Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger Seamus Finnigan
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 05/19/2002
Updated: 08/25/2004
Words: 93,453
Chapters: 12
Hits: 28,417

The Plays The Thing


Story Summary:
Hogwarts is in need of more drama (!?), so Professor Trelawney decides to put on a play: Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. The idea seems benign enough, casting obvious and the process straightforward until comedy, jealousy and hijinks ensue as well as everyone being cast against type… or are they?

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
The play practices continue, and Hermione finds herself back in a library back room with Malfoy.
Author's Note:
How much do I love you all? *So* much. Thank you for waiting (again) for this chapter, and for reading, reviewing, e-mailing me, etc. Extra special thanks to Sean for being such an awesome beta.

The Play's the Thing

by Shakespearechick




Hermione knew how the rest of Act Three played out. She had read Much Ado About Nothing, there was no reason for her to continually stare at scenes three, four and five. Of course, spending time finishing Act Three meant she didn't have to turn the page... the page to Act IV.

The wedding scene, or, as Malfoy had put it: the stalled wedding scene.

And what a scene it would be.

She chewed on her lip as she flipped back and forth between the pages. There was the comic scene with Dogberry, the constable, and the watch. Borachio and Conrade get caught... as Borachio is telling Conrade how he and Don Jon deceived Claudio and Don Pedro and made them think Hero was with another man that night... sleeping with him.

The page flipped. Hero and Margaret... Hero and Beatrice and Margaret. Wedding preparations.


Dogberry and Verges visiting Leonato on the morning of the wedding, explaining who they have apprehended, but none of them realizing the full impact to come.


'Act Four. Scene I. A church.'

Hermione frowned as she re-read the scene.

FRIAR: You come hither, my lord, to marry this lady.


LEONATO: To be married to her: friar, you come to marry her.

FRIAR: Lady, you come hither to be married to this count.

HERO: I do.

FRIAR: If either of you know any inward impediment why you should not be conjoined, I charge you, on your souls, to utter it.

CLAUDIO: Know you any, Hero?

HERO: None, my lord.

She had overheard Seamus and Ginny rehearsing this scene earlier, with Fred coming in and out.

At least I'm not the only one involved in private rehearsals.

Of course, none of them are going one-on-one with Malfoy.

CLAUDIO: Stand thee by, friar. Father, by your leave: Will you with free and unconstrained soul give me this maid, your daughter?

Hermione rubbed her cheek distractedly.

CLAUDIO: Sweet prince, you learn me noble thankfulness. There, Leonato, take her back again: Give not this rotten orange to your friend...

Claudio spurned Hero at the altar... the friar's plan to make everyone think Hero was dead until the truth of her virtue could be proven...

Her eyes barely scanned the following lines, pausing only when everyone exited the scene except Beatrice and Benedick.

This was going to be harder than she first thought. Acting the comedic role, the sarcasm, the near shrew-ism - that was one thing. But such an emotionally charged scene? Who was she kidding. She wasn't an actress or anything near it. She couldn't cry or rant and rave on command, especially when it was opposite Draco Malfoy.

However, that is what she was going to have to do in just a few short hours. She would have to meet up with him, go through this scene... it was going to be an unmitigated disaster.

Careful, Hermione, your optimism is overwhelming.

She wrinkled her nose and pushed the play aside.

After a few minutes she decided dwelling on the matter wasn't going to help any. Trying to ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach she made her way down to the common room to find something or someone to distract.

"Hermione, hey."

She turned to see Harry making his way through the common room toward her. He had his hands shoved in his pockets and was looking at her like he wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Hi, Harry." She smiled quickly, hoping everything was fine between them. "What are you up to?"

He shrugged. "I'm waiting around for Ron to get back so we can go flying for a bit. I told myself I'd get some homework done in the meantime, but I haven't really." He grinned sheepishly.

Hermione nodded, but his first revelation interested her - not that she wanted to show it. "Where, uh, where is Ron now?"

Harry looked at the floor and then back up at her, laughing nervously. "With Baddock and Pritchard, I believe."

Hermione could not contain the surprise as it spread across her face. "Why?" she blurted out without thinking.

Harry shrugged again. "I guess they're just working on their scenes together once more before the rehearsal tomorrow in front of everyone." He paused, giving her a sideways glance. "When I first heard about the play I didn't think it was going to be a big deal, but now every time I turn around it's changed something or... at the very least, people are off in corners whispering and practicing their lines. It's... odd."

