Humor Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/09/2004
Updated: 10/26/2004
Words: 9,343
Chapters: 3
Hits: 1,346

The Marauders' First Week at Hogwarts


Story Summary:
This is the story of James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter's first week of Hogwarts. How did they meet? How did they become friends? Who was the first one to get detention? Why wasn't Frank a Marauder? All these questions and more answered in this tale of arrogant but nervous, funny and witty eleven-year-olds. Also includes throwing candy, detention in the trophy room, a Sorting Hat song, and a bet about McGonagall.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Time for the Sorting! Don't you love sorting songs? I think they're spiffy. So you get to see some Sortings and here the tale of Nearly-Headless-Nick (as well as find out who gave him that nickname!)
Author's Note:
Thanks for everybody who's been reading and reviewing this! It means a lot to me.

Chapter 2

Monday: September 1st


Night fell and the train at last slowed to a stop. A voice rang through the train telling them to leave their luggage on board to be taken to the school separately.

James and Remus glanced at each other nervously. This was it. "After you."

"No, you first, I insist."

Together, they exited the train.

Another boy looked at his new made friends, "Can go with you up to the school? I don't want to hang around Snivellus any longer. Might contaminate me."

The other boys let out a laugh. "Sorry, ickle-firstie, you're taking the boats."

"Huh?" he asked.

"That way." One of them jerked a thumb at him and they all disappeared into the crowd.

He put a scowl on his face and started over toward the voice he heard calling, "Firs' years, this way! Firs' years, over here!"

He blinked and nearly ran into two boys in front of him. Standing in front of them was a huge man holding a lantern. He said, "No more an' four ter a boat! Firs' years! Firs' years, this way! This everybody? C'mon!"

He led them over to the boats, taking up a whole one to himself. "We're goin' across the lake now. Make yerself comfortable. The boat'll take care o' everythin'."

The scowling boy got into a boat with the two boys in front of him and the extra seat in their boat remained empty. He looked at the boys. He recognized one of them right away. It was that bloke who'd been with that cute girl! he thought sourly. Oh well, she wasn't with him now, so obviously things hadn't gone well. He didn't attempt to start a conversation.

However James did. "Do you know what happens at the Sorting? My dad wouldn't tell me. Said I'd have to see it to believe it."

The scowling boy rolled his eyes. "It's not that strange. Just a talking hat is all. They put it on your head and presto! It shouts the name of the house you belong in."

James looked slightly disappointed. "Do you have older siblings here then?"

"No. I'm the oldest, and I wish the only."

James said, "I think it'd be nice to have a brother."

"Not my brother," the other boy said empathetically.

Remus tried to settle it by saying, "I don't have a brother or sister but I've got cousins. Sometimes they're annoying, but sometimes they're sweet. Some of them are worse than others."

The boats docked in a little cover and the huge man said, "Easy gettin' out. Don' knock the boats over. I'm Hagrid, if I didn' already tell yeh." He knocked on the door.

It opened and severe looking woman was standing there. Her dark hair was bound back in a tight bun. "Thank you, Hagrid. All of you come in. I am Professor McGonagall. I teach Transfiguration here. I am also the Deputy Headmistress and Head of Gryffindor. Hogwarts will be home to you for most of the next 7 years. Your house is like your family but if you get sorted into Gryffindor do not expect me to clean up after you; I am not your mother. Wait here quietly and I shall return momentarily for your sorting. Try to make yourselves look presentable and do not chatter."

They crowded into a room and James again spotted the object of his affections. Remus noted where James and the now scowling boy from their boat were looking. He asked quietly, trying to hide a grin, "So that's the one that wants nothing to do with you?"

James muttered, "She didn't say that. She only said she wanted me to stick my head in the toilet."

The scowling boy who still looked as though he needed his hair combed, stopped scowling only long enough to laugh at James (whose name he still didn't know).

James turned and glared at him but the other boy just glared right back. The green-eyed girl's reaction aboard the train had made James's feelings for her more certain. She had a great temper. He went over to where she was standing with her friend now.

The nameless scowler whispered to Remus (whose name he also didn't know), "Poor bloke doesn't stand a chance, does he?"

"I don't think so," Remus tried not to laugh.

"That wasn't very nice earlier. Slamming the door in my face. I'm going to marry you someday. That's not a nice way to treat your future husband!"

Before she could respond (her face was getting angry), Professor McGonagall reentered. "Follow me."

The two girls quickly threaded their way through the crowd and over to the Professor in order to free themselves of boy who was annoying them. Remus and the scowling (now laughing) boy stood on either side of him. "Better luck next time."

