I think it's better for you to go now."

"But you said..." Hermione was confused by the sudden change of mind.

"And now I changed my mind. Grab your things and go before I do or say something I could regret later." Ron passed her on his way out of the kitchen. His appetite was gone, and on an empty stomach, he wasn't good company.

"Tonight you're gone," were the last words Hermione heard from him before the front door slammed.

Ron went for a short walk to the park two blocks away. There he sat down on one of the benches, enjoying the clear autumn air. In the meantime his affection had soothed a bit.

'Why is she always putting me in a rage?'

He didn't mean to be this rude to Hermione. He wanted to speak to her without a ruffle over everything, giving her actually a few days to search for a new flat. But this time she once again had managed to make him lose his control. She knew very well how to set his nerves on edge. Even if it wasn't intended.

But this assumption was simply too much. After all, he wasn't the one...

'STOP! That's forgotten long ago. Calm down and focus on your upcoming duty.'

Ron decided to distract his thoughts for a little while, spending the afternoon in Muggle-London. There were always many wonderful things to see and his mood would surely lighten up there. Perhaps he would just go to the movies. Over the years, Ron had discovered and taken to this form of Muggle entertainment.

Ron took a deep breath, got up from his seat, and apparated into one of the side alleys near Piccadilly Circus.


The screeching and growling could be heard miles away, but only now Draco was able to catch the source. The dragon reservation was well protected, and his only way to see what's going on there was through the trees behind which he was hiding.

The way through Cheile Bicazului was easier than he had expected. Draco had to avoid getting hit by some falling rocks, but apart from that his flight had passed without incident. When he had arrived at Lacul Rosu he didn't knew at all where he had to search for the reservation, but then he noticed a slight uproar at the opposite waterside.

If there hadn't been several shouts, Draco probably wouldn't have paid attention. But when he looked closely he saw the trees moving somehow unnatural. It almost seemed as if they would have been thrilled. Just as the blond was wondering about what's going on, a Romanian Longhorn appeared. Directly behind him were a few tens of wizards, making desperate efforts to get the dragon under control. Apparently they had hoped to encircle him by driving him towards the lake.

But the dragon tried to hit everything with his tail fiercely, making it impossible for the wizards to draw near. Any chance of calming the dragon down, either with bait or sedation charms, and getting him peaceful to the camp were gone. At last stupefying the dragon remained seemingly as their last chance. A loud "Stupefy!", spoken at the same time, let the colossus fall down, shaking the ground within a distance of a mile.

Draco decided to follow the wizards on the quiet. He hoped they would lead him directly to their camp. There he would probably come to know more about things being helpful to him.

The wizards had led him straight to the reservation. Indeed this was guarded by many protection charms, letting only authorised people into the camp. That way the dragons weren't able to escape in addition. Consequently, Draco remained hiding outside the barriers, waiting for something to happen.

Chance brought it about that he noticed something after a while attracting his attention. Between the buildings, Draco suddenly saw something he hadn't seen for a long time. Red hair, so bright that he would have been able to make it out in every crowd at once, directed his gaze towards a figure standing in the penumbra.

'It can't be. It can't be him. What would he want at this place?'

But then Draco remembered Ron telling him about one of his brother who's a dragon keeper in this reservation. And because all Weasleys were well known for their red hair they could easily be taken for one of their siblings when they were seen from a distance and in the dark, like Draco did.

The person stepped out of the shadow and Draco noticed that he was right. It wasn't Ron.

He had held his breath with shock, but now he became aware of the lack of oxygen. Draco exhaled loudly and absorbed fresh air into his lungs again. 'What was his name? Charlie?'

Draco just considered if it would be a good idea to ask Ron's brother straightforward if he knew something about a dragon out of the common for this part of the country when another shout banished his thoughts. His gaze followed the unwelcome interruption, and he recognised a little wizard, running in a hectic way towards the camp entrance.

"Charlie! An accident! Charlie!"

Draco watched how Ron's brother ran towards the wizard when he heard his name. Only a few feet away from him they came to a halt, so that Draco could listen to their conversation.

"What's going on Barney? What had happened?"

"Down in the canyon..." The man's breath came out in short and heavy waves as if he had sprinted several miles. "At the bottom of... Eddie... cave... fire..."

Charlie laid a hand on the shoulder of the man he was topping about two heads at least. "Barney, calm down. Breathe deeply. I don't understand. Which cave do you mean?"

All at once everything blustered out of Barney as if someone had pulled out a plug. "Eddie and me... we had been controlling the alert charms... when suddenly stones of the walls loosened... He, he couldn't hold his ground... fell a few feet down into a cleft... he was still alive, when I flew away to look for help..."

"BARNEY! WHERE?" Charlie's voice held an unignorable hint of concern.

Panic rose in the eyes of the little wizard. "The cave in the Dragon Well..."

When Charlie heard where the accident had taken place he looked stony. "The Opaleye..."

Draco watched Barney nodding in acknowledgement but he couldn't really follow the said information. 'Opaleye?'

"Damn! We have to get Eddie out of there. Call together the rescue team, Barney. I'll fly ahead." Charlie seemed to have picked up courage; while he gave orders to the other wizard, he ran towards a shack, coming back with a broom. "We have to set the Opaleye at rest. While she's staying in the well it's too dangerous, but during breeding time we're not able to bring her off."

And just then Charlie had disappeared between the huge firs around the camp. The little wizard ran to and fro in desperation, calling for various people who seemed to be on the rescue team.

While Draco was watching the hecticness inside the reservation he began slowly to understand what he just had listened to.

'Opaleye! Of course! The Antipodean Opaleye... Why didn't I think of that right away...?'

Draco saw that a little group of six wizards had trooped together and he decided to follow them at a safe distance. He just had to know where this dragon well was...


[1] Mountain in Romania
[2] Canyon in Romania, Carpathian Mountains
[3] Lake in Romania
[4] ยต Dra, star in the constellation Dragon

Author notes: A huge glomp to my new beta PageOfCups. I'm so glad you're helping me!