James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/10/2004
Updated: 04/28/2004
Words: 23,827
Chapters: 6
Hits: 2,681

One Week 'Til Bells Ring


Story Summary:
Lily and James have been engaged for months. They set the date a while ago, but that's all they did. Now, one week before the wedding James is busy with Auror training and Lily and Alice have one week to plan the wedding. This is a sequel to "The Bachelor Party" and the latest of my Potter Family Album fics. Lily has one week to pick out a dress, cake, invitations, write the guest list, and so much more. James and Sirius are living at home while they do their Auror training and Lily lives alone in her apartment. Frank and Alice are newlyweds and Aurors in training as well. Other characters make appearances such as Terry Boot's parents, Nymphadora Tonks, and everyone's favorite Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
This is it, the big day...Lily and James are getting married! Hmm...can't wait to hear Sirius's best man speech. There's some crazy stuff with ice cream and a lot of heart-to-heart talking from the people you'd expect it from least. It's crazy and chaotic.
Author's Note:
Um, not much to say. Thanks for everybody who's stuck through this with my through 6 chapters. Wow, I can't believe how long this chapter is. It's nearly as long as the other 5 put together. Enjoy!

FRIDAY: The Big Day

Apartment #118

Alice got up early, woke Lily, and went home, explaining that she had to talk to Frank and then she'd be back.

Lily took a walk through her apartment. Most of what wasn't in a box already would be staying behind. She smiled sadly at it all. There were so many memories here. She wouldn't spend another night here. Tonight she was moving in to Godric's Hollow.

Lily magically reheated the last of the pizza from the night before and sat on the floor watching television to eat it as she had done many mornings before. She was still there when Alice returned.

"Lily, what are you doing? You aren't even showered yet and it's already seven thirty."

Lily looked up and blinked at her.

Alice bent down and picked Lily up by her shoulders, "Sweetie, you are getting married in two and a half hours," she said with forced calmness.

Alice left her standing there while she went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Cold. She dragged Lily into the bathroom and threw her into the freezing shower, clothes included.

Lily screamed, "I'm going to kill you, Alice Longbottom!"

Alice grinned and walked out. At least now, Lily was properly awake from whatever daydream she'd been having. She's probably been daydreaming about James, Alice thought, laughing. She smirked, wishing she could see the look on Lily's face when Lily opened one of the dresser draws tonight in the room she and James were going to be in at Godric's Hollow and found the little outfit Alice had hidden there for her.

Lily came out of the shower twenty minutes later wrapped in her bathrobe and having magically dried her hair. Alice ordered her to sit on the floor while she did her hair.

"Should I put my dress on first?"

"No. The design of the dress is all right so that it doesn't have to go on over your head. The dress is last, that way nothing gets spilled on it."


They talked while Alice did her hair as she had the night before with the little braids and beads and curls.

"Alice, I'm getting married."

"Hon, did you just figure that out?"

"Well, yeah."

Alice laughed.

"That's not what I meant. I guess, I meant that I just realized I'm getting married. I'm going to be an old married woman with a house, a husband, kids, in-laws, a dog, just everything!"

"A dog?"

"Well, probably no other dog than Sirius."

"So you're already thinking about kids?" grinned Alice from the sofa.

"Not yet obviously. We want children, but not right away. Probably. Maybe after a year or two, could be sooner though. But I do want kids. James will be an incredible father. I know it. I watch him and Sirius playing with Dora and I see it already. I remember him with the first years at Hogwarts when we were in seventh year. He was kind to them and made them not so afraid," she reminisced.

"Lily, I don't what welcome back feast you were at in seventh year but at the one the rest of us were at, James told 3 first years that in their first defense against the dark arts lesson they would have to wrestle a troll single-handedly."

Lily started laughing, shaking with laughter. She'd forgotten about that.

"Stop moving or there's going to be bumps in the braids. And in-laws? What are you talking about? You get along great with James's parents."

"I know. I don't know what I was thinking either."

"Done. I'll start on your makeup."

"But do you know what? After this morning, I'm not going to be Lily Evans anymore. I'll be Lily Potter. I'm going to be Mrs. Potter. More than that, I'm going to be the Mrs. Potter of Godric's Hollow! How scary is that?"

Godric's Hollow

"Sirius, wake up. You've got to go get Dora," Remus told him.

"Nnnng..." was the only reply he got.

Peter, who had arrived a little while ago, poked Sirius in the ribs. "Is he dead?"

Sirius didn't open his eyes but tried to send a smack in Peter's direction. He didn't miss.

"How did do that? He always hits me even if his eyes aren't open!" muttered Peter, moving away from the bed and clutching his cheek where Sirius hit him.

"James, wake your best man up yourself. We can't do it," Remus told him.

James had been awake since dawn, counting down the hours until he could see Lily again. He looked at Sirius and sighed. "Okay, buddy, here we go." He went over to the bed and turned the entire mattress over. Sirius fell to the floor with the blankets and mattress on top of him.

He got up and peered around blearily. He spotted Peter. "I'll get you for that one, Wormtail!" He turned into a dog and started chasing Peter around the room.

"I didn't do anything!" He turned himself into a rat and hid under the bed, out of the dog's reach. Sirius was snapping his jaws at him and growling. He was not much of a morning person.

"Break it up you two," James said irritably. "I'm getting married in 2 and a half hours!" He started jumping on Sirius's mattress.

His friends transformed back and came out. "Wow. You're hyper," said Peter.

"I think he's almost giddy. Prongsie, aren't you just a tad nervous that after 10 o'clock you'll be a married man?" asked Sirius, staring at him.

"Nope!" He continued to jump.

"Er, why not?"

"Because I'm more sure about this than anything else in my entire life, buddy. I love Lily and nothing will ever change that. After today, she'll be mine forever."

"Can I borrow her?" asked Sirius.

James picked up the entire mattress and attempted to hit him with it.

"Ow! I meant to help me with my Auror homework!" wailed Sirius.

A voice came from the others side of the door, "Are you boys fighting?"

"No, ma'am!" they chorused, as though they were back in their student days and having a party at James's over the holidays.

"James's is just killing me is all," Sirius added.

"Well, that's fine then. Just don't Remus or Peter." She walked on.

Sirius sniffled, "James, our mum doesn't love me anymore. She thinks I should get married like you and settle down."

James was still beaming and started to jump on his bed. Jumping on a bed was much more fun than just jumping on a mattress.

"Peter, help me set up the tables and stuff outside," Remus said. He knew that Sirius and James needed to talk alone for a while. Besides, the tables did need to be set up and Remus was the only one there who knew how Lily wanted them.


"Come on, Peter," Remus insisted.

Peter pouted and followed him out of the room.