She tried to answer back as casually and unconcerned as possible. "I think a lot of people are enjoying the change of pace - it's something new. However, at the same time, learning lines and staging and actually bringing a character to life is probably more of a challenge than most people first imagined. And, if you mess up here it'll be much more public then, say, getting behind on a history of magic essay."

Harry nodded, scuffing his shoe against the floor. "There's a rumor you've a rehearsal with Malfoy again today."

"I do."

I have nothing to hide... nothing to apologize for.

He gave her an intent look. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

She lifted an eyebrow. "About what?"

Harry seemed to be debating with himself. Finally he spoke. "You and Malfoy."

Hermione felt her face start to flush but she swallowed thickly, willing herself not to give anything away.

Not that there *was* anything to give away.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder looking at him as if he was nutters. "Honestly, Harry, you shouldn't listen to gossip. There is nothing between Malfoy and I other than this play and an Arithmancy project, neither of which I asked to be paired with him for. It just happened and we're both making the best of a bad situation."

He didn't look like he quite believed her.

"You were really upset about being paired with Malfoy a few weeks ago."

She shrugged. "What do you want me to do? Fight him tooth and nail every minute of every hour I'm with him? Who would that help?" She took a deep breath. "I know who he is, Harry. How many times do I have to tell you and Ron to stop worrying about me - I'm not gullible and there really is nothing to get so upset about. It's just some school assignments. That's all."

That's all.

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "Just promise me you'll be careful, okay? I know Ron is jealous and acting like a complete git - but he has some good points. Malfoy never does anything nice or helpful unless he is getting something back in return or unless he's trying to manipulate people. There have been past class assignments before and he has always been a prat. Don't trust him, Hermione. He's not worth it."

Hermione felt the indignation rising in her throat again. Did they think she was daft? Did they think they could control her?

But there was something else there too... they kept telling her not to trust Malfoy. She didn't, or, well... she hadn't at first. She still had her suspicions but...

So much has happened. We've actually had a few decent conversations. Maybe it's wrong to just continue thinking he's the same bastard he was when he was eleven, and twelve, and thirteen, and fourteen and...

Okay, so maybe Ron and Harry have a point. But I can still take care of myself.

Hermione shifted her weight and looked at Harry, not wanting to fight with him. "I know, I'll be careful."

He gave her a small smile then and a sigh of relief. "Well, while you're waiting to head off and I'm waiting for Ron... maybe you could help me with that ruddy history of magic essay?"

Hermione couldn't help but smile back at him. "Of course." She followed him over to the couch and sat down. He handed her the start of his essay and she began to read it, but during it all she couldn't quite get Malfoy out of her head.


The door to the side room in the library was closed when Hermione got there. She knocked lightly before opening it. Sure enough, Malfoy was already there, sitting on the couch flipping through a book. He didn't even look up when she entered.

Hermione paused by the door for a moment before shutting it softly and making her way over to the couch. She looked down at him, expecting a greeting of some sort or any reaction. However, when she glanced down she realized he had a piece of parchment on top of the book, and that was what he was reading so intently. It looked like a letter.

He must have realized she was looking at the letter because he slammed the book shut and looked up at her.

"What?" he bristled.

Hermione gave him an odd look and shrugged. "What, nothing. Whatever is in that letter that has you in a bad mood... don't take it out on me."

He looked like he wanted to sneer, but eventually he just leaned back against the couch, setting the book to the side.

"How much did you see?" he asked blandly.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Enough to know it was a letter. That was it. Honestly, I'm not spying on you."

Malfoy considered this for a moment and then muttered something under his breath.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"I said, it was just a letter from my father. Now, let's get to this rehearsal thing. I have things to do and places to be."

Hermione sat down on the edge of the couch, already feeling like this was going to be a trying rehearsal with the mood Malfoy was in.

"Do you want to practice in here?"

Malfoy shrugged. "Why not?" He pulled out his wand and muttered, "Silencio." He slipped his wand back in his robes and glanced at her. "Now Pince won't even think to disturb her two favorite students."


Hermione shrugged off her own robes and produced her copy of the play. Malfoy brought out his copy and flipped through the pages until he found the scene.

"So, how do you want to play this?" He was watching her carefully. She didn't have an answer.

