Severus Snape
Darkfic Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince Deadly Hallows (Through Ch. 36)
Published: 11/29/2007
Updated: 01/16/2008
Words: 235,337
Chapters: 37
Hits: 22,310



Story Summary:
Snape has been Summoned. But will the Order trust him?

Severus Snape is Summoned by Lord Voldemort and Dumbledore trusts his spy. But does the Order?

Words: 6,301
Hits: 1,428

Snape has returned from Voldemort's summons badly hurt, and Dumbledore needs to know if the Order was betrayed.

Words: 6,358
Hits: 888

Dumbledore and the Healer, Orestes, continue using Legilimens to learn what happened when Severus was with Voldemort. Minerva and Hagrid become increasingly displeased at their methods. Revelations from Severus’ childhood shock them all.

Words: 5,630
Hits: 788

Dumbledore reports to the Order on Severus’ condition. Minerva steps in for him as Orestes continues to use Legilimens to learn what happened to Severus -- and learns much more than she wanted.

Words: 6,642
Hits: 753

With Orestes temporarily off-duty, Minerva learns more about Dumbledore’s relationship with Severus. And memories of the Potions master’s past haunt both McGonagall and the Headmaster as they continued to struggle to find proof that Severus didn't betray the Order. Severus's ability to use false memories creates more problems...

Words: 7,410
Hits: 739

Dumbledore and Orestes finally break through the spell keeping them from the memories of what happened between Snape and Voldemort during the two days Severus was missing. But the cost is very high.

Words: 5,736
Hits: 735

“Be sure he’s still useful to me when you’ve finished, Lucius. And don’t forget the Memory Charm. We can’t have him babbling to Dumbledore about this, can we?” He wanted to die… When Dumbledore takes Remus into his confidence, new information about Severus comes out, while the Potions master deals with a ruptured Memory Charm and feelings of despair.

Words: 6,957
Hits: 712

“But never – never tell, Dumbledore! … I want your word!” “My word, Severus, that I shall never reveal the best of you?” As Remus and Tonks reset the charms around Hogwarts, Orestes begins to use Legilimency on Severus to help him regain his powers of Occlumency.

Words: 7,261
Hits: 629

"The world turned irreparably dark that day. Nothing was ever good again…" As Orestes’ work with Severus digs up more painful memories, Remus tries to convince the Order to trust the Potions master.

Words: 7,954
Hits: 571

“They don't need walls and water to keep the prisoners in, not when they're trapped inside their own heads, incapable of a single cheerful thought. Most go mad within weeks.” Dumbledore works with Severus to strengthen his Occlumency skills, but faces some long-unanswered – and painful – questions in the process.

Words: 6,910
Hits: 665

If only he’d paid this much attention to Tom Riddle, he thought. If only he had tried harder… If he cared enough, if he tried hard enough, maybe he wouldn’t lose this one… In the Pensieve, the similarities between Voldemort and Severus haunt him as he relives the painful memories Dumbledore and he share of the summer after his second year.

Words: 6,042
Hits: 617

Dumbledore learns Severus’ reason for joining the Death Eaters, and his own role in that decision. Snape is Summoned once more to Voldemort’s side, but this time Lupin supplies him with information from the Order.

Words: 5,846
Hits: 543

“Did you like question ten, Moony?” “Loved it. Give five signs that identify the werewolf.” Remus makes some discoveries about Severus; and Snape attends his first meeting of the Order.

Words: 6,318
Hits: 571

Severus returns to Voldemort with gifts to appease him and gets an unexpected taste of his own medicine. Meanwhile, Remus encounters problems with the spells around the school, and Orestes’ loyalty is called into question.

Words: 8,639
Hits: 547

After Severus returns from a “successful” meeting with Voldemort, Dumbledore is forced to question Orestes’ motives and the possibility that he has turned to the Dark side. And in light of his new injuries, Snape’s work for the Order is debated once again.