The three of them stuck together and they ended up near back of the sorting line. James craned his neck to see where his girl had gone. She and her friend were at the front of the line, as far away from James as they could get.

There was a very old and battered wizard's hat sitting on a three-legged school.

Wizardlings and witchlings, you're in for such a treat

You're here to hear me sing and this song is no small feat

I spent all year deciding how best to say what you need to know

So I composed this little song, listen up, and here I go!

Four houses here there are

Each a different kind

Put me on and I'll know

What best suits your mind

There were four founders

Each brought variety to Hogwarts society

All good friends and no two the same

Stand right there and I'll tell you each by name

Though rivalry now fills the houses of the two

The best of friends were Slytherin and Gryffindor

Though oft at odds the two were much alike

Even now it's hard to know which to which house goes

Ravenclaw had sharpest wit and keenest mind

While Hufflepuff stood loyal and mended troubles with a word

'Twas Hufflepuff who tamed the Owls

And Ravenclaw who healed their hurts

These four founders were strong and true

They worked to pave the way for students just like you

Now teachers fill these halls to help you on your path

You're in the Headmaster's hands now

So I'll be done and say nothing more

Because nothing rhymes with Dumbledore!

The hall broke out into applause as the hat went silent. James had to admit that if he hadn't seen it, he wouldn't have believed it.

Dumbledore stood up with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his lips, "I'm sure you're all as hungry as I, so let the Sorting commence!"

Professor McGonagall unrolled a parchment. "When I call your name, approach the stool. Put the Sorting Hat upon your head and it will tell you where you belong." She looked for the first name. "Black, Sirius."

The scowling boy looked up and muttered, "Why do I have to go first?" before walking to the stool.

James and Remus were whispering, "A Black. Aren't they supposed to all be Dark Wizards?"

"I don't know. Let's watch and find out. I heard all the bad ones are in Slytherin."

Sirius glowered at McGonagall and let the hat slip over his eyes and sat down on the stool.

"Young Sirius Black. A defiant little thing, aren't you?" the Hat said.

"Just do your job, Hat. Nobody told me you'd be this chatty. I thought you didn't talk until you said the house name."

"Yes, yes. You aren't the easiest person for me to place. You're brave enough to stand up to your parents I see, but despite noble goals you are quite willing to do nearly anything to get what you desire. You would do quite well in--"

"Don't you dare say it! If you say 'Slytherin' I'll tear you apart from your bloody seams!"

The hat laughed at him, a sound for only Sirius's ears. "Temper, temper, Black. Wash your mouth out with soap when you get to your dormitory in GRYFFINDOR!"

James and Remus had been watching anxiously (the Hat hadn't announced its decision yet). "What's taking so long?"

"Maybe this isn't long. Maybe it's normal."

"Maybe. Do you really think he's a Dark Wizard?"

"I don't know. A little unfriendly, but not any worse than you, Remus."

Remus rolled his eyes.

The hat shouted at last, "GRYFFINDOR!"

A roar of applause came from one of the tables and James noticed an extra twinkle in Dumbledore's eye. No one heard the Headmaster mutter to himself, "Oh, Phineas will be hearing about this tonight." Sirius took of the Hat and dropped it on the stool as he sauntered over to the Gryffindor table, careful not to let his relief show on his face. He sat down where the second years he met on the train made room for him.

"Boot, Victor."

A boy got up and went over to the stool. He didn't sit there nearly as long as Sirius had. The Hat shouted, "RAVENCLAW!" and he walked over to a table of cheers.

McGonagall called the next name. "Catterbury, Alice."

It was a girl's name so James looked around to see if perhaps it was his mystery girl. No luck, it was her round-faced friend.

She wasn't on the stool as long as Sirius had been either, but she was there longer than the Boot boy. The Hat again called out "GRYFFINDOR!" again. She smiled and went over to the cheering table of her housemates.

McGonagall went through the list and if the name was a girl, James looked around. He didn't have long to wait. "Evans, Lily," McGonagall called.

James looked. It was her!

Lily Evans took the first two steps timidly, but after that she put her chin in the air and walked with confidence. She sat primly on the stool and placed the Hat on her head.

James waited. Her sorting must have taken as long as Sirius's had.

Finally the Hat announced, "GRYFFINDOR!"

She smiled and walked to the table to take her seat next to Alice.

James and Remus waited nervously as student after student got sorted. They were up to the Ls.

"Longbottom, Frank."

A rather stocky boy went and took his turn. The Hat declared him a Gryffindor as well. He went and sat down across from Lily and Alice.