"This is the big day, you know. Your life is going to change forever."

"I know, Sirius. I know. And I couldn't be happier."

Sirius had always been able to tell when James was lying. He looked at him now and knew for certain that James was telling the absolute truth.

"Sirius, I'm getting married. Lily's going to be my wife. You know I love her. I've liked her since the day I met her. Her eyes. Her hair. Her temper. Her smile, as rare as it was. Everything. I was hooked, Siir. She's had me since the beginning. We're going to live here, in this house. We're going to laugh together, cry together, and raise kids. We'll battle over whether our children will be brains like her or troublemakers like you and me. His godfather will be important in his life and so will his Uncle Remus and Uncle Peter."

"When you and Lily have a kid I get to be the godfather?"

"Of course you do, Siir. Did you ever doubt it? Really doubt it? You're my brother, or near enough. Besides, you know that Pete can't stand kids."

"What about Remus?"

James's face grew solemn. "He'll have to be strong enough to survive this too. He'll understand. Won't he?"

"Of course he will, James. Strongest Marauder. But we can't tell him he's the strongest, he'll get an ego as big as mine."

James laughed. Remus was probably the last one of them who could get a bighead. "What time is it?"

Sirius looked down at his watch. "Ten minutes past when I was supposed to pick Dora up! Meda is going kill me. She and Ted had somewhere to go today. I'll be back in a bit," he called over his shoulder as he ran down the stairs, nearly crashing into Remus who was on his way up.

The Backyard of Godric's Hollow

Remus and Peter had just finished arranging the last of the tables and were sitting on top of one to rest.

"I'm happy for them. Really, I am."

"Me too."

"Then why don't either of us sound happy for them?"

"Because we're jealous."


"But we'll get over it."


"Why are we jealous?"

"Because they're happy."


"Because they care about each other and are going to have someone to spend the rest of their lives with."

"And we don't."


"And they're truly in love."

"Do you think I'll ever fall in love?"

"I don't know."

"Isn't there supposed to be one match out there for everybody? One perfect match?"

"I don't know. Sirius doesn't have a perfect match. Maybe you and me don't either."

"Do you think Dumbledore has a perfect match?"


"Did he ever get married? Or has he spent his whole fighting evil and teaching students."

"I don't know. What about McGonagall?"

"And Flitwick?"

"Maybe it's a rule."

"So, you get out of Hogwarts and if you don't find your perfect match in twenty years or something, you go into teaching?"

"Could be."


They were silent.

They both knew that even if at the moment they were slightly less than enthusiastic, it was only because they'd had to move so many chairs. They really were happy for James and Lily. At least, Remus knew he was happy for them, and he guessed the same was true of Peter too. "Actually, you know what?"


"I am happy for them, Pete. They deserve this. I'm going to go tell James so right now." He was grinning. He knew now what his real problem was. For a minute, just a minute, he'd been worried that after James and Lily got married, they'd be so happy with each other, they wouldn't hang out with him anymore. But he knew that wasn't the case. Nothing had changed when James and Lily had started to date and nothing was going to change now. He was genuinely happy for them. He grinned again and stood up. James and Sirius were probably done talking by now.

Remus started walking back into the house. He got to the backdoor and Mrs. Potter came out of it, with a stack of tablecloths and cloth napkins. Standing beside her was Alice, clutching a stack of name cards in one hand and her wand in the other.

"There's no dome up yet!" Alice said in horror.

"If it starts to rain or snow as more likely in this weather, we're all in trouble. Curse that son of mine for wanting a wedding in January," Mrs. Potter said.

They hustled over to the tables and employed Peter in helping Alice set up while James's mother used the spell to create a clear dome over the part of the back yard they would need. As Remus made his escape, he heard them discussing chairs and where to put the altar. He hurried inside and up the stairs. He was about halfway up the steps to the second floor when he narrowly avoided crashing into Sirius. Sirius was calling over his shoulder, obviously to James, "Meda is going kill me. She and Ted had somewhere to go today. I'll be back in a bit!"

"Slow down, Padfoot," Remus chided him.

"Sorry, Reem, but I've got to pick Dora up from Meda's. She said I couldn't be late."

"She always was a strict one for tardiness."

"Yeah, tell me about it," he called back over his shoulder to Remus as he disappeared into the living room to Floo to his cousin Andromeda's house.

Remus just shook his head, laughing silently at him and went up to James's room.

"Does Sirius realize he just left the house in his pajamas?"

"Probably not."

James and Remus both laughed and Remus sat down on James's bed.

"James, I've got a question for you."


"It's going to sound stupid."

"I've known you for years, Moony, hardly a stupid word has come out of your mouth. What is it?"

"Are things going to change after today?"

"Change how?"

"Well, the four of us. Are things still going to be the same?"

"Just because I'm starting a new chapter of my life doesn't mean I'm going to tear out all the old chapters are kill off previous characters, Remus. You know that. You and Sirius and Peter are always going to be my best friends. That's never going to change. Never."


"I still solemnly swear that I'm up to no good, at all times I swear it." He grinned cheekily at his best friend, well one of his best friends.

"More new characters will be sure to enter in later chapters, I presume?" Remus asked.

"Definitely. Lily and I already talked about it. We both agree we want at least two or three kids."

"And Sirius will be the Godfather?" he asked, trying not to sound bitter.

"You understand, don't you? If I could have it another way, I would."

"I know. I understand. It's fine."

"You know, two parents and a Godfather isn't enough for a kid. Needs some uncles. I'm an only child and Lily just has that sister of hers." He arched an eyebrow.

Remus mimicked him. "You mean an Uncle Remus?"

"Of course I do, buddy. I also think Remus would make a good middle name. Lily wants our first child, if when the time comes we have a boy, to be named after my father and I. Harry James. But I was thinking for the second child if you would mind...?"

"I'd be honored if he were named after me, James."

"Great. How'd things go outside setting up?"

"Pete and I set up the tables and now Alice and your mum are holding him hostage while they set up the plates linens and things."

"If Alice is here, then who's with Lily?"

"Nobody," they both said at the same time, their faces falling in frowns.

"I'll go keep her company, James."

"Thanks, Remus."

"I've got to go pick up the centerpieces and flowers anyway. I don't think Alice remembered to bring them over."

"You're the best."

Remus went outside to Apperate to Lily's apartment.

The Tonks Home

Sirius arrived in the fireplace and found a very angry Andromeda Black Tonks waiting for him.

"Sirius, you're late!"

"I...I know. I'm sorry. I overslept. And then I had to talk to the groom and--"

"And you've always got an excuse. I know."

"You forgive me?"