Words: 8,274
Hits: 589

Dumbledore meets with Minister Fudge to discuss the appointment of the new D.A.D.A. professor, and gets some disturbing news about Severus’ activities. Meanwhile, Snape, finds that he is not healing as swiftly as he expected, but still tries to determine Orestes’ loyalties. And Remus learns more about Severus’ background from Moody.

Words: 7,508
Hits: 509

When Remus agrees to watch over Severus as he recuperates, the werewolf uses questionable means to gain further knowledge of Severus’ tortured past.

Words: 7,617
Hits: 528

School days are revisited as Remus and a recuperating Severus discuss trust and secrets – and the possibility of moving forward.

Words: 5,939
Hits: 497

The Order debates recruitment at Hogwarts. Severus and Remus have another chat. And the mysterious Portal is finally used.

Words: 6,806
Hits: 550

When Severus is Summoned through the portal, Orestes’ loyalties seem to become clearer, and the Dark Lord demands a sacrificial victim to test Severus’ latest potion. A volunteer from the Order is needed.

Words: 7,039
Hits: 482

Severus brings a volunteer to Voldemort to test his latest potion; but the Dark Lord has changed his plans.

Words: 6,930
Hits: 536

In which the price of a cup of tea is made known.

Words: 6,654
Hits: 545

Severus reports again to the Order, then deals with dreaded loneliness – and the inexplicable desire for the company of a man he’s beginning to trust despite all odds: Remus Lupin.

Words: 8,155
Hits: 481

Dumbledore re-discovers a method to heal the ruptured memories in Severus’ mind and a vision of an unavoidable death haunts them both.

Words: 4,249
Hits: 505

Remus spends the night transformed in Severus’ study, but only after learning more of the Potions master’s memories. Dumbledore’s use of the Deletrius charm works, but new questions about Severus’ connection to the Malfoys surface.

Words: 3,836
Hits: 488

Dumbledore and Severus work with the Deletrius Charm: In the past, a thirteen-year-old Snape makes a costly decision and a purchase that will change his life.

Words: 9,276
Hits: 473

Following the events at King’s Cross, Severus continues to make decisions that set him on a path to the Dark Lord, and receives a book that will change the future. And in an earlier memory, Severus meets the Malfoy’s house-elf for the first time.

Words: 6,615
Hits: 479

The Order decides to send Lupin and Moody to Albania to search Orestes’ apartment for information that might clarify his still-unknown loyalties. But Snape arrives first.

Words: 5,826
Hits: 452

Snape confronts the spells left by Orestes in his apartment, and Lupin and Moody travel to Albania, unaware that Snape has gone before them – or are they?

Words: 5,883
Hits: 477

Moody and Lupin make their way back from Albania. Using the Deletrius Charm, Dumbledore and Severus recall the a particularly unpleasant Christmas break.

Words: 4,844
Hits: 514

Voldemort and his Death Eaters go for “a spot of Muggle torture”, and Severus is forced to join in.

Words: 7,112
Hits: 508

Dumbledore and Severus continue working on Legilimens and Deletrius spells to improve Snape’s Occlumency, in light of the events from the night before.

Words: 7,692
Hits: 552

Dumbledore and Severus continue the Deletrius work, and discover yet another memory that had been “charmed”. Severus is Summoned by Voldemort again.

Words: 2,319
Hits: 476

Dementors in Little Whinging; cauldrons all over the place. And Severus’ tether on reality breaking.

Words: 4,688
Hits: 468

Dumbledore seeks help for Severus at St. Mungo’s, but the Potions master is Summoned again by Voldemort and given a new task. Harry is moved to Grimmauld Place and the Order holds a meeting, “overseen” by the “junior league”.

Words: 3,580
Hits: 520

Healer Galena creates a “treatment team” to assist in Severus’ treatment, but when a Memory Charm fails, he makes a strange journey.

Words: 4,757
Hits: 515

The Final Chapter of "Summoned".

Words: 5,734
Hits: 979