"I don't know..." She chewed on her lip, debating if she should tell him how unprepared she felt about this whole scene in general. "I'm beginning to doubt my acting chops right about now."

She expected Malfoy to laugh at her or mock her or make some mean joke. But he didn't. Well, not exactly.

"Well, they certainly don't equal mine, but I'm sure they'll do."

Hermione snorted. "Oh, are you a star actor then?"

He raised his eyebrows in bemusement. "Obviously. That's why I got the role I did. You, on the other hand, have never been good with lying. I think actors have to be cunning. And good liars."

"I see." Hermione paused and then looked at him directly. "In that case, since you are the consummate actor, why don't you tell me how you want to play this scene."

Malfoy grinned secretively at her and then glanced down at his scripts as though he was in deep thought.

"Pretty basic, I think. Beatrice is outraged at how Claudio and the other men have treated Hero - shaming her with what she knows is a heinous lie. Benedick was not with his friends when Don Jon deceived them, so he is also horrified at their actions. He's also less likely to trust Don Jon's actions - and with good reason." He flipped the page, glancing over the lines. "He also... hates to see Beatrice so upset about it."

"I'm just... I'm not sure what to think of to get as worked up and upset as Beatrice is here."

Malfoy looked at her skeptically. "You're kidding, right?"

Hermione tilted her head in question. "No..."

"Gryffindors are drama kings and queens... always whining, always making a scene. You've slapped me once and tried to slap me another time, you've mouthed off to quite a few important people and been overly indignant about most things... and you're telling me you can't work up some false anger and righteousness?"

Hermione shifted, leaning back against the couch as well as he spoke. "I suppose I just... I'm bad with doing it on cue."

"It seems to me it'd be ridiculously easy for you to identify with the situation Beatrice is in. She's a strong woman in a man's world. She can prove herself as equal with Benedick through wit, but when it comes to things like marriage and virtues and truth - the men rule supreme. But Beatrice is not the type to just accept this - she gets furious and is frustrated that she cannot fix this, that she can not revenge Hero's honor on her own." Malfoy studied her. "It seems to me you could identify with being in a society where it seemed like the other group had more control over it and claimed they had stronger rights to it. It seems to me you, of all people, could understand the desire to fight this tooth and nail at every turn, at every slur..." He trailed off.

Hermione could only stare at him. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? He had made some excellent observations about Beatrice, yes, but that last part... Surely he would not... he... of all people...

Was he comparing it to being a Muggleborn against the Purebloods? Would he say all that when he was one of the ones who never failed to voice and boast the superiority of Purebloods?

This was Draco Malfoy - of course he wouldn't. Here she was again, once more reading way too much into his words and actions.

This is Draco Malfoy.

Harry and Ron's joint warnings ran through her head again.

She shrugged them off and cleared her throat.

"Well... okay... I see your point." She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear in a nervous gesture. "Should we start then?"

"A reading run through or do you want to stage it a bit?"

"We can start with just reading it," Hermione replied.

Malfoy didn't look down at his lines. " 'Lady Beatrice, have you wept all this while?' "

Hermione tried to get in character - speaking in subdued tones. " 'Yea, and I will weep a while longer.' "

" 'I will not desire that.' "

" 'You have no reason; I do it freely.' "

Malfoy tilted his head, watching her. " 'Surely I do believe your fair cousin is wronged.' "

" 'Ah, how much might the man deserve of me that would right her!' " Hermione exclaimed, rather haughtily.

Malfoy leaned in toward her. " 'Is there any way to show such friendship?' "

Hermione blinked and had to glance down at her lines. " 'A very even way, but no such friend.' "

" 'May a man do it?' "

" 'It's a man's office, but not yours.' "

This time it was Malfoy who hesitated, glancing down at the words in front of him. He leaned back once more, saying nothing.


"Yes, I know." He snapped suddenly. He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath before looking at her again.

She couldn't stop her scoff. "Natural actor, eh?"

He replied with a penetrating look. "I do believe I'm covering my mood well with the lines, thank you."

She sighed. Who knew why he was in such a tetchy mood - though she suspected it had something to do with the letter he was reading earlier. A letter from Lucius Malfoy would be a very disconcerting thing.

However, she was well aware of the line he was holding out on. He was right; he had brushed off his mood during the first few lines quite well.

" 'I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?' "

He was practically mumbling, staring at the page though Hermione knew very well he had the line memorized.