"Yeah, but if you'd arrived 1 minute later than you did I would have hexed you into oblivion when you got here." Sirius couldn't tell if her voice was serious or not. "This brunch is very important to Ted. If you'd arrived on time I would have had time for us to all stay and chat for a bit, but we've really got to be going now." She blinked at his choice in clothing, having just realized he was in pajamas (something he'd yet to realize).

"I understand. Have a great time. I promise to bring Dora back before bedtime. Everybody over at James's house loves her and won't want to give her back though."

"Honey, watch out, no!" came Ted's voice from the living room.

Sirius and Meda exchanged a glance and went into the living room where Ted was cleaning up the broken pieces of a lamp.

Dora raced into Sirius's arms as he knelt down and he picked her up and spun her around. "Huh, Dora, you do that to the lamp?" he asked semi-sternly.

"Maybe," she said with a giggle.

"That wasn't nice."

"But I tripped! I didn't mean to," she said. She pointed to her scraped elbow.

"Aww, you hurt yourself, you've got to be more careful."

"Kiss it better, uncle."

Sirius kissed it better and then tapped her elbow with his wand, healing the skin.

"If you keep doing that," Ted said, "She might never realize that she could get seriously hurt."

"I know but I don't like to see her in pain," Sirius said, shrugging. He was very fond of her. Strictly speaking of course, he wasn't her uncle. He and Meda were cousins, so he and Dora were something like cousins once removed or the like. But he was just fine with being her surrogate uncle; after all it wasn't as though she had any good aunts with Narcissa and Bellatrix as her mother's sisters and Meda not on speaking terms with most of the Black family. Ted didn't have any brothers or sisters.

"We've got to be going," Meda said, to Ted.

"You're right, I've just got to finish cleaning up the broken lamp."

"Don't worry about it," Sirius said. "I'll get it. Enjoy your brunch I'll take care of the lamp and your daughter."

"Thanks, Sirius," Ted said.

"Bye-bye, Nymphadora," Meda said to her daughter, taking her out of Sirius's arms to give her a hug goodbye.

"Bye, Mummy. Bye, Daddy." Ted leaned down to give his daughter a hug as well. They waved goodbye and walked out to their car.

Sirius stood in the doorway with Dora in his arms and waved goodbye to her parents.

As they got in the car, Sirius could hear Ted ask Meda, "What's your cousin wearing?"

She just laughed softly, "You know Sirius." She called up to Sirius, "Give the bride and groom our best wishes!"

He nodded.

They got in the car and drove off.

Sirius looked down and realized he was wearing his red and gold pajamas with brooms on them. A gift from Mrs. Potter back in sixth year and still his favorite pajamas.

"Come on, Dora, let's go back inside."

He closed the blinds and used magic to repair the lamp. Meda and Ted lived in a Muggle neighborhood and still managed to keep their magic secret. They simply took precautions. It was set up that the only spot in the house that could be Apperated into was the kitchen, which was also where the fireplace hooked up to the Floo network was. They rarely allowed people into the kitchen, usually having them eat in the dining room, and only let the neighbors in the kitchen if they were sure all things magical were put away and they weren't expecting any visitors.

Dora was wearing jeans and a little t-shirt that said, "I'm the boss around here." Sirius read it and laughed.

"Do you want to go see my friend James?"

"James is like you and mummy and daddy?" Meda and Ted had attempted to put her in nursery school, but with young uncontrolled magic with her, she accidentally levitated the table of milk and cookies on her first day when the line wasn't moving fast enough. She couldn't understand why everybody was so concerned about it, but she was 4.

"Yeah. Do you want to see James and Lily? And my friends Pete and Remus?"


"Okay. Let's go."

"Do I get to go in the fireplace again?"


"Do I get to go by myself?"

"Not yet, Dora. You're still too little." He didn't quite trust her to travel the Floo Network by herself. He carried into the kitchen on his shoulder and grabbed a pinch of powder to thrown in the fire. It turned green. He set her on the floor and clutched her to him so she wouldn't get lost or separated. "Godric's Hollow." He stepped into the fire still holding her and away they went.

Apartment #118

Lily didn't see Remus arrive in her kitchen, but she heard the bell go off that meant someone had Apperated within her apartment. She had been trying to decide what to do. She didn't want to put her dress on yet, because she didn't want to do anything to ruin it. So she'd just walked around the apartment in her bathrobe since Alice left, making sure that everything she needed was put in orderly boxes. She heard the Apperating bell and looked around until she found Remus in the kitchen.

"Remus, you're here!" she ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Good to see you too, Lily. How are things going over here?"

"Going? They aren't going at all."

"How do you mean?"

They sit together at the kitchen table as they'd done so many times before.

"Well, Alice woke me up and threw me into a freezing shower. When I came out, she did my hair and we talked a little. Then she had to go over to the Hollow to make sure things were running smoothly. They are running smoothly, aren't they?"

"Last I saw, Alice and James's mum had accosted Peter and were forcing him to help them set up."

She laughed. "I'll be glad when this is all over."

He gave her an inquiring look.

"Well, I will, I'll be glad when all the fuss and bother of this week is over and James and I can settle down together."

"I know you'll both be really happy."

"Thanks. What brought you over?"

"Oh, I'm supposed to be getting the flower arrangements."

"Yeah, I saw that Alice forgot them. But I couldn't go to the Hollow because I didn't want to accidentally break tradition and see James. I do really want to see him though."

"I've really got be going and make sure things go well. There's only an hour before the ceremony. You might want to get dressed."

"Right." She made a face.

"Don't fuss. Your dress is gorgeous and you look great in it."

"Thanks, Remus."

"I'll see you later, Lily." He pecked her on the cheek.

"Bye." He collected the centerpieces and boutonnières for the men and Disapperated.

Grumbling to herself, Lily went to her room and got dressed. She had just gotten the zipper up the rest of the way when she heard the sound of somebody entering through the fireplace. Good, Alice must have come back, she thought. She went into the living room to go see her.

Godric's Hollow

James was trying to put on the tuxedo Lily and Alice had bought earlier in the week. Why did the stupid thing have cufflinks? Why, why, why! With a little help from his mother, he'd managed to figure out how the rest of the stupid stuff worked, but she'd been called away before he'd gotten to the cufflinks or the bowtie. Now he couldn't get them on, despite his struggle for the last half an hour. He'd managed the bowtie, but it was lopsided. He needed help.

"Argh! I need some help in here!" he said desperately. There was only 1 1/2 hours left until the wedding and at this rate he'd never be ready.

"Do you need some help?" asked Peter, fully dressed in his tux for the wedding, as he came in and shutting the door behind him.

"Isn't that what I just said?"


James sighed. "No, I'm sorry, Pete. I didn't mean to snap. It's these stupid things!"

