Being a Weasley


Story Summary:
What does it take to be a Weasley? A bunch of little OneShots where the Weasleys explain in first person their lives and the problems they must face everyday. All end in the same battle against You-Know-Who. Relationships of all kinds and sometimes angsty.

Chapter 02 - Ginny

Chapter Summary:
Ginny has found herself in love with the enemy. But the question on her mind is how she can be in love when everyone is trying to tell her who she’s supposed to be.
Author's Note:
Here is Ginny's story, enjoy.



I could say that I never loved him, but that's not true. But I can also say I no longer love him, and that's hard for everyone to hear. No one wants to hear I've moved on, and no one certainly wants to hear who with.

Even I'm a bit concerned with the who with part. He's the one who came to me, not for solace, not for an apology, but for protection from the Dark Lord. Everyone who cares asks why he came to me. Even I still don't understand that part.

He could have gone to anyone, but he went to me. Draco Malfoy came to me for protection. And now I'm in love with him, and he tells me he's been in love with me for years.

For years, what does that even mean? Why didn't he tell me before? It just leads me to thoughts of doubt. I guess when it comes to Draco Malfoy everyone has doubts.

I've been told a lot of things about him, but the number one thing everyone has said, is to be careful, be careful because he could be using me. And what if he is?

I shake this thought from my head, because if I think it, it overwhelms me and I don't know what to do anymore, and I can't let myself get that weak.

Draco and I are hiding in a small apartment in Britain after he proposed to me when we were staying at the Burrow. That's right, he proposed to me. Does that mean he's serious? Ah those thoughts again!

My parents have no idea where I am. And none of my siblings, except for Fred and George will know I'm missing. Ron's off saving the world along with Bill. Charlie is in Romania, and unless the Dragon's stop eating all the owls that show up to deliver mail he's never going to get a message. Percy is out of my life completely, and I couldn't be more glad about that.

I don't think they'll come looking for me. Draco promises he'll keep me safe, but how can he do that if he's the one that needs protecting?

Keep me safe from what? Well, from my family I guess. A lot happened before Draco and I got together, and a lot happened after as well.

Before, Draco and I were enemies, very great enemies I might like to add. His father nearly got me killed. And my ex-boyfriend landed his father in Azkaban. We hated each other for years, or so I thought.

When he came to me, I turned him away at first. But the boy is very persistent, in the end he begged me for my help. And in the end, I finally gave in. From then on, he stayed in my house. My mom and dad knew about him, but they didn't trust him.

Everyone always told me that I should kick him out. That I should be very careful with him around. I had to watch what I said. Watch where I went. Everywhere, people were telling me to get back together with Harry, to live the life they wanted to see me in.

I'm supposed to be Harry's girl. But I'm not. I'm Draco's girl, and that frightens a lot of people. Especially Ron. Ron hates him more then the rest of us do. I wonder what he would do if he knew we were engaged. Hermione would be happy for me, she always is. Harry would hate me, because he's Harry's worse enemy next to the Dark Lord himself.

I often wonder about my marriage, and what the future holds. Will I really end up marrying Draco Malfoy? Or will this all turn out to be a nightmare, or maybe a dream. I don't know how to classify my life anymore.

Draco comes to my side as I sit next to a small river in the outskirts of the battle that is about to begin.

"Love," he tells me. "You have grass in your hair."

I brush it out, but miss, so Draco takes it out himself.

"Your family will be here, you know," he tells me.

I nod. I know that.

"They're going to try and take us apart."

I know that also.

"Will you let them?" His eyes are soft and full of love.

"No," I tell him. "I won't let them."

He smiles, one of those rare Draco smiles that only I get to witness, and then he kisses me.

God he feels so good. So, what happens now?

He takes my hand and holds me close and whispers into my ear, "What do you want to happen now?"

His voice makes my heart skip a beat; I just can't help how I feel about him. But I know what he means by that, and I'm not ready for it. Not ready for that sort of love until I know for sure. Because I may try to fake it, but I'm not that strong in my belief of his love. I don't trust him yet.

I hate myself for not trusting him, because I want it. I want him completely, and he knows it.

"Trust me, love," he says. "Ginny, I won't let harm come to you."

I move my head away from his, away from his inviting lips. "Not now."

He knows why, and I think he's upset that he has to earn my trust, but he doesn't say anything. He instead nods compliantly and takes me towards the battlefield.

"Ready your wand," he tells me.

I do. I hold my breath. And I wait for the end. The end of what, I cannot tell you.

"I will prove to you what I feel," he says so softly I could be imagining his words. "I'll prove you can trust me."

We keep moving towards the battle, and when it comes into view, I nearly pass out from the scene. It's nothing like I've expected. Nothing like I've imagined, no it's a hundred times worse. The pain, the screams, the blood. Everywhere there's blood. And I look at Draco, and I see what I could have had before all of this, and now I regret my decision. But it's too late, and now we head to what could possibly be our deaths.