The next victim was, "Lupin, Remus." Remus gave James a shaky glance and walked up to the stool. James waited for his friend's verdict.

"Remus Lupin, not entirely human, are you? Got a bit of werewolf in you."

Remus thought to the Hat, "We're not here to discuss that. You're supposed to put me in a House. Are you this much of a chatterbox with everyone?"

"Sometimes. You're a kind soul, I can see that right off. Studious certainly. But what's this? Brave you are. What'll it be?"

"You're letting me pick?"

"Yes, ultimately everyone decides their own choice anyway. Not much of it is my doing, it's practically pre-decided before they get here. I just don't normally put all of this in such plain words. Make up your mind quickly or I'll put you in Slytherin, Lupin."

"Alright, you're pushy aren't you? I'll take Gryffindor."

"That's what I would have picked for you myself. Do me a favor and make friends with that Sirius Black boy when you get to GRYFFINDOR!"

Remus stood up, and walked much relieved to the Gryffindor table, which was applauding as it always did at the appearance of a new student. Remus found a few empty seats clustered together and sat there so he'd be sure to be able to save James a seat. He looked at the staff table and could have sworn that Dumbledore's smile widened.

The next student was McNair something-or-other (James didn't catch his first name). Almost immediately he was decreed a Slytherin. James sighed. He just had to get into Gryffindor. But what if he didn't? Would his parents be disappointed? Gryffindors were noble and brave and strong. Was he all of that? He didn't know.

James was so wrapped up in his thoughts and staring at the ceiling that he completely missed the next couple of Sortings and it wasn't long before McGonagall called his name. He didn't notice.

"Potter, James. Potter, James. Mister Potter!" her voice was quite agitated by the third time she called him.

"Oh. Right, that's me." He walked up to the stool and sat down, putting the hat on his head. He didn't feel very brave at all. He nearly jumped at the sudden voice.

"Potter, Potter, Potter. I sense something special about you. Something different. Don't worry about how you feel right now. You're a good person. A brave person deeper down. Salazar might have mistaken you for one of his own if he knew you an hour, but at heart I know you're a Gryffindor. Don't bother about getting into trouble. It won't matter much in the grand scheme of things. I see something great in your future. The Headmaster talks about you."

"You talk an awful lot. I've never met the Headmaster."

"Not since you were quite young, but even then he knew you had talent and he sensed your heart was in the right place for his own house."

"And what house was that?" James already knew the answer.

"The same as your father. Would you like to be there?"


"Good. I'm sure you'll fit right in with the other boys that I Sorted into GRYFFINDOR!"

James found he had a hard time getting up, his legs wobbled, but managed to stand and make his way over to where Remus was grinning and saving him a seat as everyone at the table clapped.

"Wow," whispered Remus as the next people were sorted. "You were there even longer than Mr. Sunshine." He nodded to James over where Sirius Black was sitting with some older students.

"I know," James whispered back. He glanced up at Dumbledore and was sure that Dumbledore was smiling directly at him, just for a moment.

They didn't pay too much attention as the rest of the students were Sorted. James looked up at the staff table. "I forgot my uncle's teaching here."

"Your uncle? Which one is he?"

"Third from Dumbledore, on the right."

"What's he teaching?"

"History of Magic."

"How long has he been teaching here?"

"Only since last year. He's my mum's brother, and I think this year Head of Hufflepuff."

"Sounds like he got the job fast then. I thought they had to be here awhile before they got to be a Head of House."

"Right now there's only one other teacher here who was from Hufflepuff and this is her first year, so he's been here longer."

"Oh, I see n--"

One of the older students sitting nearby (she had a shiny badge on her chest with a P on it) shushed them, "Pay attention or at least be quiet."

James made a face at her when her back was turned and Remus tried to stifle his laugh.

There weren't many students left now. "Snape, Severus" was called up and Remus saw that Sirius Black was pointing at him and the other students around him were trying not to laugh. Remus didn't know that Severus Snape had been teased and made fun of the entire train ride and had not been allowed to leave the compartment once Sirius had recognized how much attention he got for his jokes.

Snape stumbled over his robes and hit the floor face first. Amid further laughter, he picked himself up and sat on the chair. The Hat took a little while, but not too long in declaring, "SLYTHERIN!"

When Snape stood up, Professor McGonagall turned to the Slytherin table. "Mister Snyder, would you please escort Severus here to the hospital wing? I believe his nose is broken."