"You mean these?" Peter held up his wrists.

"Hey, how'd you do that?"

"I asked Alice for help."

"Smart move. Is she busy now?"

"She was just going back to Lily's apartment to make sure Lily got ready and so she could get ready."

"Oh, great. Maybe I should look for my mum."

"No good. She's up to her ears in work at the moment handling the food."

"Great. And I just sent Remus off to see Lily."

"I could help you know."

"Right. Thanks. I'm sorry. I'm just so scattered right now, Pete. Really I am."

"I can tell." He took the cufflinks from James and got to work.

"It's just, my life changes forever today."

"I know, James. But you're ready for this. You've loved her for ages and you two belong together."

"I know it's just that..."

"It's 'just that' nothing, James! You two are in love and you belong together. Period. The end. That's all there is to it. 'And that was all she wrote'. Finito. Fin. Finish. Done."

"I get it, Pete."

"Do you, James?"


"Do you understand what other guys would give to be standing in your shoes right now? What they would give to be truly happy and walking down the aisle with the girl of their dreams? Do you really have any idea? Anything at all?" He stared at him for a long minute.

James dropped his friend's hard gaze and replied softly, "I know, Pete. I know."

"Happy as all of us are for you, there's still a tiny piece of each of screaming at the top of its lungs 'I wish that were me!' Do you understand? Really? You're one of the lucky ones. The one who has not only found someone they love but has them and their love in return and is going to spend the rest of your life with her. That's a very powerful thing. Do you really understand?"

"Yeah, I do, Pete. And I thank the Powers that Be, whatever they are, Zeus, Jesus, whatever Divine Force is out there I thank for my days with Lily. Every day, Pete."

"As long as you realize it and she knows you do, that's what matters."


"The band just got here before I came up and I volunteered to help with the set up. I'll be back in a bit, okay?"

"Yeah. Sure. I've got to do some thinking."

"Okay." He gave him a friendly pat on the back and left.

He hadn't been gone five minutes when Sirius showed up.

"James, you decent? I don't want Dora exposed to anything she shouldn't see."

"I'm decent."

Sirius and Dora came in. Sirius had Dora sitting up on his shoulder and had to duck as he came in so she wouldn't hit her head.

James perked up when he heard Dora's giggle. He smiled, seeing her sitting on Sirius's shoulder. Dora recognized him and he took her from Sirius and gave her a piggyback ride while she pulled his hair. "Padfoot, shouldn't you be getting dressed? You're still in your pajamas."

"I know, your mum already yelled at me for it. Do you have Dora's dress?"

"No. It must still be at Lily's. Have you seen Remus? I think he needs to dress too."

"Yeah, he was just coming back in the house when I got in. But I think Alice kidnapped him."

"But I think she still needs to get dressed too!"

"Relax. I'm just going to take Dora to Lily's to get her dress and I'll be right back."

"Hurry!" Everything had to be perfect for Lily today. He wouldn't care if they all went to the wedding in their underwear ate Chocolate Frogs at the reception, but for Lily, he wanted everything to be perfect.

"Come on, Dora, let's go see, Lily."

"Okay. Bye, James."

"Bye, Dora. I'll see you later. Okay?"

"Okay." She followed Sirius out of the room, turning back at the door to blow James a kiss and giggle at him.

James watched after her, Maybe someday I'll have a little girl.

Apartment #118

Good, Alice must have come back, she thought. She went into the living room to go tell Alice that it was time she got dressed too.

Alice wasn't there.

Instead, Sirius, still in his pajamas after all this time, was standing there with Dora, brushing the soot off himself. He paused and stared when he saw Lily.

"Oh. Sirius. I wasn't expecting you," she said stiffly, very aware of what her wedding gown looked like.

"You look amazing. Really."

"No, I don't. I hate this dress. I swear James and I should have just eloped."

"What? And ruin everyone's fun?"

"I suppose you're right. And speaking of which, what are you doing here still in your pajamas when the wedding starts in about an hour?"

"I had to stop by and get Dora's dress."

"Oh, right. It's in the spare room, I'll get it."

"Me too!" Dora said.

Dora scurried after her, nearly hitting her head on the coffee table in the process. Would she always be such a klutz? Sirius wondered to himself.

Lily helped Dora put her dress on and brought her back out to Sirius. "Here she is."

"Oh, what a little lady you look like," he said to her.

She laughed at him and curtseyed. She consequently fell down on her rear.

Lily and Sirius picked Dora up and set her on the overstuffed armchair and hoped she wouldn't get into any more trouble.

Lily tried not to cry. She bit her lip. "Sirius, I don't think I can do this."

"Do what, hon?"

"This. Today."

"What are you talking about?" He led her over to the couch and they both sat down. "Now, explain calmly."

Well, she was Lily and Lily was an emotional person. So she couldn't explain calmly, therefore she cried. She sobbed with her head on Sirius's shoulder and he patted her. "Ssh, come on, Lils. Tell me what's wrong."

She stopped crying after about five minutes. "Sirius, I'm not sure I'm ready to change my whole life like this in one day."

"What are you talking about, Lily? You and James love each other and you're great together."

"But that's just it, Sirius. We were great together as a dating couple, great together as an engaged couple, but what if we're not great together as a married couple?"

"How do you mean?"

"Sirius, James and I love each other. I know that. But what if we aren't compatible? I know people who love each other, but they'd be better off staying away from each other because when they're together almost all they do is argue because their personalities just don't work together. Sirius, this is a big jump and now that I'm almost at the top of the cliff, I don't know that I'm going to be ready to make jump off when I get there. I'm scared. Besides, what if I get to the altar and James says, 'Sorry, Evans, I've changed my mind and decided to go marry someone else. Have a nice life'. I couldn't take it. I should just not show up. Then he can't break my heart." She started rocking back and forward.

"Look me in the eyes, Lily. Look at me." She continued to rock, so he turned her so they were facing one another and he held her gaze. "James Potter loves you more than life itself. By now, you know each other well enough to know that you'll get along fine. You'll make it work. James loves you and he will always love you. He'd die before ever letting anything happen to you. He wants to spend forever with you, just like you want to spend forever with him. You'll be happy together, just like you are now. Nothing has to change."

"But it's a big step, a big change for me, Sirius. Heck, I'm not even going to be living in the same city anymore, let alone the same house or the same room. I've lived alone for months now. I like it. I don't have any demands about when to get up, or go to sleep, or having to worry about what anybody else thinks. I don't want to have to worry about anybody else."

"James is a big boy, Lily. He can watch out for himself."

"He lives at home so his mum will cook and do his laundry for him!"

"Nah. We just didn't want to leave the house and that's the only excuse we could think of."