I'm attacked from behind, by a wizard I've never seen before, but I'm stronger and quicker, and I've frozen them to the spot.

I attack a wizard attacking an old friend, and I ward them off till they're running screaming from the spot.

Draco trained me. I guess I could be thanking him for the reason I'm even standing right now, watching others die around me. I see my parents fighting in the distance, together. They're so very much in love. I wonder what they would say to me if they knew I was fighting for our enemy, for the hopes that I would see him again after this.

I hear a loud monstrous cry, the Dark Lord's muffled laugh. His wand is on me, and I'm just another countless wizard about to be added to his death count. And there's nothing I can do, I'm struck frozen by another spell thrown by someone I cannot see.

Voldemort rises up his wand and shouts the words, "Avada Kedavra!"

Someone hits my body hard before the spell can hit, and before the spell can hit them, thank God! I hear Draco's voice next to my ear, and he mutters me free of the spell.

"Leave her the hell alone!" Draco yells.

Then a spell hits Draco hard in the chest, but it's not a spell from the Dark Lord, no, it's a spell from Harry Potter. And he's looking menacingly at the Dark Lord, not realizing that he just cursed my love.

I crawl to him, weak and dizzy from the spell and fighting.

"Draco?" I ask him.

He coughs heavily.

"What did he do to you?" I ask.

"H-he." Draco coughs. "He put an internal jinx on me."

"A what?"

"It makes you bleed from the inside," Draco coughs again, and this time, there is blood.

The sight makes me queasy.

"Anything I can do?" I ask. Please, please let there be something. I need to do something.

"Do you know any healing spells?" he asks through coughs of blood.

I nod, quickly and shakily I mutter the best healing charm I can think of, and I am grateful every moment for my skills in the spell department. I am going to make him alright.

"Better?" I ask.

He nods, but he still winces. However, he's not coughing anymore.

"Let's get you out of here," I tell him.

He shakes his head. "No, love, we have to keep fighting."

I gulp wearily, but accept. I hold out my wand, and help him up. And I see Ron helping Hermione in the distance. I see the pain everywhere, and yet I still have to keep fighting.

"Don't give up," Draco says to me. "I'll be back for you."

And in a blink of an eye, he's vanished from my side, he's no where to be seen, and neither is the Dark Lord or Harry. They're all gone, and I'm all alone.

Then I hear a loud cry, but it's a delighted cry, almost of the verge of tears it's so happy, "Ginny!" I turn to see Charlie staring at me in awe. He must have gotten their letters...damn dragons.

I venture into a tiny smile before I'm suddenly hit on the head with something. I nearly fall to the ground, but I'm not unconscious, just really dizzy and my head is now killing me. I try to blink through the pain, muttering a spell to heal myself.

My vision comes back, and I realize I'm about to be tied up as a hostage by two Death Eaters. I look wildly around for Charlie as I fend for myself, and I see in the distance him being dragged away, and a figure in white hurrying after him.

I knock out one of the surrounding Death Eaters, but the other isn't going down without a huge struggle. I lunge at them, knocking them to the ground, and I steal their wand. It's a weird way to do things, but at this point I just want to save my brother. I curse the remaining Death Eater, and I try to find Charlie.

"Bitch!" I hear someone shout behind me, and I've been struck again. Only this time with a sword into my arm because they are a bad aim.

I fall to the ground, making my wound more dramatic then they realize, and they strode away, thinking the damage is done. But now that I'm on the ground, my strength is failing. I don't know how I'm going to get out of here alive.

My thoughts turn to Draco, and his words to not give up. I can't black out. I can't bleed to death here on this battle field.

I crawl, and I claw my way to a broken half standing brick wall, and I pull myself up upon it. Then as I stand again, I feel a large pain in my chest, and I collapse into the ruble.

Ginny. Ginny. Ginny. I hear my name being said a thousand times. I can hear it echoing across my numbed mind. But I don't want to open my eyes, for when I open my eyes, I know I'll have died, and wherever I was, I wasn't with Draco.

"Ginny, love." It was Draco's voice.

My eyes flutter open, and I realize where I am. I've been pulled away from the sharp rocks of the wall, but I'm still on the battlefield.


"Don't speak, love, you're hurt. Just trust me, I'm going to get you through this," Draco told me in an assuring voice.

And I trust him, and I should. Because he didn't let me down, and now he is saving my sorry arse, even thought I let him down. I can't believe he's still with me, even though I've been pushing him away since he came to me. None of what I've done to him, or him to me seems to sway him any differently.

He loves me, he protected me, and I was going to survive this, because of him. I'm not going to believe in the Weasley feud anymore. I'm going to take up a new name, a name that sounds beautiful in my ears, I'd be a Weasley no longer. And I am going to be who I want to be, no one is going to stop me. I am going to be Draco Malfoy's bride and wife, and I am going to love every minute of it, because that's how I want it to be.

Please R&R ^_^.