She wrinkled her nose. "Are you going to say it like that?"

"If I feel like it the day of the performance, sure."

Insufferable. How can he be so charming one moment and such an obnoxious prat the next?

"Fine," she retorted. "It's your performance that will suffer then."

"Indeed," Malfoy said. He didn't seem to care much.

I'll make him care.

Hermione didn't know where that impulse came from, but she acted on it. She shut her script dramatically and stood up, reaching for her bag.

"Fine. Since your not going to make this a productive rehearsal, I'll just leave. I have plenty of other things I need to be doing."

He didn't even look up.

Now both annoyed and vaguely embarrassed that she was making a scene and Malfoy didn't even notice, she picked up her things and stormed to the door. She turned the knob, but it didn't open.

She pulled once more in annoyance and out of habit before pulling out her wand.


Nothing happened.


Still nothing.

"It's a special kind of locking charm..."

Hermione turned around slowly, suddenly aware of how close Malfoy's voice was. As she turned she found his face incredibly close to hers. He had a smug smirk on his face and he stepped past her, leaning against the door.

"My father taught it to me. In its simplest form it requires a password, besides a spell. There are more complicated ways of locking doors, but I didn't bother with those this time."

"Malfoy, open this door this instant."


"You can't just keep me locked in here."

"I can't?" He lifted an eyebrow in apparent amusement at her flustered state.


He clucked and produced his wand, but did not unlock the door. Instead he took a step toward her, his fingers twirling his wand oddly. His look was almost guarded.

" 'I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?' "

You. Have. To. Be. Kidding.

She wasn't going to give in. She wouldn't let him manipulate her like this.

His coy smirk widened as she stared back at him unresponsive, her jaw clenched. He leaned in closer to her, his voice lowered into a half-whisper.

" 'I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?' "

Her heart skipped a beat and she feared she would begin blushing now.

Best to just get it over with.

His cool eyes were on her face, her eyes... watching her lips, her neck... she could sense it.

" 'As... as strange as the thing I know not...' " she stuttered in a flustered fashion. " 'It were as possible for me to say I loved nothing so well as you: but believe me not; and yet I lie not; I confess nothing, nor I deny nothing. I am sorry for my cousin.' "

He gave a self-satisfied smirk. " 'By my sword, Beatrice, thou lovest me.' "

" 'Do not swear, and eat it,' " she cautioned.

" 'I will swear by it that you love me; and I will make him eat it that says I love not you.' "

Hermione set her bag down where she was, keeping her eyes on him. " 'Will you not eat your word?' "

" 'With no sauce that can be devised to it. I protest I love thee.' "

It's just a play... he's just saying his lines... just a play a play a play...

" 'Why, then, God forgive me!' "

" 'What offence, sweet Beatrice?' "

She gave a small smile. " 'You have stayed me in a happy hour: I was about to protest I loved you.' "

" 'And do it with all thy heart.' "

She took a deep breath. " 'I love you with so much of my heart, that none is left to protest.' "

He was there... right there... his face centimeters away from her now... leaning in... his breath against her cheek and ear...

" 'Come, bid me do any thing for thee.' "

Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate...

She turned her head slightly so she could see him. Her mouth changed into a hard line. " 'Kill Claudio.' "

He pulled his head back. " 'Ha! Not for the wide world.' "

" 'You kill me to deny it. Farewell.' " Hermione tried to side-step him for the door. He backed up again, blocking her.

" 'Tarry, sweet Beatrice.' "

" 'I am gone, though I am here: there is no love in you: nay, I pray you, let me go.' "

" 'Beatrice, -' "

" 'In faith, I will go.' "

He leveled her with a look. " 'We'll be friends first.' "

We'll be friends first. Hermione had mused on this line for some time. She paused, almost surprised to hear Malfoy actually say it, and then tried to focus again.

" 'You dare easier be friends with me than fight with mine enemy.' " She spat disdainfully.

Malfoy frowned. " 'Is Claudio thine enemy?' "

" 'Is he not approved in the height a villain, that hath slandered, scorned, dishonored my kinswoman? O that I were a man! What, bear her in hand until they come to take hands; and then, with public accusation, uncovered slander, unmitigated rancor, - O, God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market-place.' "

It was quite an outburst and Hermione felt she had handled it with aplomb. Even Malfoy seemed a bit nonplused. Or maybe it was just Benedick who was nonplussed.