"Sirius, I'm just scared. This is a big jump. A complete change in lifestyle."

"Hey, with you and James together, anything is possible. You'll be fine. Besides, me and Remus and Peter and Alice will always be around. You won't forget us or lose us."

"Thanks, Sirius. You won't tell James I said any of this, will you?"

"Of course not."

At that very moment, Alice returned to the apartment, arriving this a small pop of imploding air. She saw Sirius and Lily on the couch. "SIRIUS BLACK, WHY AREN'T YOU DRESSED YET?"

Sirius cringed. Angry Alice was not good. Angry Alice was scary. "Sorry, ma'am, I had to come get the flower girl's dress."

"Her hair's not brushed! You, out! Out, out, out! Go back and get dressed, now. We'll bring Dora."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Keep James locked in his room. We'll be over soon."

Sirius nodded and whispered to Lily, "Remember what I said," right before he Disapperated.

Alice got to work immediately on Dora's hair, Lily's makeup, and then she put on her own dress and makeup and did her own hair. There was only half an hour left until the wedding.

Lily was grateful for Alice's restless busyness, it kept her mind off her worry (though most of her worry had disappeared after crying to Sirius).

Godric's Hollow (with James)

Sirius hadn't been out of James's room more than 3 minutes when Alice came in.

"Hey, James, how you doing?"

"I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Just doing some thinking."

"About today?"

"About the rest of my life."

"Wow. That's a lot to think about."

"Alice, I'm not going to be a man living with his parents and his best friend anymore. Now I'm going to be living with my wife. A husband. Doesn't that make me sound so old?"

"No. It doesn't. And Sirius'll probably still be here for a while yet."

"That's true. But it's weird. The biggest change of my life and I'm just moving down the hall of the room that's been mine for my entire life. I mean, isn't it a little odd?"

"Not really. What's odd is your lopsided tie. Let me fix it." She fussed with his tie and reassured him that everything would be fine.

"I love Lily and I want to marry her, but what if we fight or don't get along and she hates me and decides to leave me forever?"

"She won't, James. Stop being ridiculous."

"I don't deserve her, Alice. I love her with all my heart, but I'm not good enough for her. She's kind. She's smart. She's beautiful. She's wonderful. Me? I'm a stuck-up Quiditch player with nice hair."

"That was the old you, James. You changed before you even left Hogwarts. You're not so stuck up anymore. You know there are more important things than whether somebody can catch a Snitch or throw a Quaffle. You're training to be an Auror. You're in league with Dumbledore against the worst Dark Wizard the world can remember. Although, I'll give you the part about having nice hair. You'll be fine. You and Lily will be as happy as Frank and I are."

"Thanks, Alice. I needed that."

She finished his tie. "There, I've got to go get ready. I'll be at Lily's."

"Thanks, Alice. You aren't going to tell Lily I was worrying, are you?"

"Don't worry about it. All of us do." She gave him a smile and left. She had to go outside so she could Apperate.

She arrived at Lily's and saw Sirius and Lily sitting on the couch. "SIRIUS BLACK, WHY AREN'T YOU DRESSED YET?"

Godric's Hollow (with Lily)

Lily Apperated to Godric's Hollow (to avoid mussing up her hair or dress). Alice and Dora had to travel by Floo powder but covered themselves with some sort of special spell to prevent them from getting any soot on them. With James safely locked away in his room, Lily, Alice, and Dora made their way to Mr. and Mrs. Potter's room. James's mum was there.

"You all look beautiful," she said, putting on dark blue earrings that matched her dark blue robes.

"Thanks, Mrs. Potter."

"Do you realize that in a matter of fifteen minutes, that's going to be your name?"

"Yeah. I know." She smiled.

"I wanted to give you this." She put a necklace around Lily's neck. It was beautiful.

"Mrs. Potter..."

"I wore it at my wedding, and my mother before me, and her mother before her."
"It's beautiful. Thank you."

She smiled motherly at her. "I've got to go. The guests are arriving. I'll see you in the backyard, Lily."

Alice said, "I'll be right back, Lily, I need to get the ring." She ran to James's room and didn't even bother to knock. If the boys were dressed now, they'd be in trouble. She opened the door; all four of them were dressed. "I need your wedding band."

James took it out of his pocket and gave it to Alice. "Is everything okay?"

"It's fine. The guests are arriving. Somebody needs to escort them to their seats for the ceremony."

"Is Dumbledore here yet?"

"I think he's talking to your dad, James."

"Peter and I can show everyone to their seats," Remus volunteered.

"Good. Wait, no, Remus, you've got to stick with me so you can walk Lily. I knew we should have had a rehearsal! You and your busy schedules! James, you and Sirius need to get downstairs. When everyone is seated, go up the aisle between the chairs and take your places. Dumbledore will be at the altar by then. Everything should be good. Remus, come with me."

Remus followed her out of the room without argument and Peter followed to so he could go outside and seat people.

James and Sirius watched out the window. They watched Pete outside, leading people to their seats. When all the seats but two (the 2 reserved for Lily's sister and brother-in-law) were filled, they took this as their cue and went outside, careful to avoid going near the kitchen and possibly seeing Lily.

Alice, Dora, Lily, and Remus waited in the kitchen, watching out the window.

Sirius and James went and took their places up by Dumbledore. The Weird Sisters started to play the wedding march and the four of them went outside.

Dora was at the front of them with daisies in her hair and sprinkling flower petals in their path. She went and stood by Sirius (whether that was where she was supposed to be or not).

Next came Lily and Remus, arms linked, with Alice behind them.

James watched in awe at his beautiful bride. Her hair was mostly down and it was shining in the light. One lily was tucked behind her ear. She held a bouquet of wild flowers. Her shoes and dress were a pristine white. The dress was lacy at the bottom with no straps to hold it up. He recognized the necklace she wore; it was his mother's. She looked beautiful. The very vision of an angel. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her and he wasn't what was stopping him from running after her at that very moment. Maybe it was Sirius's standing on his foot.

Lily looked and saw James. Handsome as ever and smiled all the more. She walked up to the altar carefully in step with Remus. Lily took her place across from James, taking her cue to release Remus's arm and take James's hand in hers. Alice took her place behind her. Remus stood behind Sirius.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled behind half-moon spectacles. "We are gathered here today to join for life this man and this woman. Are there any objections?"

No one objected. They all knew James and Lily and knew they were in love.

"Who presents this woman before us?" the Headmaster asked.

"I do," Remus said.

Sirius looked past the guests and saw someone hiding on the side of the house, just barely peaking out. Oh no, not here. Not today. The last thing this wedding needed was some sort of attack. He pretended to ignore the spot but kept looking at it out of the corner of his eye. Was that blonde hair? Lucius Malfoy perhaps? Sirius hoped not.

