I, Malfoy

That Which I Am

Story Summary:
I, Malfoy, hottest person in the school. I could have any girl (and most of the boys-even the straight ones) in the school. I, Malfoy, cleverest person in the school. I could beat Herm…Granger in any test. I, Malfoy, Quidditch player extraordinaire. I could have beaten Potter or Gin-the Weasley girl to the Snitch any time.


I, Malfoy, hottest person in the school. I could have any girl (and most of the boys-even the straight ones) in the school. I, Malfoy, cleverest person in the school. I could beat Herm…Granger in any test. I, Malfoy, Quidditch player extraordinaire. I could have beaten Potter or Gin-the Weasley girl to the Snitch any time.

Words: 662
Hits: 1,839
Chapter 02

Having given her the love potion, Draco waits for Hermione in the Great Hall. And waits. And waits...

Words: 729
Hits: 650