" 'Hear me, Beatrice-' "

She ranted and raved. " 'Talk with a man out a window! A proper saying!' "

" 'Nay, but, Beatrice-' "

" 'Sweet Hero! She is wronged, she is slandered, she is undone.' "

" 'Beat-' "

" 'Princes and counties! Surely, a princely testimony, a goodly count, Count Comfect; a sweet gallant, surely! O that I were a man for his sake! Or that I had any friend would be a man for my sake! But manhood is melted into courtesies, valor into compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones too: he is now as valiant as Hercules that only tells a lie, and swears it. I cannot be a man with wishing, therefore I will die a woman with grieving.' "

Malfoy reached out, clasping one of Hermione's hands in his - much to her shock. " 'Tarry, good Beatrice. By this hand, I love thee.' "

She glanced down at their hands nervously and then looked back at him. " 'Use it for my love some other way than swearing by it.' "

Malfoy dropped her hand without ceremony. " 'Think you in your soul the Count Claudio hath wronged Hero?' "

" 'Yea, as sure as I have a thought or a soul.' "

He ran a hand through his hair, which Hermione found distracting for entirely new reasons. " 'Enough, I am engaged; I will challenge him. I will kiss your hand, and so I leave you. By this hand, Claudio shall render me a dear account. As you hear of me, so think of me. Go, comfort your cousin: I must say she is dead: and, so, farewell.' "

There was a semi-awkward pause. "I suppose, for the play..." Hermione began.

"I'll kiss your hand."

"Uh, right. Well. I guess that went well for the first reading."

"Mmm..." He walked by her, taking his seat on the couch. "Aren't you glad you didn't walk out?"

She followed him with her eyes. "You wouldn't let me leave."

He stretched out on the couch and eyed her, but didn't reply. She walked over to the couch slowly.

"So, is that it then? Just one run-through?"

"I thought it went well."

"It did... it's just... the whole point of rehearsing something..."

Once more he didn't answer. Hermione rolled her eyes. She turned to leave again but paused.

"You remembered?"

She spun back toward him, annoyed. "That the door was locked? Yes, I did. No unlock it and I'll leave you in peace."

"In a moment."

She moved back over to the couch and stared down at him, fully frustrated at his mood swings and stubbornness.

"Now, Malfoy." She paused, watching him. "I can't imagine you would want to lock yourself in with someone you hoped would be killed."

Malfoy froze. Hermione flushed slightly, suddenly feeling a bit guilty. Of course, he had said it... but it was several years ago. Was she being petty?

I just... I wanted to get a reaction out of him.

And I wanted to know how he could say such a thing.

She took an unconscious step back from Malfoy. He seemed to be holding his gaze fixed on the sofa in front of him. Finally he turned, looking up at her.

"They told you." It wasn't a question.

"Not immediately. There was other stuff going on... and Ron didn't think it bore repeating. But Harry mentioned it a few months later when we were thinking over things."

Realizing this wasn't going to be a few quick comments and then an unlocked door, Hermione sat down on the couch next to him. She wrapped her arms around herself as if for protection and didn't look at Malfoy directly.

"I was twelve."

"I know."

"I'm not a fan of Muggleborns."

"I know."

He shrugged, his tone unapologetic. "I said a lot of other things when Potter and Weasley weren't spying on me."

"I said some things about you too. But I never wished anyone dead."

"You and I are not alike," he replied darkly.

"I am fully aware of that." She sighed. This encounter was taking an odd turn. "Look, just unlock the door so I can leave. Neither of us are in the mood to rehearse anymore."

Malfoy looked at her. "I'm not going to apologize."

Now this was getting to be ridiculous.

"I never asked you to," she said tetchily. "Just unlock the door."

"It doesn't change anything."

She peered back at him, trying to figure out what in the world he was talking about.

"Malfoy, what are you on about?"

He kept staring at her for a moment and then seemed to shake himself out of it.

"Forget it. Nothing. You're right. I'm in an off mood today."

Hermione shrugged. "Well, we did run through the scene and it was fine so can I go now?"

Merlin, now I've been reduced to asking for his 'permission'.

"If you wish." He stood up and offered his hand out to her. She stared at it blankly. One minute he was saying he would not apologize for once wishing her dead and the next he was offering his hand. He was beyond confusing. Maybe Harry and Ron were right on some level - something else was going on here.

