
Losing Harry by taylorj828

A wizard has disappeared, and the Ministry is refusing to investigate; Albus Potter is in the Hogwarts infirmary, and Ginny and Hermione are arguing over Harry's peculiar behavior. All is not as it should be. HPDH+Epilogue compliant.

Words: 17,613
Chapters: 6
Hits: 2,304
Harry Woke Up by taylorj828

Harry and Draco find themselves in the most difficult challenge they've ever faced. Neither expected to be stuck with their former arch enemy, nor did they expect something so simple as living together to cause them so many problems....

Words: 74,436
Chapters: 18
Hits: 31,903

Some stories are worth hearing again and again, be it a story of love, a story of war, a story of death, or a story of life. But a truly good story ... you can never be content to hear it only once. ..::..

Words: 23,105
Chapters: 9
Hits: 5,464