A boy of about 15 or so stood up. He was wearing a badge like the one the girl who told James and Remus to be quiet was wearing. He took Snape's arm, obviously displeased that he might not get back in time for when the feast started, and all but dragged the greasy-haired eleven year old out of the Hall.

There was a moment's awkward silence before the Sorting continued and soon ended. Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment and carried the Hat out of the room on the stool.

Professor Dumbledore stood, grinning from ear to ear. "Welcome, new students and old! Before we bite into our delicious feast I have a couple of reminders. You are at this school for 2 purposes: to learn, and to have fun! One last reminder, eat heartily and all other announcements can wait until we're through stuffing ourselves. Bon appetite!" He sat down and the tables were full of food, which the students eagerly heaped on their plates.

James tore into his dinner heartily. It was delicious. He looked at the ghost sitting next to the girl with the badge. "Do you know anybody that's part of this school and is named Salazar?" he asked the ghost with his mouth full.

"Manners, young man, manners!" he chided.

James swallowed. "I'm James Potter."

"I'm Remus Lupin."

"Ah, that's more like it. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington at your service. I am the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower. How may I be of assistance to you?"

"I was wondering if there was anyone at this school named Salazar."

"Salazar? To my knowledge there's been no one here by that name since the day's of our founders. In fact, Salazar was one of the founders."

"Of which house?"



One of the other first years came up to Sir Nicholas and tried to pull on his ear. She shivered. "It didn't work."

"That's because it was the wrong ear and you can't really affect me."

"What were you trying to do?" Remus asked her.

"Some of the other students down there told me to come here. They said pulling on his," she pointed to Sir Nicholas, "ear would make his head almost come off."

"Almost?" asked James.

"Yeah," the girl said eagerly. "They said everybody calls him Nearly-Headless Nick, I said I wanted to see why so they told me to come."

"No, absolutely not," Sir Nicholas said. "I refuse to do it."

The girl with the badge turned around, "Aw, come on. Show her, Nick. It won't do you any harm."

Sir Nicholas muttered, "Every year! Can't I have one year of peace?" He saw the way the girl with the badge was looking at him with very sad puppy dog eyes. "Oh fine. But only because it's you, Clarissa."

"Thanks, Nick."

He pulled at his earlobe and his head swung as though on a hinge. He stared at them almost completely upside down for a moment before resettling his head were it belonged and pulling his collar up around his neck again.

Everyone sitting nearby who saw was rather startled and wanted to know the story behind it. A few of the older students who knew the story also demanded to hear it. Clarissa told them firmly, "No. You're not going to bother Nick with this again tonight. The 3 of you already know the story and the rest of you can find somebody else to tell it. Goodness knows nearly everyone in Gryffindor does. Go talk to Gid, he came up with that clever nickname anyway."

James and Remus resolved to find out the story later from one of the other students.

By the end of the meal and all the deserts, the food disappeared and the plates were left as sparkling clean as when they arrived.

Dumbledore stood up again. "Looks like all of you are as stuffed as I am. Don't go to sleep yet, or if you do have a friend take note of these announcements. The Forest on the grounds is strictly forbidden at all times. If you go there, you could easily encounter a very painful death. A list of the prohibited toys and items is available in the caretaker's office. Our newest addition to the faculty here is Professor Sprout, who will be teaching Herbology. Your classes begin tomorrow morning. Please follow your house Prefects now."

Clarissa stood up, "Follow this way! First years and any Gryffindors that have forgotten where the common room is, follow me."

She led them up a lot of stairs, giving a little bit of a commentary as they went along. James, however, was too tired to pay attention to her or where he was going. He barely managed to grasp the fact that the password she said at the picture of some lady in a pink dress was "Dragonfly".

Remus was slightly more alert and prevented James from accidentally going up the girls' staircase. "Come on, mate, not that way." He steered him over toward the boys' staircase and they went upstairs, stopping at a door with a plaque that read "First Years".

James went in and with a stomach that felt like lead, he changed into his pajamas, put his glasses on the nightstand, and fell asleep before uttering a sleepy, "G'night."

Remus examined the dormitory, but he was somewhat sleepy himself. He put his pajamas on and tried to count how many beds there were before he too fell asleep. He wasn't sure if he counted 5 or 6. Oh well, it didn't really matter.

One by one, the other boys came up and went to sleep. Last of all, came Sirius Black.

Author notes: Hope everybody liked that!

A couple of notes from the last chapter...

onlyGodcanjudgeme and 123654--I didn't forget Peter, I'm just saving his entrance for later.

Ravenclaw Rockstar--Just curious, what's Danke mean?