He lifted his eyebrows slightly, extending his hand again. Finally she took it, regarding him with curiosity the whole time. He pulled her up gently and she grabbed her bag. Her hand was dropped quickly and he walked over to the door with his wand held out in front of him. She heard him whisper something under his breath but didn't catch all of it.

She walked past him and turned the doorknob. There was a faint click and it opened. She stepped out into the library but looked back at Malfoy.

"Staying to study?"

He shrugged. "Something like that." She nodded and started to turn and walk away when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. "Meet me a few minutes before the rehearsal tomorrow. Just outside the Great Hall."

"Why?" she asked softly.

He gave her a bemused look. "To go over the scene and all that once more, of course."

"Oh. Oh! Very well, I'll meet you there." Hugging her book bag to her she quickly made her way out of the library and back to the Gryffindor door. Everything was becoming more and more convoluted.


"Oi, Hermione, can I see your history of magic essay for one moment?"

Hermione glanced up at the sound of Seamus' voice. She lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? Why do you need to see it?"

He smiled dubiously. "Come on, I just want to check mine against yours."

Laughing softly she reached down into her bag and pulled out her essay, unrolling the parchment as she handed it off to him.

"Thanks, Hermione, you're a life saver." He sat down on the couch next to her, frantically looking from her essay to his. Hermione watched him for a moment before speaking up again.

"So... what kept you from giving the essay your full attention?"

He grinned again, his eyes never leaving the two sheets of parchment. "I was rehearsing with Ginny. Big wedding scene and all that. I'm sure you can empathize."

Depends what exactly you did in your rehearsal with Ginny.

Hermione found herself flushing at her own thoughts. She had no reason to think-

"It's such a big scene - the dramatic climax, I guess. I was momentarily more worried about flubbing it than blowing off this essay - but I might begin to regret that." Hermione blinked in surprise but he kept talking. "I don't have half of this stuff in mine. The events, yes, but not all the analysis."

Hermione shrugged, trying to focus on the essays and not the rehearsals Seamus was talking about. She still wasn't sure what had gone on with Malfoy yesterday. "You can probably add a few things in. I'm not even sure Professor Binns will notice."

Seamus handed back her essay and gave one of his trademark, easy grins. "Right. I'm sure, as a ghost, he won't be able to see through my thinly veiled rubbish." He winked at her and then practically leapt up from the couch. "I better get to class though. See you later?"

Hermione nodded quickly, grabbing her own bag. "Yes, I'll see you later." She glanced around the common room once more before deciding Harry and Ron must have already headed to class. Passing the clock on the way out she realized how late it was - no wonder Harry and Ron were gone and Seamus was dashing off in a near panic. How had she lost track of time?

Gah, stupid rehearsal. Ruddy play.

Of course. She had been nervously reading and rereading the scene before she came down. It was just like Harry and Seamus had said - suddenly the play was taking over everyone's time. Since when did she put an extracurricular activity above getting to class on time? First all the stuff with Malfoy and now this?

It was getting out of hand.

Hermione chided herself the whole way to class and couldn't even let it drop long enough to fully concentrate in all of her classes. They seemed to zoom by with alarming speed and the rehearsal crept closer and closer. She found herself scrambling to catch up and take notes each time she forced her mind to stop wandering. Harry gave her an odd look now and then, but he seemed preoccupied with taking notes as well.

"See you after class," Harry said gamely at the end of Charms, scooping up his books. Hermione nodded, watching him head off to Divination with Ron. She didn't have Arithmancy today so she decided to go to the library and study a bit before the rehearsal.

Plenty of her classes had been neglected recently. She had managed to keep up with the assignments, but was behind on reading, studying and practicing of spells. Her copy of the play was in her bag but she refused to let herself pull it out. After all, too much time had been spent in the past few weeks instead of on things she needed to read and study for her studies.

She turned to her Transfiguration textbook first and managed to read ahead almost two chapters before setting it aside. The table she had chosen was toward the back and side of the library, not far from the door to the study room she and Malfoy had used several times. Every time one of the doors would open she found herself glancing up, compulsively checking to see who it was.

It was never Malfoy.

Not that it should be. Or I should care. I think he has class now, anyway. Or maybe not. But what does it matter? I don't need his help with my Transfiguration reading.