"James Potter and Lily Evans have decided to write their own vows, which they shall recite for us now."

James reached into his pocket and pulled out the parchment he'd written on. But he didn't look at the parchment as he recited his vows and stared into Lily's eyes. "Lily, I love you with all my heart. If you'll marry me, I'll be the happiest man on earth. I'll love you, honor you, and cherish you as I have these past years. I want to be with you forever."

"Do you take this man, who makes these promises, to be your husband?"

Sirius handed James Lily's ring and he slid it on her finger as she said, "I do." She pulled out her own piece of parchment, though she didn't need to look at it either. "I promise to love you forever, 'til the rest of my days and beyond." Short, simple, sweet, and the absolute truth. Nothing fancy, just what was in her heart.

"Do you take this woman, who makes these promises, to be your wife?"

"I do. Of course I do." Alice handed Lily the wedding band and she slipped it on James's finger. James's boyish grin covered his face in anticipation of his mentor's next words. Lily looked at him coyly, but with a mysterious smile on her face.

"Then you may kiss your bride," Dumbledore said, amusement twitching at the corner of his mouth.

They kissed. It was the kiss. The one that symbolized that they'd sealed their promises to belong to each other forever.

Sirius looked away from his friends and back to the corner of the house where the stranger was waiting. Blonde certainly and she'd come forward a few steps to hear better and watch the ceremony. Sirius knew the face now. He hadn't seen her often but he knew; Petunia Dursley had come to see her sister's wedding. Petunia and Sirius's eyes met, and he held her in place with his gaze for just a moment. Then, like a scared deer, she ran, hoping and praying that the man who saw her wouldn't say anything about her appearance at the wedding. She ran to where her car was parked, far enough away that nobody would be able to hear it's engine, and drove through the trees back onto the main road and was gone.

James and Lily broke off their kiss, unaware of Petunia's brief presence. The guests all cheered. Someone took pictures and a camera flashed, probably several people took pictures.

James and Lily led the others to the other part of the yard, where the tables and food where. Everyone took their seats and before the meal started, Sirius stood to make his best man speech, "I've known these two for a long time and I've never seen a happier couple; once we got them to stop arguing of course. Most of you know that they used to fight like cats and dogs. But this toast is to many happy years ahead for them!" He drained his glass and everyone else followed suit. The festivities began.

The band started playing and Lily and James shared their first dance, presented for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Potter. It was a slow song and Lily and James wrapped their arms around each other as they swayed to the music. Other couples joined in the dancing and as was usual, the groom's mother demanded a dance and so did the bride's father. Instead, Remus took a dance with Lily, and after him Sirius and Peter. Alice and Frank danced together and Frank asked his wife, "Now that this is over, does this mean I'll actually get to see you sometime this week?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry I haven't been around. But Lily's my best friend and I had to make everything perfect." They continued in comfortable silence.

Lily had finished dancing with Remus, Sirius, and Peter and was back with James again. "I love you, James."

"I love you too, Lily. I always will. You look beautiful."

"Really? I was a little self-conscious about this dress..."

"Lily, you always look beautiful. Always." He kissed her forehead gently and she laid her head on his shoulder. Lily didn't want to let go of James and he didn't want to let go of her, but after two more songs they decided they had to sit down and eat and talk to their guests as duty required.

They went and took the places where their name cards were between Alice and Sirius. Their first visitors were Abner Lovegood and his fiancé. "Oh, hello, Abner. How's that paper you were going to start doing?"

"We're working on it. It'll take some time but we know we can do it. The truth must be told and we'll tell it! No conspiracy will go unheard, no truths kept in the dark, no--"

"That's enough dear," said the pale-eyed woman beside him, patting his arm. She had large, pale blue eyes, a nice complexion with a tinge of pink to her cheeks, and wavy blondish-brown hair.

"Oh. Right. Have you met my fiancé? This is Qamra Quibbler. I met her the summer before last on a trip to Greece."

"Really now? What were you doing there?"

"I was looking for signs of the Hydra. There's supposed to still be a few lurking about, though most people are skeptical about that." He paused to draw breath, obviously preparing for a long sermon.

His wife-to-be cut him off, "Yes, dear, you know, isn't that the Headmaster you were telling me about?" She pointed to Dumbledore, off near the side of the yard.

He turned to see where she was pointing and Qamra winked at Lily and James while they mouthed "Thank you". Abner turned back to them all, "Oh, yes. Excuse me a moment, Lily, James. I'll go introduce you to him, Qam." He led his future wife away.

"She seems nice. I want to talk to her later if I can get her away from Abner. He's awful chatty," Lily said.

"Yes, I know. But he's still a good friend and it seems she share and interest in his chatter."

"True." Lily caught sight of Gideon, Fabian, and Philip. True to his word, Philip had brought a giant vat of ice cream and now brought it out. It was large enough for three grown men to stand in and Lily had an idea of just who those three were going to be. They had spoon and were handing them out to the other guests; they were trying to hand out the spoons but most of the other guests didn't seem too keen on climbing a ladder to bend over the side of a giant container of ice cream and dig in.

Philip said, "But it's bewitched to become your favorite flavor!"

"More for us!" Fabian said happily, digging in.

Gideon was considering the situation. "Hey, Petey! Petey!"

Peter had just been approaching Lily and James and he muttered, "I hate being called Petey." He raised his voice and started toward the Prewette brothers and Philip Fortescue. "What do you want?"

When Lily looked over toward them again, Peter's legs were flailing out of the end of the ice cream container. They'd dunked him in headfirst.


"Yeah, hon?" he asked, looking up from his plate and searching for what she was looking at. He found it. "Oh. I'll go take care of that right now." He got up and went to go see to things, beckoning Sirius and Remus to him.

While James took care of the situation with the ice cream, Lily spoke with Arabella Figg, who had just come over to see him.

"How are you doing, Bella?"

"Not bad. I see your sister didn't come. Did you bother inviting her?"

"Yes. I did."

"I looked for her this morning when I was leaving to see if she knew about the wedding or wanted to come but nobody answered."

"Just as well. She still thinks you're a Muggle. Wouldn't want to ruin her happy world and let her think otherwise now, would we?"

"She'll come around. Don't worry. Sisters can't fight forever, you know."

"I hope you're right."

"Of course I am. Looks like Hagrid wants a word with me. I'll be back later. Give James my best."

Sirius had left the giant vat of ice cream and overheard this conversation. He wondered if he should tell her that Petunia had come after all. No, it would probably only hurt her more. In the end, he took the secret to his grave.

"How are you, Lils? You're an old married woman now."

