Snooty Bob

"I must not only punish but punish with impunity." This story is loosely based on "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe. It is also a sequel/prequel to my earlier story "The Evil and the Damage Done." It is not intended as plagiarism, I merely played around with the theme and bits and pieces of the plot, and it is only partly similar to the Poe story. It has also become rather AU due to the developments in HBP. But if you still enjoy pure-blood Snape...

Words: 9,258
Chapters: 1
Hits: 391

It's a god-awful small affair`` To the girl with the bushiest hair`` But Ron is yelling "No"`` And her parents have told her to go`` While her friends are nowhere to be seen`` Now she walks through her future dream`` To the seat with the clearest view`` And she's hooked on philosophy`` But the lecture is awfully hard`` For she will live it ten times or more`` She could spit in the eyes of Alain Philippe Gaspard`` As he asks her to focus on```` Evil fighting in the school hall`` Oh man! Look at those Death Eaters go`` It's the freakiest show`` Take a look at the Aurors`` Beating up the wrong guy`` Oh man! Wonder if Potter will ever know`` He's in the best selling show`` ``Is this call for you? ``The old man at the other end of the phone know

Words: 35,862
Chapters: 8
Hits: 1,775
Ginny and Draco by Snooty Bob

Two houses, both alike in honour and tradition. In the fair castle of Hogwarts, where we lay our scene, an ancient grudge breaks out into open hostility. When wizard blood makes wizard hands unclean a pair of star-crossed lovers take their lives.

Words: 4,612
Chapters: 1
Hits: 762

It is the summer after the Chamber of Secrets and Ginny Weasley is plagued by frightening dreams. However, the dreams are not about Tom Riddle. They are about being sorted into Slytherin and speaking Parseltongue, and about several thousand years old Egyptian snake wizards powerful enough to make a Dementor dance a can-can if they want to, at least according to Luna Lovegood. What happened during the Weasleys' visit to Egypt? Who is the strange witch in the dream?``With all her classmates thinking of her as the girl who opened the Chamber of Secrets and Sirius Black trying to murder the boy she is in love with, a boy who hardly notices she exists, is it so strange Ginny Weasley sometimes dreams she was sorted in Slytherin?

Words: 40,984
Chapters: 5
Hits: 2,142
Severus Snape by Snooty Bob

You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of dark sarcasm. As there is little foolish Ron and Hermione fluff here, many of you will hardly believe this is fan fiction. I dont expect you to really understand the beauty of the softly simmering hatred with its unforgivable incantations, the delicate power of poetry that creeps through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses. I can teach you how to botch friendship, dwell in darkness, even stopper love.

Words: 4,984
Chapters: 1
Hits: 788