Hermione sighed at her own distracted thoughts and set the textbook to the side. Two chapters would have to do for now.

Feeling restless and slightly agitated she decided to leave the library and take a relaxing stroll for the last half of her break. She gathered up her items, placing them all in her book bag and then headed out of the library toward the front hall.

Stepping outside she felt marginally better. The sky was overcast but it wasn't dark yet. A cool breeze blew across her face and she pulled her sweater tighter around her, all the while enjoying the chill on her skin. She began walking toward the lake but paused at a bench under a tree. To her surprise the sun appeared to be coming out and she felt the touch of warmth on her bare legs where she sat. Eyes closed, she leaned against the bench and tried to think of nothing for once in her life.

It worked surprisingly well until instincts alerted her to the time. Her eyes flew open and she looked at her watch.

Just in time.

The rehearsal would be starting in a little less than an hour and she had agreed to meet Malfoy early. She would prefer not to have him there waiting for her, as he always seemed to be. For once she decided to be first. Maybe she'd feel a bit more in control.

Feeling almost sad that she had to go back indoors she began to make her way back to the castle.


It hadn't worked.

As Hermione neared the great hall she saw him, already there, leaning against the wall expectantly. When he saw her he straightened up, his hands in his pockets and a coy smile on his face.

"Ah, I had hoped you might come early."

She lifted an eyebrow, stopping in front of him. "You asked me to." She tried to keep her voice impassive but she was thrown off by his demeanor. It was quite the opposite of yesterday.

He shrugged slightly as if it was no concern. "Yes, but not everyone does everything I ask." She wasn't sure if he had just winked or blinked at her and looked around to see if any of the other students were here early.

"I didn't do it because you asked. I did it because I wanted to." Hermione paused. The words had sounded better in her head, a strong assertion that she had not turned up because Malfoy had asked. However, now it sounded like... well, never mind. Too late to take it back now. She shrugged, hoping Malfoy didn't give her words too much weight.

Malfoy shifted his weight, glancing in the direction of the entrance hall.

"I wasn't sure if you would still come, though."

Hermione gave him a quizzical look. "Still?"

He plucked an invisible piece of lint from his robes. "Right. Still. As in, I didn't know if you would show up early for a rehearsal that had been cancelled."

She froze. "Wait - cancelled rehearsal? What on earth are you talking about?"

He finally turned and looked directly at her, arching one eyebrow. "Oh, you must be joking. You didn't know?"

"Know what... what happened?" Hermione looked around again uselessly; no wonder none of the other players were hanging about. It seemed even Ron and Harry had been informed.

Of course. They took Divination...

This doesn't have to do with the Sight.

No, twit, it has to do with them taking a class from Professor Trelawney.


"What are you thinking about?"

Hermione snapped her head up, aware that her internal argument must have shown on her face. She waved a hand dismissively. "Nothing important. Just... why was the rehearsal cancelled?"

Malfoy grinned. He always took such devious delight in knowing something she didn't.

"Professor Trelawney passed the news along." He raised a hand to his forehead dramatically. "She had a vision. A feeling. Today was not the day for a rehearsal - tragedy would strike if it took place." He dropped his hand, shrugging again. "So she postponed it until tomorrow."


Malfoy glanced at her. "So."

She adjusted her book bag. "So. Did you still want to rehearse now? Or just... meet early tomorrow before rehearsal?"

He said nothing. She waited a few more seconds before lifting her eyebrows expectantly. "Well?"

"Well... actually, I had something else in mind."

"Something... else?"

He nodded. "It's a nice day. We should go outside."

"Excuse me?" she replied, nonplussed.

"Outside, you know, out there," he said, pointing vaguely.

All Hermione could do was look at him dumbly. "What for?"

"To get out of this castle," he answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to suggest they go outside. She still was unsure where he was going with this idea.

"But... why? To rehearse?" She thought back to him goading her into flying and practicing their lines at the same time. It wasn't exactly an unpleasant memory.

He gave her a sideways grin. "Maybe. Maybe not. Think you're up to the challenge of not knowing every detail ahead of time?"

She opened her mouth to answer and then closed it again, unsure of what to think let alone say. In the meantime he turned slightly, walking toward the door.

Hermione gave one last look around the hall before following him.

Here we go.

Author notes: The play is reaching the climax and (hopefully) the story is too. Thanks again for reading. You can find contact info in the review thread to get updates on this story.