"Yes, an hour's time and I'm already getting wrinkles and my hair is going gray," she joked.

"And why's that?" asked James's mother, joining their conversation.

"It's because she's tormented at the thought of being separated from me for a few weeks," Sirius said dramatically.

Both Mrs. Potters laughed. James's mum said, "I think she'll have more than enough to keep her occupied while you're gone, Sirius." She winked at Lily and Lily blushed scarlet. Even her mother-in-law loved to tease her!

"Would you excuse me? I think James needs some help with the ice cream." Lily hurried away from Sirius and her mother-in-law wondering if she'd always been that way or if Sirius was just a bad influence on her. She found Remus scolding the Prewettes and Philip Fortescue while James cleaned the last of the ice cream off of Peter.

"James, it looks like your wife wants a word with you," Gideon said.

James said distractedly, "I don't have a wife. I'm not getting married until...today! Hey, I do have a wife. Where is she?"

Peter chuckled. "Right behind you, numbskull."

James turned around and found himself face to face with Lily. "Hi," he said, staring at her breathlessly.




"Are you two just going to keep saying 'hi' all day?" asked Fabian in disgust.

"Lovebirds," Philip rolled his eyes.

Lily and James ignored him. "I wanted to talk to you," she said.

The others didn't move off.

"Alone," she added, pulling James to the dance floor that had been set up and putting her arms around him. She leaned his forehead against his while they danced to a slow song.

"What did you want to say?"

"Nothing. I just had to get away from Sirius and your mum."

"He'll be gone for thee or four weeks, Lily. Longer if you want."

"I know," she giggled to relieve a little of her anxiety.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing." Lily, you've been married to him for two hours and you're already lying? What's wrong with you, girl? she berated herself. No need to tell him she was nervous about what would happen after all the guests left.

"Lily, do you know what easiest decision of my life was?"


"Deciding to marry you. Lily, I love you with my heart, my soul, the very depths of my being."

"I feel the same way about you, James." She lay her head down on his shoulder.

"No worries ahead of us?"

"No worries ahead of us."

They danced quietly for ten minutes.

"You look beautiful," he murmured.

"You're just saying that," she blushed.

"I mean it. You're the most beautiful woman in the world, Lily Potter. Lily Potter. I love the way that sounds."

"So do I."

"Do you want to go sit down and finish eating?"

She nodded and they went and took their place at the table. Dumbledore had returned from his various chats and was sitting across from them once more.

"James, Lily, I don't know what to say."

"That can't be true. You're never at a loss for words."

"Lily, you look stupendous. Beautiful. James, I've never seen you look happier."

"You mean I don't look stupendous too?" James asked, pretending to pout, but failing. He was much to happy today to possibly pout.

"I think you look stupendous," Lily said to him.

"I can tell you're both going to be very happy together. I've watched you both grow and change since you were eleven. If your mother permits me to say this, James, I feel I've had a hand in raising you."

James's mum was sitting nearby and said, "Of course I permit you to say it, Albus. After all, I was grateful for the ten months a year he spent at Hogwarts. It gave me a chance to do some relaxing. And it helps share the blame for how he turned out."

"That's not nice, mum," James told her.

"No, but it's probably true," said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling.

James's father joined the conversation, "James, all three of us are pleased at how well you've turned out. The young woman sitting next to you proves you must not be completely worthless. She's got a brain on her shoulders, and wouldn't be there if you were."

"You've got a point, Harry," James's mum said.

"Of course I do. When will you learn? I'm always right," Harry said, slightly miffed and slightly joking.

James's mum whispered to Lily, "You see, you always have to let them think they're right. Then go do what you want anyway."

Lily suppressed a giggle. She'd often found the same true herself.

While the men talked, she asked Lily quietly, "Is there anything you need to know before we leave later? Anything you want to talk about?"

Lily bit her lip. "No. I think I'll be okay."

James's mum gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled at her.

Qamra returned and sat down near Lily and Mrs. Potter. "Hello," she said.

"Good to see you. Where are you from, Qamra? I know that accent isn't Greek and you don't look it either."

"Call me Qam. Oh, no. I'm Welch actually. But you see, my parents' work brought me all around the world when I was younger. They excavated tombs, did some work on Stonehenge, lots of on the field research. I never went to Hogwarts. When I turned eleven my parents started tutoring me in their free time. I followed in their footsteps and field of work when I turned 18 and had passed my NEWTs. Even though I was home-schooled I still had to take the OWLs and the NEWTs. They took me down to the Ministry for them."

"Are you going to keep in that line of work?"

"No. I like it and it makes me happy. I love to travel, but I think I'm ready to root myself to one place; for a while at least, if not permanently. I'm not going to give it up until after we're married though and Abner's started his paper. I think it's a wonderful idea."

"So do I. He was telling us about it recently. I'd love to become a part of it. Sounds much better than writing for Witch Weekly."

Qamra and Lily winced simultaneously as Lily said those last 2 words.

Professors McGonagall and Flitwick approached. "We're sorry, but we need to be leaving. We have classes to teach and someone must make sure the students aren't running amuck at Hogwarts."

"Does this mean you have to leave too, Albus?" asked Harry.

"No, no. I'll be sticking around for a while. Unless the bride and groom want to try and be rid of myself and the rest of us."

Lily and James both blushed. Even Dumbledore was teasing them!

"Sorry, you have to leave, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick. You'll come visit us as often as you can, won't you?" asked Lily.

"Miss Evans, er, Mrs. Potter, er, Lily, we are not at Hogwarts any longer and you are not a child. There's no need to call refer to us by our surnames."

"Oh. Sorry. Old habits die hard," Lily said.

"I'll walk you to the fireplace, Minerva," James's mum said, getting up.

"No, don't trouble yourself. We know the way. Best wishes, James, Lily." She smiled at the newlyweds and added to Dumbledore, "Don't stay all night, Albus. The school goes to pieces without you."

"Hardly. They never miss me," Dumbledore said jovially.

Minerva McGonagall shook her head at him and smiled. McGonagall and Flitwick made their way back to the house, saying various goodbyes as they went.

The rest of the afternoon passed pleasantly. Arabella had to leave around four as she had quite a drive left ahead of her to get back home. Philip, Gideon, and Fabian made rather vulgar remarks to James that they found extremely funny and he threatened to run them off the property. They just laughed it off and Disapperated, waving cheerily at them. Kingsley and Stoge had to leave and get back to work. Frank left, saying that he had to go to his afternoon classes for training. He said to Alice, "With you, Sirius, and James all out somebody should know what's going on at school so we don't have so much work to make up." Alastor Moody had left when Frank did; he had some soon-to-be-Aurors to terrify.

