Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Romance Angst
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 06/28/2007
Updated: 12/12/2007
Words: 74,436
Chapters: 18
Hits: 31,903

Harry Woke Up


Story Summary:
Harry and Draco find themselves in the most difficult challenge they've ever faced. Neither expected to be stuck with their former arch enemy, nor did they expect something so simple as living together to cause them so many problems....

Harry and Draco find themselves in the most difficult challenge they've ever faced. Neither expected to be stuck with their former arch enemy, nor did they expect something so simple as living together to cause them so many problems....

Words: 2,982
Hits: 3,893

Draco watches Harry and humiliation ensues...

Words: 2,568
Hits: 2,287

Harry wanders and we see a bit.

Words: 1,996
Hits: 2,018

Draco Weakens.

Words: 3,286
Hits: 1,893

It's all a precarious balance...

Words: 3,653
Hits: 1,809

Draco worries...

Words: 2,760
Hits: 1,810

Something's not quite right...

Words: 2,337
Hits: 1,902

Draco waits...

Words: 2,325
Hits: 1,682

Some things change...

Words: 5,316
Hits: 1,743

Draco withdraws...

Words: 3,059
Hits: 1,559

He wonders what the right choice is, or if it really even is a choice... among other things...

Words: 5,255
Hits: 1,344

Draco wheedles information...

Words: 4,459
Hits: 1,318

Harry wraps, but not a present...

Words: 2,951
Hits: 1,412

Draco wrecks...

Words: 2,653
Hits: 1,391

Harry whispers the words...

Words: 3,248
Hits: 1,426

Draco wallows...

Words: 5,637
Hits: 1,458

Harry walks away...

Words: 8,139
Hits: 1,509

Draco wins.

Words: 11,812
Hits: 1,449