Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 02/18/2003
Updated: 01/15/2004
Words: 37,346
Chapters: 9
Hits: 4,510

An Australian in Hogsmeade


Story Summary:
Jenna has never read the Harry Potter books, despite the recommendations of both her friends and sister. Then she goes on holiday and someone crashes into her at King's Cross station - and she's no longer where she was.

Jenna has never read the Harry Potter books, despite the recommendations of both her friends and sister. Then she goes on holiday and someone crashes into her at King's Cross station - and she's no longer where she was.

Words: 3,370
Hits: 982

Jenna's never read the Harry Potter books, despite the recommendations of both her sister and her friends. And now she's in the Harry Potter world...

Words: 5,220
Hits: 465
Chapter 05

Jenna's never read the Harry Potter books, despite the recommendations of both her sister and her friends. And now she's in the Harry Potter world...

Words: 2,850
Hits: 392
Chapter 06

Jenna's never read the Harry Potter books, despite the recommendations of both her sister and her friends. And now she's in the Harry Potter world...

Words: 4,039
Hits: 459
Chapter 07

Jenna's never read the Harry Potter books, despite the recommendations of both her sister and her friends. And now she's in the Harry Potter world...

Words: 3,580
Hits: 437
Chapter 08

Jenna's never read the Harry Potter books, despite recommendations from both her friends and her sister. And now she's in the Harry Potter world...

Words: 3,644
Hits: 381
Chapter 09

Jenna has never read the Harry Potter books, despite recommendations from both her sister and her friends. And now she's in the Harry Potter world...

Words: 5,515
Hits: 490

Jenna has never read the Harry Potter books, despite the recommendations of both her friends and sister. Then she goes on holiday and someone crashes into her at King's Cross station - and she's no longer where she was.

Words: 4,130
Hits: 461

In which it's drizzling constantly, Jenna discovers that maybe wizards can design clothing and that they can definitely make icecream and fireworks.

Words: 4,998
Hits: 441