He gave Lily and James some parting words. "Lily, I still wish you would have considered joining. We'd be lucky to have you in our ranks. You made the grades so remember, the offer's open. James, you've still that late report to do."


"But don't worry, Potter. I understand that you're taking a week or two off from training. Just have that report in my hands the minute you set foot back at the training ground."

"Thank you, sir!" James saluted him with true Potter humor.

Moody clapped him on the back (and James buckled ever so slightly under the force) and gave Lily a polite bow.

The Weird Sisters were packed up and Flooed back to Hogwarts.

Only Lily, James, Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter, Alice, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Hagrid, Dora, and Dumbledore remained. Still a sizable group, but a group of close-knit friends. They took down the decorations, got rid of the extra chairs and tables, and went to hang out together in the parlor as old friends often do. They were content.

Alice and Mrs. Potter (the elder Mrs. Potter, not Lily) made dinner for everyone and they ate in the dining room, chatting happily. When dinner was over, they moved back to the parlor to sip at coffee in front of the fireplace. Lily and James were sharing the armchair. Alice sat in front of the fire with Remus and Peter. Hagrid and Sirius shared the couch, with Dora dozing on Sirius's lap. Dumbledore sat on the floor near Alice and Remus (though he'd been offered the second armchair, he'd declined). Mr. Harry Potter sat in the armchair and his wife sat in the extra chair that had been brought out and placed next to it.

The clock on the wall chimed. "Is it 8 already?" asked Peter anxiously.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" asked Sirius.

"I promised mum. She wasn't feeling well at all today and I promised I'd be home to take care of her. I promised."

"It's okay, Pete. Go see to your mum," James said.

"Thanks, James. I probably shouldn't have left her. She looked really pale when I left this morning." Muttering to himself, he went outside to Apperate home.

There was silence. "You know, we should probably get going too," Remus said quietly.

The guests all looked around. They knew that it was impossible to overstay their welcome, those who weren't blood family were near enough to it. But they all knew it was time for them to be getting on. Most of them had been there all day if not longer.

"Fang'll pro'ly be wantin' his supper," Hagrid said. Fang was his new puppy. He'd showed them some pictures earlier.

"I've got to be getting Dora back home. She can't even keep her eyes open and I promised Meda I wouldn't keep her late."

"Frank is expecting me. I promised to make him dinner since I was gone so much this week."

"With everything going on, my parents haven't seen or heard much of me this week," Remus said.

"I'm sure there's something I'm supposed to be doing at Hogwarts."

"It's about time Harry and I were on our way as well."

None of them really wanted to leave, and Lily wasn't sure if she wanted them to go yet either, but she had no argument that might persuaded them to stay. They all had lives to deal with and things to do.

Hagrid stood up and the couch groaned in relief. "G'night, Lily. G'night, James. G'night, Headmaster. G'night, everybody. Good ter see yeh all agin."

"Goodnight, Hagrid," they chorused as he went outside. He had decided to Apperate as far as Hogsmeade and walk from there; it was a nice night out.

Remus went upstairs to collect the bags Sirius had packed to take with him and James's parents went to get their own bags.

Alice and Lily hugged. "You nervous?" she whispered.

"No, I'm okay."

"You and James are going to be so happy spending the rest of your lives here together, Lils. Really you are."

"I know." She smiled.

"You got used to your dress," Alice pointed out.


"Well, you didn't change out of it and you don't seem nearly as uncomfortable as you did the first time you tried it on."

"I only didn't change because everyone else stayed in wedding clothes too."

"Admit it, you like the dress."




"I think you do," Alice teased.

"Go home to your husband."

"Gladly. Goodnight, Lily. Goodnight, James. 'Night, Sirius." She patted Dora on the head as she approached the fire and threw a handful of powder in and vanished as she said the name of her home.

"Lily, could I borrow a blanket for Dora? I'm taking her home on my motorbike."

"Are you sure that's safe?" she asked.

"Yeah. Meda and Ted live in a quiet neighborhood and there's no streetlamps. Nobody will see me. I've even been tinkering with a charm to make the bike quiet. I just need the blanket because the wind could be a little rough on Dora."

"I'll go get the blanket." She disappeared up the stairs.

Sirius beckoned James over to the couch with him. "This is it, Prongs. You're alone."

"Not quite. Dumbledore's still here. And my parents. And you. And Dora. And Remus."

"Fine, very shortly, you will be alone. With Lily."

"I know."

"You going to be okay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me, Siir. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love. At this point, nothing could possibly ruin my day."

"Good." He looked down at Dora's face. "She's lucky. Do you realize she never has to have Black as her last name? I'm stuck with it for life."

"Sirius, I brought the blanket," Lily said, coming down the stairs.

"Thanks." He hoisted Dora over his shoulder and James opened the door for him on the way out. Sirius sat astride his motorbike and Lily wrapped the blanket tightly around Dora and him so that it also acted to keep her in place so he could put both hands toward steering. He kick-started the bike to life and Lily put a silencing charm on it so Dora wouldn't wake.

"Goodbye, Sirius," she hugged him.

"Goodbye, mate," James said.

Sirius waved and took off into the dark sky, flying more cautiously than usual because of the precious bundle in his arms.

Lily and James went back inside. Remus and James's parents were waiting at the top of the stairs. Remus came down and hugged his friends goodbye before Flooing home. Mr. and Mrs. Potter the elder, looked down at Mr. and Mrs. Potter the younger.

"Well, kids, have fun," Mrs. Potter said with a wink.

"You too, Mrs. Potter. You're going on a second honeymoon, aren't you?"

"Yes. And we're going to travel the world, right, Harry?"

"Yes. Rome. Madrid. Athens. Sydney. Toronto. The world."

Lily and Mrs. Potter hugged goodbye and James shook hands with his father. James's parents walked downstairs carrying their suitcases and Flooed to a hotel they had reservations at in Paris.

Lily and James were left alone in the house standing at the top of the stairs.







"It was good wedding."

"Yeah. What you said today at the altar was beautiful."

"I just spoke the truth from my heart, Lily."

"That's why I thought it was beautiful." She smiled at him.

James suddenly found he was very nervous. "Everyone's gone," he s aid, looking around.

"Yeah. I know." She found herself nervous and grabbed his hand.

Somehow they found themselves walking toward the door of their room. They paused for a second to look at each other and walked inside, slamming the door shut behind them.


Author notes: Hope you liked it! PLease review! I hope nobody minded that I slipped in the Fellowship of the Ring line, "the Mr. Baggins of Bag End"/"the Mrs. Potter of Godric's Hollow".

I was looking through BabyNames.com to look for a name for Luna's mother and that's how I found the name Qamra. It's of Greek origin and it means Moon.

Review, you know you want to.